Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    TGIF!! :) Once again the weekend is here and I couldn't be happier. I have no plans and hope to just stay home except for Church. Bryanna came to see Robby and his dad picked him up a little earlier than usual so my time off starts a little earlier. Still waiting for Spring, our weather is just like Lin's.

    Lin, I wouldn't worry about wearing a winter jacket, I wear mine if it gets too cold, Spring or not. Congrats on the score of the sweater, always great when we get something we like on sale.

    Shirley, busy weekend for you, I bet you will be glad when it warms up enough to go sailing.

    Buzz, I am with you, I hate always having to go to the doctor, dentist etc. Luckily I don't have to go to the doctor for more than my yearly physical except for this year when I got that terrible bug. The dentist however I have to go every four months because I have had problems in the past and they are keeping my teeth and gums healthy. I am glad we are helping you in a small way and hope that you get the information you need to handle Mike.

    Marcella, it is always hard to get back into the swing of things after a vacation. That is why I am coming back a day early from Arizona. I will be home the Sunday before Memorial day so if needed to sit on Tuesday I will at least have Monday to readjust.

    Anne, I don't think we would care if the picture of Chloe is huge, we would just love to see her.

    Jackie, little Scruff sounds like a handful, maybe Robby isn't so tiring after all. lol

    Patsy, love that nickname Jaws for Katie, think it will stick??

    Computer time something I don't have a lot of time for when sitting.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Good morning! So far today I've achieved a walk on the moors with George and friends and then a trip into town to purchase dog and cat food plus mixed corn for the hens so my furry and feathered friends won't go without over our May day bank holiday. We are still experiencing a very cold wind but hopefully high pressure is on the way to warm us up so I can finally plant out my potatoes into their box and also French and runner beans into pots to grow on for the allotment. Having given myself until the end of this month to tidy the top half of my garden I'll crack on this afternoon and if needs be, wrap up in extra layers. Lin not only have we been walking the moors in thick coats, hats and gloves but winter boots too so never mind seasonal fashions, just stay warm!! Anne Scruff is a Jack Russell so will no doubt maintain her level of energy until forever and Patsy's Katie, having both poodle and labrador in her is bound to be a bit mad whereas your little girl will soon burn hers off. Needle teeth and claws are what you'll have to be wary of in the first few months. Another friend who also has a Jack Russell pup got home from shopping one day to discover the power was off in the house and when her husband investigated they found an electric wire to the tv had been chewed through. After that little pup was placed in her cage if left on her own which isn't often!

    Buzz ~ I'm sure your dear friends appreciate what's going on when Mike blames you for his behaviour and are maybe following the normal advice which is to go along with whatever is being said rather than disagree and thereby cause confusion and even anger. My dad would sometimes make crude suggestive comments to his daily carer that shocked me because he had been the most dignified and polite man before the illness took over and when visiting I'd find myself explaining this to her but being the poppet she was, she would just laugh it off as something she was used to dealing with on a day to day basis. Don't know why I told you all that, maybe venting because I still cringe at the thought.

    I'm aware I'm missing out lots of you today but must get out to the garden because the clock is ticking!! Have a lovely weekend (I'm not sure you celebrate May day the way we do although the red flag aspect of it has finally been dropped!!). Anne if we lived in the same village we'd be making our daffodil yellow bonnets out of crepe paper and looking forward to a dance around the maypole on Monday, probably followed by a lunchtime trip to the local but instead enjoy your doggy shopping trip and I agree, role on Thursday!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie such to read your post. such a pleasure
    While you were talking about potatoes . I had Jerry to plant some potatoes that was sprouting a couple months ago now we have lovely little leaves coming up. If we get any potatoes how do we know they are ready to harvest? As you may know I am a big potatoes eater now his bucket was filled with wonderful baked potatoes So bad that seen a Col. Sanders fried chicken
    commercial this morning and swear now.

    Good morning Sneakers

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Raining here with more expected throughout the weekend. Will decide later whether to go to Mass today or tomorrow. I slept in which always feels good but did have some weird dreams. Problem is I usually forget what they were once I am up. Forgot to weigh in yesterday so today says I have gained a pound. Finally got rid of the darn pringle chips I bought even with low salt. Will power is not my friend.

    Marie, are you saying that Jerry had Col Sanders fried chicken and baked potatoes? Or did you just see a commercial? When I was a kid we used to put a potato in a glass of water and watch it grow but more for fun than for eating purposes.

    Jackie, we do not actually celebrate May Day officially in the States but I remember in school we danced around the pole. Our next holiday is Memorial Day which is the end of May. That is to recognize all those who have died in our military.

    I hope all of you have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No I just seen a Com' Sandy No
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Jackie such to read your post. such a pleasure
    While you were talking about potatoes . I had Jerry to plant some potatoes that was sprouting a couple months ago now we have lovely little leaves coming up. If we get any potatoes how do we know they are ready to harvest? As you may know I am a big potatoes eater now his bucket was filled with wonderful baked potatoes So bad that seen a Col. Sanders fried chicken
    commercial this morning and swear now.

