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Senior Golden Sneakers
Is anyone else having problems with posting tonight? This is the only website where my cursor jumps all over ! I think I would never leave willingly, but this website is badgering me!
:0 -
Buzz ~ Thank you for thinking of me when you heard of that insane attack at a kids music concert in Manchester last night which although many miles from me doesn't lessen my heartache at such a brutal and evil act. I like to think I'm informed and sometimes sympathetic when it comes to causes around the world but find it incomprehensible that someone would stand amongst laughing, excited young children and pick a moment to look in their faces and murder them in such a vicious way. I suppose I'd have to be psychotic with murder in my heart to begin to understand so accept I never will.
Automatic updates on my computer are something I hate to see happening because they always bring problems with them so apart from restarting my laptop I'm generally at a loss! Gosh, I think you'd need to count to 100 rather than a miserly 10 before contacting your social services about their latest *kitten* up (I'm betting Microsoft will take that term as a rude one when it's an historical naval one!!). Good luck with it although even I would be shouting by now!!
The page has turned and like Buzz I can't remember exactly what was posted on the other side so will go back to dealing with Brady and his latest trophy.... another poor mouse, George trying to steal it off him now in the garden which is better than under the sofa where it was first thing and then get myself out to the shops for a few items. Our heatwave in Cornwall is holding off as the mist drifted in from the sea but at least it's warm and my garden is practically steaming. Here's a photo taken in between chasing Brady!!
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"kitten" up!!!! Nothing like the word used but at least it gave me my first smile of the day!!!
Jackie0 -
Heartbroken about the attack in Manchester. I know Manchester pretty well because that's the airport I use when I travel to Yorkshire and also the close by railway station and hotels I've used when flight departures and arrivals not compatible with train etc schedules. Heartbroken. More later,
Love Anne.
Just want to add the Manchester people I've known and met are warm, and caring, and humorous and welcoming.0 -
Beautiful garden picture Jackie. And all trophies from your darling ones should be left outdoors. Haaaa. Under the sofa! Oh, is the blooming plant in the front left an azalea? Rhododendron? Something else altogether? I love the color.
Buzz, I missed the news last night so got some rest before hearing of the horrid event. Crazy people are everywhere and seemingly more evil ones each day.
I was going to say that I am watching "The Yorkshire Vet" on Acorn TV and am enjoying it although each episode shows a poor animal in distress. It is a bit gruesome and sometimes they do not save the animal but the vets are so skilled and compassionate that watching is worthwhile.
Mah Jongg this morning so must move along.
Lin0 -
Jackie the most beautiful garden anywhere. Just lovely I feel like our friends have been attack Thanks god you are safe Hugs sweetie such a dear friend to all of us.- Marie0
I still can't get my days back. If anyonw knowa what i am doin wrong let me know.
Marie0 -
MARIE, I don't know if this still works, but I have used it and it worked.
Try copying it and then paste it in an email, maybe?Buzz
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JACKIE, your garden is magnificent! Your remarks on the latest outrage by hooligans are head on perfect! Why would anyone sympathize with these "losers" (with an unexpected bow to you know who!). Something surely went wrong somewhere in their lives! we all weep for the poor victims
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click on this and the correct number of days should be in the box
Then click on the word "submit" right under the box
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Of course I see that BARBIE's link is correct! I found mine in a mess of folders, so MARIE should now have her proper number of days back! Nice to see old friends are watching !
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I hope Marie has what she needed. I never know where to find things and just have to search.
Good morning. Off to Tai Chi soon. We had a huge arena concert here last evening and I was kind of holding my breath as you never know what crazy people may have been inspired by tragedy. Several friends were attending and all is well. No shootings last night either. Yippee!!
Today our governor becomes Ambassador to China and we will have our first female governor. Quite the excitement here with extensive news coverage.
Praying that any terror plots are thwarted.
Lin0 -
A busy few days for me before I travel to London so short and sweet I'm afraid. The sun is finally shining in Cornwall so after an enjoyable stroll with George and friends first thing and getting a washing load out to dry I've just had a blissful pedicure at home. Just time to plant up the last of my annuals into containers then off to the allotment to put beetroot seedlings in before they outgrow the tray they're in.
