Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,137 Member
    edited June 2017
    From Sandy: Lin, my printer says it is an AirPrint but I can't figure out how to sync it to my phone or IPad and it frustrates me. We didn't get the rain that some did, all it did was get dark and cooler. It is back in the high 80's today with a possible shower. I will see next year what State Farm will do with my car insurance, this year I love the reduced price. Do you use that safe driving thing offered for lower rates?

    Sandy, I just had my printer on and the iPad on. When I tried to print something from the iPad it searched for printers and found it on its own. I never had to sync. Truthfully I have never tried to print from my phone. As for the safe driving thing with State Farm, nope I will not let them track my every move and grade my driving as to rolling stops or number of left turns. I still think someday instead of a carrot it will become a stick!

    Sun is out now but it is only in the low 80s. Yippee. I like this.

    Anne, good luck on the haircut. I think your hair grows quite quickly. If you don't care for it I would imagine it won't be for long. How dare Amy poach Jilly's food!!! Poor manners. Good job giving away several of the zucchini plants.

    Need to get moving. I promised to sort out some art/craft supplies for the lady in the family that lost their possessions in that fire. I understand she loves to draw and paint and is really missing her supplies. Worse yet, her drawing pencils were in a box handmade by her dad. The box was lost and that is making her sad.

    Hugs again.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Ive got "bleeding hearts" growing in the garden JACKIE, so I think you are right, JERIs flower is a Solomon's seal. I thought it was a Jacobs ladder at first but I think that's a weed? Wow, you are going to be really posh by Friday afternoon!
    I could do with a renovation myself, and not just the house!
    Hope Jilly doesn't think I'm a burglar when I walk in after the haircut! She's never seen me with short, short hair! We've been watering, at least I was watering, she was busy playing with Aisla and Carrie who live opposite.
  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member
    Hi, I'm back Recently recovered from a Melanoma. Graft did not take so a long time healing. Gained some weight because I had to stay off my foot. I started the gym and now I am looking into a low carb diet.
    Laura S
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks for asking, SANDY. The dinner was lovely, as it is every month. June birthday residents got a lovely corsage. And as I was eating a delicious seafood bisque, my name was announced for winning the prize of the evening: A coupon to be exchanged for special trips, dinners, ec. I must eemember to use it thi year, lol!
    Late as usual,, but I really cannot stay up. Love to you all...
    <3 Buzz
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just before walking this morning we had heavy rain that will have done the garden a big favour but now sunshine and feeling fresh so no excuses about it being too hot to work! We took the dogs on our usual current route through the woods and across fields to the river but noticed a large herd of beautifully creamy coloured cattle in an adjacent field with a huge bull (!!) that will soon be moved into one we walk across so will have to find another local spot. At the moment they are very curious about us as we walk past their gate but I wouldn't want to risk getting amongst them!!

    Buzz ~ Your community seems to be all special trips and dinners so I'm sure something will take your fancy to use your prize.

    Anne ~ A BIG hair day for you and I do hope you're happy with the results. In such hot weather you'll have to feel better, I know I'm glad mine was cut quite short last week just before our warm temperatures arrived. Yes, another horrible tragedy in London and I'm afraid a lot of responsibility will be put on people in authority who should have done more to avoid such a disaster.

    Good morning Laura, how nice it is to see you back with us and trust if you've returned to the gym your melanoma is now well and truly gone. Good luck with the low carb diet, it does seem to work well for a couple of our Sneakers.

