Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wouldn't we all just love to go out to the henhouse and pick up really fresheggs like JACKIE does? But then we would have to put in the effort to grow her darling chickens! I thought she would write a book about Charlie..., well, maybe one day!
    ANNE, I know the feeling about Mark traveling to questionable areas, but I suspect you imbued your kids with tons of common sense, so trust in his good judgement! And have a lovely garden to enjoy the next few seasons!
    PHOEBE, I get dizzy just thinking about your travels and the roads you cover! We all admire your stamina as well as your dimples!
    SHIRLEY, what a dear friend Dave is to TOM, getting him set in the right direction.
    MARIE, you are sounding the way you always do, cheerfully putting your best into everything you do!
    I woke at 6 AM today, knowing Mike had an appointment at the VA with an endocrinologist. I was hoping to get into their hearing aid open clinic before 10 AM, but somehow, I have slowed down enough that we just mad it in time for his appointment, where we disagreed in great detail about whether or not he eats as he should :s . The Doctor then had him take a memory test, about which I should expect a call tomorrow. SInce I had brought his hearing aids along (3 years old, worn twice!) We went out for a quick lunch, and returned to the afternoon hearing aid clinic. He was taught again how to put them on, the fine art of adjusting them so they stop falling out, and all of a sudden he brightened and said he actually could hear a difference! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, as I think loss of hearing has a good deal to do with withdrawal from conversation and other enjoyments! Afterward, went shopping at Publix and finally home. I'm almost too tired to go down for dinner, but we will be meeting new residents tonight so I throw on a pair of crazy earrings and go down.
    So far, the weather seem gorgeous!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Monday! :) It was another beautiful day as Shirley mentioned and I even had to turn my A/C on for a short time. Robby and I spent a lot of time on the balcony and a little time at the park where a bumble bee was hovering and made me nervous so we left. I did not have to go to their house after all as the man who was replacing the sliding doors was coming to install them along with the repairman to fix the stove. My son decided to stay home to take care of them so I had a normal day. Today is my wash day so I was happy to stay home.

    Buzz, I have to admit I am not an egg eater, I used to eat hard boiled eggs on a sandwich but I haven't had one for a very long time. I think we all miss Charlie, he was a hoot!! I hope the news about Mike is good and that he learned how to use his hearing aids to hear better. Babe needs hearing aids but is too stubborn to even try.

    Shirley, can't wait to see more pictures of Issac enjoying Mexico. I love the one you posted and had to agree with Anne about that hand. lol Do we get an invite to your MIL party, everything sounds wonderful. I agree that Dave is a good friend and is probably helping Tom live a longer life.

    Anne, I feel the same way about my granddaughter going to Africa this summer. With my grandson going to Hawaii to work at a summer camp, I am jealous!!

    Phoebe, I also had to google Quorn and agree it looks interesting. Honey is not alone, Daisy hates hot weather, nothing like me.

    Marie, I agree that you are back to your normal self and I think it is because you feel so good with your new food. Always happy when the sneakers are happy.

    Jackie, yes, I agree with you and Buzz and I think most of Babe's illness is stress related. I am going to check out those quorn pieces, they look interesting.

    Patsy, how is our new little Katie doing? I am sure you are covered in puppy kisses.

    Have a great evening.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! Very warm and sunny here. We aire enjoying it but at the same time we are harboring anxiety about a super hot dry summer and wild fires. Here in Oregon with all our trees and undergrowth there is no stopping a wildfire! Whine! Whine! Whine! It seems to be my hobby.

    Katie really is great! This tiny puppy only 6 weeks old poops and pees at least 200 or 300 times in a 12 hour period. We are all learning togather. So far John and I are behind. Katie has figured out a lot of things, potty training is so far not on her radar screen. Yet we are really interested in making that happen. She is very young and so far we are mainly just adhering to her natural inclinations. She looks ar us like ...okay, I am not sure why you are so focused on this potty thing but let's play and chew on bushes and twigs and toys! We are all enjoying the journey!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    2/3 cup of puppy chow 3 times a day and the occasional milk bone and Katie can cause an amazing stir of activity! Tiny doggie...many poops!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Adorable pictures!! Puppy, totally cute!! Jackie and George---also adorable. I think you have wonderful hair Jackie. What a variety of eggs in your other picture Jackie! More pictures of Isaac please!

