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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! What a winter we have had here in Oregon! We have had 138 days of rain here in Astoria. I am waterlogged and beyond soggy. We have brave little dripping wet daffodils and the blooming andromeda (I guess that is what it is called...) sweet smelling blossoms. The Oregon wildlife is showing up now. Spiders, slugs, gnats, etc along with copious amounts of pollen, moss and mold. Life is happening!

    Our daughter is in very poor health and lives right down the road from us. We never see her or her family. I must say, reading about the lovely very close families here on sneakers makes me almost sob. Today I will drop by my daughters house and try to see if she might be willing to have a positive and friendly chat. I keep saying to myself, over and over...every problem has a solution Maybe not the one we would like or want but there is a solution.

    My big effort this spring and summer will be to simplify so that we can enjoy a more leisurely life. My list of must do tasks dominate my life too much. To close this philosophical clap-trap, I will say this...grab life and enjoy every moment because tomorrow...it is going to rain, if you live in Oregon.
    Swimming against the tide,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Happy Thursday! Busy day with my meeting, errands etc. It is already dinner time so I will check in tomorrow. Good luck Patsy with your daughter, saying a prayer you can connect.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    its gret seeing old friends Welcome Maddie My computer been on the brinked for the pste 5 days. i am just too old to handle it. but tat is not new,.marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Good evening, nope, no handyman today. I waited and waited and waited. Oh well. Got lots of little things out of the way and ready to take my car in tomorrow.

    Patsy, I do pray that you are able to find a way to have a better relationship with your daughter. That must be so stressful for you. Hugs for doggie girl!

    Jackie, what a saga regarding your car and the guy who was involved. Nope, did not call him gentleman did I? No indeed. He should be held responsible but please do what is best for you.

    Buzz, no new showerhead. The water here is horrible and will plug up a multi function showerhead in no time whatsoever. I am happy to have a shower that works. :)

    Anne, there has been a significant amount of attention paid here to the American who perished. Such a horrible thing for the family when trying to celebrate a happy event.

    Marie, glad you got your computer working again. Missed you!!

    Back to work on some cards.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Almost missed today! Heaven forbid. Somehow the day flew by. Attended my 20-week commitment Brain / Body / Spirit group and we studied sleep today! It seems such a problem for so many people. They discussed diffusers, massage, exercises including breathing, and everything sounded worth trying although once I hit my pillow, I sleep soundly. Maybe not long,...but deep! I doubt I get more than 4 or 5 hours, yet I'm not tired during the day. I suspect everyone's needs may be different. I seem to wake around 5:30 or 6 AM, and after a trip to the bathroom, I head for my compression boots and that hour of motorized leg massage. I am so very pleased with the difference in my leg skin (no more weeping or bleeding) and size (inches are disappearing!) and it has become a staple without which I cannot start my day. I'm getting better at finding time for me! Now if I could reduce my stomach area as well! Off to sleep so I can get my haircut in the morning.
    PATSY, as much as I love my kids, and they profess they love me, I see them very seldom. Some people see this as successful since they are quite independent of me, while others feel sympathy. I have become used to accepting that both they AND I are quite independent and once a week telephone calls become perfectly normal. Those are usually welcome and pleasant and warm (unless there are personal problems, in which case I've learned to try ignoring frustrated misdirected anger or worse, knowing it will blow over and be forgotten when the problem is solved!) but I feel wistful when I see other families get together 4 and 5 times a year! It just is what it is, and I have had to accept that I cannot fret over things that remain. The problem can only be solved by not allowing it to worry me, and I've learned to accept it! We do discuss it, and they assure me their lives are very fruitful and busy and they love me (or fear flying!) and I must believe it or feel miserable. We all do the best we can bringing up our children, and their adult behavior is what they choose! Never-the-less, I hope you eventually get to a relationship that is more rewarding for you and your daughter, if you are able to talk about it. If not, bury your feelings in your art or other creative things you do and don't compare your life with anyone else. No one really knows what goes on beneath the surface in other families!
    JACKIE, I do hope that irresponsible driver will somehow do the right thing for you and his damage, but I suspect unless you complain to either insurance or police, he will continue to ignore his action!... trying not to laugh at your description of getting up from the ground position. My contortions are such that I simply try to avoid getting too low! Yet I am totally fluid when it comes to standing and achieving the head to knees/hands flat on floor position, and then slowly curling back upright! I think it's because I have such long arms and so far, no back problems most of the time!
    LIN, OK, I get the plumbing problems! Just enjoy things you DO have, lol!
    MARIE, always happy when your computer brings you here again.
    SANDY, your delightful picture has me in a quandary about hair length again, but tomorrow I'll let you know my decision. You look so perky!
    I'm actually learning to "select all" and "copy" so next time my post disappears, I can simply "paste" it back in reply. Happens too often!
    Well past midnight, for a change, so please forgive me if I've overlooked you; I care for each of you and am simply running out of steam!
    Oh, dreadful news about terrorism in London. What has become of our society? Insane individuals just not valuing life; their own or others!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Wonderful advice BUZZ, especially concerning ones children.

