Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Yes Jackie, even I got confused when I attempted to explain to Jim what we'd be doing tomorrow. I had to stop, I'd lost track!
    Our sister in law's mother passed last night. She was 90. Visitation will be what's planned for Saturday.(not Friday, thank goodness!)
    Jackie, do you like your cut? I wouldn't have thought of a haircut. I'd probably clamp it and put in Bobbie pins until nothing could move. Pretty much what I do everyday.
    Ok, gonna rest up tonight for tomorrow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited June 2016
    pinkperil wrote: »
    Wow Sandy how did you get your aerial photo to move like that? I felt for a second I was going to fall off the table!! LOL Great photos and lovely family. Welcome home lovey!

    Jackie, it is an app call PHHHOTO on my IPhone and IPad.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Is this any better? I declare! I am just hopeless with the computer...9ijjfgzinozw.jpeg
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Nope! I cut the edges off...I'll try again later.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Huh? This reply section had already been started by ??????whom? Weird. Anyway, too late again, simply dropped onto my bed when I returned from being with Mike this evening. I'm not seeing progress, and they are treating him again for pneumonia (though not contagious, they say. He had been started on Cipro, and I requested something less dangerous so they changed it almost immediately. I am opposed to Cipro as the side effects with me from many years ago are permanent! My lipodermatosclerosis came from a single dose of Cipro!!!
    PHOEBE, I'm slightly confused by your question about testing for sugar. Mike sticks his finger with a tiny needle, smears the drop of blood onto a piece of tape and slides that tape into his machine. I'm not sure where the control solution comes in. I hope he controls his food intake and exercise so he can enjoy many long healthy years!
    PATSY, I just love your design! You're very talented, so you are allowed to mess the house :|
    SANDY, all good things must come to an end, but what lovely pictures! Gorgeous pool area, too!
    JACKIE, I'm so confused by what just happened in that vote. So the UK is leaving the EU...the money has disappeared from most promises made to "the people", and Scotland wants to go it alone? I read that allowing it to come to a vote was a mistake. I think this year appears to be a big mistake, period!
    MARIE, how are things going with you two? Hugs, Li'l Sis!
    ANNE and SHIRLEY, didn't forget you!
    BARBIE, did I miss your report?
    I'm feeling discouraged about Mike's non-progress, despite saying I understood there is little to be achieved for his future. Reality sets in :'(
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm hoping this post will work because there's a big red slash across the top with the words Body is required.... don't know what that means!! Dry so far today so we had an enjoyable stroll on the moors with a light breeze and quite a bit of sunshine. It's now my sipping coffee time while I contemplate the rest of the day. Moving off contemplation on to the task of the day is the struggle for me sometimes! Later in the afternoon I will do some work at the allotment and hopefully find more strawberries tucked under their leaves as we're enjoying some beautiful tasty fruit this year. The first cucumber in the greenhouse is being consumed and tomatoes forming although I'm not sure what's happening in the potato box because the plants are huge now but still no flowers which I understand must form before digging for the spuds.

    Buzz ~ I don't know that drug you mention but thank goodness they changed it immediately if you had concerns about side effects. I want to be there to give you a big hug in what's such a difficult time and know the usual platitudes won't be of much help so will just send all my love to you both. As for our political situation in the UK both sides of the argument lied to us before the vote, some more than others, but in the end the loss of our democratic right to rule ourselves as non-elected bureaucrats in Brussels tied our government up in rules and regulations was enough of a pull towards getting out of the EU. It will take a couple of years to extract ourselves but as you know, we Brits are built of stern stuff and already the markets are steadying so we just have to wait patiently for our politicians to sort themselves out! Your turn next of course and who knows where that will lead!!

    Patsy ~ The photo you posted yesterday was filed in my computer so I can now view it in a variety of software programmes and also rotate as needed. If you double click on it you should see a box that includes "save image as" and that will allow you to choose where you want to keep it and edit if necessary. I've had a quick look on ebay and found the sort of iron on paper needed to print it so will give it a go and let you know how I get on.

    Phoebe ~ Up with the lark I hope to get going on the merry-go-round!! I do hope your little furry friends will remain safe. My hair is so thick not even a clip or band would control it so generally the only answer is to keep it relatively short. The only small hiccup at the moment is what's known as "fashion" as our younger girls like a style that droops long hair across the face in a sort of Mata Hari exotic way and my hairdresser will insist on trying to cover my face, probably for other reasons LOL. Hence the scissors as soon as I got home yesterday!

    Sandy ~ Apps are beyond me but I'm thinking every time I want to shout at the tv when our politicians are spatting I'll come back to your aerial and sing the song "one day I'll fly away"!!

