Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Just got my Comcast cable bill. up almost $50 and all I changed was adding voicemail to my phone! Is this crazy or what? I will see if buying my own modem makes any sense since the monthly charge is $10, but the purchase could run $200! I'll try Googling first! Life used to be so simple!
    <3 Buzz

    Buzz, do you have triple play from Comcast? Voice should be included.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am sorry I said what I did in my last post. That was a cruel thing to say. It was just too blunt. i am terrible sorry.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, (big hug) <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy could you delete it for me
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    Marie, you said nothing wrong, don't worry. I can't delete with this new format but there is nothing you said that upset anyone. I totally agree that it is too little too late. I am happy with my life and love all my sneaker friends for putting up with all my vents for all these years! Love you Marie,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    Heading out to my garden but have read your posts and will hopefully come back later.

    Marie You are our Queen so can say whatever you want whether it's about an opinion on our lives or eating a plate of dead meat which did make me laugh out loud!! We love you as you are and wouldn't have you any other way. <3

    Phoebe ~ The same sentiment to you when you comment and I agree no wild animal should be caged but unfortunately while we humans destroy their habitat or hunt them to extinction I suppose some think it's the only way to keep some species going in the hope one day we'll learn!! As ever, take it steady on those roads. <3

    Buzz - Ouch, those modems are expensive but I'm sure you'll find a cheap one on ebay because most of us end up with more than one. I've a spare in a box under the bed but don't think it would suit your system otherwise you'd be welcome.

    Right, off to weed and then watch the men's final at the French Open tennis. Everyone enjoy your Sunday whatever you're up to.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good morning

    I have been running around quite a bit the last few days and am just too tired to keep up with everything. I skipped the second shower late yesterday afternoon. I had someone take along my gift and went back to finishing my errands and then home for more home chores.

    I have been reading your posts and enjoying them so much. <3

    Time to crank it up for another day at church. Am subbing again for communion prep/clean-up.

