Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, I tried to post this last night, before losing my post! Hugs to you an Michael!

    Death is not easy to bear.
    It is so hard to deal with
    but eventually the hurt fades
    and you begin to breathe normally
    once again!

    Though you and Michael will never forget Cinders,
    Life will improve...things will brighten
    as you carry on every day, keeping good
    memories of her alive with you always!

    I also mentioned the dangers of dog walking for young children; a squirrel, birds, flying paper, whatever catches a puppies attention and causes a sudden chase at the end of its lead can severely injure the person on the other end! My neighbor ended up with broken shoulder, arm, wrist, pelvis , femur and ankle at the ripe age of 96, walking his daughter's dog as a favor. Three months in hospital and rehab were his reward for his good deed! Also, Mike's daughter broke 3 ribs when her own trained dog took a flying leap at a low seagull!

    I wanted SHIRLEY to know the sad story about the significant other having inoperable back CA was about my granddaughter, formerly of Hawaii.

    SANDY, although many of your family has a resemblance to you, and are lovely, you are queen of the entire bunch! ANd thank you so much for the link I lost!

    JACKIE, interesting comment about laptop problems vs. desktop. I have had only laptops, but am trying to compare advantages of each before replacing my current laptop with a newer touch model .

    Must close so I can pump my swollen legs. The pump for the right leg almost didn't make it around the calf earlier!

    <3 Buzz

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, when I have been unable to comment, I found that I wasn't actually logged in.
    Long day, supposed to leave tomorrow, but now they are sending our truck for repairs. This went on and on last year too! It was a different truck.
    So we are in limbo. We plan our time off around doctor appointments. We were planning to make a trip then come home for several appointments. Now they are likely going to need rescheduling. Sigh.
    Jackie, I'm recording The Night Manager and I've just seen episode # 1. I'm hooked!
    Sandy, your brother looks great, is he getting younger? Glad you've been enjoying yourself. Is Daisy better?
    Marie, have you ever used Beano? Hope you are feeling good today.
    Same for you Lin, how was the butterfly program?
    I'm resting my achy feet before cleaning up the kitchen. Night all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    Yes Phoebe i am a lot better. feel like I will be able to make a walmart run tomorrow. I did not get to go with Jerry Friday to Kroger. have not hardly had any gas today, no never try beno before. i have never had gas from eating beans before but again I h.
    have been eating a lot more of them lately
    <3 Marie

    Good night all
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, well winter seems to have arrived with a vengeance only 5 months late with a bitterly cold Arctic wind!! As I parked up on the moor around 9am this morning hail, sleet and a dusting of snow covered my car so George and I sat inside waiting for the black clouds to move on. My friend joined us with her Scruff but again we kept to the relatively quiet road before turning back just in time because as we reached the cars we were attacked by stinging hail in a strong wind.

    I can't remember if I mentioned that I gave up the role of secretary of the allotment association a month or so ago because I really didn't have the time or inclination for some of the silly matters that had to be dealt with. This morning I invited the new secretary over for a coffee and chat about anything he might need to know and we've had a good laugh about his approach to the job, this after I spent 5 minutes searching my kitchen cupboards for the sugar bowl that rarely comes out because my friends and I don't use it.... he's a 3 teaspoons in a mug of coffee man!! He recently retired from being a paramedic, a job I'm sure has taught him life is too short to be worrying about petty matters so he's being very firm with everyone about paying for their membership and keeping plots tidy. As we chatted snow continued to fall outside my windows although it didn't settle so we were commiserating with each other about our seedlings struggling to get going this year. It's certainly going to be a late season. Also I'm still having to feed my bees which is very unusual this time of year and am going to move from a sugar candy to syrup that they can digest and store more easily. Sorry, probably far too much information!!

    Phoebe ~ The Night Manager got plenty of critical acclaim here and I too was absolutely hooked throughout so know you'll love it. Do you still get paid when through no fault of your own you can't deliver goods? It can't be easy having to reschedule appointments at such short notice although I'm guessing it's an annoying part of the work you do that you just have to get used to!

