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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Awesome flower photos Anne! <3
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2017

    Just lost my explanation for the link above, but I'd better try to explain if you watch ARRIVAL, and don't resent a "spoiler", the article that link will take you to might help you understand ARRIVAL better than most of us watching last night were able to! If you feel an explanation of the movie would spoil it for you, I will simply say try to imagine time not being in a set line; the future may have been brushed in the past, or the present or future may appear as "flashbacks"...or perhaps "flash-forwards" ! In my own past years I had an intense interest in Science Fiction and always wondered how prepared we would be if ever visited by "other beings from outer space"! This non-violent picture did not disappoint nor frighten me, and I was prepared for certain reactions that were unfortunately , not a surprise. Please let me know your reactions to this rather cerebral film, which I might view again now that I have a bit more insight! I don't recall if I mentioned another film I just viewed Friday named TANNA; nominated as a 2017 Oscar best foreign film. Concerns a young girl in an indigenous tribe on an isolated Pacific Island who defies traditions for arranged marriages and amazed me with the reactions I did not expect from such "unsophisticated" civilizations! You will need subtitles for this one. I could not believe someone behind me in the auditorium shouted "Make it louder" as the staff person was leaving! Could it be she understands the Yakel language?
    JACKIE and ANNE, your tulips and other gems are just breathtaking! Thank you for sharing!
    SANDY, my page has turned and I don't want to lose this again, but I think you mentioned the salt weight coming and going, and despite my Chinese meal yesterday, I was down 3 pounds this morning! Go figure! Sounds as though your busy week is one you are looking forward to so I know you'll enjoy it!
    LIN, so sorry about the sadness you share with your friends. From my experience, she could never duplicate what hospice will accomplish for him without tearing her emotions apart. I have seen people survive much longer than anyone predicted, and having the support of such a wonderful group at this time is so excellent. Let her know hospice is there for her, as well, so she has support to help her deal with both the physical and emotional pain now and long after he passes. I do hope she will use the help and not feel it shows weakness! And she is fortunate indeed to have you as a friend! JACKIE, I can only imagine your feelings as you tackled that queen wasp! We imagine we will always be the stronger being against the world's creatures, but this old gal really gave you a tough struggle! Are hornets and wasps the same?
    I must try to get better bedtime hours so my face stops looking such a fright! I wish my facial skin would retain the weight instead of my stomach!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Something happened to our sunny weather so today not only cloudy but a cold north easterly wind. The climate seems to be having a joke with us all because certainly by now my greenhouse should be full of seedlings popping up to greet me but some trays remain sadly empty! Yesterday afternoon I visited a small carpet shop in our town expecting to come away with a few samples but instead splashed out on one twice the price I planned but it will be added to my "see me out" list!! I took a sample of wallpaper and splash of paint colour with me and this one does seem perfect.... we'll see! It should be fitted on Friday around the same time as George's groomer is here so I'll be juggling my attention to whoever needs me the most!

    Lin ~ That's so sad about your friends but Buzz's succinct comments are all and more I could ever suggest. Hospice care is definitely the best they could ever want to support both of them.

    Buzz ~ You made me laugh out loud at the "make it louder" person!! I saw a review on tv of Tanna around the time of the Oscar nominations and you've reminded me to look out for it as it did look fascinating. I'll click on your link about Arrival once I finish here. Hornets and wasps look similar although in the UK a wasp is generally smaller and hornets more vicious if that's possible. At a recent apiary meeting I was told all about the Asian Hornet that's found its way to Europe and now across the English Channel into England and they apparently eat honey bees and destroy hives in no time so I'm hoping not to ever be confronted with one of those! A friend who lives in France gave up beekeeping after losing all his bees to such a monster.

    Anne ~ Beautiful photos.... someone has got green fingers!

    Sandy ~ On yesterday's walk we did encounter a couple of mad Husky dogs that could be mistaken for wolves from a distance but up close they are soft as butter so even George likes them! Hope you're tummy is more settled today. You did the right thing to throw out what might have caused it. Hmmm, didn't take your advice to take my time over the carpet but I don't think I'll regret my choice. :/

    After a visit with my housebound neighbour and now a coffee break it's almost lunchtime for me so I'll think of a snack to eat and then get on with clearing the shower room out ready for the plumber tomorrow and then try to get outside even if I have to wrap up!


