Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,098 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It is going to be a hot but beautiful day for the wedding. The ceremony isn't until late afternoon so hopefully it will cool down a bit for the reception. I will be spending the night at a hotel so you won't hear from me until tomorrow afternoon.

    Anne, how cute of Jilly, a puppy being a puppy. Easy for me to say when she is creating havoc in your home instead of mine. Nothing compared to two of our Old English who when puppies and left alone ripped up wall to wall carpet, tore the drapes of the windows and chewed the kitchen cabinets. That was before Babe and I married and he lived in a house still decorated from the 60's. I always thanked those pups for the remodeling he had to do. His own fault by the way, he wouldn't make them stay in their crate.

    Jackie, yes, the closing and the move went smooth. I had been out the night before and maybe had a little too much wine so wasn't feeling up to par yesterday. I kept asking Lisa if she needed any help during the week and she said no but when I went to see the house which I thought was going to be a short time she was overwhelmed with boxes so I stayed and helped her unpack the kitchen. She was very grateful and I felt good helping her. The house is beautiful and I am so happy for them.


    Chris, happy to see you again, glad you check in when you can.

    Jeri, your grandchildren are just beautiful, you are a lucky grandma. Looking forward to your pictures, you are such an amazing photographer.

    Lin, I didn't realize you were married 25 years, I am sure that was hard on you but you have adjusted to a new way of life and seem so happy. Can't wait to see what you won at the library.

    Phoebe, I hope things went well with your aunt, I know how much you love her.

    Shirley, I do hope you are feeling better this morning and can enjoy your weekend.

    Marie, congratulations on being the lowest weight since joining MFP. You are doing terrific and feel better as well.

    Buzz, glad you are back among the human race and had help getting organized. I hope all that rain stops before I get to Florida on the 22nd.

    I think I caught up with all, but if I missed anyone I am sorry.
    Have a wonderful day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri your daughter having her ninth child unbelieveable. But how wonderful. you have an amazing family.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    sexjhkh7t9bg.jpeg. Here is Katie the labradoodle-terrorist-demon-destroyer of all things paper and plastic bottles! She especially likes bottles that still have water or juice in them. Hang in there Anne! These pups will be grown some day and we will just sit around being bored. Some how I don't think that will happen.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    not likey pasty
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I can't see me sitting around bored with this one either Patsy. We've been out for 1.5 hours, I'm exhausted, she isn't! Question - what's so fascinating about rabbit pellets! Does she think they are kibble, or is she just an alley mutt! The latter I suspect.
    Anne, forever opening jaws and removing suspect items.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wait until she discovers fox poo Anne, she'll do her best to wear it as well as chew it!!
    Past midnight here so off to bed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lol, you have me smiling with these puppy antics. I'm a bit tired so I'll make a proper post tomorrow. My cousin in Memphis TN has the cutest 6month old terrier mix to give away. Oh I'd love, love, love to hold that little bundle. But reality reminds me of how much we are spending already.
    Night. Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    I agree with Phoebe - it has been a very fun day for doggie posts!! Perhaps not as much fun for those directly involved. :)


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, just checking in. Stumbled on a website about blood pressure and medication and 3 of the 4 Rx's Mike takes have the dreadful side effects he complains about!He takes Lisinopril, Toprol XL and Amlodipine, plus several other medications. I wonder if that's why his cardiologists do not see what he complains about? Anyway, it's after midnight and I'm falling over. so have a perfect weekend.....
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    A little overcast here but still pleasant temperatures. George walked on his lead most of the way round the moors because the one time I let him off he ran in the opposite direction, I'm sure to test his position in the pack!! When I got home I showered and am now enjoying a pot of coffee as I plan the next big weed attack!

    Patsy ~ Your Katie is so adorable in the looks department I'd be letting her get away with just about anything!! Hasn't she grown since the first photo taken amongst those toys when most of us couldn't make out the real puppy.

