Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoyed reading all the informative posts so I now know a bit of the mysteries of cricket, separating astilbe, , growing "baby pets", etc. Today I am feeling almost back to normal...TA-DA!!! So am considering walking down to dinner this evening instead of riding in my chair. I never thought about Omega 3 liquid for arthritis, so perhaps I'll give it a go! Thanks, Shirley. I've so much to catch up with now and I've slowed down physically, so I'd better get started. Have a great weekend, dear friends, and Jackie, do you live near Cotswold? Seems to strike a bell for me!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie and Jake

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hello to everyone, I've been reading the posts, so I'm caught up. I don't remember everyone when I start to post though. My memory is getting worse.. I think I should mention it again to my doctor.. it might be a problem with medication, or maybe I should add a medication.. who knows!
    Barbie, I add my condolences to everyone else's. I did post a note on the home page, whatever page that is called, I just call it home page. Hearing about women who've lost the breast cancer battle, I am grateful that my aunt has not had a recurrence. The doctor said it was a bad type of cancer, but I suppose the aggressive surgery helped her. Nowadays, I don't think they automatically perform mastectomies unless they know it is a must do.
    Sandy, whatever happens, wherever you live, we love you.
    Jackie, please hug Hebe for me.. I love her colors. We have a new cat visiting us. I won't let him in the house unless he sticks around for a bit. I did give him a flea treatment. He needs to be fixed and all the vaccines too. As friendly as he is, I think he is a kitten that grew up and doesn't get so much attention now. Sad, but he may just wander to the friendly neighbors homes periodically. we shall see. I named him
    'Chalky' for now. He is grey and white.
    Lin, I'm glad someone besides me was able to answer your sports questions.. ha.. you would still be waiting if I was your only source. My goodness, you are up and at it, waiting for Trader Joes to open.. I guess that is the best idea, to get to the good stuff before it sells out. My goodness, that truckload of strawberries was delivered early by us, and when I went to the store, they seemed to have an abundance, so I don't know what the hurry was. Now watermelons, they were almost sold out of them.. I got a good tasting one, Jim had it tonight.
    I'm trying to get a few things done on my computer and it is a bit late, so I'd better get back to it. We leave in the morning.
    Have a safe Memorial Day, and remember our fallen.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had a great week with my son and his girl. Lots of pool time, good food (when I took them out), fun time with Zodi their cat, but it is time to go home. I have a great tan but unfortunately I am starting to peel. Good thing my pool is open so I don't lose my tan.
    Hopefully, security won't be a problem but will get to airport two hours early. I will be back at my desktop tomorrow and checking in with all my sneaker friends.


    Will post one of Zodi when I can get him to sit still.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2016
    Yesterday's distant storm didn't come near and we have another glorious day today. This morning after a fun walk across the moors I went with my friend and her neighbour to a Sunday market not too far from our villages and managed to purchase a cheapy pair of comfy soft shoes for walking when it's dry. We stayed over an hour looking at all the stalls and my friend bought more annuals to add to her purchases at the nursery a couple of days ago. Now home I've been watching French Open tennis until a storm arrived in Paris so supped a cup of tea on my swing seat and will now water all the young plants in my greenhouse that are waiting to be planted out at the allotment.

    Phoebe ~ Consider Hebe hugged, something I often do because she is so cute and cuddly. It was her brother Jasper that was put to sleep not so long ago but she doesn't seem to miss him at all..... aren't cats fickle!! It's interesting that all the local lost cats seem to find their way to your door. Do you think your cats put in a good word for you? LOL

    Buzz I'm just over 100 miles from the Cotswolds but you probably remember my mentioning the area because a good friend lives there that I visit a couple of times a year. Beautiful unspoilt countryside that's considered to be the heart of England. Didn't you once travel there?

    Sandy ~ Sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and I do hope your journey is without problems and you're soon home by the pool. Lovely photos as ever.... your boy is a gorgeous lad!

    Lin ~ Thanks for looking up splitting an Astilbe and it seems I'll have to wait until the Autumn because the plant is beginning to flower. At least I now know I can split others that are dotted around the garden and spread their beautiful colour. I'm not sure my cricket explanations would have been a great help because as slow and relaxed a game as it appears to be there's an awful lot that goes on even when played on a village green where wives supply baked cakes and tea to the spectators and the first sign of a spot of rain sends the teams to the pavilion for a pint of beer!!

