Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Friday!! I was doing so good with food and exercise until game day and last night.
    My friend came for dinner and to watch Blacklist. I made a healthy dinner but she brought some snacks and I had two glasses of wine. I have no one to blame but myself but luckily I only gained 0.2 since my last weigh in. I am determined to get to 125 and stay there but I have been trying for years. Sometimes I think our bodies tell us what is the right weight for us since I stay at 131 most of the time. I shrank and I am 5'2" so I could probably go to 120 but then I feel I would look drawn and even older than I look now.
    I have a dermatologist appointment this afternoon, I have an itchy scalp problem that I have had for years but will try another doctor. Nothing seems to help but maybe something new came out.

    Patsy, I think we all feel guilty when we slack off but it makes us get more determined when we get back on track. Riding bikes together sounds great, a couple who rides together stays together. <3

    Shirley, you are back on track and should be bikini ready for your trip in February. B)

    Marcella, congratulations on the 30 pounds you lost. It is amazing how much more can be done without the extra weight and the view from your small mountain sounds beautiful.

    Buzz, if you are taking opinions, I would say give up driving if there are other means to get you to your appointments and what not. You seem to be doubting yourself a little and better to be safe than sorry. I hope that is not offensive, it is just an opinion.

    Lin, are you feeling any better? I drink tea when I have an upset tummy or a cold but that is about the only time. I am a morning coffee person but never drink it after noon. I have a hard enough time falling asleep so i stay away from caffeine.

    Phoebe, sorry about the passing of your aunt, at first I thought it was the aunt you visit often but read today that this is another aunt. Prays to you and her family. I don't think we have Sprouts but we do have Whole Foods. I have been there seldom as they are very expensive and not convenient in location. I shop at Walmart but I am going to try Aldi's next time I shop.

    Jeri, hope all is going well with your sister.

    Chris, what a great accomplishment for your son, he should be very proud of himself.

    Have a wonderful day everyone, it is raining here.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    have we lost our profile page?
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello! I haven't lost my profile Marie. I've Just been catching up with all your posts, wow what a lot!
    I'm looking forward to this weekend because I've just purchased the latest Lee Child. Can't wait to curl up with it. I have to secretly say I like the Jack Reacher novels as well.
    Mikes just left with our exuberant Cindy and I've been tottering around placing the heavy planters back on the floor. Three of these are the geraniums I decided to try and save and I'm delighted to report they are still leafy and quite healthy looking.
    As you all know, I've never had
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm having great diff
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh dear the device won't let me post. I give up for now. Anybody else being closed down mid sentence?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Woke up around 2:45 after watching the Donald in his Vermont tirade and finally falling asleep. Was wide awake so I did a Sudoku (fiendish level) and went back to bed and slept until almost 9 A.M.! I wish I knew where the rest of my time went, other than all the phone calls, but here it is, almost 3, and I really need to use my leg pumps and haven't gotten near them yet! My legs are so swollen, despite going down 1 pound today.
    SANDY, I always appreciate your input, and I am getting closer to learning how to use the transportation schedules provided for us with buses and smaller vehicles owned by ACTS Retirement Communities. Even my doctors and insurance companies provide transportation to and from appointments! It's just that without a car, one feels helpless, I guess! But the time is drawing closer. Did I mention my current close parking space was inherited from a resident who gave up her car when she turned 100? She still bicycles and walks 3 miles (each) every single day, and climbs stairs to her 5th floor apartment!!! And wears tights and tunics and is adorable!
    The intergenerational Orchestra rehearsal here last night was amazing! Musicians from 9 to 90 were practicing for a concert of mostly Americana, and they ended with Star Wars, and sounded terrific. It was the first time I've seen a female bassoonist, and the director/conductor was female and talented. They have permission to rehearse here every Thursday evening, and the audience is given rhythm type
    wooden sticks to make us feel part of the fun! Music is such a wonderful medium for pulling people together! And the acoustics in our auditorium are amazing!
    I'm slowly considering logging food intake again. Ate tilapia last night, and plan to suck it up and eat fish (not my favorite main dish) at least 3 times a week. Must lose scads but a start with going down the first 10 pounds. Just when I found out about Costco's Brownie Brittle! Oh my gracious!
    Have a wonderful evening, everyone, and I shall return within 24 hours!
    <3 Buzz

