Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, Happy Birthday, KAREN. Is my memory shot or is Karen a regular who goes by a different name? Anyway, have a great birthday!
    JACKIE, since we have sinkholes here in Florida, though not caused by ancient mines, I certainly am happy you don't go out there alone after rainstorms. They swallow up entire sections of communities here! Boom, disappeared!!! Yes I ordered Downton Abbey and hope I can stay awake.
    SANDY, happy for you that Babe is still in love; yes he is, since he wants to please you by allowing Bryanna to visit with you in Arizona. He is just cowed by his son and daughter, like many enabling parents, and they made him feel guilty enough to ruin his latter years!
    PHOEBE, I hope retirement is in your near future so you can sit back and enjoy the things you like to do. And travel will be a choice you two make!
    LIN, wishing your sinus problems heal and never return! You do all the right things so it's just in the genes, I guess!
    Just gave DS my suitcase for all the things D D-I-L bought while visiting! Spirit will charge a fortune for the extra luggage! They will fly back to Cape May tomorrow. And we can relax a bit! I don't understand why we are so tired!
    Must get my New Year business stuff started even though I try to keep up during the year. I do taxes once a year, and just dread it! It reached 71 degrees this afternoon but is cloudy all day. And for the first time, I didn't sleep a wink last night! So I'm tired and sleepy and we must get up very early tomorrow to get Mike's plate to the dentist for a relining to pick up later in the day.
    Have a heavenly day everyone...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday Karen
    Missed you around here. Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Buzz- You have been doing a lot with your family last week and probably that is why you are tired. I have
    been tired too since Chrismas and realized I stopped taking my B complex supplements for quite
    a while now. I got some B12 and started taking it yesterday so it will probably be a while to see
    some results. When you catch up on your sleep you will probably feel better. :)

    I went for an x-ray on my foot today. I had surgery on it a few years ago because I had a bump
    forming and it was sore and couldn't get a shoe on so I had it removed. My doctor told me what it
    was but it was some long medical term so I really don't know what it was. Anyway, the bump is coming
    back in the same spot but it doesn't hurt this time. My doctor said it might not get any larger but sent me
    for an x-ray anyway. I think it might be form of arthritis. Also my doctor's office had it as Left foot
    on the order and it was the right foot.

    We finally had sun today after weeks of no sun here in our town. It felt really good and it lifts your
    spirits. The cold will be leaving us by end of week and back in the 40's. What a wierd winter.

    We skyped with Isaac today for the first time. He kept on playing with the computer and screen
    and things got kind of out of whack a few times. I did get a lot of smiles and we will see him
    next Tuesday for a visit.

    Have a good evening,


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Birthday Karen

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    A looonng day, another one tomorrow, it seems.
    On Facebook, Karen's birthday is September 7. Unless it's a different Karen? She's the only one I can remember.
    Jim had test results from the kidney specialist today. His kidney condition has worsened. His blood pressure was too high. So the Dr. changed one of his blood pressure meds. Here's hoping!
    I was up too late, for no good reason, playing solitaire. Not so tonight coz I'm ready for bed now!
    Have a warm evening
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    It is a different Karen. If you look at her profile picture here on MFP you will remember her.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I am having a weird day where I simply can not get warm. I have a heavy sweater on and warm pants and a turtleneck under my sweater. My fingers are like ice and I feel like I would love to get out the heating pad. I just might do that later. John has checked out a action thriller to watch tonight. I will give it a try but not sure if I will stay with it. Guns! Explosions! Chase scenes! It is a guy thing! In his defense, he watches some "chick flicks" with me. And truthfully, he enjoys them.

    I didn't get my Christmas cards out...I never do. I usually send valentines because that's when I get around to it. I am less hurried and less stressed. That's one of my personal crazies. I go crazy atChristmas.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    I am having a weird day where I simply can not get warm. I have a heavy sweater on and warm pants and a turtleneck under my sweater. My fingers are like ice and I feel like I would love to get out the heating pad. I just might do that later. John has checked out a action thriller to watch tonight. Sicario. I will give it a try but not sure if I will stay with it. Guns! Explosions! Chase scenes! It is a guy thing! In his defense, he watches some "chick flicks" with me. And truthfully, he enjoys them.

    I didn't get my Christmas cards out...I never do. I usually send valentines because that's when I get around to it. I am less hurried and less stressed. That's one of my personal crazies. I go crazy atChristmas.

    Our weather is to get nicer soon. We will see...the weatherman has let us down before. I would love to go window shopping in a little tourist town near here. Cannon Beach. Lots of little shops to buy stuff I don't need or even want.

