Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    It was yoga day and my lower back has been acting up these couple of days. So this afternoon is my
    chiro apt. for my back and I am happy. Yoga did help it a bit.

    Sandy - that picture of you and Daisy is adorable. :)

    We are heading to the cottage tomorrow after my doctor apt. in the morning. I will be packing today.
    We are going for a week and taking Dave's mom so she can enjoy sitting on the porch and watching
    the lake. I still have to make a yoga class apt. for while I am there, so I better get that done right now.
    I will have internet to check in.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAve been without cable, phone and internet all day and now I know how much they are part of everything in our lives! Finally came back into our entire area, but it is dinnertime. Manana!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello again! My gosh, hours at the doctor's office this morning. Sit and wait after check-in. Nurse arrives, takes some information, sit and wait. No one shows up. Nurse comes back and says is it okay if a resident comes to examine you? Okay. Wait again. Resident shows up. I am not particularly enjoying this but okay. Asks loads of questions, does a bit of an exam and he leaves. Wait again. Doctor comes in with resident at his heels. Apologizes for a longer than expected meeting. Resident recites all the information he gathered. Doctor interacts with him and quizzes him. Doctor then boots him from his chair, gets on the laptop, talks to me a bit. He then says, we should have put this off another few months and I say why? He then informed me that Medicare requires a physical within 6 months of coverage. WHAAAT? I had no idea and my Medicare coverage begins September 1st. Guess who's going back to the doctor in October? Waste.Of.Time. And the doctor never put a glove on me so to speak.

    Tada. I did pick up my prize at the library. Wahoo. A tote bag. (Smile.)

    I changed my car appointment to Wednesday as I do want to join the monthly coloring event at my library. I heard from a friend I haven't seen in a couple of months and she is going to be there. Car will be Wednesday after Tai Chi. And I am not driving it, the SUV has no Check Engine Light on so I'm putting around in that for now.

    Shirley, have a wonderful trip to the cottage. That sounds restful. I hope it is.

    Chris, your granddaughter's graduation! Are you attending? The party sounds lovely. I hope the sprinkler repairman has been there by now. Laundry, house cleaning and a sparkling house. That is wonderful!

    Sandy, I've been watching you check-in on Facebook! You are having one really productive day!! No warning lights were found to be flashing on me today. Thankfully. Loved the picture of Daisy!

    Phoebe, I didn't jump in on your comment but sometimes I'm okay with a social gathering, other time I would rather not attend at all (and sometimes I do skip things). Linda, I hope everything turned out well. Meanwhile, you are being so helpful to assist in cleaning out your aunt's apartment. It sounds as if it will take a while to finish up. Loved the Tiny Tim story. :smiley:

    Buzz, I hope your day is going well and you've delivered all appropriate cards and are up to date.

    Patsy, your son really sounds enthused about the new boat. He is being very sensible to have someone deliver to boat to Portland. Dear little Katie, I love the updates regarding her training progress. Yes, mouthing not biting but my gosh, that mouthing can cause a lot of damage and destruction. Slugs on your deck? Ewwwww. Is there some type of natural slug repellent that is dog safe?

    Anne, how odd about the young woman hanging outside the church. I hope she got the help she needed. I keep thinking little Jilly is going to grow up and just motor around at top speed when you are out walking and you'll have to hold her back!

    Jackie, lots of interesting activities in your corner of the world. I hope the weather is being kind to you, George, the girls and the allotment. And by the way, yes, I believe it is live news. It is 22:11 right now according to the news feed and there's coverage of the Orlando shooting. There was quite a bit of that yesterday. Then there was quite a bit of discussion of football/soccer. I just enjoy seeing something a bit different (well, at least until your news is also caught up in International events).

    Time to move along.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    HAve been without cable, phone and internet all day and now I know how much they are part of everything in our lives! Finally came back into our entire area, but it is dinnertime. Manana!
    <3 Buzz

    Darn, I see you posted just before me. I hate that you've been without cable, phone and Internet all day! That would drive me wild!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Sandy, I have to say...John and I have been married 50 years. We married right out of high school, went to college togather as a married couple with a baby and an old English shhepdog. Through the years we have had two children and 7 old English sheepdogs. Seeing the selfie with Daily sent me back and once again, I was in tears missing those wonderful furry friends from the past. Most recently, MoMo and Mazzy. Of course, we are grateful and dearly love little Katie. Different personality, different look, but still delightful. Thanks for the gentle reminder of some great fur family from the past.

    Still able to find time to see the PBS interview series with Charlie Rose. I am not sure I would be able to keep up on books, movies, political interviews etc. without that program. I am seriously behind most of the time as it is. The Ken Burns graduation speech to Stanford university was insightful and on point. There was an abbreviated version on google news. Interesting times we live in.

    John is off on errands, I am doing laundry, looking after Kate and planning a low salt dinner for John and I tonight. Something with sweet potatoes and chicken breast. So the week begins...
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello All,

    Do you ever feel like you will never ever catch up? That's me. Hahaha. Darn.