    I hope everyone has a great day.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited June 2016
    Of COURSE you can say what you like MARIE and I tend to agree with you and the dead animal on a plate comment, although I am guilty of eating the odd chicken, but that's only when I have visitors! Mind you I had to smile when I remembered an old song that went on about potatoes having "eyes" and even a cabbage has a "heart".
    We are in for a rainy day today I do believe and that's a good thing because Mary Jo picked me up big bags of the towns free give away compost yesterday and we spent a good while spreading it under the apple trees and amongst my flowers. Helped by Jilly of course who helped spread it by scratching furiously at each shovel full until her string tied to the deck would no longer reach. So she trotted off to help Mark who was putting a new washer on the hose pipe. My place looks a whole heap tidier now with straggly bushes cut back and a bit of weeding for which I am thankful and grateful because the neglect was bothering me a bit privately.
    Michael turns up today, he works Saturday's, so I should be able to put my feet up a bit apart from some cooking as he tries to train the exuberant pup.
    Have a lovely Sunday folks doing what you love the best,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good Sunday morning o:)
    Jackie - Your theatre outing sounds fun. I must say we haven't been to anything in awhile. I may just need to work on that.
    Yesterday, the hubby and I pulled ivy out of the yard for about 3 and a half hours. Today, my body is feeling it a bit. Our landscaping project is scheduled to start in the morning. I'm eager for it to be done and hoping it all goes well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Sunday! It happened again, what is up with this IPad? I do a post and it only posts the first two words! Not enough time to redo, will be back when I can use my desktop later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You Know Anne I have read that plants do have feelings.. Oh me what a fellow to do. Well off to go and cook me a potatoes for dinner. I will tell him I am sorry poor thing.Those eyes may just get me. Here you got me talking to plants. But you know I have always talk to mind and I know you have. How is the apple tree coming along did they have some beautiful blossom this year.
    hugs Marie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi MARIE, alas very few apples for this year. The trees are resting after last year's bumper crop. No blossom on the back yard tree and just a little on the tree at the front. We gave them lots of compost in the hope for lots of apples next year. Like you, I just love potatoes. How are yours in the planter? Have they flowered yet?
    Hugs from Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ouch, I just finished reading an article warning about hackers getting into brand new Lenovo laptops that have Windows 10! It involves the automatic update downloads! I mentioned my Malware takeover a couple of days ago. The internet is getting a bit much out there, since I thought I was prepared to ignore all the dangerous things! Hah! About buying my own modem, I started reading about doing that, and it mentions that the server updates their gateway modems ( they also mention a separate router is preferable to a gateway wireless modem!) from time to time and if I own my own, I am responsible for updating, if and when I find out about it! So PHOEBE, how do you handle it? And SANDY, ince TV is provided by my community, I have a bundle simply for internet and phone. I got an explanation of what I used to have versus what I now have and looking at the new bill my eyes positively crossed trying to understand the double talk! There was some nonsense about faster internet but they were giving it to me as a 12 month special, despite the cost being almost double! The $3 voicemail morphed into $7.50 but they were doing me a favor bringing it down to $15.63 for 2 months!!! My head is still spinning from the baloney I was hearing, but even though it should be $74 something, they are bringing it down to $63 something as a huge favor!!! I read that we Americans pay a great deal more for internet etc than most other countries, and since my area has only ATT or Comcast as servers, there is no competition at all! I'm getting to old to deal with these things, I think! JACKIE, your theater sounds like so much fun! And it's hard to believe summer is in full bloom! LIN, busy busy busy as ever! You are so involved in volunteer projects always! MARIE, why are you concerned about expressing your feelings among your Sneaker family friends? I hope you are as comfortable with us as you have always made us feel, Si's! You have lots of company feeling the same way, too!
    ANNE and MARCELLA, you gals bring back such memories of springtime garden cleanup time; perhaps no longer doing that accounts for some of the weight I have accrued since giving up the yard work! So it is surely worth the effort!
    Perhaps I'll enter e-bay and take Phoebe's suggestion. Have a lovely Sunday night. There is warning about tropical storms for tomorrow, including cyclones, but it may hit west and north of us. I hope it swerves out to sea.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The sun is burning off a sea mist we encountered on our early doggy walk so looks like another gardening day! For the first half hour of the stroll across the moors we couldn't make out much..... is that a cow, a sheep or a lump of granite? It moved so it's probably not a lump of granite, that sort of thing!!! George is off his food although happy to accept a training treat so I'm hoping it's just the warm weather which does seem to affect him but did detour on the way home to buy a different kibble to go with his meaty brunch.

    Buzz ~ On average I pay about £40 monthly for my phone and internet connection and have what's known here as fibre optic broadband that's supposed to be faster than ordinary connections. Most of that £40 is taken up by telephone line rental and daytime calls because I get evening and weekend calls thrown in for free..... actually NOT free because I pay £5 a month for the privilege so do know exactly what you mean about all the gobbledygook that gets spouted to encourage me to stay with any one supplier. Unfortunately hackers will find their way through any security set up to stop them and I'm sure some do it just to prove they can. I won't bank on line for that reason although our banks are now closing their branches one by one so I have to travel further and further afield if I need mine which is not a big problem now I'm retired because I make an enjoyable trip out of it and do some shopping or meet a friend for lunch.

    Marie ~ Like Anne, I'd love to know how your potato pot is doing. My spuds have shot up since the warm weather arrived but no flowers yet so I'll have to be patient before rummaging in the soil for a few to add to a salad. You managed to get started long before me so perhaps you'r enjoying your crop already! Just now taken a photo to show you!

    My leg muscles are complaining after our walk so I need to keep moving, get into a t-shirt rather than the thicker top I'm wearing and crack on with yet more weeding. Oh yes, I weighed myself yesterday and have managed to lose 1 lb so will head to the pound a week club before shutting down.

    Enjoy your Mondays whatever you get up to.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Day 1 of our landscaping project - Turns out the utility companies had given the landscaper a clear ticket to do the work, but they had not actually marked the utilities in our yard yet. So the only thing that can happen today or tomorrow is to cut down a tree. Yep, it's Monday! :s
    On an up note, I'm awake early today so I can get more done. (Need to do some gardening, laundry, office work for the son's business, some office time for my own stuff, and a little cleaning time.) Think I'll look for a nice soup/stew recipe for tonight's dinner that can just slowly/easily cook in one pot till ready.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,133 Member
    Good morning - tomorrow morning is our annual free (at the curb) junk pick up. This year there are many more rules but I will spend time in the basement and the garage to see if anything I would like to dispose of fits in the guidelines. They will leave behind anything that doesn't!