    Anne ~ I've not been able to comment on any of my friends messages on my home page for months. The box is there and I can type in it but don't have a 'leave comment' to click on. I think MFP has been playing around with the website again!

    Buzz ~ It's not helping that I still haven't found my antique table and chairs for the dining room that would make life a lot easier what with a USB keyboard attached to my laptop. You'd laugh if you could see me now with laptop on the sofa next to me and keyboard on my lap, peering through reading glasses that weren't designed for the current wider space between my nose and the screen. The final straw will be when either George or one of the cats wants to sit on the sofa next to me!!

    Sandy ~ Lovely photos of your family and I can see a distinct resemblance amongst you all but agree with Buzz, you're definitely Queen of the bunch.

    Marie ~ You must have what we call a cast iron constitution to avoid wind from the amount of beans you generally eat.... I've always thought how lucky you are to be able to enjoy what you love without the usual comeback!!

    It's time for my lunch and also the washing machine has just finished a cycle that needs to be dealt with, not that I can see the point of hanging it out on my rotary line while the snow falls!! Have a good Tuesday everyone. Apart from a short trip to the local town for a few items of shopping I won't be going far today

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    That's it exactly for me Jackie when I try to post messages, but only on the safari route. If I use the blue MFP icon no problems at all, so yes I think MFP have been mucking around. However, after having to start again I was having trouble on the MFP icon as well. Our sandy appears to have righted things, cross fingers. She IS something isn't she (we're talking about you girl!) in the good looker department, and there's definitely a family likeness. Your weather sounds absolutely foul. Today it is happily raining here and chilly. I shall definitely need the old goose feather anorak when I go out in 1 hour! Today should be interesting. If it's dull and boring that's me for the day, but anything possibly more exciting I will let you all know.
    Thanks Buzz for the kind words and for the warning! What bothered me about extendable leashes was the fact a young dog can gallop around you in circles and cause a tottery old thing like me to trip.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have my Caretaker Meeting today, thank Heavens, as I am going nuts this morning trying to get Mike to find the medications, hearing aid batteries, prescriptions, etc, he seems to squirrel away so he won't lose them! Several need renewals, and my patience is running short. Supposedly, I am responsible for all this, but everything disappears when I go to find where I put them.
    Off to get stuff done , hopefully to return later! JACKIE, wise decision to relinquish your volunteer "job".
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Crazy day on MFP! Have tried several times to comment but lost two long posts. Soooo thinking of you all. Will try again later.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    One cabinet, storage box or whatever with a large printed label on it for your medical things, this will help Mike to remember to put them there.
    I don't have a label, yet, but all my med stuff is in one closet.
    Jackie, sorry you will probably be skipping spring this year. Looks like you will jump right into summer! You are a brave and strong willed woman, I'd look out the window, check the temperature and go back to bed. to Honey's dismay, I'm sure.. Yes, The Night Manager is slow enough for me to keep up, just barely... sim cards and all that just confuses me. I like that Hugh is the bad guy. :D
    Anne, good luck on your computer choice. The only thing I've not enjoyed about this laptop so far is the keyboard. I can't type fast on it. I make plenty of mistakes too.

    I've got some dog and cat food to organize, and it's lunch time for me. No word from work yet.
    Marie, now I'm craving beans, lol.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am laying low on beans for awhile.But should did haul in a bunch of different kind of potatoes Found some sweet potatoes already clean and cook in the microwave for 8 minutes. in its own bag Some petite small red skin potatoes i can just scrub good and pot in a microwave dish that has a hole in the lid for 5 minutes Easy Easy. Yes a did buy a bi bags of regular russet potatoes ans some more sweet potatoes.This week I am eating the 3 times a day along with a green veggies. The sweet potatoes keeps the salt shaker out of my hand.
    Enjoy your cornbread Phoebe.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, we had those sweet potatoes in a bag last night! They are good, tender and I like to eat the peelings, these are soft enough.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Just checking in to say hi! I had to run errands after Robby left and now it is time for dinner.
    Will try to check in tomorrow before bingo.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello Sneakers – first, I enjoyed the presentation on butterflies/pollinators at the library on Sunday. I am going to try to have a couple of pots on my deck---one for a host plant and one for nectar plants and we’ll see if I can attract some good pollinators. I am not really interested in wasps and hornets to tell you the truth!

