Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016
    Afternoon Friends,

    Buzz - thank you for the compliment on being under control most of the time. I have to say now I will
    attribute that to TM (transcendental meditation) twice a day. It really has slowed me down and I
    can enjoy what goes on around me so much more. I am so happy my daughter got me onto it.

    Barbie - Marie Kondo's book is great, I did my whole house in a week and it feels so much airier.
    I got rid of things that didn't speak to my heart and kept the rest. I do not miss a thing I got rid of so
    far. I have also saved money and only buy what we need. We in North America have way too much.

    Sandy - that meeting with Babe's D-I-L must have been uncomfortable, but they are taking care of
    him and you don't have to worry now. You must be feeling freer without all the drama.

    Lin - I did take some pictures of Isaac in his jolly jumper but they were too blurry. I should have taken
    a video but alas don't how to get it on here. I am not techy savy. I'll see if I can
    find one on dropbox.

    Patsy - Arthritis is no fun, I am currently having problems with my right thumb at the base hurting
    most of the time. I keep putting Voltaren on it and rubbing the bump that is forming. No fun!

    Marcella - It is -1C here today and it is pounding snow right now. My car is in the garage so it will
    be ready for Yoga tomorrow morning.

    Marie - Good luck with the lottery!

    Phoebe - Safe travels!

    Anne & Jackie you guys are two peas in pod and I love your stories and your everyday interesting lives.

    Going to finish that book today and just enjoy myself.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I found one on his jolly jumper.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning, went to church stayed for fellowship and had a nice visit with friends.
    Exchanged a kerig coffee pot at Walmart for my daughter, as we bought it for christmas for her and her partner. The carafe didn't work.

    Yesterday we had a birthday dinner for my daughter, had a great visit with family. Have to take son and grandson home as they spent the night. My son (49) is back in school and enjoying it. They brought their dig too. Now that our dog passed away we enjoy the kids dogs.

    It's warmer today about 35. The snow is slushy.
    so we all have decided we are getting older and our joints are really talking to us. Oh well. Things could be worse. I enjoy the pain free days when they come. Most days are good. Have a wonderful day.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY - the pictures you and Sandy post of the beautiful little boys keep us all smiling on cold snowy days and show the hope for the future. It is a cold, cold day here so I am just taking a break from Dr. Who. When it first came out on British TV MY boys where beautiful little boys and it was a children's show, so having just installed crave TV I was slightly embarrassed at myself wanting to watch a kiddies show. You know what, it sure isn't a children's show any more! I've just completed the third series (14 sections in each) and those weeping stone angels sure gave me the creeps. To avoid being killed by them one has to stare at them without blinking so they don't become alive and finish you off! Well I'm a blinker, so out of curiosity I stared and stared at the screen, but if I'd been IN it I would be no more! I strongly suspect I shall have the stuff nightmares are made of tonight! However, in talking to my friends son earlier HE confessed to watching these episodes which made me feel slightly more adult, him being 58. I have a feeling PATSY would get a kick out of Dr. Who. I think the costumes and effects are quite brilliant for a TV show. Some episodes are quite funny, but NOT the stone Angels who creep up on you. Shudder.
    Sorry to go on so, but perfect watching on a cold cold day, even if, living alone, one watches for movement out of the corner of ones eye!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh Dr. Who. I loved the really old episodes but tried to watch it a few times recently but it is not my cup of tea now.

    Marie, I am going to try to post a picture of some of my oven fries. Meanwhile, nothing in comparison to the lovely photos of the dear little ones. Thanks Shirley. He is a doll!!!

