Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited April 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Like Lin we have sunshine but cold weather, however by the weekend they are predicting the 70's!! Things seem to be moving forward on the house sales, the inspection for their condo is today and if that is without any problems they will sign the papers on the new house and have their inspection on Friday. Still praying for good results. My son came to meet Lisa here because the inspection is going on now. He asked me what am I going to do with all the toys I have when I am not sitting and I said they are going right in your new basement. LOL Right now my house looks like a nursery with all the stuff I have for Robby.

    Buzz, we would never lose you, never worry about that. Hope you are feeling pain free and are being careful and using your walker.

    Marie, your pizza sounds interesting and healthy, good for you.

    Phoebe, working is getting in the way of your social life.

    Lin, have fun coloring, seems to be the new thing this year. I see posts on face book.

    Shirley, I bet Dave is not happy he decided to do that touch up if it means he has to repaint all the cabinets. The garden gallery sounds like a great place, how did your mil like it?

    Today is my granddaughter's 26th birthday which means as of now until September two of the granddaughters are 26. I can't believe they are that old when I am so young (at heart).

    Marcella, have a great time in Florida, I can't wait to go in June.

    Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, today, 4/12, was also my 1st grandson's birthday (via my daughter)...29!!! Can't be!
    I'm careful now; using walker (or wheelchair) to go downstairs. Using walker or can in the apartment. Bruises are definitely healing and I'm getting back to normal, whatever that means! MARIE, one of these days when I have time on my hands I'll attempt to join your games! You're way ahead of me!
    The coloring craze has hit here, too. I heard it referred to as Zen coloring!!!
    MARCELLA, are you on the west coast? I guess I miss the days we drove around all the quirky little places in Florida. I cut way back on driving, as my neck cannot turn around as it used to.
    One of these days----.The buses we have here go everywhere, but it's a really hard decision! Having driven 70 years without an accident, I'd hate to push my luck now! o:) 12:04AM, so good night everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've finished our morning walk on the moors where a few more lambs have popped into the world and just received a package containing a pair of slim jeans,, luckily stretch material (!!), a slinky pair of leisure slacks and a pair of sneakers with floral design. When I popped into our farm shop on the way home from the walk for milk and yogurt I also bought a rather naughty Chelsea bun that I wolfed down with my coffee so will now skip lunch and get back into the garden to continue yesterday's weeding and general clearing. I did my best to clear out leaves and a few too many marigold plants from the pond but George thought it all a game and nearly fell in a couple of times!

    I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday especially as we all seem to be seeing signs of Spring finally.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh, yes! Signs of spring at last! 6C today and even warmer by Saturday. If anyone remembers I took the dark heavy curtains down during a warm snap, and two days later I put them back up in a cold snap. Well today they are down again and hopefully for the next 6 months. The room is all yellow and white with just the blinds and the sunshine streaming in. My African violets are in full flower and more buds are appearing on the geraniums I've tended like a mother hen all winter. Isn't it amazing what a sign of spring can do for the spirits!
    I'm hoping I'll be tidying my tiny plot by Sunday. Last week I almost bought a pair of sneakers with a floral design, very pretty! I was put off by the freezing weather and howling wind. I'll try and get to the shoe shop on Friday and maybe they will still be in stock. Instead of diamonds on our shoes (song, but is that right?) we'll have flowers JACKIE.
    Have a glorious day, Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Buzz - I live close to Atlanta Georgia (not to far from Phoebe).
    Orlando is about a 9 hour drive for us. Sunday, we will drive to Lake City, FL and spend the night with my brother and sister-n-law. Then, Monday morning, it will only be another 3 hours to arrive in Orlando and get checked into where we will be staying.

    Today is all about errands. I need to get the oil changed in my truck so that we can take it instead of my husband's car. That way, we have room to take whatever we want (luggage, golf clubs-his, coolers) and if we happen to see something along the way that we want to buy, there's room for that too. I'm also happy to say that I need to do some shopping for some new shorts in a smaller size. :) Also, will stop by the post office to drop off my DNA test from I should get feedback from within 6 to 8 weeks. Has anyone else here done this?
    Have a nice day, everyone,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anybody knows what the like button and awesome is at the bottom of our post ?....?...??
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016
    Marie - Just noticed the like button and awesome button at the bottom, it must be new. We can view
    diaries again, which I like so I can be nosey and see what other people are eating. ;)

    Spring has finally sprung here too and will be in the 60's by the weekend. Dave is already talking
    about going to the boat.

