Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The page flipped as I was posting so everything disappeared! Loved the nightingale video, hope MARIE is not too too worried! SANDY, your situation was a real bruiser, and Babe fed into it. You deserve the best! PATSY, I hear you loud and clear! Remember, we are really the STRONGER sex! Men would never put up with what we do! SANDY, I do read that poem, over and over! Sometimes it works. But tonight he wants to use my motorized chair after me having a physically difficult day, but he doesn't think about that, or that he hasn't a permit to drive it! GRRRRRRrrrrrrr! I'll re-read it tomorrow! Gotta run...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Poor Mike me too when we go grocer shopping and I used there motorize cart. I worried about running into people. My left eye is just no good. But I am a careful as I can be with it.But I could not make it thru out the store.I do not used my motorize chair at home at all. for My house is just too small But do used my walker with the seat on it. And take a small walker when we go out to eat. i have been planing on taking wald down the street But it just got too hot for that.

    We are back from the doctor office He thouht Jerry was over medicated on the Sugar meds and cut it down in half. And we are to go to see a doctor about is memory loss as soon as they can get it arrange

    Time to get my evening meal.
    Love Marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All,

    I've been spending time working on my computer, a thankless job for sure. I'm trying to cull a bunch of files as my hard drive is getting filled up more than I want it. I just need to complete the task. I'm good at starting but not too good at finishing. LOL

    I was out back taking pictures of the flowers. Here is one I took this morning:


    Buzz You can always vent with us dear girl. I know it is hard.

    Patsy I laughed out loud when I read your comparison of your husband to General Patten. So true with me and Ed. I usually don't pass the muster either. Oh well, I get mad back, we make up and all is well. He is a perfectionist and I am the opposite. Quite the combination.

    Sandy I'll be hugging grandkids a lot. Hope to see Melanie and all of hers tomorrow and we are going out with Melissa and her family on Sunday. Melanie is getting close to her due date and is getting quite large.

    Time to go put my feet up and perhaps have a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea. My first choice would be a glass of white wine, but I find that it irritates by bladder so I seldom have any. Oh well, it's better for me not to have any and that is a good motivator.

    Have a great day tomorrow. Big hugs to all,

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, I wish I could print your photo(s)and have them be as clear and perfect as this flower. Just beautiful. Hugs for you all.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2016
    I posted yesterday and this internet here at the cottage would not post it. So just want to say hello
    and hope all your troubles are better today. I have been keeping up with the posts.

    I am taking a Yoga class today in the city at a Mall and then some shopping. Weather is terrific and we did do some fishing but no luck.

    Jackie - I will listen to your video when I get home.

    Sandy - the hanger is really nice, and a lovely lamp too. I don't know what the problem is with the land lady.

    Jeri - What a lovely flower picture, you can really capture things.

    Until I get home see you then.

    I will continue to read your posts and post when I can.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri i must say such beautiful colors So brilliant You are the best.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Gorgeous picture Jeri. Thank you so much. When will you hear more about your health? I went to a little presentation on lupus and talked to one of the ladies. She told me it is quite unusual to be diagnosed with lupus later in life. Wishing you the best.

    Hugs. Off to my first appointment in the hunt for Medicare supplement insurance.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I woke to a text from Bryanna's mother saying Bryanna was in the ER most of the night and was diagnosed with kidney stones. She is home now resting and on meds to help her with the pain and to pass the stones. Say a prayer that she passes them soon so she can still go on vacation Wednesday. If she is not better I will postpone the trip, it is mostly for her and I want her to have a good time.

    Jeri, I agree with everyone, the picture is beautiful. I had a glass of wine for you! lol.

    Lin, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield as my supplement and I never pay a dime out of my pocket.
    I do not have the prescription drug plan as I take no prescription drugs. If ever I do then I will get the plan, but why pay $80 a month when you don't have too?

    Shirley, glad you are having a good time and hope you find some bargains shopping. I love my solar lamp, it looks so pretty at night.

    Phoebe, hugs right back at you, how are all the critters?

    Marie, I hope Jerry is feeling better and is listening to his doctor. Will you both see the doctor for memory loss or just Jerry?

    Buzz, the only experience I have had with dementia was with Babe's mother as she became sick. She loved me dearly and we were so close but with the dementia she thought I was Babe's first wife and was so mean. It broke my heart but I knew it wasn't her but the disease.
    My uncle also had it but he didn't even know his own daughter so of course it was again heart breaking. I know it must be hard but please ask for help if not from family members than the staff at your place. You can't handle this alone and take care of yourself as well.

    Patsy, men, we can't live with them and we can't live without them. Well, not all of us!! I think once my landlady scolded me she felt bad, after all I am the best tenant she has ever had the neighbors tell me. She loves my decor and my house is always clean. I do not smoke or do drugs and I live by myself. Who could ask for a better tenant. LOL

    Jackie, must be a nice day and you are out and about.

    Have a great day, I might venture to the pool but Babe is bringing me my check so we will see.

