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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Haaaaaaa. Dearest Anne, my suburb would throw me in jail and then throw away the key if I would dare to have any type of livestock on this lot. Give me an address and I will gladly ship my horror of a project to someone. I doubt the girls would want it if they saw it in person. :D The one redeeming quality is that it is blue!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,436 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Doing some laundry in preparation of my house guests. Had my teeth cleaned which I hate, but good for another four months. I have an eye appointment tomorrow, my meeting on Thursday and picking up my daughter and SIL from the airport during rush hour on Friday. :# I hope to get to pool today to keep up with my tan, the weather is a little warmer than the last couple of days. I will be watching the boys tomorrow for volleyball and to wish Lisa and the boys a good trip since they leave Friday. They are going to Virginia Beach with Lisa's parents to meet up with a lot of the family so they should have a fun week. My son is not going as he said work is too busy and admits he doesn't like crowds. (he is bipolar)
    At least he will see his sister and niece as his aunt has a BBQ planned. I also have to get to the store after my meeting on Thursday to get lots of food and drinks. I am trying a new store which has fresh veggies and organic meat which my daughter prefers. I have a blow up twin bed for one of the younger people and my couch for the other young person. Since they are not married we adults prefer separate sleeping while with us. lol

    Have a good day and enjoy life!!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Can anyone guess what it is doing weatherwise? You are right, we are dodging thundershowers again. I haven't had to water the veggies for ages and so long as we don't get hit by a thunderbolt the Bean and I are quite happy dodging the showers.

    Why would the authorities throw you in jail LIN for keeping a few pet chickens? My hairdresser was telling me that her 85 year old father in law has a flock in his back garden. I guess it's a European thing. A back yard full of veggies which he also enjoys and a dozen or so chickens. I'm surprised my next door neighbour hasn't any, but then it would be too much work mucking them out!

    My dad kept them of course during the war and rationing. We never ate them when the girls stopped laying eggs and the average age for Monica Mary and the other Rhode Island reds was about 9 years old.

    You can tell from the above it's a quiet day here in the suburbs. I have to go looking for new dusters this week because the Bean grabs them off me when I dust low enough. Usually the cross wood between chair legs. This means my present bunch have holes in them from sharp little teeth.
    Bye, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cool and partly cloudy today. Not too bad really. We have yet another lunch with our dear musician friend. It is his birthday. John bought him the strangest thing as a gift. He got him a little kid's basketball and a little basketball hoop that fits on a trash can. Our friend loves to watch basketball on tv. He is of course a Blazer fan. We will meet at a Thai place on Thursday. It will be a hard day for us all, I know.

    Katie has a new toy as well. It is a teddy bear that has a sweater. She continuously removes it and carries around the sweater and the little bear. Katie hasn't done very well with the frisbee catching. However, she is slowly chewing up the frisbee..

    I saw a pbs program on Hollywood idols. This was about Marilyn Monroe. Interesting! It made clear how desperate some of the actors are. There is an amazing need for attention.

    The only garden I have currently is an avocado seed growing in a glass jar in the kitchen window. So far my crops are decidedly low producing. Hope springs eternal.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooops! Forgot to sign my name. The above drivel is from me...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Hello friends, errands this morning, then Mah Jongg, followed by an afternoon of phone calls and spreadsheets. Time for me to put together a budget. A fairly strict one for the next few years most likely. Time will tell but it is evident I will have to stop being so free with my funds. Ick. Hate this stuff.

    We have had sunshine today but storms are expected the next several days. Lots of plans for the next several days so will pull out the rain slicker and be ready to go.

    My friend has had further tests and her daughters are taking her for a second opinion in Kansas City tomorrow. The cancer has apparently not spread further than the first testing indicated so there is a chance that a very radical surgery may extend her life. That is at least an option rather than just going into hospice care.

    Time to get back to work.

    And yes Anne, keeping chickens would get me in lots of trouble here.

    Patsy, happy Katie with a favorite toy. I think it is amazing that she co it use to take the sweater off the bear.

    Sandy, to warm enough here today for a day at the pool. I hope the new store works out well. It sounds very good.