Buzz ~ Yes, losers these so called Islamic soldiers certainly are and we mustn't let them in any way interfere with our plans for an enjoyable life!
Lin ~ You must be hoping a female governor will bring common sense and logical thinking into the mix although I know it doesn't always follow. The Yorkshire Vet is a favourite of mine and last night's episode had me laughing out loud at a very small sheep that kept head butting the older vet. He found it amusing too!
Marie ~ Please don't leave us over a number.... we'll miss you too much if you go.
George is barking at nothing again so I'd better go and calm him. This morning Brady brought him a mouse to play with and he's not yet forgiven me for taking it off him!!
Jackie0 -
At D.C. Airport with a half hour delay to Nashville and an hour delay from Nashville to Jacksonville!0
I get the Yorkshire Vet on Acorn TV. They just released Season 2! I have already made my way through all episodes. I would imagine it will be another year or so before they let us see Season 3. Ack!! Lovely show.
Safe travels Sandy.
Marie, I hope you did not leave!!
Hello everyone.
More hugs.
Lin0 -
I guess you are watching James Herriot the real life Yorkshire vet LIN. If so, you are viewing the countryside I love and miss so much. I have his book "The best of James Herriot" and also "James Herriots Yorkshire", full of beautiful photographs.
I've just had an old woman in a headscarf and in broken English telling me my lovely front garden apple tree needs to be cut down!!!!!! Unbelievable. Yesterday another lady told me I kept my gardens beautifully. Talk about different strokes for different folks again. We've, that's Jill and I, spent most of today in the two gardens weeding and cutting back and tidying bushes, plus lawn mowing. It's going to rain all day tomorrow so we got on with it while the sun shines. Jill tried to keep all marauders away by yapping and getting excited about passing folk. Most came down the path to pat her, except for the old woman in the headscarf who said "barking dog" disapprovingly. Still can't believe she wants my blossom laden tree CUT DOWN!
Everything sown in my veggie containers now through and growing at an alarming rate. Even the onions.
Anne0 -
not yet dear Lin1
Anne, the new TV series is centered on what was James Herriot (James Wight in real life) actual practice. It is wonderful. I do wish I owned the old series which I loved dearly but it is a bit pricey for me.
Here's the info on the new Star Vet!!
Julian Norton qualified as a veterinary surgeon from Cambridge Veterinary School in 1996. He has spent most of his working life in his beloved North Yorkshire. In 2015, Skeldale Veterinary Centre was involved with filming the Channel 5 television series The Yorkshire Vet, in which Julian has the title role. Outside of work, Julian is a keen triathlete and ski mountaineer. He has represented team GB at age-group level for both middle-distance triathlon and long-course duathlon. He is currently training to compete in a team for the major ski mountaineering race, La Patrouille des Glaciers, which traverses the high peaks of Switzerland. He is married to Anne, also a veterinary surgeon, and has two sons, Jack and Archie, a Jack Russell terrier called Emmy, and two guinea pigs called Sparkle and Shine.
Lin0 -
Now ignore the misinformed lady Anne. She is surely blind as a bat!!0
Look-- some interesting old brochures I got at the library this afternoon.
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Lin – Hope the burn is healing well. ….Hope you enjoyed your concert without too much worry over possible terror attacks. I can hear my dear grandmother “What the world is coming to! Tsk tsk tsk.”
Anne – Oh, poor Jilly, sorry you & she had an upsetting day. Glad she is good company for you. ….Isn't it exciting to see your seedlings grow!
Jackie – Glad your 'tummy' troubles were short lived. ...Agility class sounds interesting. ….Such mayhem! Lovely garden, peaceful.
Buzz – It is a shame the way education is headed. We, the parents/grandparents/families have to keep the important things in our youngsters lives.
Sandy- It was a good thing you were home and had exceptional hearing to pick up on the leak, major catastrophe averted. Hope your trip/visits are going well.
IBS and sleep disturbance issues since last week...cat napped 1-2 hrs. a few times from Friday til Monday. Fell asleep Monday about 9pm and only up for bladder breaks until woke at 5:14pm Tuesday. I have not done well with eating and thus logging! Hope to get back on track with meals and logging. Looking over finances with son gone (no rent) and debating if can keep internet. I hope I can, otherwise I will have to just log in at the library 1-2x/week and not sure that will be beneficial as far as keeping me on track with my food intake. Oh well, time will tell. Looking at Reverse mortgage, but not sure I like that option.
