Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday Marcellla! Oh my! In my estimation you really are the baby! 58 is so young that I'll bet you still know where your high school annual is stored! I my view that defines a youngster. Hope your day was special. Did you get those awful "Happy Birthday-Merry Christmas" gifts as a kid? My brother is a December kid and he said he always felt cheated. HB Marcella!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear Marcella, so sorry we missed your special day, but a belated wish may help alleviate the bruised feelings!!! :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Microsoft keeps taking over my computer with long updates for Windows 10. And just read that my WindowsLiveMail program is about to be heaved! Sigh. there go all my precious folders!
    Off to bed and it's only 12:20AM!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2015
    Buzz me too. I. Am leaving mine to. Alice to get I working right aga. I can,t get log in on Facebook or my mail
    m f p seems to be fine

    I dearly hate these passwords. I am going to get to the Pearly gate and they ask me for my password. which one??????????? hope I can get in. For I certainly want to see you all again.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Marie, I am so glad you are able to get on MFP. Can't get to email or Facebook must be so frustrating for you. I know all my technology problems and Internet connection issues drove me nuts. I hate not being in touch with folks.

    Now I have to say I just finished reading "The Nature of the Beast" by Louise Penny. Does anyone else read the Chief Inspector Gamache series? This book off course kept me from sleep several nights although I did try to pace myself. First I would think it was brilliant, then I would think it was absurd, then clever, then over the top crazy.........I was all over the place throughout. BUT the fictional novel is based on a real man, Gerald Bull, a Canadian scientist and arms designer who reportedly constructed a massive weapon in Quebec's Eastern Townships.

    The things I don't know about the world!! Overall, it might be a good thing.

    With that, off I go. Several errands to run which will take longer today with all the crowds out shopping. Got delayed by another darn nose bleed this morning. Annoying.

    Hugs my friends.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I have an eye appointment today, so another busy day. I am so happy I have all my Christmas shopping done and wrapped, one less thing to do. It was great going to my meeting yesterday and I have been invited to a pot luck Christmas meeting tonight. I am just bring shrimp already prepared and packaged with the sauce. I will make something to bring Christmas Eve, I just haven't decided what. Lisa's mom is making a ham (not a big fan) because we go to Mass before going to her house and she can bake it in the oven while gone.

    I really hope I can find time to come back and address all you wonderful ladies, but this time of year we all seem to be busy. Hope we never forget the real meaning of Christmas.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Shirley - Glad to hear that you’re feeling better.

    Sandy - Welcome home!

    Buzz and Marie - Your posts reminded me that I’m still happy I finally switched to an Apple Mac laptop!

    Lin - I have not read the series that you are reading. But I do love to read. I’m looking forward to having a bit more time for this in 2016. This past year has been spent previewing books for the library where we worship. Now that someone else has excepted that responsibility, I can enjoy reading for pleasure again.

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. This week has been so busy, I think that today was the first day in awhile I could actually enjoy seeing those posts!

    Patsy - Wow, I actually do know where my high school year book is! As for gifts (and because I was the youngest and only girl), I found a way to make the gift thing work for me. Every year, I would convince my parents to give me my biggest gift for my birthday with the understanding that I wouldn’t expect anything else big for Christmas. That always gave them 10 days to start to feel bad about what was left under the Christmas tree and they would invariably go out and buy something else nice.

    Off to do lots of Friday stuff and errands before the weekend,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I went to Yoga this morning and found out my meditation is really helping me with my Yoga poses.
    The two usually go together but since I am meditation twice a day now it is really helping me.

    Marcella- Glad you had a good birthday and yes I guess you are the young one of the group. :)
    Lin - Sorry about the nose bleed. Do you get them often?

    I couldn't get the picture of Isaac in front of the Christmas tree because its on Instagram and I don't
    know how to get from there to here. I asked Dave to help me but he couldn't figure it out either.
    I am sure there will be more pictures at Christmas time to share.

    Speaking of books I am on the second Diana Galbadon books Dragon in Amber and it has taken
    me forever to finish it. I take it with me everywhere to all my apts. It is kind of an awkward book
    to read in your hands.

