Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Glad I re-checked as the post I clicked never made it out of its box! I recall asking what has happened to Jake and why mention was made by BARBIE only of Brandy? They had 2 standard Poodles!
    Rough day to get through today, and I got a glimpse of what my job will be when MIKE moves back to our apartment. Without his 5 liters of oxygen, he has no strength to even pull on his trousers! We were never able to buy a long term policy for him due to his diabetes, so I don't know quite what will be. I want to thank you again for all the warm messages, graphics, wishes and support you have each extended , sustaining me through a difficult period. Mike sends his hugs to each of you!
    Now, it's later than I thought!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Have a wonderful day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member

    Well my face is red with embarrassment! I must have been thinking of Irene when it really was Diane's birthday! So sorry Diane!

    Happy Sunday! :) We are having a wonderful time! Today it is raining so we are changing our plans to the beach to staying home to watching a movie and playing some games. Believe me I am tan enough to not have to worry about missing a little sun. St. Augustine was great, the oldest city in America. It was so hot though we only managed a few hours! Everything has been great and more to come.

    Did I miss something with Barbie and her pups? Is Jake ok?

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Happy Birthday Diane

    Big hugs and good wishes. Sending you one of our flowers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Patsy ~ A naked bike ride? Ouch although maybe not so bad if the rider can attach a more comfy saddle!!

    Buzz ~ Surrounded by such wonderfully supportive friends I hope you'll get all the help you need to keep Mike safe once he's back with you. Do give him a big hug from me. <3Barbie usually walks one poodle at a time because they pull on the lead so I imagine that's why only Brandy got a mention.

    Barbie ~ That sounds like the sort of walk I enjoy with me friend every morning, blowing the cobwebs away, enjoying the views and chatting all the way!

    Anne ~ I had a feeling Jilly would love the home cooking plus it will do her the world of good as she develops and grows. Lots of changes here politically as you'll know and all fascinating as Westminster gives itself an almighty shake up! For all the dire warnings the islands are still afloat and the grass continues to grow!! B)

    A quiet Sunday for me as I contemplate some housework because low cloud has drifted in along with drizzle so no point heading outside! Peace and love to you all. <3

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Happy Birthday Dianne

    Well I've been having an intensive training day that is, really just for me.
    Up at 6 am and in the back garden with Jilly, in my butterfly pyjamas. One pee, nothing else.
    We have brekky, Jilly eating her home cooked dinner.
    Out in the backyard, one pee, nothing else.
    Washed, dressed, out again for most of the morning, watering and weeding. One pee, nothing else.
    We have lunch, a little home cooked dinner for Jill and a sandwich for me.
    Out in the garden, one pee, nothing else.
    Inside again, me washing the dishes, back turned.
    On the paper pee pad near the back door, one small pee and guess what else! SIGH. Why did I bother for 6 hours! Like I said, intensive training (in patience) for me!

    I'm all agog with the news from Great Britain JACKIE as you can well imagine. Cameron gone, Corbyn being told to clear off. The Scots threatening to reverse the decision, the sorry losers whining for another ref., the 800,000 Polish folks wondering if they're off back home, Donald Trump approves, Mr. Obama doesn't, oh my, all good stuff. Like you wrote, our island is still set in a silver sea and the world carries on! My only worry if you can call it that is my minute pension could be much less next Saturday with the exchange rate. Who cares! Well Jilly maybe if she doesn't get her doggie treats! Which she won't be getting anyway if she doesn't smarten up!

    And so ends Sunday's lesson,
    Bye everybody,
    Anne, still a TULPO member!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ You may well already being doing this with Jilly but when I first adopted George and discovered he wasn't house trained at 18 months, any time he did his business outside I gave him a treat and praised him but if it happened in the house I totally ignored him for 10 minutes having cleaned up in his presence. He soon got the idea that he preferred the former to being ignored! We were told if we voted to pull out of the EU the markets would be volatile for a short while and the pound would drop but I'm sure so long as our politicians sort themselves out posthaste confidence will return, after all we won't be going anywhere for at least 2 years, so hopefully your pension won't suffer too much.

