Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jeri - Your choir performance must have been wonderful. We did a group sing of 300 singers with our
    choir included it gave me goose bumps and I was singing. :) I love to hear big groups sing.

    Patsy - Your photos never came through for me to see the puppy and all the toys. You must be having
    a ball with her (literally). Ha!

    Buzz - Yes.. its alot of practice for only 3 concerts a year. The usual Spring and Christmas and our
    director always throws a surprise concert in once in a while.

    Yesterday's performance was great, after two years singing with them I still get nervous. My mother in
    law, hubby, youngest daughter, sister all came with a surprise from an old friend and her husband showing up too. We all went for pizza after. A good day. I will post a picture when its downloaded
    out of the camera. Dave thought it was the best concert yet he's been too.

    Today is laundry day, and just got back from Yoga. I decided to do the workweek hustle from Fitbit
    which goes from Monday to Friday. That will keep me going. ;) I guess I better get moving.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2016
    Outside in front of the church after choir performance.
    My sister in blue, my MIL, my daughter Kathy and my good friend and my hubby.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited May 2016
    Happy Monday!! :) Well I made it, even though I went to bed at ten, I woke at 2:30 and couldn't fall back to sleep. I did get a two hour twilight nap when Robby took his but the people downstairs were moving something out and making noise so not a sound sleep. I am sure I will be going to bed early tonight as I am exhausted. Tomorrow night I have a Group Representative meeting so I hope I get better sleep tonight.

    Shirley, love the picture, I am really impressed with your MIL, she sure doesn't look 90. Your family and friend are all good looking people, you all have good genes.

    Chris, sorry to hear you are having internet problems but glad you were able to check in. I too, need more exercise but with watching Robby I am just too tired. Three more weeks until my vacation to Phoenix and I think I will be done sitting unless needed the one or two days she has left when I return.

    Jeri, my goodness you have a lot to worry about with your parties. I wouldn't even know where to begin so I give you lots of credit. The concert sounds wonderful and as you I would have been in tears. Yes, I can picture things in my mind, that is sometime my problem in sleeping, thinking and visualizing unknown things, if that makes sense.

    Phoebe, So the Midwest aren't the only states having crappy weather. We are having a good week except for Wednesday when we are expecting rain once again. Hopefully, tomorrow I can get out with Robby and possible a walk.

    Barbie, love your cartoon for Shirley. Very funny!!

    Patsy, if I took a picture of Daisy's toys you really wouldn't believe how many she has. If I were there some would be put away or the torn ones thrown out but Babe just keeps adding to them.

    Buzz, I am glad you are staying in and taking care of yourself, I hope today was a good day.
    I found my graphic on google, I couldn't find any of Glitter Graphics but I like yours since it is animated.

    Lin, I did have a great time with my friends at lunch yesterday, maybe a little too much, judging on how I feel today. lol

    Jackie, missed you today.

    Have a great night.
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My potatoes growing in a pot planted 6 or 7 weeks ago. Have great hopes for them.u7e3sfcayi6s.jpg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Good evening, love the taters Marie!! Nice plants.

    Shirley, happy and lovely people in your photo.

    Sandy, I hope yucca sleep tonight.

    Patsy, more pix of your bundle of energy please!!

    Safe travels Phoebe.

    Jeri, you are Wonder Woman with these complicated cooking events.

    Anne, only a couple of days to puppy time!! Excitement. Is the crate put together?

    Buzz, have been thinking of you. I hope you have some pleasant hours each day. Caregiving is so tiring. Hugs.

