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Senior Golden Sneakers
Welcome home Sandy. Cold and very wet here too!! Looking forward to next weekend when they say it may be a warm sunny weekend. Wahoo!
Anne, please do paint. Fill the house with creations from your mind and your talented hands.
I must not take credit for the cards. Yes I made them and did the painting and inking but the original designs are not mine. I do not have that type of imagination.
Jackie, your weather sounds much more hospitable than ours at the moment. I did have to marvel at your story of Scruff. Aren't dogs marvelous?
Buzz, I am sorry for the continued losses. I am too acquainted with it this year.
My friend at church announced to the congregation that her husband has Stage 4 lung cancer. This is the lady who said it could not be severe as he had recently had a physical and was fine. When she told me he had masses in both lung and liver, I believed it was very serious. He starts treatments next week although she did not specify what those might be.
I have been working on cards all afternoon and now will watch the end of "Call the Midwife" and will read for a little while.
It is the dentist's office for me tomorrow.
Lin0 -
Gosh, I actually fell asleep twice during my breakfast, making it too late to eat brunch in the dining room, so I went to the Bistro, where I ordered some raisin cinnamon French toast and a baked apple to go. Then went to the auditorium to watch "Elle", but the DVD adn't arrived so there I was watching LaLa Land. PATSY, I have to agree with you about the quality of this movie. It should have simply stuck to dance and music rather than weaving a shallow story around these 2 self unaware people! Give me Gene Kelly any day! As in American in Paris!!! As for "Mia", is Ms Hathaway deluding us all regarding her supposedly breathless singing voice? I forced myself to just sit through the entire movie and I did, and was not impressed.
Hopefully, I'll use common sense and just get to bed shortly as it's embarrassing to keep nodding off while listening to friends conversing! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz!Buzz
0 -
Heavy rain last night which is good for my garden but oh dear, most of the bluebells in the woods are flattened. At least we saw them at their best. Yesterday I felt I was spending hours shopping for the most basic of items with not a lot of success and ended up driving to the next town and a big DIY store where prices are higher but at least I found what I wanted. The light switch looks simple and according to you tube videos connecting it is just that but as I get older I become more wary of such jobs so will take my time.
Anne ~ Ah, you should have got your legs up above your heart to stop that bleeding but I'm thinking that would have been a sight! Definitely get those brushes out Anne because I remember paintings you showed us once and you have a talent that should be used. Kidney stones are very painful I gather so hope that issue gets dealt with quickly.
Lin ~ Some people struggle with such news about life threatening illness and I think go into denial until faced with reality. Let's hope something can be done for your friend's husband. I've a friend who has bone and liver cancer after initial breast so going through similar ghastly treatment in the hopes of some remission.
Buzz ~ I've got 2 dvd's on the shelf waiting for a rainy day, much like today! The Hundred Foot Journey with Helen Mirren and My House in Umbria with Maggie Smith so guess what I'll be doing later while the paint dries?
Sandy ~ Good to see you are home safe even if it is cold and wet. I see bad weather hit Texas and surrounding states and hope it's nowhere near Marie.
It's May Day bank holiday in the UK, a real blast from the past of red flag waving!! My nice neighbour just dropped in and has taken a chest of drawers off my hands that was destined for a charity shop. She'll donate a sum next time she passes because it belongs to the animal shelter George came from. I colour washed it about 30 years ago but she's too young to remember such a fad! That's it.... back to my never ending decorating.
Jackie0 -
Nothing much happened here yesterday. We didn't see Mark and MJ of course because Mark said on the phone he was in pain. It rained and it thundered most of the day, so I hopefully took all the wintry drapes down to let the May sunshine in today, but it's still a gloomy rainy day. Michael was fixing the electric wiring in his condo, but finally showed up around 5:30 in the rain, but it suddenly stopped and we took little Jilly Bean for a nice long walk before it started again. My grass was cut, but not many people had cut theirs so we came home with one very wet but happy dog even if no other dogs where about to yap or sniff noses with. So ended a quiet, peaceful day.
Anne0 -
Happy Monday!