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    I tried to post a SMALL photo of my 60 year old Ercol table SANDY, but as usual it came out huge and I didn't want to bore you all AGAIN, so I deleted it.
    How does everyone else manage to post small?
    Mary Jo does have a green thumb JACKIE. Her garden is beautiful. But it's in her genes. Grandad and dad both owned fruit farms in the past.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    One potato sprouting so far and teeny, tiny, beetroot just starting to show! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Must get more compost to fill a third container for 2 or 3 tomato plants. No sign of the carrots yet.
    Anne the ecstatic.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    Anne, I do not post small photos. They just blast out at whatever size! Glad you have a tiny potato sprout. It is a start. Carrots are always slow here. We planted radish seeds along with carrots to have a place marker. :D

    Buzz, I haven't heard of that movie. I will have to look it up. And here when someone talks about hornet nests they are large oval or spherical mud structures often found in trees. Some brave souls go out to harvest them (sans hornets) and turn them into art! Yipes!! I do not know what the technical differences there are between wasps and hornets. Here we also call wasps yellow-jackets. Hornets have a reputation as being very fierce and mean.

    Jackie, how wonderful that you found carpet that you liked!! Well done. And just as you were prepared to do a long patient hunt for the right thing! How exciting.

    Time to get ready to go on to coloring. By the way, I watched the group play Mah Jongg this morning. My table regulars were not available today. It was interesting to watch several of the players choose what hand to try for.

    Be well. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My internet is coming and going today, but I have it long enough to discover my son will be in Georgia on Mothers' Day and wants some Facetime. Wish he could just surprise me by showing up! Spent hours on phone with Comcast, and a tech will be here in the morning tomorrow, so I must do some picking-up now! :s Oh, I'm trying hard to not use my walker in the apartment. I really think if I'd lose enough weight, I'd be doing more walking!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Tuesday! :) Busy all day!! Went to have tires put on but someone dropped the ball and they didn't have the tires. The manager was very apologetic and said he would have them there and if I didn't mind coming back he would have them put on in 45 minutes. I went back to my area, went to Walmart and got the call. At home I was trying to put a lantern I bought from LTD together and after many tries finally figured it out. I accidentally bought two and shipping one back wasn't worth the expense so put it together for Lisa. I am exhausted now and it is dinner time.

    Sitting for boys at 10 am so Lisa can go to eye doctor!

    Will check in tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I've had a Lin experience.... waiting in patiently for plumber and electrician to arrive to install my new shower and 20 minutes after they should have got here I get a call from their office to tell me they won't be coming!! Apparently the electrician let them down so the work is rescheduled for Monday but I've insisted I get more notice than offered today if they change their plans again. The estimate for the work is high but I accepted it thinking that they would at least be efficient..... dream on Jackie because little today is!! Fingers crossed the carpet fitter and dog groomer will arrive when planned on Friday. Tomorrow I'm going to visit a nursery to buy bedding plants so watch it snow!!!
    I collected George from my friend where he'd been staying out of the way of workmen and we then walked across local downs and fields in soaring heat so now the poor boy is flat out on the lounge floor in the cool and I'm going to get some gardening done.

    Hopefully everyone's Wednesday will turn out better than mine!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    So far so good JACKIE in the better department! Aren't workmen the very devil and it doesn't matter what country you are residing in! Meanwhile, my hot water dribbling from the tap into the bath tub is reduced to a trickle, so to get my morning bath I turn the tap on and disappear to make a cup of tea whilst the tub slowly fills. About quarter hour! No danger of drowning! Every cloud has a silver lining! My landlord is still "with kidney stone" so there's no point in bothering him at the moment!

    We've just got back from our morning walk. A rabbit bigger than Jilly shot past us which gave one lady a giggle and Jill was so stunned she didn't bark for once. A bit of excitement yesterday. I was in my back room and heard sirens. Shot to the front to see a woman being loaded into an ambulance. Found out later from Darren, because it was in front of his house, that she had collapsed whilst walking and had called the ambulance herself, our street being fairly quiet and no one around. All like me in the back I expect and alerted by the sirens after the event. I hate modern technology but I guess useful in this case.

    Well, my seedlings are still thriving. I've got to keep the squirrels and bunnies out of the containers now. Mesh?

    Happy gardening and getting lovely and mucky everyone who can,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Oh Jackie, you don't need any of those no-show fix-it people!! It is so rude that their time is valuable and ours is not. Of course I guess a call is better than no call. I trust Friday will not see a repeat of today. I hope everyone shows up in a timely manner and definitely not at the same time!! Happy plant shopping tomorrow. And no snow until next winter.

    Anne, keep your tender sprouts safe from all the critters!! I hope everything grows well. Frightening about the lady who needed an ambulance but thank goodness she had a phone and was able to call!

    Sandy, hope your time with the boys was a lot of fun. And that they did it completely wear you out!

