Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry, dear friends, I meant to post last night but think I fell asleep as I woke around 4 AM and simply logged off to get some sleep!!!!! I'm copying the post for below today.
    He is now on our Medical Floor, it is definitely stenosis of the aortic valve, needing surgery but injecting die for surgery would probably kill him, so they will try to treat it medicinally and with oxygen. Take it from below, please. And thank you all for caring. Sorry about the goof!
    This was supposed to be posted on Monday. WOW, I must have fallen asleep!
    Good news, gals! Mike comes back to our home tomorrow as soon as the conference call between all the doctors concludes his new medication list, etc. Today he sat up in a chair and then when I requested a PT take him for a bit of a walk, he returned wearing a big smile that spelled success! No pains in his chest. He will be using oxygen from now on, and it has been clearing his lung congestion, stabilizing his creatinine (kidneys), and removing the pain from his stenosis of the aortic valve! That will be treated medicinally, as he is not able to survive surgery because of the kidney disease. I even felt his thinking process has improved, since he now has oxygen reaching the brain, heart, kidneys, etc! Talk about surprises, he must not exercise, nor drink much liquid, so I can stop nagging him to drink more and go to exercise classes! But it is his attitude that really changed, and he is so much more the Mike I used to know before the dementia, I wonder if it has been lack of oxygen all along! And he may even get a motorized scooter (I suggested they put a governor on in to keep him from speeding) that was donated by one of our deceased residents! He will get a huge reception as everyone missed him ;) ...
    JACKIE and ANNE, while Pillars of the Earth may be my favorite book ever, I hated the movie! It chopped it up until it became meaningless gibberish for me!
    JERI, bless you and your family; I wonder how I would deal with 8 little ones in the same room! Lots of luck with the one that's expected, too, and I certainly hope one or more of them inherited your photographic talent!!! Gorgeous photo of the flowers.
    PATSY, you and ANNE make me feel more acceptable regarding housekeeping. I panicked tonight when people said they'd like to visit when Mike comes home. I've really been remiss about the place. Maybe I should just get him downstairs to the lobby and put him on display?
    MARIE, what a great haircut, sis! I get tempted to cut mine the same way. By the way, that is a beautiful full head of hair you have...
    PHOEBE, The oxygen made such a difference with Mike (at least now), I was reminded of having read many times that a number of other conditions mimic dementia. Only time will tell with your Aunt or Mike! I wish there were a way the guesswork could be taken out!
    SANDY, since Florida has many fine physicians, just come on down and enjoy our fabulous sunshine...Bring plenty of sun protection ...Love you, too, dear!
    Now to bed as I haven't slept in 2 nights. I feel much better tonight! Goodnight all, including George, Honey, Katie, and "she who likes to chew things"!!!
    The above was supposed to be posted yesterday! Perhaps I fell asleep? >:)
    Anyway, Mike was discharged late this afternoon, but was brought to the medical floor where he will remain about 5 days while on heavy oxygen use. I guess that's the advantage to living in a Lifetime Care Community, huh?
    My computer is a mess tonight, and I hope I didn't screw it up last night!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,110 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is 3:30am and I have to shower and get ready but just wanted Buzz to know how thrilled I am that Mike is back home and getting the treatment he needs. What a relief for both of you and I will pray for continued improvement.

    Bryanna went to the doctor and has four more medicines to help her pass the stones. The ER gave her the wrong way to take the medicines so hopefully these will do the trick. She could take Rapaflo that cost $200 and not covered by insurance which I told her to get but she didn't want me to pay for such an expensive prescription. Supposedly, it would pass the stones within 5 hours but no one can guarantee that for sure. If she doesn't pass them soon then I will get her the pills while in Florida.

    Talk to you soon.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    BUZZ, wonderful wonderful news. Big hugs from me and "she who likes to chew things". I think all the Sneakers had our minds on you and Mike for the last few days. It really does sound like lack of oxygen, so welcome back BUZZs lovely Mike.
    SANDY, poor Bryanna. I really feel for her because I know how my Mike suffered before his two ops.
    So, we woke up to good news this morning, and I hope it's good news for Bryanna.
    Well, it's the UKs referendum tomorrow and that should be most interesting. I haven't a clue which way the vote will go, and that seems to be the general opinion of the newscasters,
    It did cross my mind PATSY that I'd have emergency rations if I homemade Jilly's dog food! Tabasco sauce sounds like a good addition so thanks for yet another tip, lol!
    Have a lovely day, all you Sneakers,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Good morning.