    I am almost out of potatoes!! Off to the store for potatoes and maybe some cauliflower. I have a shipment of purples scheduled to ship later this week so may arrive my Saturday. Can't go that long without spuds!!!! :D:D

    Best wishes my friends. Me and the shopping bags are ready to go!!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, just me clocking in. Dare I say it but life seems to be normalizing again. Not sure if Jilly is adapting to me or me to Jilly!
    We had thunderstorms yesterday and more predicted for today with driving rain. This means the flowers and the weeds are perking up!
    I watched a cardinal in the apple tree and she appeared to be shaking the leaves to have a shower in the water drops. Wasn't sure until another bird came along and started to do the same thing! The things you discover when you pause for awhile.
    So, me feeling perkier, I'm a-polishing and a-washing of floors today to make the old homestead more like its old self, well apart from all the toys scattered about!
    So, happy busy Monday to all you industrious ladies!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had 2 medium size potatoes cook in my air fryer for breakfast this morning with some salt and ketchup / my Air fryer cooks potatoes pretty well but te do not taste like french fries that we know. But pretty brown and tender on the inside and still pretty tasty. I would be completely lost without my potatoes And i am getting low on my sweet potatoes. I have not found a good way to cook them in the air fryer yet but I much prefer them bake in the oven and get good and caramelized Phoebe sent me a 10 ways potatoes are good for you But i did not know how to copy it and post. maybe someone will It is on my time line on facebook. Thank you Phoebe for thinking about me. My whole attitude has change about potatoes. It is the staff of my diet now. I am getting the hang of my air fryer now. Cooking lots of veggies in it now. A long with the potatoes. Easy to used and since no oily mess easy to keep clean. Of course do not not taste like oily fries. But thats how I Got so fat. so this way is much better for me. several of the girls says their get crisp but Mine don't. But they get nice and brown and tender on the insde dipped in Ketchup Pretty darn good.

    Jackie your Potatoes looks so healthy Something is eating all the leaves off of mine. I never did see any blooms on them. didn't know they would even bloom.

    Heading to the eye doctor this morning then a quick stop at our local small health food store to see if they have bulgur wheat. but again I may not for it is not gluten free. and my digestive track has been doing great since I don't eat gluten. But hoping this starch solution diet might have cure that But really scare to try it yet.

    walmart in the morning

    Hi everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Monday!! :) Granddaughter is back home, my house is my own again. It was wonderful seeing her but ate out too much and a weight gain was expected. I will try to be good all week so that I can wear the outfit I want to wear to the wedding on Friday. I have been invited for dinner Wednesday so hopefully she has something healthy. There is just so much going on in June with the extra expenses that came with having my granddaughter visit,
    the wedding, my kids anniversaries and then Florida. Anyone want to rob and bank with me??

    Marie, your potatoes sound yummy, I am glad they are easy to make in your new air fryer.

    Anne, things will get so routine you will forget all about the training months. I think you and Jilly will be soul mates. Did she like the rain?

    Lin, nice idea with the annual free pick-up, much better than hauling things somewhere. I thought of you yesterday when I was at Mass and found out it was the ground breaking for our new Church. I didn't stay after to watch as I had to get back to Kelly.

    Marcella, things never seem to run smooth or the way we want them, but cutting down a tree is a huge project. Did you take some before pictures to show us when done?

    Jackie, you certainly have a green thumb, you are one of the lucky ones. Is that price in pounds because if it is USA that is really a good price. I pay $147 a month for triple play and that is supposed to be a deal.

    Buzz, I have a Lenovo desktop but haven't had any problems as of yet with hackers. I do run malware and an antivirus which does let me know if it is a bad site which of course I don't open. Modern technology is great for some things but one has to be cautious.

    Phoebe, the video of Honey is adorable. The only way to post it here it to upload it to you tube.

    Deciding if I should go to the pool today or just stay in and chill. I think the sun will probably win since I didn't go over the weekend.

    Have a great one!
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,087 Member