Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    My friends dog is a golden doodle. Biggest difference is in the face I think. Katie has GrOWn!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    I have been very busy since Friday, the boat is all cleaned and in the water, we had our first club party on Saturday ( pig roast) it was delicious. We stayed overnight on the boat Saturday and then up early and back home to shower and head to Isaac's house. Played with Isaac for two days, heaven, and then Tuesday headed to the cottage. It is opened, vacuumed, dusted, floors washed and we did some purging in the cupboards. The outside weeding didn't get done until Wednesday morning and not all of it. We were heading home on Wednesday. Now we are back and I have read most of the posts but still have more to go. Love the dog pictures, keep them coming!

    I am still having knee problems so have not been exercising and no Yoga. :( I am seeing the chiropractor tomorrow for treatments and will go from there. I hope this is not a chronic
    problem. I am using a tensor bandage and taking Aleve because it did swell on the side. I will know more tomorrow.

    Have a good evening and I will try and catch up tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Patsy, OMG!!!!! Beyond adorable. Love your Katie!!!!!!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my son-in law was by this morning to fix a ceiling light bulb that died on us and he brought his australian shelper with him and he stayed with me to stay out of the way.. Made me want one. Maybe they will let me borrow one for a visit. They have about 10 or 12 of them plus a couple of strays they let stay. Since they live out in the country people are always dumping dogs. and Katy and Ricky let them stay..
    Had a great day. Let see what did I cook in the air fryer
    Breakfast i had apples bake in it Pretty good.
    lunch Left over veggies and rice i made yesterday.
    Dinner sweet potatoes fries , Cabbage and onions boiled. noting really look like fry food that I know but they are easy to cook and taste pretty good. I think the toaster oven would do just as good. if not better. or maybe i am not doing it right yet. who knows.
    About time for bed. Kroger shopping in the morning
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am picking my granddaughter up from the airport at 11:30 and I am excited to see her. I am hoping she will want to go to pool this afternoon since it is supposed to rain tomorrow. She is only here until Sunday but she will get to meet Robby tomorrow since she hasn't seen him in person, we will all go out for dinner.

    Marie, I love Australian Shepards, they are so beautiful. With the way Daisy's hair is changing she reminds me of one.

    Patsy, Katie is just beautiful and I love big dogs.

    Shirley, sorry about your knee, maybe an MRI should be taken. I can imagine how much you enjoyed staying with Isaac, I can't wait to see Robby tomorrow.

    Time is getting away from me again, have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Here's George after his summer cut but didn't notice until viewed on my computer the piece of sticky rhodi leaf deposited on the carpet beside his ring toy. Patsy picking up bits of the garden in the cottage is a constant chore for me these days too!!

    Very busy and out to the theatre this evening but should catch up at the weekend.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe - Wishing you safe travels back to the east side of the country.

    Buzz - Sounds like Mike is keeping you on your toes. So sorry that you are having to go through this though.

    Jackie - George is looking rather dashing with his summer style.

    Sandy - Sounds life a wonderful weekend is in store for you and your granddaughter. Have fun!

    Shirley - Happy to hear that your boat and cottage are ready for the season. Time to enjoy! Hope your knee is better.

    Lin - Hope all is going well for you.

    Anne, Patsy and Jackie - Your doggy pictures are adorable!

    I have attempted to prepare our camper for the season. Everything is ready except to have the air conditioner repaired. Fortunately, the weather was very pleasant last weekend when we were there. This weekend, I am having to refocus on eliminating some recent “bad food habits” that have crept back into my life. Monday, our landscaping project begins. While I’m not looking forward to the stress of having this done, I am looking forward to the finished project. Should help with water drainage and will also look nicer. I’ll be sure to share before and after pictures when it is complete.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I guess indoor gardens are in vogue this year! Yes me too! There's no doubt about it this groups got the best looking dogs in the world, plus they are very hard working dogs bringing the great outdoors indoors and thus bringing us all a little closer to Mother Nature! George is looking very handsome with his summer cut Jackie.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are getting unindated with robo calls! More than the usual. Now political calls are relentless along with the other scam calls. I often this because of our age? Do these scammers focus in on people our age? That and the trash mail advertising insurance, burial services and hearing aids! What an annoyance. Just a little rant to let off steam.

    There is something wonderful about seeing photos of the doggies. They are such important members of our extended family. I can't imagine not hearing about Jilly, George, Honey and the various kitties as well as sharing the latest on Katie. It is true for me that they are really people in dog suits.

