Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Look like Powerball cover by all states. 44 of them. no wonder it got so big. Thanks researcher.

    How much do the tickets cost?
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes and thoughts about my sister. We are half way there. Spending the night in kamloops where I won 5 cents at the new casino. Haha. I did celebrate by walking on the treadmill here for 30 minutes. Don't think it quite made up for the 7 hr road trip tho.

    Roads were good and it was so beautiful.


    Typing this w one finger on my phone so I won't say much. Cheers to all.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Look like Powerball cover by all states. 44 of them. no wonder it got so big. Thanks researcher.

    How much do the tickets cost?

    Jeri, two dollars each
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello, just put my nose outside to feed the birds, and despite the sunshine, boy is it ever nippy. The nose and me didn't linger outside for long I can tell you! I've got quite a variety of birds, not to mention the ever present squirrels. Methinks I shall stay indoors from now on today and if I get a yearning for a change of scenery, I will content myself with looking at JERI'S beautiful photos.

    Well, I managed to get my hair cut on Saturday by the lovely lady who doesn't seem to mind me wandering in after months of hacking at it myself. I DO give her quite a generous tip to make up for my tardiness. I wanted it really chopped off, and maybe a colour rinse to cover the odd grey bits, but, I was told short hair wouldn't suit me and why a rinse as it was a good colour still, so.......I came out looking pretty much the same as I went in, witch like. She did layer the back, and admittedly I had to wade through the chopped off mass on the floor, but still! Very disappointing after wanting a very very short cap of hair. Maybe just as well, because such drastic measures might have had me moaning for weeks and weeks on here. Still........ all the other old gals in the salon were being scalped, sigh, AND getting their monies worth.

    MARIE didn't win the lottery so alas we didn't get to see JACKIE and the old country. I think we would have had to hire a tour bus to fit us all in!
    I expect George would have been quite overwhelmed seeing us all walking up his garden path and if we'd met for afternoon tea in a village tearoom, well we would have filled the place. What a lovely generous thought though!

    Are you finally enjoying our taste of winter SHIRLEY? I saw a programme about outlet malls (remember the one near you which I visited) and apparently these super well known stores have the goods specially made for these outlets. Consequently, the goods although looking the same are made of inferior materials. The programme said one can tell by looking at the label which will have three dots ***on it. Interesting, but disappointing if it's true. We poor consumers just can't win can we!

    Well, I've rambled enough. Must sort the drier out.
    Bye, Anne.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri here in Texas just a dollar a chance
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    A dollar a chance here in Texas Jeri
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Jeri, what a beautiful picture you sent us, just love it.
    Today it's suppose to warm up to 37 degrees and we should see sunshine.
    We are getting ready to go to the community center to work out.
    Breakfast was English muffin with egg whites and black coffee. Very filling.
    Lunch will be a salad and green tea.
    Dinner, ?
    Snacks, blueberries, Apple or pear.
    Hopefully I will stick to this plpkan.lan.

    I'm going to sew today as I cleaned house and did the laundry for the week.
    Have a wonderful day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) It is 5 degrees outside so again a day to stay inside. It was my last day of sleeping in, I need to be ready to get up for Robby on Wednesday. Lisa's mom switched days with me this week and next so she and her hubby can go visit their son in Alabama. He and his wife are both military and have a little girl a few months younger than Robby. Lisa just told me they are pregnant again and thrilled. Hopefully, Lisa is next and soon. :)
    Babe is going back to the doctor since he is not any better, his son is taking him. More drama on that end as when his son's wife and daughter came home last night they found him on the floor in a pool of blood. He refused to go to the hospital but I guess he has a huge gash in his head. He told his dad when the bell rang he caught his foot under the chair and tripped and hit his head on the corner of the table. Not sure if he was knocked out but if it were me I am sure I would have called 911. Besides the gash, he thinks he broke three toes. Maybe the doctor will put both of them in the hospital. sigh

    Phoebe, are you sure it was cortisone for your back? Stop lifting heavy things or if you do make sure you bend your knees. (mom advice) I think the airlines jack up all the prices for Spring Break, they know a lot of people travel those dates. And ewww on the LIVE mouse. I used to have a cat a hundred years ago that would bring me dead mice and leave them outside my patio door. Ewww again!!!

    Jackie, your picture is like a scene out of a book, it is so cozy and charming. Darn, I wish Marie would have won that lottery. I only remember you talking about Boris and George but I see two more kitties, what are their names?

    Marie, are you sure Jerry bought the right tickets? I thought they were $2.00 everywhere.
    Hoping Alice is feeling better and gets to see the dentist today. Toothaches are terrible.