    Hello to Lin, Sandy, Jeri, Patsy, Mae (are you still with us?) and our lovely Marie.
    When I've finished my coffee I'm going to muck out the hens then continue with gardening. A text has just come through advising my sofa and chair will be delivered between midday and 3pm tomorrow, just in time to sit back for an afternoon nap.... if only!! B)

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    With trembling feet I will be walking to the hairdressers in a couple of hours.
    I should be ashamed of myself, my poor friend Janice is having 3 teeth pulled tomorrow.
    The last time I went, over a year ago, Maria refused to cut too much off because she knew I wouldn't be happy. She made a terse remark about my mop being very long yesterday when I made an appointment. I did mutter "well I haven't been disloyal and had it cut elsewhere." Will I come out of the hairdressers with a shaved head in revenge!
    Will Jill Jill let me back into the house on my return.
    Will I actually go!
    Pull yourself together Anne, it's only a haircut!!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,137 Member
    Anne, long hair or short hair, Jilly will love you and so will we. <3
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Very dark rainy morning. Ugh! I am being lazy, snuggling under a throw with a mug of hot milky coffee. I am planning my day but nothing much is happening yet. Even Katie is still snuzzing in her bed. John will be sleeping until his usual 7:30 p.m.

    Anne: not sure why but I love going to the hairdresser. It makes me feel better if I spruce up and attend to my less than wonderful hair. In your picture, I can see you have lovely hair, thick and curly. What more could a girl want than this? I buy a good quality hair conditioner and shampoo to try to achieve what you have. I insist John use it as well. You are blessed with good genes, dear Anne. Enjoy your outing to the hairdresser. Have your hair cut just like you want it! Let them pamper you! It feels great!

    Time to slip into my sweat pants and sweat shirt and move my bones. I think a Vivaldi number on the CD player while the oatmeal simmers will start the day. Or Aretha Franklin's "Natural Woman" could help me with these exercises. Have a lovely and muggy or stormy and rainy...greet it with a smile.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,092 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and then dinner with friends. I did not go to bingo due to storms, no sense in driving in pouring down rain for 30 minutes. My lunch with Joe was fine but I have to tell you he is a feisty old man. He does a lot of flirting and when I dropped him off I went to give him a peck on the cheek and he turned to kiss my mouth and I had to back up. I teased him about it and I think he is harmless but just saying. lol

    Patsy, I am in my nightgown until noon most days, I am not a morning person except for when I have things to do. lol

    Anne, don't be nervous about your haircut. With your natural curly hair it will be darling and easy to manage. I am jealous of thick, curly hair so enjoy the cooler feeling once it is cut!!

    Jackie, glad you checked in and were busy outside. A herd of cattle is always a beautiful site, my friend owns a farm and when I see them I am always in awe. At least until he tells me they go to slaughter. NO!!! But I do love a good steak. Sorry.

    Buzz, glad you enjoyed your dinner even though it was Lin who asked. We all want to know you are having a wonderful birthday month!!

    Laura welcome back and happy to hear you are on the road to recovery.

    Lin, there was a time I could print off my phone and IPad but somehow my settings on my printer must be wrong and I can't seem to find my manual to figure it out. No big deal though my desktop is only a room away. We have also cooled down but it is going back to the 90's.

    Running out of time so must get moving. Have a cool and wonderful day!! Pictures Anne and Jackie please!!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well I'm back with my pudding cut! Jilly did not bite me and got a chew bone for being a good girl. I expected a feathery cut, but no, I'm back to 5 year old Anne and her pudding cut, hairdressers recommendation for my type hair. Mmm.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,092 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    Well I'm back with my pudding cut! Jilly did not bite me and got a chew bone for being a good girl. I expected a feathery cut, but no, I'm back to 5 year old Anne and her pudding cut, hairdressers recommendation for my type hair. Mmm.

