Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, your Potato "chart" is very interesting! Mike's endocrinologists encourage him to use sweet potatoes, but not white, to help control his blood sugar, but it's hard to figure what he eats or doesn't when he's not with me. Even when we are together, it's a constant battle! His kids called to ask if they could have healthcare proxy, because he keeps calling them to get him a motorized wheelchair! I'm learning much about what he has been doing that I don't know about. The head nurse says she keeps telling him if he doesn't use it, he'll lose it, and he must exercise and walk, at least in the pool, but he doesn't listen at all! That, she informs me, is part of his dementia. The verbal abuse is not good this week.
    Windows 10 reinstalled itself today, leaving me with none of my files, but after returning from a volunteer duty, I logged in and it's where I left it yesterday! Crazy, no?
    Must go down for a letter I received a call about, so have a lovely day, y'all.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Here you go Marie!


    Thanks Sandy . that is about how many potatoes I eat a day now. i got 3 big sweet potatoes in the oven now caramelizing For it will last a few days.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Great day in the morning! As they say...sunny day here. Not too hot and tomorrow will be even cooler. Our son went on a weekend sail, he really got sunburned. He used heavy duty sun block but the sun still cooked him. He has made an offer on a sailboat and will be looking at another if that offer falls through. As I mentioned before, I fear I will never see him if he gets a sailboat. It is very time consuming but it is a happy experience for him.

    I do get slightly jealous of those fabulous helpful sons of Anne. You are so lucky. It is just the opposite around here. We are the ones that are susposed to help our grown children. It is just rediculous, really. Our little Katie is also maturing. She will always be a bundle of high energy. She takes little naps, they last for about 5 to 6 minutes or less. Then it is back to running and playing, peeing and pooping! Now she is learning about going on rides in the car. Very cool!

    Buzz, I hope you are away from the tropical storm heading for Florida. I know Florida is a big state and I have no clue about where anything is located. On the use it or lose it physical issues. That goes for us all. Not only use it but try to strengthen whatever you have. Not my favorite activity but hate being so slow and weak. Katie even waits for me because she stops and sits while looking at me very impatiently. I am going to get stronger with greater endurance, BY GOLLY!

    Off to the eye doctor tomorrow. Eye injections! Can you imagine how much I just love that? Not so much!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    1 potato, 2 potato, lol, Marie is loving potatoes! What about the kind of potato? Can it be those Yukon gold ones?
    We are in San Juan Batista, CA. Nice and cool here. It's been a hot like summer trip.
    I'm reading the posts to keep up. Buzz, I don't know about updating the modem, have to work on that. I have Norton Internet security. Your issues with Mike sound like the way my aunt is. I'm not going to be in the middle of all the decisions. That will be up to her daughters. I will visit when I can. Who knows, this time next year, she might not know me. One thing that has become clear is that although she is still here, I am missing the way she was. I used to confide in her, but there's no point to it now. She will forget it. It makes me sad.
    Going to grab a nap.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe I eat any kind I can get my hands on. Frozen if they have no oil or fat in them And the shedd red and hash browns don't . I had beans tonight so no potatoes.I can get my camera working so no pictures.. I think I may need a new memory card. or something It will be 2 weeks before Alice comes out again to check it out.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone and it is a "good" one. Glorious warm sunshine again and I'm just back from my weekly swim at our local pool. Only problem is their showers are out of action so I had a quick dry, hopped in the car and came home to dive under my own. Now sipping a coffee before deciding on a plan for today and then this evening I'm meeting friends in my nearest city of Plymouth as we're going to attend a rock concert being held at the local football stadium with Rod Stewart being top of the bill. Not actually my sort of singer but it'll be good fun I'm sure since the majority of his fans are seniors.... I'm just hoping he's not planning to jump into his leopard skin leotards for an evening of prancing and dancing!!