    I decided to sew a long skirt. I have an interesting piece of fabric that would do nicely. I remember Sandy's photo in a lovely long skirt. Might be fun to wear a skirt again. I seem to be a pants person these days.
    Off to find the heating pad!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello Sneakers.
    Sorry Phoebe to hear about jim he needs to watch his diet better. Looks who talking. The world worst dieter.
    But this plant base diet is really improving my sugar and blood pressure. Especially my blood sugar. i do believe if I keep this plan up I will be off Meds or at least smaller does. I am already talking smaller doses of insulin. Its been at or below 100 most all week. i do keep Kroger milk shakes by my bed in case it gets too low. at night. But this diet plan does not have dairy products on the plan. So i will keep fruit on my night stand. Jerry is glad i am not hitting his cookie jar. I do believe them when they say food is the best medications I Love the new book i have forks over knives Really good recipes. and advice.

    jackie i know you are already looking forward to spring.

    There is some really heart warming stories coming out on the Tornado that hit on our side of town last Saturday. Terrible mess to clean up.

    i am still having problems with this cold. It has settle in my left cheeks and all swollen. Must call the doctor tomorrow to see if i need some antibiotic I feel Ok except my cheeks Don't seems to have any congestion in my throat or nose. Been able to sleep quite well without coughing and blowing my nose not doing near as much during the daytime.

    Take care my friends,
    Lin how are you.?
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning. :) Life has been quiet this week and I'm good with that. Colored my hair yesterday. Decided to go a little darker for the winter and it seems to have turned out fine.
    On a different note, I was just thinking that all the good habits that were built last year are helping this year move along much more smoothly. (Logging daily, getting enough sleep, managing stress better and avoiding processed foods.) This year, however, I'm focusing on getting more/better exercise. I can only say that, so far, building new exercise habits is proving difficult. I will keep working at it. This time next year, I want to be at a place where daily exercise is as much a part of my life as logging and eating whole foods are this year. I built new habits last year and with continued focus and perseverance I will build new ones this year.
    <3 Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited January 2016
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Marcella, what kind of business is your son in? So nice of you to help him with his books.
    He is a music producer/recording engineer. You can see what the studio looks like at in the "About" section. He remodeled our basement a few years ago to start his business. It's actually been fun to meet people that come in to record, visit or just hang out.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Game night tonight so I have to go grocery shopping for some goodies besides my usual. Healthy snacks will be bought and hopefully that will be enough without having to order a pizza. I have been doing well on my food and lost the added holiday weight, now to get to my goal and I will be happy. I went to my meeting last night and got all the information on the health fair my group has volunteered to participate. It isn't until March 14 but being a little OCD I want to be prepared. We will set up a table in one of the local high schools with literature and information about Al Anon and Alateen.

    Marcella, the studio is beautiful, I am presuming it is sound proof since it is in your house.
    It sounds like a wonderful profession for your son, I am sure he plays as well correct?

    Marie, I am sorry you had a bad night and hope you can figure out your insulin levels. Of course it is a good idea to confer with your doctor so he/she knows what your plan is. And I do think you should go see the doctor about your cheeks, but I just worry about you because I love you.

    Patsy, I get days like that when I am so cold and everyone else is hot. Sleeping is a nightmare with throwing covers off and putting them on all night long. I am done with all the women stuff so not sure why I get so hot when sleeping. I even turn my heat down to 69.
    I bought a couple of skirts for the summer, so comfy and easy.

    Phoebe, I am very sorry to read about Jim and his kidneys. I do hope he listens to the doctors and does as he should. Babe is going to the doctor today because he is sick again. He had me call the doctor so I told the girl to make sure they look at his heart since last time he ended up in the hospital. I really don't think most men take good care of themselves, they think they are indispensable.

    Shirley, glad they didn't have to operate, they might have done the wrong foot. I hope you don't end up with another surgery, but arthritis is painful as well. Skyping with Issac has to be wonderful. Whenever Robby gets on google plus with us he does the same grabbing for the computer. Love those kids!!!!

    Lin, I do hope today is a better day and each one even more so. Thank you for reminding of us of Karen's birthday although I don't think she pops in anymore. She was kacierra but if I remember we have another Karen, don't we?

    Jackie, hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

    Buzz, I hope you are all rested up and back to normal. Kids visiting is wonderful but so tiring. I have found I like being alone, just visit me for short periods of time. Hmmm, I wonder if my kids feel like I do. LOL

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    A looonng day, another one tomorrow, it seems.
    On Facebook, Karen's birthday is September 7. Unless it's a different Karen? She's the only one I can remember.
    Jim had test results from the kidney specialist today. His kidney condition has worsened. His blood pressure was too high. So the Dr. changed one of his blood pressure meds. Here's hoping!
    I was up too late, for no good reason, playing solitaire. Not so tonight coz I'm ready for bed now!
    Have a warm evening

    So sorry for the not so encouraging news about Jim. Is this something that will cause further problems in being able to continue driving? Does he go back for a follow-up soon? I hope you got some rest. I started reading a book but that didn't keep me up, coughing fits did that again. I am going to blame not feeling so sharp on lack of sleep. At least right now.