    The terrorism in London upset me, especially as normal everyday policeman in the U.K. are not armed, but are trained to use guns when the need arises. PC Keith Palmer was a very nice man apparently, unarmed, and had a wife and 5 year old daughter. A fifth man, a 75 year old, has now died. Fancy, at 75 you go for a nice walk - and you don't walk home! The thug who caused all this unhappiness was described as a "soldier of the Islam state" by the so called Islam state. It should have read "coward of the Islam state." We can all use a car as a weapon against innocent folks out for a stroll, even the elderly!

    Whew! Sorry about that, but it's great to get my feelings off my chest!

    On to happier things, I won't record SANDY, until Monday, but I appear to have lost a pound! I hope to get Jill's nails cut at the vets today and pick up heartworm tablets and make enquiries about possible spaying in June. Not completely made my mind up yet. She seems so little. Then, onwards to pick up more bugs bunny food seeing it appears to work in the bulge department. We are in for one of PATSYS rainy days.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    Awoke to no hot water, intermittent internet followed by a leisure centre closed to the public due to a school gala so no swimming. That's the 3 things out of the way hopefully! The busy heating engineer can't get here until Tuesday so I'll be asking my nice neighbours if I can use their shower. After having my head in a cupboard to see what might be happening to the immersion heater (as if I'd know!) and then boiling a kettle for hot water to wash I forgot to weigh myself so will do so tomorrow. I've decided £500 to repair 4 dining chairs is just too much and actually ridiculous so will do the job myself.... one day! There's a charming American video on You Tube showing every step and I can buy the required materials on ebay so it can't be too difficult can it?? Then there's still the top of my desk that needs the wax and water marks removed and a new coating of wax so Patsy you are not alone with your long list of priorities!! Having worked in social care for a few years I can promise you that many, many families lose contact, fall out, have issues, you name it so you're probably in a majority and the fact that you persevere to communicate with your daughter says a great deal about you as a caring person.

    Lin ~ How frustrating your handyman not only didn't arrive but didn't let you know he wouldn't be coming. Standards and pride in work have gone out the window!!

    Buzz ~ We have an accepted and usually polite agreement amongst drivers of our narrow lanes that because they aren't wide enough for central white lines we take the time to move into passing areas that are carved into hedgerows every few hundred meters if a car is coming towards us then we wave a thank you nicely and go on our way. If cars do collide there's a knock for knock clause in insurance policies that says no one driver is responsible so in a case like mine, although all the damage was done to my vehicle because matey didn't pause when he saw me and I was stationary there's nothing I can do about it.... life's rich tapestry!!

    Anne ~ I know how you feel because it seemed such a pointless act but then I'm convinced these people are psychotic rather than hold any true religious belief.

    I'm going to send this on before my internet cuts off again so wish everyone a better Friday than mine's turning out to be!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I feel as if my head got shaved, but once I wash it to get rid of the tiny hairs and nudge my fingers through it to shape it, I will remind myself it will grow back if I so desire. Perhaps it will be summer by then, and I will just cut it really short! O well!
    JACKIE, I didn't know you were in social work; that explains your wisdom and understanding so well!
    ANNE, your frustration and anger are certainly understandable and we probably all share your feelings. What troubles me is that we don't separate the psychotic terrorists from the religion and I feel empathy for the innocent members who get swept into the same category. I see that being used as a hate weapon here, and worry about what it will lead to! I wish we had intelligent mature people willing to run for public office everywhere, and wonder if it would make a difference!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Before going to sit with the boys I am going for a no chip manicure and then after sitting I am going to go see Babe's brother and his wife since they are on the way home.
    It is a beautiful day here with temps in the 70's so I think I will be outside with the boys.

    Jackie, so you are saying that you can't make the driver of the other car responsible and make him pay for the damage? You would have to take half of the responsibility? I don't like that kind of insurance, it could get costly!! So now do you have to pay for repairing your own vehicle? Ouch!

    Anne, it is heartbreaking whenever there is an act of terrorism, innocent people losing lives.
    When I was a little girl I used to dream I could fly to get away from all bad people, there must have been a message in there somewhere.

