Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Stay safe Lin I will never douth the power of food.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my Anne! Congratulations on opting for this amazing life affirming enterprise called A PUPPY! It isn't for everyone but for folks like us who identify so strongly with 4 pawed friends, it makes life ever so much better. We all can't wait to see photos of your new baby. You will never have another free moment again. I had forgotten how much work it was to potty break them. (Thank God I didn't remember or I would never attempt it again). I know we will be like those new parents who want to show you the latest 500 photos of their baby. Truth be told...I would actually be wanting to see all 500 photos.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yay, Anne, I just googled this breed and I'm in love! Chloe is a beautiful name. Jim's cousin has a Yorkie by that name, she has had some health issues. Two or three years ago, we were asked to pray for Chloe, and I set the alarm on my phone for every day at noon. I still do it. It isn't always prayers, but just a mental hug and kiss. So, I'll put your Chloe in my thoughts too.
    When I saw the photos, my first thought was 'Button'., lol.
    Lin, thank you, that's excellent info. Lantana is what I'll plant. My sister in law has a lantana plant that survives the winters here, likely due to where it is planted. It's grown very large. I love their tiny flowers. I don't know what a butterfly survey is, but hope you'll be able to find time to do it! Sorry you don't get AMC channel but, they have commercials and I don't like that.
    Marie, even if it isn't the actual food choices you are making, if you are losing weight, that can help a bit with OA bladder. It's less pressure on the bladder muscle. Also reducing sodium can help you.I hope you are drinking plenty of water.
    Night, Phoebe
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, LIN, we will all concentrate on the tornado losing power before anyone is harmed, especially not our dear you!
    SHIRLEY, Mike has forgotten how to use the microwave properly, but loves warming things up in it! It's terrifying as I see evidence often when I open the door to see splatters everywhere. He insists he never uses it, and I never can be sure if he has forgotten (very possible), or is trying to hide it! That's one of the difficulties of caretakers when dementia is involved; simply never being certain what is truth and what is a figment of cunning!
    ANNE, how priceless to have this new baby drop into your lap, so to speak. Many years ago, I had a tiny boxer pup, along with a cat who had just had an adorable litter. This tiny boxer was adopted by our Ditto and she nursed her along with her kittens for several weeks until one day, she lookedup and realized the puppy was not her baby because she was bigger than Ditto! Her hair raised straight up and she never nursed the pup again! We named our pup Madame Pompadour and called her Pompi for short (even though she was definitely NOT a pomeranian! I also want to mention that mumbling awful things under the breath is anything but saintly, and I guess I feel guilty about that more often than not! So now go enjoy taking care of your little miss innocence and I wish your Mike luck with his new significant other. I think I hear uncertainty in your post!???
    SANDY, your patience, understanding, and solution regarding your relationship with BABE has always left me feeling a mixture of awe, admiration, and frustration, knowing you deserve so much more from your husband, but again, you become serene and so above it all, I am amazed! Will he ever understand how lucky he is to have you?
    MARIE, with luck, you will live out your blessed lives in bliss and few problems, and I hope you will have many more happy years together! By the way, I think Dr. MacDougall might frown on the marshmallows! Sweet potatoes are approved, but the sugary artificial content was not allowed in his practice in Hawaii. There, almost everything that was eaten was grown locally and Oops,not processed!
    PHOEBE, dear, how kind and warm of you to make me feel comfortable dumping! I do hope your coworker's life will lighten up somewhat. and that you will have success finding butterflies in your garden!
    Well, Mike sends his best to you all, and is insisting I come to bed, which we just freshly made since tomorrow is cleaning lady day. So wishing you all sunshine, sleep well!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, I'm not at all sure of what is allowed on your plan, but how about some pineapple chunks added to your sweet potato? Maybe even put it under the broiler. Just got this month's issue of Georgia magazine. ( ). Nice article and recipes on blueberries. I've been craving them for about two weeks, now I know why-its blueberry season! Also a great story about bees, and plants to use for, yes, just as you posted, Lin, pollination and nectar. Funny world. Night again
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I got back from my hair apt. and my hairdresser told me a story about our Costco selling frozen blueberries that were contaminated and they had to recall them plus all the people that bought them
    had to have a Hepititus A shot. I never heard of such a thing. We have to be so careful of where our food comes from anymore. Food for thought, sorry for the pun. :o

    We are meeting our friends for lunch today who we went to the Bahamas with in a short time. They are
    taking a trip to China and other places so we won't see them for a while.

