Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi folks
    Phoebe nice picture . I know Honey loves that cuddling.. Say your picture is showing your face is so much smaller You look great. A glamour shot.

    Shirley you are one busy girl.. I will have to look up your slimming soup recipe i remember you make it quite often.

    Buzz glad you are feeling better now.

    Alice made it out and we went out to eat. We went to Jason's Deli. I order there bake potato and was it ever a whopper. I topped it with black beans and corn.had 1/.4 of it and brought the rest home. I top it with black beans and corn salad. and had a good salad with no dressing. so I might have had a little oil in the black bean salad but I could not see any.

    But I did make me some black bean and corn salad to go with my dinner tonight with no oil/
    I am going to do this no oil thing for a week. And see what Happens
    We stopped in at the Dollar tree and got me some frozen fruit.And some frozen fahiti veggies
    veggies. Love using it for my seasonal in these veggies.Alice says she can see I have lost in my belly............I think the scales lies.

    Girls i do not weigh my foods I just stick with the things on my list. Starches veggies and fruit

    Have a great day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Sunday! :) Busy morning with the hairdresser coming to my house to do mine and Lisa's hair. Things didn't go well with Lisa as her roots came out sort of purple so Tiffany tried to fix it but Lisa still wasn't happy and wanted to get home since it was past Robby's nap time.
    The first time doing someone's hair is stressful and I hope Lisa understands that and gives her a second chance. Otherwise we will go back to my niece even if it is a long drive. She did my color and cut pretty good, but she didn't blow dry it or style it like my niece does. Lisa and I will both give it a few days to see if we like our hair or not. Same price but it was so convenient having her come to my house I would much rather give her a second chance.

    Rob and Lisa put a bid in on a house and are anxiously waiting for an answer or counter offer.
    It seems to be taking a long time but I am really praying they get this house, it is beautiful.

    Babe is cancelling our lunch date as he said he is getting sick again. Looks like I will have a day to myself again tomorrow, which I love. My cleaning girl is coming but I manage to stay out of her way. If I can find a place that is open to get my nails done I will do that.

    Laura, love your little kitty doing push ups, is that how you feel after all that work??

    Phoebe, love the picture of you and I think that is Honey but I might be wrong.

    Jackie, other than the fact that I can't have a pet, I am not sure I would want one since I like to travel so much. I hate kennels and truthfully I am not sure I could afford to take care of a pet.
    Daisy's vet bills are atrocious with all that she has been going through and her prescription dog food cost a lot of money. Babe spent a $1000 last week just in tests and food.

    Marcella, I love a glass of wine with my single 100 calories bag of popcorn. I also like flavored rice cakes which most people think tastes like straw. lol

    Lin, the kids are moving West of me where there is some new construction because in the older areas there are tear downs but the new houses are too expensive in the older areas. The house they found now was built in 2001 but has some newer features including a new roof.
    From the pictures on the computer it looks beautiful so I am really hoping for them.

    It is already 4:00, where does the time go? Enjoy what is left of Sunday, I am looking forward to Call the Midwives.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A quick read of all your posts and agree with SANDY that owning a pet properly cared for can run into much moola! But $1000!!!
    We watched the movie Carol this afternoon, and I almost dozed off several times especially in the beginning. I was never really able to connect with the 2 leading actresses, for some reason. They are showing Brooklyn in the auditorium shortly, and we will watch it. Hope it is better!
    Using walker yesterday and today, so I'd say the healing is coming along nicely!
    Have a lovely remainder of the weekend!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello friends –

    Buzz, I am glad your boo-boos are feeling a bit better. And I hope you are having a good weekend. I don’t think I’ve heard of that movie you mentioned. Glad you are getting out and about!

    Marcella, wahoo! A lazy day is very nice from time to time. Now I’m hungry for popcorn (just plain, no butter---maybe that makes it less harmful?)

    Phoebe, love the photo. My gosh, no glasses and your fur baby cuddling with you. You look like a kid!! (And that’s meant in a GOOD/GREAT way!).

