Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Daisy is so cute. I hope it isn't serious.
    Night everyone
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sandy: since this dog has had so much allergy issues in the past and she isn't a puppy, I would be very concerned. It could be some skin condition or dietatary deficiency of some kind. At any rate, I am a worry wort and we consult with our vet pretty regularly. It could even be a fungus or yeast infection. A reaction to the shampoo or flea treatment.. Go now to the vet ASAP. Why wait? Could be nothing, so if a vet visit will clear up the mystery, why wait? Anyway, that's what I would do.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi, well I had a super weekend mainly because all the family turned up to play with Mighty Mouse or Jilly. She had a wonderful time, all that attention and everyone took her for walkies which allowed this old dear a bit of peace. I didn't buy a vacuum but thanks for the advice phoebe and I will check the Shark which I confess I've never heard of. I'm still pondering on choice. My departed vacuum was a Hoover and I was thinking of a Dyson, but Mike brought his robotic sweeper to try out and the little thing scooted around the house and under the beds etc with a puzzled Jilly following cautiously behind. It did a good job and that's one less job to do today! Which means more outdoor time today for Jill and I AND its warmer after a cold overnight. The lilacs are in bud, the pear tree is in full flower and my apple trees are just showing a hint of blossom. The garden is sadly neglected with lots of weeds but the funny thing is, I was thinking it looked rather attractive in its new wild state, so maybe mind over matter?
    Sad about your friend Buzz. It must be terribly hard to lose a partner after a long relationship. Quite bewildering I would think, but us humans do adapt given time and in a few months you probably won't see her for dust as she explores all the exciting possibilities of a new lifestyle. That's what I've acquired, a new lifestyle. Never thought I'd miss the kitty litter box for instance! Especially when the north wind blows!
    That new table awaits you somewhere Jackie meanwhile rejoice, one less thing to dust!
    Could Daisy Mae's black markings just be a change in fur colour as she ages, something like us going grey? I know our dogs in the past often did this and I wonder if my Jilly will retain her super plush velvety fur as she grows up. Hope this is so for Daisy, and good luck. I tend to stick my head in the sand so Patsy's advice sounds very wise and practical.
    Marcella your son sounds a very talented lad! You must be very proud of him.
    Well must away and earn my pension,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jackie - Please don’t ever stop sharing about your walks and daily adventures with us. Your writing style is a joy. When I read your posts, a part of me gets to experience the sights and sounds with you. For just a moment, I’m transported to the moors and gardens with you. Thank you.

    Buzz - May explain why your friend has hated everywhere else. Hopefully, she will finally be able to venture out and enjoy discovering some new things on her own. Possibly enjoying the feeling of empowerment that can come from learning to make some of her own decisions.

    Yesterday, I finally prepped a small garden area for some vegetables. That was certainly a workout! A friend has given me some vegetable plants that she had started from seeds since I will be planting my seeds a little late. One full day of real, whole foods yesterday and the cravings for the processed stuff are already greatly subsiding. :) I have some freshly made bone broth from a chicken this weekend that will taste wonderful in a Barley Lentil Stew tonight.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful week,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Well I can no longer get on my Home Newsfeed the old way. So here I am on my MFP app and have no idea how to work this site now. I am back and forth with the food and exercise.
    I started reading everyone's posts and there were 28. I couldn't find the last post I left off of so I read what I could.

    We were in London, ON for the weekend and Anne it snowed while having our coffee looking out the window. We arrived Friday and could sit outside until Aline's hubby got
    home from work but Saturday temps starting dropping. We went out dinner at pizza place and pub and met another couple we knew. During the day we did the Western Fair which
    is good and upstairs all kinds of booths with all kinds of goodies, crafts, jewelery and anything imaginable. I bought some slippers for Isaac with Darth Veder on them and they
    shine in the dark. I bought some coconut creams, shampoo and an edible spray which is supposed to help the digestive system.
    We had a nice visit and the cold weather followed us home.

    Cold today and sunny. Dave is working on the boat today and I will be doing laundry and later have to go to the bank and get some gas in my car.

    I started reading the posts and then everything disappeared and I had to get this site back twice. I really don't like this new way at all, I am still old school.

    Jeri - Enjoy your trip to Vegas, our friends just got back from there and had a wonderful time. They went to the CMA awards.

    Sandy - Counting the days for Arizona and warm weather. Let us know how Daisy is doing she still looks great, but I guess a vet visit with help if you are still

    Marcella - You will get back on the horse again with your eating. It may take a little time.