    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Katie is really tuckered out after her morning romp. She sleeps on her back, head hanging over her tuffet, mouth open, a little drool on her pillow...just like me!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Well I'm back after a three day absence and before I read all the posts I must thank JACKIE for the beautiful nightingale song. Ah, you sure know how to make a girl go watery eyed!
    I was missing because I lost my internet and TV for 3 days. It might brighten your day, my tale of woe.

    Girls, I AM MORTIFIED! Here goes.

    Wednesday morning, tv and Internet gone.
    I phone the provider and the lady puts me through to
    Technician number 1. Pleasant chap who tells me to do certain things but the red light carries on flashing. He decides to hand me over to
    Technician number 2. A very irritable guy with the sort of accent our Donald isn't very fond of! He tells me if I cannot understand him he can't help me and he doesn't care if I am an old lady. He hangs up on me.
    I sit fuming, after all I pay for this service so I call
    Technician number 3 who tells me I needn't deal with number 2 because number 2 is having a bad day dealing with dumb folk and old ladies presumably.
    He puts me on hold whilst he talks to number 2 and then tells me that it seems to be an outside problem.
    Technician number 4 turns up on my doorstep the next morning and looks intelligently around and decides it IS outside wiring.
    Technician number 5 turns up and proceeds to dig up next doors garden and replaces "wet" wiring. He comes inside, mud and all, and says "all will be well, switch on". The red light carries on flashing.
    Friday, technician number 6 calls me to say they will try sending an indoor expert before digging up everyone's garden again.
    Technician number 7 turns up. He is a large amiable man from the Caribbean who pulls out my TV and holds up a half chewed wire. The half chewed wire falls into 2 pieces "There's your problem ma'am" he says.
    He replaces wire, and leaves me with a spare, "just in case".


    The culprit is sleeping off the effects of her shots after her vet visits. SIGH.

    Goodnight all, I am worn out!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited June 2016
    I keep losing this posts, but I'll try once more, even shorter! Mike is in the hospital where I brought him to the ER after 3 doctors visits this morning. Zillions of tests, pictures, etc, and his heart is like a 60 year old. But he looks like he has pneumonia! Except no cough, no fever.... oh, he was a jeweler??? Worked with asbestos? We'll do more tests today, and you go home because there are more tests in the morning! He might have pulmonary fibrosis! So I'm falling into bed now so I can get there early tomorrow to see what's happening! In one way, we were both relieved, but now, a new worry! Loved all your posts, and ANNE had me in stitches, and the post is fading again! DARN!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, you are a storyteller through and through! Loved your story, I did have a suspicion that the most smallest, innocents, charmingest less than 1 year old was a mini Chewbacca! , Now you are forewarned that the same can happen to electric cords. No need asking what you've been up to.
    Patsy, that photo is the kind where mama has to make baby talk and give and get little kisses. I'd have to give the raspberry sound on her belly. I love her!
    Buzz, prayers for you and Mike. Get some rest. You know you need it. Who knows, this may be an important breakthrough. At least this will end his request for the motorized chair for a day or two.
    Marie, hope you and Jerry have had a peaceful day. Will you be able to monitor his blood sugars and still take care of yourself? If you aren't up to it, see about getting home health to come to you. They can do lots of things to help you.
    Sandy, I love the lamp, so pretty. Glad you resolved the issue and can forget about it. The lamp is too pretty to take down. I also hope Bryanna will get better soon.
    Shirley, glad you are getting better. You must have a most excellent chiropractor. Do you still go out when it rains? I can't remember.
    Lin, is the check engine light off now? I hope so. When I was getting the mail a few months ago, a guy was standing next to his car. He proceeded to tell me all of the story about his car troubles. For my life, I could not think of what it's called (derating). He got a tow and a friend came for him.
    We are spending tonight in Henderson, North Carolina . Long story short. Appointment mix up. We arrived today, on time but have to wait until tomorrow. I've been sewing patches on my comforter and walking Honey. Almost time for the alarm reminder for Jim's meds. Have a happy weekend.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We sneakers are having a bit of concern lately. Buzz I can imagine you are just about out of your mind with worry and concern over Mike. The good news is that his heart is fine. I really hope you can get someone to pop in and help you with Mike ocassionaly. Our thoughts are with both you and Mike. Hoping to hear he will back driving you crazy soon.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    The morning has almost gone and all I've achieved is a walk on the moors with George and Co. plus a trip into town to purchase senior cat biscuits and some treats for my fluffy friend. It's a bit overcast but warm so I can get on with a few jobs.... the usual henhouse clean out and potting on hot pepper plants, then off to my friend and her Scruff to see how she's been getting on with some major projects in her garden. As I've tidied mine I've managed to dig up a few rooted off-shoots of a variety of plants for her to put in an area she's clearing.

    Patsy ~ I'd be queuing behind Phoebe to land a few raspberry kisses on Katie's tummy although she already looks loved out!!

