Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I just finished my walk and thinking of making some chili in the crock pot and I use turkey instead of ground beef. I have to pick up a few things, I broke my hand mirror to look at the back of my hair, so I will pop into the dollar store later. I still have to take down laundry and I changed the sheets and have to make the bed.

    A beautiful day and Dave is back at the boat. He was going to go Friday but we have to go to a funeral for a friend's mom.

    I saw a video on Facebook this morning from a doctor on why people can't lose wait. She gave all the ins and outs and said stay away from whole wheat bread, yogurt and cereal bars. We all know they contain sugar. She said make sure if anything you take a probiotic at least 10 million and 10 strains.
    Another thing was digestive enzymes. The short of it was we can't lose weight because of our digestive systems are not working properly. Just a little info if you see on Facebook ready it, its very interesting.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2016


    I tried to do a selfie

    life is great
    Cooking 5 pound of tatars in my I p to last me a few days. Jerry scrub all of my potatoes for me all I had to do was add 1 cup of water to steam them for 12 minutes. Can.t beat that

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie, I can tell you've really lost weight! That's a pot load of taters!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,125 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Well I am officially retired from full time Robby sitting. It is bittersweet as in packing up all his stuff I can't stop crying or at least welling up. My house looks so empty now and although I have been waiting for this day, I know I am going to miss him. I told Lisa I hope he doesn't forget me because we are so close and I never want that to end. I don't know how her mother and dad went to Florida for so long especially being their first grandson. I do look forward to adult fun in my future and after a good night's sleep tomorrow is my new beginning.

    Marie, you look terrific, I too can see a big difference in your weight, keep up the good work.

    Shirley, I love the dollar store, so many cute things for just a dollar, especially the greeting cards. Now that I won't have Robby, I will start again with my recumbent bike. I don't eat much bread and no cereal bars but I do eat yogurt. I bought some for Robby which I will have to finish the rest.

    Phoebe, you are such a good niece to take such good care of your aunt. You are in fact just a good person who thinks of others before herself. I am so happy to know you even if it is just through the internet.

    Chris, we too, had a beautiful day. When do you go to Alaska? What a wonderful trip that will be, have you been there before?

    Jackie, not sure if that is what Daisy has as she is getting black spots not white. The vet called Babe today and said all her blood work was fine and there is nothing to worry about. I will go with that decision but did tell Babe to ask the groomer if she changed her shampoo.

    Lin, the picture is beautiful and I am sure Tai Chi is wonderful for you. You are really active and I think it is great.

    Buzz, hope you called the doctor and are getting some relief.

    It is time for dinner and then time to relax, just think I don't have to get up early tomorrow.
    I do have a lunch date with Babe, so my adult fun starts with that with bingo tomorrow night.

    Have a great night.
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Tomorrow end the 30 day challenge on the Mc dougall plan. we will report our loss. And a new one begin. There is a new one starting Thursday and I done sign up for it. it is a wonderful group for everyone is 100% following the plan and that helps so much.Sandy and Phoebe I can't see much different in my weight. She turn the site into a secret one Meaning no one can join after its get started trying to keep the numbers down. Wis me well on the next 30 days. I can not keeps my hand steady taken pictures. so they all turn out blurry. But I keep trying.
    Love to you all
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, your secret is the last 4 words of your paragraph:"But I keep trying." Indeed you do!
    Something seems to be wrong with my laptop...or wireless connection, as it sounds peculiar and is slowed to less than a crawl! I'd better do a full scan and log off. It barely responds!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Good evening, just going to head upstairs and realized I hadn't said hello today. I went to a class on essential oils today and tried three oils from this particular company and something happened. When I got home I got ill with the runs and have just been trying to get that to stop.

    Paid some bills online and sorted through the mail. That's about it.

    Sandy, we heard at our little airport you needed to show up at least 1.5 hours early in order to catch your flight. Someone said things were getting better but I know I would be very upset if I missed a flight due to security screening. I know you'll miss Robby but you have this trip coming up soon so I hope you can focus on that for now.

    Marie, congrats on your McDougall results. Glad you've found lots of good groups and good people. There are a lot of starch eaters out there.

    Buzz, good evening my friend. Hope you get your laptop going faster.

    Phoebe, how's your aunt doing?

    Shirley, good for you keeping up with replacing the little things around the house that break or get misplaced (me). Sorry you have a funeral to attend on Friday.

    Chris, nice that you walked to lunch today. Enjoy the good weather. Sounds like you are really keeping busy.

    Jackie, good research!! I read the article and it does explain the condition quite well. And we would be more than happy to read a book written by you!!

    Good night....hugs.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I keep changing my plans for the remainder of my days at home. The Medicare supplement for my aunt does not cover transport from hospital to rehab facility. So I ll be taking her. Sadly we drive by her home on the way, and I know she will want to go by there. Well, her daughters say no way and I agree.
    I have today at home and better get my family fed. :smiley: Phoebe
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,125 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Kind of a gloomy day but it felt good to sleep later. Babe is picking me up at one for lunch so I have a little time on the computer. As of now I am going to get to the airport two hours before my flight, I might change it to three depending on the news. They did bring in more screeners so hopefully things will quiet down. I really don't want to miss my flight.