    Bidding on a dining table and chairs on ebay that's just about to finish so must check and see if they're mine. Quite local too so not much to pay for delivery.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    happy Birthday Diane hope its a good one

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday Diane! And we are all hoping you are safe and safely away from those wildfires. All my best wishes.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Happy birthday Diane!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks, JACKIE, for the Brandy explanation, but I wondered also about JAKE. Since this is the only forum I am involved in, I've heard nothing elsewheree
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Suggestion duly noted JACKIE and appreciated, and I've discarded Mikes harness for a normal neck collar which she hates. Easier to slip the leash on first thing. The steps are still a struggle early in the morning but we press on. Main problem, I can't just let Jilly out as with our other dogs because we are not fenced in. Never mind, it will resolve in time and being summer we had our brekky, oatmeal and cuppa outside today and watched the birds in the bird bath.
    I'm trying to keep the collar on all day, but she's struggling and scratching to get it off. Previous owner did warn me.
    Anne (T.U.L.P.O)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have to catch up today we were at the boat for the weekend and finally got out on the water twice.
    We have a cruise coming up this weekend so we will be getting ready for that.


    I will catch up later today after Yoga class.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Who needs to go to a resort when your daughter owns such a beautiful home with a pool and beautiful surroundings! She and her husband are such wonderful hosts, it is going to be hard to leave. We spend a lot of time at the pool, we went to the beach, St. Augustine's, dinner at a great restaurant, have a new daily cocktail everyday, low carb dinners and play great games each evening! Doesn't get much better than this! Today my daughter is working a few hours so will be at the pool a few hours ( getting very, very dark) and then because a restaurant I wanted Bryanna to see was closed Saturday we will see if it open today and go for a drink and appetizer before dinner at home. Weather permitting we will go to another beach tomorrow and meet Kristy's friends for taco Tuesday. I just hope Bryanna isn't bored with hanging with us older folks who go to bed before midnight. I do think she is getting the rest she needs since she sleeps in each morning, but that is a good thing.

    It is hard to respond to all on my IPad so just know I am reading all the posts and will catch up with you when I get home.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited June 2016
    Wow! I haven't been around for about 2 weeks and there were 206 new posts! I guess I must simply jump back in with
    Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Buzz and Diane!

    Our landscaping project is almost complete. I'll post a pic when it's done. The music recording son is working on a new artist contract and I'm learning more and more about the music industry. Thought this is where life was suppose to start to slow down. I was apparently mistaken. My vegetable garden is growing. It's small, but at least I did something this year and now it will be easier for each new planting season. Can't believe how nice it is to finally have a morning where I can once again sit down with my cup of coffee, kitties snuggled close and post on MFP.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good seeing you again . you were missed Anxious to see your new landscapes
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited June 2016
    Marcella- I didn't have as many posts as you to catch up on just 32. A very chatty group we have but
    we love them all and their busy lives.

    I managed a yoga class this morning and hopefully again on Wednesday. My routine is all over the map right now. We are either on the boat or taking Dave's mom to the cottage so laundry is always being done as it will be today again. I take my tablet everywhere to try and keep up. My weight is not doing well and I am back on South Beach Phase 2 to try at least to get on some routine with eating.

    Anne - Your little Jilly likes to hold her business, but the treat idea that Jackie mentioned would probably work. Good luck.

    Jackie - Good luck with your furniture bidding. We have a Scottish friend of ours
    and she is keeping us posted on the EU referendum. I wonder now if Quebec will try and do the same again with going on their own. Time will tell.

    Buzz - Hugs and love to you and Mike and happy birthday again and fingers crossed for Mike's test on the scooter.

    Sandy - I saw some of your Facebook pictures and you are getting very brown. Enjoy the pool and your daughter.

    Patsy - Naked bike riding, Yikes !!

    We had two great days this weekend on the water and yesterday it was so windy we actually came back in before it became uncomfortable. We did a little circle in the dock because of the wind but we got her back in safe and sound. We are leaving possibly this Thursday or Friday for a sailing club cruise of course weather permitting and that will be a 5 hour cruise to get there.

    I will try and keep up and my tablet is getting a workout this summer. B)