    I had a good day yesterday with my friend Donna, we went for lunch at an Indian restaurant, I am still
    on the fence about Indian food. It was good but not great but the place was nice and service was
    very good. They had Chai tea and chocolate/raspberry coffee if you wanted it. I did indulge in the
    coffee and it was delicious. They gave you rose water and towel afterwards to wash your hands.
    We went to a few stores and did some shopping.

    Sandy - Yes my MIL does like the garden gallery and she bought a little sweater there but returned it
    because she said it was too short and too young for her. Good luck to Lisa on the new house,
    sounds like it is a deal already. :smiley:

    Today was Yoga class and a visit to wish my mother in law Happy Birthday and brought her a
    cinnamon bun and coffee to enjoy. Tonight we are taking her to Red Lobster for her birthday dinner.
    She said her sister may come and visit her today. :)

    Isaac is in Mexico now with his mom and dad. I hope he liked the plane ride, I am sure we will hear
    about it and hope to see some pictures on facebook.

    Enjoy the day!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon my friends, much better weather here today! YES!! And the remainder of the week should be very nice. I'll take it!

    I zipped out of here early this morning and was off to the Tai Chi class. Surprise, I stayed all morning. I attended the begging Tai Chi class, the continuing class, Zumba Gold and used something called a NuStep machine (I think that’s right). Then I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and since then, I’ve been cooking and having lunch and sorting through email. I’m out of here a bit later to attend a presentation on “Walking the Camino de Santiago”. Online I met a wellness coach and her husband and I did a few walking challenges with her group. They planned to do this walk and asked me if I wanted to come along with them. There was no way I could consider it and then as it turns out, they had to cancel their plans last year as well. I am still interested in this walk though and at least would like to the presentation. I believe both presenters have done the walk.

    Tomorrow is my morning at the library. Then home to listen to a webinar and maybe I will finally get an hour or so to clean out some dead vegetation from my foundation plantings. My handyman’s son mowed the lawn last night. My, it looks so much better!

    Sandy, I hope the home purchase is still on track for DS and wife. And I hope your weather is great today. So nice!

    Buzz, I am glad you are doing a bit better. And please continue to take care of yourself! Have any of your friends/acquaintances decided to move into your community? Not that you need more friends---you are the most sociable person I know! There are so many names now—adult coloring, pen doodle, Zen doodle, etc. Some people do not like the term adult coloring—especially when they search for adult coloring books. Bad association~~!

    Phoebe, I am glad you check in with us from time to time and hope that you will be able to retire sooner rather than later. Be careful out there!

    Jackie, new clothes! Wahoo……….good for you. Your shoes sound intriguing! Are they for good—shopping and going to appointments and such? Now Anne needs to get her pair and we’ll see if you purchased similar shoes!

    Marcella, yippee! A trip to Orlando! What fun……..and super, room in the truck to bring home new treasures (perhaps). I had DNA testing through 23andMe years ago. I was more interested in what genes I might have that were pointers for specific diseases. It was interesting but I never followed through. To learn more I needed to have my father’s DNA tested and I didn’t do that.

    Marie, I didn’t see those buttons. Thanks for pointing them out. I’ll have to click on some of them and see what happens!

    Shirley, I had to giggle, temperatures start to increase and Dave is ready to go to the boat. Meanwhile, will the cupboards have to wait until either there’s a streak of rainy weather or the boat is out of the water next fall? Just wondering. Enjoy the birthday dinner and I hope you hear from Isaac (and his folks) during their trip to Mexico.

    Time to check on the sweet potato I have roasting. Take care everyone.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin what is your favorite way to eat your baked Sweet potatoes? you know I am really loving this plant base way of eating. Is this how you lost all of your weight?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Marie, no this isn't the way I lost all my weight. I followed Dr. Fuhrman which is very limited on starches but includes nuts/seeds. I adore my sweet potatoes baked and then cooled in the refrigerator. I always eat them cold. I will cut them up into chunks or wedges and just chomp them down or may drizzle with chocolate balsamic vinegar and cinnamon. I love purple sweet potatoes the most, then Japanese sweet potatoes, then Stokes purples or Hannah whites. I don't actually eat any orange ones these day.