    All best wishes. Hugs.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Can't believe how busy we've been. Took Mary Jo, Melanie and Sammy with us today to a kindergarten field trip to Butterfield Acres, basically a farm kids tour. Lots of animals to pet and look at. Some walking, they milk a goat, etc., etc. a fun time. Lunch in a teepee, etc. etc.

    Then came home and we have been getting ready to go camping tomorrow in our new trailer.


    We are going to a campground outside of Banff National Park a little ways. It's our first trip in our new trailer. Wonder what we will forget?

    Good night all


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Wahoo Jeri!!!! Love the new trailer. Enjoy your trip and just purchase whatever you forget!!

    Safe travels.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Spent mucho time going through old papers etc. which I simply stashed into desk cabinet when I had to clear my desk for cleaning! And I didn't find the information I needed for the bank, so I must clear away elsewhere! Big day tomorrow, starting early morning with new internet portal for my community. Then afternoon appointment with Comcast. So sleepy now.
    <3 Buzz
    ........................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen......................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Our morning walk in the woods was a soaking one and even my shoes gave in and ended up squelching halfway round! In the end we cut it short so I'm home for a mug of coffee before a hot shower then off to do a supermarket shop.... something I hate but then I have to eat!

    It's one year on Friday that we found a cold, wet and starving Brady on the moors with weather similar to today's so it does seem we are seeing a pattern form which is wet summers with the occasional hot days and a glorious November... we'll see about that!

    My plans today are to finish off the odd bits of painting indoors such as the areas Brady ripped with his claws that have now been stuck back and a door frame that was scraped when the new roll of carpet was dragged in then hooray, I can finally get rid of paint pots. Yesterday I took a bucket seat that has been replaced to a warehouse that gives out furniture to those who can't afford to buy what they need and have promised I'll drop off the microwave I no longer need and a lamp so the de-cluttering continues.

    Anne ~ Back to the subject of the housing developments popping up all over our village, on the outskirts a few years ago was one of those awful battery egg farms that closed when laws came in that gave the hens more room to turn round in their cruel cages and the owner wouldn't pay out for the improvements. It's sat empty for a few years now because developers have discovered the ground is contaminated with remains of dead birds by the thousands so I think it's great the chooks finally won because no one wants to clean up the mess and they can RIP!! Meanwhile my girls live a life of luxury and also help to recycle fruit and veggie leftovers. Rather than complain about me having hens and even noisy Charlie, my neighbours decided to join in the fun of keeping chickens but then we are in a rural area so not sure today's cramped housing estates would be appropriate.

    Lin ~ Last night I watched a BBC documentary about how our NHS deals with cancer treatments which confirmed my thought that quality of life is the most important thing. A friend of mine is currently struggling halfway through 12 weeks of chemo with no enjoyment of life right now so I know how difficult these decisions are and hope your friend finds a way to balance treatment with some quality.

    Patsy ~ These dogs of ours do constantly entertain us don't they! George's needs are simple.... a stone brought in from the footpath to push around the floor and under furniture or rugs while his box of many toys sits ignored! My mother always had an avocado seed growing in a glass jar and I remember we thought it very exotic!!

    Jeri ~ That camper looks extremely plush and posh!! Have a wonderful trip.

    Sandy ~ A busy time for you too, even if it's keeping your suntan going! I have to ask, do you ever worry about the risks that go with too much sun? You can tell me to mind my own business of course!! LOL

    I see through the windows it's still raining so I'll stick to plan A.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Unbelievably it is said we are into a whole day without rain! Loved the picture JACKIE and if the little dog was black, that would be The Bean! We will make the most of today because Saturday is Canada's 150th birthday and with celebrations and fireworks planned one can almost guarantee it will rain! Thursday, Friday and Saturday are forecast thunderstorms and rain but you never know the forecasters could have got it all wrong!

    With my garden thriving in an English summer, I'm wondering if the store Canada grown veggies will come down in price? And not only are the veggies thriving but my once shorn hair is growing like a weed as well. Two weeks later it's just about the right length. I guess it will have to be cut again in another 2 weeks if I want to remain presentable.