    Sandy ~ A very rough estimate of our currency exchange would I think turn £40 into about $65 which is one of the more expensive phone and internet offers because I live in the sticks and reception is not great so before I signed up for it I'd often suffer the same way as Lin in getting cut off or sitting watching that annoying blue circle going round and round!! Thinking I needed a new modem for it I bought one from the new supplier before discovering the old one would have done but it was only £15 so I have a spare under the bed should I or a friend ever need! I've tried to redirect Lind or Linda to us but you can probably give better instructions than me!!

    Patsy ~ Those eye doctor appointments seem to come round so quickly but if those injections are helping then so be it..... I type that as I kind of cringe at the thought if I had to go through similar!! Katie does sound a bundle of fun and I'm sure once the pee'ing and poo'ing get under control all will be bliss!!

    Buzz ~ What to say? Mike does appear to have deteriorated rather quickly but thank goodness, you are surrounded by folk both professional and friends who understand. Big, big hugs sweetheart because I do get it.

    Phoebe ~ That's so sad about your aunt when you were so close before her illness took hold. Watching the personality of someone we love change for the worst is awful and heartbreaking.

    Marie ~ My normally wet weather probably has much to do with the tub of spuds looking alright at the moment. Luckily I'm now getting lots of sunshine otherwise I would be faced with a high risk of potato blight taking over. It's all just a matter of luck and perhaps your weather has been too dry?

    Oops, it's midday and I must get on. Hello to all of those I missed.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Cool day today might not even reach 70. Not sure what my plans will be maybe just exercise. I rode the bike for the first time in a long time last night, it helped lose some of that unwanted weight, thank goodness. I also drank a ton of water yesterday to get rid of all the salt that has stored itself. lol I bought eggs for my granddaughter but she didn't eat any so I hard boiled them and will eat them for breakfast until they are gone.

    Jackie, I am trying to get Linda here but having a hard time explaining the directions to her. As far as TV, I hate paying to watch it but they give us no options.

    Phoebe, you have the best sense of humor, goes with those dimples Buzz always talks about.
    I too, am sorry about your aunt, it is very sad.

    Patsy, I am like you and slightly jealous of Anne and how good her kids are to her. My kids are good but my two biggest complaints would be just my daughter sends me cards where I send a card for every occasion. Second, they think nothing of letting me pay for all the dinners at restaurants where I would never let my mother pay for anything. It is my own fault for enabling them all these years and now I think it is too late. Thanks for letting me vent once again.

    Marie, I rarely eat potatoes, if I order a side at dinner it is usually rice. I love french fries but try not to indulge with all that grease and salt. It works for you so that is wonderful.

    Buzz, Phoebe posted that for Marie on Facebook, I just coped the picture for her. Did you agree with Mike's kids to give them health care proxy? I am hearing a lot of people on Facebook saying Windows 10 installed itself on their computers but most of them are deleting it. I happen to like it once I got used to it.

    Have a wonderful day, keep exercising, drink your water and be happy.

    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I guess I may be having Sandy's weather it is 68F high today and raining here and there. I am wearing long pants today. I did manage a walk this morning before the rain hit us.

    We are having two real estate agents in this week to see what our house is worth. The market is hot in our area right now. We are not planning right now to sell but just want to know what it is worth.
    Our cable guy is coming on Friday. We have forever been having trouble with our TV in the kitchen. It is definitely a cable problem. The strength goes from good 39 to 23 poor back and forth all the time.
    I have the TV off more than on anymore so I hope that will be fixed.

    Dave has been working on the boat getting the freezer put in and its almost done. We did have Sail Past on Sunday but didn't attend due to the weather and wind. It still happened and we did see pictures on Facebook. We still haven't had a sail yet but hope to this weekend. I am planning on a craft show on Saturday with some friends and maybe go down to the boat later and stay overnight.

    We sold our dehumidifier yesterday which we had on line to sell. We only used it when we shampooed the downstairs carpet but since that is replaced with a new one we really haven't used it lately. Now to
    get Dave to sell the oven that goes in a boat. I really don't want it on our boat, I have a microwave and would rather get take out or make small meals without using a stove.

    My knee problem is finally getting better. The swelling has gone down alot and have had two chiropratic apts. and the soreness is finally going away. I did a yoga class yesterday and no pain so that is a good thing.

