Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Saturday!! :) We are expecting snow this afternoon, so will have to see how the roads are before going to Mass at 5:00. Babe is sick with bronchitis so he will not be going. Did I mention I found him a dog walker for Daisy? Bryanna's friend's boyfriend who has done it in the past has agreed to do it again for as long as Babe wants him. Thank goodness because he just wears himself sick because he things he can do anything.
    I lost almost a pound over night, got rid of all the salt that I had eaten with my friend. lol
    I think that is why I like being alone most of the time, especially at meals, so I can eat healthy food and healthy snacks, except for the wine, which are wasted calories. BTW, why did they stop posting the diaries to the home page?
    I went to the dermatologist and as predicted I have basically cradle cap. There is no cure but he gave me a lotion and prescription shampoo to calm it down. He also looked at the little sun spot on my cheek and said it was nothing, just like a freckle but definitely benign. They asked if I wanted a full body scan, but I declined especially since I hadn't shaved my legs. LOL

    Marie, let us know how you like Aldi, I never made it there as I had to pick up a prescription from Walmart so bought my bottled water there. Have fun with your new great grandson, he is precious.

    Phoebe, can I bring my own bags to Aldi? So you rent a shopping cart and/or bring your own cart? I have one of those old fashioned kind on two wheels, is that the kind you have? Do you just put all your groceries in your own cart? More information please. lol

    Chris, congrats on the weight loss, you have always been disciplined, such a good example to all of us.

    Anne, you are lucky to have family members with longevity, me not so lucky. I do have one uncle who is 97 and a cousin in her late 80's but other than that not so much. My dad died at 62 and my mom at 77. I also lost my sister at 73 so that is why I try to stay active and healthy. You just never know and the older I get I know I am one step further and if I stop and think about it, it scares me because I don't want to leave my family. Sorry, death scares me and I am very religious but I guess because of the unknown. I sure know how to bring a room down don't I?

    Marcella, a doctor's wife, how wonderful especially a pediatrician. Were you with him through all of his schooling and long, long hours. (Do I watch too many doctor shows?)

    Lin, won't you be glad this should be the last year of all the paper work from your dad's estate? Or will there be more? I think I might go to Arizona for a long weekend on Spring break because my son and his girl both work long hours during the week so I wouldn't see much of them. My son can take a couple of days off but of course he doesn't get paid so I don't want him to lose money. I am still thinking about it especially since airfare is around $500.

    Jeri, your collage is absolutely beautiful. You are such a great photographer.

    Jackie, when I visualize you in front of your fireplace with a kitty on your lap and George at your feet, it gives me serenity. I wish you could get a picture of that setting, it would be beautiful.

    Have a great day, count your blessings and be grateful.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Will do Sandy. I am kind of excited about visiting a new store. I will take my walker with the seat. and can hang lots of bags on the seat and handles. Do we furnish our own bags. phoebe. is a wonderful researcher ....... sorry to hear Babe is down in the weather What does Babe do for his meals?

    I would love to go to jackie neck of the woods for a visit. If I win this big lottery tonight i will buy each of the sneakers a round trip ticket to UK and we can all go. What a dreamer i am today.

    my victory this week is I switch from skim milk to coconut milk for my coffee and oats.

    love you All

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Marcella and Marie, I should have mentioned to be sure to have a quarter handy for Aldi has a cart return system.

    do you get your quarter back if you return the buggy. and do they have the scooters for us older folks.


    Marie, you get your quarter back. Scooters, not at my local store, sorry
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Definitely BYOB, bring your own bags. Or even your own cart. Mine is two wheeled, Sandy. I like it, usually just right for my Aldi shopping. I skip the quarter thing, using mine thru the store, then unpack it at check out. You can buy bags at checkout, not expensive.

    Marie, I almost bought coconut milk creamer, do you like it? I have to drink my coffee very creamy now. I could drink a quart of almond milk, but not so much in coffee.
    I tried the Matcha green tea, it will take some getting used to, not like Revolution green tea. I brewed a cup of hibiscus tea as well. Definitely will take time there, very tart.
    Now to get that rug shampooed!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    phoebe i do not know if mine is the creamer or not but it is in a little bottle / yes i am getting used to the taste now It is a keeper for me. it looks rich and heavy like cream So as long as my feeble mind think so . I am going into this plant base diet with an open mind.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sweet friends! Our sun peeps out of the clouds for a minute or two then hides behind a dark rainy cloud. In other words...its Oregon! I think Oregon folks are part fish. We complain but never leave sight of the water.