    We have had periods of very heavy rain today and lots of thunder and lightning. Right now the sun has broken through. How changeable!! More storms expected later.

    Need to keep moving my friends. When I sit down, I think I need a nap.

    Happiness and hugs.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I bden l laid up wist crack crack rfib s
    = Marie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Cracked ribs??? Oh Marie, I am so sorry. <3<3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It is so frustrating and annoying to be left hanging without a shower or a decent stream of water for one's tub, and JACKIE and ANNE have my total sympathy. Then a saw MARIE's tiny line regarding cracked ribs and I'm sure we all started to hurt for her! And in this case, hugs would only hurt, so we all surround you with clouds of love, dear li'l SIS, and try to stay still as much as possible! LIN, I'm sure you need no warnings about staying indoors during thunderstorms. Lightning can travel , if my memory hasn't failed me, something like 32 miles underground. I was really stunned to learn about the dangers of lightning hits when I moved here and found Florida is the winner of thunder and lightning storms, and one just tries to stay indoors as soon as we hear thunder! SANDY, I hope you are alright, since you do not usually miss a day. Hope you finally got the tires, and some rest after your busy Tuesday!
    OOPS, after midnight and promised myself to get to bed earlier. Expecting a visit tomorrow for lunch from my kid cousin and his wife who are finally driving over from the west coast of Florida and stopping off on their way to Miami for a family wedding. Tomorrow is his 85th birthday, too, as he and my sister are the same age. A nice treat!
    Sleep well, everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    Rain today but the nursery I'm going to has polytunnels so we'll be dry. Thunder storms predicted here too but not until the afternoon by which time we should be home.

    Marie ~ So very, very sorry to see you've cracked some ribs which is incredibly painful. Take care of yourself. <3

    Buzz ~ Yesterday I came close to commenting on your resolve to walk about your home without your frame because I worry you could easily fall and hurt yourself too so do be careful. Little steps dear friend and you'll get there.

    Lin ~ I've decided I must take things as they come when it's tradespeople letting me down, something that's happened more times than I like to remember which is why I do as many jobs myself!

    Anne ~ Mesh is a great idea to protect your seedlings from any critters climbing or flying in. My potatoes are covered at the moment to stop the cats from using what they'll imagine is a handy cat litter!

    Must get on. Have a good Thursday.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    We've arrived home before the rain starts. Lake Ontario still expanding because of the swollen rivers running into it. Toronto islands seem to be hit the worst.

    Oh MARIE, cracked ribs, how horribly painful, and I agree with JACKIE, BUZZ do be careful! Most accidents happen in the home apparently.

    We met the man who calls Jill a giant mouse or rat on a leash. He asked me how I put up with such an energetic dog. She was swinging from her leash at the time. Playfully shaking it. "At my age with great difficulty", I replied! Then we met Darren who always picks her up to cuddle. HE went home furtively wiping his face from all the "kisses" he got.

    Well, the temperatures should rise to their normal 17C next week. With temperatures around 10 to 12C all the blossom and tulips etc have lasted twice as long. It's really been, and is, a very pretty springtime if you ignore the chilly winds.
    Happy day friends,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Good afternoon Sneakers. We are having a lovely weather day. Wahoo! I have been outdoors searching for wasps entering my house. I found two gigantic nests in a decorative opening over my garage door. And I watched a wasp fly up to the second floor of my house, crawl around a bit and then enter behind a piece of vinyl trim. It never came out that I could see. I have talked to the handyman, he's stopped by and said he will be over later with a ladder to spray. He can spray from 20' away and it is apparently routine for him to handle these things.

    At the library this morning there was a gigantic brown fuzzy spider in the ladies room on the floor under the hand drier. Apparently it was provoking screaming and general upset so sorry folks but I sent it to the spider afterworld. It was a very strange looking spider, I hope I did not kill someone's escaped pet.

    It was so nice that after our get together time indoors, we stood outside in the sunshine and talked for a long time.

    I made some soup, am baking sweet potatoes, and made broccoli slaw this afternoon in between wasp hunting jaunts. I need to cut up some more vegetables to take along to the movie tomorrow.

    Good to hear from you Buzz, Jackie and Anne. That is all I see so we have some folks missing or my iPad is messing up.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,435 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I guess I didn't check in yesterday, hope I didn't lose my days. I sat for the boys in the morning and then I went to find a gift for a lady who is moving out of state and is part of our group. I started at one mall found something I liked but it was damaged. I then went to a second mall because the computer said there was one available there. No such luck so I went to Von Maur and found the perfect bracelet that four of us bought together and gave it to her today. She was in tears and loved the bracelet. After the malls I went to bingo and won $100 so that helped relieve some of the stress of the day.

