Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I left a post earlier today and it was there and now it isn't. Not sure what happened to it. So for now I am just saying Hi and letting you know that we are ok in Saskatchewan. While the fires have moved into Saskatchewan they are a long way from us. We have had smoke in the air some days but we are ok. Thanks for your concern. If this post stays up I will do a more chatty post very soon.
    Hope you are all well. Take care and keep smiling! I have missed you all. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great to hear from Gayla . bad about the fires but glad they are not close to Gala/

    and good morning
    My mini goal 169
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.9.....5/20/16 Up a oz.
    CW................179.6.....5/21/16 up again 1.7 better tighten my belt
    CW............... 179.2..... 5/22/16 Coming down some at least I am still in the 170.s
    Happy Saturday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Mid afternoon already and after a walk first thing I've spent a couple of hours at the allotment planting up beans and radish so am now home to do some gardening. A glorious day after a miserable wet one yesterday so must crack on! Sorry to read about your food poisoning Anne, that sort of thing puts me off eating out when you don't know what's going on in the kitchen. Hopefully you are on the mend today. Lin, sorry to see you are also struggling and hobbling about. These things are so easily done but I hope you'll get yourself checked over properly if the pain continues.
    Must get on!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The weather here is beautiful, sat at the pool yesterday before going to dinner. Not sure about Church since my son and his girl are not church goers. They both work long hours each week so I don't want to take their Sunday morning away from them. They both are game players and both are already involved. The only negative is that they both do that vapor thing and I really don't like the smell of it. Their townhouse is great and the pool is right outside their gated yard. They have beautiful black cat named Zodiac and he loves to play, although not a lap cat. We will be going to pool later and then I am not sure what the plans are. Nice to just do nothing.

    Have a great day ,

    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - Sorry to hear about your foot. Hoping you wake up with it feeling better.

    Gayla - Thank you for checking in to keep us posted about the fire in your area. Hopefully, you guys will be getting some rain very soon to help with the efforts. Stay safe!

    Marie - Great job with your weight loss. I have renewed my efforts to get my weight down some more too. So, it may not show it when I weigh in tomorrow, but I also plan to be posting some lower numbers over the next few months.

    Sandy - Glad to hear you’re enjoying your downtime.

    Today, I’m looking forward to getting organized for the coming week and to some time outside in the garden enjoying the beautiful weather.
    Happy Sunday, everyone,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I finally was able to sit still long enough to read about LIN's foot, car, and everything else, and my total sympathy to you, dear friend. Can you possibly use ice packs and lie down with legs up for at least a couple of days? Not being able to stand or walk is awful!
    GAYLA, we miss you too. How is all your family doing, including Neil? And the babies? The fires need no more discussion, as they are horrendous and we are happy you are not nearby!
    MARIE, you are doing so well! Isn't it wonderful to have finally found something that works well for you? You have certainly plugged away at it for a very long time!
    ANNE, hoping you feel much much better so you can be up and around and having fun with the little terror/angel!
    JACKIE, back to gardening again. Glad your weather has finally turned lovely!
    SANDY, visions of you enjoying that pool! Unfortunately, the kids seem to believe the new vapor cigarettes are harmless, despite now requiring warning messages. We see lots of young people hooked again, so yours are in large company! Delighted to hear you are feeling
    Marcella, nice to hear about your organizing for the coming week. I feel as though everything is completely disorganized here!
    PHOEBE, how wonderful that you appreciate nap time. I keep wanting to get into the habit, which I keep reading is extremely beneficial to de stressing, weight -loss, and general good health! I have been reading up on allopurinol, and will definitely pursue it as a means of ridding my entire body of the acid causing this gout! It has moved today to the left foot , arch and ankle, and I can barely function! So annoying and unbearable! My research if leading me to understand that my own body is producing the purine acid despite cutting out the foods suggested. The medication PHOEBE suggested is the answer to eliminating it, despite the possibility of it becoming worse before it heals! I certainly would rather take that than the prednisone pack.
    Best to y'all and enjoy what's left of the weekend.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Both kids are at work, so it is just me and Kodi,their cat. Enjoying my quiet time until I go to the pool. The weather is awesome, having a great time. My son even took me for a ride on his motorcycle last night. With going out to eat I will be afraid of what my scale is going to say at home, but it will be worth it!!

    Glad to hear all is okay with Gayla. Buzz, still wish you would go to doctor. Lin, sorry you are having foot problems. Marcella, hope you got you garden done. Jackie, hope your days stay dry. Marie, keep up the good work. Everyone else, know I am thinking of you.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hello friends and thanks for all your good wishes. I found my kinseology tape and taped my foot. Was able to walk then. Left it on until last evening and it is worlds better. Now just have a rash from the tape!! Haaaa.

    Yesterday was church and the person doing communion did not show up so I filled in---slowly. Drug around most of the day, read a book, watched Father Brown, Call the Midwife, and Wallender (that show still depresses me to no end). Then went to bed.

