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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I did get to bed fairly early last night and couldn't sleep one wink all night long! So tonight they showed a really funny movie old as could be with a very young Walter Matthau, Ingrid Bergman and Goldie Hawn, and I slept right through it! Now I hope I can sleep tonight.
    Hugs everybody and since I must get up early tomorrow I'm logging off.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    Home from walking George in the village and now off for a swim. Maybe the last of the painting, just touching up, then another walk for George before a few hours at the allotment, oh yes, and pop in to a local auction viewing to see what's on offer! The vet phoned yesterday to let me know Boris' kidneys do need a little help but at the moment we are going to do so with a special diet and check again in 3 months. That'll be fun keeping one dog and one young cat away from his bowl!! Happy anniversary Anne. goodness, where has that year gone?

    Time to run.......
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Yes, it's still raining. Flood warnings and images of people filling plastic bags with sand. We are okay after rain non stop since noon yesterday and continuous rain until Sunday forecast. Good luck with the bowl juggling JACKIE. I guess you can't keep poor Boris in a separate room at meal times because cats I've known don't feed in one go but tend to nibble on and off as the mood takes them. Funnily, that's how Jilly eats.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well my picture got big again how do II get it small again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Anne, if Jilly had competition for her food she might eat quickly. Very ladylike to nibble. Meanwhile, the rains need to stop for a while!! Planting is behind schedule around here. I am glad I am not a farmer!!

    Jackie, what a busy day. Let us know if you find interesting auction items. Best wishes sorting the food issues. Glad there is something to try for dear Boris. I hope it works.

    Marie, hi, I don't have any answers for you but just wanted to say hello!

    Time to zip along. I looked into bus routes here and to get to my grocery store (Trader Joe's) I would need to walk over 4 miles to a bus stop that is on that route and then walk over a mile from the nearest stop to the store. Not viable. Oh, and a trip time of 121 minutes. We do not have good service here in the suburbs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I had a long post and in trying to change my png file to jpeg I lost the post.
    I have to get ready to go shopping with Bryanna and later sit for the boys.
    So just for Anne let me say Happy One Year!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    SANDY, what a lovely surprise!! Thank you so much. This little mite gave me such a wonderful year! Who would have thought it a year ago!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my goodness! Sandy! What a delightful photo montage of dear little Jilly. I know Anne must be thrilled to see her little darling and how she grew. Thanks for sharing the moment.

    We had cool sunshine a few clouds today. Tomorrow we are to have more sun...sort of. Went to an art show opening at the gallery. A friend had a show of mixed media paintings. She is quite a crazy experimental painter. She uses spray paint, laundry soap, regular acrylic artists paint as well as house paint. Not sure if the effect was as desired but it was unusual and hopefully will stand the test of time. I confess I love the cheeky irreverent nature of this lady. Hope she sells them all!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    A cool day with the occasional shower so ideal to tie me down to the decorating that keeps getting interrupted. Yesterday I collected Boris's dietary food and considering the cost am just delighted he likes it. Of course so do Hebe and Brady so I have a juggling act with bowls on the floor or up on the kitchen counter away from little thieves but will get used to that. On our morning walk my friend gave George one of her training dried sprats which he promptly spat out but I've been sent home with a small and very smelly bag for him and he has eaten one little fish with great suspicion!!

    Marie ~ Try pressing the control button with the minus (-) button together and your picture should reduce in size.

    Anne ~ Floods in Ontario, now that's something I don't think I ever experienced when I lived there although I do remember Lake Ontario reducing in size dramatically one year but think that was more to do with sneaky behaviour across the border! My cats are what we call grazers and I know if I move Boris's bowl he won't eat from it although is happy to steal off the other two!! I'm not particularly a morning person so just going to have to learn to be patient. I love Sandy's collage of Jilly Bean to see just how she's grown in her own little way!

    Lin ~ As soon as I walked into the sale room I realised there would be nothing of interest because it was full of house clearance items better destined for the tip!! I'll stick to the antique auctions in future. It might be my imagination but Boris' coat is already softer and more glossy so hopefully filtering out the toxins will help. It's a bonus whatever time I have with him and so long as he's comfortable and not suffering, which I'm assured is the case, I'm happy! Your bus service sounds similar to mine.... fine if you want a day out along a scenic route although perhaps you don't get much scenery thrown in either!!