    Jackie, wild weather be gone. We had warmer temperatures today but very little sunshine and again scattered showers. Pretty good in the overall scheme of the weather crazies!! Colder again tomorrow but still expecting perhaps 50 degrees F. and we’ve had no snow. If I had a dog now I’m not certain I could drag my horrible sinuses out in the wind and cold each day. Little George is so lucky to have you---you are totally faithful to getting out there each day. I admire that! And good luck to you if you decide to look for a yoga class. I agree, we can try anything!

    Shirley, argh, more snow??!! That is more than enough. I know you’ll miss your family as they travel to Mexico. They’ll be home again soon.

    Laura, kitty push-ups! Ha. Loved that. Continued best wishes as you continue to clean and organize. Just think about how organized you’ll be when this process is over.

    Marie, hello. Glad you went out with Alice. Sounds like you go the potato to end all potatoes—what a whopper. I love spuds!!

    Sandy, I hope Rob and Lisa get a positive response on that house. Yes, the tear down/redevelopment projects seem to end up as high end homes. Making the most of the lots in those areas. And yes, the costs involved in having a pet these days can make you dizzy. My friend's dog needed care for orthopedic problems, and then he was throwing up and they said it was Lyme disease and needed shots. Then they told her he needed more shots. She just keeps putting more and more on her credit card. Hundreds of dollars at a time. It makes you think for certain.

    Everything yesterday worked out about as I had described it. Crazy to find a parking place, crazy busy church but I did get there and find a place to hang-out to watch most of the 5pm service. Very nice. Crazy changeover from service to readying for concert. I believe I was in the 7th row relatively close to the center of the stage. Wonderful bands! And I did get a long-sleeved t-shirt and a CD!! I had to walk a few blocks back to my car after the concert and it was quite cold and windy. There were a few other people walking in that direction and only walked alone across one parking lot but had parked under a light so that was okay. I don’t usually do late nights though so getting going this morning was a bit more difficult!

    I messed around getting logged in to the car dealer’s service site this afternoon but finally did get a service appointment scheduled for tomorrow morning. I have been getting a service reminder warning each time I start the car so I decided to try to get it taken care of right away. I should have another 500 miles before it needs to be serviced but even if I can go that long I don't want to look at that warning light all the time.

    And I am looking forward to “Father Brown”, “Call the Midwife”, and “Grantchester” again this evening. I never watch "Mr. Selfridge" for some reason.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited April 2016

    Concert pix.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Had to smile when I read about the shock of pet care...OH, if it ONLY costs $1000 or so...that is just a drop in the bucket! The truth is, once you've made that commitment and you are "all in" there is no turning back! You are hopelessly in love! You will gladly do or pay what ever is required. Two important words insurance! Pets bring a special dimension to our life. They bring such unconditional love and acceptance and demand so little in return. But then, we all know that! We all have dear memories of pets in our past.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    I hear you Patsy. Was just telling somone about our dog Freeway we rescued from California after he was hit by a car. To make a long story short, after a year of all kinds of therapy trying to get the nerves in his leg to work without success we had to have his leg amputated. Later in life he developed cancer and they wanted to amputate another leg. The doctor, who became our friend agreed it was time to let go.i am sure our "Freeway" was worth over 50 thousand dollars by the end of his life and with no regrets. Before him both of our sheepdogs had to have two new hips each, and one had a leg amputated from cancer. The other later in life I had to cathertize three time a day for six months because he couldn't pee on his own. Luckily, my husband is an animal owner and can afford to do all this because of how much we love animals. I will admit we are dog people more than cat people but he has helped his daughter with all of her 13 or more cats. Oh yes, when we rescued Freeway we were in California so after he had a surgery there we made arrangements to fly him to us and at that point I hadn't even met him yet. By the way the surgery done in California was done wrong so our surgeon had to redo it. Loving our furry kids can be expensive but wouldn't we do the same for our human kids

    And not only that but we bury our dogs in a pet cemetery and Babe goes there all summer to make sure it always looks great. We have two lots for two sheepdogs Babe had when I met him in one section and then we have three in another section that also has three of his sons dogs. They bought all the graves around them so no other dogs can be buried near them. I think they bought 20 graves but don't quote me on that. Does this explain anything about my husband and his son!