    I am still slowly cleaning out every closet, cupboard, and chest of drawers. Good grief! Some of these things I haven't seen in years. I am ready to find them a new home or they need to go into extreme retirement. (Trash). Yesterday was my sweater and scarfs. We wear sweaters almost year round here on the coast. I do have a huge collection. Some are ready for that extreme retirement. Years old and tattered.

    Today I want to clean out our coat closet. Shouldn't take too long. John is bleating something about his playoff games this afternoon. Ugh! Why do I need to witness this each week? I can tell John needs the company to see him yell and hear him "coach from the couch!" In truth, it is fun sometimes.

    Well it happened! Our Doctor retired. The new doctor is about 16 years old and no experience. My trust level is zero. I know that sounds like reverse ageism but there is real truth buried in that opinion. We are suffering a huge shortage of MDs here on our area. They only stay a year or two and then off to greener pastures. I guess we just have to Doctor ourselves and stay healthy. Thank goodness for online info from mayo clinic etc.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We watched some House of Cards DVDs last night in our auditorium. Oh my, do I really want to be reminded about how power corrupts? I always love Kevin Spacey, and they will be showing the entire series on Friday nights (so I'll never have to drive to movies at night!)
    Like MARIE, I read all your posts every day and am sustained by all of you dear people! I have slowed to the point I seem to be running out of time always!
    To clear up a point about my driving; I have no qualms about driving, and used to compete in many forms of racing (on ice, sand , and roads, plus gymkhana competitions, so I'm not a white knuckle driver by any means. My problem now is sitting for any length of time, so I don't go far, and car maintenance, which Mike used to be responsible for. And traffic, traffic, traffic! Florida is worse than NY! And I hurt getting in and out, thanks to arthritis in the knees and hips (and now shoulders!). So the pleasure I used to have in driving feels more like a chore now! And to answer about Costco, NO, I don't think our transportation goes there! I would miss that place!
    Here's dinner hour again, so gotta change. I'm glad I put on my eyebrows this afternoon so I'm almost ready to go down!
    As usual, JERI's photos are delightful, and I'm glad PHOEBE has a few extra days yet. ANNE's recognition of why the longevity existed in parts of her forbears is very interesting! Clever! I hope one of US wins that lottery tonight and plans a huge get-together for us at last!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    i got my Daring at 10 Pm tonight. I will stay awake till then.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good evening. I was up way too late last night and everything I touched seemed to go wrong today!!! I did get some paperwork done. And some cooking although there were some mishaps.

    Tomorrow is a probable long day at church with a congregational meeting after the service.

    Still coughing.

    If anyone in our group wins that big jackpot I hope we'll have a big party!!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Did not win. In fact no one did. I will buy just one ticket this week It only takes one wining number to win. Sorry jackie the group will not be coming to UK .But they were ready.We all want to see your lovely country side.
    love Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Sunday!! We are expecting some very frigid weather so today is a good day to stay home. I went to 5:00 Mass yesterday even though it was snowing, the roads were clear.
    Talking about zero temps with wind chills, winter has arrived and that doesn't make me happy. Still undecided about Arizona, thinking maybe I will postpone until May or June.
    Have you ever met someone as wishy washy as me???

    Marie, darn, I was hoping we could all go have tea with Jackie, maybe next week. I didn't even buy a ticket but maybe I will this week, someone has to win. LOL

    Lin, had a Murphy's Law kind of day huh? I hate when that happens, I hope today is much better and that nasty cough goes away soon.

    Buzz, you sure have done a lot in your life, how wonderful. You will know when the time is right to stop driving so just listen to your heart. I have tried to watch House of Cards a few times but just can't get into it. I love Kevin Spacey as well, but I had to pass on that series.

    Patsy, isn't it funny how when new doctors practice we think they are just babies? I personally like the new doctors because I think they have learned the newest procedures compared to some of the older doctors. My biggest complaint with my doctor is getting the appointment to see her, it seems I have to wait months before they have an opening. Does any one remember the doctor making house calls? My pediatrician did for a while until everything changed.

    Phoebe, will be checking Aldi's out the next time I go grocery shopping. How is Jim doing and how is your back?