    Patsy ~ I meant to tell you about my friend's visit to the Tate Gallery in St Ives last weekend where an exhibition was being held of modern psychedelic art when most artists seemed to feel the need to put a title to their work rather than leave to the imagination. She wasn't impressed with it but then the true art in the 60's was influenced by LSD trips and not something easily replicated on a diet of Cappuccino coffee and Iron Brew!!

    Off to finish the decorating and this time I mean it otherwise I might go mad!!
    Have a good weekend everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well here's boring old me again to wish everyone good morning. Boring because guess what it's still doing! No prizes. However we get a change tomorrow. It's going to be a mixture of rain and SNOW! I don't think I've ever known it rain so much! The Toronto islands are sandbagged and all the rivers swollen and racing. Poor old Quebec got it worse than us with people evacuated. I don't think that happened in our area. It's a slow moving system and today more likely intermittent rain. That will make the Bean happy when we dodge showers. Must stay positive and think of the effect of dewy skin - dream on Anne.

    I loved the collage of The Bean as well and it was such a surprise when I peeped in SANDY. I tried to transfer it to my photo site but just succeeded in messing everything up. Finally sorted out but alas Jilly's collage remains on the Sneakers.

    Well I had better climb out of my nightie and hope to get our morning exercise at some point.
    Good wishes to everybody, and hope you all get a sunny May Day,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just got back from a dry long walk! Folks next door are huddled in their garage having a garage sale, and outside the church they are erecting a tent and having a sale as well for the nursery school. Oh dear, I don't envy them! All with printed signs and pre advertized for today, so I guess they've had to go ahead. The rain is keeping off, but it's very overcast. Me, I'm having a cup of tea!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Good day. I am packed and ready to leave for a day of paper crafting at the library. I may not get much accomplished but it is nice to chat with other people and see all the projects underway. Last time one lady was ripping bits of colored paper to make cards for her grandchildren. The month before she was doing some water color card fronts. Another lady makes cards strictly from card stock packs and press on words etc. No stamping, no diecuts, no coloring, nada. That is interesting to me as well.

    We have a very lovely day. Sunshine, excellent warm weather with the birds singing. Garage sales should do a very good business here today.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Rain alert finally over! Yeah. People turning up at next doors garage sale, and Jilly having a good old yap. The days improving all round!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Had fun with the boys, they get bigger each time I see them. Today is Bryanna's little sister First Communion and I am going to the Church so don't have much time.
    I just wanted to ask Anne what device she uses to post on here. If a phone or Ipad you should be able to just hold down on the picture to save it. If on a desktop right click and it will ask to save image. If all else fails I can email you the picture if you send me your email in a private message. Hope that helps.

    Gotta Run.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks SANDY, I'll give it another try. I use an iPad. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Drizzle gone, decorating finished and a large load of washing on the line as I continue to sort and throw out. If it's warm enough I will inspect the beehive to ensure the ladies are happy and then it might be a trip to the allotment with my neighbours after lunch.
    Have a good Sunday everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Woke up to a yellowish sky, not a dark lowering one finally. Mikes coming over for the day so Jilly Bean will be in her element! He's bringing a new rubber bone to replace her much used holey old one to celebrate last Friday! Poor Mark continues the same. Loved your cartoon on the pound a week thread SANDY. I've got the collage sorted out.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Good morning

    Jackie, another busy day my friend. I sometimes wish they would let us hang our wash outdoors. I am just remembering how nice the laundry smelled when I was a child after it dried out in the sun and the breeze. I hope the bees are happy and thriving. Which reminds me that yesterday I was washing some dishes in my kitchen and I looked up to see the largest wasp crawling up the window screen. I immediately looked over the window to make sure there was no way it would be able to get in! Wow, hybrid wasp? Super wasp? Ugh. I hope all is well at the allotment.

    Anne, enjoy the day with Mike. And so sorry Mark is still suffering.

    Need to fly again.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Here's Jilly about to take a nap after playing with her new rubber bone. I'm thinking of joining her! Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The Communion and the party were both wonderful. Bryanna's little sister looked beautiful and although the service took an hour and a half, we all survived. I didn't sleep well and I am really tired today. I went to Mass and then proceeded to try and change my empty propane tank on my grill for a filled one from home depot. I watched a you tube video to see how to do it and I am so proud of myself because I did it all by myself. I can cook my bratwurst sausage and asparagus on the grill for dinner. Yummy.