    By the way I have never tried a Mary's mini. It is intriguing but I cannot choose just ONE starch for 10 days. :) They were talking about it on a webinar and just one type of starch for 10 days and I cannot make a commitment. Just sweet potatoes? Just white potatoes? Just rice? If I could have both white potatoes and sweet potatoes maybe I'd go for it. But Mary said the point was to make it boring! Ha.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Been having busy but fun days and trying to get in a walk every day. We slipped over to dd's place today as it was our grandson Zach's 13th bd. How can that be. They are so busy in that family with 10 kids and Mom and Dad really involved in other things as well. Mel said they had 2 times available to celebrate his bd - 6 am or at lunch time. So Sean (her dh) came home at lunch to celebrate the big event. But even at that he had to participate in an on line business meeting before they could eat their pizza for lunch. We ate before but came over at 1 in time for cake and gifts. Fun.

    When we got home I went for a beautiful walk on the ridge.

    Cheers and hugs to all,


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    jeri what a loving family you have. They have a loving grandma and grandpa .

    Lin. I guess i may be doing the mini Mary wrong for I have been eating both potatoes white and sweet potato We only get the one kind of sweet potato in our local store so there I don't have any choice for we don.t have any of the health foods store near us. Also found out today what you brought up I am to stick with potatoes and light veggies no adding corn, beans as toppers.But I did pretty good on it. But will change it up tomorrow. Will continue on eating bot kinds of potato. I have till next Wednesday to make my 10 days.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gosh, I wish I had the self-discipline you gals have! Though I find even though I often don't finish my meals, or take 1/2 portions, my weight simply remains the same. I suspect several different possibilities, along with medications that simply add weight while being necessary to take.
    Several people here have been hit with computer viruses and Norton tells them everything's OK while huge chunks of time are unaccounted for! Watch your emails very carefully for familiar but weird addresses!
    Yawn.....bedtime, but a dryer full of clothes, darn!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good glorious spring morning. 9C later today. We made it girls! Here's a couple of my African Violet's finally flowering and welcoming the season. The white on the leaves is from a long, long winter.
    image.jpeg 1019.6K
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016

    We went to Red Lobster last night and I ordered the Admiral platter, too much fish but all was good.
    We had a coupon for a free appetizer and we all shared. Still too much food, came home stuffed and
    no longer like that feeling. will be lots of water to flush all that out. My BIL came along to
    join us last night and we heard all about his golf trip to Florida. My mother in law enjoyed her birthday dinner.

    It's a sunny day here and I am planning a walk around the neighborhood. They finally paved the road
    behind us so I will check it out. It should be a lot quieter in the mornings now without all the machinery noise behind us.

    We heard from Kathy and their trip to Mexico. Isaac slept 2 l/2 hours on the plane and then entertained the passengers. We saw a couple of pictures of him on mommy's lap sleeping and a picture of him
    sitting on the king size bed with his bathing suit outfit on. He looked so small. More pictures are coming when they can get free time at the computers. Today they were taking him to the ocean.
    They managed an extra seat between them on the plane which probably helped.

    Anne - your post is blanked out I can't see anything on my screen.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    That's odd SHIRLEY, the photo is huge on my screen! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I love the violets Anne. I can see them.

    Shirley, glad you had a nice dinner last night and also happy you found out how your family is doing in Mexico.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I see them Anne! Love Red Lobster! Nap time. Cloudy and mid 60's in Oklahoma city.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    your flowers are beautiful Anne you must ave a very good green thumb. has your apple tree bloom yet?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The African violets are so lovely, ANNE. SHIRLEY, so nice to be able to hear so quickly about events in the kids lives! Isaac must be cute as a button on an airplane! Lobster, yum!
    PHOEBE, we know only 2 people in Oklahoma, and one the the Symphony conductor, whose mother lives here and is a dear friend of mine. Will you be home soon?
    we are very quiet today. Our dinner date is feeling dizzy so we'll eat alone tonight, which pleases me occasionally. Got the place sort of ready for my cleaning help, so I can breath easy another 2 weeks. Have a lovely...
    <3 Buzz