    Phoebe, good luck with your aunt, is she going to rehab today?

    Lin, sorry you got ill from the essential oils, did you ingest them or just put them on you?

    Buzz, sorry about your computer problems, I hope it was an easy fix.

    Marie, good luck on the new challenge.

    Jackie, hopefully you have another beautiful day and are outside fiddling around.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, I wish it was today,but it is set for tomorrow. I have a Dr appointment @10:30, then must go to her apartment for some clothes, then to the hospital. Her daughter, Melissa, will let me know the latest pick up time that is OK. Rush rush!
    I can't imagine standing in the line for security for two hours!
    What's with gas prices? Jim just called and it's gone up about 20 cents. I found cheaper gas about 15 miles away via gas buddy and he's gone there.
    Back to stuff to do.
    Marie, how did you cook the potatoes in the IP

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2016
    Marie - You look great, I can see you have lost weight. Keep it up! I am happy you found a group to
    talk to and support each other. That is half the battle of weight loss.

    Sandy - How far is Robby from you now? You will miss him so much. We go to see Isaac on the 29th and we count the days. I would get to the airport at least 2 hours if not more for security. Have fun
    on your trip.

    Buzz- Computer problems are such a pain, I hope you can get yours fixed.

    Phoebe - Good luck with your aunt, she is lucky to have so much family support from you.

    Lin - There must have been somthing in the oil that triggered your problems. Were these ingested?
    I have been ingesting coconut oil which is supposed to help with digestion. I also take a tablespoon of
    Aloe Vera juice with every meal.

    Today was Yoga, I purchased a bolster to do some yoga at home mostly back bends. As we age
    we tend to slouch forward with our bodies. I just finished lunch and will go and do some gardening and
    then some cleaning. Our weather is going to get warmer by the day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2016
    Sandy, I wish it was today,but it is set for tomorrow. I have a Dr appointment @10:30, then must go to her apartment for some clothes, then to the hospital. Her daughter, Melissa, will let me know the latest pick up time that is OK. Rush rush!
    I can't imagine standing in the line for security for two hours!
    What's with gas prices? Jim just called and it's gone up about 20 cents. I found cheaper gas about 15 miles away via gas buddy and he's gone there.
    Back to stuff to do.
    Marie, how did you cook the potatoes in the IP

    phoebe. I bought my potatoes at Walmart 5 lbs per bag got 2 bags for I go thru to much.jerry scrubs one bag for me and we put whole 5 pounds in the Ip with the the little rack that came with it . added 1 cup of water for 12 minutes. but the really was too done for my taste, so will cook the next one for 10 or 11 minutes . you can always recook them but you can't do anything if you over cook them.. so now I have a big bowl of steam potatoes ready to make what ever I want
    I plan on taking some and add green beans and onions for my dinner tonight
    I order me a new oiless fryer this morning used my mother days gift card from Kathy. They tell me they are quite nice. gets them crisps on the outside and tender on the inside I pick it up at walmart Monday. going to see if there is cookbook on it6hfi9jdb974f.jpg

    Here is my breakfast. oven fried potatoes, Texas sweet onions and slice tomatoes Very good and filling

    love marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thats what you call batch cooking.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good day friends, had a wonderful Qigong/Tai Chi class this morning. Then went to Costco to get paper products for the church but it is a big store and I had to zip up and down lots of aisles while I was there.

    Buzz, thinking of you so I purchased some organic blueberries at Costco. Nice big package!! (And I just tried them---tasty)

    I watched a webinar on research efforts to preserve the monarch butterfly. Very interesting. And then I did some research on my medical benefits. Oh that is fun to search online on that insurer's site. Then looked up several providers I am interested in seeing but of course neither is a network Doctor. Then checked my claims history to verify that they really told a provider that they can bill me for services from 2014. Yep, it is there in B&W. And then dental benefits. Yes I got the tooth fixed recently but the original fix didn't last long enough so I get to pay 100% of the cost. Oh joy. I assumed that would be the case but now I know.

    Good looking spuds Marie!!

    Phoebe, I hope you can make it to all your stops without high blood pressure.

    Sandy, is your packing done?? Ready to go?

    Shirley, I have never tried Aloe Vera juice. What is the benefit? And how does it taste? Do you put it in your water?

    Hugs. Should I read, color, watch a DVD, or take a nap???