    Marcella, how soon before you’re relaxing by the pool?

    Jackie, you couldn’t win that particular judging because George looks too good! We all miss hearing about Charlie. We would all love a book about his escapades.

    Sandy, some lovely days! We have rain now and the temperature has cooled. I spent several nights sweating so I finally turned on the air conditioning. Much more comfortable now. I’ll run the combo setting of heating/cooling to keep the temperature in a comfortable range. Sorry Babe has so many health problems. He must suffer so much.

    Shirley, sorry you had a bout of bad tummy but glad you are doing better now. Enjoy MIL's birthday party. You've planned well.

    Buzz, hello my friend. Sorry about the scheduling problems but glad Mike now has hearing aids that are working a bit better now. I trust he can keep them adjusted. I hope you get some rest!! You are always on the go. No eggs for this chick either. Ha.

    Anne, I agree, in the Midwest we would not normally trust the weather for tender plants until mid-to-late May. My folks always count on Memorial Day for all those types of things. I just heard from an acquaintance in Ecuador and they are okay but many roads are closed due to mud slides, lots of damage and they need drinking water. They are ex-pats and plan to return to the U.S. in a few weeks but may have to leave from a different airport than planned.

    Patsy, oh my yes, little puppies go and go and go don’t they! It’s been so long since I had a puppy. Goodness. Two of my friends recently did get puppies and I adore little squirming, licking puppies. They are so much fun but gosh, in a few short weeks, they are really using their sharp little teeth.

    Marie, Hi!!

    Phoebe, travel safely my friend.

    I went to the dentist today. When they asked if I had any problems, I said no. I always say no. No matter what, I pretty much always say no. Ha. So teeth cleaned, no X-rays once again and an appointment in 6 months. That’s about as good as it gets.

    Spent quite a bit of time sorting through my surplus food stocks in the basement (sort of my survival rations should they be needed). Even those need to be sorted through and since it is trash day tomorrow it was the perfect time to tackle some of that. Got a lot accomplished.

    Messed around with making lunch today as well. Probably fairly uninteresting but I got a bag of fresh riced cauliflower at TJ, rinsed it and dried it down as much as possible, made a type of goo out of it by adding a flaxseed meal egg and some Italian seasoning to the cauliflower then spread it out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Baked it at 400 degrees until it was a bit brown, then took it out, spread a jar of tomato paste over it and some white chopped onion and baked it some more. Ate it with some of my usual cooked mushroom/onion/garlic mix. Lots of work, not that great so I don’t know if I will do that again.

    So far about 16,500 steps and 20 flights of stairs and hit all my activity goals for the day. I am always being measured now by either Fitbit or my Apple activity app that’s installed on my watch. Guess I will never get lost with all these trackers on me.

    Wishing everyone well. Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »

    she is so cute

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray, finally our cold north wind has dropped, the sun is shining and I've just sat in the garden drying my hair after a trip to the local pool for my weekly swim with friends. Posted latest profile photo of my mop of hair now it's dry and think I'll do a before and after to show the difference a visit to the salon makes! Plans for today? Well it will either be more gardening and then a 3 miles walk around our local lake with friends and doggies or a visit to the allotment where much work is also needed. The walk it more appealing right now so expect that's what we'll do.

    Quorn is something I got into when I stopped eating red meat because I was aware a lack of protein was affecting my muscles and legs in particular. Phoebe Marlow Foods make our packs although I had to look through the tiny print on the back to find their name. It's a great substitute and I couldn't make chicken pieces tastier in a stir fry because they add delicious spices, not hot just yummy. There's also a mince for chilli sauce or bolognese and so-called sausages that I love. The many eggs I collect are of course another great source of protein so I'm hoping lack of red meat is no longer a problem.

    Marie ~ In a funny sort of way I do miss Charlie although I'm not sure how he would have coped in a chicken run rather than being in charge of the garden and me! Poor George would be scared to go out!!