  • Isaac is precious! That jolly jumper looks like fun. I'd say that is a great way to exercise if it comes in adult version.
    Lin your potatoes look very good. To confirm, you first cook them in instant pot, then as needed, slice and brown in the oven? Jim really loves potatoes roasted. So this might be an alternative cooking method. His way only uses a little cooking spray and he likes them heavy on the pepper. That means none for me.
    I love Longmire. I have only watched one episode of season 4 mostly because I enjoy it so much and hate to watch it too quickly. Crazy me.
    I've just walked Honey, we went down to the little lake. It is quite full. I wonder why Honey doesn't like to go to the waters edge. I know she hates to go outside when it's raining. The good and tough part of this little walk is that the downhill is all uphill on the return. A very good for the thighs walk. When we got back, Okie was waiting for us and we went to the backyard and played for a bit. I threw a ball, they both investigated, but Honey stops doing it when she realizes it is not edible, lol. Okie enjoys running for any reason, so he played for a while.

    We are having vegetables tonight. I had to get a prescription at Walmart, and I picked up one of those birds eye protein steam in the bag vegetable meals. That was my lunch when I got home, managed to avoid eating while out, even though I was hungry.
    Marie, many people won large amounts of money by having only some of the correct numbers. I think it could happen on either game you are playing. Time to make cornbread.
    Stay warm dry and safe

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy its hard to believe it has been 3 years When all of this started But proud of you for putting your foot down about Phil
    we did go see the new baby and yes he looks just like Blaine my grandson They have a nice house very small but manageable they had a photographer out to take picture of the baby
    Then we stop at I hop for a bite to eat on our way home. That was a mistake not a bean one on the Menu I had some of Jerry french fries and a bowl of Potato soup

    Beautiful sunshiny day but sort of breezy and cool. But enjoy the outing.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The wind has returned, whooshing down my chimney! After a walk with George on the moors this morning I did a little housework, eat a light lunch and promptly fell asleep. The rest of the day has been one of my lost days I was warned about after the radiotherapy treatment with me unable to stop snoozing but as it heads towards midnight here I'm still ready for my bed. George indicated he wanted to go outside but when I opened the door he took one look out at the rain and wind and returned inside and has now gone up to the spare room to sleep.

    Anne ~ Some of the Dr Who stories were hilarious and others so clever with the special effects and I do remember the spooky stone angels. The writers have a great sense of humour although the most recent series are becoming too bizarre even for me!

    Sandy ~ Your story about your day and Babe's illness struck me as very sad when I read you had to knock on the door of a house that was once your home. I hope Phil's wife DID feel awkward if she couldn't be big enough to ask if you wanted to see Babe having told you he has pneumonia!! You may not recognise it yourself but you are one strong lady for dealing with that family with such dignity. <3

    Lin ~ Brrr, that's more than a little chilly where you are so I don't blame you for staying home. Those potato wedges look delicious and have me thinking I should buy a few potatoes to make some for myself although I do have a small packet of roasting potatoes in goose fat in the freezer that only come out for special occasions;

    Marie ~ That's lovely you got to see the baby and sounds as if Blaine is settling down with his family in his small house.... I do hope so. Lucky you with the sunny day and I'm thinking the breeziness was making up for your lack of beans and wind!!!

    It's now midnight, the witching hour so I'll get myself off to bed in the hopes tomorrow I'll be able to stay awake to at least wash the kitchen floor!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Lin those fries are fantastic.. Going to have to tell me how long you cook your potatoes in The Ip to makes those oven fries. They bown beautiful. and what kind of spices do you used. Is it Dr Fuhman's

    Shirley this morning browsing around on my computer isaac picture show up all by it self. but I recognize those beautiful eyes as Issac Just now seen him on our senior sneakers Really his eye are so pretty. He is going to be a ladies man.

    Jackie Sounds like you and George have really bonded good together.I am so glad it work out so good for you He gives you lots of pleasure and you in turn give us Sneaker so much pleasure.

    Phoebe i did win 2 dollars last night on the lottery (Texas) Must take it back and buy some more for next Saturday drawing. I wish walmart sold them but again maybe that is a good thing

    Time fo get ready for bed.
    Stay warm all of your cold weather people. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2016
    Jackie, just to clarify, Babe was not home, he was in the hospital. When I saw the car I thought he might be home, that is why I knocked. And tonight when I cooked two dinners for Babe,one for tonight and stew for a couple of days, he also said that the house was mine as well as his, so I it didn't matter whether Cheryl thought. That is actually not true, the house is not mine nor was it ever going to be, but I knew what he meant. Life goes on and I have adjusted.
    They are the ones missing what family is all about, so their loss.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Shirley, you are so right that people in North America have too much stuff. We have cleared out a lot by moving several times and now we our challenges are more about the files of "important" papers. Jake has been very busy with the shredder as we find paperwork that we probably don't need to keep anymore.