    This morning while talking to Babe, I turned in my chair and in the middle of my room was the diamond earring I lost months ago. The only thing I can figure out was that I pulled a folder out of my desk drawer and it must have somehow been in there and fell out when I took it out of the drawer. Remember Babe paid to have a new earring made so I called the jeweler and told him my story and asked if he would buy back the earring he made. I went to the jeweler after my meeting today and he will get back to me Monday to let me know how much he will give me back. The earring was $800 so if he offers $500 or $600 I will take it and Babe said I could keep it for my next trip.

    So you can see I have been busy and tomorrow I sit again but hope to put some mulch down in front of my building to make it look nicer. It seems I have something to do almost everyday until I leave on my trip.

    Hope your day was great.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow SANDY, simply having a missing item suddenly appear seems so amazing! Glad you found that diamond.Thanks, JACKIE and ANNE, I agree with your advice since falling gets more people into the hospital, with long recoveries following. I don't want or need that! I had 2 cousins from Florida's west coast visit for lunch on their drive to Miami for a special graduation...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Friday! :) Weather is perfect for putting some mulch around our bushes, now I just need the energy to get out there and get it done. Sitting for the boys later so I better not procrastinate too long.

    Buzz, wonderful that your cousins stopped to have lunch with you. And yes, it was amazing that my earring reappeared after all this time. God works in mysterious ways.

    Lin, I hate any kind of bee but especially wasps. I fill a water bottle with sugar water for my balcony so they leave my hummingbird feeder alone.

    Anne, if the man who calls Jilly a mouse than he must be a rat!!!

    Jackie, here's hoping the groomer and carpet fitter both arrived.

    Marie, I am so sorry to hear about your cracked ribs, how did it happen?

    Enjoy your Friday and the rest of your weekend.

    One Day at a Time

    P.S. Today is Daisy's 8th Birthday!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray, finally a productive day because after the nonsense from the heating and plumbing company my visit with a friend to a local nursery yesterday turned out to be a damp squib because their ordering had gone wrong so there was little to buy and my window boxes and hanging baskets remain empty. Georges groomer arrived in her mobile unit on time at midday and set about clipping his coat short, then halfway through that procedure the carpet fitter arrived so I hopped from one to the other although the fitter, a charming lad, was wonderfully self sufficient and got on with what he needed to do. The groomer finished first so we came into the cottage where poor George had a barking fit when he suddenly heard banging on the floor upstairs and of course had to investigate. Once introduced he settled down so the job was finished and I was able to get bedroom furniture back into the room bit by bit. Two hours later I've finished apart from my ebay purchased wardrobe that is still sitting in the garage until I get help to move it and am enjoying a cuppa while easing my aching back! Lin, that's a brave handyman to spray a wasp nest even from 20' away!!
    It's rained for most of the day so a planned trip to the allotment has been put off until Sunday but at least I haven't had to visit to water onions in the week and the garden definitely needs a good soaking. Now I must feed the hens their afternoon snack of mixed corn then I'm going to make chicken curry with coconut milk to lessen the heat.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    Photos for Sandy!!

    No curtains yet because I bought a bargain on ebay but they need a good freshen in the washing machine and then outside to dry!

    ...and here's the infamous you tube light switch!! :)

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,435 Member
    Awesome Jackie!! Love the colors, you did an amazing job!! I especially like Boris? being the tour guide!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Wonderful job Jackie!!! And I love the colors. It is so light and altogether inviting!! <3