    Time to get on with something constructive. Hello to Anne, Lin, Shirley, Jeri, Linda, Barbie (hoping Jake is enjoying his Swedish hospitality!) and Marie. Have a good Friday everyone.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well, Chalky must've heard me saying he was slated for the big snip today. He didn't show last night. I was to cut off food by 10pm. So I thought, on the plus side, I can sleep in. So before 7am, Jim is almost frantic because he hasn't seen Okie all night. :| So while he's outside walking around calling Okie's name, I stand at the garage door, say Okie!, one time, and his mischievous self walks from under the pickup truck, right to me, and into the house.
    It took 10 more minutes to get Jim back indoors.
    So, I'm awake. How are you?
    Buzz, I hope that Mike is not giving up. I'm hoping he is just catching up on his rest. Many people will say that dementia is so cruel that they would rather have a heart attack and pass on. But that doesn't comfort the loved ones left behind, does it? The testing sounds very different from the way we do it. I think it is just your description that confused me a bit. Control solution usually comes with the new batch of test strips, if you get your supplies thru s home medical service. You put the liquid onto a test strip instead of blood. The reading should match a numeric range printed on the vial of test strips. It's to let you know your meter is accurate.
    Gotta move a bit, or I'll fall asleep and it's too late for that!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    To All Our Canadian Friends!


    Happy Friday! :) It is a beautiful day here with temps in the 70's! The windows are open and a cool breeze is blowing. Since my cleaning girl is on vacation in Poland I am going to clean my own house today. Don't be shocked, I think I still know how to clean. Darn vacation weight is up 2.3 pounds, not happy about that. Time to get moving and riding my bike again to get rid of dreaded pounds. Tonight I am having dinner with Rob, Lisa and Robby and then watching him for a couple of hours while they both go to a meeting.

    Phoebe, Chalky must have stayed out all night doing the deed before his surgery. LOL Glad Okie came when called too bad Jim didn't do the same. How is Honey? Sorry about you SIL's mother. I hope you get all those chores done, except for Chalky who messed up.

    Jackie, I really wish I knew was what going on in England but it is hard enough following our crazy politicians. I am a tech person, love all the different apps my grandchildren show me.

    Buzz, I know this has all taken a toll on you and worry you aren't taking care of yourself. Did Mike go back to the hospital or is he still in your medical? I too, wish we could help in some way but you are loved by all and support is all we can do.

    Patsy, you just make me laugh and that is a good thing!! Your logo is great and will look good on a t shirt. Carpenter ants are quite serious aren't they? An exterminator maybe?

    Shirley, hope you are having a wonderful time on your sailing trip.

    Linda, don't worry about typo's, we all make them. I am glad the new job will be slightly easier although still long hours for such little pay. With all that you have gone through you should be able to get disability pay to help supplement your income.

    Anne, little Jilly gets funnier everyday or is it you? Can't wait to hear what the snobby lady says about your shirt!!

    Marie, how are things in Texas? You have been quiet lately. Jerry ok?

    Jeri, so glad the radiation went well but wish you could get the results of the lupus tests.

    Barbie, no news is good news on Jake's surgery? I hope all is well and Jake is on the mend.

    Lin, where are you? I miss you.

    Marcella, are you at your cabin?

    Time to eat and get moving.

    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All

    Celebrated Canada Day (thanks Sandi) by going to the casino. We always took Mom there for her BD (it was today) so it had become a tradition for us. I lost $15 but that is more like a win because I always expect to lose at least $20 LOL

    Buzz - thinking of you and Mike. Sending all my good wishes.

    Tomorrow we babysit Melissa's 2 boys. Looking forward to that.

    Have a great evening.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    .Sandy good to have you back home. I guess for a couple of old folks we are doing ok? I am having problem grttinio our sub and I am having problems gettin up from the pottie and having problem swinging my leg to get in the I guess old age is showing up more around here my computer is acting up again.. So I am on the I pad
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Slow times I guess. Grateful to those who've been able to check in.
    Honey is home. Very sore, limping, not supposed to be up walking but she is. I've got the bedroom door closed with me her and a couple of the cats, and she has settled down enough to nap.
    I'm pooped. I had an hour to kill before picking up Honey, so I went to Ollie's Bargain Outlet store. I'd never been there. I got two large denim rag rugs for the truck. Got a few things for my aunt's birthday. I don't want to get things she can't use, so it's a challenge.
    Got my car out of the shop. It had a brake job and a tune-up. That wasn't really expected -wow! $$$!
    Night all
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello - it has been pretty busy here. The tree guys just left. They had some trouble with the chipper and I had to drive one of the guys to get some fluid(s) of some kind so they could keep at it. Luckily I had. I where to go this evening so I could do that.

    I plan to go to TJ's tomorrow and then make a nice big pot of soup, do laundry and catch up a bit around here.

