Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    messed up 3 posts just now trying to use my iPad DS has been struggling to teach me! I keep losing my keyboard and have to start all over!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Patsy - I’ve been cleaning out and organizing as well. It was a little difficult when I started. But now, if I don’t need it, it’s gone! The more I do, the better and lighter I feel. I do have some large, see-through plastic boxes for special items. I’m pretty sentimental, so anything that my husband or I are not ready to let go of, has a home for now.

    Buzz - Thank you for your kind New Year’s words. I always love reading about the special foods and dinners you enjoy. It continues to inspire me to occasionally kick things up at bit with my family’s meal time.

    Anne - I say, use it and enjoy it. If it breaks, it breaks. I’m sure the only thing Derek is truly concerned about is having you in his life. Which, I think is just super cool.

    Just realized I haven't eaten yet and still have so much to do today.
    Looking forward to a terrific new year,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So I posted the4th before losing the little I wrote because the keyboard disappeared again! ANNE, just enjoy using those dishes and when the time comes, DGS will,felt it meant more because he will recall you using them! SANDY, Just relax on a day off so you will have the necessary strength for a growing Robby! Jackie, your patience and fortitude with your adorable pup is amazing. Shampooing my dogs used to be a huge deal for me!
    Oops, I just noticed the 1st post never made it, so I'll explain I'm attempting to do this on my iPad which DS set up for me and I'm totally confused! He also set up something on the TV before leaving for the beach. The movie finished and we can't figure out how to get back to cable from the movie setting! I know it will all work again some day. I must go have the rest of my breakfast!
    No posts from PHOEBE or LIN and I hope they are feeling better.
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So I posted the4th before losing the little I wrote because the keyboard disappeared again! ANNE, just enjoy using those dishes and when the time comes, DGS will,felt it meant more because he will recall you using them! SANDY, Just relax on a day off so you will have the necessary strength for a growing Robby! Jackie, your patience and fortitude with your adorable pup is amazing. Shampooing my dogs used to be a huge deal for me!
    Oops, I just noticed the 1st post never made it, so I'll explain I'm attempting to do this on my iPad which DS set up for me and I'm totally confused! He also set up something on the TV before leaving for the beach. The movie finished and we can't figure out how to get back to cable from the movie setting! I know it will all work again some day. I must go have the rest of my breakfast!
    No posts from PHOEBE or LIN and I hope they are feeling better.
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    My goodness, Marcella, that sounds like me, not eating until afternoon. I'm better at home, I try a bowl of cereal most days. Traveling could be that simple too if I would be determined to do it.
    It must be ingrained in us, the clean out, storage or garbage trend at this time of year. I am doing it too, but on a smaller scale than most of you. First is the multiple shopping bags that I have stuffed with all matter of things, they go to the truck, don't get unpacked and just take up space. Not only am I emptying all of these bags, I'm also downsizing so that it is a must use item and only one set of spare sheets and blankets. (In case of 'accidents' by the critters). It should help with our new arrangements we must make. Did I tell you about it?
    There is a driver shortage in this country, and apparently, many companies have been offering a variety of incentives to get new ones. Our company is following this by installing televisions along with satellite 'cubes' that work even when we are in motion. So the person who is Supposed to be asleep can watch television?? Lol, I don't know!
    The point is that it the TV takes up space we used for more important things. So we must find other solutions, and we will. Eliminating any extras will help.
    You've all made some lovely comments about one another, and I've read them but must get this chore done, so I won't reply to individuals.
    OK, one thing, I don't have expensive good stuff in the way of China, but It is something I love and want to keep, but I love my everyday stoneware too. I try to use my good stuff at Christmas time. The reason I don't use it everyday is, yes, I Would break it.. I've broken many before!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I doubt I'll connect from my iPad anymore. I kept losing the site or the keypad and it's too much frustration for me! Happy to hear from PHOEBE, and now I MUST have breakfast as it's 2: 27 PM meaning my timing sucks!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Anne - I still have my Irish stoneware, very old and use that for good and company dinners.

