Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    TGIF!! Happy Friday! :) Cooler day so we stayed in today. Robby is getting at the terrible two age which I expected but he is not really bad. When he gets angry with his toys he throws them and when I correct him on something he closes his eyes like he can't hear me. He is good most of the time so I really can't complain. I have 5 weeks left and I am sure I will miss not having him once he stops coming every day.

    Marie, glad you got to eat your beans again, I know you love them.

    Marcella, welcome home and I agree with Marie, looking good in your new profile picture.

    Buzz, I don't buy fresh fruit much but gee your blueberries sound expensive. But if you like them and I know they are healthy it is certainly worth the price. Can you believe your baby is 62? My baby is 42 and I have a hard time believing he is that old. I have to admit that Indian food is not one of my favorites, I am not a fan of curry. I also don't like anything spicy so not too fond of most Mexican food as well.

    Lin, I don't see a lot of big birds around here, mostly sparrows or robins and of course my hummingbird once it is warm enough.

    Anne and Jackie, interesting story about the ravens in England, thanks for sharing.

    I have a busy weekend with a welcome home party for my niece's son who just got out of the army. He was not in combat but he was in Afghanistan and Kuwait. The family part of the party starts at 3:00 and the surprise party with his friends starts at 5:00. I don't plan to stay long as I have a bridal shower for my other niece's daughter on Sunday. This is my sister's granddaughter who my sister adored so of course I wouldn't miss it for anything.

    Looking forward to sleeping a little later tomorrow, Monday will be here fast.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited April 2016
    Welcome home Marcella--looking terrific!! I hope all the visits were excellent. Nice to go somewhere but nice to get home again.

    Buzz, I love blueberries but almost always purchase the frozen unsweetened ones. Fresh blueberries? A couple of times a year. I enjoy all the fresh berries!! But frozen works and definitely better than not having any.

    Sandy, a busy weekend on tap for you. It sounds like a lot of fun. Post a pic or two if you get some nice ones.

    We finally have some sunshine but it is colder than I anticipated so I got a bit cold while running errands today. I may go to an open house at a garden center tomorrow. I hear it is fabulous and I've never been there but then again, lots of people, well, maybe not.

    It was an odd day starting with a building where only half the power would work. And the check-in computers were down. And things just seemed to stay out of kilter everywhere I went. I was glad to get home, got some phone calls made, did some research online and checked the ads for the garden centers and garden departments.

    I have several online special programs I would like to watch now. They are the limited time things that come along from time to time. Have a good evening and weekend.

    Happy Earth Day.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    All ready for the party tomorrow, house is decorated and tomorrow we pick up the trays and cake.
    I bought the flowers today and Dave has to pick up Elsie she is 92 but still drives, but not too far anymore. I will finish setting up drinks and we will have pizza and wings later for dinner. I can't wait
    to see Isaac. <3 I have his highchair all cleaned and ready to go. We skyped with him last night
    and he is so darn cute! I hope to have some pictures to share.

    Today we did a walk around the neighborhood and I went into a Fitbit Challenge, I managed 15, 242 steps today and came in 3rd out of 10 for my team. :)

    It rained off and on today and was warm and then it got really cold. High of 52F tomorrow so we will
    probably stay inside for the party.

    We just finished dinner, brown rice and stir fry beef and vegetables. Delicious. :)

    Now time for some TV and relaxation.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had a lovely chat with my 62 year old "baby son" who keeps saying they want to move to Florida when he retires. Who knows if I'll still be around in 5 more years? His dear daughter has another setback in her young life; her significant other has had surgery on his back for CA, and they were unable to get it all, so radiation is being given and the prognosis is not terrific! I feel so bad for both of them. My dear GD is 28 and he is 30. She is having a really hard time concentrating on school, of course.
    MARIE, I do still drive, but don't know how much longer I'll continue. My neck no longer twists freely so backing up in a parking lot takes me forever!
    Oops, Blue bloods is on...gotta run!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So far, so good.... no snow. It was cold on the walk across the moors this morning but beautiful in glorious sunshine and I'm now contemplating some gardening in a sheltered spot. Possible snow on high ground tomorrow.... oops, that's me!! Anne's right of course, the 6 ravens in the Tower of London are supposed to stay around otherwise England will fall. Apparently some are known to wander and have been found checking out other areas of the city but on the whole they behave themselves. I have rooks and crows around here but never know the difference apart from rooks being a lot noisier.