    Good morning Sneakers

    they looks like roasted potatoes.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone! We are up early but honestly things are slow getting started today. John and Katie (jaws) have had a little pee-poop walk and that chore is done for at least an hour! We are getting plenty of exercise these days.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be quite warm. John plans on mowing the grass and I will be talking Katie out on the back deck to wash Windows and sweep the deck as well as wash off the deck chairs and table. We are having the back fence repaired and particially rebuilt. It will provide a secure place for Katie, keep out deer and very ominously BEAR!!!!! John saw fresh bear scat near our fence and around the apple tree. All the apples are gone now but the bear was checking on maybe leftovers. These are small black bears but still quite dangerous. There are about the size of a small calf or a Saint Bernard dog.

    All our activities have come to a halt since Katie arrived. I need to do some house cleaning and other tasks. I also have let things go in the art dungeon. Katie has established a nest of toys and an old sweater for her bed in the dungeon. We will start spending a bit time there each day. Good training for a creative youngster.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Jackie such to read your post. such a pleasure
    While you were talking about potatoes . I had Jerry to plant some potatoes that was sprouting a couple months ago now we have lovely little leaves coming up. If we get any potatoes how do we know they are ready to harvest? As you may know I am a big potatoes eater now his bucket was filled with wonderful baked potatoes So bad that seen a Col. Sanders fried chicken
    commercial this morning and swear now.

    Good morning Sneakers

    Here we know the potatoes are totally mature when the tops die and dry up. Otherwise after they bloom you can start sneaking under the plants and looking for boiling size tubers. Happy spud growing.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just me reading PATSYS exploits with Katie with great interest! In the lull before the storm I've been picking up the floor plants and will put the geraniums outside tomorrow. When you consider all the dogs, pups, cats, chickens and butterflies that occupy our daily lives, maybe, instead of a fitness help group we should also become an animal sanctuary help group! Seriously, the knowledge and help from everyones experiences is incredible. Oh and if anyone is contemplating a pet rabbit, a friends little "Buns" also chewed on a wire and out went all the lights.
    Well you wanted to see Chloe and this is her when we went to see her last week. It will be HUGE. Unless SANDY can work her magic you have been warned! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    I am in LOVE!! <3<3<3 Chloe is just beautiful!! No need to make it smaller, she deserves a big picture!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2016
    Marie ~ Lin is right with her advice, you can either wait for the greenery on top to die back or better still ask Jerry to feel around under the soil in a few months so he can pull a few fresh new potatoes. Your weather is so much warmer than mine so Jerry could also mound up some soil around the stem of the plants and then you'll find more shoots grow out and produce even more potatoes. I can't wait to hear how you get on! Also I forgot to mention in my previous post that I was thinking your "gas" experiences were probably pressing on to your bladder so making you feel a sudden urge to pee so the more you drink water the stronger your bladder will get..... think of it as a muscle that needs to be exercised so in the end the more you use it the stronger it will get then those sudden urges should cease.

    Anne ~ What a sweetheart and obvious why you fell in love with her! I'm thinking we are already offering sanctuary to so many animals but the more the merrier as far as I'm concerned. Even Patsy's bears need to be understood. Last year I watched an amazing documentary about them (BBC's The Bear Family and me) where the presenter began his programme being very scared of them but once introduced in the wild felt a great empathy. That's not for everyone I admit!!

    I'm settled for the evening watching Britain's Got Talent in the background and just had goosebumps listening to 5 gorgeous looking black guys singing to Elgar's Nimrod! George is snoozing next to me and after an afternoon of gardening I'll probably be asleep in the next few hours.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, hard to believe it's still cold there and tomorrow is May 1st!! You are such a hard worker.
    Marie, I love fresh potatoes. Store bought doesn't measure up to them. How are you feeling today?
    Anne, she's precious! May I babysit for you? Lol, I'd be tempted to do it! Yes, I thought about your plants. Looks like you won't get your table back anytime soon.
    Patsy, how fun, and such a good excuse to avoid housekeeping. I'm so glad it's all working out for you and John.
    Sandy, we only had a few showers but the sky is all shades of gray today, toasty warm. We have the cutest little Wren feeding her babies in a nest on our porch. It's in a little wooden log cabin that Jim made. We can watch her ( and him?) going in and out. I worry that the babies will be caught by the cats. I'd love to peek, but I know I shouldn't. The wrens have nested there before. We are supposed to be back by Friday may 13, but I suppose theyll have flown the coop!
    Well folks, back to work, oh yippee, oh fun. So nap time for me.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    For May 1st.


    Happy May Day.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited April 2016
    It was cold and rainy here today so I ditched all my plans and stayed home and started some laundry. I was putting together things I want to wrap for a baby shower when I heard a strange noise. Finally figured out it was lots of rain NOT going in the downspout. A big lake was accumulating next to my basement foundation. I put on a raincoat and went out there and found the water was getting trapped near the foundation so I found a shovel and spent time getting drowned and digging/scraping a path for the water to escape. Not perfect but better by the time I finished and then I had to try to clean mud off the shovel, find a place to try to dry the coat, and then to get warm again. I have made the furnace work pretty hard today. I had a lovely lunch and just now a great supper. Time for dishes. Would like to cook a bit more and put together a shopping list---I am out of mushrooms for example.