    I do have a cabinet full of Waterford crystal. I used to work for the distributor of Ainsley china
    and Waterford crystal, I got some of my pieces dirt cheap. When the glass breaks of the Waterford
    crystal it is gone. Waterford is no longer making crystal in Ireland. They only make certain pieces now for special occasion. Very expensive. One wine balloon was $100.00.

    The young kids now a days don't want the silverware, crystal, or china anymore. Kind of sad.

    Marie - I forgot to mention, congratulations on your new Grandchild!!

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good day my friends.
    I know the good feeling from eliminating THINGS. just before we moved here we got rid of 5 rooms plus. At the time I didn't want to but I am so glad I did it. It felt like a big load off. We have been here 2 1/2 years and we do not have anythING extra that we don't use, actually we need more seating in the living room and that's all. Good luck ladies on your cleaning Out.

    My day should go like this:
    After breakfas we went to workout, stationary bike and water aroebics .
    Mike helped a neighbor move some furniture he just bought.
    We had a Costco Asian salad for lunch and coffee. Nice and eady.
    Watched tv, Dr Pol The vet. I like watching things about farm animals.

    It warmed up to 17 now so I am staying inside.
    I think I may sew and maybe make a pot of soup.

    Marie, thanks for the info, I will ask my granddaughter to help me.
    Buzz, I admire everything you do. You are more techy than me and you have patience and strength with your hubby.
    Sandy, you are a great person to help with the babysitting. I guess it keeps you busy and young.
    Phoebe, I can't believe you and hubby are still working on the road. It would be very hard for me with the daily cooking and eating. Good for you.
    Shirley , you are a lucky lady to travel so much. My hubby doesn't like to any more. We are going to make a trip to Alaska this summer. I have a son there who is in bad health.
    Jackie, love the stories you tell about your animals.
    Marcella, happy organizing and cleaning out. I only have the things I use now and I love it. I have no storage here either so I can't buy anything. My sewing room has too much in it but that's another story.
    Stay warm, hugs from chris
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening – it’s me again. The coughing mess. I hope someday I will be better. I have sinus problems every day of my life, add in this flu/virus with coughing and associated problems and I remain fairly miserable. I do get some sleep until I wake up and start coughing and lose some sleep, make my throat feel worse and my chest and ribs ache. I am using essential oils and tried some cough patches I’d purchased once upon a time but I’ve found out those are not working for me. I do not take over the counter drugs and remedies as gluten is in many of them and others have sugar or sugar substitute which I also have to avoid. It will get better in time but not quickly enough for me.

    Everyone has so much fire for changing things in the New Year but I feel like just holding on right now is pretty good. Ha. I did move around a lot today and finally purchased the audible book “How Not To Die” by Michael Greger. I have the print book but it is long and I don’t want to sit long enough to read it right now as I would fall asleep. A plus is Dr. Greger is doing the reading and I listen to him most days when he puts out a new video or blog on another topic. His web site is and I love this guy. I’ve subscribed and listened to him for years now. I finally got the Audible app installed on my iPad and have gotten started listening. Earlier I scored a cheap rental from Amazon and I got a movie I’ve wanted to see for months “PlantPure Nation” which features the work of T. Colin Campbell and his son Nelson and a bit of info from Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn whose son Rip is well-known for The Engine 2 Diet. Very interesting to me. I watched “Forks over Knives” again on Netflix and finally worked on my old-fashioned paper calendar for January.

    Jackie, I’ll be looking for the BBC series if it ever arrives in the states on a platform where I’m able to view it. Maybe PBS some day? Or Acorn TV? Dickensian……….sounds quite interesting. I will need to watch Sherlock again when it’s re-run……it seemed on a frantic pace to me. Now you know all about Downton but I am looking forward to seeing the start of the final season tomorrow evening.

    Shirley, glad you enjoyed the dinner and movie. I didn’t know you had a trip coming in February. You live a pretty exciting life. Are you and DH going on your own or are you going with or joining friends for this trip? It is quite interesting that you worked for the distributor of Ainsley china and Waterford crystal. Goodness, so given everything is irreplaceable, you probably do not use any of it.

    Sandy, wow, you have the really LARGE iPhone now. I’m impressed!! I use an iPhone that I purchased through Straight Talk so for now cannot upgrade as they only offer storage options that won’t work for me. I have a 32 GB phone and the upgrades only come in 16 GB. I hardly have enough room as it is and there is no way to increase the memory after you purchase the phone from what I’ve read. Glad to read you caught up on your rest. Wahoo!

