Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Brrr, I've just returned from shutting the hens in for the night and it's cold out there! This afternoon I managed a few hours weeding beds and pruning a few shrubs so it was a shock to feel the different temperature. My computer continues to play up so I'm not posting much until I can figure out what is going on. It keeps making little musical noises at me as if to warn me something is running around and misbehaving inside the works!!

    Lin ~ A few years ago, just after I retired I went to a Tia chi evening class and really enjoyed it but unfortunately there wasn't enough interest and after a couple of months was cancelled. I know what you mean about stretching because I loved that feeling.

    This silly laptop is doing mad things so I'll finish off now before it gets thrown out the window!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday to Ed Gosh he is 16 years younger than me. Plan a good one for him Jeri.

    Patsy it has been a sad week But that is life. and the way the ball bounce Life goes on.

    Buzz My dear friend you could have been hurt bad with that chair ruining you down. That happen to me in a grocer store My hand hit the wrong thing. threw me on the floor. I got me a electric chair and I have only used it once. in the
    last 5 years. I like to used the ones at the grocer store for they have a basket on them to put your groceries. I have a walker with a seat we take with us if we are going shopping.For it has a seat when my back says it has had enough Rest a bit get up and go again. I have what you called a transport Chair we keep in the car for emergency. But I do not like to used it For if Jerry is pushing me it wont let me browse.

    I have not decided what I am having for dinner tonight. Oh well something
    will come up.
    Have a blessed weekend and do be careful

    Love Marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Marie, that little baby is out of all the troubles and is laughing and smiling now. Don't think about what Kade went thru here, think of this beautiful baby's life as it is now. What little time the family had, they were generous to share it with the world.
    Hope you're all well

    Thanks phoebe
    Thanks all of you for caring. God bless you all.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I have finally dropped my son's business taxes off with his tax accountant. Yippee!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy happy day with visitors from our former community visiting here with the thought of buying into our Continuing Care Community! They were so impressed with the friendliness off both staff and residents! PHOEBE, what a beautiful vision for little KADE!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Such a pleasure to read everyone's comments after such a sad start to the week. It's flipping cold here, cold wind and snow this morning. I know because Michael brought Cinders over and we took her for a long walk in a biting wind. She didn't mind at all, covered in thick black curly fur! It's supposed to warm up on Monday, but the rest of April is forecast to be still below average temperatures.
    Oh my, those electric wheelchairs sound positively lethal! I know when my friend Flo got into a store one for the first time me and other customers were leaping out of the way as she struggled to control it. You could have been badly hurt BUZZ as in broken bones. Thank goodness you weren't! That goes for you too MARIE!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) My son picked up Robby early today so I was able to go to Walmart and grocery shop which made me happy. He also told me that I am off Monday since a repairman is coming to fix their stove. That also made me happy and now I will ask Babe to take me to lunch on my day off. Did I mention that Rob and Lisa sold their condo, which also makes me happy. They are going to live with her parents since the closing is April 30 and as of now they haven't found a house and might be interested in new construction which would take longer.
    Her parents don't get back until May 17 so Lisa said she will drive Robby here even though it is further away from where they live now. Unfortunately, they had to replace their sliding glass doors and one of the burners on the stove wasn't working so my son thought he could play handyman and now two don't work, thus the repairman on Monday. I hope this all works out for them and they find a nice house with a back yard and live happily ever after. I know when I no longer sit for Robby I will miss him a lot, but believe me this is very tiring and I am getting too old for all this sitting.

    Anne, our weather is also crazy. We had snow, sunshine, snow,sunshine. I can't believe it is Spring and can't wait to go to Arizona the end of May and Florida the end of June.

    Buzz, what a terrifying story, I am so glad you didn't get seriously hurt. I did have to chuckle with the description of how you got up and I also would have applauded. However, I would have helped you up, screw the rules of the store.

    Marie, yes, life goes on and sometimes it is so hard. I think we should all think like Phoebe and if you believe and I do, those who suffer here are no longer suffering. I can see all the little children sitting at the feet of Jesus and being so happy.

    Marcella, glad you got those papers there before the 15th.

    Jackie, I think that your ghost is messing with you and your computer. Either that or you just need a new computer. LOL

    Phoebe, such a Christian you are, you are one of the good ones and I am proud to know you even if I have not met you in person.

    Shirley, how nice to have a 90th party for your MIL. You are a great daughter in law and I know she must love you very much.

    Lin, you are so involved with so many things now, I think it is just wonderful. Is there not a place closer to your house where you might to Tai Chi and Qigong?

    Jeri, is Ed's party going to be a surprise? Either way parties are a lot of work, but so much fun.