    I got my air conditioner serviced yesterday and had to have the humidifier pad replaced again. Just had that done last fall but it was all gooped up and I didn’t want any more white stuff pushed into my air ducts. Otherwise, all was well with a cautionary note that he just had to replace a system identical to mine---it failed. Cheery news yes? Yesterday afternoon I ran a few errands as our weather was to be more unsettled.

    Rain expected on and off for the next 8 days we’re told. Not much this morning but about 2 inches may fall overnight and into the morning tomorrow. Wahoo! I have my raincoat out already since it is Tai Chi day. And excitement---there's a special on zucchini at a store that's on my way home! Yep, I'm stopping.

    Today, I did stay home but not only did I cook but I’m now on my third webinar of the day. First was on leaky gut. Second was a cooking webinar and now this is another nutritional/eating webinar. I do not know if I can hang in there. This one is an hour and a half. Argh!

    Sandy, I have to agree with everyone else, you are a good looking gal! You always shine in your photos! Enjoy your evening. I have been wondering about Daisy as well.

    Buzz, I am sorry for the problems with your legs. Sad to hear that you could barely get the pump around your right leg. Oh my! I hope it’s better today. And I trust your Caregivers meeting was helpful. Phoebe’s idea is great although it might be difficult to get Mike to use the box, even if marked.

    Phoebe, sorry to hear of the truck problems. Cannot believe you have to readjust all the time. I hope you can get your appointments shifted to work with these scheduling changes. I do not get AMC so no Night Manager in my future unless I buy the season on iTunes or Amazon.

    Marie, I am glad you are doing better. I have found, for my gut, that if I go off beans and then come back to them, it takes a while to adjust again. I need to ramp back up slowly rather than to dive right in. When I eat beans every day, not really a problem. Does that happen to you?? Your spuds sound divine! I saw some cook in the bag red potatoes at Walmart yesterday but didn’t purchase any.

    Jackie, I am glad you hear you are still caring for the bees (as I knew you would be) but my word, you are really having to feed them over a long season yes? You weather sounds frightful. It does sound as if you might skip right to summer weather. Oh, and I no longer see comment buttons when I want to respond to a friend’s post on the news feed but after I type and hit Enter, the comment posts…………usually. I have more trouble with the Like button not showing my attempt to Like. I struggle and struggle with it and it takes so LONG. Frustrating!!

    Anne, I hope you are getting your MFP friends back and things are straightening out now. Have you been thinking about a desktop computer? Have you also looked at laptops?

    Patsy, the web site is not that cooperative is it? I hope all is well in your world. Rain and cold weather for you as well?

    Time to run along---the battery on my laptop is running down.

    Wishing everyone good health and as much happiness as you can wring out of each and every day.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello everyone. After a freezing night the weather is beginning to warm up ever so slightly so our morning walk was quite enjoyable.... we did wrap up well and wear our hats too which helped! When I returned home I had an appointment for a pedicure and foot massage which felt wonderful after busy days on my feet and this afternoon I've been to the car wash and then returned to vacuum the interior because it's going in to our local garage for a full service tomorrow. A friend will collect me from outside the garage and we'll go the the leisure centre for a swim then she'll drop me home and hopefully later in the day, if it's not raining, my neighbour will take me back to the garage to collect the car on our way to the allotment to do some weeding and digging.... how organised is that!!

    Marie ~ Sweet potato in a bag didn't cross my mind yesterday evening when I popped one in the microwave with just a kitchen towel wrap as an afterthought to add with my meal but it caught light!! Luckily I walked into the kitchen just in time to see smoke coming up through the vents so opened the door and threw a damp cloth over the potato. I should have realised with such a tough skin it would likely combust even after I pricked in several places with a sharp knife. No damage done so we live and learn!!