    Anne, Jilly looks adorable next to her bone. I think we are all using the wrong icon to attach a picture, I think they added a new one that is next to the add file where it says attach an image.
    Took me a while to figure that one out but they only fool me for a short time. lol

    Lin, I too, remember my mother hanging the wash on the clothesline. Probably the only time my dad would let anyone step on his precious grass. (grumpy man) I loved hanging sheets on the line when living with Babe at the house, that smell is priceless.

    Jackie, oh good decorating is finished, soon we hope to see pictures of the finished product.

    Really in need of a nap or at least to rest on the couch. Hope your day was terrific!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy weekend, and go figure why my weight goes up and down 3 pounds every weekend! So I figured to heck with it and accepted an invitation to lunch at a Chinese restaurant, which I really enjoyed. Came back to learn they were showing "Lion" in our auditorium, so even though I missed part of the beginning, I truly enjoyed watching this film. True story and thank goodness I had enough Kleenex! And as long as I had those with me, I stopped at our beautiful memory garden to mist a bit over the brick I had engraved to Mike's memory. I know he's not under it, but somehow, I feel connected! I think perhaps I will attend tonight's movie as well with a name like Arrival or similar about space ships arriving here not to conquer but to learn about us. I'll sit near the back just in case! I'll grab a bite and better run or I'll be late.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    A gorgeous day and I even managed to eat breakfast in my garden before 8 am!! George and I walked through the woods and across fields to the river then strolled back, me for my coffee and George for his lamb and chicken brunch. It clouded over yesterday so no chance to inspect my bee hive but today looks far more promising so I will at least prepare all I need ready to go around midday when the ladies will hopefully be too busy collecting pollen to notice their roof has been removed!! We did visit the allotment and spent a couple of hours weeding.... me in the strawberry bed and my neighbour strengthening the raised beds with plenty of new screws and wedges! It's all looking good so now we just need some decent weather to last more than a day or so.

    Lin ~ At the moment a highly scented azalea is in full bloom close to where I hang my washing so I'm hoping they'll pick up some of that as well as fresh air! A few weeks ago I found the biggest queen wasp crawling on the inside of my garage door that turned out to be something out of a horror movie because however many times I stamped on, crushed, squeezed and jumped up and down on it wrapped in an old cloth it crawled out to wave its antennae at me. You know I hate killing anything but didn't want her building a nest in my garage so in the end, with a lot of regret I managed to kill her. Some creatures you just don't want to share space with!

    Sandy ~ Brilliant that you managed your gas tank with just a look at you tube and you should feel proud! At the moment I'm struggling to find a carpet in the colour I have in my head for my bedroom so am resorting to ebay which means waiting for a couple of samples to make sure it is at it looks on my screen. Then I'll have to seek out a fitter but meanwhile continue to sort through boxes and containers and throw out anything that's not on my must keep list. After all that you'll get a photo! I tried to use that other icon to post a picture but it kept telling me I hadn't selected a photo from my file when I had. At the fourth attempt I gave up!!

    Anne ~ Another really cute photo of Jilly with her precious bone! Indeed poor Mark but hopefully those stones will soon dissolve.

    Buzz ~ I'd fear for any aliens attempting to make a friendly visit to our planet so look forward to reading how badly the humans behave in last night's movie!

    Lots to do so will get outside and start. Have a good Monday everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Well that worked! Tulip bulbs given to me at Christmas and the flowers suddenly burst open today.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Hello, of course, behind schedule already. Need to get going for a doctor's appointment and must not drag my heels as a big rain storm is moving in and traffic will likely snarl.

    Jackie, what a lovely day you're having with George but you write a startling story about that wasp. I didn't know wasps had queens. Perhaps that was what was crawling about on my screen the other day. I will keep my eye out for nests. Oh yes, scented laundry would be nice. I wonder if that is possible.

    Buzz, I got the DVD of Lion at the library. I enjoyed the movie very much. I have heard of the other movie you mentioned but haven't tried to reserve it.