    Phoebe - I hope you can make a decision for your Aunt. I guess baby steps for now.

    I better get that laundry started.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Pretty pretty day here in Georgia. I'm at the hospital now and my aunt is having her procedure. She had a rough experience with the IV. They are going to sedate her and use ultrasound to find her lost veins!
    Honey has a torn acl and possibly meniscus. So she needs to have knee surgery. Plus the Dr found some tumors that must be biopsied.. he actually forgot to do it today, everyone has become forgetful like me. If they are cancerous, we will have her put to sleep.
    Had a new cat visit us this morning, poor thing, ours were putting up their dukes, ready to send her packing! I fed her and then had to leave.
    Oops, getting cloudy now, storms tomorrow, I think.
    Bye 4 now
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My lunch for todayqtni5hvtzjoe.jpg

    Grilled steam potatoes with ketchup and onions Salad

    I think I need to make reservations to go eat with Marcella. her lintil stew sounds fatastic.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - I must say I am so impressed how you are losing and found what works for you. I am still at it,
    but decided to try and stay off wheat and see if that helps. That is probably as hard as sugar but i will try it, it does seem to bother me.

    Veges and more veges we must add into our diets.

    Phoebe - I hope you don't have to put down Honey, she is such a cutie.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    no Phoebe hate to hear about Honey. praying all turn out well for her. Poor little thing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hello Sneakers, it was sunny here this morning but now it is overcast and we may get a bit of rain. About 60 degrees today so warmer but not really nice and warm. I got to all of my planned errands today---post office, stopped for a lottery ticket, garden center, Trader Joe’s, Starbuck’s and Whole Foods. Several pots of seeds on my deck just were not doing anything and in our short growing season, that just doesn’t work well so I got a couple of plants and stuck them in the pots and watered them in. I got some coffee grounds from Starbucks and added them to several of the pots. Oh my, it smells lovely out there now (well, to me at least).

    I have cooking to do, trash to get together for tomorrow’s pick-up, laundry (maybe, it can wait).

    I am going to a class tomorrow morning on essential oils. I have been to one before but it is with a different person so I may learn more and I’m sure I have forgotten a lot.

    I’ve also ordered a fan for Tai Chi (one fan form). This is something we do for the last 15 or 20 minutes of each session. Most people do not stay for it but I really enjoy it and would love to have a fan to work with at home. I’ve also gone in with many people in the class to order a Tai Chi ruler as there is a local wood worker who makes them from time to time when the local instructors get together a number of people who are interested in having one.

    Also time to order some specialty vinegar. All done for now.

    And yes Phoebe, I do order the purple sweet potatoes directly from the grower in Hawaii. They aren’t necessarily that good on updating shipping dates but they do have to work with when a field will be ready, the weather, the inspections etc. so the shipping date can be kind of fluid. I just don’t want to order too often and have potatoes that spoil. I did get a confirmation email that they will be shipping this week. Meanwhile, I just try to find Japanese sweet potatoes when I need them. There are two stores in the area that have them from time to time. Between the two stores I now have enough for a week!

    Marcella – here’s to healthier habits! You seem to have jumped right back into much better routines. Good for you! And thumbs up for gardening! So healthy and it makes a person happy to see things grow doesn’t it?

    Phoebe – poor Honey. I’m pulling for her. It sounds as if your aunt will have a long day. Hugs. And a long day for you too my friend.

    Anne – glad you had a nice day yesterday. Best wishes on finding a vacuum. Maybe you could get one of the robotic ones and then Jilly can have fun every time you run it!

    Sandy – I have no idea what’s going on with dearest Daisy. I have had dogs with changes in coat color over the years but nothing that sudden. I would not want to continue worrying about it, I would check with the vet.

    Jackie – I too love your descriptions of your walks with George, your garden, the allotment, the bees, the chickens, pretty much everything. It is so incredibly charming. You are a fabulous writer.

    Buzz – glad you had a good day at the pool. Now that sounds just as I would expect days to be in Florida. Maybe your neighbor is just frightened. Everything has changed for her and if she is at all like me, I have extreme problems making new friends. I am definitely an introvert. It is painful to try to talk to new people and go places alone. I am always fortunate when I find friendly outgoing people at my destination. If the place is full of other uncertain, shy, introverts, it is normally disaster. So I trust over time, things will improve for her (and for you). Oh and medication---I agree, I would hate to take prednisone. I know nothing about the other medication but if it will help and not produce horrible side effects, it would be worth it, right?