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello all, another day nearly over and all I seemed to achieve was an early grocery shop, a lovely dog walk on the moors in (hooray) sunshine, a little housework and finally dragged my exercise bike back into the cottage from the conservatory so daily rides are back on my schedule. Tonight I've heard hail crashing on the roof and yet more rain but so far no major floods here in Cornwall although poor Scotland is now suffering. My scales have been unkind to me, probably the daily slice of Stollen has something to do with that, so I'm going to do my best to get back on track, not necessarily logging but at least taking more note of what I'm consuming.

    Anne~ What's happening to you?? Good news that your geraniums are surviving and a reminder for me to get mine in from the garden where they've been doing so well in our mild weather because we've been warned winter weather is going to hit us next week! Love the daffodils in your profile picture by the way!

    Sandy ~ I do my main grocery shop at Aldi and save about £10 a week because they have so many bargains on the sort of fresh food I eat. Other supermarkets mark down what I call junk food but Aldi always has a good variety bargain fruit and salad.

    Buzz ~I completely understand your hating to give up the independence you maintain having the use of a car.... goodness me, I'm fiercely independent and dread the day I can no longer drive but agree with Sandy that if you are becoming apprehensive or unsure behind the wheel then it's probably time to give up before you have an accident.

    A tv documentary about amazing but tragic singer Amy Winehouse has just begun so I'll settle down to watch.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne Don;t know why i can'just click on a name or picture and get there profile. All I get is A big block to used to send a message or ignore. Am I doing something wrong? maybe the settings?

    Buzz I so did hated giving up my car. But I felt that my eyesight was putting other people in danger.So With Jerry insisting i did give it up. But i really hated giving up my freedom and having to depend on others to get around.

    jackie we have 2 aldi close by our house but I never think to go there. Must get Jerry to take me someday. But there are further away than Walmart, Kroger, Albertsons and Tom thumb. and we don't get grocer adds on them.

    I have got to get Jerry go pick me some tickets up on the big lottery for tomorrow night over 700 million dollars. last i heard. I would give each of my kids a couple millions and they could retire Anyone else want to retire? you too.
    marie Dream on.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited January 2016

    Hello Everyone,

    Sandy - I know what you mean when it comes to reaching that magic number. I try and try to reach 124 or 125 but it eludes me. I get there, but for a short time and then I'm back to 130 or so. But I am determined - just like you. We can do it.

    I am now trying the new Weight Watchers and find it a little more restrictive than before. However, fruits and veggies for the most part are free so that isn't too bad for me when it comes to snacking. I've lost almost 3 lbs but as we are going to my sister Val's place who knows what will happen. I plan on taking my pressure cooker with me so that I can do some cooking while I am there. Some good soups probably and try a few other dishes. Val really doesn't cook and I want to eat healthy so that's my plan.

    Buzz - The place you live in sounds fabulous. What a good move that turned out to be for you. I understand too about the loss of independence. I laughed to myself about getting the parking space from the 100 year old lady. I love to hear stories like that. When my Mom, dear sweetheart that she was, lost her license it was so hard on her. She never really drove anywhere, we took her almost everywhere but just that she couldn't was awful for her. I'm afraid she lived most of her life in the country and so moving to busy Calgary and trying to drive here just didn't work.

    Marie - that lottery sounds great. Good luck. Wouldn't it be amazing to win such a prize.

    Jackie - your walks on the moor sound so wonderful. I think my feet are finally starting to get somewhat better. I am so anxious to head out and do some walking over trails. But ... too much ice and snow here right now. Have to wait until spring.