    Enjoy yourself this evening Sandy. And I hope no pizza is ordered! Just good healthy snacks sound fine to me.

    Marcella, VERY interesting. Wow!! I loved looking at the photos! Is your son in one of the slide show photos on the home page? The studio is beautiful!

    Marie, how are you feeling today? I am still fighting the good fight. I do not believe the herbal cough syrup I purchased yesterday is gluten free however so I am using it very sparingly. I am focusing again on my sinuses. It is clear that I have chronic sinusitis and I have just been trying to avoid saying it. Okay, big girl panties are on and I am embarking on a daily regimen of using a sinucleanse squeeze device to clean out my sinuses. And I am using saline solution and Xlear during the day. It is not as difficult to use as the neti pot. And my sinuses do feel more cleaned out now. I've been doing more reading about the condition and causes are extremely difficult to pin down (yep, knew that). Apparently it can be an untreated allergy. Anyway, I'm going to keep with this a while and see if it helps.

    Patsy, I have a lot of days when I am cold! But there's no one else here to dispute it so I just crank up the heat and put on more clothing and make more hot tea. Hope you were not coming down with a bug.

    Shirley, good grief, the wrong foot? My gosh. So they will just monitor your foot now to see if it grows or stabilizes? Happy Skyping! What fun when such a little guy can be included in the fun.

    Buzz, you mentioned working on your business and my guilt flared! I have tons to do and I've not made any start with my excuse being---I DON'T FEEL GOOD! I m such a wimp......! I did make a phone call regarding a 1099 I will be receiving. Needed to remind them about a change we made last year.....didn't want it issued wrong and then have to ask for a revised form. I was told it was noted. Okay!

    Jackie, were you able to feed the bees? I am worried about them for some reason. Apparently I have some excess worry to spread around.

    I did several errands this morning as I wanted some fresh greens and wanted to get them before the rain/ice/snow arrives. Also wanted to fill my vehicle with gas. Got that done. Wahoo.

    I texted with a friend this morning. She was scheduled for surgery and at the last minute decided to give me her DH's phone number and told me he would call me after the surgery. I did get a call around noon. I talked to him a little while and without warning he gave his phone to her and she croaked out a few words to me---I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME. I guess the plan is to discharge her tomorrow. She was hoping to get some rest. DH told me I should give her a call tomorrow. So happy she came through okay!

    And then a friend wanted some advice on a spreadsheet BY PHONE. Whaaat? Now that was difficult. We talked back and forth for a while and finally she said she thought she had what she needed. I sure hope so.

    I placed an order with Dr. Fuhrman and haven't received any shipment info from them which is unusual. They usually send a shipment notification in a day. Must be overwhelmed with orders...everyone trying to be healthy.

    Going to post now. Sorry for everything I've missed.

    Best wishes.

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good day friends, Monday cleaned house, did the laundry and finished a quilt top.
    Tuesday, Cleaned the fridge, went grocery shopping and just stayed home. Oh and we met friends for lunch.

    Today, the roads were suppose to be icy so we waited to go and work out. Then got gas, then went to eye glass place because the nose piece on my glasses fell off. Looked at getting new glasses but I think I will wait. Mike decided to get new glasses instead.
    Stopped for a burger and came home.

    My son is still having severe seizures . He's raising 3 boys alone, ages 13, 16, and 20. Things are rough for him. we are going to visit him in june.
    Take care, chris
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Sorry you are still having that awful cold but good on the stats of your diabetes. It sounds like
    the new eating plan is working. Make sure you take care of those cheeks, we worry about you.

    Phoebe - Not great news about Jim, I hope the doctors can come up with a plan for him. Will this
    affect your travelling?

    Well those B12 have not kicked in yet I guess a little longer, still feeling tired. Maybe its all this
    meditation I have been doing. :* I will be attending my first group meditation on Sunday.

    Yoga this week will be detoxing the liver from all the holiday eating and drinking. :)

    Here is a picture of Isaac grocery shopping with his mom.
    Auntie Kristina will be babysitting this Saturday.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Cold here. Leaving soon to go to see my sister in Washington State. Not looking forward to the drive across the mountains. My sister is still having a lot of problems. Metastatic cancer is scary stuff.