    Buzz, my kids are all out of state but one. I am still lucky enough to fly to visit them when it is affordable. We do try to have a video call every Sunday, my oldest son never misses unless one of us is out of town. However, as you know I do not get to see Babe's son's daughter as they won't let me and I do miss her. It will be five years in July so I am not sure she even remembers me as she is only ten.

    Lin, you must be out and about and having fun I hope!!

    Marie, sorry about your computer, hope all is well with you. How is Missy?

    I better get moving so I don't waste this whole day. Have a good one! And just because I think these are just too cute!!


    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello and good morning to all Went to my doctor yesterday s0 do not have to go back to see him again for 3 months So I musts be doing pretty good..

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Hello friends

    Yes, I have been out and about on this odd weather day. It started out warm with some lovely sunshine and then overcast, rain, and now a bit colder as well. I am home to stay for the remainder of the day so I will change my clothes, make some hot tea and pour trough some magazines and books. I would like to do a jigsaw puzzle but my card making activities have taken over that space!! :D:D

    Marie, good news from your doctor. Wahoo!! So happy to hear that.

    Sandy, a manicure sounds like a lovely thing to do. I just looked at my hands and I have some icky looking nails and multiple ink stains on my hands, but I am happy with them anyway. Enjoy visiting with Babe's family. (Great photos of the boys too--thanks for sharing!!)

    Anne, I hope you get all errands taken care of and take your time making a decision regarding Jilly. I find I need LOTS of time to think things over before proceeding on anything even moderately important or costly.

    Jackie, what a day!!! My dear, I feel so sad for all the unhappy things that happened today. I sincerely hope that is the end of them!! Many states here have no fault insurance but I think our state may not be one of them. If you get a ticket or witnesses say you caused the accident, the other person is liable for the damages. But in any event, you are not allowed to leave the scene of an accident as if it did not happen. That would be lots of trouble for the person who behaved that way!!

    Buzz, so you did get the haircut. I am certain it is lovely but as you said, if you decide it doesn't suit you it will indeed grow out fairly quickly.

    I picked up my little craft project from the other day. I wish the project had been easier to do as I would like to make some more but it was too messy and the stuff she used to try to seal the lids to the rings really did not hold as we poured in the resin. I used glitter, sequins, little tiny buttons, beads, cheap jewelry charms and some misc. cut shapes. I like it. Now to decode, get some magnetic tape to apply to the back of it or attach some cork.

    Take care everyone.



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good news MARIE and
    Beautiful little kiddies SANDY.

    You are so right BUZZ. The majority of people of all religions are absolutely nice normal people. I made many friends at work of varying backgrounds, Yashmin and Goli, Muslim. Marguerita and Maurice, Jewish, Anne (Avta) Sikh, Mary, southern India catholic, Hari, Hindu and so on. It is so very wrong when a few psychotic thugs brand us all in groups either as a religion or as a nation or as a colour. I feel very sorry indeed for anybody today dealing with prejudice because of the mental behaviour of a few. However, when it comes to world leaders I have great hopes for the British prime minister Mrs May who seems very level headed. I hope I'm right!

    That's a very interesting dream SANDY.

    Well, we buried our heads in the sand and had an enjoyable day just being us and letting the rest of the world go by. Jill had her nails clipped at the vets, we had roast chicken for lunch and a nice long walk once the drizzle departed. I'm putting my feet up right now and Jilly Bean is fast asleep. Peaceful!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Hate to be vain....but I like this picture of my hair better. Leaving to go see boys now.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Help with etting my days back . Lost my count with computorProblemzii have been having and ai did not save the link.. hope some one did.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy I love your hair. looks great on you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good evening, just a little note to say I will be helping with food preparation, serving and clean-up for the funeral lunch tomorrow at our church. Won't be here much and of course all the usual Sunday running about. Hugs.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I remember during an art history class the teacher remarked that of course, art reflects accurately what is going on in any given culture, at any given time. We all sat there looking at slides of various primitive cave art going on through the ages. It then sort of hit us...most of the art at some point had battle scenes and war scenes of some kind. Even the really ancient cave art had some conflict depicted. So I guess human beings as well as most creatures have conflicts. It is a sad state that creatures cannot live in peace. Even insects have wars and conflicts. I have joked about wanting to be the first senior citizen Martian space dweller. Thereby avoiding the issues plaguing us here on earth.

    Just noodling around here but before I forget...there was a beautiful PBS special called, A List Of Women. Wow! So beautiful and the interviews of the different women were amazing. If you get a chance...see it.

    Thank you for the kind words of wisdom concerning my ongoing strangled connection with my daughter. It must be a textbook case of oedipal conflict. Oooooh my gosh!!!!!