    Patsy, I hope you are doing a little better today.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning.... another weekend and on my drive to the moors for our usual doggy walk my car beeped a warning on its screen of a risk of ice which I found surprising since it didn't feel so cold but then once we got going we were hit by a snow storm that had both dogs covered in a thin layer of ice in no time! It was also settling on the grass although not the road so when we got back and my car by then was indicating 1c degrees I wasn't worried about icey roads. Anne it seems your white blob has worked its way across the Atlantic!! It's definitely a housework sort of day rather than gardening so the plan is to blitz upstairs, strip the bed and see if I can work a few items destined for the charity shop that belongs to the shelter George came from downstairs and out to the car. Sandy you could be right, Violet has been quiet for some time so is maybe waking up to have a bit of fun!!
    I've read all your posts and must now concentrate on some work but meanwhile here's a funny cartoon I found that fits George perfectly. It's not the one I sent to Buzz which was saucy, just a bit political and I knew would give her a smile after such a traumatic few days!!

    Have a wonderful weekend and let's hope our cold blasts will soon be over!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, my heart bleeds for you, honestly it really does!! It's the same here, but we EXPECT it here. Mike and I nearly froze to death in the biting wind yesterday, but little Cinders trotted along as one born to such a climate! Adored the cartoon of "George" in the bath tub and I've sent it on to Mike who will enjoy it because Cinders prefers bunny pellets amongst other undesirable things. Our weather continues until Monday when it is supposed to improve, so take heart dear friend, I'll whistle up the wind (do you remember that custom?) and whistle it over to you post haste! Have you got the keyboard sorted out yet?
    Good morning Sneakers, bundle up in the woollies if you live up here and don't catch cold, the end is in sight!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Thursday, I found the most amazing dog at the animal shelter. She was a seriously happy, large, beautiful German Shepard. I started to call first thing Friday morning to ask how she got along with cats. But, Friday morning I woke up early and realized that I had not slept enough. I thought about the dog and that if I had her I would already be up walking her. So, instead of calling the shelter, I decided I'm not quite ready for that next step yet. I snuggled back under the covers with my sweet kitty cat and went back to sleep. (I did call the shelter at the end of the day and found that the dog had already been adopted by someone else.)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Take heart MARCELLE, my son Michael spent all his time in his office, or still working and peering at computers at home. However, after initially dreading walking Cinders in the early morning much to his surprise he's actually enjoying it and finds it a time spent to muse and be free of stress. He's also taken some lovely photos of the early wild life. He and my younger son are real work horses so I'm glad he's found something different and the younger one gets rid of business stress by renovating etc. Like you though, I wonder how I'd cope with early morning walkies, especially as I sure ain't getting any younger! Mike tells me to fence off the open areas of the yard and just let a pet out, early, freezing, morning! There is a chance I could be looking after Cinders for 3 weeks but that will be hopefully hot July.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sleeping later felt so good even though I went to bed late and basically got the same amount of sleep as when I sit. I think it is physiological, in other words all in my head. LOL Going to Mass and dinner later and tomorrow I will follow in Marie's steps and a hairdresser is coming to my house to do both mine and Lisa's hair. Even Robby will probably get a trim. A friend of mine recommended her and since my niece lives so far we are going to give her a try. Her price is reasonable now let's hope her work is good.

    We are have cold weather and it looks like the city got hit with snow but ours didn't stick. This is one terrible Spring so I hope our summer is hot, hot, hot!!!

    Anne and Marcella, the one thing I loved about having a house with Daisy was the backyard.
    She could go in and out as she wished and no early morning walks. Of course, look at how healthy Barbie is with all her walking but not being a morning person it would be hard for me.
    Anne, I think if you have your fur grand baby for three weeks you will be content. Marcella I am happy to hear that the Shepard got a new forever home and that won't weigh on your mind.

    Jackie, love the cartoon and it certainly could be George. Does Violet mess with physical things, cause I was just kidding. Maybe just take it to your local electronic store and have them look to see if anything is wrong with your computer.

    Have a wonderful day and hopefully the sun is our for some of you and you are warm.

    One Day at a Time

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    544072g5obtyyvgi.gif That is going to be a rare treat for awhile. I actually lost 2 lbs. in spite of the fact that I am in the process of downsizing from the house my family has had since 1960 and into a 1 bedroom apt. I don't know how I managed to collect all the stuff. i will check in when I get settled
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon – time to change clothes and fix myself up a little bit. I am going to a concert this evening—MercyMe is coming to one of the megachurches close to where I live. It will be crazy out there and I have no idea how they will make everything work. They have the regular 5pm worship service scheduled and concert goers arrive relatively early (me included) to pick up tickets at *will call* and to shop all the vendor stalls. Everybody needs a t-shirt right? Then doors open to seating by 6:30pm and people usually line up a good half hour in advance. Concert at 7pm. I don’t know how many groups will be playing this evening. I do know trying to find a parking place will be challenging. My friends go to that church on Saturday evenings and they told me finding parking on a normal Saturday is difficult. MercyMe is going to play during their service which will boost attendance even more. So enough about me.

