Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Quoting Patsy
    "It was fun to see all of the people with their dogs in the store. They were walking nicely on their leashes and behaving"
    Honey would poop.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Shirley - The picture of Isaac is sooo cute!
    Phoebe - I hope Jim continues to improve.
    Lin - Actually, the pictures in the studio are all of musicians that have been recorded. But, like any good mama, I'm including a picture of Jordan here.


    Good news My running shoes, that I had ordered, came today. Guess that means I've "run" out of excuses!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited January 2016
    Oh, lost my post but it was mostly ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs anyway! SOOOoooootired!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Shirley - The picture of Isaac is sooo cute!
    Phoebe - I hope Jim continues to improve.
    Lin - Actually, the pictures in the studio are all of musicians that have been recorded. But, like any good mama, I'm including a picture of Jordan here.


    Good news My running shoes, that I had ordered, came today. Guess that means I've "run" out of excuses!

    Wow!!! What a handsome guy!! Thanks for posting.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe will have to try that link for the soup. I have one question what is miso
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2016
    I think it's fermented soy let me check and get back to you

    OK here is a long link with lots of info. A little goes a long way, I think. It comes in powder form.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marcella, you have a handsome son, he looks like a model. Must be fun around your home with all the goings on.
    Dr appt today, my turn
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends, so glad to hear about everyone and what is happening in their lives, good or bad.

    Buzz, back to we fir you. The weather is so slippery here that I stopped going to meetings in Dec. I like the meetings but I didn't buckel down with the program. Good luck to you.

    Phoebe, so sorry about Jims health lately. Hope things go good until 2018 for you both.

    Marie, hope you are feeling better.

    Lin, you are always so uplifting to others, hope you have a marvelous dsy.

    My son that is losing weight at a great pace is doing so well, he is encouraging me. He is eating mostly fruits and veggies, with some protien. He walks every day and exercises daily. He doesn't have money for a gym so he does everything at home. So I am trying his method. I don't exercise every day though.

    Have a wonderful day. I'm visiting with friends later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Thursday!! :) Our game day went well even though I didn't make it to bingo. We DID NOT order pizza as we had enough appetizers (mostly healthy) to keep us full. I did buy a chicken, bacon with ranch sub from Walmart that I cut up into smaller portions. It was fun and always happy to see the three girls get together. They have known each other since they have been around 2, met at a dance studio and have danced together up until we pulled Bryanna out when she was 15 because of the financial situation. The two girls live in California and both just a job at Harry Potter World where they will be in their shows. They are still in college but mostly online. So instead of taking Bryanna to Arizona, I think she would prefer a trip to visit with them, as soon as they can work it all out. I think it would be more fun for her so I might go to Arizona alone, but still take her to Florida in June.

    Chris, your son is doing wonderful, how much has he lost so far?

    Marcella, I agree, your son is so handsome he could be a model. Good looks, talent and a great mom, what else could you ask for?

    Buzz, hope you caught up on sleep and not on the keyboard.

    Phoebe, it has not been a good year for Jim, I hope it gets better as time goes on. I think Daisy would be okay in the store, if she didn't jump. When walking her if kids want to pet her she is behaved. Speaking of which Babe is sick so Bryanna's friend's boyfriend is going to be Daisy's dog walker so Babe can get some rest.

    Patsy, I can tell from your posts that you have such a great sense of humor. When we got Daisy she went to puppy class and for some training, I even had someone come into the house with a life time guarantee. Once I left, all her manners went out the window since Babe spoils her so much. She still listens to me when I go there so I know she knows how to behave. lol

    Jeri, you are a good sister and I am sure your sister loves you so much. She has been through hell and back, just be there for her.

    Marie, you are doing so good on your plant food, although I have to admit it sounds weird reading that. I picture you eating roses and plants and stuff. lol

    Jackie, hope you are okay.

    Lin, feeling any better today?

    Shirley, Issac gets cuter with each new picture.