My cousin has gone home, I am back to reality and doing laundry, a lot of laundry. There seems to be a glimmer of sunshine so I am hoping to see the boys later although Lisa said Robby has a slight temperature so I might wait until tomorrow. I gained three pounds while on vacation even though we ate low carb most of the time. My downfall was when my cousin spent the night and treated us to beef sandwiches. I am back on track today and hopefully by Friday I will be back at my goal weight. (at least I hope)
I only have a little over three weeks when I am traveling again, this time to D. C. and back to Florida. After that my pool should be open and I can enjoy the summer relaxing.
Anne, sorry to hear your son has kidney stones. My granddaughter had them last year when I took her to Florida. She was in so much pain but luckily she passed them the first night or I was going to pay over $200 for some medicine that was supposed to work fast.
Jackie, we also had heavy rain and thunder so I still am not caught up on sleep. Please be careful with the electric, the one thing that scares me. My father would work with live wires and get zapped all the time, he was too careless. It was on Facebook that Marie and her family were safe from all the storms, so that is great.
Buzz, I had hoped to watch LaLa Land but with the reviews from you sneakers maybe I have changed my mind. I do hope you got some sleep and can stay awake today.
Lin, I am with you on the warmer weather. My cousin and I were freezing with the rain and colder air. I agree, the cards are beautiful, doesn't matter if they are not originals, they were made by your hands. Sorry yet another friend is fighting for his life, we do hear this much to often as we age. Loved Call the Midwife last night!!
Hello to those I missed but the dryer just stopped.
Have a great day!
One Day at a Time
0 -
Howdy sneakers! I have a ton of laundry and that is chugging along in the washing machine. I also have another lunch date with our musician friend and his toxic wife. I really need to be more supportive of her because she is dealing with some difficult issues. Her dear husband is less and less aware of things going on around him. Oddly, he still plays his music. I wonder if he will remember that we wrote a piece of music together. He put music to my words. Cruel disease, this dementia!
We still have wet weather. We are to have some lovely weather later this week. Our son is busy getting his boat ready for a coast guard inspection and a sailing trip next weekend. We found a pirate flag for his boat, just for fun. I am just too unsteady to sail with him. Also there is no gangplank so getting in the boat requires climbing up a ladder on the side if the boat. Let me tell you, seeing me get on his boat isn't pretty. I have John and our son urging me on, telling me not to look back and no hesitating. Then there is getting off the boat. I see me standing at the mooring basin waving from now on. John and son have declared that I will not be allowed to be a landlubber wimp. Hummmmmm we will see.
Patsy0 -
PATSY, music is the last thing to go with dementia! Wonderful distraction and helpful for calming the caretaker AND patient! (I think you have my unabridged admiration for even attempting to climb that ladder! So BE a wimp! I would, too!)
SANDY, it's likely water that turned the scales, and you'll be down by Friday! Great that you have busy travel plans ahead!
ANNE, thank goodness you actually had a non-eventful peaceful day! You deserved it!
JACKIE, I don't recall if I ever saw that Hundred Footg Journey, but loved My House in Umbria and don't we all love Maggie? My toe is almost 100% better today and what a difference it makes. Unfortunately, I was so busy yakking after dinner, I forgot to take my pills for Restless Leg Syndrome, and tonight I cannot sit! I finally remembered, so eventually they'll calm down!I recall paint-washing furniture years ago! Saved a lot of cast-aways, didn't it?
Glad to hear MARIE and family were not in those terrifying tornado paths!
LIN, there you go again, not taking credit for your lovely work! Most things are not truly original in that others design patterns we knit by, or paint by , or cook by; but YOU do the work and figure out how and what to put together, so cherish your creativity!
Sorry, can't stay seated without banging my legs so I will walk about and do some standing up work while I'm at it!
Did you all hear about how Netflix got hacked and robbed of it's 2017 biggest series which is being held for ransom before the hackers show it first? Unbelievable stuff!Buzz
0 -
Good evening, busy day running errands after my trip to the dentist. Then I started to work on filling out all my life's history for my Welcome to Medicare doctor's appointment next week. Also found out I have a limited amount of time to take the AARP online driving course I registered for a while ago and could not do that on my iPad as flash was required. So I thought easy, I will do that on my laptop except I use Google Chrome which also does not allow flash or pop-up windows. Soooo I finally figured out how to get both items enabled and started the course which I have to spend 4 hours taking---another requirement. So I have made a good start on it. Hope to finish by next week end.