    Need some sleep. Weather is nice and hope to plant a couple of containers but also need to get a couple of cards to mail this week.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Thank you Lin for reminding me that I intended to mail a card for my aunt on Monday. Naturally, I forgot. So I'll take it back to GA and Mail it, lol.
    Heading back now, in AZ, still wet and cool on I 40. Good luck on those taters, Marie. A comedian from Georgia, Lewis Grizzard, wrote several humorous books, one of them is titled 'Don't bend over in the garden, Granny, you know them taters' got eyes.'. He is missed by many people.
    Good to hear from Chris today.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Today's pictures are very impressive, from SHIRLEY and MARIE! PHOEBE, BRRrrrrrr! CA here you come!, Nice to see Barbie drop by, however briefly.
    It's later than I'd hoped to log in, but I'll share that I uncovered one of those tiny slightly raised white spots near my wrist. I called my darling dermatologist's office promptly at 8 AM this morning, and he saw me at 3:15 this afternoon! He looked at all my little markers, and remarked the one on my wrist looked suspicious and he would send it fir a biopsy. I never mentioned it but I was thinking melanoma! He suggested squamous cell, but let's be sure. So he sliced it off, and looked very surprised as he said, "Well, I think that's that!" There was nothing, but nothing underneath that spot! We exchanged family updates, he chatted with Mike a bit as they reminisced about the tennis they used to play, and we left, with me feeling so relieved! I'm still stuffy as can be, but no other indications, like sneezing or coughing, so I'm confused. I went down to dinner. The dermatologist was most helpful regarding Mike's condition, including his anger at me, and on the way home, we had a better discussion about his feelings than we have been able to have in eons! I don't dare think it was a breakthrough but we cleared the air on a number of areas bothering him! I'm sure it has been tougher on him than on me, now that he was able to express his "loss of manhood" with all the changes he's going through! We were able to talk about his resentments, and he seemed to be able to understand that there is no shame attached to life's changes as we age! I may be able to help ease some of his feelings of loss of control over his own life, ...sigh!
    OK, I'll unbend your precious ears now, and send love to all, and sleep well!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2016
    A busy day yesterday didn't give me a chance to catch up with you all but the good news is my weather is finally improving so as well as the usual morning walk on the moors followed by a couple of hours planting up more seeds for the allotment I then walked around our local lake in the evening with friend and Scruff which was another 3 miles. Today I've been swimming and after lunch am planning to pop to the allotment to plant onions and will take a flask of tea since the sun is shining so I shall also relax and enjoy the view!! Someone asked about our trees and if they were late and the answer is yes they are. A large oak at the far end of the field that runs along the bottom of my garden has no sign of leaves yet and we have a saying... oak before ash we'll get a splash; ash before oak there will be a soak which is hopefully wrong because I'd hate another wet summer!

    Buzz ~ I can imagine the comments being made in that British programme about your current party nominations. Generally most are amused at what's happening and disbelief hasn't let what could be reality sink in yet. Did you see this?
    Interesting times!! That's so good that you and Mike had a conversation about his health and hopefully you can both gain strength from it. I write that knowing just how damned difficult it is on a day to day basis!

    Marie ~ That's the same design of box I'm planting my potatoes in so it'll be fascinating to see how we both get on. Yours are way ahead of mine already!!

    Barbie ~ Love the cartoon, very funny and something George could do with to calm the inner voices telling him to bark at everything and nothing!

    Shirley ~ Another great family photo with everyone looking so happy.

    Phoebe ~ Such a funny quote from that comedian about granny and the tatties!! Luckily I wear jeans or slacks when gardening otherwise I could get a complex!

    Sandy ~ As much as you love Robby I think it's going to be a relief not to be looking after him every weekday. I was exhausted just reading about your routine some days but know once the family is settled in their new home you can feel very proud of yourself that you helped them achieve it.

    Lin ~ Hello, you seem as busy as me!!

    The postman has just delivered a parcel which I'm hoping is a new electric saw to help me with a few chores, hopefully without cutting off any important limbs!! I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and that Anne is aware the countdown is getting shorter!! Oh yes, almost forgot.... because the weather was so nice I wore my new floral sneakers to the leisure centre this morning for the first time. Photo....

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    How cute jackie. love 'em.

