Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - I guess you at least get to eat what you want. :) Sounds like you're getting to relax a bit too. Nothing wrong with that.
    Shirley - The weight is finally going down again. Three cheers for summer activities!

    This morning was spent in the office (at home) catching up on some things. This afternoon, I was able to spend more time outside trying out my gardening skills. I'm not sure I will reap any vegetables for my efforts, but I should at least have a decent sun tan by the end of summer. Exercise, vitamin D and the hope of home grown food. It's a good day. B)
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    And talking of diets, I've been looking for a very small piece of plastic that I'm hoping Jilly didn't swallow. I lost out of my hair one of those pull back grips and by the time I realized she had gotten it one of the "claws" had a top corner nibbled off. Can't find it, so I'm praying she didn't swallow it, mainly because she is so tiny. She's bounding around at the moment full of beans so I'm hoping it's just me having a panic attack! But honestly I have to have eyes in the back of my head with this one!
    It's very warm here, hence me pulling my hair back.
    Sometimes it's quite eye opening isn't it seeing how other folk eat.
    I've so enjoyed reading everyone's posts and everyone's interesting lives. Mine consists of puppy walking these days, although we have met some interesting people on our travels. We met one nice elderly chap who was walking his daughters male dog. "He's very gentle" the nice man said, "can he say hello to your tiny little pup". I say of course, at which Jilly Bean got tremendously excited and was leaping up and down like a flea. What did the "gentle" dog do, he backed off, whimpered and ran back to the house. "I'm SO embarrassed" said the nice elderly gent taking off after his daughters dog who was 100 times bigger than Jilly.
    Ooh must go, my youngest has just phoned to say he and my grandson are coming over to put in my big window air conditioner for which Jilly and I are most grateful!
    Bye for now, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: I know what you mean! Katie ate a plastic do-dad that comes on bread wrappers. That little plastic square donut. It was bright blue so here I was out staring intently at poop out in the grass. Too disgusting for words! I do remember inspecting toys when the kids were little, looking for toy parts that could get eaten or choked on. I do the same thing now when it comes to dog toys. It is my new hobby...anticipating possible dangers to the puppy. "Everything came out okay!"
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited May 2016
    I Know what you mean PATSY. Maybe you and I should apply for jobs as poop inspectors! I wonder if the folk who inspect samples under microscopes for parasites etc started out as puppy owners? What a thought on a gloomy hot morning having my oatmeal and cuppa!
    From all that intense cold not so long ago we are today 29C or 85F and I'm so glad Mark and Derek put the window air conditioner in. Mind you they had quite a job doing it because last fall Mary Jo painted this particular window frame without opening the window! No wonder I was draught free all winter!
    Have a lovely day everyone and Lin, good luck with the tooth problem.
    Anne, permanently peering at the ground these days!❤️ from me and wet Xs from Jilly the piddling pup.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Heading to the pool soon, although I am so burned not sure how long I will stay out there. It will tan but I do not want to peel. Yes, I know all the dangers of the sun, but it is just not something I can give up. I go early so the sun isn't as hot as during the afternoon.

    Loving the puppy stories and checking of poop. I remember doing that with my kids when they swallowed small things, like a coin. Luckily, it always passed. Lol

    Rob and Lisa are all set with the closing of their new house. For now it is June 9th, unless the lawyers move it up. Lisa is excited she only has a few days of work. I had two FaceTime calls with Robby so far, but he mainly tries to grab my face.

    Have a wonderful day, the weather here is perfect!

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I see everyone is busy with inspecting poop and enjoying swimming in the pool and family. MARCELLA
    is tanning and doing gardening. I did water all our plants today even though they said rain, which still
    hasn't happened. MARIE is buying potatoes and enjoying them everyday and still losing weight. What a gal!! PHOEBE is waiting for those delicious berries and BUZZ is lucky enough to be drinkiing black cherry juice, I sure hope it helps what ails. I have heard that cherry juice is good for the aches and pains. Let us know how its going with that. Maybe I should buy a case. LIN - Loving all the pictures you post on Facebook where do you get them all, some are beautiful. PATSY and ANNE your stories about the pups are hilarious and I am enjoying reading them everyday.

    I hope I didn't miss anyone. My day was Yoga visiting my MIL, watering plants and flowers and doing some reading. I bought a new book on my Kindle called "Super Mind" by Dr. Rosenthal. It explains in
    more detail about TM (transcendental meditation) which I do twice a day. I have been wondering about a few things and they are explained in this book. A good read for me.

    Oh, I almost forgot, the boat is floating!! Ya Hoo!! Now my work begins getting the inside all set up.
    My friend made new curtains and cushions for me this year and can't wait to see them up.

    Have a good evening.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well (including the adventuresome fur babies).

    Shirley, boat in the water!!! Wahoo!

    Buzz, black cherry juice sounds good (and I hope it is helping).

    Phoebe, hope you finally got your berries!!

    Sandy, pool to yourself. How lovely. I am glad to know there are other people who eat strangely. Ha. I hope they enjoy going out with you this weekend.

    Patsy and Anne, looking forward to additional puppy pictures.