    Sandy ~ Poor bumble bee minding her own business!! Just kidding because I remember from past comments they make you feel uncomfortable. A huge queen bumble flew into my greenhouse the other day when I was getting seeds into trays and I had to have a serious talk to her about the fact it wasn't a good place to be looking for a home for the summer!

    Patsy ~ Katie is a babe isn't she and already got you both wrapped around her little paw! It is amazing how quickly cats and dogs figure out the pee'ing and poo'ing routine so I'm sure she will soon be clean. Meanwhile.......!!

    Lin ~ That's great to get another dentist appointment out of the way. I've chipped a piece off the back of a tooth and know the next step is a crown so am putting off the day which probably isn't wise. I'll certainly make an appointment in the next week or so.

    Buzz ~ When Charlie was still with us I was tempted to draw on my experiences with him to write a children's book but these days they are so protected from anything untoward I imagined it would be looked upon as a bad influence when it came to behaviour! It was going to be written from Charlie's point of view as I'm sure he had good reason to peck me on the backside when bending to collect eggs and because his sister has the same attitude they would definitely fit well into a dysfunctional family of hens! I'm sure you're right about Mike's lack of hearing affecting his social skills because a friend refuses to wear her aids as she says they are uncomfortable but then misses out on so much conversation and I've noticed doesn't always try to involve herself anymore.

    Shirley ~ I was huffing and puffing a few years ago when I began the healthy eating lifestyle and am so aware just how much better I feel in myself now and it does look like Dave's friend is feeling the improvements if he's now walking on his own sometimes. Well done Dave for encouraging him.

    Anne ~ My Canadian friends in London, Ontario changed their lifestyle about 12 years ago when hubby who was a salesman for an electrical company and travelled all over the place involving many miles by road decided one day he had seen too many road accidents and general mayhem as well as a few close calls with his own life when big trucks ploughed down on him so gave up his job, took up voluntary work and growing their own veggies which was probably the saving of his mental health. I must say I don't feel the urge to travel far and wide anymore, in fact think twice before making a trip to the city.... a real country yokel I am!! Enjoy your garden in the sunshine as I was earlier. My tulips are beginning to show their bright red faces which brightens up a small corner.

    Whoops, just seen the time and I've not had lunch yet so had better get off my backside.
    Have a good day everyone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just a quickie from me. Our growing season is named zone 6 over here. Zone 7 being the north and Arctic. I believe Sandy is the same as us Ontario folk. This means we have 130 to 160 days for growing veggies etc. I'm now curious what zone the UK falls under. I don't think we bothered with guidelines there but just chucked everything into the soil and hoped for the best. All seems to have survived here this last winter in my plot except maybe the azalea and I will be sorry if it hasn't, it was so pretty.
    So, with only 130 days or four and a half months I better get moving! I must admit I love this early part of the season!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »

    changed their lifestyle about 12 years ago when hubby who was a salesman for an electrical company and travelled all over the place involving many miles by road decided one day he had seen too many road accidents and general mayhem as well as a few close calls with his own life when big trucks ploughed down on him so gave up his job, took up voluntary work and growing their own veggies which was probably the saving of his mental health. I must say I don't feel the urge to travel far and wide anymore, in fact think twice before making a trip to the city.... a real country yokel I am!!
    Found myself in a quagmire related to health insurance this morning, and it is now 12:28 and I haven't solved much , nor have I had breakfast yet! But since I'm online, I couldn't log off without checking. I just heaved a sigh of relief after reading JACKIE"S above quote about her friends! I am not the only one who has lost the urge to sit behind the wheel dealing with mankind's inhumanity to mankind! Or make it womankind! I used to love driving, traveling, flying, etc. but now I grit my teeth as I sit in one traffic jam after another, or deal with one more freak who decides to cut from right lane through several lanes to make that left turn that was forgotten listening to the thumping sound called music today! I do what I must as quickly as possible to return to the safety of my little apartment!
    Mike is wearing his hearing aids today :# and I am looking at papers from the last 2 years of Income Tax backups and wondering where they fit into my tiny place. will Uncle Sam really want them seven years from now? I doubt I will remember where I stash them! I'm hungry!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, I agree, storing for seven years is another IRS rule that needs to be abolished. They should be required to audit within one year or lose the opportunity.
    We have a community event on Saturday. There will be a shredding truck. I thought we might get home in time but now, maybe not. We could have shredded all papers at no cost.
    I don't know the reason, maybe Diane might, but they are very short of lettuce. This means we must wait for it. We have waited. Since about 11pm edt. Good thing we have food with us. I'm getting my sleep in!
    Hugs all
    Marina CA in the 70's.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe can you use your Ip in the truck? I have not used mine in about a week and I am sure getting hungry for some beans.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon - my gosh Jackie, I am so jealous of your thick hair. Wonderful!! I went out this afternoon to do a few errands and I was so disgusted with my fine limp hair that I clamped on a blue hat and covered it up. That works.

