Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) We have a beautiful day today so I took Robby for a mile walk in his stroller and then we played outside a long time. We waited outside for his mommy so she wouldn't have to carry Robby down the stairs but unfortunately he need a diaper change immediately when she came, if you know what I mean, which meant she carried him up and then down again. LOL When I take him down the stairs I let him go down on his belly so I don't have to carry him but she is stronger than me. Both Rob and Lisa are taking off tomorrow because they are going to the home inspection of the new house. I get to sleep in and they will bring him to me when they go to the inspection around 2:00 pm.

    Buzz, sounds like you will have a quiet dinner with Mike which is nice once in a while. You are so active, you need to unwind, so enjoy your dinner.

    Marie, congratulations on the weight loss and I am so happy you are happy.

    Phoebe, we are in the 60's but very sunny so it was beautiful. When do you get to come home again?

    Lin, no activities today?

    Shirley, that is a definite plus with technology being able to know they arrived and Issac did great on the plane. Can't wait to see the pictures.

    Lin, I also see the flowers and they are absolutely beautiful. I agree with Marie, you have a great green thumb.

    Jeri, I can imagine with ten kids how difficult it is to plan a party. Your daughter and her husband sound like wonderful people. It must be so much fun being with them and their children.

    I love that it stays light longer these days, when the sun is shining if finally feels like spring.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy, yes, activities again today. I spent the morning at the library and we played Farkle, LRC, Crazy 8s, and put together a puzzle all while, chatting away. Lots of fun!! After listening to a webinar this afternoon I went outdoors and cleared up the old brush, sticks etc. and put out the few things I have around the front of my house during the good weather.

    Eating again!!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning everyone. Well the only big news from me is in a moment of frustration with lank hair and hairdressers in general, I got out the scissors last evening and chopped a whole pile off. I guess my new photo will appear on the page eventually, but I now wonder if little Cinders will recognize me when she rolls up later. I spend most of my time chopping bits and pieces off, so I look pretty much the same to you girls I guess........
    Raggedy Anne.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends
    I have been reading all the posts but couldn't reply. Sounds like everyone is busy too.

    Marie, you are doing so well on your new way of eating. I enjoy reading your men a very busyus. Keep doing all the right things, it's working for you.

    Lin, you are a very busy lady. I like to have things to do.

    Sandy, soon you will have lots of extra time. I know you will miss your grandson.

    Phoebe. Girl you are working a lot again. Your picture with your kitty was sweet. Keep us informed on your where abouts.

    Buzz. So sorry about your problems with your wheelchair. Keep on rolling.

    Shirley, your yoga sounds enjoyable. You go on so many fun trips. Have fun.

    Barbie , your exercise shows who you are. Your dogs really appreciate you for the long walks. So what did you buy at costco.?

    sorry I didn't answer everyone.

    Be happy,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Friday!! :) Felt good to sleep later and today is going to be a beautiful day. Life is good!! I am hoping to get a no chip manicure before Robby arrives but we will see how fast I get moving.

    Chris, yes I will miss Robby but it will be nice to have time to myself.

    Anne, if your picture is showing your new haircut, you did a good job. If I attempted to cut my own hair I would end up bald. lol

    Lin, love those games especially Farkle. When at my daughter's, we have fun playing games almost every night.

    Have a great day and I will be back later to check the posts.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 just Playing around
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, your hair looks good, especially around the top front, keep going!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear Sneakers, the day is cloudy but not raining and rather mild. An interesting but bothersome event here. Our trash day is always on Friday. John dutifully takes our trash up our little road to the main road on Friday mornings. For the last month, trash has been broken into and scattered everywhere. John again dutifully raked and cleaned up the trash while muttereing some really bad language under his breath. I was convinced it was the neighbors dogs. Well, in a determined phone call to the neighbors I find out it isn't dogs but RAVENS! This will require some thought and a change in trash cans. Drama here on the north Oregon coast...

    Anne: your hair looks cute and I think you did a great job. My eye/hand co-ordination is so bad I would be in danger of cutting off my ears.

    Lin: I would love to play more games. I have this problem. I am enjoying playing games and then something enters my brain that I should be doing some task or something else and my attention span dwindles to zero. Our games are usually bridge or chess. I am not very good at either, as you might guess. When I can concentrate I can give whoever a run for their money. Bwahahahaha!