    Oh dear Phoebe, I hate hearing of people giving puppies away because who knows what's going to happen to them. Hopefully a safe and loving home will be found..... now doesn't that sound just like yours!!!! LOL

    Buzz ~ A couple of friends were prescribed blood pressure medication recently and had bad side effects and the one that worked with me in adult social care and knew a bit about these things went straight back to her doctor and insisted she be allowed to try something different and he agreed. It's the friend I walk with who's lost over 60 lbs since November and her last check up showed blood pressure to be slightly low but she's been told to stay on the tablets for now. Drugs are big money spinners aren't they!!!!

    Coffee drunk and I can see the sun shining through so am off to do my 2 hour stint of weeding. Everyone have a wonderful weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I need to vent my friends My life is changing so fast but I seen it coming. Trying my best to ignore the system I have been seeing with my dear husband
    My life is changing so fast. My husband is getting more and more absent minded. he put his TV in the microwave last night and did not eat it. It was in there this morning and yesterday we went grocer shopping at 2 different stores. and when we got home He had 2 gallons of milk 2 loafs of bread he always buy 2 banana for his Sunday morning cereal . Well he bought 4 bananas home. i am going to have to keep a closer eye on him. Bless his heart
    I really like the second store we went too. It is gear up for more of my eating now a days Lots of good looking veggies can goods. Nice looking fruits and potatoes.
    Thanks for letting me vents. So I may give walmart up
    love Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    Good afternoon – we had a storm overnight with lots of lightning, thunder and some rain. I spent part of the morning cleaning up my deck. Flower petals, broken leaves on plants, and some lovely critter dug dirt out of several of my plant pots. Now, cleaned up again but the chipmunks or ground squirrel or whatever you may call them in your part of the world have definitely discovered my little deck garden and keep dashing up to mess things up and then turn tail and RUN when I go outdoors.

    Even with the rain, the heat advisory wasn’t lifted and we are in the 90’s once again. Tomorrow is the all day Bible school and I am definitely not going to participate. Too much heat for me.

    I have been doing some veggie prep and a bit of cooking today. I will need to get to Trader Joe’s in the next few days. I am feeling the loss of my weekly veggie box about now. Ha. I also heard the call of the washing machine today.

    My car’s check engine light is on. It came on yesterday morning and I called the dealership just before going into my Tai Chi class. They are swamped with business (yep, I guess the heat will do that). I have an appointment at about lunchtime on Tuesday. Advice, open the gas cap and then replace it. Check in 12 hours, often the light goes off. I told her I had not purchased gas in more than a week so that seemed unlikely. I did it anyway and nope, no change. So I did it again this morning and I’ll check it tomorrow. The other advice was go ahead and drive the car as long as the light is on all the time. IF the light begins to flash, DO NOT DRIVE the car. So what, you pull over to the shoulder and call for road assistance at that time? Hummmm.

    I am hunting for wedding gifts. I have two to purchase. The first wedding will be a bit later in the summer but it came to mind as I got my invitation in the mail. Nothing on the wedding registry list that I can afford. There is little left but sorry my friends, no new Kitchenaid mixer from this old gal. So I’m hunting. They have Irish backgrounds and the wedding is Celtic---with men in kilts. They both seem to be quite proud of their heritage and so I’m looking to find something appropriate for them and for my budget. Well, this may take a while. Haven’t started on the other one at all. It is later on in the year.

    Marie, I am sorry to hear that your DH is having memory issues. It is a serious thing I know and you will need to keep closer track on things. Does he remember that he didn’t eat? Leaving his dinner in the microwave is troubling. Gosh, I always remember to eat. I can’t imagine forgetting something that basic but I know many people don’t place much importance on eating. Hugs my friend. Now tell me more about the 2nd store you went to. What's the name of the place. If you prefer this to WalMart, it must be good!

    Jackie, my goodness, little George is a very independent fellow. Best to keep him attached! I always had my Huskies on a leash when we walked. I could never trusts them to come back if they were loose and checking things out. I hope your weeding went well and that they don’t come back!