    Buzz ~ More worries for you... I'm so sorry to hear about Mike. Pneumonia doesn't necessarily leave someone with a cough or any obvious sign although they can become confused so very difficult for doctors to diagnose. I'll be thinking of you both and hang on to the thought Mike's in the best possible place right now.

    Anne ~ That story really is hilarious although I feel your embarrassment!! Not dissimilar to friends who came home from work to find the power off and a lamp's cable chewed! Great to see you back with us and will know next time that little Jilly has been sharpening her teeth again..... hopefully there won't be a next time of course!!

    Sandy ~ Oh dear, poor Bryanna as I understand kidney stones are very painful. Yes, let's hope you can still get away on your break. As for your "hook" having seen a photo I think the landlady should be paying you for its installation but as you say, you've both moved on and it seems she reacted a little too quickly even by her standards.

    Phoebe ~ Of course North Carolina would be a fascinating stop over for me but I'm guessing you and Jim just want to get home! Is Honey alright now because I see you are walking her so hope her painful knee is feeling better? Are you still transporting strawberries because I always think of you when I see them in the shops , not that yours travel this far!! LOL Our local farm shop has the tastiest so when I visited Aldi the other day and thought theirs a bit pathetic I bought a melon and plums for the same price and will get more pleasure from eating them I'm sure!

    Marie ~ I do hope Jerry is back to good health and that scare for you both was nothing more than that. You both keep an eye on each other so I know any new problems and you'll be getting help.

    Time for me to get on with my garden chores. I wish you all a lovely weekend with special hugs to Buzz.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    BUZZ, I've just read about Mike. You really are having a worrisome time and I'm wishing you all the best for today love.
    You too MARIE
    Such a lot happened to everyone whilst I was in "the dark".
    Everyone here thought my internet and tv problems hilarious especially the neighbours who wondered why so many vans were turning up! I even threatened the provider with removing my "valuable custom" after the run in with the techie who didn't seem to like old ladies. After that the provider bent over backwards to correct "their" mistake! It was the last thing I expected because "she who is in the doghouse yet again" is barred from the LR and its off white carpet, so goodness knows when she snuck in.
    Just to say I am now keeping a very low profile, and shall play JACKIES nightingale song over and over to calm my frayed nerves because I am still feeling mortified that I "employed" such a large number of people in 3 short days!
    The chap from the Caribbean doesn't know it but he is now my best friend! He DID mention he too had a dog and so was most understanding!
    It's going to be hot, hot, hot this weekend to match my red face!
    Oh, my Mark flies to London this weekend Jackie on his week long business trip. Just in time for the referendum and its aftermath.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited June 2016
    Lol, still laughing Anne!! o:)>:):p

    Jackie, Honey seems better, but her limp gets worse the longer we walk. I think she isn't as swollen, but she still gets surgery on June 30. I debated and decided I want her to be happy as long as she can be. Thus knee surgery and a heart ultrasound too. Bye for now
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) My friend is coming over to join me at the pool. Bryanna still hasn't passed the kidney stones and I am beginning to think I am going to have to change our trip.
    I will wait until Monday to be sure.

    Phoebe, you are such a good pet owner, always doing what is right for your pets. You are probably a broke pet owner but I do love how you take care of them.

    Anne, I also laughed out loud with your story and one day you will too!! She is just a baby!!

    Jackie, in hindsight, I should have asked her first about the hook but I didn't think it was a big deal. Oh well, done and over.

    Buzz, it isn't a good time in your life right now and I wish we could all help in some small way.
    Please keep us informed on Mike and try to take care of yourself as well. ((((hugs))))

    Patsy, no modesty in Katie's life, she is just carefree and loving it!! Daisy also sleeps like that on occasion, so funny!!

    Not sure where this day is going so fast but I better get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi everyone I could see this is the life proof I've been grading this weeks post where there's a lot of of them so I probably won't get a mall read I am off to work for about 10 days which will be nice and then I have to work to 12 days in a row I'm working at the group home for special-needs adults so that keeps me busy I'm trying to do some walking I need to go to the gym I'm off so that I can get in the pool I love to go to the pool they do the aerobics class and I have fun doing that with my arthritis and needing another name replacement my walking is so great lately so today I'm just relaxing actually I've been moving furniture around and trying to get things looking better and I bet a lot of cleanup I live alone but I who makes these messes I haven't been able to figure it out biggest mass is I move into work because I sleep there to four week then I move to the next time so I need to be a little bit more organizedwell I've been easy light for a change causes me to be better so hopefully catch more of your posts and will write soon
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2016
    Anne - That story is hilarious I guess next time check all wires to see if chewed by the darling puppy. :D:s

    We are sitting by the lake now and it is a hot one today. I did my walk this morning as I was bugged most of the way by a fly. I have to get a hat when we come next month.

    Buzz - I hope Mike is okay and you can rest your mind from worry. <3

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    "Aw, come ON Anne, it was only a bit of untidy wire I was getting rid of for you, Jilly Jaws."