    So relieved to hear from you Buzz and delighted that Mike is back home on the medical floor. My what a difference the oxygen is making. Hugs and more hugs.

    I hope all continues to go well and that YOU get more rest.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't manage to check in yesterday but seemed to be on the go constantly making the most of a dry day. Today it's a bit gloomy so after collecting my friend from her local garage where her car was left for a service we collected dogs and took a lovely walk in local woods, the pups played in the water and had a good sniff at everything and then it was back to friend's house for coffee. I'll be taking her back to the garage later this afternoon and meanwhile will get on with a few jobs.

    Buzz ~ Wonderful news about Mike sweetheart and you could be right, a lack of oxygen could have been having an adverse affect on his memory and attitude. Friends visiting won't be looking at a bit of dust, they'll be wanting to see you are both alright so don't worry!

    Anne ~ George had awful digestive problems when I first adopted him so I tried just about every dog food on the shelves, then found a brand called John Burns that's made on the producers own farms with organic lamb, brown rice and carrots and within a couple of days his poo's hardened and thank goodness, no more runs. There are no additives which I prefer. Scruff's mum has followed that recipe and makes her own which turns out just a few pence more expensive than the sachets I buy. Lamb mince cooked in a light gravy before rice and chopped carrots are added, then once cool any excess fat is scraped off the top. When we popped back for a coffee this morning George was straight into her kitchen to grab any left in Scruff's bowl from morning breakfast so I do sometimes think I should make batches up for him!! Hopefully Mark is managing to enjoy his stay in London and avoid all the referendum nonsense we're getting immersed in. Tv news is now banned around me until it's over and I'm just hoping a sensible outcome will be announced on Friday!!! It's independence for me but the result too close to call.

    Marie ~ Love the video although I wasn't too sure what was going on! LOL

    Shirley ~ Do you dead head your Lupins because that will extend life by a long time?

    Linda ~ Enjoy your days off and anymore swimming you manage. It's certainly a great way to exercise and hopefully WW will also help you on your way to the weight and fitness you want.

    Sandy ~ Hooray, hopefully you are on your flight to Florida so have a wonderful time!

    Jeri ~ Let's hope that treatment works for you because it does sound quite radical but there again sometimes that's the best way forward. Beautiful photos of the flowers as ever.

    Patsy ~ We all hear different stories about pet vaccinations and certainly you have more illnesses to worry about because we don't have rabies in this country (yet!!) and lung worm is rare as hens teeth but I was told by a vet that kennel cough drops in the nose do nothing to keep the virus away, it's more to cover kennels against litigation should someone's dog develop it. The important thing of course is that you feel you are doing everything to protect Katie.

    Lin ~ it can't be easy to find Celtic wedding gifts because usually such items are for individuals but although I'm assuming they are Scottish descent if wearing kilts, you could look at Welsh lovespoons because the Celts are a big tribe spanning most of the British isles and Brittany!

    Jobs to do so I'm off!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Buzz So glad to hear from you and Mike. This sounds very encouraging. Woo Hoooo

    I'm off for radiation here in a few minutes. Then the start of the day. My appt is at 8:30 so that will leave lots of time for everything.

    Going to to see the final soccer games of Sam and Zach on Thursday. Sam will be so pleased as he was so sad yesterday that his uncle went to see the twins play instead. They play at different fields but at the same time. We'll make him happy. Apparently he is pretty good.

    Got to go


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    660759jzef7rhw6w.gifJackie they were making a com'l for TV

    Buzz wonderful to hear from you and to know you are both OK

    I guess Phoebe, is out on the road. stay safe

    Lin You stay so busy. I want to think you foe leading me to this WOE. I am baling some Apples in my air fryer for a snack today.hb84jr8e5uw0.jpg

    i think i got them caramelized pretty good.This plant base diet is just what I been hunting for. completely happy with it.