    Oh and making cards last night was fun. I knew a couple of people who were there which is always a plus. Church tomorrow and since it is May 1st I should be off communion duty but I see the 2 people assigned for May are ladies who don't often show up so I may continue doing communion. Ha.

    Looking forward to Monday as I am going to another craft class involving buttons and beads. Should be fun as well. Well that is looking too far ahead.

    Anne, love your new puppy. The picture is just fine. I can see how you fell in love with this one.

    Patsy, ha, love it. Little nipping teeth. I do remember that about all my puppies. My hands always looked like they been through thorns and brambles. Glad you are getting your fence fixed. Give little jaws a pat from me.

    Jackie, hope you are getting some sleep. You are a hard working lady. Oh, the other night during the butterfly survey meeting, the Conservation people and Reiman Garden films said we are well ahead of normal for the bee population as all of the spring trees and flowers have bloomed so bees have had plenty to eat. With your horribly cold weather have your normal spring flowers and trees bloomed? Just curious as you have needed to feed your bees.

    Phoebe, safe travels. It seems like you'll be gone a long time on this trip.

    Marie, I agree with Jackie, if you build up dirt higher and higher around the potato plants you give the plant more space for producing potatoes. I remember my dad 'hilled' the potato plants several times and I believed he got larger potatoes and potatoes without the green patches that happen when the potatoes are partially on the surface.

    Sandy, enjoy your weekend. Is your weather to improve next week as well?? I am ready!!!!

    Talk to everyone another time.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: how delicate and sweet she is! The shape of her head reminds me of the exquisite new baby seals we see in the harbor. It is so funny about our have this lovely little shy baby. I have a small wild gangster. Fitting somehow... Our living room is cluttered with toys and balls and various sticks and bits of leaves and grass. Katie is a farmer at heart, you see. John encourages bad behavior, he plays ball, tag and tug on a toy rope. Easy to get your fingers nipped...just saying. We are both enjoying our new babies. Naughty or nice, they are wonderful.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, what a heartbreaker your little Chloe is! No wonder yyou couldn't resist!
    SANDY, love your latest avatar! Irresistible smile , typically you! Oh yes, I forgot about dentists, and I think I will need one fairly soon for a back molar. I'm thinking instead of the thousands they charge now if it needs root canal or whatever, I should just get rid of the "cap" or whatever they call them now and have it pulled out! I am shocked at dental fees today!
    JACKIE, your knowledge of animals, flying things, bladders, and growing things is boundless! By the way, Florida has instituted a day for shooting black bear! Supposedly to keep the population down. The reaction is a huge hue and cry from conservationists while gun owners are all excited and raring to go at them! And thank you again for sharing that wisdom regarding your cringing at certain things your Dad said. It is very helpful in helping me put things in perspective. I'm sure you are right about people "going along"; I tend to lose sight of that, despite being determined to ignore bothersome behavior.
    Last night, we saw a beautiful little film, "Desert Dancer" about the forbidden art of dancing in Iran, and a young group of "subversive" dancers and their need to express themselves. We found it very moving and informative! And a reminder of how restrictive life can be under dictators!
    PATSY, I get such a kick out of your describing your special art area as a dungeon! Where you produce loving paintings or whatever cannot be a jail! A studio...messy , perhaps, as studios are meant to be, but a place for creation and enjoyment, and Katie picked it as a fun place for her home!
    SHIRLEY, sorry about the late start to your sailing season, which I know you really love. You keep busy with so many other things, though, I don't know how you find time to breathe!
    MARIE, you, too, are always trying new things, and now it's growing potatoes! I remember how delicious little new potatoes taste, boiled and eaten with fresh parsley just picked out of the garden (when caterpillars didn't strip them first!) and maybe a wee dab of fresh butter?
    LIN, you also have information and experience on almost any subject we mention. Who needs Google Search with a group like ours? Fantastic!
    I brought my dinner up tonight while sending Mike down to dine with the people with whom we had made plans. Stuffy nose, feeling as though I have a cold brewing and I'd hate to spread it, so I ate it up here. I wouldn't know if it were an allergy since I never had one, but I felt it better to not take a chance on spreading it. Mike enjoyed dinner, though not the food. He is one of those who eats to live, and food is not a priority in his life so of course he's very thin!
    I'll make 2 cards now and then get to bed early.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh Buzz, please get some rest. I do hope you are not getting a cold. Hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie and lin thanks for the tips on the potatoes plants.
    no Phoebe i have never had fresh potatoes before at least not to my knowledge I went thru my potatoes bin on the back porch and found some more Jerry can plant./ I will try to take a picture of the ones that is growing tomorrow. amazing I love to see things grow.

    Oh Anne love little Chloe. she is so adorable.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Katie in full playtime mode!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Katie in full playtime mode