    I've been invited next door this evening for cocktails to celebrate my neighbour's birthday so had better get food inside me before I visit. A nephew and his girlfriend are visiting her along with their crazy spaniel dog so I'm thinking I might take George along so he doesn't have to stay home alone!!

    Wishing everyone a peaceful and enjoyable Sunday.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - Terrific pictures!
    Well, we are enjoying beautiful weather at our computer this weekend. Unfortunately, the air conditioning unit isn't doing it's job very well. Seems it's always something. Anyway, for now, we're off to the pool to enjoy the day. Wishing everyone a nice weekend! B)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    I think Marcella means at their cabin, not their computer.

    Here is me and Zodi!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    That's funny! :D I thought I typed camper. But, apparently, not. Anyway, we are at our camper this weekend.
    Sandy - Love the kitty!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY's photos "take the cake" today! All beautiful, as usual!
    Yes, JACKIE, we spent a couple of days driving through Cotswold country and it is just lovely. I recall the trouble I had though dealing with driving on the left every time we came to a crossing!
    I think my gout has disappeared. Now if I can get all the instructions correct and keep it from returning! Weight is a major factor!
    MARCELLA, I find myself thinking one word and typing another fairly often! Embarrassing!
    PHOEBE, how come you didn't become a veterinarian? Animals just gravitate to you !
    We have all sorts of BBQs, special programs, etc for the next few days. Somehow, I always felt Memorial Day should be a somber reminder of the total sacrifice made by so many . My mind almost cannot deal with these huge losses.
    SHIRLEY, dare I ask which liquid Omega 3 helps you? I have begun to think most pills turn to sludge!
    LIN, may I send you my Trader Joe shopping list? I couldn't wait for them to finally move to Florida, and now that they are here, I seldom get to any of the four that have opened nearby!

    We went to bed really early last night, yet my eyes are drooping already at 5:30 PM! Perhaps I'll come to before it gets later!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Another glorious day although some parts of the UK are about to endure a massive thunder storm heading over from Germany.... you may have seen news pictures of people in t-shirts and shorts clearing mounds of hail stones!

    Another short video if you're in the mood, this time doggy walking around our local lake.

    I'm spending the rest of the day in my garden for yet more never-ending weeding!

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Lovely to wake up to video JACKIE. My Jilly Beans would have LOVED to have been with you all. She's a very social dog.
    Another hot hot day here. Must water the flowers so Jilly will get a sprinkle at least!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Great posts, hope you are enjoying your day. George surely has a wonderful life. I must confess, as much as I love the cats, I've enjoyed having a dog again.
    Anne, don't seem to get many posts from you now that Jilly is demanding your time. Tell her to play fair and share!
    Must go, back to work.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited May 2016
    You are so right PHOEBE, this one tiny scrap is really consuming my time. She is rather different which means when we venture onto the street, we are forever being stopped by people wanting to know where I got her and what breed is she. A Mutt of course being Pomeranian, Chihuahua, and shiatsu. To make matters worse she is extremely social, just loves people and other dogs. I now have tons of new friends and frequent visits from my kids and not much time for writing or the housework which, in the housework department, I can't say upsets me too much. The kids visit but not to see me of course I hasten to add! Sooner or later I need to buy clothes desperately. I've never bought on the Internet, but right now I am one rather shabby dog lady living mainly in my gardening jeans. Do I regret getting her? Not for a heartbeat. She's one fun girl I can tell you.
    Bonus - all the picking up and bending resulted in at least 2 lbs in weight loss! Get a dog and lose weight! She's gained 2lbs since she decided to live with me and I've lost 2lbs!
    I have been following the posts if not commenting and sympathise with everyone's problems from aging aunts, dentists, painful feet, etc.
    We have glorious weather here, super for puppy training! After last year's bumper crop hardly any blossom on the two apple trees. Overdid themselves last year and they are now resting. The irises, the honeysuckle and the weeds are particularly doing well.
    Well, that's me and my somewhat sheltered life these days.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2016

    My dinner tonight The biggest sweet potatoe wqlmart had with broiled BBQ pineapple. Sweet potato baked in the toaster oven

    my first attemp at air fried french fry. i had my heat up too high morning they will look a lot better. I hope But they were still good. I am learning.