    Marcella, oh my, gardening can definitely be full-time during the growing season. Just having a tiny deck is just right for me.

    Marie, I see there's a group on Facebook that once a. On the will be doing "Mary's mini." Each month apparently it will be the 15th through the 25th. Going to follow along.

    Joined the Adult Reading Club at the library today. Goal is to read 10 books in the next 10 weeks. They would like have short reviews as well but I passed on that. Oh and I signed up for a 4-week course in August to learn to play Mah Jongg. That's something I've always wanted to do. There's a Tai Chi gathering on Memorial Day morning at the rose garden of our Art Center (if it isn't pouring rain).

    I got an appointment with the dentist tomorrow afternoon. Darn tooth is still aching. When the veneer snapped off this time it hurt.

    Well, off to read and to maybe do a bit of coloring. (Just finished "The Art of Murder" by Elaine Viets.).


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are having a cold Memorial Day here. The town is full of travelers and the weather is iffy but when you come to the Oregon coast, you always bring a nice warm coat, sweater and rain jacket. A pair of warm gloves wouldn't hurt either.

    Katie is in heaven! She gets to run full tilt all around the fenced in area. Up and down the back steps and in and out and under all the bushes and trees. She is covered in dirt, leaves and twigs. Tomorrow she goes in for her second puppy shot. She gets a new collar and new harness because she just keeps growing. She is really starting to look more "doodle" looking now. She will have strawberry blonde dred locks, sort of. It is an odd hybrid but very trendy these days. We aren't very trendy people but we liked the look and personality of labradoodles.

    I bought a salad do-dad called a mandolin slicer. It will slice very thin veggies for salads. I hope I don't slice a finger with this thing. It is very sharp. The thing about these kitchen gadgets is they are usually used two times then go into garage sales. I will try to use it regularly this summer!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yikes, almost 2 AM! Today is my eldest DD's 31st anniversary! I remember their wedding on the top floor of a Manhattan hotel, all windows at night capturing the most spectacular thunderstorm! Her bouquet was lilacs. ANd the said it wouldn't last!
    Thank you, LIN, yes, I think the cherry juice is performing wonders! Today, I began to walk for the first time in many weeks!
    Sleepy time. Cleaning help coming tomorrow and I simply warned her about what she'll find. No pre-cleaning!!! Night all...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy as ever this time of year with so much to do outside and in. Yesterday morning I visited a local garden nursery with my walking friend where we spent nearly 2 hours strolling in and out of their polytunnels picking up annuals for baskets and tubs as well as a few perennials so of course that means more work to be carried out but the sort I love. A couple of weeks ago when clearing an area in my "wild bottom" I discovered a bird box on the ground that had fallen off its hook on a post so brought it to the cottage and sat it on a windowsill outside the shower room in order to dry it out. Two days ago I noticed I have acquired a bumble bee colony that has moved in to it for the summer so now can't move it for risk of disturbing them! I'm delighted to furnish them with a home but just wish I had placed it out of the way a bit. Of course they could have already been in the box before I moved it but that's something I'll never know. Lovely to read funny puppy stories and also Patsy'sbeautiful memories of her mum during her twilight years. Lin I was given a temporary filling in my misbehaving tooth last Friday and must now wait another 5 weeks for the permanent work to be carried out. I do hope your visit today will solve whatever problem is going on with yours.
    Sandy well, well, that's certainly a different arrangement your son has with his partner but if it works for them....! Seems odd they didn't think about what you were supposed to eat though. Sitting in the sunshine is one of my favourite things if ever I find the time but do now find shade under which to relax. Gone are the days I want to frizzle my skin!! LOL Buzz I'm relieved to read you are finding walking a little easier again and if it's the cherry juice that's helping, what a delicious way to medicate yourself!

    I know I'm missing lots of you out but must get on as I have a lot to do like grass cuting, a beehive inspection and veggies planted up at the allotment before forecast thunderstorms arrive (again!!)
    Have a good Thursday everyone.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Looks like a rainy day here for doing my errands. I'm happy that the weather was amazing for the past 2 days while my husband had some time off from work. So, today's my day to pick up my fresh milk, eggs and locally grown veggies from the local farmer and then on to the Whole Foods store for everything else. At home, I have laundry to finish and a couple of toilets to clean. Fun times!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Happy Thursday! Happy Red Nose Day! Red Nose Day is a day that benefits starving children. Walgreens sells red noses and other things but tonight on TV (not sure if just in US) they have a special with all the stars wearing red noses. I brought 5 with me and we will wear them either in a restaurant or at home. Either way there will be pictures!

    I talked to Babe this morning and I think his son has finally hit rock bottom. Cheryl has asked Babe to help her with a legal separation and she wants to move into an apartment with Marisa. Babe is so stressed and depressed, he claims he wants nothing to do with his son again. I have heard all this before so I will believe it when I see it. Babe said he is so lonely and someday he hopes we get back together, that he should have never let me leave because of his son. I have no answers for that, it could be too little too late. My life has changed so much for the better, I am not sure if I could go back.