    SANDY - When I use my MFP app I have nothing but problems and losing posts. I am finally back to the original site and things are going pretty good. I know you will lose that extra weight, you are dedicated.
    It must be fun seeing all your family lately. I have seen the pics on facebook, lovely family.

    JACKIE - Jesus Christ Superstar brings back memories. I used to have the album with the music.
    Your theatre sounded like fun, we are hoping to go see a play at the Shaw Theatre sometime this summer. I have no patience with computers either.

    PHOEBE - I saw your video on facebook about Honey, she is such a darling. I am sorry for all your
    troubles with your aunt.

    BUZZ- technology is great until it breaks and yes it is expensive.

    MARIE - No one feels that you over stepped about your plant based diet. You are just giving your
    opinion which everyone is entitled too. According to the blood type diet I am a hunter and gatherer
    which needs meat.

    LIN - You are busy these days and sometimes there is not enough time in the day to check in. I had to
    read 34 posts today because I missed yesterday.

    ANNE - Little Jilly is keeping you busy but I bet you love it! I am having a woodpecker lately drinking
    the Oriole liquid, I never thought they like it. He is so cute to see or maybe she.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited June 2016
    Aw PATSY and SANDY, my kids ARE good to me, but I think it's because life was hard for us when we where left on our own when they were still young and we were in a strange new world and having to adapt. It was a real struggle getting them through university on my salary and they with part time jobs. So, sort of pay back time. That's MY theory anyway, but when I asked Mike if that was the case he said "no it's because you are our mother and you are getting on a bit". Meanwhile, because we are never satisfied, I envy you SANDY, still loved and wanted by Babe, and PATSY with John who sounds like a smashing bloke to have in tow. Relationships are tricky things aren't they and I try not to impose on my lads too much. Just call when in dire need and let them do as they like at other times. I dread becoming a burden or an overbearing mother, and worse, a nuisance of a MIL.

    We have had some real doozies of thunderstorms. Branches down all over the place. I was pleased the thunder and lightening or the fireworks over the holiday didn't frighten the unsinkable Jilly. She just stared out of the window with her head on one side looking puzzled.

    Carry on with the potatoes MARIE. Have the white flowers appeared on your potted ones yet?

    I don't think I would like an oven on a boat SHIRLEY, and yet those old wooden sailing ships must have had means to cook, and candles for light? Hurricane lamps? I hadn't thought of that before, how DID they cook their biscuits and salted fish and meat etc? I bet JACKIE can explain and here's me from the east coast of England not knowing! The twins dad next door to us was a cook on the trawlers sailing out of Hull, but they weren't wooden of course in his day! I'm thinking Lord Nelson, Captain Cook, Francis Drake, Columbus, etc.
    Here I go, rambling on again, boring you all to tears if you've reached this far.

    Time to take the piddling pup out yet again, bye,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    No, ANNE, you don't bore us one bit!
    I am getting all sorts of advice about sharing Mike's health proxy with his kids. My head nurse says it's unnecessary, as she will talk with anyone concerned at any time, but suggests I remain in charge! Of course I planned to, and had a lawyer draw that up until I am gone! He finally heard that he probably won't be allowed to drive a motorized chair, but insists he'll do it anyway. If he does, they may move him to the medical floor, which might be both sad, and a huge relief! I really am not too swift about understanding when he is really in pain, or using an excuse to get the scooter, which he wants desperately! Did anyone ever imagine life gets easier as we grow more mature? But making the most of whatever we have becomes ever more important!
    Now let me tell you what happened with my laptop; yesterday I was apoplectic discovering all my programs had disappeared because .....drum roll, please.....Microsoft had redownloaded windows 10, and I lost EVERYTHING. I picked up my phone to call support as I was logging on, and VOILA! It had repaired itself and was back to normal Now I just have to undo some of the changes I made to receive email again! Do you ever feel totally frustrated in controlled by forces beyond your control? Maybe it's just a phase I'm going through! Anyway, Dinnertime again, so I'll be back tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi everyone today has been a good eat day it's after 8 pm I have problems I weigh in tomorrow I did get back to the gym and did the pool
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Hip Hip Hooray!! You found us Linda!! Be sure to come back tomorrow and let us know about you. I know you gave a description on another page but this is where we meet everyday.
    So glad you joined us!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome Linda!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Linda So happy you found us