Ready, I hope, for a trip to TraderJoe's, a quick stop by Hobby Lobby, Mah Jongg, a bit of time to pick up sticks in my yard, and book club tomorrow evening.
Patsy, I think there needs to be a gangplank if they want you to come along!
Sandy, there is hope for better weather tomorrow. Yippee!!
Anne, I am glad the rain stopped for a while so dear Beam was able to go for a walk.
Jackie, oh darn, the end of the bluebells. Darn but thanks for the photos. Never ending decorating. Good for you, you have a vision of what you want. Excellent.
Time to zip along.
Sending hugs.
Lin0 -
LIN, I' ve gone back to Edge for my browser since I discovered they now allow extensions and it is said to be safer than Chrome at this point. The settings are quite easy so you can allow pop ups. I guess I still miss the old Menu Bar, but the 3 dots really have everything we used to have available...plus!
0 -
Our sun has returned so we enjoyed our usual walk including the fields down to the river. A few bluebells have sprung back up but unfortunately the overall effect is now lost. My scales show a 3 lb loss but I won't celebrate until I see my weight remain the same at the end of this week. A busy time today because I want to keep going with painting the bedroom walls but also Boris has an appointment at the vets to discuss options for his failing kidneys this afternoon and then on to yoga. In between I will do my best to eat healthily!! Patsy, my head has all sorts of images of me climbing, bending, digging and so much more but my body sometimes says no way so I'm with you, don't take risks if you don't feel safe because that's when accidents really can happen. I must get on so will wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable Tuesday.
Jackie0 -
Well, it's raining again and the Great Lakes after losing water for years are now back to normal levels. I had a look at the long range forecast and it seems to be mainly rain for the next 14 days so I guess I had better resign myself to it and getting my sea legs, which reminds me:
Your son could always install a winch and a bosun chair PATSY and swing you on board. Oh, and off of course!
I'm now out of helpful suggestions for the day so will waddle off to climb into the bath, and out of it hopefully.
Anne.0 -
Happy Tuesday!
Another deary day, I miss the sunshine in Florida!! I am all caught up so today I will visit the boys after their nap. I love that Robby takes a nap but it is right smack in the middle of the afternoon which means I can't go until after 3:00 so I end up staying past dinner time. I kind of wish I could go early afternoon and be home for dinner but it is what it is. Always happy when I am with the boys no matter what time.
Anne, this weather is depressing and makes Babe even more dizzy, we really need some sunshine. I am glad I have a walk in shower so I don't have to straddle the tub, although I did at my daughter's. lol
Jackie, good for you on the 3 pound loss, it must be all that decorating you are doing. If you want to see something funny watch me climb out of floating device in the water. Not too graceful, in fact embarrassing. lol
Buzz, my son the computer tech told me to use Chrome and I have no problems. I don't click on pop ups as most of them are spam. But that is me. Sorry about your legs, I hope they are better today.
Lin, is the AARP driving course to get a discount on your car insurance? Our weather is not much better today but hoping for a nice weekend. I hope you got all your errands done.
Patsy, I agree with you climbing up and down a ladder wouldn't be my cup of tea. I like Anne's idea of a chair, any chance that can be done?
Marie, everything okay in Texas?
Have a wonderful day!
One Day at a Time0 -
Top 'O the morning to you, sneakers! It is a cloudy day (as usual) and we are to get a few showers (as usual) but it is a bit warmer. Katie has insisted on the deck doors being left ajar for her easy in and out use. Mud! Rocks! Sticks! Dirty rubber balls and old tennis ball! Treasures from the back yard.
Glad everyone is on my side about climbing up a ladder on the side of the sailboat. It is a lovely boat and our son is in love with it. I will enjoy looking at it from the comfort of the mooring basin. I will probably be in charge of dog sitting. His two and our Katie.
