Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited December 2015
    I'm in from pottering in the garden because the wind is picking up to herald the arrival of storm 'Frank' so a few indoor jobs will be done before walking George on the moor. This morning I went swimming at the local pool with friends and was pleased to recognise my energy levels are rising so I was able to do as many lengths as back in July and just have to keep that in mind when I'm feeling low because I'm sure it's in my head rather than muscles! We expect a lot of overnight rain and high winds so I'll be back with George and tucked in by the fire before it gets dark.

    Sandy ~ Mucking out is used when cleaning out farm animals' housing as we use the word muck when describing a soggy mess whether manure or muddy area..... sometimes even areas in the home such as a kitchen worktop if ingredients have been left in an untidy manner. My mother often referred to me as a mucky pup when I was allowed in the kitchen!!

    Lin ~ Sounds like bed is the best place for you but do keep fluids going and remember it's feed a cold and starve a fever! Germs caught from children are often nasty for us adults but I do hope you feel a lot better soon.

    Phoebe ~ That's the right attitude towards your aunt as there's no point upsetting her by trying to be logical. In such situations patience is definitely a virtue and I know you have oodles of that! Good to know you aren't out working on icy roads so stay home and safe even if it means a dozen washing loads need doing!!

    Anne ~ Bill Bryson was a familiar name when you mentioned your book so I looked him up and have now ordered his 'Notes from a small Island' for a friend's birthday present. I'll let you know what she thinks but it does sound like something she will enjoy.

    Time to organise myself because I seem to have a list of about 8 items to take on each walk, anything from a bag of training treats, a whistle, tissues, hat, boots, mobile phone etc. etc. so I have to begin collecting up everything long before we set off so I know nothing has been forgotten.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm reading Bill Bryson's second book JACKIE, The Road to Little Dribbling. Well having "mucked" my place out yesterday I can put the old tootsies up today because it's a horrible slushy mushy mess out there, a very mucky day.
    LIN, I'm so sorry you are feeling under the weather. I think I am at my most miserable when I have a cold which fortunately isn't very often. We just have to sit colds out unfortunately, and not happily in my case. I have to be the world's worst patient. Jackie's advice is good, lots and lots of nice warm drinks. Get well soon.
    Well after laying awake last night listening to the howling wind, I finally dropped off only to be awoken by the "summer mowers", now the "winter snow blowers". I think they were a little over enthusiastic because at the moment it's raining and melting slowly. Probably, seeing it's their livelihood, they are just ecstatic with the plummeting temperatures. One mans meat, etc.
    I'm so lethargic today, I must buck up,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! For now it has stopped snow/raining and they plowed the streets during the night as I heard the beep beep beep which kept me awake. I am hoping to run a few errands today such as returning the Fitbit and the suitcase that the kids bought. I ordered the new fitbit and suitcase from Amazon and the kids were fine with my exchanges. I am also going to try to get to the Ford dealer to get the oil changed on my car. Still trying to find decent airfare to Phoenix, but I think because of Spring break it is not going to come down. I hate to disappoint Bryanna but it is possible I might postpone this trip.

    Lin, so sorry you are under the weather. Keep cozy, curl up under a warm blanket and get some needed rest. Wish we could help in some way.

    Jackie, thanks for the explanation, you have some really clever expressions in England. Being from Chicago, our expressions are more gangster slang. LOL

    Phoebe, glad you are not out driving around in bad weather. How is Jim feeling? How is your back?

    Marcella, are you having a New Year celebration? Mine will be quiet, just staying at home.

    Anne, at least your snow blowers waited until morning, although they are outside as I speak cleaning up the last of the driveways. Beep, beep, beep.

    Marie, hope all is well in Texas.