    Buzz ~ That's so sad about your GD's other half at such a young age but cancer treatment is so advanced from just a few years ago the specialists can hopefully extend his life significantly. Shopping in Aldi the other day I picked up a small pack of blueberries but when I saw the price was around the equivalent of $2.50 I put them back!! I bought some sweet red grapes instead at half the price.

    My battery is running low so I'm going to charge up, have some lunch and get outside but should have a quiet evening so will check back then. Everyone have an enjoyable Saturday. Oh yes, and Marcella what a lovely photo ~ you're looking healthy and slim!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm away for the day, but happy St Georges Day to Jackie. It's much cooler but that's okay, I'll bundle up back in the old anorak. The young chap across the road was running around in his shorts yesterday, but he said it was a bit nippy! I'll say! "Ne'er cast a clout 'til May is out" again. Enjoy your party Shirley, what fun and such a lovely thing to do for your MIL.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Going to be a beautiful weekend and I am happy about that since both parties are about a 45 minute drive. Babe is bringing me some supplies this morning and the party starts at 3:00. It will be wonderful seeing my brother since I don't see him often. He sort of hibernates for the winter but now that the weather is breaking I am hoping to see him more often, especially once I am not sitting.

    Anne, have fun doing whatever you are doing, maybe a bus trip somewhere???

    Jackie, so England is relying on the fate of 6 ravens?? What happens if one dies??

    Buzz, so sorry about your granddaughters other half. I agree with Jackie, there is so much being done today hopefully they can help him.

    Shirley, have a wonderful time at the party, your mother in law will be so happy. Can't wait for more pictures of Issac, he will be the center of attention.

    Lin, what a weird day you had with all that went wrong at the stores, I hope today is better.
    I will try to get a picture of me and my brother, I adore him. I am sure my niece will take lots of pictures for Facebook.

    Enjoy your weekend and I hope the weather is perfect!!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its looking that way Sandy!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited April 2016
    Well I'm home again for now and I walked Sandy. I'm so glad I did. All the civic minded younger folk were out in their shorts (brrrrr) happily picking up the blown winters garbage in the ravines etc and smiling and wishing me good morning, it being Earth Day. Have you noticed how the civic minded have beaming faces as they drag their sacks of picked up discarded plastic bottles etc. whilst the less civic minded males, herded in their
    hoodies and with their drawers hanging around their knees never take their eyes off the sidewalk as they discard their ciggies along the way.
    Never mind, by the time I returned home our little town looked all shiny and neat like a newly minted coin.
    Now for lunch and then the urge to wander again is overtaking me. Sandy, enjoy your brother. We are all coming out of hibernation at last!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    I messed up the picture of the golden sneakers on the front page. I don't have time to fix it now but will fix it when I do. Sorry.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I never even noticed the cover picture; the color was gold and I love MARIE's photo! I wish for a wonderful season coming up for you and your family!
    JACKIE, when I saw the price of my blueberries, I was going to pass on it until I remembered my counselor saying to me, "your savings will hold up for about 10 to 12 years, so enjoy life!" It's why we didn't come here sooner; I always feared outliving our small hoard! I surely hope the darn berries don't put me on the Samaritan list, but blueberries are one of my few indulgences! Tonight, I look forward to matzo balls at the seder they will have downstairs! Residents and guests of all backgrounds and faiths enjoy it, and for those who don't, there will be a bus taking them to our 2 "sister" communities for dinner.
    ANNE, you have drawn a perfect verbal picture of our opposites! I think the low hanging drawers have been banned around here, but there is much to be fixed regarding today's fashions! However, I love these "shark-bite" blouse tops (they hide my girth beautifully!), and also the itty bitty kids look so cute in their outfits!
    LIN, I think I miss Garden Centers a lot! I always enjoyed changing color schemes every spring! YOU enjoy it for me this year!
    SHIRLEY, I do hope your party is in full swing and you are all having a lovely celebration! I informed my DS that next year will be my 90th birthday and how I would love to celebrate with my whole family (all my cousins except for 2 are gone!). May your dear Elsie have many more years with you all, and in good health!
    BARBIE, A happy Passover to you and JAKE!
    I'd better check on my email now so I can enjoy dinner with a free mind! Have a lovely evening
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Buzz you are the most delightful Person 2433085ao00gjgxwb.gif
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Buzz, you are a dear. I hope your family puts together a spectacular birthday party for you. A celebration is well deserved!!