    Happy trails JERI in your new home on wheels! Time to put your feet up after being the perfect grandparents. What memories the little ones will have! Lunch in a teepee! We once had a sandwich in a longhouse. Now there's a memory. We took visitors to view a "rain dance" but ironically it was cancelled because of rain. Wonder if there was a morning demo and it WORKED. Anyway, I've yet to see a rain dance.

    So time for a morning coffee before we get on with the sunny day.
    Hope yours is pleasant as well

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,436 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had a post, got distracted and closed it down without posting. :# Cool, wet day here but I am going to eye doctor and then stopping at Babe's for my check and some extra money he is giving me for my expenses with my company. <3 Rob and Lisa asked if volleyball is cancelled if I would still sit so they can finally celebrate their anniversary from June 15 and go to dinner. I think my son is going to miss not having his family for a whole week. We have invited ourselves over for the 4th so my SIL and granddaughter can see their house. Rob can make hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill. As you can imagine he is thrilled with this idea! lol

    Anne, Canada's 150th Birthday sounds like our 4th of July or Independence Day with BBQ and fireworks. I normally just watch fireworks from my balcony but my daughter wants to go see them closer. I know of two places and although both are free with vendors and entertainment parking for the better one is $25. It might be possible to park at Babe's and walk but it is not that close, so we will see.

    Jackie, I have always been a sun freak and although I know the dangers of the sun I still enjoy sitting in the sun. I went to a dermatologist last year because I had a concern with a spot but he said it was just a dark spot and froze it off. I do use sunscreen and I am sure it would be smarter to stay out of the sun but it is my greatest pleasure. As long as I don't have any problems I will continue to enjoy!!

    Jeri, great trailer, enjoy!! You will be celebrating your birthday in your new wheels. Have a wonderful time!!

    Gotta Go!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello ladies! The day has begun! I often make those "to do" lists and I really think they must scare me into action. The list is so long and it takes me forever to do even just a part of the listed tasks. John is way more disciplined. He has an on-going list and constantly adds and crosses off accomplished tasks. (?) who does that?

    Our weather has been so erratic I see most of the gardeners around here are just flummoxed as to what to plant this year. All the usual colorful display of flowers are just not happening. It has been cold and wet for months. Maybe next year...

    We are making a cd of a song our musician friend wrote, as a birthday gift. The lunch tomorrow is a birthday celebration. It was recorded by the jazz group he is/was a part of. I wrote the lyrics and their vocalist sang the arrangement originally done by our friend. I hope he is firing on all cylinders at the lunch. Music is his life. It was what connected him to people. But it just might not happen this time. He is 86 and he suffers from brain damage from many tiny strokes. We have been friends for 50 years.

    Katie got her rabies shot and another vaccination, parvovirus etc. I didn't ask about the new dog flu shot. I understand it is causing serious problems in the southern US. I feel nervous about all the shots she gets as it is. She is proudly wearing a rabies daisy tag on her collar.

    Okay! I have just been preparing a packet of writing to send off to a publisher. They are not interesting in seeing my accompanying illustrations. ( in-house publishers artists) I have done research on this. There is a 5% chance of getting published. So I will be gathering a collection of rejection slips. Here is the thing. At my age, a creative effort keeps the brain working. It is great for the mental health. It makes for a positive outlook on life. Wish me luck. (I am hoping to send off another packet as soon as I confer with my delightful, but busy, writing partner!)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Hello all. I got home late this afternoon just in time for continued weather warnings. Heavy rain, hail, multiple tornado sightings. Yipes!! I hope it is all past here now. I guess tomorrow brings another day with heavy rain and the potential for flooding. My my, how the weather changes.

    Best wishes Patsy!! I agree creative pursuits are good for our health! I also hope the birthday lunch is a happy time for your friend and for you.

    Anne, the store vegetables here have not come down in price. Enjoy everything you grow. The worth is beyond store prices. You have raised it yourself and you do not have to rely on a label to know it is free of chemicals and it is as fresh as can be--pick and eat!

    Sandy, well neat trick--inviting yourself for the 4th! Ha, good job. I hope you enjoy all of your company. It sounds as if your apartment will be full to the brim.