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Looking good JACKIE! Job well done!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    perfectly JACKIE, isn't it? Just the right feeling and hope you get loads of wonderful nights' sleep!
    Don't recall mentioning I sort of sleep on the edge of my queen size mattress now that I'm alone. It's an air mattress with dual chambers and remote controls which means that the center is really a barrier for adjustment. So I was ready to replace the mattress a couple of days ago when I received an email telling me the company had been sold and they were giving excellent prices on the remaining inventory and the lady I spoke to remembered me and suggested I simply order a single chamber, queen size, and replace the dual chambers and it would cost under $100! How nice, but I doubted I could handle the work myself, so she gave me the number of a man in my area who does that for people. I called him, and---small world, he had moved to Boca Raton from 1 block away from where my dear sister had lived in Framingham, Massachusetts before she moved to Colorado! His price was also under $100 so I will now be able to use the entire mattress with comfort for a fairly reasonable cost! I had been nervous about falling off the bed! :o ! The crazy thought came to me that I was sort of finally shutting Mike out, sigh! But he would want me to feel comfortable, I know.
    SANDY, did you save your days when you forgot to sign in? I keep thinking about why it has become such an "addiction" but I'd hate to lose mine, too! And I always love that LIN, MAUISUE, MARSHASMIKE, and others are right there noticing and encouraging me when I reach a certain number! I so seldom get to that page, and they really keep me coming here daily! Thanks, friends!
    ANNE, what an unpleasant remark from that insensitive man! Thank goodness you know better how special the tiny wonder has been for you!
    MARIE, what happened that broke your poor ribs? I know too well how painful they are. Hope you have lots of help and rest!
    My fingers keep falling asleep, making typing feel weird. Must be something about circulation, but I may be getting hints for the rest of me to get to sleep, too!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Today promises to be a warmer and sunnier day. Yesterday I bought rosemary, mint and other herbs to plant in large urns and terracotta pots. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get earth to fill another large container. Any ideas what to plant, gals with green thumbs? Not tomatoes though, they honestly bring on my arthritis. I only get arthritis when I consume more than the rare tomato.

    One of the reasons I stopped posting earlier was because I really have little earth shattering news. I live such a boring life surrounded by plants, my paints and one small dog. I'm not complaining mind, I love my boring life! No lost diamond earrings, no trips, no being chased by angry wasps and my computer hasn't been cyber attacked! The most exciting thing that seems to happen to me is large dogs rearing up onto my shoulders to reach my dog or waiting for folks to pass their kidney stones! Now that would be a wonderful Mother's Day gift tomorrow.

    Anyway girls I hope today is a very happy Saturday for you all,
    No news Annie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,435 Member
    edited May 2017
    Happy Saturday! :) A beautiful day in the neighborhood!! I have a big strong guy who happens to be the boyfriend of a girlfriend of Bryanna's, coming to help me with the mulch.
    I just don't think I can lift them out of my car. Hopefully, going to 5:00 Mass and then relaxing. Going to Rob and Lisa's for breakfast tomorrow to celebrate Mother's Day and will leave when it is nap time. The rest of the day will be for me and whatever I want to do.

    Anne, Anne, Anne, your life is never boring, we love you and love hearing about everyday stuff. Other than the trips it is a good thing you don't have those other problems. lol
    Don't ever feel like you don't add to our lives because we love your sense of humor and all to do with Jilly!! Silly Anne!!

    Buzz, I guess I checked the home page because I did not lose days. I do feel guilty about having so many days, because there have been times I missed. It is fun to see how long I have been on this site though and can hardly believe it has been 8 years. It is not about the weight loss anymore, it is about my sneaker friends.

    I have to get moving to enjoy this beautiful day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Good day, lovely weather here today but happy to have the A/C on as it heats up. I have been looking at some photos posted by friends of their camping weekend. They are having fun together. Lots of children, games, fishing and a campfire last night.

    I am home until church tomorrow. Lots of bits and pieces again, cleaning veggies, cooking quinoa, paying bills, balancing the checking account, charging up various electronic devices, cleaning up a bit in the basement as the service call for the air conditioner is first thing Monday morning. A bit of vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, plant watering, etc., etc., etc.

    I had a lovely time with my friend at the movie yesterday. I laughed a lot and enjoyed it thoroughly. The only thing we did not get to do very much was talk. Just a bit before the movie started and a bit afterwards. She had errands to run and had to pick up her hubby's birthday gift as today is his birthday.

    Since she is off work a few more days we are going to meet to chatter late Monday morning. I am looking forward to hearing more about the developing plans for her son's wedding later this year and much more.

    Anne, I agree, NOT boring. I always look forward to your posts. Please do not stop!!

    Buzz, it sounds as if you are getting a very good deal on the mattress. Wahoo! You will be comfortable and that is wonderful.

    Sandy, getting some help with the heavy work is excellent. Good for you. Take care.

    Jackie, I do like your wallpaper. You did a very good job!! Very pleasant pattern.

    Best wishes to everyone. Marie, I hope you are feeling better.



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone, I am trying to get things up and running for spring. Not easy in the constant rain that we have been "enjoying." I think John and I are on our own for Mother's Day this year. Our son will be calling but he is very swamped at his studio. Our daughter will also just call because she is dealing with her health issues again. I am, as usual, famous for having too many things going at once. Two paintings, a couple of writing projects, sewing projects, and two windows washed and more to go. Ooooph! John is closing in on his tooth implant procedure...yea!!!

    We are all movin and groovin! Senior sneakers all love spring. It is good to get out and about doing our stuff...what ever it may be.