    Buzz, oh medications! Helpful in some cases but prescribed much too often I think. I was just so angry decades ago when my grandmother was on two blood pressure medications as well as something to remove fluid and her doctor hardly ever checked on her. She ended up not eating and dehydrated. Scary stuff. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

    Phoebe, oh my what a temptation—a 6 month old terrier mix. Wouldn’t it be difficult to train a little puppy when you are driving so much? By the way, how is Honey? Oh, and I checked the catalog and actually got in line for several Fannie Flagg books including a new one (?) “The Whole Town’s Talking.”

    Patsy, oh my how Katie is growing. Still adorable as I just see the cute puppy not the labradoodle-terrorist-demon-destroyer. Quite a description! As far as being calm and sitting around, won’t that take a few years? Thanks for the pictures.

    Sandy, I love Rob and Lisa’s new home. It is beautiful. I hope they will be very happy there. Also hope you enjoyed the wedding.

    Anne, what is little Jilly up to today? Being just perfect little doggie I would imagine.

    Chris, hello!! So glad to see you. Did you tell us when the next great grandchild is expected? When do you go to visit your son? Or maybe I don’t have that right?

    Jeri, adorable kiddies! First, I cannot believe with all the food allergies/intolerances in your family that those adorable little girls could eat at McD’s!! Wahoo. In the other picture, the older girl with the neat glasses appears to be sketching? From what I could see, she does a nice job! I am so glad that your appointment with the liver doctor went well. YES!!

    Shirley, thinking of you. Hope you are feeling well and that the craft show is (or was) fun!!

    Wishing everyone well. Oh and if anyone likes to discover new ‘stuff’ to watch, here’s a tip. On both my Roku and my iPad I have installed FilmOn Television and am enjoying it immensely. I love old programs. This contains a plethora of options! There is a channel for everything! BUT you cannot select a specific movie or a specific episode---you just watch what they are streaming at the time. Right now I am watching “Algiers.” Before that I watched part of “Royal Wedding”—my favorite channels so far are Sherlock Holmes, The Western Channel, The Film Detective, FilmOn Classic Films, also BBC TV live, and in TV shows, Dick Van *kitten*, Ozzie and Harriet and The Andy Griffith Show. There is just too much to describe!!

    Take care. Hugs.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    LIN thanks for the FilmOn tip. Just installed it. Much appreciated, Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, dear li'l Sis, there is so little we can do for spouses and others once we are aware of how things have changed. You are an angel if you call your post "venting"! You sound like a concerned loving wife who has worries about the future! Vent all you want and we are here to love you through whatever comes up, and perhaps some of our dear friends can give helpful feedback! I often glean something from my venting posts that help me through a rough period or decision! Here's a great big hug for you both,dear z5kcz3twdxwt.jpg
    SANDY, whose wedding was it? Your sons' house is beautiful! Nice to ee things going well with our kids!
    JERI, what a lovely view into some of your family! warm and lovely!
    LIN, excellen observations, as usual. Are we all going to end up as hermits, do ya think?
    JACKIE, your turn to the moors with Georgie could have turned to disaster. My how these "babies" overtake our lives! ANNE and PATSY have succumbed, too! Too late for me...

    Must fall into bed. No more late naps at my laptop desk! I forgot to deliver one of my hard
    earned cards; birthday was the 9th! How could I forget? I'll deliver in the morning...along with one due tomorrow! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
    <3 BUZZ

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    The Rose Festival is going on in Portland! It is a major event. This is fleet week and the US and Canadian boats are lining the River to shoot colored water as the parade goes by. The floral floats are breathtaking. Of course it is crowded, hot, and you have to stand for hours and then walk miles back to where you parked. People are tired, kids are cranky, we are all sunburned and hungry. And a good time was had by all!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,098 Member