Our lunch date with our good friend is Wednesday. I am determined to stay positive and understanding when it comes to the wife. I know she is terrified about his mental decline. Anyway, John will be taking his new little camera. This little mini camera is a marvel. What used to require tons of special lenses and adjustments is now just a button click and BOOM! Done! Of course it costs as much as our first car....
I am currently hooked on all things YouTube. I am inspired by Jackie's decorating. First I need to continue to declutter the house. YouTube suggests getting rid of 10 things per day. I am a junky keeper of stuff. Things I will never read, use or want. Out! I may even go further and get rid of 15 things a day. Today will be old paint brushes, drying up tubes of paint and old sketch books. The dungeon has way too much stuff.
Patsy0 -
I like You Tube videos but spend too much time watching them
It is time to do the dishes and then book club. Honestly I would prefer to just stay home rather than changing clothes and driving over to hear opinions of the most recent book selection. Maybe I could just get next month's book and leave?
I did finish my tree cleanup this afternoon. Now, if the wind would not blow more stuff out of that tree for a while, I would be happy. (Not likely.)
Happy clearout Patsy. I hope the result will make you happy.
Sandy, I hope the visit with the boys went well. And I got the driving course quite discounted and many people were doing the live version here but the schedule never worked for me. I am hoping for a car insurance discount but if not, it is good information. I don't usually care for pop-ups by the way, but it is needed for this course. I can change it back when I finish the course.
Anne, I hope you get a break from the rain, I have really enjoyed the sunshine here today even if it isn't really warm. But we may see sprinkles again over the next several days.
Buzz, I really do like the Chrome browser but I was surprised that the most recent Help posts on flash player etc. we're out of date. I had to find my own path to making the changes as the options were not the same as described. Oh my. I hope you are feeling well. Has the cold/illness totally disappeared now? And I hope your toe is better.
Jackie, with all the decorating, I think you will need to give us advice on any changes we undertake. You are an expert now! Take care and don't wear yourself to a frazzle.
Sorry, must run.
Lin0 -
Me, too, LIN! After reading your post, I am writing this on an out-of-date "Reply" and not certain how to change anything (I dozed off in the middle and who knows if this will even post!)
0 -
AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! Technology! I bought a second hand Kindle Fire and tried setting it up, but it messed up my regular apps
It supposedly was reset to factory standards and I chose that option again before I did anything else. I have had trouble and redid several accounts 3-4 x in past few days. Hope this will be here tomorrow
Nephew came Sunday cleaned out one raised bed and ½ of another. Son was off Monday and left the house to not return til Tuesday morning, of course this means he did no outside work as I had asked himThe leaf and brush pick up started Monday/May1st. Our street is usually one of the 1st areas to be picked up. It rained the past 2 days so no pickup. I can only hope they will not make it to our neighborhood til next week and that I can cajole son into raking the lawns on his days off this coming weekend.
Lin – Thanks, the mats are a neat idea. Very nice cards. I especially love the butterfly one (I am partial to butterflies). You put a lot of time into your craft and it shows, well done!
Patsy - Demo tapes/tutorials usually make things look easier than the end up being. Hope the grooming table will make this chore easier.
Buzz - Sorry to hear of the loss of your friends. Get some rest.
Anne – What a brave girl Jilly! Ouch! Our pocket books always seem to 'hurt' when it comes to medical care human or pet. Enjoyed the pictures, thank you for posting. I do so miss my country side but I do enjoy being able to walk the neighborhood and being closer to things in the city....trade offs as I get older. How horrible that someone would steal another person's pet. Anne is Jilly 'Chipped'? (micro-chipped).
Kidney stones Can run in families but also can be due to certain intake indulgences. Yes, stones can be very painful and I have seen them take grown men to their knees in pain. I personally would rather give birth again than have another episode with stones.
Sandy - WOW that is very large driftwood! I thought (hoped) you might bring some sunshine back up north with you.
Well have to be up early for more lab work so I better call it a night.