    Our weather here remains chilly and Dave has been freezing trying to work on the boat this year.

    Anne - Love the name Chloe and can't wait to see her picture.

    Here is the promised picture of my mother in law at her 90th party with all the grandchildren and great

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2016
    oh no, another lost post. The page simply wizzed off to neverland! Synopsis:
    Thanks PHOEBE for blueberry link. I use only fresh, mostly from Costco!
    Photo from SHIRLEY is beautiful, except she's not in it!
    Managed to pick up the papers all over the place before Liz came to clean, but none of us could find the hearing aid Mike lost yesterday. He never said a word, but I noticed one missing from his night table when I went to insert his glaucoma drops after logging off last night. I would like to replace it to help him socialize, but the truth is I know he'll simply lose one or both again! While Liz was here, I sent him down to shred some paper, and got a call from a from a neighbor who found him sleeping in our 3rd floor lobby, papers stacked to shred. She asked if she could throw them out, but he declined. I went to the lobby after she phoned, but he was gone, I don't know where! Should I get a chain? He hasn't returned and it's after 1:30! I'd better go hunt :s
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OK, Mike got back safe and ...sound? And PHOEBE, what a great blueberry article! The salad sounds wonderful, and now I'm sorry I haven't an oven any more! Great magazine! Thanks!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Oh dear Buzz, I'm sorry you are dealing with this on your own. I am glad you are , when it is time, able to get him into a more secure section. It is gradually progressing, isn't it. Hugs for you.
    Sandy, you would love it here today, deep blue sky, and hot! I made it 10 minutes out there.
    Shirley, that's a great photo, your mil looks happy. I've heard about the blueberries being recalled, even organic ones, which is surprising. It is the processing plants that need to be scoured?
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Thursday!! :) Another day with the heat on, really???? Won a little money at bingo but not enough to cover my expenses. I had a chance to win $3900 but chose the wrong number. My friends and I would have split it but it still would have meant $1300. It didn't get won last night so next week it is $4300. Someone has to win it, so there still is a chance.

    Buzz, gosh things seem to be progressing faster than expected with Mike. I too, am glad that you are where you are so when the time comes you will still be near him. Take care of yourself in the meantime, although that is probably hard with all that goes on. We are here for you to vent anytime you want, so feel free!!

    Shirley, I can see where your husband gets his good looks, his mother is beautiful, she certainly doesn't look 90. Is there a picture with you, Dave and his mom? The family is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

    Phoebe, I am jealous of your weather, ours is just terrible. Counting down the days until I go to Phoenix. I heard nothing about the blueberries but of course I didn't get to see the news yesterday.

    Anne, so exciting to be getting a new puppy, congratulations!! I too, like the name Chloe but you might want to wait until you have her a few days and her habits might help you with a name. I named Daisy her name from the TV show Please Don't Eat the Daisies, with the big Old English Sheepdog.

    Patsy, you are an animal lover like most of us but yes a new puppy is like having a new baby.
    Once they are trained it gets easier but in my opinion it was easier training our boy dogs than our one little girl, Daisy Mae.

    Marie, you have corrected a lot of health problems with your new way of eating so just keep doing what you are doing.

    Lin, I hope if you get butterflies that you can snap some pictures to share.

    Jackie, I do hope it is warming up across the pond, it seems you have had cold weather for so long. Any luck on the table?

    Rob and Lisa found out today the appraisal on their condo they are selling is good so there should be no problem closing May 15th. Now they are still praying that no other offers come in on the new house they are buying until the 15th. when they can take off the contingency.
    Keep praying my friends.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good evening - the storms last evening weakened and by the time the storm front got to us it was lots of lightning, thunder and rain. That was it. Yeah!

    Patsy, we will be looking for the first 500 pictures any day now!!

    Phoebe, I think I've decided on milkweed and dill for the host plants and I am going to look for cosmos and/or zinnias for the nectar plants. Sorry there are commercials on AMC. Hopefully they aren't as bad as the old broadcast stations.

