Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just home from an auction house where I went to view dining tables.... yes, still looking. Of the 6 that looked promising in their catalogue 2 were too small, 2 too large, 1 damaged and the last would cost too much to deliver. I was home in just over an hour but have left a bid on a carver chair that will go nicely with the side table I purchased a couple of weeks ago. The seat is a fussy floral pattern but I'm sure I can either change it myself or ask a friend! First thing I went swimming with friends which was very refreshing as our weather is a little muggy and I'm now planning to have a gentle potter in the garden or perhaps watch some French Open tennis if Andy Murray is playing. Have read your posts and must say that cat with Sandy is adorable. My big boy Boris had a confrontation with a dog visiting a neighbour yesterday and of course came off better than the spaniel when he fluffed up his coat and tail and launched himself through the air when the dog threatened. No one got hurt and it was quite amusing to observe!

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Had a wonderful Memorial Day with a friend at the pool. We spent all day there and Rob, Lisa and Robby came for a short time. Robby has a cold, which he seems to catch whenever he is with his cousin who goes to daycare. He really wanted no part of the water and said all done after about ten minutes. I was able to give him the little t shirt and airplane I brought back from Arizona, along with other supplies I had such as diapers, wipes and such. They are waiting patiently for the big move which will happen June 9th. New furniture being delivered June 10th. We all are going to clean on the 9th, I am excited to see the house.
    I am doing lots of laundry today, paying the bills, then going to buy my summer flowers and grocery shop. I need a day or two off from the pool as I am starting to peel and getting too burnt. My granddaughter from Minnesota comes Friday and will leave Sunday so another busy weekend.

    Jackie, sorry you couldn't find the right table at the auction house, it must be frustrating. I would have liked to see the picture of Boris with the dog, it sounds comical. BTW, loved the video of George and like Lin loved the way he looked like a king on that little island.

    Lin, I think we are getting those storms today as well. I am not a morning person so I hope I don't get caught in them. What did you do for the holiday?

    Marie, your meals look delicious and you seem to really enjoy them. Healthy is the main goal for all of us, the weight is secondary.

    Buzz, you reminded me I need an ink cartridge as well, thank you. BTW, it seems all is good now that Babe's son is behaving again. (sound familiar?) Glad you were able to walk for dinner, I hope each day gets better and better.

    Shirley, how much fun was that, being on a talk show? Did you get some wonderful gifts?
    I can just imagine you being in seventh heaven with Issac. I already miss Robby but glad for my own time.

    Anne, little Jilly is keeping you moving and grooving, which is healthy for you. You made me laugh when you said the kids come to visit Jilly instead of you. Love anyone who loves animals. I do most of my shopping online but prefer the stores I know so I know the sizes are correct.

    Phoebe, funny as a dog person I just loved my son's cat and said if I didn't travel so much I would ask my landlady if I could have a cat. Zodiac was just so beautiful and funny to watch.

    Marcella is having fun at her cabin and Patsy is busy with Katie.

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time

    P.S. On a sad note, it was so sad that they had to shoot a gorilla at the zoo, but the video was horrifying. How the mother let the four year old out of her sight to climb between the bars is just awful. I am so glad the little boy is okay but I am sure it must have been terrifying to be in the arms of a gorilla being dragged through the water. All I could think about was Robby and it nearly brought me to tears.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sunny day here. John is at dental hygienist and Katie and I are on the back deck. I am hoping for a potty event outside! Oh the things that puppy owners get excited over...defies discription at times.

    I must say I am in awe of Marie's diet. I know my weakness and fruit is one of them. I have fruit every morning and for dessert most evenings. John's family always had some form of sweet after dinner. John is comfortable with a small serving of fruit as a dessert. It has become the usual end to our meal. Not exactly low calorie but strawberries or a piece of fresh pineapple does the job and isn't too horribly caloric.

    The gorilla episode is heartbreaking. Our son was an adventurous kind of kid. I was in a constant state of panic when taking him places. He seemed to be able to spot areas that he could explore and cause me to have a heart attack simultaneously. I am sure I would never get over something like that. I love zoos but have a difficult time with the concept of animals in cages or enclosures. However the research and educational advantages are enormous.