    Another beautiful day here. A/C isn't even required with the door open and a ceiling fan blowing cool air. I think after the pool I am going to take a walk to the store, just for some exercise. I have been swimming and walking in the pool but not the laps that Jackie does.

    Have a wonderful day!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandy LOL if you had seen me on Tuesday with my friends at the local pool you'd have been very impressed because we spent most of the time at one end chatting..... I think I managed 10 lengths but that's all. Those of us who knew you before you moved would I'm sure tell you it's obvious how much happier you are without the stresses of Babe's son AND daughter but as you say, you've heard it all before!

    I've just returned from the allotment having dug in the runner beans and a couple of courgette plants, then decided to water everything that's already planted up and spent 20 minutes swinging a watering can over them.... drove out of the car park and the rain began to pour. Oh well!! My bees are looking healthy so I'm happy with their progress and the lawns were cut so the rain will do them the power of good. A friend dropped in for a cup of tea just as I finished the inspection and thought it funny I was dressed in what she called a baby grow before taking a photo!!

    They say dogs soon begin to look like their owners, or is it the other way around?
    I'm tempted to cook pasta for my evening meal but should probably eat something more healthy.... we'll see!


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers. Everyone is planting and all I can manage is to hold the ladder while John hangs the wind socks. I never thought I would miss the spring planting and watering and in general fussing over my flower beds and pots. But one must pick ones battles! This is a good year for deck refurbishing.

    I had one of my sleepless nights. Not sure why but it happens. Now I am trying not to get cranky and mean. Not so easy when I am tired.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Jackie, love your photo! I think it is owners start looking like their dogs and I must admit there is a resemblance!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Love the photo Jackie and if pet owners start looking like their dogs, George is one handsome doggie. In my case does this mean I could end up with dyed black hair, beady eyes, and spindly legs?
    I want to plant too PATSY, but it's impossible, especially as I haven't a fenced in yard. The grass just got cut before we had a thunderstorm and downpour. My "big" brave dog wasn't a bit scared but sat looking out of the window with a puzzled look. She wasn't scared on Saturday, Sunday or Monday either when some of the locals enjoyed their fireworks for the long weekend.
    My attitude SANDY is "if it ain't broke leave well alone". You sound as if you have the perfect relationship with Babe just as it is, but then, mind your own business, Ansie Baby.
    And on that note, it's stopped raining, let's go walkies!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jackie, either you take George to the hairdresser with you, or go with George to his 'spa'. See what the pros can do with you two. :-)
    Patsy, a year away from gardening might inspire new ideas for you. Sorry you had a bit of a melancholy moment the other day. The good news is, I haven't heard from her, and one of her nieces is supposed to be visiting starting today.
    We've made it back to Georgia, but we must deliver the strawberries. The grocer is desperate for them. I guess that means they're on sale this week.
    Shirley, wishing you warm summer sails, and happy cleaning! Enjoy your time with Isaac too.
    Lin, I'm wishing you don't have a toothache anymore! Enjoy your many fun activities.
    Sandy, if Cheryl wants and kind of relationship with you, I hope she's ready to apologize for the pain she caused you. That's somewhere in the future, I know. Hope it isn't all dumped onto your lap. Did you make the walk to the store?
    Marie, have you turned into a potato yet?? Hope you get your air fryer soon.
    I'm a bit sleepy, so I will send this post.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Phoebe. I went to sleep on my computer woke up and there was a notice that you just posted. I yelled HEY PHOEBE. glad you getting those strawberries to GA. I bought a box of them Tuesday and they were so good. Yeah I m looking forward to my air fryer so I can have 'em fried taters I cook something new Tues. I bought a pkg of caulflower already clean in florets Add some BBQ sauce bake for an hour So good. I will buy a whole head tomorrow to cook. Should not be to much trouble.

    get some rest
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Love that photo Jackie. You are both adorable. Thanks so much for posting!!!!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi Ho Sneakers! Katie went in for her second puppy shot. She now weighs in at 12 lbs. exactly double from her first visit. She is not quite 12 weeks old yet. That appears to be the magic age when the light bulb turns on. The good news is that she is finally getting the hang of this potty training but she has no patience if we aren't paying attention. We have to look and listen because she has a busy day and has no time to wait for us. As they say...time and tide wait for no man....or doggie.

    Cold today. We will put a fire in the fireplace tonight.

    Sandy: I am such a romantic, I would have these unrealistic notions of you and Babe getting together and you both would live a happy life with sweet Daisy. I hate being alone so much. I have been known to hang outside the bathroom door talking to John as he shaves. I know! WIERD! Maybe you could enjoy weekends together. All our best wishes for a good outcome on this ongoing heartache. I know you must be at 6s and 7s!

    Lin: Hope your tooth is fixed now. You were pretty brave. I would be crying to another dentist. And I do mean crying! I can't handle tooth pain. I am a total wimp. There isn't enough insurance or money in this world that would keep me from finding immediate help.

    Anne: our babies are growing up. The vet tells us that if we remember, the puppies get better and better with the occasional disaster until they are about 2 years old. Then their little personalities are formed and we all enjoy the outcome. We enjoy their puppyhood but it is just so relentless.