Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have a new baby puppy. we bought her from a sweet Ukrainian couple. So of course her name is Catherine the great! (Katie the great) she is so tiny and so smart! She is a labradoodle. I can't believe we are doing this at our age. Our son is substitute owner in case of disaster. She sleeps peacefully in her crate at night. She does her business outside after eating. It is quite fun. I would enjoy a grand baby even more but alas...that is not to be. She also likes to garden. She needs a few lessons on appropriate techniques and plant identification. We are working on it!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    So proud of you Patsy! Katie is a lucky girl. Have fun!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, she's so sweet. You can't go wrong with a lab mix, I know! Welcome little Katie. Great aunt Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning. We've had internet issues for the most of this past week. :# Seems to be fixed now. :) Yippee! Today, we are driving to my brother's house in Lake City, FL. Then tomorrow morning we will drive on down to Orlando. Tuesday evening, we are planning to have dinner with a friend (and his wife) that live in Orlando that I haven't seen for nearly 30 years. We were in youth group together at the church I attended as a teenager. I'm guessing we've both changed a bit since then! It's interesting that most everyone that was in this church youth group together as teenagers, are now Facebook friends, though, most are now at different churches and live in different cities and states. I'm just looking forward to some relaxing, downtime by the pool.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, welcome to your new family member!!!

    Marcella, safe travels. What fun you'll have!!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Before anything else I have to comment Patsy Aahhhh, Katie's so sweet and and adorable so I've no doubt with a little bit of education she'll soon be identifying plants to be dug or not!! George loves to help me dig weeds although still doesn't understand that removing them from the trug to chew and spit about the place isn't really helping!

    The past few days have been busy for me culminating in a visit to a dog show held by the shelter George came from. My neighbour drove and we took a scenic route to the coast where we then caught a ferry for a short journey across Plymouth Sound to the city and an old fort called the Royal William Yard. It was a chilly day out of the sun but we spent a couple of hours there and I entered George into the "Bad Hair Day" category without success. Looking at the photo my neighbour took I can see it was me having the bad hair day, not George!

    Lin ~ I love the sound of your bicycle with its basket on the front that will be overflowing with organic produce and library books. You'll fit perfectly into many of the English mystery series you love to watch!!

    Anne ~ If you'd been visiting me you could have joined me in the bad hair day judging although if that's how yours is looking after the scissor attack it looks fine to me! I've an appointment this coming Friday for highlights and cut and can't wait! Sounds like you were busy in your garden; well done for achieving so much. My plan is to finish tidying the top half by the end of the month so I can then concentrate on the wild bottom that has become a jungle.

    Friday late afternoon I spent a couple of hours at the allotment to clear a bed so this afternoon my neighbour and I plan to return to plant carrot seeds and trim the grass, doing our best to ignore the fact winter just won't go away. Minus one last night and still a chilly wind today but if we don't get on we will get too far behind.

    Now I've just finished a long phone chat with a friend so must get on with some chores so I'll wish you all an enjoyable Sunday whatever you get up to.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) I am so happy with the weather, I just wish I had time to sit on my balcony and soak in some rays. Once Babe calls I have to go to his house and sign the tax papers so they can get in the mail tomorrow. He had to call 911 the other day because of the pain in his stomach which made him severely vomit and have diarrhea. He had just had an episode when they arrived and he said he felt better after that and in examining him they found nothing wrong and told him he could either be taken to the ER or he could stay home and call back if he got worse. He opted to stay home instead of sitting in the ER for hours. He now is weak so had his son drive him to the accountant to pick up the tax papers. He said the doctor put him on a antibiotic which wasn't working so she gave him a second one. Between the two he had this severe reaction so is quite upset with the doctor. I thought it sounded like food poisoning but Babe insists it was from the antibiotics. Always something with that guy!!

    The party was fun and the party boy was surprised. I even did some dancing, including line dancing, Barbie would have been proud. After signing the papers I am meeting my friend since she is down in the dumps and also hope to get some groceries before sitting tomorrow.
    I am going to their house to wait for a repairman but I am hoping Lisa will switch cars with me in case he comes early and then I can go back to my house.

    Jackie, I love your picture and love you hair. It looks like the Dorothy Hamil haircut that I would love to have but my hair is much to fine and straight. George doesn't look like he had a bad hair day, he looks too cute.

    Anne, good for you for getting all your yard work done. I would really like to get out there and pull all the weeds that are bothering me, even if I am not an owner.

    Marcella, enjoy your time in the sun and at the pool.

    Phoebe, always good hearing from you.

    Lin, another busy day at Church.