    Marie. Wonderful, you do so great.

    Sandy great pictures. You look so good.

    I've also been enjoying all the dog pics and stories. Still miss our golden retriever who died about 18 yrs ago. Loved her so much. But you all understand how we never forget a loved dog.

    My sister has to have her medication for metastatic breast cancer increased, darn. It has now been a year since diagnosis. However mentally she is doing so much better. She has her ups and downs with depression but mostly she is up. That makes me feel so much better.

    Thanks for the kind comments about our grands. They are so sweet. And LIN we took the kids to McDonalds because the love it and their French fries are made in a frier that only cooks French fries - no cross contamination for gluten. Elizabeth had 2 orders of fries for lunch - haha. Oh well she was happy and it is only once in awhile. And Sandy, yes they do grow up way too soon.

    Well. My liver appt went well but my appt with my family doctor yesterday, not as good. Blood tests show that I may possibly have lupus. Darn. He will refer me to a rheumatologist. Hope that won't take too long. However I am hoping it will turn out to be fibromyalgia again, who knows. I am not going to stress about it until I find out more, I'll worry a bit but not too much. I know how to laugh and how to have fun so I will continue to do that.

    Well, I must get on with my day. I had a few extra moments to myself as I got up before Ed but I hear him up now. Have a wonderful day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have a dentist cleaning at noon but then hope to get to the pool before the rain. If not then I might take my car for an oil change and be done with the car so I can order the new license sticker and pay for the next six months of insurance. Babe is at the hospital having an ultra sound of his legs. He has terrible pain and the doctor said it is probably from his lipitor which he has been taking for ten years or a circulation problem. I just hope they can help him find some relief.

    Jeri, I am sorry to read about your possible lupus and will pray for good news. Fibromyalgia is very painful I understand, you have a lot to put up with and I admire you for always smiling and being happy.

    Patsy, I like all dogs but the OE are always puppies aren't they? We have had 5 and each had their own personalities. Look at Katie and Jilly, they continue to make us laugh and will keep you young. All animals are wonderful, what would we do without them??

    Lin, I was just being silly yesterday posting where ever I went, mostly to annoy people and to see who would be the first to complain. No one did though just wondered what I was doing. You might see a second version today depending how much I do.

    Buzz, our power went out the other day and it was over 90 degrees, luckily it was only for short time. The beeping on my power surge was driving me crazy until I finally found the button to shut it off.

    Time is moving too fast and I have to eat before getting ready. Have a wonderful day!

    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Mmm, just seen that some branches of libraries have closed in Ontario because of BED BUGS. Book worms maybe, lol, but BED BUGS! Maybe the odd wood worm, but BED BUGS! Strange, someone must have been reading in bed I guess.

    We went for our morning amble and odd flash of speed with me hanging on for dear life! Jilly is exactly 4 months old today. "My" said an elderly lady with a lovely sedate dog, "she isn't going to be very big is she if she's only that big at 4 months". Things should change on Friday though as far as exuberance goes because she gets her 3rd set of inoculations at the vet and the 2nd lot made her dopey.

    We were talking about forgetfulness yesterday, and I later listened to a long talk on the radio that certain medications can cause mistaken symptoms of dementia the medical folk are now discovering. Interesting. One woman said she was diagnosed with early dementia much to her distress but was back to normal when she came off whatever she was prescribed. Maybe worth checking out?

    JERI, I sincerely hope you don't have lupus! The grandchildren are a beautiful bunch of kids and I'm not surprised you are so proud of them.