    Buzz, my dad forgot how to use the microwave and he melted something in the microwave as he set the timer for 20 minutes instead of 20 seconds. After that incident, he actually gave up using the microwave and I was glad. They didn't even have to unplug it. That was quite frightening that Mike disappeared today. Oh my gosh. Thank goodness he was found and apparently nothing was wrong. I am sorry he lost one of his hearing aids. I was lucky enough to find my dad's hearing aid(s) any time he misplaced them. Sometimes one would fall down in his chair and I would excavate it out.

    Shirley, I love the photo and your MIL looks great! I hope your lunch with your friends was great and you had plenty of time to catch up! They are definitely quite the travelers!! China! Wow!

    Sandy, sorry you didn't win the big bingo pot! Maybe next time. Fingers still crossed that Rob and Lisa can get through the next couple of weeks. If someone else comes in with an offer they could still remove the contingency and take the house couldn't they? Most other people would have a house to sell wouldn't they? Not many people have cash in hand to spend. Well anyway, I wish them well.

    It was a nice day, all went according to plan. (How unusual is that?!) I got back a while ago from the butterfly survey meeting. Reiman Gardens is recruiting volunteers to conduct a minimum of 6 surveys per season. You have to pick out a route, and get it approved and then there are rules and rules and more rules for the surveying procedure, recording procedure etc. Plus you need to learn, to start, 25 types of butterflies. It is all very complicated and I am not comfortable signing up for something else that is a solitary activity. Others are doing this with a friend so one can observe the butterflies, identify, count them out, and the other is doing the recording of the observations. Everything has a rule, the hours of the day you can go out, the wind speed allowed, the amount of cloudiness, range of temperature permitted, how many feet out (18 ft), what you are allowed to take with you, distractions, cannot touch the foliage which might disturb the non-flying butterflies, rules for catch and release (if needed to identify a butterfly), all the online forms and reporting systems you need to utilize.

    Frankly, right now, it is too much for me. If I already knew butterfly species a lot better, I might consider it but for now, nope.

    Well, tomorrow is Tai Chi day again. Then I'm going to the card making class in the evening. Saturday is International Tai Chi Day with a morning of activities apparently planned and there is a local gathering spot. I am thinking about it but I don't know if it is indoors or outdoors. Frankly, if it is outdoors with this weather, I doubt I'll consider going.

    I'd best move along. Wishing everyone wel.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Just a quick note while "jaws" the baby sleeps...those little needle teeth can slice right through my sad wrinkled thin skin. However, she is growing like a weed and runs like the wind. The potty training going well. she is fun and a joy.

    Buzz: we are all feeling how desperately frustrated and worried you are. If we were only closer, to lend a helping hand. Only you and the medical professionals know when the time comes for a different living arrangement. I can imagine you make a different determination every hour on the hour. Our family did. We changed our minds so many times, then a near tragedy made the decision for us.

    Anne: when does the baby come to live with you? I know it will be such an amazing experience. We love our little puppy. She absolutely exhausts us. At the end of the day we sit in our chairs staring straight ahead, hardly able to move. Good grief! This is just one little puppy. But life is certainly fun and interesting.

    Black bean burgers and grilled mushrooms tonight. Maybe grilled bell peppers as well. Red grapes for dessert.

    Bought 4 hanging red geraniums baskets at Costco. That's my entire garden for this year. Katie and the deer are in charge of the flower beds.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning friends. I'm currently dog sitting Scruff while her mum goes to lunch with friends and after less than 2 hours am exhausted. Scruff has more energy than 10 dogs put together so is constantly looking to play either with me or George but I've already had to hide a squeaky toy because she puts it in her mouth and chews so that it makes a constant noise. Even Boris the cat had enough but took a swipe at George in frustration. She's now on the sofa staring into my eyes in an effort to hypnotise me.... now squeezed under my arm and resting her head on my lap, just where my keyboard was. Oh well, I'll just have to do a balancing act.

    Yesterday's chores went well when my car was delivered to the garage for its service before an enjoyable swim. Back home I managed some housework before giving George a long walk and then picked up my car on the way to the allotment with my neighbour where, in between heavy and cold showers we managed some digging and weeding. It was bitterly cold on our walk this morning with sleet and hail skudding across the moors so who knows when this awful weather will move on. There's quite a bit of snow in Scotland and the north of England but so far it's not come in my direction.