    my name is Marie married to my honey for almost 60 years Have 3 children and numerous grand kids , great grandkids and 1 great great grandson No pets now but have. kittens and dogs. our last one was Sammie. Jack russell, we lost him Christmas of 2014 Miss that boy so much. I am 85 years old and counting. this group is amazing . they let me stick around here for almost 9 years. I think I got us started in 2008. So we been around a long time But always glad to see a new face around here.And we have the most beautiful and talent leader Sandy. She takes care of all of us.And everyone of the sneakers are the salt of the earth.

    I wish the phone calls we get are from people we know not from people trying to sell you something. Bugs the heck of me. Like it used to be. Even tho I am on the no call list we still gets oodles My gripe for today. Sorry

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi Linda! Busy days for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Good evening –

    Welcome Linda, glad you found your way here. Marie provided you all the background on the group. Very nice people! I’ve been around a few years now and love it.

    Buzz, I am certain you get much unsolicited advice daily! I am sorry for all the troubles. My dad did that all the time---tried to find ways to get what he wanted while running me around but talking to others when I wasn’t around trying to influence things his way. Quite tiring my friend. Hugs. The Windows 10 thing is so odd. I have turned off all automatic Windows updates in my settings so have not allowed it to install. I am so glad you always find a way to get things fixed. Get some rest!!!

    Anne, you do seem to have some very kind sons. What a blessing. Big thunderstorms and little Jilly didn’t react at all?! Wow—you have a brave pup there. I doubt I would be as calm through storms and fireworks.

    Shirley, I am glad to hear your knee is doing better. But sorry that the cable is not working properly. As you know, I really sympathize with that! All right. A craft show! Now that sounds like fun. I'd love to come along.

    Sandy, the weather was very nice today. Sunny and moderate temperatures. The sun was quite intense but tolerable. I puttered round on the deck with my pots of flowers and vegetables. I was dead heading flowers, cultivating up the dirt in the pots, watering, etc. I spent a lot of time out there and it was enjoyable. Congratulations on getting back on the bike by the way.

    Jackie, oh such fun! I would love to ride along with you to see Rod Stewart. Was it wonderful? And did he prance and jump? I wondered if he was still able to get round. He was a soccer player before he became a musician wasn’t he? He’s probably worn his joints out. Oh and the other day on the way to the store, I saw a little garden and they’d planted about 12 potato plants—ALL BLOOMING! I said to myself, ah, there will be boiling potatoes soon.

    Marie, time to get more potatoes at Walmart? They reorganized the produce department at the store near me. It seems they’ve dropped a lot of things I did purchase there previously. On the plus side, there’s lots of room for carts but if there’s nothing I want now, doesn’t matter does it?

    Phoebe, are you still in California? Time for me to move to a new book---Murder Most Fowl by Edith Maxwell. Just picked it up but haven’t started reading it yet.

    Patsy, oh my gosh. Your poor son!!! What a terrible thing to get so sunburned! I’ve done that many many times in my life including blistering, fever etc. I never learned!! I hope he finds a sailboat that’s easy to handle. I know you’d rather he not get one at all. I am sorry you have to get those eye injections. I am glad for you that there is a treatment but sorry it has to be a frightening one.

    I did get my trash for junk day moved out but actually by the time the dog pens had been sorted, it was after 9pm last night. I put out a couple of things and all had disappeared by morning. Ha.

    Today I got my glasses adjusted, did some laundry, stopped by TJ’s for a few things, did my bit of deck gardening, and did a bit of cooking. I also do survey work (for a bit of $$) for several companies so have caught up a bit on that. Tomorrow is Tai Chi and I am looking forward to that.

