Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello - very cold here today. I am doing laundry and jumped into more sorting and filing this morning. Still not making much headway but I need to force myself to keep at it. I read something that said you should repeat to yourself 50 times each morning and each evening "do it now". I find I am getting more little things done. It is a mental barrier with me that I don't have time to do something and I did some of those tasks take less than 5 minutes each. Interesting.

    Wishing everyone well today. I like to try to keep moving around but I have so many old injuries and arthritis and etc. that I am overly sensitive about not over doing it these days. I really listen to my aches and pains as I am not a fast healer and worry some day things will not get better with my knees and feet. That is my one cent worth. Not worth two cents.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello sneakers, sorry for my absence but I've been quite busy one way and another. On Thursday I swam with friends after a dog walk, then went for a long shop before yet another walk and out in the evening. Some time in the night we had a few centimeters of snow so I was faced with an icy walk with George yesterday morning and decided to keep to a village stroll. Slush and ice everywhere but we did what we had to do. It was below freezing overnight so today Scruff's mum and I agreed to meet a half hour later and had the most wonderful walk because the wind has dropped completely, the sun appeared and we managed to get to the top moors. I wished I'd taken my camera because the views were stunning with grazing animals everywhere. When we returned to the car park the local hunt had arrived and was getting ready for a run out with the hounds so we stayed to watch them all follow the dogs on beautifully turned out horses that towered over us.... not sure I'd be able to clamber up to such a height! One of the group had apparently borrowed his horse and was asked by someone if it had seen the hounds before and he replied "no but I've shown him a picture" which made us laugh!

    This afternoon I've finally cleared out my greenhouse of old tomato, cucumber and pepper plants that I didn't have the energy to do a couple of months ago so have moved a few fuscia, geranium and hebe plants in out of the way of what's promised to be a hard frost tonight. I peeked under the beehive roof and thank goodness, saw a couple of bees up there so have added an extra lump of icing sugar in there to keep them going because so long as the queen is still alive they might just get through to Spring. I'm in now for a cup of tea before lighting the fire and settling down to a fish and rice supper.

    Shirley ~ 5c here today so I know what you mean about the balmy weather.... a joy after freezing winds. There's a massive hurricane in the South Atlantic that shouldn't be there this time of year and we seem to be in its way at the moment so I do wonder what else can be thrown at us!

    Anne ~ No one will be offended by your opinions I'm sure. If you don't use it you lose it has always been my thought and I can only go by my own experiences when before I walked George I was aware both hips were seizing up but now, although my muscles sometimes complain, my joints are free. You may have noticed from earlier videos I posted that my friend I walk with is overweight and to start with did struggle but she has through diet and exercise lost 2 st 6 ozs (34 lbs) in 10 weeks and was telling me today how her knees and ankles no longer hurt so as Lin says, everything in moderation!

    Patsy ~ As ever you have me smiling at your comments and I now have an image of Cruella de vil sitting next to you in the restaurant chewing on a puppy!! I can imagine if you have art to sell you must smile sweetly and say little!!

    It's gone 4pm so I must get the fire lit and also my washing in from the line before it becomes damp all over again.

    I hope everyone has a safe and warm Saturday.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy Saturday! I thought I would give you my review on the "The Martian" It was amazing! Matt Damon did a great job. The plot and screenplay was exciting and the art direction just blew me away. We of course saw it on DVD. There are those lucky folks that it on the big screen. That must have been quite an experience. If you have the opportunity, see it. You will enjoy the philosophy and message as well.

    Working in the dungeon today. It is a football weekend for John. The big playoffs. Super-bowl is Feb. 7. John looks foreword to that all year. But then football will be over for the year. That will mean he will be taking on some huge project. I am still working on a couple of paintings for the gallery. I am having difficulty deciding about the display. They are acrylic and heavily textured, almost like a relief. But on very heavy handmade paper. Under glass? Framed with wood support? Hummmmmmmm

    I love that each of us have a method to keep ourselves upright and on the move. That's the goal. I am such a flake....I think I really am a work in progress but I need a lot of work and I refuse to acknowledge that I am older than dirt! I also am married to an exercise nut. He does his weights and bike EVERY evening. He is a huge exercise advocate. I am a lazy whiner.

