Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning,
    The hubby's colonoscopy when well yesterday. They found a couple of polyps and took them out. All looks good. Jim has stayed on top of this because of family history, so it's never been a problem. It did, however, throw my eating schedule off. Let's just say that I didn't make the best food choices yesterday. But today is new and all is back to normal for my day and my eating. Also, finally got a good night's sleep last night. That makes a huge difference for me. Doesn't look like we won the lottery. So, I guess it will still be a day of laundry and housekeeping for me.
  • Sunshine in the 40's today, I'll take it! Lots of things to be doing, not getting done.
    Hi Diane! Love that you are taking time with your granddaughter. She will never forget. Does it have to be a classic? Ummm Mary Poppins. Or if current, Frozen.
    Sandy, we stopped investing a while back. We keep it in one of those guaranteed accounts. Jim couldn't stand to lose. You can keep that 6 degrees, I'll even send you some of our 40! Robby will be back tomorrow? I guess he is totally bundled up, isn't he? Hope Babe takes care of himself.
    Lin, I have two coloring books, but I haven't started on them. I like the idea of them. One is all related to gardens, nature. The other is winter scenes.
    Anne, bundle up to make the trek to the mailbox. I dread slippery too.
    Yes, Jackie, how is your search going?

    Stay warm and toasty,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    All settled down in front of the fire on another chilly evening. Pasta was cooked this evening to have with salad and I put an extra handful in to give the hens in the morning......then eat it all myself so not a good girl. Enjoyed a stunning walk this morning in glorious bright weather that could have had us singing on a clear day, I can see forever! Showers followed on once home so only a few planned outdoor jobs completed.

    Patsy ~ Dear Mazzy, I do hope her aches and pains soon abate. Lots of extra TLC and treats will cheer her I'm sure. Time in the Spring for a more exciting life so just relax right now and enjoy a leisurely life.

    Diane ~ The viewings at local auctions haven't brought me any closer to finding a replacement dining table and chairs so the fun continues. Photos the auctioneers place in their internet catalogues always seem to make pieces of furniture look better than they really are but I have an image in my mind's eye to hang on to and will find exactly what I want one day I'm sure. Your temperatures sound positively balmy when mine aren't much above freezing, in fact my car warned me this morning as soon as I started the engine that it was only 1c and to watch out for ice! Perhaps your granddaughter would enjoy Mary Poppins next with Chim chim cher-ee and a spoonful of sugar plus of course let's go fly a kite!! Wonderful songs to sing along to. No wind down the chimney this evening, just the occasional crash of hail on the slate roof!!

    Sandy ~ oh dear, investments can be a worry at times can't they, not that I've got many; just enough for a rainy day so long as it doesn't pour! Their value goes in constant peaks and troughs so now I try not to look!

    Marie ~ Tonight's the night for that big win, then let me know when you're all on the way for that cream tea!! A couple in the UK won £33 million at the weekend and were on the news today looking totally shell-shocked. They live in Scotland so their first thought has been to buy a holiday home in the sunshine..... if I was them I'd move to the sunshine fullstop!!

    Buzz ~ You can but hope for a better year coming up, all dependent of course on a house full of men behaving in a grown up manner!!

    I've just got time to catch up on a missed episode of Dickensian before watching the next broadcast episode at 8pm so I'll wish Lin, Shirley, Anne, Jeri and Phoebe plus anyone else I've missed well and settle down in front of the tv.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I think our minus -7C is your +19F, so it is pretty cool here. I ventured forth but only to clear snow from around the bird feeder. Lots of tracks in the snow (I recognized the bunnies) and various sized bird feet. The mail can wait until tomorrow PHOEBE when we hit a balmy -3C. Can't wait, positively sizzling!! I am getting a taste of summer though, because after finally devouring the last of the stored apples I'm now eating the ones in the freezer plus the red currants.
    And that is it I guess, just a lovely peaceful day indoors for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening! It was my morning to take my vehicle in to the dealership for a service appointment and to see what was wrong with the rear windshield wiper/cleaner. They found something else that needed to be fixed so I ended up spending the morning there. I picked up some frozen vegetables on my way home. Made lunch and then off to Trader Joe's for some fresh vegetables. When I got home and put away my purchases I started doing a bit of cooking. Just finished making a pot of chili. Tomorrow morning it is off for a haircut. Oh, and today it warmed up to above freezing which was wonderful!