    Absolute te best diet i have ever been on. I am not kidding you

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2016
    Buzz- I do buy our Omega 3 in Canada liquid form) so I don't know if you would have the same brand.

    Sandy - Great pictures and you are really dark.

    My daughters and myself were on a talk show in the audience here in Canada, and had so much fun. We came home with a bag full of goodies from the show. My SIL taped it so we could see it when we got home. It was an early morning of getting up at 5:30 am, but it was worth it. We also had our picture taken with the host Marilyn Denis.

    We are spending quality time with Isaac and my daughter and son in law went to the Blue Jays baseball
    game and we are babysitting.

    Tomorrow we are heading to the cottage to clean it and open it up for the summer.

    Our boat is in the water and cleaned on Friday, and I did wrench my knee somehow, I don't how,but its swollen on the side and I am wearing an ace bandage and using ice. I will see how it goes and maybe
    a trip to the chiropractor....when I get back.

    Have a good weekend.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    edited May 2016
    Marie, nice meals!!! Gorgeous.

    Jackie, adored the video. I loved George sitting on that little clump of stuff close to the edge of the water. He looked so regal.

    Shirley, sorry you hurt your knee. I hope it feels better soon.

    Anne, it sounds as if you are making some friends. Excellent. Jilly is keeping you very busy but in a good way. And Inhave purchased clothes online many times. Sometimes it works out well, other times there are returns.

    Sand, welcome home!!! I hope you enjoyed the day,

    Buzz, I am glad the gout has abated. Fingers crossed that the doesn't return.

    Phoebe, another busy day for you. Hugs. Oh and I am starting to read another book---Rock-A-Bye Bones by Carolyn Haines.

    Hugs everyone. Have been busy with all sorts of little things today but it feels great to get them accomplished.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    well, in keeping with the holidays, we were served a beautiful BBQ Buffet, along with albondigas soup, salad, fruit, and a luscious birthday cake from one of our residents. In the afternoon, for some reason , the movie chosen to show was Revenant, based on a true story for which Leonardo Di Caprio won an award! I discovered much of the audience joined me every time I covered my eyes to escape the horror on the screen. I did not enjoy this film one bit!
    After returning to our apartment, I started to insert new cartridges in my printer and discovered it's my last color so I'd better order more. Helped my neighbor/friend to download and install Windows 10 forlines him. It went like a charm although he himself had been unable to download it. Now, I'm getting the message that I need sleep, as I keep getting
    lines and lines of one letter! Oops, dozing again! Oh...I WALKED to the dining room and auditorium today, using my walker, of course!
    I enjoyed reading today's posts from all you dear people. Sleep well...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin, we are heading to Walmart this morning to pick up me some fresh veggies.
    I see on Facebook our peach farms is open now and have blackberries Pick your own. That would be nice if you could do it.But afraid I am just too old and stiff. lovely little farm They also have pick your own blueberries. And wonderful strawberries ice cream but that is a no no for me now. darn it..I am really surprised i am sticking 100 % on the starch Solutions plan.But I am I am not really going for a weight loss now but a healthy Way of Life. I have notice my thumb which used to hurt all the time is not hurting anymore Me and my air fryer is getting along better
    Hello all of you sneakers.
    Sandy glad you are home.Welcome back.........../phoebe guess you are on the road again...........Buzz you do stay busy.......Jackie ,Anne, Patsy so enjoy the puppies stories , Please keep them coming.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Happy hunting at Walmart today Marie. It doesn't take as long to shop when you are either in the fresh produce or frozen produce areas. Seems supplies for,the house take longer than the food at Walmart now. Fresh fruit is lovely. I tend to eat too much of it. My CSA boxes start this week so I will do more to use what I get each week (less purchased at the store I hope).

    I have some errands to do this morning. We didn't get rain here overnight but it should roll in a bit later today so I plan on doing these errands before it starts.