    Jackie, I agree with you 100% about quality of life. My friend has decided on decided on the surgery. I found this out late this afternoon. The doctors in Kansas City also told her it was her only chance. Her family is trying to get her scheduled for surgery ASAP. Meanwhile my friend is already over the top with anxiety so they have given her medication for that and she is on pain meds as well. I don't know if this 14-18 hour surgery would have been my choice. The rest of her life will be very different if she survives it.

    Meanwhile, my car had two codes on the check engine light and while resetting those this evening, surprise, low tire pressure indicator was on. Tried to check and fill the tires with my home air compressor. Didn't work for some reason so off to the gas station, add air, check, didn't look like any progress so I drove home wondering which tire shop to go to tomorrow and just as I got home the light went off. Interesting.

    I am going to watch a bit of TV and then call it a day. Fingers crossed no new warning lights will appear in the morning.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    More rain, no doubt to make up for last week's heatwave so at least the garden is happy! Housework today I think, then fight my way into my freezer having cooked a batch of George's lamb, rice, chicken and carrot meals without considering where they might fit in!!
    Yesterday evening I made myself do a half hour of yoga exercises at home, made difficult by both Boris and George deciding to join me on the mat, but the plan is to do this every other day and use my exercise bike on off days. This came about because I checked my BMI on one of our NHS websites which followed on to an article on physical activity guidelines for older people and was horrified to see I should be doing more exercise than I was possibly doing 10 years ago so it's a wake up call for me!

    Anne ~ Call me cynical but my observation on grocery prices is they go up as soon as there's the slightest hint of unusual weather or a revolution in foreign parts but they never come back down unless consumers decide to try somewhere or something different. It appears Branflake cereal is off the shelves at the moment but I'm not sure if that's due to Brexit which gets the blame for everything at the moment or the weather extremes!

    Sandy ~ The one thing I always advocate for us "seniors" is to do whatever we enjoy because we've reached ages that many don't get to so should live life to the full for those that haven't made it as much as for ourselves. You love the sun and that's one small pleasure in between all that you do for your family so enjoy and I'll mind my business! B)

    Patsy ~ A few years ago I was told by a vet that flu jabs for pets is now a waste of money because if they should contract it they can easily be cured and I've followed that philosophy for my own health too! My pets do get annual boosters for a few infectious diseases that are more prevalent but thank goodness, we don't have to worry about Rabies although with more and more puppies being illegally imported from Eastern Europe the day will come! It is so sad to watch friend's decline in health but I hope you manage to enjoy your lunch today.

    Lin ~ Chatting to my brother in Spain at the weekend he mentioned his Citroen car had shown an airbag warning light occasionally so I've told him to check the battery because that's exactly what mine did a few days before being left stranded with a dead one! The modern cars are very clever with their computerised systems but I quite liked the days we could lift the bonnet and peak underneath at something we understood! Gosh, that's awful pressure put on your friend with such a diagnosis and the thought of major surgery. Not easy to think straight in that situation I'm sure so do wish her the best outcome.

    Almost lunchtime for me and I was naughty when shopping at a local farm shop after our walk this morning and purchased a homemade pork pie to have with salad and coleslaw.... I'll just have to be good this evening when planning a meal. o:)

    Enjoy your day
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Guess what the weather is doing here AGAIN! Jill is fast asleep on the sofa. It's so dark she thinks it's still bedtime. I'm making hay whilst the clouds roll by!
    I'm salivating at the thought of your pork pie JACKIE, even though I'm not really into eating little piggies anymore! My imagination is pretty good so I'll be joining you in spirit for lunch. It's impossible to do floor exercises with The Bean. That's my excuse anyway!
    One after thought. I got an email from my Aussie cousin. She's just been to her skin clinic for a yearly visit to get sun damage spots lasered? She's the same colouring as me so I guess that doesn't help and wears long sleeves year round. The damage is on her cheeks and forehead. Just take care folks.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,436 Member
    edited June 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) Beautiful day here for my meeting and grocery shopping. I wished the boys and Lisa a safe and happy trip and although it is only for a week I know Rob and I will miss them. I asked Robby to find me a pretty sea shell and he said he would. <3

    The eye doctor said my macular degeneration is the same which is good. He said I am good for another 40,000 miles. I have the dry which is less serious than the wet which my brother has but it is too late to help him. He claims his doctor says the shots wouldn't help and he won't try my doctor.