    This morning I tried to catch up a bit, post office, Hy-Vee, Trader Joe's, Target and later back to the garden center at Hy-Vee. I have the gift I need for a bridal shower. Just need some type of wrapping or gift bag. Then found a replacement plant for the dill that couldn't withstand the weed spray last week.

    Overcast this afternoon and had a brief sprinkle. More rain expected over the next few days.

    Sandy, it sounds like you are having a lovely time. The pool all to yourself!!

    Buzz, how are you doing today? Each time I sit down to sort out yet another thing that is messed up I think of how well you handle all that comes your way and I buckle down and try to get started. Speaking of which I do believe I have my MasterPass account straightened out now. (Fingers crossed.)

    Marcella, did you enjoy your time in the garden? Is your weather is still pleasant? Our weekend was superb but most of the week is expected to be on and off rain. Hope your garden is growing well.

    Jackie, how does your garden grow???? Oh, I meant to report a news story and I think I got derailed by my darn foot----two people in our metro area had 2 bee hives each stolen from their properties. They were very sad. I really didn't know of anyone in town who keeps bees. The man who was interviewed asked for the thief to return his bees. Not likely.

    Marie, hi my friend. Thinking of you as I roast a few little purple sweet potatoes today.

    Gayla, thanks for letting us know how all is going. I hope to see more pictures of your lovely grandchildren on Facebook (if not here)!!! Wishing you well.

    Jeri, where are you now? I have lost track. Hope you are well.

    Phoebe, how are you, DH, and your aunt??? Are you back on the road again soon?

    Shirley, how was your weekend??

    Anne, getting any rest?

    Hugs to all. Need to check on my sweet potatoes.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    In answer to LINS, "Anne, getting any rest?" Not much, LIN, lol.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all. Yes we are back to work. We are in Watsonville California, waiting for our berries to be processed. Dole berries, don't know if they are strawberry,blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, or all of them. Beautiful day in California.
    Lin, in answer to your query about my aunt, oh my, she is causing some issues. She says she is going home on Wednesday. She has packed all of her clothes. Whatever the motivation, she is walking on her own to the physical therapy room, so that's good. I fear her mind is the problem and may keep her there. It'll take time,i suppose.
    Take care all of you.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Phoebe, oh my, your aunt does sound difficult. The experts will just have to manage her the best they can. My dad was always plotting to go home but the medical people seemed to know how to deflect his demands. I hope they can keep your aunt safe.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Lin - Glad to hear you're doing better. The garden has a long way to go, but is coming along. If I were to spend everyday working in my yard and little vegetable garden area, I would still have things to do. I consider it my gym time.

    I recently did and DNA test to see what my geographic heritage is. The results finally came back. I was a little surprised to see that there was no Native American heritage, counter to family lore, and that it showed almost no Irish connection either. It was 59% Great Britain, 35% Europe West, 4% Iberian Peninsula, and less that 1% each of Scandinavia, Ireland, and Europe East. It also showed DNA matches on to one 2nd cousin and a number of 3rd and 4th cousins that had also taken the DNA test. It's cool to see where they are in my tree. I can't help but wonder how many people do the test and are completely surprised by the results and relations (or lack of relations) that they get! :# My husband, laughingly, told me that my 59% of Great Britain DNA must be why I watch so much British TV. :)

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day,

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Dearest sneakers, gloomy day here but the temps are okay. Not too cool. My wind socks should be here today. I really hate not having flowers but the puppy just eats up all my time and energy.
    Hearing about Phoebe's aunt really brought back some challenging family times. My grandmother and John's mother both had to relocate to assisted living facilities. It was so hard for both of them. It must have been frightening and infuriating for them to give up their home and independence. And the natural thing is for them to blame their family for doing this to them! I understand the heartbreak of these hard decisions. That said we did manage to squeeze some fun activities into their life. Many lunches out and trips to concerts, the movies didn't work out too well. They both seemed to sleep through every movie we took them to. I remember a thanksgiving dinner that John's mother went into the kitchen and while we were getting things out of the oven and onto serving platters, she took a spoon and ate all the whipped cream off the pumpkin pie. We all just giggled and teased her a bit and put more cream on the pie. Even during difficult times, it is possible to find heart warming moments. I sang old 40s tunes to mom during those last hours. She smiled and we held hands as she slipped away. I know I am sounding depressing today but for me it is a healthy thing to remember some funny and sweet times as well as the challenging times. Be well everyone,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marcella - Your DNA testing sounds interesting. How is the weight loss battle going?

    Buzz - Good to hear you are felling better and the gout is on its way out.

    Anne - So much fun puppies are but a lot of work too!

    Marie - You are weightloss numbers are going down, great!!

    Sandy - I have been seeing all your pictures on Facebook and you seem to be having a wonderful time.
    Be careful on tha motorcycle. :D

    Lin - So sorry to hear about your foot. At our age its always something. Be well soon.

    Phoebe - Safe travels and those berries sound delicious.