    Jeri, your DH will have a lovely party I am certain. Happy planning and a happy birthday to Ed!

    Shirley, more birthday planning. Goodness, many special occasions!! I had some tulips in my kitchen but they faded so I got a few iris. Those have just wilted too. It does make the house cheery to have something bright and blooming to look at.

    Jackie, I hope your weather improves soon too. There are not many Tai chi classes available. I searched and searched to find this one and it really fits what I was looking for---daytime class, several times a week, FREE, no commitments, the class has been around quite a long time and shows no sign of being cancelled. I hope it continues for a long time and I find the patience to get there!! I still felt *stretched* this morning when I woke up. I love that cartoon! What a hoot and it is so TRUE!! I hope Violet is not playing with your computer.

    Buzz and Marie, I had no idea whose electric chairs were so touchy. Oh my gosh. Do be careful. When I would nearly be run down in the hallway when my dad was in Assisted Living I thought the person just didn’t see me. Now I understand the chair might have gone rogue.

    Marcella, I am glad the taxes were dropped off. You are free!! Wahoo. I am sorry that you were not able to further explore information about that dog that caught your eye. When I had large dogs here in town, I always walked them in the morning first thing because I had to go to work and I wanted them to get some exercise for the day. I do have a fenced yard so now that I don’t work, I see you could let a dog out early in the morning and then take the dog for a walk a bit later on. Most of my neighbors who still have a dog seem to walk them just once a day whenever they have time, and most have a fenced backyard. There are always more dogs who need homes. I continue to stay on the sidelines.

    Anne, I hope you had a very warm coat on while walking with your family. No chills needed in this unseasonable spring weather. Cinders is a lucky pup! Your son is lucky to have such an energetic and lively mom!

    Sandy, I’m glad you got some shopping completed and that you got some time to yourself and at least the normal amount of sleep. I hope your son and DIL find the right place to live. We have a kind of housing shortage here. I believe I heard there’s less than a month’s supply on the market in the mid-range price range. There is much new construction but that does take quite a while even when you’ve found a lot. So again, best wishes to them as they hunt. And as I explained, nope, there are no other classes that meet my needs. There is a Senior Center less than a mile from my home but the programming at every location is different. This place offers little, noon meals, card parties, BINGO once in a while, and an exercise class for those with arthritis once a week. I always search but they do not seem to add anything. I will stop in one of these days and check with them just in case.

    Laura – you are working on a really large project. Wow. Wishing you well as you sort through everything my friend. Keep in touch when you can.

    Ooops, it’s getting late, I need to run along.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LAURA. my sympathies and congratulations! We made the move 3 years ago (can it be that long already?) and never regretted it! STUFF is not so important, but relationships are, and we have made wonderful relationships where we now live, and have a terrific support system which as the years go by becomes very important!
    Got up early , but with phone calls, shampoos, online Rx refills and whatnot, the day had disappeared!
    My boo-boos seem less painful as the days pass and I will be so careful from now on!
    I agree with JACKIE that the picture she sent me was a huge laugh, and probably would get her thrown out of a caucus by ----well, we won't mention who, but she made my day! we'll stick with sweet George here!
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and will be back ASAP!
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Laura - Best wishes with your move.

    I've had a perfectly lazy day today. Enjoyed a few Hallmark movie repeats and some popcorn with butter and a glass of wine. An all around amazing, lazy day. Totally enjoying it! B)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member

    This is why I love traveling with my family, we snuggle!
    Hope it isn't a big pic

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning sneakers. Our wild weather continues and in fact put my friend off walking on the moors this morning so George and I set off together although he kept looking for his friend Scruff. We have more gales blowing which nearly knocked me over as I got out of my car but at least I was then warned to keep myself braced against the wind. It's still cold although not as bad as yesterday and I think this is the weather we were warned about because of el nino's arrival in the Pacific last Autumn so nothing to be done about it. I've not got specific plans today so think I'll begin work on a bean casserole and also stew a few pears that need using up.

    Phoebe - That's an adorable photo; you look so cosy snuggled up there!! I feel better about the fact you have to travel so much now!