    More rain, spring break will be wet this year. No one will be running around in tiny bikinis and flip-flops. We have little fear of wild fires or out of control beach bonfires currently.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning fellow Sneakers!
    SANDY, I have decided that whether I wear the Anne whiskers long, medium or short I can never look like attractive you, so I might as well keep my hair long and carry on frightening small children as the witch of the street who has a small black dog rather than a large black cat, sigh.

    And PATSY, not you me dear because I know you are a gentle soul, but whoever else lands on poor Mars will take the woes of mankind with them. That's a guarantee. Every living thing on this beautiful planet, even plants, battle for land, dominance, females or cash. It's the way we are programmed. Remember, the fittest survive. Another reason for me to go around looking like the witch of the north, no one will battle for me, lol.
    There is good news in having lots of rain. No creatures will die in forest fires and we won't go thirsty.
    Oh and I can think of lots of art that feature sunflowers etc for instance, and probably created by the gentle souls so there is a glimmer of hope.

    It's supposed to rain here again today. Indeed we are promised a week of rain washing away the flotsam, leaves, twigs, garbage of winter and filling the Great Lakes with water. The birds are returning. It was so noisy yesterday with squawks, honks, twitters that Michael thinks the birds are competing with the manmade traffic honks, brakes squealing etc. Ah spring, the dangerous season when "hedges shoot". I have one lone crocus and one lone snowdrop so far.

    Anne, peeping shyly out of her bushy hair, and no, you aren't getting a photo! Cheers gals.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Have a wonderful day with hubby and pets!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ditto from Anne. Happy Birthday Barbie.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday, Barbie! Being mama to some wonderful creatures gives life a special sweetness as I am sure you know. You are an on going lesson in discipline and caring. Dance on! Thank you for your kindness and beauty. Have a wonderful day with your loved ones and of course many many more.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Lin – I have thought about getting some kind of embossing plates and machine, but have not done so yet. I have so many craft things I have not used, so guess I should start with those. I did get a Brother Scan and Cut about 6weeks ago that I have to get into using. Thought it would be good for card making and quilt patterns. Sorry to hear of your loss of another friend.

    Buzz – the couple ounces/week loss are in the right direction.
    I am sure your friend in Hospice care appreciated your visit. Usually just start a regular conversation and then follow your friend's lead. When ready to leave ask if there may be something they would like that you could bring to them on your next visit or something you may do for them.
    I have always thought your hair looked just perfect. You should treat yourself to the new shower set up of multiple heads. Ayup! ;) :-)\
    Glad the 'boots' are working for you! Peoples cicadian rhythms vary. If you are getting quality sleep than you are good to go! My bladder wakes my every 2-3 hours usually so I do not get quality sleep. Since hitting my head I have a sleep disturbance anyway, sometimes manly awake for 20+ - 40+ hrs with short 20 - 45 min. naps then I will sleep for 24+ hrs. up only for bladder breaks.
    Buzz,how true that no one knows what goes on beneath the surface in other families or relationships! You are so insightful!

    Jackie- Winter has been strange this year. I have started some seeds inside, a bit early but will see how they work out. I may hire some college kid to 'clean up' and prepare my raised beds this year … Lord knows my son will not have anything to do with them! :( :-(
    So funny about your friend and the driver who hit your car :D :-)
    We also do most of laundry when the rates are cheaper; it helps that we are awake overnights (son works overnights). My washer is “blocked in” with 'chock' blocks and on a platform in my finished basement. Had the dryer put in the garage after I hit my head 'cause there are only 3 steps I need to navigate if I have to empty dryer. I can picture sitting/pushing your machine back in place.
    You can learn a lot watching You Tube. Will await pics of chairs when you get them done.

    Patsy – sorry to hear your relationship with your daughter and family is challenged. You have a positive attitude and all you can do is try. I hope and pray your relationship with your daughter will improve. My to do list is huge and at times overwhelming, but just plug away at it when and as I can.

    Sandy – Yes! One day ( and at times one minute) at a time.!
    Those little ones are adorable! Thanks for sharing.

    Marie – Good news from the doctor – hurray!

    Anne – you are so funny -'the witch of the street'! :p :-) Our crocus and daffodils have yet to peak their heads as most of the flower beds are still under several inches of snow.