    Gayla - Happy to hear you well and safe from any fires. Looking forward to your post.

    Jackie - Busy as ever and probably alot of work in the allottment right now. This weather keeps us
    outside which I love.

    We went for a walk this morning and Dave headed down to the boat to see if we can finally get the boat in the water. I have to get things ready on the inside and clean it yet. I don't know if I will get to it
    this week. The other day I was coming out of the house to go to Yoga class and a squirrel was in
    my potted grass planter digging away. I shooed him off and hope he doesn't come back.

    Now I am going out to get my car washed.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    A lovely thing happened to me as I was eating dinner tonight in our dining room; a woman I barely know walked over to my table and handed me a plastic bag which held a bottle of pure black cherry juice...for me!
    Am I embarrassed! I just logged on this noon, and planning to check on today's posts, I discovered the above sentence I had written last night! Must have dozed off and forgotten to click "Post"! Anyway, started drinking this pleasant tasting juice, and it may be my imagination or just plain time, but I am able to waddle a bit better today! Oh my, but my stride has deteriorated badly!
    MARCELLA's DNA is fascinating! I never tried researching mine as I have a "tree" going back 5 generations and am not certain it's interesting enough to continue looking!
    PHOEBE, sometimes I wonder if anyone has a real answer to what goes on in the mind of someone with dementia! I suspect we can guess, but more than that? We can simply try to guess and cope, and that's a hard lesson to learn! I've not been a great example, certainly, but I keep on trying. Meanwhile I don't honestly know which one of us upsets the other more!!!
    Gotta do tons of laundry and picking up while I can move about, SANDY, I'm sure you are enjoying your visit , and LIN, have a great day! Everyone, have a healthy good day!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    edited May 2016
    Happy Tuesday! :) Got some sun yesterday but I am still going to go out and get more today. It is a little lonesome with both of them working and no car available. I thought of renting a car and taking a ride to Tucson but I am afraid I would be more stressed getting another suitcase together and visiting my Ex SIL. I think I will just enjoy the peace and quiet and alone time. My son is usually home by 3:00 so at least I see him for a few hours each day.

    I will admit my son and his girl have an unusual relationship, but it works for them. They each pay their own bills, buy their own food and do their own cooking and laundry. Sort of like roommates but in love.
    So because of the long hours they each work (around 60) there are days they don't see each other since my son goes to bed so early. In lieu of this they don't go out during the week so I asked if they wanted me to cook dinners but both said no because they both eat strange. So yesterday I asked my son what was I supposed to eat for dinner? Saturday we went to Walmart for some groceries which Gwen paid for but I didn't think to ask about dinners or assumed we would be going out. So I asked Brad to take me to Safeway and I bought some lean crusine meals. So I will be eating healthy most of the week. Odd, right? Oh well, to each his own. When I go to Florida my daughter wines and dines me, so I am glad Bryanna is going with me there instead of here. Don't get me wrong, I love my son, he is my baby.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Well, Sandy, you'll be ahead of the game for Florida! What do they eat, you got my attention at strange. I'm glad you've got pool time, since you love it.
    Marcella the DNA testing is interesting. I'd love to go further back into my family's ancestry.
    Lin, how is your foot now? Hope you don't need a doctor. Yes, my aunt is being difficult, not really a surprise to me. Always a very self involved person.
    Marie, I thought of you this morning when Jim said that his breakfast plate had five pounds of potatoes on it. Nice cafe in California.
    Long layover in California, still waiting on our berries. They ran out of them last night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe just got back from Walmart to restock my potatoes 10 lbs.. Done eat all of the ones I bought last week. had a very lovely salad of dice steam potatoes, greens tomatoes bell peppers broccoli and carrots. Very colorful.I am hoping to get my air fryer by this weekend then. can make some french fries Going try making cauliflower BBQ This afternoon. and make believe they are fried Chicken.i am lad I can have ketchup and BBQ sauce.

    Yes Shirley i am really enjoy this WOE, Don't miss meat at all. But do miss the cheese. Stay full and all of my readings are looking good. my weight is holding steady in the 170's . Couldn't be happier. Hope the boating turns out great this year. I think you need to find a diet where you diet 5 days a week and enjoy the weekend. I think basic That is what Sandy does. Right sandy?

    Good reading the rest of the posting here.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Yes Marie, that is basically what I do. If I don't have any plans for the weekend then I also watch what I eat. Phoebe, well my son eats around 2400 or more calories a day. He eats when he gets home and then I think he eats again at dinner time. But like last night he went to bed at 8:00 because he had to be at work at 4:00. He drives a ready mix truck so his hours vary. Gwen came home around 6:00 and ate nothing until about 8:00 and that was chicken lunchmeat, no bread which she shared with her cat. Then she had some cottage cheese. I think she is dieting because her 26 year old is getting married in Ohio in August. I am content with my lean crusine meals and my wine. Lol.

    I am taking them out Friday and Saturday so we will all eat good and together.