    Have a wonderful day dear Sneakers!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Only about 40 here today. Cloudy too. I'm not going anywhere, I think.
    No not our week on the lottery. Did get the powerball and one more number. Keep forgetting to look that up, 4 or 5 dollars I think.
    Am I going to end every sentence with'I think' ?
    So far, yes, lol!
    Sandy, I lifted 40lbs of bird seed, that night my back hurt a bit. That was last Monday. So far since then, its been good. The doctor said I don't have to make an appointment to see him next time. Just call and say I need another injection, and they will schedule it.
    It takes at least a month to see my primary care physician. If it's more urgent, I'll go to their walk in clinic.
    Laundry and tax prep are my days' agenda. I'm still sleepy too. Late last night, silly cat brought in a Mouse! Why she lets them go, grrrr! So we couldn't find it, and the cats don't seem to care about it, but Honey cared, she kept me awake with her tapping toenails constantly moving and sniffing around. Woke to all kinds of things moved around too! But now, they've all forgotten about it, all but two grumpy people.
    Sandy, do you think Phoenix is one of those cities that rates fluctuate because of their seasons?. Hotter the temps, lower the rates? Hmmm. I know one thing for sure. I wore capris last year, usually just wear pants. I had a tan line in no time!
    Lin, everyone is coughing! It's a national epidemic! Hope yours is going away. Jim's still got it but not too much.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another day, George walked, hen house cleaned, light lunch, fiddly bits of DIY achieved to complete decorating my dining room and stair carpet tacked back in place where Hebe my cat loves to lie on her back to pull herself in and out of the gaps or lie on her tummy in an effort to catch her tail. Now settled with a cup of tea in front of the fire and have taken a photo for b]SANDY[/b] which looks a bit gloomy because only a couple of lamps lit. Boris is outside taking in the fresh air after his dinner!


    Marie ~ What a shame you didn't win so you could all head to my place for a celebration! We had a £66 million lottery win last night shared between 2 people.....not me but I'll put my vacuum cleaner around in the week just in case you win with your one ticket!! I'm thinking 1.3 billion dollars should get everyone on to a private jet!! In my shopping from Aldi on Friday I had picked up a cucumber, pack of 6 tomatoes, bunch of celery and iceburg lettuce for less than £1 for all 4 and everything is always so fresh which is why I'm in the door within 5 minutes of them opening in the morning to pick up the bargains.

    Patsy ~ At my GP practice the older doctors are beginning to take retirement and the new younger faces are a breath of fresh air because they seem eager to please and far more interested. I know though we have to speak as we find so you probably haven't had the same experience. I may have mentioned my gardening clothes drawer before.... a large pile of cast-offs that haven't quite been cast off to the tip but rather been put to one side for gardening days. Of course I have a favourite pair of jeans and woolley top that get worn each time while that pile sits idle!!

    Buzz ~ So amongst all your other talents you raced cars!! Perhaps it's more a case of the rest of us staying out of your way when you're on a mission. :p House of Cards was originally a British series, I seem to remember in Maggie Thatcher's era and involved a Prince Charles character who got himself involved in politics. It was a great watch as much because we could all see similarities with the real world!

    Lin ~ Hopefully you are feeling a lot better today, especially since you have a busy day.

    Anne ~ I love your musings which are always spot on. It's like that old saying "if you don't use it you lose it" so activity is top of the list for achieving longevity. I bet shifting those hefty pots each time Cinders visits are enough for a day's exercise!

    Phoebe ~ You and Jim keep your heads down if you don't fancy journeying out at the moment. Just 2 more years before you can retire and I'm sure the time will fly by.

    Time for me to prepare a stir fry with noodles for my evening meal and then on to my exercise bike. After just 2 days I'm finding the muscle cramps I've been suffering at night are easing so that's incentive enough for me to keep peddling! Oh dear, the weather forecast is showing plenty of wind and showers for the morning walk!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    phoebe how many states is in this Powerball lottery. ? Must be mostall of the states.

    i go to the eye doctor tomorrow.