    I also spent a bit more time on doing surveys on 23AndMe. I had my DNA tested there and I take health related surveys there so add to the knowledge base they are doing to try to find links between DNA composition and health issues. I find it interesting. They tell me I am 99.9% European: 41.1% British & Irish; 17.0% French & German; 13.1% Scandinavian; 28.6% Broadly Northwestern European; 0.1% Broadly European. Surprising results to me as I had no idea there was so much British and Irish in my family and had NO IDEA there was any Scandinavian.

    Well, it was my turn to bore you! Take care.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2016
    Welcome Linda. Tell us something about yourself as you join our little "family"!
    I'm Buzz, and I am the old crank of the group, turning 89 this month. My sweet husband has dementia and the group helps me through my venting when I need to as I watch him change!
    Otherwise, I have almost given up on the weight I have added since moving to a Lifetime Care Facility (where dinner is served nightly), where our lovely apartment seem now full of walkers and my motorized wheelchair for my gout and arthritis days! After years of loving my pace and/or race walking, I required a hip replacement, leaving me almost unable to walk. I understand the latest anterior method has patients up and about doing normal things in 3 days, without rehab! Well, years ago, there were no joint replacements and if one broke a hip, one had approximately a 1 year life span, so I'll take what I have as it's 9 years since mine. I have 3 very adult kids, 3 stepkids, and now 7 grandchildren, and Mike and I live in Boca Raton, Florida, while our kids etc are mostly in the northeastern part of the states.
    This group of dear, dear friends is what keeps me going when the going gets tough, and each and every one is a gem, with wonderful personality traits, and fascinating stories they are sharing regarding their lives. Most of our members are similar in age to my "kids" but it's difficult for me to remember that as we chat daily on an equal basis!
    We had a delightful table of 7 tonight, followed by a couple who captured the story and sang the songs from Les Mis rather magnificently. I'm so happy we went up for tonight's entertainment as it's one of my favorite musicals.
    Now I'm off to sleep, barely keeping my eyes open! Have a great sleep, y'all.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello Linda. I'm Anne. I spent 37 years in England (still got the accent to prove it) and the last 43 years in Canada. We are not a prolific family, just 2 sons, one lovely DIL and 2 grandsons who are 26 and 23 years of age. I'm afraid I don't live the exciting life of my fellow sneaker friends but that doesn't stop me from boring the pants off everybody with long tales of my latest pet after my cat died. The little one is named Jilly and keeps me in exhausting days and deep sleeps at night. I also have the bad habit of rambling on about historical things that really only interest me. You skip that of course when reading the posts. The only thing that makes me unique in the group is I've never owned a car and rely on my feet to get me around or the family when the weather is icy and Jilly and I need food, doggie treats, soap, toilet rolls etc. All the good stuff. Jilly is a very very small puppy so I can't rely on her to pull me on a dog sled this coming winter. Ugh........let's forget about old man winter for now.
    Anyway, welcome to the group and have a good if chilly day today after the past heat, 60F I believe,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) No bingo tonight, my friend the bartender is not working Wednesdays anymore so she invited me and my other bingo friend for dinner at her and her roommates house. It will save me money so I am happy not to go to bingo. It might be warm enough to sit by pool to keep this tan going for the wedding. B)

    Hopefully Linda finds her way back and if she does my story once again is that I am separated from my husband of almost 25 years (13 additional before we got married) for almost 4 years due to his son who hates me. My husband and I still love each other and see each other but just don't live together. We have an Old English Sheepdog named Daisy who lives with him.
    I have four adult children, with 6 grandchildren and one on the way. I have a step granddaughter which his son and his wife do not let me see. I have found serenity through the help of Al Anon and with this group of wonderful sneakers who are always there to help me vent. Welcome Linda. I know your story is sad but please share with the group to help them know about you.

    That is for now, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hi everybody - great classes this morning. Stopped at Michael's and found a few things on sale. <3

    And I just finished a batch of "carrot dogs" (AKA vegan hot dogs). They are too salty for me as the recipe called for liquid aminos and I forgot to change to a lower sodium version. Here's a picture.

    Had a nice bowl of leaf lettuce with balsamic vinegar. Now onward to hunt for a starch. :)