MAE0 -
Well, we have one day of sunshine and then back to more rain and more flood warnings. The Great Lakes or at least Lake Ontario is 60 mm higher than normal! Jill and I will make the most of today's reprieve! I shall look furtively in my seed containers but don't hold out much hope! After the expected germination day and if nothing showing I will plant again. Hope springs eternal.
No MAE, Jilly Bean isn't chipped but it is in her very near future.
LIN sent me a very interesting article on the prevention of kidney stones. Apparently salmon can be a culprit and also canned tuna. Families can be prone to stones so I wonder if in the past none of our families ancestors could afford salmon! And if that's the case we wouldn't know, never acquiring stones from such indulgences. However, in todays more affluent society I know Mark always chooses salmon on company dinner menus etc and as for Michael he does enjoy tuna sandwiches to take to work. I'll have them joining me in mostly vegetarianism yet!
I'm with Mae on the "driftwood" SANDY. More like bleached uprooted trees, but yes, beautiful in their skeleton form.
I found a saying the other day "There are many paths to enlightenment" Lao Tzu, and am going to use that in my next (ha ha) masterpiece. Looking forward to picking up the old paintbrush again.
Bye for now girls, Jilly and I are off to enjoy some needed vitamin D.
Anne.0 -
It's late afternoon already for me but I've been to the town where my hairdresser works and she was running late so after my hair was cut in her new salon and a walk to a Lidl for a few items because the roads are still in upheaval as a cycle route is created so I couldn't take the car on to the store, I've enjoyed a very late lunch but now plan a couple of hours painting. With little on tomorrow I hope to finish and put all the pots and brushes away until the next coat of paint destined for kitchen walls. After yet again checking you tube for advice on wiring the 2-way light switch in my bedroom I decided to check how other rooms in the cottage were wired and took a couple apart only to find it's different to you tube. Decision made, I switched off at the mains and followed the old cottage route and now have light back in my bedroom.... hooray!
Patsy ~ Under my bed was a collection of items stashed away just in case I ever needed any of them but have taken great pleasure in filling bin liners with most and sidelining a few more for charity shops and am sure once the black bags have been taken to the tip along with the old carpet I will soon forget I ever had them! I can hardly move in the spare room for items that have been placed there out of my way as I decorate so when I'm finished another mercenary de-clutter will take place.
Sandy ~ That 3 lb loss had increased to 4 lbs this morning so I'm only 1 lb off my target but no doubt by next Monday it will have settled back.
Lin ~ These projects of mine always begin with such good intentions before I very quickly become bored with slapping paint on to walls. The fact that the room will look so much nicer when I finally finish is all that keeps me going!!
Must get on as I want to finish a wall and one alcove plus begin around the window.
Jackie0 -
Happy Wednesday!
Bingo tonight so just staying in until then. With the sun shining Babe is feeling better, he thinks that the raining weather effects his ears thus causing more dizziness. He said when it is damp outside his ears hurt so I think he is right. His son does have a call into the doctor at Mayo since Babe was miserable yesterday but who knows how long it takes to get a call back. The more I research the more I learn this is not life threatening and can be controlled with exercises and meds. Personally, I think most of it is stress and the fact that he is smoking again certainly doesn't help. Okay, off my bandwagon.
Jackie, you are working hard with the decorating so I think the pounds will stay off. Are you not weighing in on Fridays anymore? I like Friday because I never know what is going on over the weekend and most of the events take place on weekends.
Anne, yes, please get a chip for Jilly, Daisy has one and if heaven forbid she ever got lost at least they would know how to find us. Bryanna hates fish so I know she didn't get her stones from fish. I hope your son passed his stones by this time, how is he doing? You are correct in the driftwood being uprooted bleached trees and when Kristy said do we want to go see driftwood I pictured little pieces of wood washed up from the ocean. This was like a scene from planet of the apes with all those huge trees uprooted. So beautiful!!
Mae, I too, hoped to bring sunshine back but nearly froze walking to our Uber. Sorry, your son left you high and dry and didn't clean up for you. Hopefully he made it up to you when he returned. I hope you got your kindle set up, takes time and patience.
Buzz, tell me all is right with you today and you got sleep!!