    Because we are not planting our usual flower garden pots this year, we ordered 6 large wind spinners to hang on the decks for color. They are fun...but they aren't flowers! However the humming birds are in a state of total confusion. They just keep buzzing around hunting for the feeder. I usually do not put up a hummingbird feeder because of neighborhood cats that hang around with evil intent. Katie has a new sport of leaping up into the air to try to catch the spinners. We need to raise the spinners higher. She is getting closer to catching them. She plays ball like a champ but still can't figure out the frisbee. I am not very expert at tossing the frisbee. More learning for both of us.

    Interesting drama locally about Walmart. That Corp. bought a piece of land and designed a store. The locals are protesting and the city officials are trying to stop the permits. We have a Home Depot and a Costco. Not sure about all the fuss. I would rather have a Trader Joes but that's just me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin there is no labels to read on the the produce Department But it does take a long time. for me to shop for I do have to make a run around other For toilet items and etc. And they have got such lovely fabric in that Depart. have to run by there to touch all the beautiful fabric. and we do have full time help there again. So Jerry just sit out in the lobby for me When we got out to the suv I could not get my leg up to get in. Jerry keeps a little step stool for that Purpose. I was able to stand on it and sit on the seat and get my big butt in.

    Did not do any cooking today. Had to get Jerry to help me with my salad. I swear that man is definite not a chef I had him to diced up some sweet onions for my salad and he did no know how.Get him away from his TV dinners and he is lost. i guess I did not raise
    him right.I did buy him some canned dumplings Sue's brand and he wants me to keep a can in the pantry for him

    Alice is having a birthday party for Jim at a BBQ place and we look up there menu and they have a baked potatoes, salad I will take my own salad dressing So I can stay compliant.well enough about me. making me a baked apple in my air fryer for my after dinner dessert so better go see about it
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Quick hello. Enjoying your posts everyone.
    Good for you Marie!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Getting here so late lately, but we had a dynamic speaker tonight and he stayed on quite awhile, taking questions from the audience on many different subjects. No one wanted to leave!
    Just skimmed the posts today, but will try to read more thoroughly tomorrow...
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Reading PATSY's post on what us new puppy owners get excited about I had my own little drama last evening. I have had 4 days of young Jilly using her back door pee pad instead of the floor or carpet. Huge step for womankind as far as I'm concerned! Outside is still iffy but inside this is a huge event with much praise and doggie treats. Horrified I suddenly realized we were down to our last 3 pads and the prospect of 2 busses to the pet store and 2 busses back. My lovely DIL answered the SOS on her way home from work and Jilly and I rode in state to the pet store and back. She's allowed in the pet store so she got her usual oohs and aah and "what is it" from her admiring humans. She will miss all this fuss in a few months time won't she! One last puppy picture before she becomes a big grown up dog.

    Enjoy Wednesday folks in good health, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Darling Jilly!! Thanks for the picture Anne.

    Off to Tai Chi in a few minutes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Rainy day here so no pool today which is good to give my body a rest.
    Got everything done but the bills yesterday so it a good day to do them. Tonight is bingo and yes the big pot went while I was gone. Would you believe the number I would have chosen won? I had the chance and listened to my friend and picked a different number, don't think I don't want to kill him. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be.

    Anne, Jilly is absolutely adorable!! I can see why she takes up all your time with the gleam in her eye. lol Glad your DIL was able to take you to the pet store, puppies forget so soon if their pattern changes.

    Lin, have a good workout at Tai Chi.

    Buzz, there is something going every day at your complex, no wonder you love it there.

    Phoebe, how is Honey?

    Marie, men, we can't live with them and can't live without them. Well, maybe that is not true, some of us love being alone.

    Patsy, love your stories about Katie, she is one active puppy.