    Buzz ~ Phoebe has the right idea about labelling if Mike can cope with remembering what the cabinet is for. It's certainly worth a try if it can save you the grief of trying to finding everything when needed. Of course it won't necessarily stop Mike putting items 'somewhere safe' if he feels the need.

    Lin ~ Pollinators need all the help they can get, especially in towns and cities so that's great that you'll pot up a couple of appropriate plants. When my Buddleia is in flower I spend forever watching the variety of butterflies and bees seeking the nectar but agree hornets and wasps can stay away! The forecast shows warmer temperatures by the weekend so hopefully my bees will be able to forage for their food rather than living on processed sugar.

    Phoebe ~ There were a couple of moments in the Night Manager when I had no idea what was going on and had to tell myself to concentrate although I do think it was the way it was scripted. Hugh Laurie does do a great villain although I found him quite likable at times!

    Time for me to feed my hens their afternoon meal of corn and then consider what my evening meal will be.... certainly not a sweet potato in the microwave!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    running short of time, but want to thank you for commenting on the medication boxes. Actually, I have special containers for AM & PM which I carefully fill for each week...and try to hide so he won't screw them up! The meeting yesterday reminded me that he probably has fears and worries we cannot fathom, and they make him angry and worried, which he cannot express, and so these changes are taken out on the caretaker, whom he resents as a gatekeeper! Ha, ask LIN; did that help when dealing with your Dad? I sure wish I could be a nicer person, but I find myself getting fed up, until I remember what he was like before, and the wonderful years we enjoyed together! And the pattern starts all over again many times during the day! I'm told it will change as he becomes more docile eventually! Well, life is seldom dull! Haven't really had time to read all the lovely posts, but thanks for letting me blow off steam! >:)
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, a coworker's mother has dementia. Her bad days usually last the whole day. I hope for all their sakes that she will have more docile days in the future. I'm glad you post your 'steam' here. I'm happy to listen to your experiences. Please keep taking care of you. ♥
    Lin, what plants were suggested for your pots?
    I've all but stopped planting but the idea appeals to me to plant for the butterflies, etc. I was thinking about some colorful lantana, since it requires so little watering. I have no idea what is better for the butterfly population. I saw one of my favorites yesterday. It's black with bright blue on its wings. I also hung my hummingbird feeder because I think I heard one. I love zucchini. Grilled, roasted, any way at all. Especially mushrooms and zucchini.
    Marie, I hope you can get back to your beans, I've really enjoyed having beans and peas at home. I see that corn is advertised, so I can't resist getting a few ears today. I like white or bicolor over yellow corn.
    It's nice here today, supposed to reach 84! All of the cats but one chose to stay indoors. We are a lazy bunch. They all have their favorite spots for napping. Looks like I'll be rescheduling all of the appointments we have for next week.
    Hello to everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I got through the 25 posts and here I am. Buzz I remember putting posit notes around the house for my Dad when his dementia started. Prescriptions times, and even one on the micrwave, he didn't
    know what it was and this was before the nursing home. My mom did everything inside of the house
    and he everything outside of the house and cooking was not his forte. I can so relate to all your stories
    about Mike. <3

    Dear Anne, I am so happy I can see your posts again and I hope you are getting over poor Cinders. She
    was the cutest and loved hearing your stories about her. <3 We are experiencing the cold temps
    here too and rain but they say warmer on the weekend coming up, fingers crossed.

    Sandy Your pictures show a loving family and a happy family of which you are the center.
    Still waiting for Dave to take my pictures off my camera but he is at the boat most days when it is
    nice weater so he is kind of busy lately. Your probably saw it on facebook.

    Phoebe - Safe travels again.

    Lin - I hope you got some good feedback on your butterfly presentation. You got to hear about wasps
    and such, at least I got the dragonfly pictures. LOL

    Marie - You haven't had beans in a while so maybe take it slow and maybe you won't get so much gas.
    Beano is a supplement you can take to prevent gas.