    Buzz, take care of that knee, does it require a doctor's visit? Watching most drama movies and drama TV can scare the crap out of anyone, especially with all the special effects. I watch CSI Cyber and although I know most is fictitious, I think some is based on truth.

    Shirley, sorry about the confusion on Pound a Week, I saw the wrong date and thought it was from the week before. When I have Robby I send a lot of little videos to his mom and dad to brighten their work day. I bet Auntie Kristina was thrilled to baby sit for that beautiful baby boy.

    Lin, darn, I was hoping you were starting to feel better. That is one lingering illness which they say is common around this time of year but that doesn't make it right. Try sipping on some brandy, but then go to bed. LOL

    Jeri, another great picture, you know how to capture things just perfect. 5 cents at the casino?
    Did you actually cash it out?? lol Please refresh my memory and tell me where does your sister live again??

    Anne, not sure I agree with your hair dresser, if you wanted a shorter colored hair shouldn't she just have done so? Do you trust her judgement and think she knows what looks best on you? I have gone for shorter haircuts and then hate them and then blame my hairdresser, but just in fun since it was my own idea. I would love some new hairdo, but I am a creature of habit and afraid I won't be able to manage anything other than what I have, which seems to be the same thing forever.

    Chris, it amazes me how you know your menu so early in the morning. That is why you are doing so well and me not so good. lol

    Sorry for the long post, once I get Robby back, they shorten.
    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe I will check wirh Jerry on that. He did not say anything about it. y now he wont remember tho.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi Sandy, my interpretation of the hairdresser not wanting to cut too much hair off was......if I don't cut too much off we maybe will see her again in 10 months, whereas if we cut it very short we won't see her for another year AND 10 months. Lol. To be honest, she's right, it doesn't really need colouring and very short hair wouldn't suit my face shape, she sort of made me see sense. Like you though. Sometimes one feels like a drastic change.
    That was one sad tale about Babe and his son. You must wonder what drama will unfold next!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    Hi Sandy, my interpretation of the hairdresser not wanting to cut too much hair off was......if I don't cut too much off we maybe will see her again in 10 months, whereas if we cut it very short we won't see her for another year AND 10 months. Lol. To be honest, she's right, it doesn't really need colouring and very short hair wouldn't suit my face shape, she sort of made me see sense. Like you though. Sometimes one feels like a drastic change.
    That was one sad tale about Babe and his son. You must wonder what drama will unfold next!

    The lady who tended my hair for years wouldn't do anything too radical unless we had discussed it over and over and she was sure I understood the consequences and would not blame her for the result. That stopped many of my notions!!

    Sandy, I agree, what continued drama with Babe and his son. It is more frequent than on some dramas that I watch. Right now I am binge watching a series on Acorn TV called "A Place to Call Home" and I don't know how I started watching it and now cannot seem to stop.

    Marie, we have the $2 Powerball game but also have a $1 Megamillions game. I'd take either one. Ha.

    Chris, another well-planned day. You seem to get so much accomplished! I wish I did!!

    Buzz, I hope your legs are better today. And that you are getting some rest.

    Jeri, beautiful picture. I hope your trip goes well and that your sister will be in better health.

    Phoebe, you are always so busy now I don't know how you have time to work. I hope you can retire when you want to retire.

    Shirley, good for you on skipping meals out and eating at home. Much easier to control what you eat.

    Jackie, what a comfortable and cozy room. I love it. Of course we would all love to barge in and visit you. Wouldn't that be overwhelming?! Ha.

    I've done more paper sorting and filing today and got a few phone calls made. Even though I am still coughing I did make an appointment for a haircut later in the week and will take my car in for service. Closer to the end of the week. I haven't stuck my nose outdoors today. I have been getting my recycling together as it is the night to take out both trash and recycling. Won't miss out this week due to illness!