    Anne ~ I continue a balancing act at the moment when typing on my laptop with the new USB keyboard laying across it. It seems to be what's singing at me every now and then with lights on and off but I'm doing my best to ignore the interruptions! Now about doggy walks and rehoming a little orphan looking for nothing more than a roof, regular food and a ton of TLC, all of which you could offer. Apart from the amazing fun I have with George in the house, even with his issues, one of the biggest bonuses has been getting out for walks because I know that as much as I needed the exercise, I wouldn't do it without a dog. Just the other day I was chatting to my walking companion about just how much we've both gained from it even to the extent of talking to more local people who are out and about at the same time.... it gives me more of a sense of community I wasn't sure existed anymore. Our animal shelters won't let any dog go to a home that isn't well fenced in and from experience I'm aware George would be investigating further afield if he had the opportunity so it's one less thing to be worrying about. Of course size is everything and I'm sure if you found yourself a small dog that didn't need to walk miles every day you'd soon slip into a pattern. When our weather is disgusting I don't risk going far, especially if the roads are icy and on a day like today with high winds, George is first back to the car every time! It was looking after George for me a couple of times that convinced my friend to adopt so perhaps having Cinders with you for 3 weeks will show you that you could easily manage. Nuff said!!

    Laura ~ Goodness, that's a major task you've been working on because it's never easy to downsize to that extent but hopefully you will feel a sense of freedom once you've offloaded material "STUFF" as there's far more to life.

    Lin ~ I do hope the concert was as good as anticipated and certainly interesting in that environment. A t-shirt with the slogan Mercy Me sounds just about right for me so I must look out for a show coming to my town!! After watching a BBC programme in the week entitled "how to stay young" I realised I'm not nearly as fit as I'd like to think I am for my age so am contemplating Yoga classes to stretch my tired old muscles! The message in the programme was that it's never too late to improve fitness so watch out world, here I come!

    Marcella ~ You did make me smile......popcorn and wine have to be banned from my home!

    Buzz ~ When I did work in the community for adult social care there was more than one occasion when I tried to move an electric chair round a room for someone to get into and found myself bashing my shins so learned quickly never to stand in front when starting up! Glad to read the aches are easing so no major damage done.

    Sandy ~ I'm sure most of us would admit we couldn't do the amount of child minding you do without feeling exhausted so roll on those holidays you're planning! Violet was quite mischievous when I first moved in, especially when I was renovating but I assume she's happy withthe results because all is quiet now.

    I'll have to say hello to everyone else and wish you all a warm and contented Sunday because my back is beginning to complain sitting in such a weird position! Another auction to view in the week so who knows, I might have table and chairs soon!!

    (Phew, just found a huge blank page beyond my typing so must have leaned on the wrong button.... managed to delete!!)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016

    We are getting snow once again later today and then heavy rains are predicted. Spring is surely taking its time.

    JACKIE - That doggy picture is so cute, it reminded me of Sophie, my BIL's dog, who used to eat her own poo. Sorry about that. Ick! Good luck with the computer, maybe Violet is back. Hee hee.

    BUZZ - I am sure glad you are mending now, and I had no idea that wheelchairs were so dangerous at times to operate. I guess a lesson learned the hard way. :o

    MARCELLA- I am with you on the popcorn, which I had last night, and wine. But no wine for me just
    Starbucks hot chocolate. Glad your taxes are done, Dave's does ours on line with a program. I have
    never done them, so I hope I don't for a long time.

    PHOEBE- Your picture is so adorable with your fur baby. ;)

    LIN - You are becoming a social butterfly, so nice to see you out and about.

    ANNE - I see you have had the snow too. Cinders won't mind she has her fur coat to keep her warm.

    SANDY - You sure have been doing alot of babysitting, but I am sure it is much appreciated. I hope Robby's parents find what they want in a house.

    LAURA - Good luck with moving from a house into a condo. Major clean up and getting rid of things.
    I hope you have help with this. I see you like Starbuck's or as they call it, you are a Bucky.

    We woke up to a funny noise this morning. Dave thought it was his phone, but alas it was the computer
    and Kathy and Isaac were Skyping with us. So we got up and called back after we figured out what
    the noise was. We are so techy, (sarcasm) He is interacting on the computer with us now and
    knows my voice and starts to smile. It melts my heart. o:)

    They are leaving Wednesday for a week in Mexico. I hope all goes well with them on their travels.

    We bought all party decorations for a 90 year lady who will be celebrating at our house soon.
    There will be about 20 of us.

    Nothing planned today, I think I will get on my bike for a little exercise.
    Enjoy the day!

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks for all your good wishes I never realized how much stuff I had I am hoping the final step is on the 23rd then I will have fun trying to organize