    Time to get ready for my meeting, have a lot of business to discuss with them today.
    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2016
    Swimming with friends this morning and we commented that as the price has gone up the water temperature has dropped so it was a bit of a shock to get under the water and swim! After that I did yet more housework before an agent working for a finance company stopped off with papers for me to sign and then George and I walked across the moor where it is decidedly boggy but because the temperature is falling a freezing wind kept us on the move apart from one time when George decided the smells around flowering gorse was more interesting. PHOEBE I try to be careful walking on the slippery mud but both my friend and I have come very close to going A over T!! Hopefully if it does happen the only damage will be to my pride and clothes that will be covered in manure as well as mud! George is good with the whistle now so a couple of peeps and he came running from the gorse! The fire is lit and I'm enjoying a cup of tea before a quick meal and then in to my neighbour to drop off a couple of presents as she is celebrating a birthday today.

    Chris ~ I watched a section of a tv programme last night about health where tests were done with a mixed group to see if small amounts of exercise would build muscle strength and after they had all worked at it for a month at home doing nothing more than stretching, bending and lifting bags of flour like weights they all gained in strength, the point being you don't need a gym to get fit. Your son is doing an amazing job and it seems going about it the right way.

    It doesn't seem to be a great start to the year what with bugs, visits to doctors and worries about loved ones so I do hope everyone will soon be on the mend.

    Time for me to eat so I'll get on.


    P.S Marcella ~That's one gorgeous son, you must be very proud!
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Friends, just to let you know my son lost 47 lbs so far. I think in 6 months. I think he wants to lose close to 100. I am so glad he's doing this. I have another son who needs to lose the same but he's not ready. My 3rd so is very thin. But he has bad health. My daughter is just right for her age and height.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Patsy, I finished a Lee Child book last night, "Make Me", a Jack Reacher novel. Did you say your DH reads these? Oh my, this one was SOOOO disturbing in the resolution. I think I am getting too old and soft for these books.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Jackie, falling in the cold muck sounds horrible to me. I know all would wash up just fine but hopefully you do not have to get in your car to get home!! I hope you are enjoying your evening.

    Chris, you must be so proud of your son who's taking his better health in hand. It isn't easy at all. Meanwhile, I would like to be 'just right'!! Wouldn't it be lovely to just not think about it at all??

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Patsy, I finished a Lee Child book last night, "Make Me", a Jack Reacher novel. Did you say your DH reads these? Oh my, this one was SOOOO disturbing in the resolution. I think I am getting too old and soft for these books.

    I read Jack Reacher in bits and pieces. Sometimes it is just too much. But I always go back. lol. I can't believe they cast Tom Cruis as him too. Just didn't fit. And I think a new movie is coming out as well. Oh well.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2016
    Exactly what I said, Jeri. And Tom Cruise is short, whereas in the book, Jack Reacher isn't!
    I'm at the Dr. Office. They have about six locations, and I went to the wrong one! Called them and they said to come anyway, but now I wish I had rescheduled. Traffic is very bad, and this is an area I get lost in, so I will try to Never come back to this location.
    The good thing is, Somewhere, and I Will find it , there is a Whole foods market and a Spouts market. I haven't been to a Sprouts. I might get lucky and find a trader Joe's too!
    See you later
    P.s., I've been reading about green tea and hibiscus tea. Any knowledge on those?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Sprouts!!! I have never been to one of those either. Wahoo. Happy hunting.

    Hibiscus tea---yes. Hibiscus is good all round and particularly for lower blood pressure. I gave up the tea though and now from time to time I infuse some cut organic hibiscus flowers in filtered water. I keep it cold in the refrigerator. I don't have exact proportions. For the glass jar I have I ishe about a quarter cup of cut flowers. I add nothing else. It is tart but I find it refreshing.

    Green tea is also all round! But the caffeine can cause higher blood pressure in those who are caffeine sensitive. Also have to be sort of careful of the source of the tea if you are going to drink a lot. Apparently lots of heavy metal issues in tea. Japanese is the best from what I've read but not my favorite. Ha.

