Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone. Cold and rainy again here. Mazzy is recovering, thank goodness. John went to the dr about his stopped up ear. Whew! It turns out it just needed a good washout! I was worried his hearing was compromised. He loves to work out in his workshop and he has many power tools. All very loud! I do worry about that. Many people who work with loud power tools have hearing loss from those loud tools. He does wear hearing protectors however.

    John is a very social guy and he loves his guy lunches with other retired college administrators. They have fun talking politics and sports. His workshop is his guy zone and his office is another of his guy zones. My art dungeon seems to be everyone's place. The dogs sleep under my painting table and everything gets dumped in my art dungeon when we need to set something aside. I am going initiate a different plan for items that are needing a permanent place. I am wading around in stuff up to my knees. The truth is I am guilty of doing the same thing. "What should we do with this...put it in the art dungeon!" This is a bad plan!!! I am going to Home Depot and get containers and cabinets to hold things. Yea! The dungeon might become less cramped. I don't expect it to look pretty...just less stuff in there.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    Yikes! Microsoft just did a massive update on Windows 10 and I can't access most areas I usually use easily! It has taken me hours just to get to this website, and now I have no time to chat!
    I do agree with PATSY about Michelle's bright yellow dress! Not looking her best at all! And I love your studio's name: Art Dungeon! I think I relate perfectly!
    SANDY, hope you don't catch Robby's cold! Poor baby. And love your attitude regarding backing away from Babe's problems. Wish I could follow suit! We argue daily about his hearing aids. I think half his "dementia" is he refuses to wear them, and he cannot hear conversations!
    LIN, I'm sure you look adorable in your new haircut!
    MARIE, even though a winning ticket was bought in Florida by a 19 year old fellow, he didn't offer to share it so I can't take us to visit JACKIE! Maybe next time (we should live so long!) :D
    Anyway, gotta get some shut-eye so I can get to my dental hygienist early tomorrow as she phoned she had a cancellation. Be well, everybody.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    To the Love Birds......Barbie and Jake!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Everyone

    Having a great visit with my sister. She is so glad to have us here. We are leaving next week and she is missing us already.

    I cooked a great roast in my Instant Pot pressure cooker. Everyone loved it.

    I'll be sorry to go home.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • Lin I was mistaken. I haven't seen season 3. I may not see it coz Regina makes me gag!! OK, I'm up too late, night. Phoebe
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Anniversary

    Barbie & Jake

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie Jake
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Anniversary, Barbie and Jake.
    Wishing you many more blessed years together. <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Anniversary greetings Barbie and Jake.
    SHIRLEY, the price of cauliflower today made my eyes cross. I too resisted buying. Was assured the price will soon come down as it comes back in season! Broccoli was less than half the price of a cauliflower.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy anniversary Barbie & Jake


    We have a reprieve on the weather today in the 40's F or 4C for our Canadians. I had Yoga this morning
    a nice class of poses slow and easy.

    Today is my youngest daughter's birthday, she is 33 (Isaac's mom). She said Isaac let her sleep in
    until 9:30 am this morning that was her birthday gift from him. <3

    I went to Walmart after class, my vegetable chopper from Starfit finally came apart and couldn't be
    fixed so a new one was purchased.

    We are going to the movie tonight to see Reverent with Leo Di Caprio. It got some awards at the
    Golden globes and is up for the Oscar. I will give my opinion on it if anyone is interested in seeing it.

    I am reading a book called Dying To Be Me by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. I haven't finished it yet but it
    is an excellent book.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers, I am going to lunch with the gallery owner today. This is always a traumatic afternoon. We are two people who sort of need each other for extremely different reasons. We are so different in values, tastes, and lifestyles it is hard to imagine us sitting at the same table. I know most people who show at galleries hate and loath the gallery owners. That changes back and forth depending on the success of a gallery show. Art making and the commercial aspects of selling it isn't pretty, folks. The devil of it is that there is this huge need to share the images we create. Anyway....