    We are still hunting for a fur family member. Not easy to adopt a friend. I unconsiencly keep hunting for another Mazzy or MoMo. That is a hopeless enterprise!
    Press on and ever upward!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited April 2016
    Waiting for hail, storms and cold weather but so far it's still 85 and cloudy. Could the weather gal be wrong???
    You might find this article interesting, about MFP founder Mike Lee.

    Last night we ended up at a table with 2 couples we love being with and all turned out delightful. Today, we didn't waken till close to noon!!! >:) A real first! I watched THE DEBATE last night, though I kept dozing off. I wish it were now AFTER elections!

    Although I used to cut my own hair, I wouldn't attempt it now, so ANNE, congratulations. You look fine!
    I received an eyeliner from Sephora that seems all dried out and they are replacing it without me returning the first one. Nice support. I love my black one, and hoped the teal color would be as good, but maybe it was old stock! I hate going to stores lately.
    Oh, despite weather changing, my arthritis seems much better today, so the aches and pains are not bad at all! Go figure! Gotta run...
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well Cinders DID recognize me and in fact wouldn't stop licking me. Go figure, I'm not sure I'm that thrilled about being covered in doggie drool, but I guess it's better than being bitten. Maybe she thinks I'm an old English sheepdog! One thing about cutting it myself, the old whiskers become a bit curly hence the sheepdog resemblance!

    So you've got ravens PATSY, our same day as you trash pickup is plagued by raccoons! I'm with John in the choice language department. By the way someone who can paint like you MUST have good eye/hand coordination, so go ahead and have a go at cutting your own hair, but don't blame me if you also end up looking like a shaggy dog! Maybe we can have a cult thing going on here and all have a go at cutting our own hair! Think of the dollars/pounds saved!

    Glad the arthritis is much improved BUZZ. Your hair looks great and you've obviously discovered someone who knows how to cut your particularly type of hair. I find the problem for me is that our stylists here seem very good when it comes to Mediterranean or Asian type hair but are at a loss with fine, slightly curly flyaway hair. I actually had the owner of a salon tell me I looked better when I'd gone in than I did when I went out after her Asian stylist had had a go at it!

    Well I've rambled on enough and will keep off the subject of hair from now on hopefully,

    Raggedy Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening – time just slips away from me. I was out early this morning and attended both Tai Chi classes and chatted with some ladies there. Then I was off to do some shopping in a few stores in our historical shopping area. I checked with the consignment place to see if any of the items I’d left with them had sold, not much right now so I said I’d check back another day. Then off to a store with basically everything on sale and I had to look at almost everything as well given the sale prices. A couple more stops including a local garden center where I found some containers for tomato plants, yes, going to try growing on the deck again I guess. Now to find potting soil and some plants. Lunch, dinner, some planning for tomorrow and suddenly the day is over.

    Anne, I think your hair looks just fine. And apparently Cinders was well pleased! Raggedy Anne? NO WAY!!

    Chris, good to hear from you and wishing you all happiness as well.

    Sandy, sleeping in is good! Did you get your manicure?

    Marie, hello!

    Phoebe, hello to you as well!

    Patsy, cloudy is okay once in a while but I will say I did enjoy the sunshine and warmth today. A bit windy but that was okay. Oh my gosh, RAVENS? Is that similar to what we call crows here? They are very aggressive birds here but so far do not disturb the trash cans. I enjoy the games I think because I’ve never played any before. I hope you find a new fur baby but I understand that is a very difficult decision to make. I hope you find another wonderful companion.

    Buzz, yipes, hail, storms and cold weather? I hope you are okay. I love to shop online as well and I am glad Sephora is taking care of your defective product. I trust your arthritis will continue to be a bit better.

    Well, I think tomorrow will be a day of cooking and laundry. Excitement………oh my.

    See you tomorrow.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    jz6rviry3tru.jpg Today I finally had the courage to call the acupuncture clinic that my doctor recommended. None of the doctors I've seen have found either a cause or a solution to the nerve pain, tingling, and numbness in my legs. The acupuncturist was able to see me this afternoon because she had a cancellation. It was a very pleasant experience. It's not the sort of thing with instant results. I have three more appointments scheduled and I'll report what happens.