    Patsy – good advice for Sandy. I was thinking of you today. I was watching a DVD on color pencil technique. Not coloring for adults, actual color pencil technique for creating what the author of the book and DVD called paintings. I was wondering if you were spending time in your dungeon.

    Shirley – it is frustrating when things change all the time isn’t it? I don’t mind a bit of change, especially when the change seems to be better! Often it seems like change for change sake. My church has changed. Since our pastor retired, our elders have been taking on the pastoral duties. Okay, I can cope with that. Then they changed communion, okay got it. Don’t like it so much as there is little room in the different location, but okay. Now all of a sudden, they are taking away the old hymns, the doxology, the traditional closing and closing song. All of that in a week. Now I am just discontent. I’ve been singing that doxology since I was a wee tiny child at the church I grew up in, in my first Lutheran school, and then at this church. Now it is gone. Even the song leader cannot sing the different hymns. She is not singing the melodies properly, I know, I do read music. End of my rant about CHANGE! Sound like back to your usual routines---Dave at the boat and you doing some productive errands. I hope your day goes well.

    Marie – very nice looking lunch. Yummmm.

    I’d best get moving. Hugs to all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Marie - I must say I am so impressed how you are losing and found what works for you. I am still at it,
    but decided to try and stay off wheat and see if that helps. That is probably as hard as sugar but i will try it, it does seem to both

    Phoebe - I hope you don't have to put down Honey, she is such a cutie.


    Shirley i have adopted this WOE very well no animal products, no dairy, no oil or fats no bread, no flour, very little sugar. if any. Just veggies, potatoes, and fruits.. I can have ketchup and etc.So it is not too boring I have not lost anything in a week but still holding in the 178's for me that is a winner the month is off this wednesday. hoping I can lose at least a pound by then.
    One thing for sure. I do believe in this plan. I beieve it will be my salvation to a better life .
    I ave always heard bread turns to sugar after we eat it.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) First, Babe took Daisy to the Vet and he said she is fine. He said it is not on her skin just her coat, so it is probably something to do with aging. Personally, I disagree but maybe like Patsy, I worry too much. Laundry is done, repairman came to check A/C and I found out I am probably too late for TSA Pre boarding. I have a feeling I am going to be in the security line for an hour or more Saturday morning. I did fill out the online form but I have to go in person to get fingerprinted and I am not sure if there is enough time to get my number. My flight is at 8:30 in the morning so I plan on getting to the airport by 6:30 and hope that is enough time.

    Marie, I am sure Marcella would love to have you for dinner but in the meantime you are doing super. Your lunch looks appetizing, no wonder you like this way of eating.

    Lin, checked with Vet, but still think it is something more, but Babe is happy with the Vet's decision so I will let it go.

    Shirley, good luck with no wheat, I know when I watched my sugar that was when I lost most of my weight. The slippers for Isaac sound adorable, maybe you can post a picture.

    Phoebe, your poor aunt, she is going through a trying time right now. I hope the surgery went well with no complications. So, so sorry to hear about Honey, I know you must be devastated.
    Surgery is expensive and the tumors are scary, I am sure whatever you decide it will be the right decision. You were wonderful to adopt her and she is so happy with you, she will understand.

    Marcella, getting back on track is always a smart decision. A lot of us fall and get right back on the horse. Good luck and good eating.

    Anne, glad you had a super weekend along with some needed rest. The Vet seems to agree with you on the aging but I have had 5 Old English and this is the first time I have seen this. I do agree with Patsy that is could be something with her allergies.

    Patsy, I do agree with you but Babe trusts the Vet as I do, but not sure he really is correct this time. I think it is either medicine, food or shampoo related and told Babe to ask the groomer if she changed shampoo. It came so sudden and in all honesty she looks cute but not like an Old English. I know you understand.

    Buzz, I am sure your friend is just lonesome and is looking for you for support. Once she gets used to the new place and realizes all that is available she will be more distant with you. For now maybe just be her friend and ease into letting her learn to be alone. I do hope you asked your doctor about Jim's meds for his gout, you need relief now not later.

    Jackie, the lady from across the pond. Haven't I always told you how wonderful you write and make us feel like we are right there with you? Now other people agree and it is time to write a book.