    All of the wet cold weather has me sort of creaky. I see a need to do more and different exercises. I may try a few different yoga poses that are shown on my DVD. There is also a web site I need to go to about athritis exercises for seniors. January isn't my favorite month. But February brings daffodils in our area. I am still working on the dungeon all weekend. Good therapy after my lunch with "the gallery witch." An evil woman with a cold icy heart and long black fingernails! She eats little puppies for dinner. Bwaaaaaaaaaahaha.
    Patsy, the neurotic painter

  • Lol, Patsy! I think you need to paint a portrait of this 'Gallery Witch'. Maybe you could vent more angst and use up old paint too. Funny you! As for creaking, I've a winter trick I use. I wear tight fitting leggings under my usually loose pants. They add support to my back and make my knees feel better.
    We have rain today. I'm getting three more loads of laundry done. I may head to the grocery to get celery for a double batch of tuna salad. A tuna sandwich sounds like a treat, probably will be my dinner while Jim has his chilled shrimp.
    Jeri, I wish you lived closer to your sister. It sounds like you love each others company. So you took your instant pot with you? Smart! Enjoying good meals but not being stuck in the kitchen, yes!
    Shirley, happy birthday to your daughter, its Kathy? Isaac is already doing sweet things for his family.
    Anne, are you an apple a day advocate? I figure that's how you demolished all of those apples! Maybe 2 per day? Hope you get to make your trek on clean dry sidewalks. Slipping is not the way to make for a happy back.
    Laundry calls...
    Hi everyone else,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Friday!! :) The weekend is here and I am not sitting until Tuesday. I might go to an assembly tomorrow depending on the weather. It is from 9 am to 3 pm but I am the group representative for my group and this is a voting assembly. It is supposed to get really cold over the weekend which is okay as long as there is no snow. My cousin called and the Mass for my uncle will be next Saturday in Indiana. It is about a two hour drive so she was kind enough to have the Mass at 11:30 to give us time to get there. I hope my brother goes with me so I don't have to drive alone.

    Shirley, your daughter is a lucky mom with Issac sleeping until 9:30. Robby gets up between 4;00 and 5:00 most days. He goes to bed at 7:30 because Lisa has to drop him off by me by 7:00 am. He is down to one nap now but sleeps between two and three hours which breaks up my day. Please tell your daughter Happy Birthday and that we all think her son is just beautiful.

    I am going to skip personals because I have some things to catch up with on the computer.
    Have a wonderful weekend and I will check in later tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh yes PHOEBE, an apple a day DOES keep the doctor away! You have to remember I also gave tons of THEM away last fall. I suspect there won't be an apple in sight next year, the 2 poor trees really outdid themselves and will need to recover. They are very old trees, almost 40 years.

    PATSY, I hope you take Phoebes suggestion and draw a picture of the gallery witch and show us. Maybe we can stick pins in her, sort of.
    Now, I hate to appear to be a smug little know it all, but honestly 2 years ago I had arthritis. The half hour amble I do every morning really has cured me. I'm not athletic by nature so I hate doing it every morning when I creak out of bed, but.......Within 2 or 3 minutes I can feel the aches and pains disappearing and that's all I need to set me up for the day.

    Cinders the exuberant pup came to visit today. She didn't get to dig out my planters because I'd already lifted them to higher ground before she bounded in. So much energy! However, Mike said she slept all the way home in the car. She loves to visit because she gets a little roast chicken.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, I agree with Phoebe and Anne, a portrait of the gallery witch would be a great idea. It might be therapeutic as well!

    Phoebe, definitely do NOT watch Season 3. She is positively evil incarnate in that season and I wish I'd never watched it. Good for you. Doing loads of laundry always makes me feel so productive.

    Sandy, the temperature was dropping today and it was windy this morning with light snow. Now the temperature is just dropping and dropping. Potential for snow again Saturday evening. Take care and I hope you do not have to drive alone to Indiana.

    Shirley, happy birthday to your daughter. I hope she had a wonderful day.

    After my trip to WalMart, I made a couple of phone calls. The organist at our church has her birthday on Sunday and I was checking to see if another friend wanted to do something special for the birthday girl but she wasn't interested. I am glad I had purchased a little something already. It's wrapped now and I've written a note on her card. So all set.