    I am going to pick up some more potting soil at Walmart to add to the box. And get my miracle growths water tub ready. I filled a big trash can full of water and add miracle growth to it to give then a low dose of food each time i water them. We have more tubs.will be adding more potatoes as we go along.Have some taters baking now with onions smells so good.

    My what a happy bunch this morning. Cute joke Phoebe. Yes indeed potatoes has lots of eyes.
    Love and hugs to all

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Yes jackie I'm so aware the time is getting shorter and I'm having sort of practice runs although well aware life will be chaotic and not a bit like I'm practising. Actually it will do me good to get a shake out of my shell, methinks. Love the sneakers! Don't get stung by one of the bees mistaking you for a flower though.
    Love the baby spuds growing in your plot marie. You will love them. Things starting to bud here. The tulips are in bud and I noticed the flower buds on the lilac getting bigger. The magnolias are totally out but my apple trees are still thinking about it. The geraniums seem to be enjoying the great outdoors.
    Nice, hopeful note to your post Buzz
    Well, I found the 2016 census in the mail this morning to fill out. Better see what that's all about and fill it in before life changes forever!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hear 70F on Saturday, we can only dream the warm weather is coming. Dave is taking a cooking course with a friend on Saturday so I asked him to take my bike out of the house and on the road so
    I can take advantage of the weather.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the picture. My sister and her boyfriend Joe will be coming on Wednesday night for dinner its her birthday and she will be 59. I am 8 years older than her and grateful
    we have a relationship again after all these years.

    Just finished a walk with hubby around the neighborhood and he is going to a doctor apt. and I have to
    get ready for a TM meditation meeting at 1:30. I am picking up a friend from yoga and have to find
    her house yet.

    Barbie - Thanks for the yoga graphic, love it! Our instructor Ellie worked us yesterday. LOL

    Sandy - 3 weeks until Arizona I bet you are counting the days.

    Hi to everyone else and have a wonderful day!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited May 2016
    Wow--darling shoes Jackie!! I would be guarding them from wet and mud etc. I am such a geek about trying to keep new shoes new. Which is of course impossible. Especially with my nasty feet!!

    Marie, I am in the same boat. I ran out of potting soil. Went through 3 bags of 1.5 cubic ft each and two boxes of 20 lbs each. So hope to get more tomorrow. I also lost my Zinna seed!!! Wah!!

    I got my new area rug out on the deck, the new recliner placed on top of it, an end table, my garden gnome, statue of a Canada goose and got my electric barbecue uncovered. Found the plug-in device (reminds me of what I used for my old electric frying pan) and have ordered a new barbeque cover. Cleaned out the remains of a bird nest on my backyard light. I don't know what type of bird was hauling in all those big sticks and junk. What a mess.

    Have some cooking to do so had better get going.

    Tomorrow I am going to both Tai Chi classes and am staying for something called pendoodle. Then hope to get some potting soil on my way home.

    Shirley, the weather is lovely here too. A bit windy but warm!!! Love it.

    Sandy, I see you went for a lovely walk today.

    Anne, we don't receive a census forms often. I did get a special Census a year or so ago. The locals were trying to garner more funding from the government I think. Good for you getting right to that.

    Buzz, glad the news at the dermatologist was positive. And good for you on not waiting and addressing the issue right away

    Chris, hope you are well today.

    Patsy, you too!!

    Phoebe, I didn't get my cards today. Well, maybe tomorrow.

    Jeri, I am invited to a vegan picnic on Saturday afternoon. Cannot think of a thing I want to make to take along. I doubt my food would be palatable to most other people. I would imagine you could do this with both eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back.

    Well, better get moving or I will want to stay seated.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited May 2016
    Big frozen vegetable recall. I have products to return to Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and Costco apparently.

    CRF Foods produces massive numbers of products under many many brands. I posted the link on Facebook by the way.