    Hugs to all.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ours is a 1.00 for the powerball. I look it up on google. It said you do have an option of paying a dollar for some other benefit. i think the 1.300 billion is enough for me. I will find out more when I buy. our ticket.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MFP opened with the last ...LIN's first so I just about have time to sort of answer before going down to dinner. The knee was not as bad as yesterday when I got up this morning, and as I was clearing out papers from our counter, I glanced at yesterday's Dr's column, which was lying right o top, and the heading was "Pseudo-gout". I started to read it because of the gout attack I had a few weeks ago, and it hit home! It described the terrible knee pain to a T, and said it can be treated a number of ways but the best way probably is ibuprofen and a few days immobilization and using cold packs! Not heat, but cold! I honestly think it's one of those things that works in mysterious ways,...that article being where it was and me being the one to pick it up at the right time, etc! I am able to walk a bit today with less pain, and I will use the ice after dinner. And back to my naproxin for a few days. I had switched to Tylenol, which does not work on pseudo-gout. Anyway, back later, but I wanted to reassure everyone that time heals all whatever, and I'm going to get back to normal quickly! Thanks you for caring!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well! Pooh! My diabetic foot ulcer sort of bloomed over the weekend. These things can go south in just a few hours. I now have treatment going on including the wonderful "debreding" which is really cutting away dead skin. Are you feeling like this is really TMI? This is one of my life challenges. I know we all have them. I keep repeating to myself...every problem has a solution.

    I have soup cooking in the IP and Amazing Mazzy and I are taking a cuppa tea break. MoMo is napping. She had one of her athritis pills this am so she is snoozing for a bit. I sent John out to Costco with a list as long as your arm. I will be hobbling around with the cane until this foot starts looking better.

    I am looking forward to renting the movie "The Martian" with Matt Damon. Should be fun. You know I always wanted to be an astronaut. I have wanted to see the stars up close and personal. I always check in on the NASA channel to see what's new. John thinks that it may not work out for me to be an astronaut. The uniforms are ugly and you can't have an art dungeon in a space ship. Okay then!

    My dad was lucky at the casino and lotteries. He had a lot of fun buying us all tickets and we would sit around the TV looking at the numbers. No matter what the game, he could always win. He was very ill and he bought several lottery tickets. He told mom and all of us, in his joking manner, that he was getting money for a Big Bang up funeral. He died later that week. His tickets won. He won $15,000.00. We spent it on his funeral and a big catered wake. Exactly as he told us he wanted. Is this a soap opera or what?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Oh my gosh, so sorry Patsy. Are you going to a wound management center for this? Life. Meh.

    I love the story about your dad. That is amazing. I am NOT a lucky individual. I would like to win once in a while...I am glad he got the funeral and wake he wanted!

    The Big Bang Theory has a couple of repeats on tonight.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Not to worry about the pound a week club I will still show up and if I'm missed that's okay.
    Yes...Kristina did like babysitting, she loves spending time with him.

    Lin - Hope you can get out and get your haircut, not fun when you are sick. <3
    Doing your own meals does make a difference in calories.

    Anne - I did one of those short hair cuts one summer and hated it. But...I think she should have given
    you the option. Yes, winter is here and the roads are icy now and we are getting more snow. I left
    my car in the garage for the night.

    Patsy - Good luck with your foot and I was wondering too, do you go to a wound clinic?

    Buzz - Hope the knee feels better soon. <3

    Jeri - Love the winter scene, made me remember our ski days at Banff.

    Marie - Sorry you didn't win the powerball but maybe next time. We play the 649 lottery sometimes.

    We are going to see Isaac tomorrow and stay overnight. Kathy and Fraser are going to
    dinner for Kathy's birthday. We are stopping on the way to get a gift certificate for a one hour
    massage for Kathy from us.

    Going to watch Biggest loser so have a good evening.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning. Taking the husband to get a colonoscopy this morning. :#
    Wishing everyone a wonderful day. B)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi there!
    Contrary to Lin's belief, I've been lazy today, or lazier. That's OK by me though, I like being lazy.
    Patsy, sorry you're having so much trouble with your foot/diabetes. They did that to Jim, at the foot doctor, debridement. He needs to go again, but he's tired of going to doctors at the moment. sigh. That's wonderful about your father. I read about someone who believed she would win, and she did! OK, I believe too. , I believe someone will win!
    Sandy, I really don't know what the injection was. I'm guessing at it. The Dr said that they cannot give them to me indefinitely. I hope it's a loonng time.
    Buzz, glad you feel better today, and hope you can get this gout Gone! I added your movie, ' no escape' to my watch list.
    Lin, I watched the same series, I liked it. Very much improvement over American soap operas.
    Hope you're improving.
    Cats have rediscovered a noisy catnip ball, meaning no sleep for us! Lol, be back later

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneaokers, Off to Walmart. This morning Wonder why they don't sell lotto tickets. Would save us a trip to Kroger. . We survive our lost trip to the eye doctor. But did get a good report. I am going to check the city of Mesquite to see if there Disability transportation has serve to

    Nprth Dallas... I am not going to let Jerry take me anymore.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ps Alice had to get her tooth pulled . She is doing fine.. But was worried about Jerry and I. It was one of back tooth