    Buzz ~ The worry you must be experiencing about Mike's decline upsets us all but thank goodness you have thoughtful friends and neighbours who understand the situation so let you know where he is if out of your sight. I know from my experiences with my late father it's sometimes impossible to separate fact from fiction in what's being said with such conviction which means discovering something isn't as told becomes incredibly frustrating however much we understand what's going on. Keep venting in our direction and hopefully just a bit of pressure will be relieved. <3<3

    Patsy ~ Sounds like your lives have been turned upside down by Katie and her antics but I can tell you both adore her. After a short morning with a mad pup called Scruff who is at least housetrained I'm full of admiration for your obvious energy found from who knows where!!

    Shirley ~ Another great family photo and goodness, doesn't your MIL look fantastic as well as loved! Dave's brave to be working on his boat in cold weather but then I'm guessing things have to be done for the coming season whatever the temperature.

    Lin ~ The idea of studying all those butterflies does sound a great one but I'd be the same in that it would be far easier and more fun to do it with a friend because it is quite a commitment if you have to ensure precise facts.

    Sandy ~ Never mind about those winnings, your life is so rich with such a loving family. No table and chairs yet because the last auction was mostly for collectable nic-nacs and jewellery but there's about 3 going on next week so I'll have a good look through each nearer to the time.

    Scruff is desperate to curl up on my lap which isn't easy when typing so I'll finish here and watch some news on the tv with her while planning what I can put together for lunch.

    Happy Friday
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, well today should be a fun day if a peaceful one! I've been reading all your posts about the dogs in our lives and boy am I in for fun and games next Thursday when we pick "Chloe" up. Chloe is still my top choice with Megan running a close second for names. All my bunch are on board for taking care of her should I "pop my clogs" from all the running around judging by the posts! She was born on Valentine's day so that should be easy to remember. Anyway today Michael and I will be off to the pet store to pick up bowls, chewies, carriers, collar, leashes and all the stuff that today's debonair dog apparently needs. At least you don't need a leash for restraining butterflies Lin just a great big butterfly net? Much too exhausting for me, all that running around after the little winged creatures but then maybe I'm kidding myself, with running after "Chloe/Megan" in my future. It turns out that Mary Jo knows the lady that owns Chloe/Megan's parents. Small world!
    Buzz I am so sorry you are going through this absolutely devastating time with Mike. You must take care of yourself first and foremost because all this anguish and stress won't be helping your health.
    And Shirley the same as Sandy such a beautiful family and beautiful lady celebrating 90 years at its head.
    Scruff sounds quite the rascal Jackie. How does her owner cope with such a whirlwind? I presume she is a retiree? George and Boris must heave a sigh of relief when she heads for home!
    Good idea hanging baskets Patsy. Now I'm wondering what to do with my carefully tended geraniums when they venture outdoors!
    Well must away and slap some cream on to help the ravages of time before we head for all the pet store good stuff.
    Bye Everybody, Anne.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited April 2016
    Posted a photo of Chloe, it was HUGE of such a tiny little pup. I'll try again later.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - Looking forward to meeting your new baby.
    Buzz - Sad to hear that you are going through this with Mike and that it's getting worse. Sounds very helpful that you think to stop and remember what he was like before this started taking it's toll on him.

    It's been a busy, not terribly organized week for me here. For some reason, I've had a little trouble getting back into life's grove since returning from our trip last week. I think things are finally getting back on track for me.
    Today, we will meet with our landscaper to finalize plans for the drainage/landscaping project for the yard on the side of our house. Just hoping everything will go well and that it all works like it's suppose to when they're done. Tomorrow, we will probably visit our camper home to get it de-winterized for the summer and then stay for a fish fry that's planned for the camper owners there. This will be a nice opportunity for my husband to meet some fellow summer golfers.
    Wishing everyone a nice weekend,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2016
    Oh dear Buzz, I'm sorry you are dealing with this on your own. I am glad you are , when it is time, able to get him into a more secure section. It is gradually progressing, isn't it. Hugs for you.Phoebe
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Buzz, gosh things seem to be progressing faster than expected with Mike. I too, am glad that you are where you are so when the time comes you will still be near him. Take care of yourself in the meantime, although that is probably hard with all that goes on. We are here for you to vent anytime you want, so feel free!!
    linder4866 wrote: »
    That was quite frightening that Mike disappeared today. Oh my gosh. Thank goodness he was found and apparently nothing was wrong. I am sorry he lost one of his hearing aids. Lin
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Buzz: we are all feeling how desperately frustrated and worried you are. If we were only closer, to lend a helping hand. Only you and the medical professionals know when the time comes for a different living arrangement. I can imagine you make a different determination every hour on the hour. Our family did. We changed our minds so many times, then a near tragedy made the decision for us.
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Buzz ~ The worry you must be experiencing about Mike's decline upsets us all .....I know from my experiences with my late father it's sometimes impossible to separate fact from fiction in what's being said with such conviction which means discovering something isn't as told becomes incredibly frustrating however much we understand what's going on. Keep venting in our direction and hopefully just a bit of pressure will be relieved. Jackie
    Jacean2016 wrote: »