    Anne - Sounds like a good plan, cuddling up with a book. Unfortunately I'm busy getting ready to leave on Sunday to visit my sister. Darn

    Speaking of snow. Here is a pictures I took today

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited January 2016
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Anne Don;t know why i can'just click on a name or picture and get there profile. All I get is A big block to used to send a message or ignore. Am I doing something wrong? maybe the settings?

    Marie, when you click on the name and get that box, click on their name in the box and then the profile picture will show up.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    that work. thanks you Sandy. As always a helping hand to us all.
    bless you
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Good evening. I started out doing s couple of errands this morning and some cooking and Veggie cleaning. After having a salad I decided I should get a start on that mountain of paperwork. I had a few file folders and have supplies arriving tomorrow and the rest next week. Anyway, instead of working a half hour and putting it down, I got caught up in trying to go through all the boxes to pull out everything related to the farm since the point when my folks out an offer on the farm to present. That took much longer than anticipated but I wanted to feel like I had accomplished something. So, I do have that bit sorted out although at some point I want to go through each folder and pitch anything not needed.

    That was. It the end though as I pulled out massive piles of folders stuffed full of odds and ends that need to be sorted item by item. Wow--what a stack. And I have another pile of old bank statements from various accounts. Need to find just the current ones and shred the rest.

    I did a bit of shredding from files related to my dad's house/acreage as I was hunting for farm files. Lots of shredding on the horizon as well.

    So that was my day/evening.

    I love your pictures Jeri. Safe travels.

    Jackie, how are the bees?

    Buzz, giving up your license is a big deal. If you can go everywhere you want to it might be nice just to ride along. Could you get a ride to Costco?? Are there places you'd have to give up visiting if you didn't have transport? Or could you use a taxi once in a while?

    Anne, I don't know what is going on with your posts? I hope your iPad isn't malfunctioning.

    Patsy, I don't seem to have guilt for a day mis-spent. I guess I am officially lazy.

    Phoebe, did you find your way to all the businesses you'd hoped to visit?

    Shirley, I hope you've had a good day.

    Sandy, have you decided against a spring trip?

    Well, my neck is hurting from all the heavy totes full of files I was schlepping around this afternoon. And the nightly coughing fits are taking a toll. Tired, sore ribs, some wheezing. Bug bug, go away.

    I have a Michael Connelly paperback from the library--The Black Ice. Has anyone read that??

    Hugs my friends. I am too beat to type!!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    ... Did I mention my current close parking space was inherited from a resident who gave up her car when she turned 100? She still bicycles and walks 3 miles (each) every single day, and climbs stairs to her 5th floor apartment!!! And wears tights and tunics and is adorable! ...
    <3 Buzz
    That's what I aspire to at 100; especially the tights and tunics!

    Sandy - If you're going to be a little bad, it's at least best done while having a nice time with a friend.
    Anne - Happy to hear the geraniums are holding up well. I would love to have plants inside, but anything the cats can get to, they eat.
    Jackie - Sometimes when I read your posts, I think that I would like to be in Cornwall to see the views for myself.
    Jeri - The picture is amazing.
    Lin - Good luck with all your paperwork. Doesn't sound fun.
    Marie - If you win the lottery tomorrow, don't forget your good friends on MFP. :o

    And now, my kitty is all curled up next to me snoozing away. Guess I should take a hint from her. So,
    Good night,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited January 2016
    Well, its 11:59pm here, so I missed a day. I got caught up using my new vacuum today, and fell asleep after I finished. Now it's bedtime, and I'm sleepy again.
    Lin, it was late when I left the doctor s, so I went to only whole foods. Yes, they are very expensive. I didn't get much, but the produce was Lovely. Oh dear, the sandman is here


    P.s. forgot to mention the link to some mug dessert recipes for small sweets when the urge strikes.