    :)Lin, Jake has become a big fan of adult coloring books. He colors at home with me while we talk and I knit...sometimes while watching a baseball game on TV.

    :)Marie,I make yams or sweet potatoes by rubbing the skin with olive oil, wrapping it in a paper towel and cooking it about 6 minutes in the microwave until it feels soft. Then I peel it and serve it with fish and another vegetable. I buy big ones so one will be enough for both Jake and me. He puts butter on his, but i eat mine plain.

    :)Chris, we bought canned dog food, coffee, sandwich thins, light bulbs, and some cleaning products at costco

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Barbie great hearing from you. I thought of you quite often today. wondering how you were doing. I cannot used any oil on this plan i am on now. But I really like my sweet potatoes bake in my toaster oven to get carmalize I do a few at a time to keep on hand. Sure hope this new treatment help you. I eat a med size one. or larger. It is my main meal. along with a green or yellow veggies no oil or butter It keeps my appetite under control.
    Again great hearing from you Connie and nancy still on Easter misfit.
    love long time friend
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    BARBIE, good luck with the acupuncture, and please keep us informed. Sure hope i works.
    ANNE, my hair is also slightly curly and fine, but has good body when I use a product called Play Dirty, applied after I shampoo and dry my air. Otherwise it's limp until I want to shampoo again because it feels dirty!
    I think we missed much of the worst weather, but got sad news when 38 year old keeper for tigers was killed at our Palm Beach zoo. Her husband is also a tiger keeper, and must be devastated!
    Better get to bed as we have an early memorial service for a lady I really cared about. She was amazing despite a back that was completely bent over from the waist! So sorry she's departed!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    :-D yay Barbie! Hope acupuncture is the fix for you.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Barbie - I respond extremely well to acupuncture. Good luck.

    Busy as usual. Trying to get myself organized for Ed's bd party. We'll have 12-14 adults and 10 kids. We'll have snacks and such and then I'm making pulled pork for a light supper as I need something simple that can be made ahead. Coleslaw and maybe a fruit salad as a side. With all the allergies we have to contend with we need something simple.

    Buzz - I have slightly curly hair too, it has gotten more curly as it turned grey. I cut my bangs and would like to get the courage cup to do more but too scared. You always impress me.

    Anne - good for you. You did well.

    Marie - your sweet potatoes sound delicious. Yum

    Oops I hear Ed up.. Time to go. Have a great day, Jeri
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Saturday! :) I got my manicure today as Rob and Lisa got back too late to go yesterday. I am going to go to 5:00 Mass near where the party is since the party starts at 6:00. It is a surprise party so I don't want to spoil it by walking in with the birthday boy. He is from bingo and he is always picking on me. The theme is golf so I bought three golf balls with my picture on them and will write a note telling him he can now hit me in the head with his golf club. I also am giving cash even though it said no gifts. Does anyone go without a gift?

    Beautiful day again and tomorrow more of the same.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Beautiful day indeed. I've spent most of the day outside raking leaves, weeding, and cutting back dead stalks and ivy strands. The garden looks lovely and clean, I on the other hand look decidedly grubby. The birds, squirrels etc who had mainly kept their distance are so glad to see the aching back of me and are themselves back in droves. I scrubbed and filled the bird bath with clean bath water and now I shall go and have a soak in MY "bird" bath. A good night to watch TV with a glass of port methinks.
    Bye, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We seem to have missed the really bad storms by just a few miles. It's been a busy day, starting with a memorial service at 10 AM and then a bit later a travelogue through which I napped almost the entire time! Something about the Caribbean and bootlegging and mobsters in various islands, and I really couldn't care less! So I slept! Others found it fascinating so I must have missed something!
    I have several cards to make, so I'd better get moving. XOXOXO to all and a lovely weekend...
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening, busy day. Laundry, drain malfunction, lots of cooking and also cleaned out all those odds and ends in the refrigerator that never get used. Bits of dried up salsa in the bottom of the jar, some pickles I made that were just terrible and couldn't find a way to salvage them. Also did some filing to try to keep up for 2016.

    Did some online orders, signed up for another couple classes and wrote some checks.

    Ready for another long day at church. Oh, and I did a bit of online searching for bicycles. Like a commuter bike with a bell, a kickstand and a wicker basket on the front that I could ride to the library and the grocery store. Just a notion that hasn't gone away yet.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