    Well, everyone is busy, busy, busy, and I must prepare lunch,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited June 2016
    Just a quick hello. I actually spent the morning catching up on little things that needed to be addressed!! I also have an appointment with a SHIIP counselor next week and an appointment Friday with an insurance broker. Shopping for med sup and Rx plans. My gosh the rate increase history with some of these companies is frightening!! Meanwhile, leaving now for coloring. Hope we don't have storms u til I return home.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, the series of three dots at the top right of your post shows one abuse complaint. I'm sure it was an accident and wasn't really a critique. Then it may just be on my screen, crazy things have happened. I have fun picturing your gallops behind such a tiny pup. She must be so happy with you.
    Lin, Medicare is a bowl of spaghetti noodles. That's the way I felt in my head when trying to check it out for Jim. Good luck. If you still only take one medication and it isn't expensive, leave off prescription coverage. Also, if you have coverage from your employer, weigh your costs carefully. Many plans can cover 100 percent of your medical expenses and that can be a relief as well as a great amt of savings, IF you incur lots of expenses. If you don't, then the premium is not cost efficient. Enough blabbering from me.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    What!!!! Why? I didn't mean to offend anyone, and if I did I can only apologize, but I don't understand how! Anne.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Anne - you certainly didn't say anything that could even remotely be accused of abuse or cause for complaint. I'm sure it must be a screw up somehow. You are just so sweet.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Thanks JERI. I really love all the ladies on this site and would never intentionally hurt anyone, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    It must have been an accident Anne. Is that what a 'flag' is??? Is there any way to undo it?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My 3 dots on the upper right stand for Last Pass! Password program, although I sometimes wonder if I still am a member in good standing. All's fairly well here. Tonight was Birthday night, and we were seated rather late due to the :"everybody present?" rule. One of our couples was in the hospital (he has cellulitis ), a third person napped and was sleeping when we sent security to check upon her. While waiting, I went close to the dining room to hear the speakers announcing various things and it appeared I missed my name being announced as 1st prize winner (picked from a hat!) meaning I may have won a $5 certificate to something!
    We did ask a new couple to join our table and it was lovely getting to know them. Our entertainment tonight was a very talented man who sang doo wop songs, and I finally learned what doo wop is! Most pleasant! My legs, however, are so blown up, I must be having a lymphedema attack! A newspaper article on gout warned against eating beef, lamb, pork, mushrooms, scallops, but allows chicken and turkey. I had been warned that turkey was awash in purine acid! No 2 lists seem to agree!
    JERI, keeping my fingers (and legs) crossed that you don't have Lupus! Enough is enough already!
    My ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzz's are appearing, and my eyelids drooping so I'll say goodnight y'all.
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    No Anne, of course you haven't done anything. It's a mistake. Easy to do I think. I hardly use my laptop at home and it was crazy the other day on MFP. They keep making tweaks and some mess up more than improve things. Time for sleep. Buzz, what if you aren't hungry, do you have to attend? So sorry about the swelling.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I don't see any dots Anne although probably have been known to have spots in front of my eyes after a particularly busy day!! Anyway you're probably the last person we'd expect to be offensive or abusive so don't worry. I did notice yesterday most of the community menu had a lot of Chinese script posts showing so did a translation which showed a website trying to encourage us to bet on horses.... not a way to lose weight, just money!! LOL

    It's raining although we did manage an early walk before the clouds rolled in and I've since done some tidying and am now contemplating washing down kitchen walls before painting since I purchased the pot nearly 3 months ago! It will help me skip lunch because after the doggy walk I popped into the local post office to pick up a click and collect only to come upon a selection of naughty pastries for sale on the counter and of course couldn't resist a large Chelsea bun which has been consumed with a mug of coffee as an elevenses snack.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello friends - humid and hot once again today. Just wanted to check in for a little while. Tai chi, car dealership, webinar on soil conservation (if I get home in time), and church committee meeting. That should eat up my day until about 8pm. Argh. Too much for a low energy person.

    Buzz, I wish our bodies could just let us know what to do and what NOT to do in order to feel as well as possible. There is so much conflicting information available on dietary regimes. I hope you are feeling better today.

    Jackie, if you see spots when you've had a busy day I would imagine you see spots every day!!! So what is a click and collect? Some type of game of chance? Naughty food is always available everywhere we go these days. I hope you enjoyed it. B)

    Phoebe, the tweaks seem to be continual here and yet I am always surprised when something else changes. And I am going to sign up for Rx as I don't want to change my mind later and then have to pay penalties for the rest of my life for going without creditable coverage. I spent quite a bit of time fighting the penalty for my dad when he signed up for Rx coverage. His VA coverage was supposed to count but was initially disallowed. Ultimately the penalty was removed and they accepted the VA coverage. So the supplement plan is a bigger decision than I really want to make right now. I probably will not decide wisely. I don't think the Rx decision will be as tough as there aren't any great plans as far as I can tell. :)

    Anne, Jeri, Sandy, Patsy, Shirley, Marcella, Linda, Marie, Diane, Gayla, Barbie, and all Sneaker friends, wishing you well.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well I Dom.t see no dots. beyond me Anne I am toasting some sweet potatoes in my toaster oven while I toast some steam red
    Potatoes for my breakfast they say the heat indexed will be 105 by this afternoon. So getting my baking done early

    Have a wonderful day,Sneakers
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, the flag symbol on the safari site becomes a sort of square at the top of the post on the myfitnesspal site. The problem is I think if you get so many flags or symbols you can get chucked off the site. I'd be mortified if I got thrown off for abusive messages. That would be a first!
    Anyway, not to worry, today is lovely, perfect, and Jill and I walked and sniffed around trees, and chased innocent thrush parents looking for food in the grass for 1/2 hour, and then we gardened for another 1/2 hour. Now one of us is sleeping with her Barkington bunny and the other one is having a coffee. No prizes for guessing who is doing what!
    PATSY, Jill's developing a funny habit, is Katie? She drops her kibble in her water bowl and then tries to fish it out with her "great big" paws, meaning the kitchen floor DOES get mopped these days! Mike thinks she's smart and is softening it, but I think she's just having fun and likes to see it sink to the bottom of the bowl, sigh. I seem to be sighing a lot these days, lol.
    Well, during the lull I'll try and get some cleaning done. I simply can't sweep the floor with a broom any more unless she's locked out of the room, sigh.