    And Marie, here is Aldi website. I get their weekly ads by email. Don't know if the sales are the same all over.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning friends from bleak, rainy Ontario. The good news is, I THINK I have a solution to my every so often Internet woes. I'll test it out today and if it works I'll let you know in the hopes that it will prevent your devices maybe scrambling THEIR tiny "android" brains, (no prizes for guessing who watched Star Wars.)
    The other thing which got the old brain cells working was BUZZ'S comments on longevity. A good half of my family died fairly young, and a good half sailed on into their nineties. Why? Well I'm no Einstein as you will have all guessed by now, but the early departees all had issues, be it smoking, taking estrogen or a love for clotted cream etc. (Hey, by the way I'm still typing, maybe the MFP theory is working!) So what had the remaining family members in common? It finally dawned on me, well off or not, all quite frugal in their eating habits, all walked everywhere without the benefit of car, and all cheerful by nature and whether they could or not a love of singing out loud. I'm not sure if that's relevant but it sticks in my mind when I think about them.
    MARCELLA, I sympathize with your lack of indoor plants because of kitty problems. I understand! after lifting heavy planters out of Cinders way who loves to bury her bones in them. Tell myself it's weight training.
    PHOEBE is your new vacuum one of those run around by itself thingies? Son Mikes just acquired one and they can't believe what it's picking up (Cinders had better watch it, she's tiny!) He and Sandy are quite shocked because they thought they were spotless. They are talking of bringing it here for me to see how good it is. Mmm, not sure I want to see how good it is.
    Well, I'm pressing my luck babbling on, BUT the iPad hasn't frozen on me! Yeah!
    Bye, Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe - I've not been to an Aldi store. But I just looked at your link and noticed that they also have organic produce. I think I will give it a try. That would be awesome. I'm all about getting what I want for the best price! Thanks for sharing,
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends, just had my breakfast, small apple, small banana, boiled egg & black coffee.
    Getting ready to workout at the club.

    When I get home laundry is waiting to be done. I have to clean house today too.
    probably sew too. I bought some new fabric to make placemats and I really want to make them.

    I have to get my granddaughter here to show me how to send pictures.

    Have a wonderful day.
    Ps. I lost 1lb this week. That was my goal this week. Trying to follow my son s example.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Great news Chris! I'm reading a book, not new but new for me. 10 steps to adopt as habits, one at a time until it is part of your routine then move on to the next one. Step one is eat your meals, and yesterday I forgot lunch! So it's a ways for me to number 2!
    Marcella and Marie, I should have mentioned to be sure to have a quarter handy for Aldi has a cart return system. I'm used to it, and I have a wheeled shopping carrier for when my purchases aren't too much. I think I like that basics are normally priced lower than Walmart and also that the store is not so big. It feels like the old local hometown grocer.
    I'm about to shampoo the rug so it can dry over the next couple of cool days when we will have the heat on.
    Obviously, we are still at home, they'll call when they need us, we didn't want to call them yesterday, since we are not eager to jump out into the madness. Ooops need to go to the post office, closes at 12 today.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    phoebe thanks so much for the link to aldi. We will definitely make a run Over there. It's been years since i been to one and only went that one time. At the time it did not show me much. But sounds interesting now Alice and I will be close to the one east of us tomorrow going out to see the baby boy.

    Had my steel cuts oats for breakfast left my fruit off and will have them for a snack later this morning. Have some fresh strawberries waiting for me/ lunch i have a tray oi fresh veggies will have some hummus with it. Yum..... Dinner will be Pinto beans chili with sauerkraut and a fruit

    Chris It seems so natural for you to be posting here again. Love it.

    Marcella you are a nice supporting member of our family.

    Hey gang I love all the support we are all receiving from the Sneakers Looks forward to reading all the post Here. I may not comment too much but do read your post and learning so much.
    now got to talk Jerry into getting my winning numbers for the drawing tonight.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited January 2016
    Marcella and Marie, I should have mentioned to be sure to have a quarter handy for Aldi has a cart return system.

    do you get your quarter back if you return the buggy. and do they have the scooters for us older folks.