    Well today is cleaning my downstairs bathroom and laundry room so I better get moving.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Isn't life just deliciously interesting? One of the great joys for me is to discover some new thing for me to try out and try to master. Getting on skype was a exercise in frustrating digital madness. But all is well now.
    I hate to have to to ask our son to fix my computer problems. But I do this more often than I want to admit.

    Our son's South American girlfriend sounds so adorable. It is funny and exhausting for our son to do all the translating. We are signing up for conversational Spanish at the college. She is doing the same for English.

    We have a rather troubled relationship with our daughter and family. We take gifts and goodies over to their house on Christmas Eve, just like Santa. In fact we always wear Santa hats and bring jungle bells to jingle at the front door. They appear very pleased. They never invite us in however. They never show up when we invite them over for a family holiday event. Christmas time always makes me wonder what more I can do to reestablish a better relationship. I do this actually on a continuing basis. It is one of my life challenges. I think the real issue is that I have unrealistic expectations. I am trying to reestablish what was never there in the first place.

    I need a new office type chair for my dungeon. Mine really doesn't work too well. I am determined to thin out my collection of junk in my dungeon before I get a new one. I find little pieces of wood, rocks, odd feathers, interesting leaves and cart them home to the dungeon... My collection of stuff from our beach walks is quite amazing. John says he has seen more organized pack rat nests than my dungeon. It is his opinion that this might not ever change. Hummmmm?

    Anne: I read that you are considering getting another pet. Good for you! Good for the lucky animal. It is true you will need to get an animal that requires as much time and financial resources as you have available. We have a friend who did just that. The newest member to her family (cat) is older and has a completely different personality from her dear old Siamese cat. She has identified a friend who shares time with the little guy. Joint custody, so to speak.

    Sorry about rattling on and on..have a great weekend.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dear PATSY, you are such a loving mom and it saddens me that your loving kindness is thrown in your face. I can only suggest tough love although it will be hard on you. I wonder what would happen if you didn't show up for once, no gifts and no goodies, and you didn't phone them either. Let them contact you in other words. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Surely if you and John didn't appear as usual they would worry about you?
    Yes, my lot think I am lonely without Tabitha, and in truth I do miss the very vocal little thing. So, they suggest I rescue a dog or cat from the animal shelter, argument being that if I take off for either the celestial place OR the underworld, at least the animal will have had a reprieve for a while instead of being unwanted or euthanized. However, and it's a big however, all of my family except me are allergic to cats, and particularly the grandsons, VERY allergic. So no chance of them taking over in my reluctant absence. I love cats, all cats. So beautiful. The problem with a dog, and they would look after a dog, is I know Father Time isn't standing still and although I'm pretty active now, for how much longer! There was much merriment and banter at Derek's birthday restaurant dinner last night with my youngest saying it would have to be a guide dog at my advanced age, at which point he got a clip over the head with the menu by dear old mom. It was very funny at the time and we all got the giggles. Amazing what a martini does for merriment when you don't often have one!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, all my dear friends!
    MARIE darling, you'll have no trouble getting into those pearly gates, passwords or not! Now my Notepad is going crazy! Long, long lines but maybe it set itself on word wrap! Yes it did, so I changed the format! Hm, wonder if I can do the same on Internet Explorer!
    LIN, with a name like Bull, I'd wonder if it was all imagination or based on truth! I'm becoming such a skeptic...
    SANDY, I wish you a Merry Christmas with all your plans being perfect for you. You always cut to the chore of the meaning of your life, and it is just beautiful!
    MARCELLA, sounds like your week was busily wonderful! Glad you love your Mac!
    PATSY, have you ever been able to ask your DD what is happening when you are together? You may both have expectations that can be talked through,...maybe? Parenting was never simple!
    ANNE, maybe your suggestion for Patsy is wiser than mine! AS for your DS's remark, kindly give him another clip from me, as you are all so young and vibrant to my way of seeing things!
    Dashing to early dinner so Mike can join the chorus afterward for it's Christmas concert!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    on week till Christmas