Lin, I know that feeling about not leaving the house but once out I am fine. Yes, I did enjoy my visit with the boys. Max is smiling all the time and laughing out loud which makes me laugh out loud. Robby ran to me and gave me a big hug when I walked in the door. I am so grateful to have them in my life. I just hope I stick around long enough to see them grow up.
You got me interested in the AARP course, I may do it just for the insurance discount. I didn't see the fee for the course but will research further.
Patsy, I do hope your lunch date goes well today. Please do stay kind, imagine how hard it is for her as well as him. That must be some camera your husband bought, I only use my IPhone camera now that they are so good.
Have a great day!
One Day at a Time
0 -
I've found a treasure, Darren who lives opposite came over and dug up all my beautiful dandelions! The 7 month old lab/retr. that they acquired a week ago had to be returned because he bit the two little girls, who are really sweet little kids. Probably because he came from a home with three rougher boys? Anyway, my Jilly is one happy girl because she's top dog again!
Lovely gardening (yes I did some too) again in warm sunny weather, but the rain returns tonight for three whole days. My honeysuckle survived and is in flower bud. I'm so happy that all the plants seem to have survived the winter, they are old friends!
Anne.0 -
Hiya'll and yes, SANDY, I did do some catching up so am not falling asleep today! The gal who bought my house 4 1/2 years ago, and her (my former) neighbor came today and took me out to lunch at First Watch, where we sat and chatted for a couple of hours. So pleasant. Tonight I will attend a current events lecture/discussion to see if it helps make any sense of all the conflicting statements we are subjected to by the minute! I think I will simply warm up a bowl of chicken soup and some chili a friend made, and not go down to the dining room since I'm not very hungry....Congratulations, JACKIE, on that almost final pound! I don't understand how you gain anything with all the running about you do!...ANNE, do they equate the rise of the Lake with global warming? I'm happy Jilly will be "chipped"! ...MAE, I hope it will not be necessary to "cajole your DS into helping clean up outdoors. Do you allow him to understand your current condition, or are you one of us Mothers who usually says "I'm fine; don't worry about me!"???...PATSY, how did your luncheon date turn out? Poor thing, the future must be scary for her, though I do hope they have checked out other possibilities like diet, oxygen level, etc. One never knows if it's truly dementia!.... bye the way, LIN, I recall doing my last AARP driving course online. They often have a sale discount on that, too.
0 -
It only takes a couple of these ahh hah moments to bring things into focus sharply. Our dear musician friend is so special. He has a full head of georgous white hair in a shortish pony tail and a white very stylish goatee. He is rakishly handsome. He played in many jazz groups from California to Paris. He also does arranging. His wife is a fat little brown wren with little style or intellect. So what made them be a couple? It seems to be one of those co-dependent relationships. He needs her to be the person who takes care of everything. He is the person who gives her life glamor and importance. I Love them both really. They help each other and really no one else could or would do what they do. Our musician friend either goes in and out of his condition or else he is manipulating the situation. We are not sure and we aren't allowed to dig too deep into their life. John says we are their friends, not their caretakers. They have family and medical assistance for that! As you can tell, this relationship is complicated and we have been close friends for 40 years.
Warm day, came home after lunch and Katie has peed in the laundry room! What is that? She hasn't done that in months and months. Odd vibrations in the air.
Patsy0 -
Good evening, AARP driving course completed and certificate downloaded. Now I will call to see if I can get a discount. Sandy if you only want to take the course if a discount is assured, call your agent. People told me they got discounts but I was also interested in the course content. Hope you are enjoying bingo and glad you had a good time with the boys.
Anne, wow, a dandelion digger. Well, that is a lot of work. With no spray actually dandelions are edible. And here, the bees buzz around the blooms; probably because there are not enough options for the insects. Glad Jilly is top dog again. She must be smiling. And the article I sent is from a doctor who reviews all the studies that come out and writes these items up or does a short video. In other words, he has no financial motive to back one side or the other in what he reports. I like his neutrality. In essence, while certain meats, such as salmon and tuna seemed most problematic, avoiding all meat would likely be better. It just so happened he came out with that short article at the moment the topic came up here, I generally do not push information on people. So Anne, I am glad you were not offended.