    Anne, stay put until it's safe to walk outdoors. I cannot believe your fresh apples lasted until now. You must have had quite a stash. I trust the frozen ones are tasty.

    Jackie, I do the same thing! I'll cook extra for leftovers (for me), and then end up eating more than anticipated. Sigh. I guess we are just wonderful cooks who enjoy our own food.

    Phoebe, I will admit I was happy to have other things to do today and was derailed from working on my sorting/filing. I hope you enjoyed your day. I went back to trying to watch the remainder of "A Place to Call Home" but am still not certain I want to watch all of it.

    Marcella, I am happy your DH's procedure went well. Although I am sorry for the derailing of your healthy eating. One day and back on track! Good for you.

    Sandy, I can understand feeling a bit apprehensive about expenses when the market is so volatile. I have my own class of volatile assets I guess. My house and the farm. The value of farmland can vary tremendously from year to year (as do rents) and that's all the craziness I can stand!

    Diane, I agree, Frozen is so popular maybe that's another good candidate. There are lots of old musicals but I don't know which ones might interest a little girl.

    Shirley, how was your visit with Isaac?

    Jeri, how is your visit going?

    Patsy, did you have an appointment at the wound management doc today?

    So did everyone purchase a Powerball ticket? So we have multiple chances at this mega-trip?

    Well, need to see if the chili has cooled enough to put in the refrigerator.

    Best wishes everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will put a restrictions on whose go to Uk goes o to They must have posted on The sneakers in the past last week. before 600Pm 1/13 /16.
    Don't wont people coming our of the wood shed. ha Ha.marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sent Mike on down to dinner without me as I just couldn't face the long walk (which I chose when we moved here!) down the corridor. That knee is not really improving yet, and I'm grumpy after taking Mike to our ophthalmologist and learning his glaucoma has worsened.
    SANDY, I'm first beginning to worry along with you about the darn stock market! They do have a Samaritan Fund here which takes over if we run out, but who wants to think about ever needing it? We bought a pre-need program from the Neptune Society yesterday, and although it is a very reasonable burial/cremation plan, because the price rises on January 15, we paid all at once and next day the market dropped again! Ouch!
    Read everyone's posts for the past 2 days, and I think a few got scrambled getting onto my Windows 10 browser! Either that or I'm really losing it! Say it isn't so!!! Have not been sleeping well, which is a bit unusual for me, so I think I must get to bed early now or I'll fall over. Stay well, all of you and I'll return tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I will put a restrictions on whose go to Uk goes o to They must have posted on The sneakers in the past last week. before 600Pm 1/13 /16.
    Don't wont people coming our of the wood shed. ha Ha.marie

    That's a pretty exclusive group!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello girlfriends! I am back from the wound care nurse. I am now back on track and things look good because of John's relentless dressing care on the wound. Betadine cures almost anything. Almost...I am back on kitchen duty and laundry duty and toilet scrubbing duty. That's okay by me. The foot is on the last little bit of healing. The infection was stopped dead in its tracks!

    MAZZY IS HOBBLING AROUND BUT REFUSES TO STAY UPSTAIRES WITH ME. SHE IS STOBBORN AND KNOWS HOW TO GET HER OWN WAY. (Not sure why I suddenly started posting in capitals). Sheepdogs have a mind of their own. If she is still hobbling around tomorrow, she goes to the doc.

    I listened to the state of the Union address and I agree with Buzz,, it was a wonderful speech. As a catty sidenote...I didn't like Michele's glow in dark yellow dress. But that's just me obviously. What do I know, I still have double knit pants in my closet. And I still like my lime green sweater!

    Watched PBS and Charlie Rose's take on the speech. Interesting program.
    Okay Marie, I think we're are all with you when you win the lottery. Let us all know when we leave for England.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh well....just heard the winning tickets were bought in California, Tennessee, and Florida. So Marie, we will have to just save our pennies for that trip to England, I guess.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sob. we dn' go to see Jackie. she will just have to wait for her to keep sending more of her lovely photo. But we could get Sandy set us up for a chat on stypeor th other chatting one. Can not think of.
    Name of it. We did used it 3 or 2 years ago and was great. I enen forgot who all I got to talk to.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Help MARIE, if I got to talk to you all, you probably wouldn't understand a word I said having not lost my northern accent! My Canadian born friend of 40 years still doesn't always understand me, but then she doesn't always understand the English program actors on TV either. Lol.