    What I really need is a grand baby to fuss over. All you grandmothers are happy, healthy and positive. The absolutely best medicine ever!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning, Haven't been feeling particularly well the past couple of days but I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I appreciate the reminder from this morning's comments about walking and staying active. One of our grocery stores is only a mile and a half from the house. I have occasionally walked to it. I think it might be nice to walk to more places that are nearby. My husband and I also have a favorite restaurant nearby. When the weather is a bit better, that will make for a pleasant lunch time walk.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am having my second cup of coffee after finishing my bike routine about 30 mins on different levels.
    I am mainly doing Yoga, biking and Leslie Sasone Walking DVD's but I must say I am sore after Leslie.
    On the other hand, my hubby does nothing but his back exercises from the chiropractor. I have tried
    to get him to move more but alas I have given up. I too have arthritis and when I don't move I can
    feel it. So I keep going but not over doing it anymore.

    I think I will read by book today and try to complete it, it is so interesting.

    Patsy - I have two friends who are showing art and going to art openings on a regular basis and I
    haven't heard of them talk about any gallery owners witch or worlock. :D I think you should paint
    your picture of this lady and maybe you can get rid of some of the emotions that are pent up and we can all those darts at it. :)

    I saw Reverant last night, it was violent, but I suppose ,I am thinking, it was like that back in those days.
    Leo did a fabulous job and should get an Oscar for his performance but this is my opinion. You will
    have to go and see it.

    Enjoy the day!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh wow! I certainly was not offended by you, ANNE, and thank you PHOEBE, for explaining what I was attempting to say! Merely, that there are few miracles to overuse of our muscles and joints, so use common sense and moderation in exercising. I literally wore out some parts and ignored Mother Nature when things hurt, believing "I will Overcome"!!! Today I added Salon Pass patches to my knee area, and the weather is better just for today, and the pain is somewhat improved. But I'm not running anyway! ANNE, it's a delight having you on our forum, and I doubt you could hurt anyone! We are such a lucky group of people, with all the support we give and receive, and I apologize for expressing myself so poorly!
    Dear PHOEBE, enjoy the coming weekend...and your coffee!
    SANDY, Is it still bitter cold up there? Come on down again! How did the meeting turn out?
    LIN, yes you ARE worth much more than you give yourself credit for! And I do think winter weather is harder on the arthritic joints, so I'm glad you listen to your body!
    JACKIE, as usual, your descriptions are so entertaining, and I'm glad the bees are surviving! I wish I could get back to moving enough to remove some of my present weight. Perhaps when the weather trough changes again. That crazy January hurricane will not come near you, I pray!
    PATSY, were you able to get that link I sent to you? (in my message?) I had a problem with it until I found when I clicked it, I had to delete several things before the <https://www.&gt; and then it opened for me. Thanks for recommending The Martian. I'll order it from Netflix.
    MARCELLA, I do hope you feel better, and get to walk to that nice restaurant soon!
    SHIRLEY, you always sound as if you have your life and plans under beautiful control. My hat is off to you!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks BUZZ, it was me, misunderstanding. I can be thoughtless at times and I was horrified at the thought of hurting you. Or anybody else. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make yours and everybody else's pain disappear in this, what I call, our rusty years. My friend Flo has very bad arthritis and she always uses the motorized chairs in the stores and is thinking of buying one as well, so I do have an inkling how you are suffering.
    God bless and I hope spring at least will bring much relief. Anne. ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    thank you for all the anniversary good wishes. we feel that we are so blessed to have found each other and we cherish each day we have together because there are no guarantees of how long it will last. I put Jake's name at the top of my gratitude list every morning

    :) I have been reading "the life-changing magic of tidying up" by marie kondo. She recommends tidying up and discarding things from your house in one gigantic effort which is in dramatic contrast to my style of cleaning and organizing in short periods of time. The one thing I've taken away that is really useful to me is to hold onto things and think about whether they bring you joy and if something doesn't bring you joy, you should discard it. I've gotten rid of a lot of things because of that. I have tended to hold onto things because I paid a lot of money for them or because they were gifts and now, if something doesn't bring me joy, I feel better about putting it in the give-away box or throwing it away.