    Anne, sorry about all that rain, we had enough yesterday but more is coming tomorrow. I just hope it is not storming when I pick them up from the airport since it is an hour away.
    I do try to take care with the sun and I do really appreciate the concern. I am noticing that I am only going for a couple of hours when I do go and that is not every day. It gets kind of boring by yourself even though I usually float in my floating chair.

    Jackie, like I told Anne, I appreciate your concern and I am trying to be more careful as I age.
    What BMI do they want us to be at our age Jackie? My smart scale says mine is 23.5 which I think is normal for my age.

    Lin, I am looking forward to the chaos of so many people staying with me, but it should be fun. Each couple has different events planned so I will get some alone time. 14-18 hours of surgery is a long surgery, it would be hard to make that decision but if it all works it will be worth it. I just hope after the surgery her quality of life improves for her to enjoy.

    Patsy, good luck with the publisher, you never know, you could be famous and we can say we know you. Anything to keep our minds busy is a good thing. I hope your lunch went well with your friend and he loved your gift!! It was very a great present!!

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Sandy ~ Your BMI sounds good to me as I think anything under 25 is ok. Mine is about the same but if I followed the chart and tried to even get to the middle of healthy (yellow) I'd be anorexic for sure!! It's down to height and weight so I don't think our age has much of an affect but the exercise side of things, as we know, is important as we mature.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Looks like a big weekend and holiday well on the way. Had a nice time at the library this morning. An interesting lady, originally from Liverpool, but who has lived in many places around the world as her husband moved from one engineering project to another was there. I was fascinated of course as her group of friends went to the clubs back in the day and saw the various members of the Beatles early on in other bands and then finally together. I was wearing my Beatles shirt and carrying my little Beatles tote so she did notice. That was fun.

    Had some errands this afternoon including filling the card with gas as the price dropped. Also got my lovely box of vegetables and got them put away. I had to laugh as I got a Kohlrabi that is much larger than a softball! Yipes!

    I have been corresponding with the office manager of the folks who rent my farm and I did finally get an update on the cover crop, spring problems, crop planting date etc. Good to get some answers.

    Busy day in mind again for tomorrow and lots of home tasks on tap for Saturday.

    Storms have not formed here yet but they say we could still have some storms overnight. I could pass on that.

    Kind of tired this evening as my allergies are getting worse and I have both earaches and a sore throat. It should get better this fall. :D

    Take care everyone.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi Dee Ho, Campers! Well we had sun but we didn't get ahance to enjoy the rays. We had the birthday lunch with our friend. I would say the event was a mixed success. Our friend and his wife loved the music. It was really interesting to see the way our bodies react to various stressors. Our friend recognized his music instantly. He had difficultly figuring out what was going on but the really funny thing was he scolded me about the awkward phrasing in a line of the lyrics. We all callapsed giggling about it. I had pushed too many syabills into a line. Our birthday boy sort of drifted in. and out. When it was time to leave he became very agitated and confused. All in all, he had some good moments. His wife was thrilled that we remembered his birthday and helped her with a celebration that will mean more to her than him.

    I keep getting these important life messages about the importance of the creative experience. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear etc. etc. etc. this lunch date had a thousand lessons.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm really too late to comment tonight, though I had planned to when I logged on. And there on my computer was a big notice that I must immediately call Microsoft for help in removing a virus that infected my computer and trying to close anything would cause everything to be destroyed. SO I called Dell immediately (after writing down the phone number on my desktop
    and that was almost 4 hours ago, but they were very thorough cleaning out anything and everything so now I have to put all my information back into my favorite websites! At least I'm thankful I didn't fall for the hoax! But I'm so sleepy for a change, but want to at least comment on PATSY's observance! It was wonderful that she had that little party for her dear friend whose dementia is taking over. True, his wife will remember more than he, but that expression about when the student is ready, the teacher will appear is just so meaningful! I often worry and wonder if I will learn, or have learned, or ever WILL learn in time! So many things I used to think were so important in order to live properly have become almost unnecessary now! ....However, I must do a quick glance at my email to be certain nothing important has been missed :o . I'm still recovering from the wonderful visit from the "kids"!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited June 2017
    You are so right BUZZ, as we mellow with age, much of what we once thought important becomes unnecessary. I love to see the elderly ladies who are just as nature intended with their pretty hair and softly etched faces. They have the faces I want to draw or paint. Each age has its own beauty, think of elderly dogs and their grey or white muzzles. Youth has fresh, dewy beauty, but there's years of wisdom and experience and yes, beauty in the faces of the elders.
    Well, that's what I tell myself anyway.