    Jackie - I can't believe you are talking snow again, I hope Spring springs your way soon!! You are one
    busy lady. I would imagine the allotment job you had is a relief and you have more time spend on other

    The 90th party was a success and all the family seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Back to normal
    somewhat, I have a choir performance this Sunday so we are having practices and our last one is on
    Saturday. We have a wrap up party which we are trying to get some dates for and it will be at our
    sailing club since our director is a member.

    My sister's birthday is May 4th so we will be going out for dinner with her and her boyfriend Joe
    next week. I just picked up a card and gift for her today. She is 8 years younger than me so she
    will be 59.

    I did another Fitbit challenge and made over 17,000 steps as my goal was 10,000. I can't believe
    how these challenges make me more accountable, it must be the competition. I came in second
    this time out of 9. My Sunday night Yin Yoga was great, holding yoga positions for 5 mins. Not easy
    and some of them you had to dig deep inside to get through it and I couldn't believe how wonderful
    I felt the next day. It was a practice for deep tissue and joints.

    Well I better go and make some chicken soup as planned today. No hurry Dave is still at the boat. B)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't know if this has anything But since Sunday I have not had an uncontrolled bladder problem to do with this diet or not. Before i when I had the urge to o as soon as I got up here it came now It waits till till I get to the bathroom. Do you guys think it might be my diet? or just taking a rest for awhile. Well time will tell. I will just enjoy it while I can.

    Buzz dear. Just do the best you can. Its a problem we all face as we progress in life. Is tere a place there that can take care of him if it gets too much for you to handle. I am afraid Jerry will have the same problems. Whose knows maybe both of us.Stay strong my dear. and take care

    Lin you know I we are eating almost alike. I made me a sugar and cinnamon shaker in a salt shaker so I can sprinkle some on top O those lovely little sweet potatoes, I call them my sweet potatoes pie. Checking to see if this group i am in to see if i can used the little marshmallow to roast of top of them. then it really would taste like a pie
    Do you know if it is compliance on the mcdougalls plan
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Bingo night!! I got so cold today I had to put on my heat to get the chill out of the house. Crazy weather isn't it???

    Marie, I have no idea if a diet can control your bladder but rest is probably a good thing. As we get older our bladders seem to fall, some not as much as others but some are so bad they have to be tacked up internally.

    Shirley, I missed the picture on Facebook but will go back and look for it. My brother and I are the only two left of four siblings. Since his wife died and my sister died, the nieces and nephews sort of look to me since they miss their mothers so much. I look so much like my sister that a couple of her grandchildren have a hard time being with me. Great job on the Fitbit challenge, I am lucky to get 5000 steps a day.

    Phoebe, I was ready to put my hummingbird feeder up but decided to wait until May. I might order one from my LTD Commodities catalog that I got today. It is a butterfly with the feeder and kind of cute. They really liked my old one so I hope I don't confuse them.

    Buzz, I know it must be hard with Mike because Babe drives me insane at times and I don't even live with him. I do hope he becomes more docile like my uncle was even though he didn't know any of us. I hope Mike doesn't get that bad and always knows who you are and how much you love him.

    Jackie, I can hardly wait to go to Arizona where I know the weather is hot. This has been a terrible spring so wondering how our summer will be. Your weather sounds worse than ours and that pedicure and foot massage sounds wonderful.

    Lin, thanks to you and all the others for the compliments, but I only post the good pictures not the ones that are bad. lol Daisy is doing much better although she hates the new dog food so Babe let her have some of the old which again gave her pudding. She is back on the new food but he added a little chicken so she ate it all. I keep telling him that she will eat when she gets hungry but he feels terrible if she goes a day or two without eating.