    I cooked a few potatoes in my Instant Pot today. After they are cooled a bit I put them in the refrigerator and then use them one by one to make oven fries. Always tasty! And I cooked a batch of carrots. It worked perfectly fine today, no overheating. Quite puzzling that it malfunctions from time to time.

    Time for more paperwork this weekend. I got a big fat envelope from the attorney handling my dad's estate. More checks to write and forms to look over. I would like to get everything back in the mail early next week.

    I'm watching the very old movie---"Murder by Death." Oh my gosh, Maggie Smith was so young (at least compared to now)!!!

    Hugs everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quoting ANNE:[ Now, I hate to appear to be a smug little know it all, but honestly 2 years ago I had arthritis. The half hour amble I do every morning really has cured me. I'm not athletic by nature so I hate doing it every morning when I creak out of bed, but.......Within 2 or 3 minutes I can feel the aches and pains disappearing and that's all I need to set me up for the day. /]unquote.
    ANNE, it's true that moving is important, and keeps the muscles a point! My experience has been that as long as I could exercise and race walk, and swim and do aerobics in the pool or gym, I did it all. Right now, all I can say is perhaps it brought me to 88.6 in better condition than I might have been without the Pilates etc, but I can barely walk due to knee pain and buckling. So I'm no longer "smug" about being a devotee of all the exercise I could squeeze in.. I now think longingly of giving in to getting a motorized chair so I won't walk in fear of falling or enduring too much pain! If we return to sunny weather, perhaps my arthritis will hobble away. But exercise for me was not the guarantee to a pain free senior life!Having gone to bed at 5 this morning, I'm dropping about now. And my computer is inexplicably quite normal today, with everything back where it belongs! Ah, sweet mysteries of computers!
    XOXOXO to you all, and wish I had the strength to make small comments, but ZZZZZzzzzzzz!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dear BUZZ, I'm so sorry you are having all this pain, I really am, and I WAS a smug little so and so wasn't I. I don't say things very well, I'll try again. What I meant was, I've never seriously exercised, I never was athletic and apart from a little yoga in the past my activities were limited to walking everywhere and a take your time hiking. So I can't help but wonder if the more strenuous activities, and especially man made machines which make us move faster than nature intended aren't doing an awful lot of damage to our bones and joints for our later years. It's just an observation and if I've offended you or anyone else I'm truly sorry.
  • No Ann you were Not smug. I think you are on the right track. The actress, Angela Lansbury, in an interview years ago, said if she doesn't do her exercise s upon rising, she wouldn't be able to move. Lots of stretching. Buzz is only describing her experience. While many people are advocates for exercise, Buzz is our advocate for exercise in moderation. I think she has a point, regardless of how much strength and endurance we achieve, our bodies are aging. Some parts are nearing their 'use by' date. Lol!
    What do you do in this deep freeze weather? Do you walk indoors?
    We will be leaving on Monday morning. I have another weekend at home!
    Off to start the coffee.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes PHOEBE, I DO walk up and down the house each and every morning when the weather bothers me. Thanks for your explanation and you are quite right, we unfortunately DO wear out. My lovely friend Penny who was in her nineties when she died, and like me car less would walk downtown with me. Which is a long walk. She was a beautiful ex Londoner with a great sense of humour and in the Second World War her job was to erect those barrage balloons in the sky. You jogged the old memory of a lovely friend, thank you. My mom like me, walked to the stores every day in the UK UNTIL at 90 her hip finally disintegrated outside the bakery! And her sister Alice, also always car less walked every day until the age of 96.
    Now whether it was good genes or having to use public transport if too far to walk I honestly don't know, but I tend to be a believer. Circumstances caused me to be car less, and maybe in MY case, and I stress MY, it was maybe a good thing, because I am naturally indisposed to exercise, like the above ladies. Lazy lot, we would all rather read a book etc.
    Enjoy your weekend. On the road again on Monday! It all sounds terribly romantic to a stuck at home like me!
    Anne, ❤️ to everyone and forgive my insensitivities!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am going late to assembly but just wanted to pop in and say hi! I think anything done in moderation is good for you as long as it is not abused including exercise.
    Have a great day and if you are where it is cold stay warm.

    One Day at a Time