Buzz, what a lovely visit you had with your former neighbor and person who purchased your house. That is wonderful. I trust this evening's activity was enjoyable.
Patsy, so overall, I assume you are relieved to have the luncheon out of the way. You are doing what you can do for them. I admire your ability to stick with it under seemingly trying circumstances. Sorry that Katie has an accident. I hope she is not unwell.
Jackie, is the paint brush put away? I have lots of things 'that I might need someday' and once in a while, I actually do use some of them. Haaaa.
The book club discussion turned out to be much better than I had anticipated. I was glad I fought through the strong desire to stay home.
Time to watch some TV and maybe read a bit of a book.
0 -
Heavens LIN, no I was not offended at all, just very glad you pointed the way and the article gave us something to think about. Mark rarely eats meat, but he does eat salmon so it was interesting to see it can cause problems for certain types of stones and the calcium based one he has. Mikes are different altogether, his body is prone to them apparently. Please LIN and everybody keep sharing articles and knowledge! I for one lap all knowledge up, and again, thank you. Yes, young dandelion leaves are edible and you can make wine as well. But you can't Tell Darren that! His and my lawn are now islands of green in a yellow dotted landscape. They won't remain so for long!
After yesterday's lovely reprieve from the rains it is dark and overcast and about to rain again. The "fortunate" who live beside the lake are starting to get nervous with erosion and higher water level. It said on the news today that it's the highest level of water for over 50 years! No mention of global warming BUZZ but methinks what else!
They say opposites attract PATSY so be happy for your friends, they have the perfect relationship. Often marriages of equally handsome and gifted people go by the wayside as each compete for attention.
Well I hope everybody has a wonderful if wet day as in our case,
Anne.0 -
A pleasant day with some sunshine which helps lift the spirits. After our morning walk I took George in to see our housebound neighbour who had obviously forgotten my tales of the ongoing decorating because she thought some ill must have befallen me as she hadn't seen me for a week. No Lin, the paintbrushes are still with me but for the next 3 hours I intend to soldier on and hopefully finish. Sandy, I weigh myself when I think of it rather than any set day and knowing how I fluctuate so much don't get hung up over a few pounds as I know it soon shifts again. At the moment I'm meeting friends on a Friday to swim so that gets in the way too.
Enjoy your day.
Jackie0 -
Happy Thursday!
Meeting day and a few errands. Stopping at Babe's for some supplies and my check. I won a pull tab for $100 at bingo so that helps with some expenses. I was getting ready for bingo yesterday and Lisa face timed me because Robby had a request. He wanted to hear my clock play music as it does on the hour. I had to take it down and set it to the hour because I am a good grandma. lol He is obsessed with chime clocks and more so with cuckoo clocks. I tried to find a cheap toy cuckoo clock but no such thing as cheap. Will research until I find one because I am like that. lol
Jackie, I am like you with my weight fluctuating but so far it has gone down a little each day since I returned from vacation. I think you look great so no worries!!!
Anne, it looks like they have taken the rain out of our forecast. It is not sunny but hopefully "the sun will come out tomorrow". Hum that all day.
Lin, I will check with my insurance and if a discount is given I will take the course. Thanks for the heads up.
Patsy, your friends sound like a perfect match. Babe and I are opposites as far as I am very social and he doesn't like people. I like to travel he wants to stay home. They do talk different when dating them, so I was fooled. Katie was angry that you left her home and didn't take her to lunch, thus the surprise.
Buzz, glad you caught up on some sleep and had fun with your old friends.
Have a great day, I wish Marie would check in.
One Day at a Time0 -
We had thick fog but now it is just cloudy and overcast. We also have had an extremely cold wet winter and spring. All of the coastal rivers are at flood stage. We have had very high plus tides. And the beaches are often coated with dead marinel life. Most recently it was blue jellyfish. Thousands of them. The cleanup was painful. Thousands of seabirds claimed ownership of the dead jellyfish. It was quite a scene. Sort of scary like in that old Hitchcock movie, The Birds.