    We have nice enough weather for me to walk the dogs every morning and afternoon. Yesterday a friend came over right after lunch so she came with me while I walked the dogs one at a time and we had our visit.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Cold, colder, coldest. I am getting out really cold weather gear as I hope to go to church in the morning. If it is too crazy cold, I may change my mind. My front closet is so cold I need to get out my coat to pre-warm it.

    Stay safe and cozy everyone.

  • Wow, Lin, your closet is cold? Must be an outside wall on one side. Brrr! I checked the weather for our area for about a month ahead, its up and down but no extremes. I did pick up a couple of new face protection wraps with velcro.
    Barbie, I can't imagine one big clean out. I'd need a dumpster. I'm going to line up large tubs and sort everything room by room. Glad you two are so right for each other.

    Marie, not a peep from you, what are you up to??

    Have a good night

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    I am fine Phoebe We still have not had a hard freeze

    Got to tell you all a funnie
    I did not have any power ball tickets Wednesday night They were the Texas Lotto I still had my tickets and check them still no winner The same thing tonight I had Jerry to pick me up a ticket and it says Texas lotto So I will look up the Texas lotto numbers here in a little bit.

    Alice will be out tomorrow. hopefully see the baby boy tomorrow. And hope alice will run me thru the IP setup. Sine i am eating so many beans I need to cook more. it was black beans today. out of a can. I am kind of GASSY TONIGHT THO.

    your potatoes sound good. Do they get brown when you put them in the oven. I know you don't used any oil so just wondering
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Two quick notes.

    Yes Phoebe, actually three of the closets in my house are located with an outside wall. I am always dragging out clothes to let them heat up. Ha.

    Marie, yes my potatoes get brown. I have two ways I bake them. One method is to cut them in steak fray sized pieces and out them on a sheet pan covered with parchment paper and bake at 400 degrees. I check them and when they are brown on the bottom I flip them over and bake on the other side until browned there too. You have to watch any small pieces, they will be done sooner.

    The other way is a special mesh container I got on QVC and you put the potato pieces in it and again bake at 400 degrees and watch them. I still flip them but they really get nice and brown.

    Nite my friends.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    This weather is getting curiouser and curiouser! It is 49 degrees at 10:30 at night! We have a very high tide advisory. Not sure what this is about. We also have a barred owl hooting in our little forest. It is a great sound. I love it!

    AAUW is hosting political town hall meetings locally. I did a few political cartoons for their fund raiser auction. I am not very good at cartoons but it was fun to give it a go....I was surprised that people actually bid on them and even more astounding was they recognized my characters. American politics are such a hoot! I wonder what the rest of the world thinks about our craziness.

    I made a huge batch of soup and I think we are both really tired of this soup. We have had it for dinner three nights running. John said hopefully tonight..."I am sure ready for something else for a change." Ooooops I think I may have pushed that soup a bit too long.

    Anne: you would get a good case of giggles seeing me hobble around with this knee brace on. I remind myself of a female Captain Hook! I also have a sort of athritis neoprene glove on my right hand. Very attractive! I don't dare answer the door in this getup. I would surely scare any visitors away!

    Shirley and Phoebe: I have read part of the book about cleaning out ones house. I need to revisit this book. Clearly the lessons have not sunk in! I have it on iBook.

    Pj and pillow time!
  • Lin, I just checked the weather for you, OMGEE!!
    And they say Monday won't be as cold, ha! If it's 4 or 14, I'm gonna be under blankets!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Wind chill -25 F. I just sent a message to see if our church is canceled. Many many churches have given it up for today.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Wind chill -25 F.
    WOW! And I was thinking it was cold down here in Georgia. I woke up to 35F this morning. Tomorrow night it looks like it may go down to 18F. Compared to you, I guess that's a virtual heat wave!

    After reading the other posts, I'm glad that my closet is on interior walls. Even still, I turned the heater to blow hot air into the closet before I undressed and weighed myself this morning!