    We are susposed to be getting some unpleasantly hot days this weekend. We even started looking for air conditioners. Our house isn't set up for easy installation of an air conditioner so this is going to be a project! It is always something around here. Repair, redo, replace or discord. That's our mantra these days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy love your new picture ~~~~~~~~~~~ you look fantastic But you always have.
    as far as Babe goes he made his bed let him lie in made a wonderful life for yourself. Don't throw it all away you don't have to answer to no one.
    Anne Jillie?
    Geroge the prince. and he is. so cute.
    Phoebe how is Honey doing?
    pasty Katie?
    They are all so precious
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, portable ac's have come a long way. Wheels even! I was looking for an emergency type for the truck. Too large for storage in here when not in use.
    We delivered in NC, now we are leaving Georgia for California. Busy days.
    Honey Is limping along. Her knee injury is better than it was but she still limps. She still wants to get out and walk. The vet says she has a heart murmur, I will probably get that checked before her surgery.
    I'm napping but will be my turn to drive soon, have a safe weekend.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2016
    Computers! I was hit by a ransomeware virus today from an email purporting to be FedEx! Since I was expecting a package delivery, I opened it and WHAM1 My compter was locked and I was told to call a number immediately or I would lose my internet capability! Luckily, I have always kept up a warranty with Dell and I phoned them immediately and even though it took well over 2 hours, a gal in India cleaned out viruses plus a trojan and everything is clean again! She also suggested I clean out History everyday, which I admit I'm sloppy about, as viruses are sometimes hidden in some sites we visit, meant to be undetected until boom! So I shall give up the convenience of having information readily available while I delete history nightly! So, another day screwed up, but I learned something, I hope! Quiet around here, except for a beaut of Katie! I can vouch for the Doodle side being bright, lovable and loyal!
    Ready -for-dinner time, so have a great evening, y'all, and a super weekend!
    Oh, I see I missed the next page!
    OK, I read today's posts, and marveled at Georgie again, and was so happy to be able to find our site after the computer got cleaned out but good! PHOEBE, safe trip out to CA again! SHIRLEY, hope the knees can take a quick-fix! My gout is gone, so the knees are yeck again! Like being on a merry-go-round! JACKIE, I trust the theatre is terrific. SANDY, which granddaughter is visiting? I agree with MARIE about lying in the bed we made! MARCELLA, sounds like a super summer coming up. And thanks for the support! LIN, you are busier than I can keep track of, and that's terrific! PATSY, good luck with the A/C. ANNE you have your time cut out for you this year, bringing up baby! Gotta run
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Jackie - Your littlle Georgie is awful cute! Especially with the new doggie cut. B)

    A warm day today, I had my chiropratic apt. and treatment. I am still putting ice on the knee and no Aleve today so it is getting better. The same thing again with the band on the side of my leg tightening up but this time it caused swelling. She says no cartilage problems but I may get an xray from my doctor in my next visit.

    Today was finishing up laundry after being gone and groceries and got some ironing done.

    Dave is at the boat but I had too much to do so he is enjoying the boat my himself.

    Tomorrow is Bliss Day with yoga and meditation all day. A nice day to relax and recoup after a busy few days.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Saturday! OMG! I am having nothing but problems with trying to post today! I lost a long post because the page claimed an error and reloaded before I could save the post. Then wrote a short explanation and lost that also! I will be back later after I calm down!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Last night's theatre was a great laugh although I did wonder for the first 10 minutes if it might be a very long night! The story revolved around a group of actors in the middle of a production suddenly faced with real life accusations of an affair between two of the cast which takes them off script although aware of an audience so then becomes a typical farce. For an amateur group they were amazing, it was just a shame the place was only about 1/3 full so not much atmosphere. Although an amphitheatre we weren't cold because it was a beautiful summer's evening and our group promised staff to return for more productions in the near future, the first probably being Jesus Christ, Superstar.... that'll be a blast from the past!! Today I enjoyed a long walk on the moors with usual Scruff and friend together with another friend who owns the 2 Jack Russells that appeared in my recent video but before that I was in an Aldi store to do a weekly shop just as they opened at 8 am so am stocked up with lots of fresh fruit, veggies and salad. I've worked in the garden this afternoon and am now waiting for chicken pieces coated in olive oil, lemon juice, honey and a few herbs to bake which will be added to a plate of salad.

    My computer is doing weird and wonderful things so I'm going to finish here before I lose my post just like Sandy! Yesterday I had problems getting it to switch on for an age and was about to give up when it finally showed signs of life, this after I hit just about every key.... not something I should do I know but this modern technology gets me down at times! Ah, there's the ding of the oven to tell me my chicken is cooked!

    Enjoy the rest of your day.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited June 2016
    Trying to post a Honey Brown video but it didn't work. Maybe later. Jackie, a night under the stars sounds like fun, especially with Talented people.
    They have evaluated my aunt and she is not able to live alone. She is not cooperating and is not answering her phone. I think she's depressed as well. I never thought she would give up -she always says she loves her apartment. Maybe I'll get time to visit her next time home.
    See you later
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited June 2016
    Oh well

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just got my Comcast cable bill. up almost $50 and all I changed was adding voicemail to my phone! Is this crazy or what? I will see if buying my own modem makes any sense since the monthly charge is $10, but the purchase could run $200! I'll try Googling first! Life used to be so simple!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Say got back from Alice husband birthday party at a real nice BBQ place. They ate buffet style but me i order a baked potato and salad, I took my own salad dressing and had ice tea. I decided I like to see the scales drop down So it was not so bad. Seeing Jerry piling the beef on his plate. Shame on him eating a dead animal .That alone keep me on the plant base diet.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz I found a modem on ebay