Noted a few peas and beans just peeking through. I did get to the Community garden and planted a row of peas, a few cukes, and zucchini starts. They still have not connected the water to the site so we have to lug in jugs to water the gardens, but everyone is very helpful in tending the 2 pantry beds. I hope to get some broccoli, beans, and rutabaga s planted in both my beds and the pantry beds this weekend. I also noted I have rhubarb to cut. I will make some sauce and freeze some for later use.
Good night/Good Day everyone
MAE0 -
Know the feeling well MAE, apart from the government pension with its occasional pay rise of a dollar, my works pension never increases in value, so what I received 16 years ago is the same today. Not exactly keeping me or the hound dog in the lap of luxury. Fortunately my rent never increases even if the utility bills do. Like you, I've also considered giving up the internet but it is useful for staying in touch with dwindling family and friends overseas. Trots to the Library not really an option for me. There is good news in all this however, I live in fear of gaining weight and having to buy new clothes! There's always a silver lining if you look for it!
Rain all day so I'm glad I did so much work in the garden yesterday. The lady who wants my apple tree chopped down isn't so much misinformed as an old misery LIN. Although you have a point, headscarf and heavy guttural accent suggests maybe not too many apple trees in land of origin?
Well, Jill's homemade dog food about ready so I'll trot off for a shower and hair wash.
Hope today is good in your neck of the woods,
Anne.0 -
A beautiful day, another lovely stroll in the sunshine and I'm now running through a few chores before going out for a meal this evening to celebrate a birthday. Not late to bed because I'll have to be up at 5am to walk George before going to my friend's home where he will stay for the day before my neighbour collects him when she finishes work. It looks like the weather will last while we're in London so I'm really looking forward to the trip. Back late Saturday so probably won't catch up until Sunday evening.
Lin ~ Sir Francis Bacon's quote on the Savill Garden brochure mirrors my own thoughts this morning looking out at the Azaleas now fading, bluebells falling over and apple blossom blown away.... I need to find more colour for the rest of the year!
Must get on as it's time to clean out the hen house and wash the kitchen floor amongst other things. Oh dear, I've just seen our very cross Prime Minister talking about US security leaks. That will add fuel to the Trump leaks and conspiracy fire!!
Stay safe everyone.
Jackie0 -
MAE, before I joined Comcast, I got my internet and email from Netzero,...free. I don't know if they still exist, but the service was good! now I pay and the service is sporadic from Comcast! That was some long sleep; hope you start improving!
ANNE, there's one in every area so just ignore the old b----! Your garden sounds so lovely!
SANDY, Too bad about that delay but you'll soon be in lovely warm weather!
JACKIE, you are so right and we cannot show them fear! Contempt maybe? I don't know anymore which end is up!!!
LIN, how observant of you to notice those old brochures!
MARIE, if you cannot get on here, how are your posts showing up? I'm slow, li'l Sis!
Oops, almost forgot my support group. Gotta run!Buzz
0 -
I am still here they took over 1/2 of my days. away from me. They will have to live it th reason hy i wont loose any sleep over it. But someone will carry the burden of what they did to me.-Marie0
Just catching up on everything. I've been busier than I want to be.
Marie - so sorry about your days. Darn.
I've had two good doctor appointments this month. My annual cancer check with my breast surgeon was great, all is well, MRI in 6 months and if that is good just have a mammogram in a year and I transfer back to my family doctor.
Today was my once a year appt with my liver doctor. Again, things are good. Fibroscan was normal and lower than last year. Hurray. All my liver tests were in the normal range. Another Hurray.
We've had such a mix of weather. 2 days ago it was really hot and yesterday we had snow and rain. Snow didn't stay as high winds and rain washed it away but today was cold and windy. Gee.
I've been enjoying the spring flowers.
Nice to catch up on you all. Big hugs.
Jeri2 -
beautiful flowers Jeri Purple is my favorite color color0
I agree Jeri, beautiful flowers and fantastic news.0
MARIE dear, even with 1/2 the days, you still are the queen of posting!