    Stay safe and warm or cool and dry or whatever your weather have a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time

  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    edited December 2015
    Jackie, you have a busy day. Enjoy.
    Lin, take care and rest, drink fluids, and stay warm.
    we still have over 3 ft of snow around the house. Icicles are forming when the sun comes out large ones And some are so scary as they are really sharp looking. Flurries today.
    My day today is simple, clean house, go to lunch with friends, quilt, go to friends for coffee and treats and back home to do more quilting.
    My friends have a wonderful day.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    No snow blowers here and the sun has finally peeped out! Today will be spent doing laundry, organizing the office for the new year and a trip to the grocery store. In celebration of the sun shining, I may even go for a walk!
    Wishing everyone a terrific day and, for Lin, a speedy recovery. :)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Alas SANDY the snow blowers arrived on my drive at 4 am. I don't think I will be very popular with the neighbours. What a racket, no gentle beeps, plus lights flashing etc. At least I have a wet drive, everyone else seems to have icy slush.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, hope your downtime is feeling somewhat better today, and sending hugs til you improve! We're dashing off to get haircuts now. Did I mention our key broke in the lock? We got it out but actually cannot find a locksmith any longer with a storefront where they actually duplicate a key! They want to make a housecall and collect a service fee! Oh well, I remember what used to my Mother would say! Back later I hope! XOXOXO...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, can you go to home depot? They make keys at ours.
    Time for my hair cut too.
    Marcella, better get that walk in, already getting cloudy again here.
    Chris, so glad you are back. I always loved your posts. They were somehow calming for me. I read a book, (fiction), where an icicle fell and killed a man. He was a bad man anyway! I'd get a hammer to yours!
    Anne and Sandy, I can understand those beeps being annoying. I'm not sleeping well either. Early hours, I wake, but usually get back to sleep again. I refuse to nap today!
    We are always homebodies on New Years eve. I may change that by first seeing if my aunt's company will be gone. She loves to dance, and there is a little pub near her home. We had lunch there once, and there were age appropriate gentleman there, so we could eat out then stop by. I Hate bars, parties, drunks and the whole thing, but I'll be content at a table with my phone. We'll see how it goes by then. I have two Dr. Appts on 12-31.
    Jackie, have a wonderful, safe walk, so glad you feel the chemo leaving and life's energy returning. When is your auction?
    Must go
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I read all the posts this morning. So much going on and poor Lin is sick and I hope you feel better soon.

    I am finishing up laundry and looking forward to taking down decorations. It looks so nice its always
    hard to take it down. I usually leave the tree for last since its so pretty and I will do that New Years Day.

    Sandy - We are having the same weather as you, freezing rain last night all our windows were covered
    in ice. It is thawing today, good thing I didn't have Yoga this morning. I plan on going tonight.

    Jackie - I am happy to hear you are feeling stronger and doing your laps like last year. Be safe when
    Frank comes your way.

    Phoebe - I remember when I changed some pictures in my Dad's room at the home. He changed
    them right back to the orginal place. I guess dementia patients don't like change they want things
    the same otherwise it confuses them. Maybe your Aunt is getting rid of things to make it less

    Marcella- Getting organized for the new year is my kind of thing. I love to organize, must be an
    OCD thing. :D

    Buzz- What a mess to clean up I guess it keeps you on your toes. Must be like having a kid around again. They say as we get older we revert back. <3

    Anne- I see you having the same weather as we are. I am staying indoors too.

    Chris - It's so good to hear from you again. Check in when you can, and I agree your posts are
    so calming.

    Marie - I hope all is well and you and Jerry are safe.

    Barbie - Sorry you are still in pain but you have a great attitude.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Anne, like Jackie, Bill Bryson sounds familiar. I googled him and found his most excellent 'A Walk in the Woods'. I Loved it. Now I want to read it again. <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yeah! PHOEBE!❤️ I'm sorry I've come to the end of The walk to Little Dribbling. Now I must look up his other books. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    I am awake today and able to get up which is progress. But not a bit peppy, aching, sore throat, ear pain, a bit of nausea. I hope tomorrow will see me back to something like normal. Today I hope to get out to the mailbox. I have just put in a hold for the Bill Bryson book you have been reading Anne. Several others are on the list before my turn comes up.

    Off to make a cup of tea.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :'( sorry to hear about all the weather woes and problems with family and loved ones.