    I need to catch up on computer before bingo so will check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Okay girls, I have a feeling that you will at least think me "nuts" at best, and at worst "no fool like an old fool"! The thing is I have been offered a Pomeranian/shiatsu 9 week old puppy. She is adorable and although Cinders wasn't my dog I was awfully fond of her and in some ways she compensated for Tabitha's loss. I've spent 2 sleepless nights pondering over this decision. Michael wanted her initially but his partner says she will never, never have another dog. Apparently whilst Michael was at work and after allowing small children to take Cinders for a walk with terrible results she is too "traumatized". It's a fairly new relationship, Mike and his partner, and whether it will survive is anybody's guess at this point. I will not judge. However, Mark and Mary Jo, grandson Derek and his lovely girlfriend, plus Michael himself are all as pleased as punch that I've come to the decision to adopt this tiny little thing. All, including Mike if his relationship doesn't survive (his partner is thinking of joint buying a house with one of her children and family now anyway) have told me they will look after this little girl should I become too infirm or worse. I've talked to my old vet and her only concern was could I afford the expense initially of a puppy, shots etc etc. not my age. I think the kids would help me out if I should get into trouble but I don't think I'll need any help. Hope not! After the vets list of shots, fleas, ticks etc one wonders!

    So, I have night whining and chewed slippers to look forward to a week on Thursday.

    Now, what do we name this tiny heart throb? I favour Chloe. She looks like a Chloe to me. Michael fancies Shariz, something he's made up. Maybe if she's his dog down the road that's the name we should go for. Suggestions on names most welcome!

    Shirley did you know at 6 this morning people were scraping ice off their windshields! It's not bad out now, but this morning we had something in common with Jackie and I'll have something in common with Patsy won't I!

    I must say we all lead exciting lives for retirees! Marie and the exploding beans, poor Buzz hunting for pills, I so sympathies Buzz, I really don't think I could do what you do. You really really are a saint. Very hard watching a loved one. Phoebe seeing places I'll never get to see, Lin, Jackie, Jeri, Marcella, Connie, Barbie all wonderful full of life ladies. God bless you all and anyone old age has caused me to miss.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Buzz, I hate to say it but my dad lost things on a daily basis even in a tiny room with his limited mobility. It was quite frustrating and I lost my marbles and my temper fairly regularly. I always regretted it later but we are human and cannot act perfectly all the time.

    Marie, I do not do McDougall strictly----I do not eat oil, salt or sugar. I believe he allows a bit of salt and sugar----although no oil. I doubt he would approve of marshmallows---too processed. But again I am not an expert on McDougall. Sorry. I doubt the diet has anything to do with the gotta go problem but if you think that changing things up would help you, you should do that.

    Phoebe, to help the pollinators our local experts say to use plants that are native to your area so it would be best to check with your extension service or other local agencies. It is important to get plants that are "organic" and not treated with neonicotinoids. If treated with those substances, the bees will take back harmful substances that may kill the hive. So host plants for the Midwest include Pussytoes, Asters, False Indiego, Lupine, Milkweed (that is what I will be planting--getting seeds from a local prairie area), Native Grasses, Violets, New Jersey Tea, Herbs: (Dill, Fennel, Curley Parsley), Purple Prairie Clover, Black-Eyed Susan, Sunflowers, and Penstemon.

    Nectar plants include Beebalm, Blazing Stars, Coneflowers, Cosmos, Goldenrod, Ironweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Lantana, Rugosa Rose, and Zinnias.

    Anne, I am so happy you are getting a puppy that I cannot think of a name---especially without seeing a picture!!

    Sandy, enjoy the Bingo. It was cold here today and the furnace has been running---a lot!!

    Shirley, good job on the Fitbit challenges. I am really enjoying the Tai Chi, Qigong classes but I notice although I get a lot of stretching, and calm, and stress relief---I do not get that many steps. But that is okay.

    Jackie, you do indeed have your day planned out well. Excellent!! Tomorrow after a lovely shower I will be off to meet the ladies at the library for a morning of chatter. Then home for a webinar, some cooking and then off to a learning session on doing a butterfly survey. The class is 2.5 hours and truly I do not know what they will try to teach us but that is a LONG class!!

    Hugs. Back to my cooking and watching the weather. Tornado on the ground to the south of us. Hope it weakens as it moves north. Argh.