    I like books more than the movies. No way a tiny shrimp can be Jack Reacher. I refuse to watch.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, so much to comment on and no time to do it, as my cleaning help came today and sort of pulled me together after the visiting ones left!
    PHOEBE, I do hope your JIM listens better than MIKE as men seem to think they do not have to follow instructions since they are indestructible! His diabetes hasn't really appeared to be troublesome so mostly he ignored all the rules until now his kidneys are breaking down, his heart is giving him aches and pains, his eyes annoy him and he's kind of a pain in the you-know-what. And I continue to pester him, and he continues to think it's a big joke! MEN!!! Today, I am the one who cannot walk, but I think it's weather changes and will ease up! Anyway, so many people I know think green tea is the answer to everything that ails us, but I believe I recently read in that TV doctors column that one must drink a minimum of 5 cups of green tea per day in order to reap benefits. Me? I like my mugs of strong coffee in the morning!
    I agree with all the previous posts regarding handsome kids, grand-kids, etc. But I simply must go dress for dinner tonight. My lost post mentioned driving in blinding rain early yesterday morning to our dentist to reline Mike's upper plate. A half hour drive took us 1 1/2 hours on the expressway, since the fog and rain called traffic to an almost halt! Then when we returned in the early evening, my headlights appeared to not be working and lit signs kept warning us to keep headlights on but not blinkers. Then when I stopped at Costco for gas, I stepped out into a huge mud puddle and almost went down! No wonder yesterday wore me out! We never made it back here for dinner! I keep wondering about continuing to drive, in case my perception is not really what I think it is! I've heard it's the hardest decision to make, unless someone make it for us, as I did for Mike! Weight-wise, I keep losing and regaining the same 5 pounds over and over.
    I'll get back tomorrow with a better schedule, I hope. ALL of you, be well!
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Chris - That’s wonderful about your son losing weight. His success will probably be an encouragement to his brother.

    Phoebe - Your day sounds quite frustrating with the doctor office and traffic. As for the green tea, I think it’s suppose to help with metabolism. I think I’m going to start drinking more of it again. If fact, a friend of mine just reminded my of that this morning.

    Today has been good, Errands done and the weather was better today so I decided to go for a walk. I ended up, finally walking to the top of the small mountain in our neighborhood. I have lived here for 17 years and never felt like I could do it before. But, with my weight down by over 30 pounds now, I decided to try. I just kept walking and I’m so glad I did. From the top, the view is pretty amazing.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I read everyone's posts and will comment later.

    Marcella - Your son is one handsome guy and does look like a model. Congrats on getting
    to the top of the mountain!

    Jeri - Sorry to hear your sister is still struggling, but my thoughts are with you and your family.

    As far as the green goes Dave drinks it everyday and has for years. No difference in his weight or
    metabolism. I am a coffee drinker like Buzz but do have the occasional tea in the afternoon
    mostly in the winter months. Hibiscus is supposed to be very good for you, I do have some
    lose tea and should probably start drinking it.

    Have a good evening.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We had a fun day...didn't do anything we should have done. We took back that movie John watched and I refused to watch. Decided to eat lunch at our favorite hippy veggie place. Home made bread, mushroom and red sour kraut sandwitch. I know that sounds awful but it was delicious. Sat and talked politics and books with some friends at the cafe, came home and took a nap. How's that for self indulgence?

    Tonight we both need to jump on our bikes and get a bit of exercise. It was cold today and sort of windy downtown near the river. That made it easy to sit and drink coffee and chat.

    Yes, John does have a taste for high action, thriller movies and books. Lee child is his favorite. He says Lee Child is a master of character development and plot. Jack Reacher is the alter-ego of most men. Could be...but I still enjoy comedy, romance, beautiful movies. Fantasy like Hugo...Like water for chocolate...Remains of the day...etc. different tastes & different gender, be it ever so!

    I am having great heaps of guilt for slacking off lately. I don't like feeling like that. I like that virtuous feeling of fighting the good fight. Good diet! Good exercise! Good health! It has been a while since I have enjoyed that feeling. Back to putting my back to it!