    Barbie, I am trying to formulate a plan to start, once again, on organizing for taxes. It will be a massive job once again and it will take a long time. I hate the stage where stacks and stacks of things are being categorized but will not be finished for a while. Well, I’ll figure it out. I am leaning to making piles of papers on the floor in the dining room rather than trying to manage loads and loads of folders during the initial sort.

    Patsy, many of my plant-based nutritional heros/experts would say no sugar, very few say sugar in moderation. I am whole-food, plant-based, no salt, no oil, no sugar person. I was going through a cupboard and just threw out some white tea bags that I found that contained stevia. NO sugar or sugar substitutes for me. So good luck. Sugar can be very difficult to kick unless you simply abstain and banish it from your life. Now as to dishes, I say keep what you like and if you don’t use it all the time, that’s fine, it’s yours, you can use it when you’d like to. If it really troubles you, then you can try to divest yourself of some. Maybe when you have people over, mix it up and use dishes from all three sets for now!

    Buzz, you live an amazing life surrounded by temptations. I would have difficulty eating there as I want just plain vegetables and mountains of them! That is not very interesting for a chef. I hope you’ve had a good day with the kids and that you’ve had no more messes to clean up. I hope they got back from the beach and got the TV working for you again. On mine I just change in the input source--TV, Roku, Blue-Ray player, etc. depending on what I want to watch

    Anne, I am glad you are using your very special dinner and tea set. That is wonderful. I am using all the special bowls and containers I’ve purchased over the years. I use them each day. I have one set of my mom’s dishes and don’t use them at this point as I have individual plates and bowls I purchased for my own use and really don’t even need those but I am sure one of these days I will pull out a dinner plate! Enjoy your visit with dear plant wrecking Cinders as well as Mike and Sandy. What are you planning to do tomorrow?

    Marcella, I am glad you are cleaning and organizing and that it feels so good. My entire house is filled to the brim with things that I like quite well……….and of course the antique dealer who I thought I had an arrangement with totally let me down so I do have more than I thought I’d have at this point. I hope you had a nice lunch and wonderful afternoon.

    Phoebe, so are you feeling better now? I hope you are recovering more quickly than I seem to be! And did you ever tell us about the recent doctor’s appointments? A TV in the truck. Well, interesting and I hope you enjoy it. I agree with you, I love the things I have and I use them, but as far as I'm concerned if they break, they break and it will be okay. As long as I have a plate and a few big bowls, I will be fine. No one else here and I would never invite anyone to eat here---very little is needed.

    Chris, I remember the clear out you had when you moved. It must feel good to be down to the essentials (and no, we won’t speak about the sewing room). Several of my friends without any storage in their homes rent storage units. I suppose that is an option but I’d rather have an over-stuffed house. Your day sounds lovely, workouts, helping a neighbor, salad for lunch and interesting TV programs. Did you make soup? Always a lovely thing to do in the winter. Going to see your son in Alaska will be good. I didn’t know how he was doing. I am sorry for his health problems.

    Well my friends, my laptop batter is running down so I’d best post this and get it plugged in once again.

    Tomorrow is lotsa church day and I need to run to the store before-hand and later of course is Downton. You can tell I’ve been ill, I have not been to the store since last Sunday. Not my normal mode of operation!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited January 2016
    Buzz sent me these and I love them so thought I would share, especially since I got a new IPhone 6S Plus!!

    Death of the art of Conversation...


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    edited January 2016
    :) We have been cleaning out, throwing away, and giving away things with every move. There is something about the process of packing things up to move that makes it easier to decide what to keep and what to throw away. I still have some things that aren't really useful but have a sentimental tie to me, but I'll be happy with patient improvement.

    :) Lin, I can remember doing taxes for my mother the last few years of her life and the year after she died....the paperwork was overwhelming. I did what you are doing---making piles and lists. It was a daunting task, but one day at a time it got done.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Chris - Sewing rooms don’t count. They are allowed to collect fabric, patterns, and anything else loosely related. Let’s just say that my sewing room is the last thing on my list of rooms to completely organize.