    Katie is just beautiful!! She will be one happy puppy with you and your hubby for parents!!
    I love labradoodles, they can get big like our sheepdogs. Congratulations!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    For starters PATSY your little puppy is just adorable!! Love her and the name is awesome!

    Everyone seems busy and active now that is Spring has sprung. I worked in the gardens yesterday and racked all the lose grass up from our neighbor behind us. I too had a bad stomach yesterday and thought I couldn't finish my work but finally started to feel better. I think I have a virus or something. Dave had the same thing a few days ago. All the work was completed but we still need
    more mulch and some dirt spread before we start planting in a few weeks. The patio furniture is
    all cleaned and pressure washed and we can sit out now. B)

    We made it to the Commodores ball last night and it was good food, good band and dancing.
    It was at a hotel and some people got rooms but we went home. The first event of the sailing season. It is still cool at the boat and sometimes windy.

    Today Dave is down at the boat taking off the traps and interlocking wood pieces that hold up the tarp. It is still on the cradle so I don't work on it until it's in the water. I don't like climbing the
    ladder. We heard last night that one of our members fell off his ladder while working on his boat and has numerous injuries and he is in his 70's so we all know that recovery will be long.

    Today is another beautiful day and I am trying to cram all I can in today. I am making sauerkraut
    in the crockpot so I don't have to think about what's for dinner. I put up all my chimes around
    the patio today and doing some laundry, sheets and towels mostly.

    Anne- I wish I could comment on your post, I do see your new haircut and its very cute. But...
    your posts have become blank. Sorry.

    Jeri - Have fun at the bday party for Ed, we are planning ours for next Saturday for my MIL who
    will be 90. Just the family and one of her long time friends Elsie. All the grandkids will be there
    and of course Isaac.

    Sandy - No news on the house yet, but I hope all goes well.

    Jackie - Your picture is lovely and of course George looks so proud and cute.

    Marcella - Enjoy your trip with friends and the lovely weather.

    Barbie - so nice to hear from you, I am so glad you are getting some treatment. I hope this will
    be the answer. :)

    Hello to Lin, Marie, Phoebe, Buzz and anyone I missed.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Isaac on vacation in Mexico with mom and dad.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I just love that Katie, and of course any breed that's part poodle will be smart and irresistible! Will she need grooming and haircuts, PATSY?
    JACKIE, adorable picture of both of you, and I don't see bad hair on either of you!
    SANDY, too bad about BABE, but I'm happy you aren't involved in all his problems! I sometimes think it's his stress at you not living there any longer!
    SHIRLEY, what a cutie Isaac is! SOunds like your boating season is coming up fast.
    MARCELLA, have a ball in Orlando! Sounds amazing.
    LIN , PHOEBE, and ANNE, Mike is yelling for dinner, but our hugs to you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY I guess you won't see this if my posts are blank. I wonder if I've become a ghost and don't realize it!
    Well, I've just said goodbye to my youngest who is heading off to Chile on a business trip for a week. Massive Earthquake in Ecuador and I don't care if there's a huge distance between Chile and Ecuador, I've asked him to sleep in a tent in a field! Not that he will take any notice of me which is probably just as well! What with my travelling family and terrorists, volcanoes and earthquakes I'm amazed my hair is still brown!
    Well, spring has most definitely arrived, I know because I dried the washing outside and finished the tidy up. Wondering when I can plant the geraniums in the garden. You never know if a frost will sneak in overnight.
    Time to put my feet up, so goodnight everyone,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, in New Mexico today I drove in a rain and snow mix with temperatures down to 34, in the daytime! So, maybe a bit longer before planting your babied geraniums. Love photos from Jackie, George, and Isaac is precious.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks for the warning PHOEBE, April is indeed a capricious month! I'd just been peering at the gerry's and thinking "wow predicted 22C or 72F?" when I saw your post. They are in the back added on room and I want to get my table back for summer breakfasts. It's slightly chilly in the winter months. I'll wait until pretty little May now. MARIE asked earlier if the apple blossom is out. Not yet Marie, still early days up here, but if this warmth continues!

    Mark flew to Chile last night at 11pm and will land about 1pm today. Mary Jo and I were thinking of locking him in the garage to prevent his business trip. Only the thought of maybe, if he's got the time, a Chilean gift prevented MJ from helping me in this concerted attack.

    Loved the photos and hope it's a hand on little Isaacs boat and not the Loch Ness creature of the deep! Your hair looks lovely and thick, and definitely not flyaway JACKIE, lucky girl. I'm amazed one of "my" birds didn't mistake MY stuck every which way for a ready made nest whilst gardening!