    Anne, good for you, out helping to clean things up. Glad you got out.

    Jackie, I hope you do not get any more cold weather! You've had enough. And I hope you find furniture--soon.

    Sandy, I saw a couple of pictures on Facebook. Looks like you were having a good time. And the Ravens are not immortal so they have to be replaced from time to time. :D

    Marie, how is Alice? I haven't heard much about her lately unless I have been missing the updates. I hope her current job is going well.

    Shirley, I hope all is well with the party! Hugs to Isaac.

    As it turns out, I needed to do things around the house today and did not go to the garden center today. Another day when others are at work and/or in school will be more to my liking. I also had a conference call at 1pm so wanted to be home. Got a bit of cleaning done as the air conditioning folks are to come and do maintenance on Monday morning. Tomorrow is not only church day but also that butterfly seminar so I will not be home much and I noticed I really had to get some food prepared so I can have salad again !!

    And I seem to be dragging again today. I have no idea why.

    I did a bit of coloring last night and that was lovely. I am reading a mystery this evening. I plan to go to bed early.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, maybe you need to take a day for you and just rest a bit. You are so active! And of course, seasonal allergies can cause trouble too.

    We got home late last night. I've rested today, very sleepy. Storms thru last night but today was lovely.
    Marie, I even slept past time to make veg soup in the instant pot! I guess it will be for tomorrow.
    Well wishes to you all, I'm catching up on my recorded TV. Quirke right now.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe My tummy is just loaded with gas. so i am laying off of beans for while till it decide to settle down. I been eating sweet potatoes all day no butter to day and home cooked greens. It was turnips greens today. tomorrow i will ip a big bag of Kale. Mighty good I might add.I wish I ad got some turnips with my greens. But just notice today they are a non starcy veggies on this SS diet I thought they would be a starch

    Sleep good tonight in your own bedZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well sneakers, hope your weekend is sunny and wonderful. We will have that famous Oregon "drippy sun with clouds that scoot across the skies between sun breaks and raindrops. It feels sort of odd not planning my flower pots and flower beds. We had to go around the property and pull out all the foxgloves. Katie nibbles on almost everything. She had an upset stomach and she might have nibbled on a foxglove...who knows but they are gone now. I had no idea how dangerous they are. I actually planted some large hybrids that took off and jumped the flower bed. They were beautiful and stately. They decided to grown right in the middle of our driveway! Some friends who are master gardeners from Washington state want to drop by for lunch soon. That would be on beyond embarrassing. This yard and gardens are a huge mess. John says let them come! It will be good for their self esteem. The will feel truely superior (with good reason) and we will charm them with our almost housebroken puppy. This is going to be a hard go, my friends. More on that drama as it develops.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Dear girls, I am totally devastated as is Michael. I wasn't going to tell you but I informed Jackie, and she, bless her thinks I should. Our little Cinders died yesterday. She was only 13 months old and in that short time she became much loved. Poor Michael is completely devastated. He has suffered personal loss in the past 2 or 3 years and this little girl became almost a substitute child for him I think. He took her everywhere, even work, and of course she was often here with me. Only last week she was snuggling up to me to be cuddled and licking my fingers. Such a happy little dog, it's unbelievable she's gone. Sorry girls to tell you this. Im afraid that somehow I've managed to lose my friends on the home page and don't know how to reinstate you.
    Bye, anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Oh Anne, how awful for you and your son. I don't want to pry but what happened? There aren't really any words to comfort you at this time but know that we are all here for you. I am so, so sorry.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh Anne, so sorry for you and your son. That is devastating. Big hugs to you.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    No one to blame, just lack of foresight. Mikes partner took Cinders to visit her daughter from her first marriage and she allowed one of her 3 very young grandchildren to hold her extendable leash. The little 6 year old holding the leash didn't know how to latch it, and little Cinders ran unrestrained onto the road and was killed by a car. The only bit of good news - it was instantaneous. Goodness knows how the little kids feel having watched this.
    I called Mike this morning and he and I are a matching pair with puffy eyes. He says he will get another dog once the raw edge of grief heals, BUT with strict rules. He was at work when it happened and came home to no Cinders to joyfully greet him. She was a "joint ownership" puppy, but in reality she was really his.