    Lin - So, so sorry to hear you are still recovering. Keep resting and get well!

    Alas, the taxes. My husband has ours under control. However, as the business manager for my son’s business, I have to get his books up-to-date and everything off to his accountant. I’m so happy that I’ve down-sized my outside obligations for 2016. The idea is that, this year, I can stay on top of the things that I’m suppose to be doing and a few extra things that I have been wanting to do. Yippee!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Sandy and Buzz --- soooo funny
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited January 2016
    Oh boy, you hit the nail on the head SANDY and BUZZ. I don't have one of these devices, still living in the dark ages, and without one I certainly see much truth in your cartoons. Busy day, family over and without a what'sit I can concentrate on Cinders the plant pot grubbing dog, but not sure about her owners!
    Thanks for a smile at the start of the day. I wonder if we will evolve as a species with our heads in a downward angle.
    Anne. ❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Sunday!! :) Having some tummy issues the last few mornings, hope it is just from all the extra eating I have been doing. Spending a lot of time in the bathroom if you know what I mean. Babe and I went to Church and dinner last night so today is definitely a stay at home day and early to bed. Other than my video call with my kids I have nothing else planned.
    I had to share the email Buzz sent me as I thought it was funny and almost true. Sorry about the duplicates, I tried to fix it but to no avail.

    Anne, enjoy your family and Cinders, she sounds like a handful but I can tell you love her.

    Marcella, what kind of business is your son in? So nice of you to help him with his books.

    Barbie, it is those sentimental pieces we all have trouble with. I still have all the cards Babe has every given me after almost 38 years. lol

    Buzz, thanks for the laughs, I am sure you don't mind me sharing.

    Lin, I do hope today is a better day for you.

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I think we have gloom over our area I haven't seen sun in weeks. Good thing I don't have that winter
    syndrome like some people. I keep busy and the days just fly by. I have been feeling tired lately and
    it hit me today that I have not been on Vitamin B's for a while so I think I will get back on them it should
    make a difference.

    I am glad to see some of you are doing the New Year tidying and purging. I did that before Christmas
    and it took me a week to do the whole house. It was very tiring but I feel better for it. I have not missed
    anything so far that I got rid of. You only throw out what doesn't speak to you. You only keep what
    your heart feels.

    Lin - You will probably take longer to get better because you are not seeing the doctor or using
    the OTC meds. I hope you feel better soon, if not please see the doctor. These virues are tough
    to get rid of without any help. <3

    Sandy & Buzz - Loved the comic pictures and so true when I tread them. We are so stuck on these
    devices, they take over our day. I hope to do less on these devices and try and be more creative.
    Anyway, I can try.

    Now to read some vegetarian magazines and get some new recipes.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is our little Christmas elf. Kathy said he wouldn't sit still for her. :D


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    What a cutie pie! He looks so happy. We have some sun today, and Shirley, I know what you mean, were giving up warmth for sunshine, but it's nice to see it.
    The jokes were accurate too, ever look around in waiting rooms lately? I like reading ebooks while waiting. They're on my phone too, lol.
    Trying a new recipe for dinner, so I'll make it early in case it's a flop. This is the first time ive used up all of a turkey breast down to the bones. Got 11 cups of broth in the freezer.
    Have a good evening
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hi, just having my lunch and thought I would dash a little note.

    Shirley, love that photo!!! He looks pretty happy.

    Sandy, sorry for the bathroom time. That's something I can relate to. Gross but I do always keep separate reading material there. Ha.

    Jeri, HI!!

    Marcella, best wishes on helping your son. I have no desire to ever take on additional paperwork for anyone at this point!!

    Anne, hope you're enjoying yourself your day and Cinders is not being too naughty.

    Well folks, I was up coughing and blowing blood out to f my nose most of the night so had a difficult time making it through everything today. Glad to be home. Looking forward to Downton if I can stay awake.

    Time to finish my lunch and do my dishes etc.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Oh by the way, probably close to 50% of our regular attendees at church were out today. Some virus must be knocking all of us flat. A number of people called in to the office indicating they were ill. All of those scheduled to handle offering and communion were sick today!!!