    Merry Christmas Jerry and Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    You are all keeping busy. We are home. Today was a whirlwind, after 3 hours of sleep. I saw drs., so did Jim, even Honey! Honey and I made our way home about 6pm. I'm ready to call it a night.
    Lin, I will get to that book, I've got to renew my membership at the library in the next county. The have a much larger selection of audio and ebooks. I can't keep my audible membership at their rates. I love Insp. Gamache, a wise man. Yes, I've diverted from my usual path, and have enjoyed the Silo series by Hugh Howey. Very rare for me to even consider future fiction. Then I'm left with all kinds of thoughts, lol. Ive had some recent troubles with nosebleeds but not beyond low humidity dry sinus type. Be safe .
    Got interrupted.
    Sandy, if this is your checkup, I hope you got the no change report. So glad you have seen your baby-Daisy, and your grandbaby, Robby. My nephews' twins are growing so fast now. So cute. Jim is having that kind of shrimp for dinner tonight. I also don't look forward to ham. It's been reserved, hopefully it will be a tiny one..I also got a small smoked turkey breast at Walmart. It's thawing in the fridge, will be good for sandwiches I hope.
    Buzz, with all that's going on, I'm glad Mike is enjoying his holidays and staying active. You must be proud of him. Do you sing? Thanks for the Windows warning :#
    Patsy, I was surprised to read that neither of you are invited in. I'm really speechless. I think I'll stay that way, lol. Hugs for you. Re: dungeon. Mine used to be cozy, now it's just a mess. Have fun mi amigo.
    Marcella, you sly thing! It was a win win win for your birthday/holidays! Did you enjoy your party last night? Good idea, getting outings done before the weekend. My drive to Marietta today included lots of slow downs in traffic. Either it started early, or it never stopped! I'll be glad to do no shopping this weekend.
    Shirley, I like reading about your progress with yoga and meditation. I'd like both of them when I stop driving.
    Had gentle but firm pressure from the doctor about my weight, and Jim's. Mine is steady, but his is climbing. grrr
    Anne, funny lady! I've enjoyed Honey's company, amongst a houseful of cats. Too bad about the allergies. Maybe you can talk it over with shelter employees. They may have special programs that aren't advertised, a way to help take care of our critters in a crisis.
    I'm falling asleep.
    Goodnight Phoebe

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning. Just been reading the comments and yes BUZZ, I'll give Mark another clip around the ear on your behalf. Actually I was thinking maybe his comment about me needing a guide dog rather than a toy poodle maybe isn't such a frivolous remark after all. I'm just seeing myself trotting off to the grocery store clutching the leash of a Swiss mountain rescue St. Bernard with a cask of brandy attached to his collar!

    Well, today promises to be pretty busy and for you all I expect. Tomorrow I have finally succumbed to cable/vibe television and it will take 4 -6 hours to install! Wow, that long? I got a super deal with the phone company I've always used.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Having missed a couple of days on line I've just caught up on nearly 30 posts!! Dreadful weather here which stopped our morning walk in its tracks because the wind was not only knocking us over but little Jack Russell Honey who is in the care of my friend for the weekend while her owners travel, was very obviously getting hurt by stinging rain hitting her, enough for me to pick her up and carry for awhile. The wind is howling, rain pouring and here we are less than a week before Christmas with temperatures warmer than some summer days!

    It seems everyone is busy getting ready for seasonal fun and I too am doing my little bit to send out the last of any cards and presents before relaxing into the spirit of it all. Just 2 comments to make at the moment because it's well past my lunchtime. Anne would you consider a fostering arrangement with a local animal shelter rather than adoption? That way you would know that if, God forbid, something did happen to change your circumstances, the shelter could make alternative arrangements. I've probably mentioned before that my cat Boris was 10 when I adopted him with the thought he could at least have a couple of years in a home rather than remaining at the shelter because people don't want to take on older pets. Well here we are 7 years on and I've still got the most amazing entertaining and affectionate cat sharing my life. Patsy my heart goes out to you because it must be so painful to not be invited over your daughter's threshold each Christmas eve. Bravo for persevering but like Anne I'd be tempted to stay away one year and see if the lack of delivered gifts would pull the family up to reconsider their actions. Your dungeon sounds like the perfect bolt hole but I must say now that I'm on a role with my clearing and throwing out mission I'm feeling liberated although this morning I went through the pile of papers in my desk but letters I thought would go have been reread and given me such a smile and even laughs they've gone back where they were.... some things are just not for dumping!!