    I like it but thought you were even going shorter. You certainly don't look your age Anne!!
    I was picturing something like this Anne, a friend from Arizona who has short curly locks.
    o476nt92cxnf.jpg lol
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yes me too, I was all set for short and curly, but she persuaded me to go pudding basin cut. Jilly had a good sniff of it, but has decided yes, it's Anne under there! Mary Jo wanted me to get a Jane Fonda cut, feathery, but as I haven't got a Jane Fonda face, say no more! I'm getting used to it. I guess it's a bit like the British prime ministers cut except I haven't got much grey yet. Or her job, thank the good Lord! The hairdresser didn't call it a pudding basin cut, she was posher and called it a blunt cut, lol. By the way, once I wash it, the fuzz and "curl" will come back, Maria straightened it. Expect new photo when washed and the real Anne shines through!
    PS. Thanks for the age compliment SANDY. When I was 25 and gave birth to premature Michael, the horrible matron of the hospital said "it's disgusting a 15 yr old kid like you giving birth". You can see. It has its disadvantages! Mike looks older than his age and gets a bit disgruntled when he's been mistaken for my husband instead of my kid, and a same age friend dropped me when a bank teller thought she was my mother. Her husband phoned me to tell me she was very upset, but I couldn't help what the bank teller thought and who was probably short sighted anyway! However all is not lost, I'm definitely getting to look like an eighty one year old these days, and hopefully the respect I deserve, lol.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Just saying.....Anne you look like you are in your 50s. Anxious to see your new photo. And I too have frizzy kinky hair, but have to tame it with conditioner and coloring. Texture is too awful to deal with and I would be about all grey now though my mother was pure white at this age. 69...not a good yr for me. I really aged...LOL :(
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I might just do that cut!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,137 Member
    edited June 2017
    Welcome back Laura. It is good to see you again.

    Patsy, when I finally get there, I enjoy getting a haircut. But I am more than tired of the snarky derogatory conversation that spews from this guy the entire time I am there. I would prefer a silent haircut. I will take the haircut and the minor suffering I guess.

    Sandy, sounds like you have quite the card there! I think I would stay at arm's length. I hope you are enjoying the dinner with friends this evening a bit more. I cannot imagine what went wrong with your printer settings. Odd. I have removed that printer and reinstalled it repeatedly and have not had any issue using AirPrint even though it was installed as a printer on my Windows laptop. Odd.

    Anne, I agree, your hair doesn't look that short. I had also imagined something very short, similar to the photo Sandy posted. Ha, glad Jilly gave her seal of approval.

    Diane, I did not know you had curly hair too!!! Am I in the minority here with totally straight hair?

    Buzz, are you saying you would perhaps cut your hair as short as the photo Sandy posted? Or the somewhat longer cut that Anne received? I like your hair long but I think it could be quite cute nice and short as in Sandy's photo. I never know about the in between lengths. I think you have to have the appropriate shaped head, if that makes sense. And I never know, I don't think it probably ever looked nice on me. I think short is my thing now.

    Jackie, nearly time for your furniture delivery. I am excited for you. New furniture is an infrequent event in my life and your new things sound wonderful. Now, all pets must have a serious talking to. No damage to the new things!!

    Nothing too exciting here today. Stops at my two usual grocery stores, card making and conversation at the library, afternoon webinar, a walk over to look at a neighbor's garage sale (not really open just setting up but they let me look around) and made a pot of a kind of chowder--red lentil/corn/potato. I have a new stack of bills to pay and still have not decided what to take to paper crafting tomorrow evening. I need to look around a bit more.

    Jeri, how did the dentist's appointment go? Or should we forget about it?

    Time to get moving again.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited June 2017
    Lin I survived the dentist appointment, all 2 hrs of it. They topped off the tops of the 6 bottom teeth, so 6 fillings but no need for pain killers just sit with your mouth open for that time. The dentist told me he has done worse things to me, and he has. We bought it as we knew it was what we wanted. We pick it up next Wednesday.

    Hurray, hurray. After dropping MaryJo at kindergarten we went to a new rv dealer and saw a trailer that fit us perfectly. Murphy bed, 3 burner stove, oven, nice bathroom and pretty good storage. The fridge is a bit smaller but it is okay as I love all the other features. And, Ed is happy as it is light and narrower than some of the ones we've looked at.

    Got to run, off to watch a soccer game.