John is taking our friend to the doctor today. They still talk politics and sports and music. John is suffering with our friends seemingly loss of memory. John is one of those people that searches relentlessly for a better strategy. He wants his friend to be just like he used to be. Better Meds? Brain exercise? Physical exercise?
Katie's grooming table will be here tomorrow. There will be a shakedown period on this. She will be scared and anything new like this will be viewed as evil. We will go easy and be cheerful with treats and minimal time at first. For such a rambunctious kid, she does get frightened easily. I fear you are right, Sandy. Katie was showing her displeasure at being left alone for so long. (3 hours)
I need coffee and to get my exercise over and done so I can move on with the day.
Patsy0 -
Just got back from another walk as the rain started. The grass was cut this morning and I went out onto the road side to clear the drain grid of accumulated soggy leaves, muck, mud and twigs. It's not outside my home and I was rather hoping the just retired chap who lives near it would have a go, but he didn't so I did my bit to allow the water to go down it and not into our basements. I think we are pretty safe though being on higher ground. It looks pretty bad with swollen rivers in Quebec and can only worsen as this system passes on. It finally ceases for us on Monday if the predictions are correct. Maybe humming WILL help SANDY and it will move along faster if only to get away from my awful singing voice!
Thinking of summer roses!
After thought, the Bean will have been with me for one whole delightful year tomorrow.1 -
Happy Jilly Bean anniversary dear Anne!! Looking forward to days of springtime followed by summer weather. We have lilacs blooming here right now and still lots of tulips!
Patsy, best wishes on the grooming table break-in period. I hope ultimately Katie will love it.
Sandy, lucky Bingo win once again! How do you do that? My gosh. I called my insurance agent today and nope, no discount. They find the AARP ads misleading (of course). There is one discount that I am passing up. They install a tracker on your car and they grade your driving. They will give you a discount for using it and at this point there will not be a surcharge for a poor driving grade. It isn't just a matter of driving within the speed limit, stopping completely at stop signs and not ramming on the brakes all the time it also tracks how many left turns you make (considered very risky). PASS!!!
Jackie, it was good of you to stop and see your neighbor. It is too easy to forget things and easier to worry. I won't ask about the paint brushes again.
Buzz, I hope you are well today.
Hello to Marie and Jeri and Mae and Barbie and everyone else I am forgetting!!
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Anne - We too are off again on again rainy cold days, but today was a bright sunny 58F day! Do you tent or cover your seeds in clear plastic or domes to aid germination? I have found this works well for me. …. …. Kidney stones can be calcium based as well so high intake of milk/dairy can be a culprit especially if have a predisposition to stone formation and I do so love my cheese and ice cream/frozen yogurt treats. :-( How is your son doing? Did he pass stones or did the do lithotripsy or stents? Hope he is better soon.
Jackie - I wish I had 1/8th of your energy....Whew!
Sandy – My hope for delayed brush/leaf pickup was squashed, they came yesterday and none of my debris got taken care of :-( My son works 12 overnights and states he is too tired to do anything ...excuse! I worked overnights for close to 20 yrs. but still managed taking care of him ( meals,laundry etc.), going to most of his activities/events, housework inside and out. I did the shoveling, mowing raking, gardens; there was no one else as I was a single parent. His son gets off the bus and is my responsibility most of the time he is here. My son sleeps til 4:30pm, showers then either leaves for work by 5:30 or leave at 5:15pm some days to take his son to his mother's before work. She used to have him go to a babysitter on the days my son worked but has now had him come here everyday after school so she does not need to pay a babysitter! Not complaining as I enjoy my grandson. On nights my son does not work he still sleeps til4:30 pm. I fix supper most nights and he may play an electronic game with his son then hibernates down stairs in his “cave”. We used to have family time after supper and play board games or on weekends watch kid friendly movies and during warmer good weather we would go for a walk around the neighborhood. Sorry ...End of RANT!
Buzz - Glad you caught up on your sleep.
Patsy – It is difficult when a person has dementia. Glad you are not staying awa when your friends need support.
OOPs battery dieing...back later MAE0