    :) We have clear weather here with overnight temperatures just below freezing....since it is dry, the roads aren't too slippery.

    :) My adventure today is that I get to be the leader (I wont' really be teaching anything") of the high intermediate dance class because the teacher has a terrible cold. After not dancing for 12 days, I'm thrilled to be able to dance again and have the opportunity to choose which dances we'll do. Jake is going to drive me over and help me get set up since it's in a different place from where I teach my Friday class.

    :) I am currently listening to the Spenser books by Robert B. Parker. Jake is listening to the same series but he is about six books behind me. He keeps telling me who he thinks is the bad guy and I have to keep a blank face because I've heard the books so recently.

    :) On New Year's Eve we'll probably go to bed at our usual 7:30 but no doubt be awakened by the fire works that are usually set off in the open areas near our neighborhood.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Today I've made the most of wet and windy weather to stay home to get on with housework and clearing yet more items ready for either charity shops or the tip. No flooding for me thank goodness but still an awful lot of problems in some parts of the UK so I have a lot to be grateful for.

    Barbie ~ So nice to hear from you and see you will be teaching dance again, something I know you love. I do hope your day went well and you had an enjoyable time.

    Welcome back Chris we missed you and your serene posts.

    Lin ~ Sorry to read you are still suffering what sounds like a horrible bug. Stay in the warm and cuddle up with a good book, warm drinks and something tasty to eat.... you've got to keep your strength up to fight it. <3

    Hello to everyone else.

    The late afternoon is so dark here I'm going to have to shut my hens in now and then make a cup of tea before getting on with my chores.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Rain, rain, go away
    Come again another day
    Little Marcella wants to play.

    This morning I awoke to one of the loudest claps of thunder I've every heard. "Good morning, day!"
    Looking forward to spending the day doing things inside that need to be done. I'm happy that I decided to do errands yesterday. It's raining now and appears to be the theme for the day. One of my sons is helping a friend move today. I'm so impressed that he was willing to get up and go help in this awful weather.

    Lin - Continue to take good care of yourself.

    Wishing everyone a blessed day,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Rain, rain go to Spain,
    And don't come back again!
    To quote another ditty!
    I hope you like the book Lin. This chap appeals to me because he can see the best and worst in each country. His birth country and his adopted country. It's his description of the fairy tale countryside that had me misty eyed. The U.K. really is a walkers paradise.
    Hi everybody, the sun is actually shining at the moment.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) As I was sleeping I guess we had some snow to make the working people's commute a nightmare. I slept in so I didn't see any snow falling and the sun is out now. I am glad it is done so I can go to bingo tonight to wish my friends a happy new year!!

    Anne, glad you are enjoying your book and the author, even though it is making you homesick.

    Marcella, sorry about your rain, I am ready for summer.

    Jackie, your gloomy weather is also sad, but glad to read your strength is coming back.

    Barbie, wonderful that you can resume dancing, just take it nice and easy. (Frank Sinatra)

    Lin, sorry you are still under the weather, just take it nice and easy. Does everyone now have that song going through their head? Love Frank.

    I have been working on getting all on my ten years of photos off my computer onto DVD's.
    I just started so I am still in year 2005.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Don't you just love her!!

    Sandy ~ I was just reading about a plane from Seattle sliding off the runway at O'Hare because of the snow. No one hurt but you take it steady on your way to bingo..... we don't want you sliding anywhere!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Excited; kids on the road from airport so we're off to the lobby to greet them.qcvpnordmmck.jpg

    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I'll have to Google nice and easy, Sandy. I was picturing Barbie line dancing to Sinatra!
    Having an ache all over day, so giving in to a nap under warm blankets.
    Lin, so glad you are mending, plz don't overdo. You even have the awful ear pain that the child had, that's got to be bad.
    Marie, we had a delicious vegetable soup for dinner last night. Cooked in the instapot. Much better than my stovetop concoctions. Made a big batch and have 4 cups of broth for seasoning other meals. Win/win!
    Barbie, your New Years Eve sounds better and better to me. I may not call my aunt for a visit until the weekend.
    Back to my nap