    Buzz, sorry for your frustrating morning. I also think 7 years is getting too be too much given how quickly everything moves along these days. And hey, I got a readjudication of a bunch of my medical claims from 2014!! Why??? No reason given but now the provider can charge me a bunch more money. Every line item has a bunch of confusing reasons given. All I know is they are taking benefits back from me. Really looking forward to another bill!! Anyway, I think they should not be able to do that 2 years out. How long can they go I wonder??

    AARP is sponsoring a shredding drop off on Saturday afternoon not far from here. There are usually a couple of them each year. The trick is to know they are taking place and to get in line very early. I don't have anything just now but when I can finally start shredding all those records of my dad's in a few years I will attend as many as I can. You can only bring 3 bags many times. Hope you can get to your shredding day Phoebe.

    The weather has cooled significantly, the sun is out and there's not a lot of wind. Birds are chirping, the squirrels are running about and there is a drone of lawnmowers as background noise.

    Looking forward to Tai Chi tomorrow morning. Also getting a blood draw for TSH while I am there. How handy!! I may not stay for Zumba Gold tomorrow. We will see how my feet feel. They tend to act up from time to time. Going to another REI class tomorrow evening. I believe this one is dangers to be aware of while hiking.

    Hugs to all.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Finally got to enjoy sitting by the pool this afternoon here in Orlando. Tonight, the husband and I will be meeting a friend of mine and his wife for dinner. This is a friend from my church high school youth group. There are a bunch of us from that group that are Facebook friends. But we haven't actually seen each other in over 30 years. My husband told me that I probably shouldn't still be referring to him as "little Tony" seeing as how he's all grown up now. I think this is going to be an enjoyable evening!

    Enjoyed visiting with my brother and his family. We spent the night with them Sunday night. The down side is that he isn't doing so well. He never fully recovered from some difficult surgery a few years back. But it's always good to see them and I like that my brother always seems to enjoy seeing his little sister.

    Well, time to go get ready for our dinner with the friend from 30 years ago. Have a great evening everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Like Lin our weather has cooled down to the 50's so Robby and I stayed indoors today. My landlady stopped by (she set it up yesterday) and brought me my new pool pass. She is a little thing but mighty, she goes to the homeowners meetings and says her piece. She told me she is not well liked because of that but at least she gets things done.
    She wants to stain my balcony as soon as the weather co operates and when I say she I mean she will do it herself. I think I am a good tenant for her so she leaves me alone most of the time.

    Marcella, sitting by the pool sounds wonderful as does dinner with old friends. Enjoy your time together and make is a second or third or whatever honeymoon. <3

    Lin and Phoebe, I am bad because I shred everything once the new year comes. I think Babe holds on to all the tax papers if not him then the accountant, so should be no problem if an audit was required. I used to print out all the bills I paid online but I am stopping since my bank account on line shows all my paid bills.

    Buzz, I love visiting my kids but hate the travel part of the trip. I really do like staying home but do get bored especially in the winter. Glad to hear no pun intended that Mike is wearing his hearing aids.

    Anne, I can't remember my growing zone but I know our landscapers always told us to wait until after Memorial Day before planting as you never know when we could get snow I used to plant my Cannes plants early since they took so long to grow and never had a problem.