    Looking forward to an inside day. This afternoon should be interesting in the downstairs recording studio. We have three professional horn players recording on a song today. These guys are always amazing. They just come in, get the sheet music, play it, nail it and are done.

    But for now, I'm off to get a second cup of coffee and ease into the day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    "Discard anything that doesn't spark joy.

    Life becomes far easier when you know that things will work out even if you are lacking something."
    .....marie kondo
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wwe will be heading to the country very soon today to see the new baby and alice will pick out her embroidery design she wants to use i will keep reminding her this is her project.

    Sorry i can't talk movies with you guys We don't go any more Just the movies on TV and most of those are on encore/ Cowboys movies Do hit a good one ever once in awhile Don't matter if we done seen them for we have forgot them

    Bye for now
    Did get to 31 this morning some slick spot on the highways

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Sunday!! :) Like Lin, we are at 2 degrees with a wind chill of minus 25. Babe is in the hospital so if he isn't discharged today I will be going out in this weather to visit him. He was complaining yesterday morning how awful he felt so I suggested he go to the ER. He said no he would wait until Monday. Before leaving for my assembly I called again and asked if he wanted me to stay home and take him to the ER. He declined but called me later to tell me his son took him. They had called the doctor and she said not to take chances with his heart and because it has been 16 days of him being sick he should go to ER. They said everything looked good but they admitted him because they want the heart doctor and lung doctor to check him out. He is getting another cat scan of his head because of the headaches and dizziness today although yesterday's was fine. The lung doctor told him all of his illness is from post nasal drip and if the other doctors clear him today he will be treated as an outpatient. Hard to believe all of this could be just that, but will wait for the rest of the results.
    So after my assembly I went to Babe's house to pick up my check which he had taped to his mailbox. There was a car in his driveway so I knocked on the door and Phil's wife Cheryl answered the door. I am sure I shocked her by knocking but we were both cordial for not seeing each other for three years. I asked about Babe and she said he has pneumonia, that she just came back from seeing her brother and I asked how he was doing and then she asked if I heard about Phil falling. She said it has not been a good week. I should have asked about Marisa but it was so fast I didn't think to do so. She was picking up Daisy to take to her house and I could tell she was uncomfortable.
    The assembly was long but productive, truthfully I do not like the business end of Al Anon but doing service work is very satisfying. Not sure what my life would be like without this program. It keeps me sane.

    Sorry about all the rambling, just catching you up in the soap opera of Sandy and Babe.

    Have a good one.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Well my day feels like it has a hole in it because I did not get to Sunday school or church. Wind chill kept dropping as the sun came up and most churches had decided not to open. I decided to not test the ability of my older vehicle to cope with the temperature.

    Marie, have a wonderful day. We will be waiting to hear the outcome on your Texas lottery ticket. Best wishes.

    Sandy, it really is a soap opera with Babe and his family. You really have managed to find ways to cope with all the unexpected events.

    Barbie, I don't know if many of my possessions spark joy but they provide me comfort. That is important to me too.

    Buzz, I hope you are well.

    Marcella, inside days are good no matter what the temperature.

    Phoebe, back on the road soon. Stay safe. I know, we always say that but it is heartfelt.

    Jackie, you do so much I always feel like a lazy person when I read your posts. Your life is so interesting and I am enchanted with what you write.

    Anne, are you following us into the deep freeze of weather? I have some errands to do but realized several places I need to go will be closed tomorrow due to the holiday. Which is probably okay given the cold.

    Patsy, I would love to see you as Captain Hook!!! Although the pain and discomfort are not cause for giggling.

    Buzz, how are you today my friend?? I hope your computer is behaving.

    Shirley, I hope you are well and that you have many opportunities to see dear Isaac. Do you get pictures everyday? I have a friend who posts pictures of her children almost all the time. It must be great for her family members to stay in such close visual touch.

    Well, I have read the newspaper and am currently binge watching Longmire on Netflix. I hadn't seen an episode until yesterday. Tough decision, Leverage is on ION tv today--all day long. Later is a repeat of Father Brown on PBS, Galivant on ABC, and then Downton on PBS. I need to find things to do that keep me near the TV so at least I can hear what's going on. Ha.