    Sorry, didn't mean to write a book, was just sharing how much love is given to our pets and I know we all feel the same way!

    And we did have pet insurance on the dogs we owned together which helped but when we separated Babe dropped the insurance on Daisy which was a big mistake.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited April 2016
    Oh boy, SANDY and PATSY! Thank you for sharing! I daren't even think of my pet expenses in the past! I am realizing that not only am I long in the tooth, and consequently things won't get easier, I also rely solely on old age income, i.e. no partner to share expenses. However, I have promised my friend who could be facing surgery next month that I will look after her aging cat, Suzy, if God forbid the worst happens. She, Flo that is, has a benign brain tumour but surgery is dangerous and especially so at her age. Then of course I do get to play and treat Cinders with rawhide and antler bones on a regular basis. So.......I will let life take its course at the moment and see what crosses my path. Thank you everyone for the comments; they really are noted and make me realize the difference between "want" and "need".

    I'll tell you what I neither needed or wanted this morning! I woke up to another overnight snowfall. Apparently Spring is going to give old man Winter a shove in the rear later on today!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Reading posts about the cost of keeping a pet I was beginning to assume pet insurance didn't exist in your part of the world so thanks Patsy for typing those words!! All my pets past and present have been family members so cost has never come into it, I just deal with any hopefully rare emergency if it happens. Goodness Sandy, someone should explain to Babe and his son that dogs are pack animals so would love to share their space with other canines!!
    Our high winds and cold temperatures seem to have moved on and today's walk was lovely as we could see for miles as the sun did its best to shine through high cloud. Hopefully I can get a little more gardening achieved now and start to feel on top of things, just a bit!
    Lin thanks for sharing the photos... that's quite a show they put on at your church and glad you managed to get the t-shirt. So you discovered Marcella!!! Quite something isn't it.
    The animal shelter I found George in is holding a dog show next Sunday in a park somewhere in the city of Plymouth and my neighbours have suggested we take George along. Today I'm considering putting him into the grumpiest dog category after he grumbled at a couple of cute dogs in the car park and is now snoozing when he should be playing!

    Have a lovely Monday everyone and stay out of the snow!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, I am at the auto dealership to have my vehicle serviced and found out with an appointment it will still likely be more than an hour. And that's if they do. It find something else they feel needs to be taken care of. Ha. It smells horrible in here and it is freezing cold. I will either stroll around with my coat on or wrap up and read the book I brought along or maybe a bit of both.

    I am sorry if I gave the impression that the concert was at my church. Nope, just a monsterously large church not far from where I live. They have seating capacity for about 2500 in their sanctuary. Each weekend they hold 4 services there and fill not just the sanctuary but an overflow room and set up extra chairs everywhere! They have grown so quickly that they have opened additional churches in 4 other suburbs/communities in this area.

    See you all later.


    Happy day all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Monday! :) Babe is cancelling lunch and feels bad but I told him I have a backup plan so not worry. Bryanna and I will go to lunch instead and although she offered to buy I told her I want to go to Wild Fire so since it is a little out of her price range I will treat. I am washing clothes and my cleaning girl comes later so it is a good excuse to get out of the house.
    Rob and Lisa are in negotiations with the sellers so keep praying it all works out for them.

    Lin, too bad you don't have a friend near by that you can call and maybe go for coffee/tea.
    Where I take my car there is a restaurant across the street so if they take too long I can go there. The last time I had my oiled changed I asked Babe to pick me up and take me to lunch.
    The church you went to for the concert sounds like the new ones popping up all over, I call them the feel good churches since there is a lot of singing and waving of the arms. No offense to anyone who belongs to that type of church, my daughter is one of them.

    Jackie, there is no use in explaining anything to Babe or his son as you know by now. Since Babe doesn't like the way the cemetery maintains the grass he goes to cut and keep it nice.
    Sounds like George is in trouble today, but mom, he is only a baby. lol

    Anne, oh my goodness what sad news for your friend. I will pray her surgery is successful and she makes a great recovery. In spite of all of the expense with an animal I wouldn't trade not having one for all the money in China. (remember that expression) Who else is there for you all the time, feels your moods and brings you so much happiness without all the drama? Giving a forever home to a rescue animal even if for a short time would be heaven to them.