    Alice was up all night with a bad tooth ache So she did not come out today.
    It was rather cold this morning but now the sun is out and so pretty outside.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Here you go Marie
    Prayers for Alice, warm cloth, heating pad, and warm salt water held near the tooth to help reduce swelling
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Look like Powerball cover by all states. 44 of them. no wonder it got so big. Thanks researcher.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2016
    Just came upstairs after a tense edge-of-chair movie named "No Escape" ...I think my heart is still pounding! I also think I lost any desire I eve had to travel again! It takes place in Southeast Asia (no named country, where a fellow is just moving his family in order to start a new job in a more stable huge company than his recently failed business! Pierce Brosnan is one of the actors in it and they all did a fine job, and it left me almost out of breath and then wondering a lot more philosophically about where this world is headed! And yes, JACKIE , someone mentioned House of Cards was based on a British series finished some time ago. I recall I was not thrilled watching while the main character kept turning to the audience to make remarks supposedly as an aside to the cameraman?! It also feeds my suspicions about politicians and their hunger for power!
    My left knee may be in real trouble. Today I can barely walk, so I plan to get my legs up and stay still. And later enjoy Downton Abbey, if I'm still awake!
    SANDY, you are the last person I would ever call wishy-washy! The reason you are feeling as you do about Arizona will eventually come to you and make sense!
    LIN, do keep that chest warm and covered to keep improving your respiratory system. Wish you could lie down with Jackie's George by her welcoming fireplace!
    PHOEBE, I think I would be less calm than you about silly cat's yucky habit with the mice she catches!
    MARIE, I'm hollering "Win, Win, Win that Powerball" and we'll all drop in on Jackie!
    Just removed the knee brace and it's really throbbing, so I'll go get my leg up!
    Have a lovely Sunday, and stay well!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello Sneakers

    I had 34 posts to read but got through it. Everyone is busy as usual and staying healthy.

    SANDY - We have some Aldi stores in the Buffalo area which is across the border from us.
    I have never been there but heard they are inexpensive for groceries.
    Thanks for the tip about the ,Profile, I was wondering why I couldn't friend request someone and ended
    up sending them a message. Sorry to hear Babe is sick, stay away so you don't catch it.
    We are going to see Isaac on Tuesday and looking forward to it. Auntie Kristina baby sat him
    on Saturday and sent us a video, it was so cute.

    BUZZ - How nice to have an orchestra play at your facility, music does the heart good. I find that when
    singing with our choir.. it lifts you up. I too love House of Cards and often wondered if all that
    corporate corruption goes on. I supposed it does.

    ANNE- Love the new picture makes one feel like Spring is coming. Not today though, we had wet snow
    and gloomy skies. My parents lived until they were 80(mom) and 93 (dad). I think my mom would
    still be alive if she took care of herself but her heart gave out and didn't do what the doctor's said.

    MARIE - Sorry you didn't win the big one, maybe next time. I too had problems with the Profile
    pictures glad to hear we have a solution.

    JERI - Happy travelling to your sister's and you have a good plan for eating healthy. Loved your
    winter scenes you captured winter in all its essence. Glad to hear your feet are doing better.

    CHRIS - Happy days you lost a pound, congrats! Keep up the good work. Nice to hear from you
    again on a regular basis.

    LIN - Any sign of you feeling better? Sometimes the cough is the last to go. My DH was sick for
    a month before he got better.

    JACKIE - Your cottage picture is so serene with all the animals in front of the fireplace.

    PATSY - I know what you mean about the young doctors looking so young. The thing is they know
    all the latest technology which is better than some of older docs who get complacent.

    My weekend was not much going on, did some cleaning on the upstairs kitchen and bathroom
    and did not go out to eat on Friday we stayed home and I made dinner. Dave wants to fit into his
    summer shorts for our trip in February. We did got out for breakfast and had eggs, tomato, lettuce
    on a crossaint. I went to a meditation session which was supposed to be a group session
    but it ended up only me. Still waiting to meditate in a group, maybe next time.

    We are having beef stew in the crockpot tonight so I better get going. Have a good evening
    and sorry if I missed anyone's comment.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good evening - very cold day here and running behind as usual all day long. Now trying to watch both Galivant and Downton. Just got to the Sunday newspaper.

    Hoping for warmer weather soon. Still need to get a haircut and need to get my car serviced but haven't felt well enough to do either thing. Maybe this week.

    Wishing everyone well. And I am sorry we have no big party coming up. Boooo. Darn.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, hate to hear that your knee is giving you so much pain. Don't give up, don't put up with the pain. I'm amazed that a cortisone(is that steroid?) Injection in my back helped with my knee pain. Hugs
    Lin, hope this week finds you much improved.
    Night all, Phoebe