    Shirley - sorry about the foot problems. Hard to be as active as you want with a sore foot. That sounded like fun skyping with Isaac tho. He is so cute.

    Phoebe - hope the new meds help Jim out.

    Patsy - lol. What the heck Why not Valentines Cards. LOL

    Marcella - great goals. I try so hard just to get in my 30 minutes. You impress me.

    Sandy - boy does being prepared remind me of me. I am so like that. Congrats on being dedicated about weight loss too. I know you are a busy busy lady with lots of distractions.

    Lin - I have the same troubles with sinuses. Runs in our family for sure.

    Chris - you've been busy despite th weather. WTG

    Buzz - mixed feelings over WW as the app to record things isn't anyway as good as MFP and besides I have to pay for it. LOL. But I NEED a change to motivate myself. I've been slipping lately and put on weight over Christmas. I DO NOT want to revert to old bad habits. I like myself slim with clothes that fit instead of being too tight. However this group gives me so much motivation. I feel like you are all true and good friends.

    Well time to make a cup of tea and head upstairs to watch some tv.

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow everyone.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Not a very productive day for me. Went to diabetes doctor with Jim this morning. He had a device removed, I forget exactly what it was for, monitoring his glucose trends or something. Anyway, a few hours after we got home, they called with instructions on increasing his medication, again. it goes on.
    As to Jim's continuing to drive.. he is on a slippery slope there. The top number on bp cannot bee over 140. When he went for his annual physical for work, it was 145. They rechecked it, and it came down just enough. So he needed the new med that the doctor gave him yesterday. Jim's family, as far as his parents anyway, have had a lot of health issues and I expect Jim will too. eventually, I think it will end his driving. Right now, I am hoping we can both get to December 31, 2018. It will be my last day of employment at the company we work for, and my last day as a truck driver. Jim will be 70. I will be 60. So he can do some part time work if he wants and if he is still able to qualify for the physical exam.

    Marie, I Insist that you get to a doctor about your cheeks. That means the infection is moving around, not going away. You don't want to start having pain there either.. take it from me or any of the others with sinus issues.. you will be miserable.

    As for a non medical remedy for this stuffy stuff... hot sauce!! lol, although I don't have the courage myself! When Jim eats salsa, he can just look at it and start to sweat.. I'm serious!! he tastes the really hot stuff, and then he gets red faced and really sweats. I just accept that if it isn't mild, it isn't for me.

    Jeri, I hope your visit with your sister goes well, maybe you will make her feel better just by being there. I agree, I don't like tight clothes.. loose fit is for me.
    Lin, I'm glad you've been able to get out and about. You really have to at some point, don't you? I've never asked, but I don't recall you using much frozen foods. be safe.. and warm.

    Sandy, funny, we keep our thermostat at 67 or 68 all the time. I love to get under blankets to sleep, breathing cool air. Jim still wearing shorts and tshirts, wants more heat.. so he has a small electric heater near his recliner.. one that looks like a fireplace or a little woodstove.

    Jackie, I hope you have good shoes for walking on the moors.. with cleats.. that mud can be treacherous.. I hope you've had luck at the sales. I've enjoyed watching a series here on Hallmark called garage sale mysteries.. pure fiction, but fun.. I like seeing them find old stuff and actually know what it might be worth, and of course solve a murder while keeping a perfect house, and no broken nails!! lol.

    I suppose I had better get back to what I am supposed to be doing, loading some audiobooks for Jim, and maybe me. It takes a while and I should have started earlier.
    Have a good night.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi there! I dashed off to Home Depot for potting soil and a new plant pot for the great plant I haven't killed yet. Not sure what it is. It has red leaves and is growing like crazy. Soooo it needed a new plant condo! I can't get out of Home Depot without buying stuff. New heavy duty wooden hangers, plastic organizer bins for my scarfs, a couple of new plants. What is my problem? I was just complaining about having too much stuff just a day or so ago.

    It was fun to see all of the people with their dogs in the store. They were walking nicely on their leashes and behaving. Our girls are not well behaved at all. They bark at some other dogs (not all of them) they jump up on people who stop and talk to them. They act better at home but they don't have good manners out on walks or in stores where dogs are allowed. We read all the training books and we have never been able to do it right. So MoMo and Mazzy are not allowed to go to Home Depot. I fear the fault is ours. We are bad pet parents.

    I was right about the movie John rented. One of those horrible drug cartel crime stories. I ducked out in about 10 minutes after the first explosion and gun fight. MoMo the wonder dog and I headed upstairs to listen to music and read. Amazing Mazzy and John stayed and fought crime downstairs.
    Soup and red grapes for dinner tonight.