    Bing is singing White Christmas on the radio and I'm off to make myself an omlette for lunch. Tomorrow is a quiet day so I should find more time for the laptop.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2015
    I am a happy camper this morning. I have figure out how to get all of my sites I go to in one folder and All I have to do is click on a site and it takes me there no signing in on facebook or my e mail Just one click and bingo!!!! I am there so is the sneakers and my misfits Page and yes a few more
    Life is grand hopefully it will take me to the right page #
    Love marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will have to read posts when I get back :)

    Going to see Kristina and meet the new boyfriend. Shopping at the outdoor Christmas market.
    It's going to be cold. Brrrrr

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning Sneakers! Hope everyone is having a wonder weekend.

    Patsy - The relationship with your daughter must be very difficult for you. I guess sometimes all we can do is continue to be kind. Who knows what’s going on in her mind or her life. Who knows the impact your simple act of kindness may have on her family.

    Anne - I’m contemplating adding a dog to our family. I’m hopeful that our 2 cats won’t lock me out of the house for this. Anyway, I was thinking that I may start by volunteering at a local animal shelter. It’s such a big responsibility and I want to make certain that I’m ready (or even willing) for this undertaking.

    Jackie - Hoping your weather improves. Poor little Jack Russell Honey!

    Marie - Congrats on your folder organization. If I didn’t have things organized on my computer, It would make me nuts!

    Shirley - Hope you have a fun shopping day and don’t freeze.

    Phoebe - My husband’s office dinner went well. It was nice to see everyone and meet new employees. I was able to order some wonderful grilled vegetables for my dinner and leave feeling full but not like I had over-indulged in any way. As for Marietta traffic, I tend to avoid shopping on the weekends as well. We may need to meet for a cup of coffee or something when you’re down this way some time. I’ll message you my number just in case you’re ever down here looking for a shopping break.

    Well, I’m looking forward to getting a bunch of stuff done this weekend at home. I have a nice chicken bone broth simmering on the stove to make stew with later. The weather is cool but clear this weekend. So hopefully, I will also be able to get in a couple of nice walks.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) And yet another busy day. The little boy downstairs has invited me to a sing off, which I have no idea what that means. He had written his own invitation which with his spelling I am not sure what it says. lol I saw him and asked what it was and what time and he said the name of a song and told me around noon. I will check with his dad to see if this is a real thing before barging into their home. Lisa, Robby and I are going to my nieces for hair colors and cuts and if back in time will go to Mass with Babe and out to dinner. Speaking of Babe, he called yesterday and asked me what I was doing Christmas Eve. I told him the same thing I have done for the last two years, go to Mass with Lisa, Rob, Robby and Lisa's family and then to her mothers to celebrate. He said Phil said if he wanted to spend Christmas Eve with me that would be fine with him. I told him he was more than welcome to come with us but he declined. No comment!!!

    The Al Anon Christmas get together was great, good people, good food, good time.

    Enjoy this Saturday and all the days to follow.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Speaking of books I am on the second Diana Galbadon books Dragon in Amber and it has taken
    me forever to finish it. I take it with me everywhere to all my apts. It is kind of an awkward book
    to read in your hands.


    I am a huge Diana Gabaldon fan, both myself and Ed. We really recommend the audio versions of her books. Davina Porter does a wonderful job. We relistened to the whole series and I enjoyed them so much. I can download them from our public library but it could be a challenge to get through them in 3 weeks. Well worth buying through in my opinion.