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    I see my message is rather confusing as I added a sentence to the wrong paragraph. The point is we bought a trailer and my brain doesn't work when I am heading out the door to watch soccer.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    How terrific, JERI. Lots of luck; the trailer sounds perfect! In my home, my stove is a glass top 3 burner, but I've only used the one burner, the main one, anyway! And since I haven't an oven, I'm thinking about adding a toaster oven if I can find a small good one somewhere! Certain things don't reheat well in a microwave!
    Welcome back, LAURA. Glad that melanoma has healed nicely!
    Like SANDY, I often don't get out of my nightie until later in the morning. I do many chores in the relaxed mode with no one to chide me! And SANDY, you have one of the busiest lives I know of, except that here on Sneakers, you ALL seem so very active!
    PATSY, I adore both of your music choices! I hope you listened to Vivaldi AND Aretha!
    ANNE , love that "puddin' head cut". It's inspiring me to stop fighting with longer hair and just get it chopped off for the summer! I love simply running my fingers through it to comb it!
    Your story about the nurse remarking about 15 year olds having babies is both funny and sad! And I agree you don't look half your age! Stay as active as you are for as long as you are able!
    JACKIE, I'm so sorry about all the horrid problems in your country lately! Watched that dreadful fire, and it didn't look real!
    LIN, your day's account exhausted me, love! You get so involved with people, crafts, ideas, and cooking, too. Amazing!
    I had an unexpected surprise today. I was invited to lunch for those of us who had introduced new residents to Edgewater Pointe, and since 4 friends moved in because of us, my invitation said "come" so I did, expecting salad and tea sandwiches. Well, it turned out to be so elegant, starting with a yummy gazpacho, then a filet mignon plus crab-stuffed shrimp (Surf and Turf), beautiful vegetables nicely prepared, and the dessert was Sundaes prepared at tableside! It started with a welcome of fresh peach juice in a wine glass, with a slice of peach on the goblet edge! Am I glad I didn't ignore the invitation card! On the other hand, food, food, food! I ordered just a spinach omelet for tonight's dinner!
    So now to bed, late as usual. Why do I do this :o
    <3 Buzz
    ............................always believe something wonderful is about to happen..........................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    BUZZ, I think my "blunt" cut would suit you very well and you are right, so easy just running the fingers through it. Wasn't that hospital matrons attitude just awful. Her manner did improve marginally when she realized I was almost 26 and husband arrived bearing chrysanthemums, but only just. Can you imagine what a poor little girl of 15 would have felt. Me, I was indignant.

    Anyway, I'm getting used to the new sleek "like a seal" me. Maria cut LOADS off, mounds of frizzy stuff. You couldn't really tell from the old photo but it was beyond shoulder length. Mike is killing 2 birds with one stone today. He will be over soon to take me grocery shopping (it's the carting home I have a problem with) have lunch, then hang around until 5 pm when he takes off to have dinner with his best and much missed friends widow and his god daughter. I'm hoping this will allow me to dump Miss Jilly on him while I take off to the mall to try and update my shabby wardrobe before the fall clothes take over! He doesn't know this yet, cross your fingers for me because I need a lift there rather than 4 buses.
    However all this planning could change because I hate shopping for clothes and could end up spending my hard earned pension in a book store or art suppliers instead!

    So must away, wash the breakfast things, make the bed and have the house looking sort of presentable before Jill's best friend arrives. Oh, I allowed the little girls to walk her last night, me right behind, and the dear little thing kept turning around to make sure I was there and was happily leaping up and down and grabbing the leash when I retrieved her. Makes one feel wanted!

    Looking forward to a photo of birthday girl BUZZ (wow 90! Hope I look as good BUZZ!) and her new haircut.

    So glad you are recovered LAURA.

    Anne ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️hope I sent enough ❤️S for all.
    Always believe something wonderful is about to happen. I believe it has, maybe, just maybe I've lost a pound in weight!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've just seen on BBC breaking news that Amazon is buying Whole Foods.