  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hey I didn't get up in time for my class I am so mad but will go after I weigh in today I am taking new Medicationfor my depression it's making me too sleepy not working so got to call the doctor listening to everyone makes me wish I had an animal but the way I work it wouldn't be fair to one! I am going to have dinner with my brother and family which is always good to see him
    I wish everyone a great day
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    We are having a noisy day. There are three dead walnut trees around us and one of the neighbours is having his cut down. It's always a worry in high winds and storms and once my apple tree stopped a huge branch going through my back window. My neighbour on the other side is having problems though with HIS other neighbours because it's very expensive to get these huge dead trees cut down and he fears for his roof. There are two dead trees next to him. The three are all about the same age by the look of them. I think he offered to pay half but no takers! One thing about short apple trees, we can do it ourselves when the time comes which could be next year for the back one. The front one is very healthy and it was laden last year with fruit as you all know!
    And that's our day, trying to block the noise out with doors and windows shut.
    Anne and Jilly Jaws.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, could the neighbors insurance coverage take care of damages to the other property?
    Yes Marie, here we go again. A friend posted a photo of the trucks thermometer, reading 128 degrees!!! This was today in Lake Havasu AZ. I told him thanks for the warning. We drive thru there as well.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,158 Member
    Anne, could the neighbors insurance coverage take care of damages to the other property?
    Yes Marie, here we go again. A friend posted a photo of the trucks thermometer, reading 128 degrees!!! This was today in Lake Havasu AZ. I told him thanks for the warning. We drive thru there as well.

    Oh my goodness. These temperatures sound like science fiction to me. Eeck. How do vehicles keep working properly in that type of heat?

    Good evening to everyone. Gathered more information again today. Still have a few things to check on. Does anyone ever feel comfortable with their knowledge of Medicare and all the associated 'stuff'?

    Phoebe, I am reading "Title Wave" by Lorna Barrett. I do enjoy the Booktown Mystery series.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Drink that water light.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hiya'll and goodnight. I must get to sleep before midnight! Ate with Mike and another couple
    (he has cellulitis) outdoors on the patio in the medical center, and were constantly interrupted by friends visiting, and it was most enjoyable to see how many friends Mike has made! Now I must make up for many missed nights of good sleep! Thank you dear dear people for all your support!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    A gorgeous day, warm and sunny so enjoyed our walk on the moors although both dogs seemed reluctant to go far. Lots of new ponies with their foals have been placed on the moor, we assume by travellers, but at least they look in good condition compared to many that suffered during our cold Spring. Later I'll be popping to the allotment to plant beetroot seedlings, that's once I've cleared a weedy area.

    Anne ~ It seems you'll have to change Mark's name to Noah since where he goes storms and floods follow!! No sign of storms here in Cornwall but I gather they were quite "loud" in London! I trust those trees are now down so you can open windows and enjoy the peace!

    Phoebe ~ Phew! It's hot enough for me when it hits the 70's never mind well over 100. As Marie suggests, keep guzzling the water!

    Buzz ~ What a delightful picture you paint of your meal on the patio with so many friends dropping in. That must have lifted both your spirits. Hopefully you are getting a good night's sleep as I type!

    Marie ~ Yummy baked apples, caramelized just as I like them!

    Linda ~ Hope you enjoyed your meal with your brother. I'm grateful that I've not suffered depression but would certainly say you're right to check with your doctor if medication is making you too sleepy because you appear to live a very busy life.

    Sandy ~ Are you sleeping off your first evening in Florida. Hope you both have a great time!

    Lin ~ Medicare, thank goodness, isn't something I have to deal with although some think our government is doing it's best to privatise our national health!!

    Microsoft is doing its best to encourage me to spell English in an American way so I'm starting to doubt myself which is silly when I always topped the spelling class at school. I know you gals know what I mean even if there's 's' where you'd put a 'z' or 'u' where you wouldn't put anything else!!