    I better get working on those bills, the days seem to be over before they even begin.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sometimes I cannot keep up with it, SANDY. Hope you learned to trust your own instincts regarding Bingo numbers! You have a darn good record, sweetie.
    ANNE, Jilly is adorable, and will be just as lovable once she is grown! Dogs are not as demanding as kids most of the time, and seldom whine or complain!
    LIN, how nice that you are enjoying Tai Chi. I found it so relaxing and yet energetic. Just passing my hands near but abovemy skin made feelings of energy pass from one hand to the next! I should get back to one of our classes. There are different exercise classes every day, but I cannot seem to push myself to get back to rejoining!
    MARIE, your starch solutions are amazing , it seems. Did your doctor recommend it? Mike is told to limit his starches due to diabetes, but I'd like to check this out. Is it Dr McDougall's WOE? Keep up the good work, li'l Sis!
    JACKIE, after reading your post very late, I had dreams about hunting for furniture with you! I wish you great shopping !
    SHIRLEY, I forget why I'm not supposed to add much Omega 3 outside of food, but I recall it interfering with one of my many "conditions"! So maybe it's just as well we don't have the same brands!
    PHOEBE, love your short "checking on you" blurbs from time to time. Neat way of letting us know you are OK!
    PATSY, agree with you on that gorilla episode; but how did the child get in there? Horrors!
    Oh oh, there goes my phone again. Can't get much done today!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No buzz my doctor did not recommend it.But I am certainly I stumble upon it. For it as done wonders for my Blood sugar and my blood pressure. . I go for lab work next month to see about the rest. I was so ready for this plan. i love all the foods., I was never a big eat meat for I love my beans and potatoes. And no the carbs are a blessing in keeping my Blood Sugar At a constant even numbers of around 100 in the morning readings.So a very good plan for me.By eating potaoes and beans it keeps me from desireing all of the bad foods that was in my lifeI do have to take food to bed wit me incase it gets too low. I take a banana or a steam potato every night Most nights i do not need them but occasion i do have a low blood sugar For I am still on insulin. Hoping she will take me off of them when I see her next. But I am taking far less now.And that's is money in the bank.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. A busy time as usual this time of year so not on my computer much. Yesterday I managed to do lots of weeding along the path in front of my cottage and goodness, what a satisfying job to look out this morning at such a tidy area. Today I'm going to the auction house to collect the chair I was highest bidder on and £10 cheaper than my top bid so that's great..... perhaps your influence Buzz and you really were trawling through the furniture with me!! On the way I will pass the local tip so drop off a couple of bags of rubbish I've collected from various parts of garden and house and then drop into a local store to buy a comfy cushion to sit on tomorrow night when I go to a local outdoor theatre with friends to watch a farce called Kindly leave the stage. The theatre's designed with a semi circle of granite seating around the stage that feels a bit hard on the backside after sitting for a while!! It's cooler today but still sunny and bright so we've had a lovely walk on the moors with Scruff and my friend so it's now a quick cup of coffee before heading off.

    Read your posts and especially proud of Marie sticking to a healthy diet that's working so well for you and you love the food anyway which is always a bonus! Sandy, no surprises about Babe's son back in the fold and doing so well but how sad for that family that they are still caught up in his constant falls off the old wagon! Patsy That Katie has turned your and John's lives upside down but I can tell for all the changes in your garden you're loving every minute and Anne with the cutest puppy in the world!!

    That gorilla incident was heartbreaking so let's hope the zoo takes a long hard look at the enclosure's design because we all know children at that age are forever scooting off when you take an eye off them for a split second and who can read a gorilla's mind to know if it means harm or not? That's my opinion and you know more often than not I can prefer animals to humans!!!

    My neighbour has just popped round to make a plan to visit the allotment tomorrow and my coffee is finished so I'll load the car and make my way to the tip.

    Everyone have a wonderful Thursday.... Lin, Shirley, Marcella (watch out for a British drama by that name!!!) and everyone else I missed.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    happy day to you all. yes Jackie I am one happy old granny Wish i knew about this program long time ago..