    Well must stop gabbing and launch into busy Monday.
    Happy spring day girls, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    hi good friends Fly by see you guys later-Marie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Goodness, I don't know where the day has gone but here I am already on my 2nd cup of tea and planning an evening meal. Our temperatures are colder than anything we had during the winter months so I'm not inclined to do too much outside but have been shopping for a few items needed at the allotment in the hope we warm up in the next day or so.

    Shirley ~ That's a delightful photo of Isaac who looks like a little fireman in his engine!

    Marie ~ Good morning as you fly by.... have a lovely day!

    Anne ~ Although I do understand your instinct to want to wrap Mark in cotton wool before shutting him in your garage he'd maybe soon get bored if he wasn't allowed to travel the world every now and then unless you've got lots of board games and a big box of Meccano bits from the 70's so he can keep himself entertained!! Believe me, my thick hair is currently driving me mad and I'm tempted to sit at George's grooming table and start snipping.... thank goodness I've an appointment this coming Friday!

    Phoebe ~ Whoa, signs of snow in New Mexico, that doesn't sound good. Drive carefully precious lady!

    Barbie ~ I meant earlier to wish you well with your acupuncture treatment. I know you'll give it a chance and I remember having 6 sessions many years ago on frozen muscles in my thigh that helped tremendously although not for the first couple of treatments.

    Buzz ~ Have all your aches and sore boobies recovered now? You do appear a lot brighter in your posts and as ever, constantly on the move!

    Sandy ~ Dorothy Hamill.... now there's a blast from the past!! Perhaps after my appointment on Friday my hair might very slightly resemble hers although skating across the ice would soon have me looking a mess again!! I'm sure Buzz has sussed Babe and his upset system. He's missing you being with him all the time but doesn't know what to do about it.... it's called stress!!

    Well I've decided a stir fry is a good option for my evening meal as I've got a prepared bowl of chopped veggies as well as tasty frozen quorn pieces so will now go out and feed my hens their teatime corn before cooking my meal, which reminds me Anne ages ago you asked if Squeak still laid eggs and what size they were so here's a photo of Black Rock Ella's (largest), Wyandottes Bunty and Prudence middle size and Squeak's smallest. Daisy has never laid an egg but does a lot of shouting, just like her brother Charlie (RIP!)


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Charlie may you rest in peace. Still miss you around here i guess Daisy will just have to take your place. I still have that blown up picture of you. Your were such a beautiful Rooster, a little rough on our friend Jackie sometimes.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, I googled Quorn. I thought it was a typo. Interesting, I'll look for it. Morningstar farms has the market cornered in my area,but more are being added.
    Los Angeles CA. About 80 degrees. Honey doesn't like it. And oh my, traffic, always traffic.
    We're heading north now.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited April 2016
    Do you ever venture as far as Canada PHOEBE?
    I'm sure you are right JACKIE, boys must roam the world, however Mark didn't want to go this time, I think he's getting to an age where he prefers home. Can't say I blame him, it's colder in Chile than here today and raining. Me, I've been sitting outside watching the birds splashing in the bird bath! MJ and I are saying poor Mark who will just about have landed! I remember when It was part of my job to arrange flights and hotels for our engineers to go to exotic locations it all began to pall for them after the first couple of years. Anyway, it's a working trip so he won't see much outside the hotel. How wonderful to be able to eat your very own home produced organic eggs! I still envy your lovely thick hair! Hope you don't get too shorn.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Isaac is loving Mexico and the pool from all the pictures. Tomorrow is their last day and then homeward bound.

    This Saturday is the 90th b-day party so we have to go and order our trays, cake and later we will have
    pizza & wings. Easy/Peasy so we can enjoy the company and enjoy my mother in law's day.

    It has been so busy lately, I have 3 more choir practices and then the Spring concert on May 1st and then done until September. I am going to a Yoga workshop this Sunday night, yoga with meditation.
    Holding the postures longer and being aware, should be interesting.

    My TM (transcendental meditation) is becoming busy too with scheduled meetings and a Spring get together to meet other TM people also on Sunday. I will not be attending too much in one weekend for me. Who said retirement is boring. LOL

    The weather here has been awesome, not as hot as Sandy's 80F but pleasant and having all the windows open, sorry Jackie that it's still so cold where you are. I bet those hen eggs are delicious!
    Today is laundry day and catching up on things around here.

    Dave has been taking our friend Tom out for walks on a daily basis. Tom meets him after he is done
    with work and they walk on the trail by the water. Tom is actually walking on his own now and finally
    doing some exercise. He huffs and puffs alot with minimal exertion so Dave is taking him out to
    get him fitter and then it helps him too.

    I just received another Fit Bit badge today, 1,600 miles. B)