    Must get on; lots to do today from sorting recycling for pick up tomorrow to voting in our referendum to weeding and planting so I'll wish you all a peaceful and safe Thursday.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    JACKIE, the trees are still with us, dead branches dominating the sky line, so not sure what is going on. I'm going to bet that Britain will stay in the EU. I am always wrong when I bet so will be most interested in the results tomorrow. A Belgian lady was saying today that they are praying Britain won't exit because as things stand, Germany and France dominate the scene and the British presence is a counter balance. It's a changing world for sure and Yes, I really miss my u's and S's when on this machine, so you aren't alone in that!
    We went out today at 7 am and didn't get home until 9 am after chatting to numerous dog owners and dogs all better trained than the bouncy ball. Sigh. Mind you one owner was rather harsh I thought and her puppy was very subdued. I sort of like my exuberant girl as she is, but know I'd make a lousy dog trainer as I tend to view our fellow creatures as "friends" rather than species to dominate. Jill is now exhausted and asleep on the sofa after all that happy greeting of other dogs, so I better get moving in the lull and get a few chores out of the way.
    Have a happy day and in Jackie's case a happy walk to the polls with George.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! We have a few days of showers but then the weather is predicted to be dry and warm. I always have things that need to be done inside. However, I had to smile at Anne's statement of her being a lousy dog trainer. Hahahaha! I got you beat, my friend! I try, I am dedicated, I am patient, I am consistent! Yet My doggie potty training is only partially successful most of the time. Katie doesn't come when called, she has no idea about the command of STAY! So far, all I can say is that I am raising a very active, healthy, juvenile delinquent. We are charmed by her and she knows it. Katie rarely gets exhausted. Something that is all too common with me.

    The referendum sounds intriguing and confess to being totally uninformed on that issue. Hope vote goes well for everyone involved.

    I am having to cook low salt for John's blood pressure issue. It does make a huge difference. Cooking palatable food is a challenge. Lemon and garlic are my staple seasoning ingredients.

    I am rereading some old favorite books by Roseamond Pilcher. "Coming Home." It is cozy and a fun read. Nothing much really happens in it but it still has me hooked. I think I am too distracted to concentrate on anything challenging. Another symptom of puppy raising, I fear.

    I am watching a new movie called, "10 Cloverfield Lane" it is a thriller and nail biter. Watching it over two nights while doing our exercises. John Goodman is riveting in this movie. Scary!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Oh PATSY I think we should call ourselves TULPO or "The United lousy pet owners." Apart from size difference I think you and I are raising "sisters under the skin". The rather harsh puppy owner looked at the bouncy Jilly and said "what is it". I felt very defensive of my happy little girl and replied "what IS it, what IS it, she's a DOG of course". Cheek! Her and her friend then proceeded to ask me how the potty training was going. Well, we ARE paper trained, but I began to feel rather inadequate as a responsible puppy owner. THEIR subdued pups being fully trained. It's rather like young moms isn't it! "Our Jimmy has a full set of teeth at 12 months, can run a mile, and discarded his diaper long ago" sort of thing. It's so comforting to know there is another distracted owner out there exactly like me! So, how about designing us a Logo, artistic PATSY which you and I can wear with pride. By the way, we have only just started on "come" and "stay" but she does understand "NO, NO, NO!"
    Anne - member of the TULPO society.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy and Anne ~ Chill ladies because George has been with me over 2 years and can still totally disregard any instruction whether given firmly or in a fun way if it suits. In those 2 years he showed little interest in sheep and lambs but now spends time on our walks staring into the distance while sniffing the air and today would have been under the hooves of week old foals if I hadn't had him on a lead. I'm convinced some dogs are just born with a stubborn streak so although they understand a command, don't feel the need to obey. Two sharp beeps on a whistle worked wonders for a few months but even that has become far too boring for George to react to unless the treats bag is shown to be out of my pocket!! Much more fun to share your life with a dog that's got personality and just a little attitude than one that sits in its bed until told to move!

    Unfortunately Anne you're probably right about the results of the referendum because my gut instinct is the same. That Belgian lady is correct about who runs the Union but we have little influence anymore and have already been told by the President that we'll have even less if we remain so lots of trouble ahead amongst such a diverse group of countries and cultures. Patsy the complexities of the European union are beyond the comprehension of most of us that live in it believe me so join the club as we say!!

    Well as planned, I started to cut the lawns, then went shopping and purchased a neat pair of galoshes to wear on those wet walks across the moors, came home to eat supper, walked George to the polling station on what's turned out to be a delightful summer's evening, then finished the lawn cutting once home. Nearly 10pm so I must shut the hens in their house and probably have an early night after a pot of yogurt!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    JACKIE I can hardly believe it, I bet in reality you are a super doggie owner, but if not welcome to TULPO. We are growing! United we stand and get licked because surely dogs just love us treat giving TULPO ladies!
    Anne member of the TULPO Society.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay!!!! Anne, I will pick up the challenge to design our logo. When the design is approved by the members, I will have ball caps made with our logo!