    Well, I didn't cross the border to buy a lottery ticket so I'll put the money I saved towards a trip! All $2 was it?

    My biggest concern health wise is keeping upright when walking outside, BUT the temperature is climbing to plus 3C or 37F tomorrow, grocery shop day so I will stock up on fresh and frozen veggies because it plummets again next week! That's why I changed my avatar to daffodils and the promise of spring just around the corner. Hope springs eternal.

    Have a lovely day all you in warmer climes in your shorts and bikinis, and the ones in wetter climes stay dry in your macs and wellies and stay upright everybody else mushing through the slush in your furry boots.
  • Anne, I'm having it, the wonderful day that is. I was all set to start work on taxes, Jim called to pick him up. He is having work done on his pick up. I'd just been on the phone scheduling Honey for a spa treatment(aka bath, nails and teeth brushing, along with 30 minutes of brushing). So, I took Honey with me. She's had a long walk and I'm about to drop her at Petsmart. First time here for grooming. Hope they are nice to her.
    I'll go home and will probably get started on tax paperwork. Then I can retrieve her at about 8:30 tonight.
    Beautiful day here. 60 degrees.
    Have we heard from Barbie?
    Have a good evening
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We had a great time with Isaac the last two days. He is making faces now, thinks he's funny, and
    is interacting more with us. So cute! We gave Kathy her birthday massage gift card and she was
    thrilled. It was for a hot stone massage but she can change it if she wants. It really snowed while
    we were there and Dave got out the snow blower and did the driveway. It's -3C today.

    I took chili and salad with us for dinner but Wednesday after leaving and going to the Toronto Boat
    Show eating was not as good. I am trying today to stay on track because tomorrow is weigh in day.
    I did 47 mins of Leslie Sasone HIIT today so hopefully I sweat some off. :)

    We did buy one of the Powerball tickets but alas we did not win. Today was haircut day and
    found out my general doctor had a detached retina and was off work for 10 days and had surgery......
    Always get the latest news from the hairdresser. ;)

    Marie - It sounds like a good idea about not having Jerry drive if it feels uncomfortable.
    Sorry you didn't win the big one! I have an adult coloring book too and have finished 2
    pictures and doing number 3, very relaxing since I don't knit.

    Chris- I too am trying to eat smaller portions. I weigh and measure most of the time but am trying
    to make even smaller portions. You are doing great.

    Sandy - We have a Wii also and it is collecting dust. I should get it out and get started.
    Just curious, what did Babe's son do to get all those injuries or is this sensitive?

    Jackie - You are getting so much rain but we are on the other hand are getting so much snow.
    We were in Toronto yesterday and we have so much more than they do.

    Lin - You are so kind to send cards to the shut ins. I remember spending all day to get a car
    repaired, such a waste of time, but trouble is we need the car so we put up with it.

    Patsy - Good to hear your wound is healing, but sorry Mazzy is not doing well. <3

    Diane - Nice to hear from you and I remember my youngest loved the movie Annie and played
    it all the time along with the Wizard of Oz.

    Anne - Our produce prices here are ridiculous. Cauliflower is 7.99 and 8.99 each.
    I bought frozen today, 2 pkgs,.

    I better go and get dinner going.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) Robby was a good boy and took almost a 3 hour nap. He has a little runny nose and a slight temp but Lisa gave me some Tylenol/Motrin for him. He played well though, he never gets cranky. Will have him tomorrow but off Monday due to school holiday.

    Babe is still sick and miserable. He is so cranky I can't talk to him so I cut all conversations short. I told him to go back to the doctor but he just argues that there is nothing he can do. I personally think he should be in a hospital but I give up.

    On a sad note, my favorite uncle died this morning. He was 98 and is the one I talked about with dementia, so he didn't even remember his daughter, my cousin. She was prepared as much as one can be since he couldn't swallow and they told her it was near. We all know he is in a better place and reunited with his wife who he adored. No service is being held, my cousin said when the weather is warmer and closer to his birthday she will have a Mass and memorial service.