    Well have grandson for the weekend. Promised him English muffin pizza for lunch and baked steelhead trout with fixin's (salad & mashed sweet potato) for suppah! LOL! Time to go get veggies ready for pizza. After lunch will fold laundry and see how much stamina I have left to do exercises & P.T. Grand want “movie night tonight as well. That will be snuggle time on the couch,,, just love it!n He won't want to snuggle with Nannie for too much longer as he is getting to that age where it just isn't 'cool'! I will enjoy it while I can get it!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2017
    The bedroom curtains were pulled back to a display of glorious early morning sunshine that's been with us ever since. We walked across hill and vale as well as in the woods and I've taken some short video shots to put together in the next couple of days. After that I've been pottering in the garden and even mowed a couple of sections of lawn so am feeling positive that one day, who knows when, all will be in control again.

    Mae ~ Packs of seeds sit waiting for me to begin planting into trays but I'm not sure our temperatures are warm enough to encourage them to germinate just yet so will see what the next few days bring. At least my bees are making the most of the sunshine and zipping in and out of their hive as well as concentrating on some housework by throwing out any dead bodies.... they are amazing creatures but sentimentality doesn't come into it!! Have a wonderful time with your grandson with at least a few cuddles thrown in!

    Anne ~ Skip over if I've mentioned before a documentary I saw last year about the wide area around Chernobyl that has been deserted by mankind since that terrible nuclear accident but a hardy bunch with camera were allowed in for a day and night and took some amazing footage of creatures now living there that have travelled hundreds of miles from mostly Russia. So, with one elderly lady and her dog who said she stayed because there was nowhere else for her to go are bears, elk, wolves, wild cats and a number of other species all there because humans moved out! There's no doubt a hierarchy and as you say, survival of the fittest but it gave me hope that if we ever do something silly to ourselves life will continue on our planet.

    Patsy ~ Wouldn't we all like to think mankind had moved on from Neanderthal behaviour but it appears not yet! I shall do a little google search for your List of Women, thanks!

    Sandy ~ Beautiful photos of you and of course the boys. Your hair must certainly be manageable at that length and does suit you. I've an appointment on Wednesday but whatever I ask for will probably get the opposite!! It's one of those things on our roads in that the vast majority are considerate and polite, just he odd aggressive driver that spoils it. My hubcap is split in half so will have to be replaced at some point and the dent and scratch will be taken to my friend who tinkers with vehicles and hopefully repaired.

    Lin ~ Your latest craft project is beautiful, I just love those colours. Glues and pastes don't go well for me and I usually end up sticking myself to something I'd rather not!

    Buzz ~ It's my impression politics is a career move rather than a calling these days so little or no belief in principles, just power and the money that comes with it. Working in social care taught me oodles and I met some wonderful people in our community. Also set me on a road that keeps me moving whatever because the alternative is not good!

    Time to do some cooking for an evening meal and our clocks go forward tonight so I must adjust the chicken's timer on their door too. Out walking and then lunch with friends tomorrow and may not drop in so wish you all a lovely and peaceful weekend.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Reset URL for MFP..[url="http://"] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/login_counter_reset_request [/url] ...

    Sorry I couldn't make it a hyperlink , MARIE, but maybe someone else can!

    <3 Buzz

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? it did it automatically I guess!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    What wonderful reading in everyone's posts today! Such wisdom to reap, and so much to agree with. What a group! SANDY, love your hair. Yes, mine WILL grow out! And Robby and Max are priceless!
    JACKIE, you hit the nail on the head regarding dedication's disappearance today! I keep shaking my head in disbelief!
    MAE, Yae!
    LIN ---talent!
    ANNE- BOO!
    MARIE, I posted the address.
    Everyone: you can see I'm in a rush! My friends across the hall needed help doing their taxes and their computer confused them, as well as the printer, so I got it set up for them and it threw off my timing. Dinner in "New Zealand" was spectacular last night, with real NZ rack of baby lamb. Followed by the worst movie I ever slept through, something like "Strangeheart Asylum" based on Edgar Allen Poe, but it was awful! Now running late and my hair won't behave!

    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,437 Member
    :)Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. I read this thread every day, but don't post. You all have such interesting busy lives and I love reading about what you are doing.

    :) When Jake asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday I couldn't think of anything because my life is perfect every day. I started my day today walking my dogs for about two hours. Then we did our regular Saturday morning "errand date" including going to Costco and buying only what was on the list and not sampling the free snacks. We went to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant where I had exactly the same thing I always have (chips and salsa, one cheese enchilada, a large side of pico de gallo). After lunch we came home for a family nap followed by more dog walking. Today is not a dance day, but yesterday I taught my class in the morning and taught my friend's class in the next town in the afternoon. Both classes sang "Happy Birthday" and my class gave me a card signed by everyone and a gift certificate to my favorite Chinese restaurant.

    <3 hugs to all of you, my special friends.b0323.gif