    Have a great evening, I am hungry for dinner.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, what would I know about Daisy's breed, but she looks adorable with the new coloring! My chocolate poodles developed silver and gray coats as they got more mature. Could the spots be normal for a mature Daisy? We all hope she's healthy and fine!
    Quote "Jackie, the lady from across the pond. Haven't I always told you how wonderful you write and make us feel like we are right there with you? Now other people agree and it is time to write a book."unquote...
    JACKIE, I suspect many others besides Sandy and I think it's time you started that book. Such talent
    ANNE the robot sounds fantastic. We have a Shark we bought when we moved in her 3 years ago, and it's light, easy to empty, fits into tight spots and does a great job on my bare floors as well as carpeting. The price was right at Costco, as I recall.
    MARCELLA, you may be right about my deprssed friend. She ate with a group of ladies tonight, and I hope they will bring her out of her sadness a bit more.
    MARIE, your lunch and discipline are so admirable! Ten salutes to your successes!
    PHOEBE, crossing my fingers for you and Honey! I know you'll do what's best! Hugs, luv.
    I promise I will talk to my doctor about that medication Jim takes. I hate calling doctors, but I'd like to get rid of this pain more quickly! Enough is enough!
    LIN, you come up with the most interesting things. Like fans, in Tai Chi...and rulers! Can you tell me what they are used for? I never ran across either. Also, I cannot picture you as shy. You share so much with us,
    I have a totally different picture of you, dear friend!
    Getting late, and I need to pump the swollen legs, so my love to you all, and I save the rest of the comments for another time...
    <3 Buzz

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited May 2016

    This is a Tai Chi ruler we use in class Buzz. I took a picture of one (and the crocheted holder) as I was wondering if a friend of mine might make a holder for me without a pattern when our rulers arrive.

    You place end end in a palm of your hand and then perform certain movements and shift your weight quite gently. It is very calming.

    Our instructor has studied with Helen Wu. If I find a picture I will post it. Helen Wu has a very lovely one fan form.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Here is Helen Wu holding a fan demonstrating a movement that is part of the form. This is something I will never be able to replicate. Amazing.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My computer keyboard is playing up again and won't let me type in my password so have to go back to onscreen board but once online it seems to work ok so I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get it checked out. Hopefully I can find a way to cancel out the need to use a password to access my computer.
    Yesterday evening I enjoyed another lovely walk around our local lake in late sunshine and the water was mirror-like it was so calm. The dogs loved their run and George has been snoozing ever since apart from a morning stroll!! As for writing a book, if only I had the time!! When I retired I began to write a drama screenplay based on my maternal gran's 1920's travels around the world working on cruise liners taken from a diary she wrote. 200,000 words were typed before life became so busy I struggled to finish it and then of course a number of dramas based in that era appeared on tv so I'm thinking I've missed the boat.... no pun intended! Anyway I expect I write the way I talk so if you knew me personally you'd soon get used to my turn of phrase!!
    After an active week and watching my diet I gained 2 lbs so think I must think of some new foods to introduce in order to change things up or perhaps go back to the 5/2 regime for a few weeks.
    Time to get myself off to yet another auction viewing so I'll wish everyone a healthy and active Tuesday.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy ~ It looks like Daisy has a condition called Vitiligo which is just a cosmetic problem, not dangerous. Take a look at this link which actually mentions Old English sheepdogs

    Hope it puts your mind at rest. <3
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning friends
    What a beautiful day we are having today. I hope you are experiencing the sunshine too.
    today we are meeting friends for lunch at the senior center. I think we will walk there as the sun is warm and bright. We live about 10 minutes From there.

    We worked out Monday at the kroc center then we will go there Friday too, it's about 25 minutes driving there. On Wednesday we walk or dvd. In between that we do a little walking.

    I have been quilting small gifts to take to Alaska when we go. I sure like Maries quilt on her table when she takes pictures of her food.

    I have been busy with church things too.
    Take care
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Going to get some groceries, bake cookies and may start laundry. Tomorrow I'll visit my aunt and if they move her to rehab, I'll help with her check in. Chris, glad your weather is acting like springtime! Rain here and we need it!
    Sandy, it was on the news last night about the long lines. Maybe 6am instead of 630.
    I'd better get moving or I'll be asleep again.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just got back store I will be cooking 5 lbs, of potatoes in my IP to eat on for awhile. Actually i bought 2 bags. but the pot will only hold 5 #'s gotta run and put my groceries up and scrub potatoes. Be back with Pictures I hope