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Computer behaving normally today, so it was probably Comcast Cleaning Time!
    Good news is that my gout seems much better today. But the knees go on and on, and I will not suffer surgery as I think anesthesia could be a disaster at 89! I worry more about dementia than arthritis! PHOEBE, bless you for being such a caring person! I think of you every time I eat my Georgia blueberries! SANDY, are you leaving this weekend? I know you'll have a great visit! LIN, I'm so glad you found those fabulous berries, too. Today I added cherries to my purchases as they are supposedly gout fighters! And a bottle of Vitamin C, which I had stopped taking. Spaghetti was the main thing on tonight's menu that was gout -friendly, as everything else was either seafood or meat. So I was fine until the waiters appeared with a gorgeous chocolate birthday cake for our friend. I don't recall if chocolate is permitted or not, but being a chocoholic, I succumbed! Also, trying to decide whether to get a haircut or go for wild long hair! Mike and I are both headed for ponytails! I keep falling asleep so I'd better listen to my body signals. Having a squamous cell carcinoma removed from near my wrist tomorrow; product of my years of sun worshiping.
    MARIE, I'm trying to figure out why you are having such success with the potatoes. Mike is not allowed white potatoes, so I give him the evil eye when he orders one, and then I remember you and how well you are doing with them! He received more insulin today as his sugar as soaring at night!SHIRLEY, nice to see you continuing with your exercise programs.
    Goodnight everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Well I got my wish! I dropped Honey at the vet for needle aspiration. Just sat down to enjoy 2chicken tacos at Moe's. The nurse phoned and they were ready to transfer her. So I finished lunch and called Jim to pick up Honey. I've been back home for about 45 minutes. Another 200 mile day. My aunt is in the rehabilitation center and they will not do her assessment until tomorrow. If they get anything wrong, her daughter will be there Monday.
    Thanks Marie for your potato cooking lesson. I forgot about the rack that came with it. I've seen those oil free fryers, but I couldn't imagine how they did it. Sandy, if they make you miss the flight, there's always Amtrak, you'd spend most of your week on the train!!
    Lin, I think insurance websites are difficult on purpose. I hope you enjoy your blueberries.
    I'm pooped, see you tomorrow!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,182 Member
    Good morning. My MasterPass account is messed up. I called customer service and she was nice and we were on the phone a long time and then her system froze up so nothing accomplished. No resolution, no temp password, no incident number, nada. I have been waiting a bit to see if she would call back but it doesn't look likely.

    Off to a rummage sale, time with the ladies at the library, maybe a stop by Earl May's and/or Penzey's. But there's always tomorrow. Webinar after lunch and then off to Farmer's Market.

    Buzz, I hope the gout continues to go away. Sorry for the upcoming surgery. I have sun damaged skin from head to toe. My mom was always in the sun and told me it was healthy. Had no idea of the long term outcome. Not good for fair complexion and burn after burn. The berries are yummy!!

    Phoebe, yipes another 200 mile day and you are at home!!!! Yipes! Hope you got some rest and that Honey is doing okay.

    Onward. Hugs.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good grief! I look like a dumpster woman! Since Katir came, I dress in the oldest raggiest clothes possible because she jumps and chews everything...including me. I am totally puppy chewed, muddy, slobbery and sleep deprived. However, we are making good progress on the potty training. I will need a hair trim and I need to do something about these scared and chapped hands. I am thinking some newer puppy clothes now. We are going into intense ball trading. She love chasing the ball, bringing it back seems to be a concept that she isn't really doesn't want to embrass.

    Enough about puppies! I am into the dungeon today. Katie will assist. I have a couple a paintings that I started before Katie got here. The paint is dry, the sketches are puppy chewed but still useful as an idea reference.

    I am so trashed in the evenings that I haven't watched any tv or movies. In fact my exercises are sadly neglected. Must get a better routine going now. Summer is such a great time, I want to get my MOJO fired up. Not sure exactly what that is, but whatever it is, mine needs fired up!
    P.s. I can't correct anything on my posts. I guess you will need to just guess what I am saying. I used to be able to correct but MFP has a mind of its own!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz what you put on your potatoes are the bad guys Not the potatoes they are your friend All plant food is your friends. without added fats

    phoebe i am taking a couple of steam potatoes out of the fridge and make some Mash potatoes with some fat free brown gravy Corn on the cob all without added fat or butter and a salad for lunch

    Love raining day here in Mesquite, Texas

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, your Mojo should get plenty of fire being pulled along behind Katie on a leash.
    Lin, what is Master Pass, and please forgive me if I already asked that. Have you heard of 'The Fresh Market '? Drove past yesterday .
    Marie, the mashed potatoes sound great, but I admit that I would not eat them naked. Love them steamed, skin on, then mashed with a fork, then comes the bad stuff. Yum, anyway.
    Jackie, I saw Quorn in our Kroger grocery. Lots of choices too.
    Buzz, unfortunately, gout comes back at some point. I found Georgia blueberries today! The others were Florida, I think.
    Honey seems better today, still a limp, but better.
    The craziest thing, I had lunch, went to my car, used my phone to check out digital coupons , and I fell asleep!! I guess I really Was tired from yesterday. Of course, the traffic was slow moving, so everyone got a laugh. :*
    No calls for me today, good news. I'll call my aunt tomorrow. I hope they began therapy today.
    My Dr appt was a review of my labwork. All good except fasting glucose a bit high, not much. I need to get more fiber daily.
    Taking a little nap before preparing vegetables for dinner.