    I was reading today that finally fashion is becoming more demure and "cover up". No more views of rolls of flesh above tight low waistbands! No more varicose veins seen below straining shorts! That's a relief! Hey! even I might become fashionable after being named "pristine" by my more daringly clad friends. Whether this is just the usual swing from one extreme to the other, or the immigrant influence I don't know, but won't it be nice seeing prettily clad women again.

    On that note I better buzz off, don my shirt and jeans and take Miss Jilly for a walk. Oh no!!!!!! It's raining again!!!!!!
    Anne, (peeping shyly from behind her fan, well not quite there yet!

    PS. Some of my Canadian workmates and friends would refer to me as "the English school teacher" hopefully jokingly, but definitely not complimentary!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,436 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Doing some laundry, going to start some chicken in crock pot and then a little dusting and vacuuming before leaving for airport.

    Anne, with what some of the young girls wear today, I would love to see more demure fashion. I don't know how some of them sit or bend over without showing the world their goodies. lol I love ladies who grow old gracefully, it does show our experiences, whether good or bad, but we are who we are. <3

    Buzz, my cousin just posted on Facebook she got an black ink off he white pants with vinegar. I don't know if it works but it did for her. Others wrote: Hand sanitizer takes out pen & marker from fabric also. Watch the ink desolve in front of your eyes by using hair spray. A couple of suggestions that might help with your white pants.

    Patsy, so glad the birthday lunch went well. You made your friend happy even if it was for just a minute. His wife will always remember your kindness.

    Lin, your encounter with the lady from Liverpool sounds wonderful. What fun to hear about the Beatles before their big break. I would have been fascinated by her accent, there is something about the English accent that I just love!! I have friends from England the husband talks so fast I have to have his wife translate for me. lol

    Jackie, if I understand the conversion then I think I am 9 stones and since I am 5'2" it looks like I am in the healthy zone. Today I weigh 128, so can you verify that for me please?

    Time to make the chicken!!
    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,530 Member
    Hello hello. Feeling good regarding the accomplishments of the day--and there is still day remaining!! Tai Chi/Qigong, discussion of collage art with several of the senior artists at the center, a trip to pick up certified documents from the State, delivery of documents to Social Secirity office (will now await word from them on whether anything else is needed), and finally a stop by the consignment shop where I have been dropping off items. They are selling everything at a discount as they are retiring. Time to see where I stood. They had lost two of my items and another one was on the counter marked as unknown. So with their list I walked through the very big and crowded store picking out my remaining items and have brought them home. They decided to pay me a little something for the two missing items as they think they may have sold them at some point. Well, that is done and I will cash my little check next Monday if my credit union is open. Home, lunch, load of laundry, registered for two landowner seminars, checked my reimbursement claim with my former employer. Still pending after a month. Come on folks--pay me!!

    I have registered for several library programs in July and have picked up my mail. Yippee, no new bills today. Going to ignore the list of stuff to do for the rest of the day.

    Sandy, almost time for company. I hope the drive to the airport goes well and that you have lots of fun!

    Patsy, a very good lunch from your description. There is always something to learn but I feel I often miss the message.

    Anne, covered up is fine with me!! I am somewhat tired of short, tight, expose-all clothing. I don't even care for those tops where you show your bra straps on purpose. Sorry, if anyone here likes those but I am tired of seeing ladies under things. Argh.