    <3Sandy, I know how hard it is for you to find the right balance of being available for Babe...good for you to take your Al-Anon service commitment seriously enough to brave the nasty weather to go and participate in your Assembly.

    :)Jackie, it must be challenging to walk in heavy winds with such a small bigger dogs don't like the wind much

    :)Marie, glad you got to see the new baby.

    :) Jake made a big pan of cheese enchiladas for lunch today and we'll have the left-overs tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi and goodnite, Downton Abbey is on! Knees awful today so I'll have to research alternatives available to ease the problem.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. A quick drop in before preparing myself some lunch. I woke up fully refreshed after my lost Sunday but decided to avoid the moors with George first thing because it was too cold, wet and windy. We have since strolled through the village and I'm now ready to get on with housework I missed yesterday.

    Buzz ~ Are you enjoying Downton and staying awake?? Sorry to read your knees are still troubling you but do keep looking into ways of giving yourself some relief because the answer is hopefully out there. <3

    Barbie ~ George's little legs mean he's close to the ground so although he picks up a lot of mess and mud on his tummy he seems to be out of the worst of any wind. I on the other hand am tall so get battered!! A yummy lunch made by Jake..... you're a lucky girl but then you know that!

    Sandy ~ So long as you are comfortable with the situation you have found yourself in through no fault of your own that's the important thing and as you say, life goes on.

    Marie ~A great win! LOL A good idea to reinvest in the lottery so the dream of that group gathering over an English tea and cake continues!!

    Must get on! Have a good Monday everyone. It's apparently Blue Monday here in the UK because this time of year with it's weather gets everyone down but I'm determined to ignore that idea until perhaps the planned afternoon walk on the moors although I'll come home to a cosy lit fire and cuppa!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well, it's me again. I've done my leisurely amble and the weather is brilliant! Colder than a penguins chuff mind you, but a great big glorious sun in the sky. And then I come inside and there's a text message on the iPad from Michael who lives "up north". Don't go out Mom, I read, it's like fog with all this swirling snow coming down. WHAT!!!! SNOW!!!! I lapse into culture shock, because it's sure to move down here and block out that glorious sun! So JACKIE, re blue Monday in Great Britain. You've lived in both countries like me so is cold wet rain dripping down the back of your neck better than icicles dripping from your frozen nose and eyebrows, or vice versa. Search me!!! Ah well, I think it's all about equal living in northern regions as we do. At least we don't have alligators snapping at our bums! YET (earth warming) and when at a loss for words there's always Mother Nature to fall back on. Mind you, deep, deep down, I wish I was striding across those beautiful moors with you! So I guess for me the drizzle wins every time!
    I had a lovely gabby day yesterday. I finally got to chat on the phone to my old friend Ellen in the care facility. She sounded like her old self, wonderful. Then Roy in England phoned and his health is improving at 84 years, wonderful. Flo phoned and she seemed much more positive about her upcoming operation. Marvellous. Ellen's son phoned to say his mom seems much improved since being in the home, and to crown it all, George the son of another friend in Montreal (now 89) who once lodged temporarily with me in my finished basement until he got back on his feet in this province and the 6 months turned into 5 years! at which point his life finally took off, phoned to ask if he can drop by for a catch up coffee. It was rather like having a 3rd son around at the time! Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing him. He's very successful now, I gather.
    Well enough of my mental ramblings, enjoy Monday!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning - just stopping by for a minute to say hello. I got up and started sorting papers this morning. Now I am off to my cold basement to shred what I've sorted out that I don't want to keep. Tomorrow is trash day so it is a perfect time to get the shredding accomplished, bagged and out of here.