    Just had a lovely package of recalled frozen green beans today. Broccoli yesterday and have some leftover organic foursome in the refrigerator right now. But I guess listeria is nothing to play with. Better safe than sorry is what Trader Joe's said when I called.


    P.S. I found my Zinnia seed. I thought it might be in a Walmart bag. I just did 't realize it was in the bag in the refrigerator with a bag of apples in it. Ha. Should have put the package in my purse after I purchased them. Anyway, happy I finally found them.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OMG, I just heard Ted Cruz resign his campaign! Just days after naming his future vice president! Do we live in crazy times, or what? At this mature age, I have come to accept I have no control over public affairs...I think! Historical day!
    Well, awoke this morning with no doubt about why my breathing has been so stuffed for several days; yes, it was a brewing cold, which blossomed this morning! Again, I'm isolating myself and felt sorry I couldn't welcome my former neighbor who moved in here today, but she's in fragile health and I wouldn't want to welcome her with my germs! I'll make it up to her.
    PHOEBE, glad you're driving home! We're getting Georgia blueberries now, costing a fortune but delicious, and looking forward to the world's best peaches! I wish I could drive the distance and buy a bushel!
    LIN, how did you find out about the food recall? I'm glad you are so astute regarding food!
    SANDY, did I read your babysitting days with Robby are finished? As much as you will miss him, make the most of your leisure! ANd what a wonderful bond you have built!
    ANNE, SHIRLEY, and MARIE, I'm sending my sanitized hugs to all of you, and I must log off as I cannot breathe!
    DT was just declared the presumptive candidate! What did Confucius say about living in interesting times?
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! Well the puppy is in bed, dishes done, I am "done" as well. The great news is that Katie is just about housebroken. Accidents happen from time to time but for the most part we are on the right track here. Yea! Now comes some other training lessons. But she is only 2 months old so we can't expect the impossible.

    I will really miss not planting flowers. I decided to paint a couple of out door murals to add color to the decks. Finding energy and time to do this will be the biggest challenge. I know things will get better. In fact they are better right this moment. I have been noodling around on my puppy chewed sketch pad. I have yet to come up with any brilliant ideas. There are a couple of ideas swirling around. Needs work and more thought.

    Mother's Day is coming too early this year. I don't see much going on here this year. We will be tied up with puppy housebreaking. I might fix my own Mother's Day lunch and invite our daughter and family. I don't mind. In fact it will be an easy casserole of some kind and a salad. Easy peasy.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Did Confucius say 'You ain't seen nothing yet!'??
    A funny man in a cafe this morning discussing marijuana and then DT. He said he is from Arkansas, which is about to legalize medical marijuana. He plans to retire from trucking and grow marijuana! He and his sister are making big plans. DT is going to fix all things wrong in this country.
    I'm too tired to think so goodnight all.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just been sent a picture of Chloe between her Mom Squish and her dad Bruce. Lisa, who she belongs to calls her Speedy. Uh oh! I'll stick to Chloe and hope for a nice staid puppy, AH!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Cute!!!!!! Oh Anne, what a tiny little pup.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Love this pup already and looking forward to everyone's adventures in critters!!♥
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2016
    That picture of Chloe with her Mum and Dad made me wonder, animal parents resent their children being taken away from them? Their baby is so darn cute! ANNE, lucky you!
    PHOEBE, I think your Confucius says it all! Have you figured out DT's hair yet? I may just catch up with all the books in my Kindle, since I can't stand listening to news anymore :'( !
    Just heard thunder rumble, and we certainly need rain here. Problem is is disappears in the sandy soil! Our growing season is drawing to an end just as everyone elsewhere is enjoying the wonders of spring! I think I miss lilacs the most, and the I recall daffodils, Irises, azaleas and rhododendrons, and the tulips the squirrels loved so much! I keep reminding myself Florida does have seasons: rainy, hurricane, planting and visitors!
    Nose and eyes streaming, dinner will be delivered for the next 3 nights. Oops lightening...bye bye!
    <3 Buzz