    Buzz I am so sorry you are going through this absolutely devastating time with Mike. You must take care of yourself first and foremost because all this anguish and stress won't be helping your health.b]Everybody[/b], Anne.
    Buzz - Sad to hear that you are going through this with Mike and that it's getting worse.

    Oh my word, have you any idea what you and your loving support means to me? I welled up when I read your warm words today! And gleaned important information for dealing with this wacky upside down condition! The Fact from Fiction thing hit home unbelievably! At dinner last night he had dear friends convinced it is my lack of a sense of humor that is the cause of his problems...and they probably half believed him, as he is so convincing, AND funny! His idea of joking is telling people he doesn't like them, or doesn't like who they are eating with, etc. They say they know he is joking, so I simply smile, because I know that is what he IS doing! I just called the neurologist's office to try to get a copy of whatever I should be aware of and it will sent to me. I just hope it's useful, as this is a condition that appears to baffle professionals and laymen alike!

    I learned today that I forgot Lab tests this week for another forgotten appointment with our primary care doctor om Monday, so I rescheduled everything for June, the earliest available date. Does anyone else get tired of the doctor appointment bit? It seems overwhelming even though I know they are important!

    I am following all your posts and puppies and babies and travels, but seem to not find time to be commenting, so please forgive me. You are all so precious to me!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think I screwed that post up, but if you click on "show previous quotes", you'll see what I tried to include!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016
    Buzz - Good to hear Mike is back after disppearing, very scary for you. If you need to vent, we are here.

    Anne - Can't wait to see the picture of Chloe and what fun getting all the supplies you will need. I hope it works out for you.

    Marcella- It's always hard coming back from vacation and eating right and exercise. Just a few days and I am sure you will be back to your normal routine. Always nice to do some socializing too.

    Jackie - Here's hoping your weather improves and scruff sounds like a handful.

    Lin - The butterfly project sounds like a lot of work for just volunteering. I agree with you to let it go
    for now until you can find someone to help with it.

    Sandy - Hoping all goes well the new house for Lisa. Time will tell if its meant to be and good luck to both of them.

    Patsy - Your new little fur baby sounds adorable you are adjusting very well.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the picture of Dave's side of the family. It was a great party and just
    what his mom wanted.

    The weather is just not warming up, its 50F today and back to a cloudy day from the sun this morning.
    A slow start to the sailing season. Yoga class today and I am just so tired and taking it slow today. A busy week of apts. Tomorrow is choir rehearsal 45 min away and we have to be there for 9:15 am and the performance is on Sunday.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon. Colder than ever again today. I am going out later and really wish I wasn't humiliated to wear my winter jacket. It would feel good!!! Nice Tai Chi and Qigong class this morning and quite a bit of time on their NuStep machine. Stopped by the mall to watch them set up the African Violet show and sale. It didn't start for another couple of hours so I didn't stay but I did rummage through the clearance items in the Lands End department in Sears and found a little short sleeve pullover sweater that matched a cardigan I had gotten there last year. Wahoo!! Score.

    It was another day where I needed to clean and cut up vegetables once again. Have been sorting through some papers and now to make a little dinner before going to the card making class.

    Tomorrow is forecast to be a very rainy day. That removes a visit to my CSA from my list of things to do. It is their open house but it is on a gravel road and tends to get quite muddy. I may go to the Tai Chi event or I might just decide to stay home while it is very cold and wet!! Next week the weather should be nicer and I hope to do a bit of container gardening.

    So much excitement here with puppies, and parties, and so many appointments and concerns on the more serious side of life. Wishing everyone a good weekend.