    Shirley, Babe's son told him that he was sitting in his chair and when his wife and daughter came home they rang the bell and he got his foot caught under his chair which caused him to hit the corner of the table and gash his head open. Not sure how he cracked his rib but according to Babe Cheryl said that when they walked in he was on the floor in a pool of blood.
    She however didn't call 911, supposedly because he said he wouldn't go to the hospital.
    Not sure we will ever know the real story.

    Yes Marie, I think we had a google + call a long time ago. I still have the sneakers on my call list for video calls. If we want to try to set up a day and time everyone has to have google+ or
    Skype, both are free video group calls.

    Tonight will be an early bedtime since I am not used to getting up so early, I even took a little nap when Robby took his.

    Enjoy what is left of this day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks for the information Sandy, I hope he's alright. Kind of silly not going to emergency with all
    those injuries. Oh well.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »

    We had a great time with Isaac the last two days. He is making faces now, thinks he's funny, and
    is interacting more with us. So cute! We gave Kathy her birthday massage gift card and she was
    thrilled. It was for a hot stone massage but she can change it if she wants. It really snowed while
    we were there and Dave got out the snow blower and did the driveway. It's -3C today.

    I took chili and salad with us for dinner but Wednesday after leaving and going to the Toronto Boat
    Show eating was not as good. I am trying today to stay on track because tomorrow is weigh in day.
    I did 47 mins of Leslie Sasone HIIT today so hopefully I sweat some off. :)

    We did buy one of the Powerball tickets but alas we did not win. Today was haircut day and
    found out my general doctor had a detached retina and was off work for 10 days and had surgery......
    Always get the latest news from the hairdresser. ;)

    Marie - It sounds like a good idea about not having Jerry drive if it feels uncomfortable.
    Sorry you didn't win the big one! I have an adult coloring book too and have finished

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Today is our anniversary---# 27--and we are celebrating by doing what we like best---being home together, eating our healthy food, napping with our pets, and watching things we like on TV. We love our life together.

    I have been reading all your posts but not finding the time to comment.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2016
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Today is our anniversary---# 27--and we are celebrating by doing what we like best---being home together, eating our healthy food, napping with our pets, and watching things we like on TV. We love our life together.

    I have been reading all your posts but not finding the time to comment.

    <3 Barbie

    Happy Anniversary Barbie & Jake !!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Busy day. I had my haircut and oh my, I got a HAIRCUT! Virtually nothing left. He is leaving in 2 weeks for a trip home and will be gone a couple of weeks so I think he cut it extra short as it will be a while before he's available again.

    I made a nice salad for lunch and put a few fingerling sweet potatoes in my countertop oven when I was inspired to make some steel cut oats. Well, I should have stopped while I was ahead. My Instant Pot overheated again. I don't know what happens with that thing. Just took longer to get the oats finished and the pot all cleaned out. Oh my.

    Patsy, I am glad you are back on track with your foot. Excellent news. I am sorry Mazzy is not doing well. I spoke with a friend this afternoon and her old dog is having a rough time this winter. She said he has taken to whining and howling from time to time and she doesn't know why. I wonder if the dog is in distress/pain? Well she cannot take him to the vet as he is too large for her to handle and her son and wife are out of town for a funeral so she will just have to watch and wait I guess. She is so nervous that her son and wife are travelling that we ended up talking for about an hour and a half. I doubt I helped but at least she got to just vent everything that was on her mind.

    Sandy, I hope you are getting some rest. I cannot believe Martin Luther King day is next Monday already! Glad Robby had a nice nap and that you got a little rest as well. It must make you so tired to live with all the drama.

    Marie, sorry the ticket wasn't a winner..........darn.

    Shirley, welcome home! It is so good that you are able to keep in close touch with little Isaac, in person, by video chat or whatever means possible.

    Anne, I'd be willing to try to understand what you had to say but you're right, I might not be able to follow the conversation without closed captioning.

    Phoebe, oh my gosh, I made it through all three seasons of that show. I thought season 3 was the last season and it would wrap up. I am quite disturbed that everything is in a total state of unease at the end of the season. I red the show has been picked up for one or two more seasons.

    Today the weather was lovely and guess that's it for now. I hope to get to Walmart tomorrow even though they say the temperatures will be falling all day long and the wind will be fierce. Oh my. Sunday is set to be colder than last Sunday so I wonderful if we will have any people at church at all! I must admit it may get too cold for even me.

    Oh my, need to pay attention. It's Father Brown on PBS!