    Taking a break with a hot cup of coffee before heading downstairs.

    I made it through Downton last night. Enjoyed it for the most part.

    Jackie, I love that George is down low and out of the wind but close to the mud and dirt. I too am tall and in the wind but I still manage to get my feet wet and muddy at most any opportunity.

    I should finish sipping the coffee and move on before this chair feels too comfortable.

    Happy day to all.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello, the gremlins are striking again, excuse this, I didn't mean to post MY post 3 times and I'm trying to correct it. Annie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday or Martin Luther King Jr. Day, whichever you prefer! :) Still very cold, Lin and I share the weather pretty much, although I think it might be colder there. I really have no plans for today except my cleaning girl is coming. I might venture out to get Bryanna her new phone upgrade since she only has until the 22nd to do so. Since I am the main account holder I have to be the one to change things. She broke some news to me yesterday saying she didn't get her student loan in time and won't be able to go back to school until next semester or in the fall. I told her it happens and as long as she is working she can continue with her education when all the paper work is final. I do hope she goes back no matter how long it takes, college educations are so important these days.

    Anne, I only see one post, so maybe those gremlins are in your head. (just kidding) You had a productive day visiting with family and friends. George must be coming by to tell you how much he appreciated your kindness, I am sure he is very grateful.

    Lin, you not only have the same weather but you have the same trash day. lol I don't have papers to sort through but I do have some bills I need to get paid. BTW, those potatoes looked so yummy they made my mouth water.

    Jackie, I did enjoy Downton Abby last night, who can resist a wedding? And most days I am comfortable with my decisions, there are some I regret but can't change so I let them go.

    Buzz, I am worried about you and wish you would go to the doctor about your knees. There must be something they can do to help with the pain. Just my opinion dear friend.

    Barbie, balance is a good word for my relationship with Babe. Now that I accept things differently than I did before my program it gets easier. You seem to know me well.

    Marie, it will be four years in July since Babe and I separated, I can hardly believe it myself. I am sure that your new great grandson is beautiful, how lucky you are to be a great grandmother.

    Phoebe, I hope Honey wasn't mistreated by water before you got her, although Daisy doesn't like the rain either. I am glad you got some playing time with both of them and seeing Okie run for the ball must be entertaining.

    Chris, happy belated birthday to your daughter, nice to have a family gathering for these occasions. Doggie visits are great also and then they go home, kinda like grandkids. lol

    Shirley, Issac gets cuter everyday. Robby had one of those jumpers as well, they sure have great things for kids today. I just wish I would have asked about Marisa with Cheryl, I would love to know what they told her about me, although she probably would have just said she is fine.

    Time to eat and take a shower before my cleaning girl gets here.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I corrected it SANDY. Yeah!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Looking forward to a wonderful week. I'm happy to be feeling much better and just in time to tidy up the house and get packed for our trip with friends later this week. Wednesday, we will be traveling with 2 other couples to Utah for a bit of snow skiing. My husband loves skiing. I'm pretty content to enjoying walking around for the view and exercise or enjoy a cup of hot chocolate inside by a snuggly fire. Wishing everyone a wonderful week!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Waiting for a piece of chicken to cook, catching up with emails and watching a tv weather forecast promising milder temperatures by Friday which is good because I'm off to Snowdonia next weekend via Gloucestershire.

    Anne ~ Having walked on the moor with George, my friend and Scruff around 3.30 I can honestly say that even with bone chilling air mixed with fine drizzle I can take our weather over Canadian freeze any time!! I didn't ever mind the snow in Toronto because it usually meant an increase in temperature but a wind that froze my nose, tears in my eyes and anything exposed was just too much for this delicate English rose! Then the fact that it often went on for month after month was the final straw......

    Lin ~ Believe me my boots and waterproof leggings get muddy on our walks on the moors so that George and I look like double trouble but no one at home to rub me down with a towel so George wins that round!!

    Swimming with friends in the morning at the local leisure centre in what I hope will be a heated pool. Time to put the rice on!!