    Have a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good Monday morning. Have a busy week planned. Trying finalize some landscaping plans for a project in our side yard. Also, we're getting ready to leave next Sunday for a few days in the Orlando Florida area. Our cats always know when something is amiss. We like to leave the house clean, paperwork done, projects in order,... They kitties can tell. Of course, these days, they don't mind so much when we leave, because our sons will still be home. Our sons James and Jordan do a wonderful job of continuing to care for, spoil and feed the kitties in our absence. It's actually quite nice, because James and Jordan take care of everything any time we're away. Makes life a bit simpler. B)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    We did have snow yesterday again, but it disappeared and now we have pouring rain and gray skies.

    Dave got through touching up our kitchen cupboards with paint and found out the paint was too old. So now he has to wait about a month and sand them a bit and use new paint on the them. There is no more oil paint available which is what he used. More work for him I guess. :o

    Today was Yoga class and then I picked up my mother in law for lunch and a trip to a garden gallery
    where they have everything from clothes, shoes, to plants and patio things. I couldn't believe the
    clothes they have incorporated. I bought a new garden budda, a meditation hanging with a saying
    from the Dahli Lama for my meditation room and some new plants (succulents) for our terrarium.

    Marcella - Enjoy your time away!

    Lin- Cars are such a pain to maintain but unfortunately we need them. Great photos of the concert
    looks like it was fun and glad you enjoyed it. I forget about those shows you mentioned and
    Mr. Selfridge was one of our favorites. I can't seem to get the Midwives anymore, it comes and goes
    on our cable.

    Anne - So sorry to hear about your friend, I hope all goes well with the surgery. <3

    Sandy - I hope everything goes well with Lisa and the new house. They must be excited.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gosh, $1000 sounded like so much until I started to recall all those trips to the Vet, all the sudden emergencies, even all the "stuff" my 4-footed babies simply had to have (including winter "coats" and boots!) and I realized it had to be a good chunk of income we never minded spending on them for all the love we received! I do miss having my own pets now, but we have enough adorable pups to bring pleasure daily, thank goodness.
    I was in the welcome committee today and realized how many more people are out and about and checking on places to live "once they are ready"! I spent almost all day chatting with potential buyers, and trying to explain that downsizing in their minds is very important before purchasing an apartment. China, crystal and Wedgewood sitting in a cabinet when one no longer entertains is such a waste, but making new friends and keeping up with old ones becomes the primary goal! I get a kick out of all the new residents telling us about the gorgeous huge homes they left behind! One of the most important considerations is having more than one bathroom for more than one persons!!! And does anyone livein a Living Room anymore? Our lives have changed and shifted so much during my lifetime!
    ANNE, we all wish your friend good health! And SANDY, hope BABE feels better, too.
    Just got an invitation to eat with friends, so goodbye for now! Hugs to everyone.
    ;)<3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Am I on the wrong page or has everyone disappeared? I sometimes get lost when we start a new thread! If I missed something, would someone please send an email to alert me :'(
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Buzz it just look like a slow day for us. You are fine my dear sis

    We just got back from grocer shopping now to bake my potatoes for lunch to make me a Pizza
    potatoe without the cheese and pepperoni just lots of veggies.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi!! Did laundry, got some errands out of the way and just leaving to spend the afternoon coloring with the ladies at the library. A friend of mine called and told me she would be attending this afternoon as well. Her first time to join in. She seems to be a lady who cannot go to anyone without knowing that a friend will be there. Doesn't want to be on her own. I would never go anywhere if I waited for that. Ha .

    Sun is out but the heavy coat is still needed. See you later.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks, MARIE! Whew! I thought we were lost!
    LIN, no way! with your loving ways, you must have many more friends than you know!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I've read your posts but we are still working so I won't take time to comment.
    It feels like Saturday not Tuesday to me.
    Have a safe week
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hi phoebe girl. How are you doing ........ buzz a few of us are playing on our game topic. Come and join us lots of fun