    Best wishes to all.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Me too Lin. Well said!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Just a quick HI! and follow up. I just read over 300+ posts!!! Sorry I went missing for a while. 1st- had biopsy in late May, 2nd- had duct & lumpectomy beginning of June( results were : precancerous mass with clear margins and a papilloma which is benign!), 3rd- had kidney infection and 5 days IV antibiotics and home on oral antibiotics, but temp soared to 103.4F 3days later and back for IV's and found had stones blocking ureter/kidney, was rushed into surgery at 6:45pm and then another 7 days IV antibiotics. Home now and wiped out. I only had my phone so did log a few meals and checked a few friends progress, but did not figure out how to get to the community/sneakers page.
    I did get a few things in veggie gardens a couple days when home between all the "excitement"
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    HMMMM? lost last part of my post!!!! ....cont'd. .... :s and last few days home. Since everything is in so late I am not sure how "Mae's garden will grow" LOL! :/ Have a lot more to still plant but 1st have to finish putting new soil in last 2 beds.
    Hope to catch up again tomorrow or Sunday.

    Stay healthy and Happy Sneakers B)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Except sending you all hugs, and sorry MAE has had one thing after another.Just woke up at my desk and sooooo sleepy!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Missed you all yesterday because of a busy time which began with swimming (after George's walk of course), coffee at a friend's new home to see how she's settling in then after lunch into town to visit vet to stock up on Boris' renal food and solicitor's office to hang around while they found the title deeds for my property in spite of a call on Thursday requesting they be left in reception for me. A few weeks ago after a lot of internet research I decided to negotiate a lifetime mortgage with a broker so I can make a few home improvements and more importantly enjoy a few extra pleasures. I'm now buried in documents from another solicitor to be read through carefully and a surveyor will visit on Monday to value the property. Interesting times and certainly good exercise for my brain!

    After days of rain the sun has finally returned and it's perfect gardening weather so once my fresh mug of coffee is finished I'll be going outside to carry on where I left off on Tuesday.

    Sandy ~ Yes, if those are pounds which I'm sure they are :D:D , your weight is 9 stone 2 lbs so well within your healthy range of BMI. By now you will be having a great time with your visitors I'm sure so enjoy!

    Mae ~ Great to see you back and I'm so pleased to read you've come through all that's been thrown at you and are thinking veggie gardening again. Not too late to get planting if you can manage.

    Lin ~ London in the 60's was mini skirt territory so as a teenager I was definitely flashing too much leg much to my gran's disgust and although I remind myself of those years when I see youngsters today following that fashion wouldn't dream of exposing myself at my age. I can't wait for demure longer lengths to come back into the stores because it's a struggle to find anything I like at the moment so live 99% of my life in casual wear!

    Nearly midday so I must crack on and work off the pork pie I enjoyed in the week. I should have taken a photo Anne; it was a very fancy pastry!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good morning! After my recent rant about the acres of bulging flesh we see on midriffs these days and joyfully reading demure fashions are coming back in style I decided to see if I'd anything left in the way of skirts. Yes! Two minis because I once had decent legs (principal boy in the English pantomime JACKIE) and probably destined for the garbage today, and 3 elegant midis! I tried them on and two are fine but the third, the one I'm wearing right now, is tight in the waistline. Great incentive for losing the last 4 lbs!

    BUT, what I really want to say, without all that jeans cloth around the old rear end, instant coolness AND comfort, and a feeling of feminity!

    It was funny really because on our walk we met a very nice young lady who patted Jilly. At first I honestly thought she was arriving home after an all night stint as a clown. Her short partly shaved head had tufts of purple and green hair. Blood red lipstick and kohl black eyes. Shrunken mini top revealing podgy white rolls of flesh, and to finish off orange hip high tights revealing every known nook and cranny of the female anatomy. Short red boots completed this inventive outfit. Of course Jilly didn't care, and neither did I really, to each his own, but I did walk on feeling feminine and ladylike which is unusual for me!

    Whatever you don today, Canada day, Canadian flags, indigenous dress, tight unravelling shorts, ENJOY! It's so good to be HERE!

    Anne. And Jilly wearing her red collar and red leash in keeping with the day!