    My great niece Michele and her new husband Dan. Exhausted, will be back tomorrow!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I was going to post from my computer on Saturday but got carried away with this and that.
    I'll post in the morning when I'm downloading some audiobook.
    For now though, Marie, I completely understand the little signs and how your heart just aches. When we got home Thursday afternoon, Jim had the two cats with him in the pickup and I had Honey in the car. Well I guess we had been home over an hour, and I couldn't find Possum. I had a thought, went to check, and found her still in the pickup. She was OK, thank God. If the sun had been shining directly on the windows, Well, it would have been bad. Jim was upset about it.
    Got to get back to laundry
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2016
    Thanks girls for all of your concern. But yesterday was just fine. No problems. His same sweet self. we had a lovely day together. Even told me my lunch looks good and it tasted good. good too.


    canned beans, canned corn rinse off over collards greens. onions and taco sauce Corn and beans was my starch and i love my bowl i found at Walmart. i need to get me another one.
    Will be having left overs today. Looking forward to that.
    Love Marie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    We got soaked on our walk this morning but still enjoyed ourselves as the low clouds drifted across the hills. George was shivering towards the end but I didn't risk letting him off the lead to run because there were ponies as well as sheep and lambs and they can kick!! He was wrapped in a warm towel when we returned to the car and is now snoozing on the sofa. Once home and into dry clothes as well as a hot mug of coffee I'm planning a quiet day with more weeding because yesterday I was soon rained off!

    Marie ~ Yesterday when I filled the hens' water dispenser and feed container first thing I then went off on my usual doggy walk only to find when I got home an hour later I hadn't let the chooks out of their house into the run. No harm done, just me in a hurry and thinking of several things at once which as I get older I know takes more concentration than it used to. A recent BBC documentary about dementia pointed out that being absentminded didn't necessarily point to dementia just, well being absentminded!! Your lunch looks delicious in the photo and far more creative than my crispbread, apple and Edam cheese followed by fresh strawberries from the local farm shop.... they were the best bit!

    Sandy ~ Love your top.... very jazzy! Hope you got a good night's sleep and are well rested this morning.

    Patsy ~ Your descriptions of local events always make me smile because they're so real LOL Up in the clouds and warm rain this morning I thought of you in Oregon and wondered if this was what you meant about your typical weather.

    Buzz ~ As absentminded as me!! Meeting one of my swimming friends on Tuesday I handed over a birthday card for Thursday and she looked quite confused before telling me it's not until next month which meant I'd written it on the wrong month of my calendar so there's no hope for me!!

    Phoebe ~ Thank goodness you missed little Possum and I'm guessing Jim won't be doing that again in a hurry! Safe travels when you head off later today.

    Lin ~ Knowing how hot my greenhouse feels when the temperature hits 90+ I sympathise and understand you won't be doing too much. Interesting you can view BBC live. Is it literally live because if so you'll soon be as bored as me at the constant coverage of our EU referendum?

    Hooray, the sun is breaking through so I'm heading for my garden!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello everybody, well it's early and we've just got back from a nice long trot around the block. Today we met a dog walker and a young woman hanging outside the church looking to us in distress. So, we went over to make sure she was okay, me carrying the bouncy Jilly because the young woman appeared to be afraid of her. She wouldn't let us help but was waiting for the church doors to open for the 8:30 Celtic service. She was Jamaican so I would guess she wanted the priest and not the service. My life is certainly more interesting since Jilly's arrival. I think she is sprouting a new tooth because it looks much smaller than its counterpart on the opposite side.

    Happily the weather is much cooler today and I think she can manage a walk to the local park a few blocks down later when Mike shows up.

    I agree with JACKIE, MARIE, that absent mindedness is vastly different to the symptoms that my two friends showed when they went into the care homes. It was more compulsive, repeating behaviour and repeating conversations. We are all absent minded at times. Mine takes the form of forgetting to pick up certain groceries. Solution, I now clutch a shopping list and cross off as I pick up. Same with the calendar for events, even watering the Violet's and changing the bed sheets. Not to mention Jilly's monthly pills. I'm glad little Possum was discovered PHOEBE and like Jackie, guess Jim won't do that again.

    Oh mikes appeared, so bye for now,