    Jackie, love your hair but do hope you post a before and after. I too, am jealous of that thick hair, you have no idea what Lin and I go through trying to look good. Right Lin? Did I have to worry about that bumble bee biting me or Robby? They are huge and are the only bees I am afraid of. I shoo the other bees away including wasps which people tell me not to do. I didn't think about having a serious talk with that bee, I just didn't want Robby to get stung.

    Patsy, Katie ( the name of my granddaughter) is just so cute, what's a little pee? Daisy took longer than my other dogs to train, probably because she was our only girl pup.

    Marie, hard to believe you haven't used your IP for a while, you must have made enough to last for a while.

    Getting time for dinner.

    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A busy day today, Dave and I walked this morning around the neighborhood. Then we ordered all the
    food for the party at Sobey's and still need a few more things and flowers and will get them later in
    the week. Laundry all done and cleaned the downstairs as that will be the place where most of the
    people will congregate at the party.

    I did another Fitbit challenge today and came in fourth, made my 10,000 steps and over. Nothing wrong
    with competition. :) It was fun watching my performance and how everyone else was doing.

    I am having an error box coming up on my tablet saying not enough memory. Since I am not techy
    savy I will have Dave look at this for me. Sounds like I have to do some cleaning out and getting rid of
    some pictures too. I thought maybe that was the problem when I couldn't see Anne's posts anymore.
    I did check it out on our Windows 10 computer and its the same. I guess its an MFP problem.

    Tonight is choir practice and then 2 more left before the concert and then done for the summer.

    PATSY - Puppy Katie is so darn cute! Yes...we forget how much they go to the bathroom.

    JACKIE - I like your haircut, its very becoming.

    MARCELLA - Have fun with your friends!

    LIN -Tomorrow I will be going to the library for a talk about butterflies and how to attract them.
    I plan on planting some bushes to attract them, so now I can find out how and when.

    PHOEBE- Your temperatures sound great. We did have some warm weather but now it is getting
    cooler again. That's okay as long as the sun is out.

    Hi to everyone else and have a good evening.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited April 2016
    Marie I never thought about the IP in the truck. Vegetable soup sounds great! But Jim would want cornbread. We have our boiling water kettle, we have noodles. I try not to eat them, so much sodium. A mini electric skillet holds a slice of bread. I can make grilled cheese sandwiches. I got a hot plate on sale but I haven't tried it. I leave our miniature toaster oven at home, but may have to bring it back if we will be visiting this place over the summer.
    Lin, i was wondering if they will have limits. Picture me dragging one of the coffin sized storage tubs, lol!
    They Overloaded our trailer, which means we can't go until they fix it because it is illegal.
    So, more nap time for me.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Dear sneakers, today John and I had a heart to heart discussion about how much energy it takes to raise this delightful little puppy. Toward that end, we are simplifying our summer activities. I usually have tons of bedding plants and many huge planters filled with a variety of flowering plants. Hanging baskets of geraniums, fuchsias and anything else that grabs my attention as we walk through the plant store and nursery. But this year is the year of the non-gardening, non-flowering summer. It is puppy training and trying to keep up with her all summer. She is just 6 weeks old and she is already digging in the flower beds, hiding her toys in amoung the bushes. She loves to poop in places that need to be policed immediately. We are dedicated to enjoying this little puppy. John has been teaching her to play ball. She is getting the hang of it, really. She is after all a puppy, but honestly if I were sitting for a grand baby, you would have to hospitalize me at the end of the week. How do you do it Sandy?
    But to keep this wrinkled, gray haired old silly from getting any sillier, we must be practical. Concentrate on one important thing at a time. This summer....PUPPY! Next summer...maybe some flowers and a big grown puppy!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, your post made me smile :)

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited April 2016
    Me too, PATSY. A summer of fun ahead, Anne.

    P.S. 1 year later I am still picking up the planters in my place when Cinders visits! Could be 2 summers of fun ahead!
    P.S. Again! Cinders was only 6 weeks old when she decided to live with Michael and Sandy in their condo. She got the message very quickly on house training, but they started off with "pee pads" until she learnt to hold and tell them when it was time for a quick trip to the stairs or elevator. She's still very much a puppy though when it comes to mischief and running off with anything accidentally dropped, i.e. carrots etc.