    Anne, what a cutie. Did the Bean and Anne get a nap? I got an email from a friend letting me know she won't be around at the usual activities this week. She and her hubby were out camping when she got ill and was in the emergency room of a hospital all day yesterday. She is having kidney stones zapped this morning. I would dear why some people are towait it out and others have this procedure to try to break them up?

    Oops, I am really late now.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Beautiful tulips Jackie!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited May 2017
    Well, the Bean and I are just having a rest because we've been moving furniture around to give her a bigger play area. Me huffing and puffing and tugging, her leaping excitedly around supervising. This entailed moving my big clumsy coffee table into the back room via the kitchen and bringing up from the basement my dainty and in very good condition but much smaller Ercol beech wood table which has been hidden for far too long.

    Don't know why I didn't do this years ago, maybe because I didn't want my past kitties sitting on it to stare out the window! We DO adapt for our pets don't we.

    Finally, gorgeous, if a little chilly, day. So good to see the blue skies again. Everything outside at its best. Tulips and grape hyacinths etc in full bloom and my apple trees getting ready to show their blossom.

    I don't appear to have "that other icon".
    Oh maybe I do, experiment coming up!
    And not! Somehow I got George and Scruff.

    Back to the drawing board, Anne.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Wow, managed it, but I bet it's big. If so sorry! Anne
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    These photos are Mary Jos garden. Spring really has arrived in Canada. Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Caught up on sleep by going to bed early. The only problem was that I woke with some tummy issues and I was afraid that might happen. I made my low carb dessert last night using almond milk and heavy whipping cream and something told me that they were in my frig too long. I ate one dessert last night and I am convinced one or both were spoiled so I threw everything out this morning. Better to be safe than sorry.
    I am doing laundry, going to lunch with friends later, tomorrow getting new tires, Wednesday boy sitting and bingo, Thursday my meeting. Busy week but at least it keeps me active.

    Anne, Mary Jo's garden is beautiful. Do we get a picture of your new arrangement and table?

    Lin, good luck at the doctor and I hope you beat the storms. I got a free gift certificate from Comcast to watch a movie so I am going to use it for hidden figures. I have until the end of the month to watch the movie. I am so far behind in my DVR programs but will make time for the movie.

    Jackie, will be patient in waiting for the finished product, take your time in picking out the right color carpet. Your description of your walk with George reminded me of a fairy tale:
    Over the stream and through the woods to grandmother's house we go. Hope you didn't encounter any wolves. The tulips are beautiful, color is so pretty.

    Buzz, I think we all have that problem of gaining and losing, probably from salt. I haven't heard of the movie Lion but have heard of Arrival which is another I would like to see. The memorial brick for Mike sounds wonderful Buzz. I am sure he is there in spirit while you are missing him. (((hugs))).

    I hope my tummy gets better before going to lunch, I should have known better.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Hello everyone. Just stopping by to report the doctor's visit went as expected. Lots of blood drawn. Lots of lectures about tests I have not been doing that he considers essential. I did finally cave in and take the SECOND pneumonia shot. When I had one at age 60, I was told one and done. Now they have a second shot you are to get a year after the first and now that one combined with the first original shot make the FOREVER shot. Right.

    Lots of blood drawn and I was freed. If anything revolting shows up, I am certain they will track me down again. I called my friend whose husband is the hospital adjoining the doctors' offices. She would not leave his room for a cup of coffee or a walk and he requested no visitors so I left and carried on with my errands. Quite boring I suspect but enough to fill the day. I now have the La La Land DVD to watch in the next several weeks.

    Anyway, the friend whose hubby is in the hospital is the one who thought the cancer wasn't serious but is Stage 4. He went in for his first chemo treatment last Wednesday and all went wrong and his kidneys shut down. They tried to get then working again and there a bit of hope for a little while. I just got a call, they are moving him to hospice tomorrow and they think he probably has a week or so. Apparently she is upset that he won't come home so she could care for him.

    So lots of upset within my church again with this latest news. I met this friend at work shortly after I moved here and we were working at the same company. I lived near then for a few years so stopped over often to give her a ride and would visit with her hubby. And of course we all went to church together and for a while, all sang in the choir together. Lots of sadness.

    Tomorrow is Mah Jongg morning and there is coloring at the library in the afternoon. I just wanna have some pleasant distractions.

    Wishing everyone the best of health.