    My breakfast baked apple I am leaving coffee off for now
    Lunch left over roasted veggies I thew in my air fryer basket and roasted yesterday over rice.Dinner big bake Sweet Potatoes, with roasted brussel sprouts and red radish,onions . I am eating more healthy than ever. so life could not be better
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) A beautiful day but I am going to my meeting instead of to the pool. I also have to go to the dollar store for cards with so many events in June. I stopped by to see Daisy and Babe before bingo yesterday and Daisy was thrilled to see me. Babe was too but was groggy from the pain meds he is taking for his neck. He is still very dizzy, in more ways than one so he was telling me that I have to take care of him as he ages. I told him the purpose of his son separating us was that he was going to take care of him and make him happy. Babe said well that's not working. lol He just kept asking are you going to take care of me and I said let's just take it one day at a time.

    Marie, it is so good to read how happy you are with things going so well.

    Jackie, yes Babe and his DIL are both in denial if they think things will change, but that is up to them. I am happy I am not in the middle of all the drama.

    Buzz, yes lesson learned, if I ever get the chance again I will trust my own instincts.

    Loving the nice weather with the windows open and birds singing. I hope you are all having wonderful days filled with love and happiness.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yummy Marie, sounds like my kind of food too although I've never roasted brussel sprouts before so must give that a go one day soon! <3
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I agree, you are doing SO WELL, MARIE!
    We went for our usual amble down the road, sniffing all the tree trunks, and a lady popped out of a house and gave Jilly a teddy bear with a squeaky inside. Not me, you will note! Said she won a bunch of toys in a humane society raffle and the rest would go to her sisters dog. So, we trotted home, squeaking all the way as Jilly carried her new found treasure.
    She had her first heartworm tablet today. Such a huge tablet for a tiny dog, but she managed it in a bit of wet dog food. Flea and tick second tablet on Saturday.
    I bet that bit of news made you all glad you are human and not of the canine variety!!!
    Stay strong SANDY, be there for Babe when he's in dire need, but not completely there, as in totally. Independence is a wonderful thing.
    Going to be hot here today.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    please don't beoffended I found this humorous. Our niece is a bit of a 'flower child. She is an adorable young woman who loves animals and prefers ,for now, to have no children. She posted her opinion on the death of Harembe this way-" Aside from the fact that all children should be on leashes, :D !! No animals should be living in captivity. No zoos, no cages!"
    Yes she is a PETA person.
    Ican see people out walking their dogs and children . Leashes work for some children but not all.
    Traveling thru Arkansas, rain on and off, heading to North Carolina.
    Still enjoying your posts and pictures. I want a Jilly! I saw photos of a fellow driver's doodle dog, but it was different from Patsy's. I'll check on it, anyway, it was an adult and looked big.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Trying to catch up on statements today. Gets more confusing as I go along with all the changes we are making. Checked out with our nursing director about Mike wanting a motorized scooter or chair, an she assured me his cognitive problems would not indicate that he be be given a permit to use one on premises! What a relief, since he never told me he's been already told that! I've been worried they might allow it! Now he's hounding the VA for one, and I have to figure out how to explain it to them. It's not easy keeping 2 steps ahead of him! It's rough on him, as well, as he doesn't comprehend the problem with his eyesight and spatial disconnect being a peril with him driving or using a joystick! So sad to see a loved one decline this way.
    It's a glorious June day and I'd love to catch a bit of fresh air, so I'm logging off so I can finish the online banking ...
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers, I am trying to catch up with this very messy house. As much was we love this puppy, we have to admit she does bring in dirt, mud, leaves, sticks, stones, grass and other mysterious "things." Phoebe you are right about Doodles. They are not small dogs. Goldendoodles and labradoodles are some where between 45-75 lbs. they are high energy and pretty smart. John wanted an active dog because he really enjoys that aspect of this breed. Make no mistake...this isn't an easy, sits on the couch kind of dog. This is a dog that will try to drag your couch out in the yard and use it for a trampoline. Katie and John are just alike! They always have big plans. They like to play ball, hunt for icky things on the beach and in general drive me nuts!!!!

    I think we have the puppy training almost done. I need to get back to my collection of half finished paintings and get them photographed to send to the gallery. Lots to do and way behind on it all!

    BBQ chicken, salad & broccoli tonight. I want to keep dinner at about 400 calories.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Katie getting ready to GO!