    Happy Canada Day to ourCanadian Sneakers although it is almost over now isn't it.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) I am so excited.....I safely drove Jake and me home from the hospital in Seattle on Canada Day and the beginning of Independence Day weekend. I just made one small navigation error and the GPS got us back on track. He has to rest and put ice on his incision in the front and his spine where the back problem was repaired. A friend got a walker for him to help him for the first few days.....all seems to be going well.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Welcome home Jake and Barbie!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I am so excited.....I safely drove Jake and me home from the hospital in Seattle .

    <3 Barbie

    Good for you!! Best of luck to Jake.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Finished the cleanup job under Mike's bathroom sink where three cabinets looked like total chaos! Tomorrow I will tackle his walk-in closet and pack up all the tennis clothes he no longer needs. My doorbell played its cheerful "When the Saints Come Marchin' In" at 11 o'clock this morning, and of course I was in the bathroom. Yelling "I'll be right there", I did eventually open the door and it was not who I expected, but there was Mike in a motorized chair with a big grin on his face. His therapist was grinning beside him, telling me how well he was doing . He really looked so much better today. Among the therapy sessions he enjoys most are the card games he plays with the therapist plus his friend from our building, who is being discharged tomorrow. He was there for cellulitis over one entire arm, plus gout! We all had dinner together out on the dining room patio, and returned to Mike's room where we watched the Donald rant on about America First (My, that certainly sounds familiar!), then Madame Palin comes on calling Republicans who dislike Trump (Republicans Against Trump) RATS, and I thought "Here we go again! Another revolting campaign season!". Was there time when politicians were statesmen and women? People we didn't dread voting for? Will next generations consider this type of display normal and acceptable?
    After tonight's dinner, while watching the news and waiting for his nurse to come ready him for bed, we started to talk about the advantages of his remaining in a medical floor receiving all the care I cannot possibly supply! He agreed it would unfair to me that I'd have to give all my time to his care, especially since there are now so many areas of need for him! I was thinking the transition would be easier for him to make while he is being taken care of so well already. It's a conversation I have been dreading, but actually he agreed, even though he wants to come home. I'm not sure what it entails, but it may be less wrenching than I had thought. Will report the changes as they occur.
    PHOEBE, Mike uses the Free Style machine; he pricks his finger with a fine needle, puts a drop of blood on the tape, which then goes into a slot on the tiny machine. It processes, and a lady's voice announces the sugar count. There is no liquid of any sort. Perhaps your system is different. The machines are usually free, but they make money on the tape!
    Once more, dear Sneakers, thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just popped in for the moment to say how wonderful to have good news concerning BUZZ and MIKE, BARBIE and JAKE and of course PHOEBEs little HONEY. Long may the good news continue.
    I'm beginning to look at the antics of the politicians on both sides of the Atlantic as great entertainment! The only fly in my ointment - my teeny pension from the UK not in the bank this morning, but that's probably because it was Canada Day yesterday and so a delay in transactions and not the UK members of parliament tightening their belts. It would just about cover ONE members lunch today, and with luck a cup of Starbucks coffee!
    So for now girls, enjoy today with your loved ones near you, and you can be sure I will let you know if my pensions disappeared into the great unknown eternally, lol.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2016
    Naughty Chalky Phoebe but so typical of cats with their 6th sense!! A couple of days ago thought of Honey when I bumped into a dog walker with Bertie the labrador that I hadn't seen for some time. He's 12 years old and just undergone massive surgery to remove a tumour in his groin and castrated at his age! He was very sore but dear of him, had a big smile on his face and I do think these wonderful pets know when we are trying to help them even if it is painful. Given time I'm sure Honey will soon be feeling the benefits of her surgery.

    Buzz ~ What a treat for you to find Mike at the door and for all of us that had been worrying about him. You're so brave to have approached the subject of him staying in the medical care centre although it does sound as if he's been enjoying himself anyway. Our news media is so engrossed in our political shenanigans at the moment we don't hear of Mr T too much but I can still appreciate your concerns.

    Barbie and Jake ~ Welcome home! It does sound from your excitement that the surgery was successful which is great news. Onwards and upwards! <3

    Marie ~ Do take care of yourself and Jerry. The old age thing is a pain in the butt I know but you're doing all the right things with your food choices.

    Sandy ~ Democracy is a great thing but it does complicate procedures doesn't it. If you look back 40+ years to when the British Isles ruled their own destiny that's basically what we are getting back but just have to wait for new leaders of the ruling party to be elected amongst themselves. Make sense? Probably not!! LOL :D

    Anne ~ As far as I know nobody has run off with the petty cash in the Treasury although that Canadian Mark Carney who's running the Bank of England might be thinking of jumping ship because the electorate ignored his doom and gloom predictions!! Let me know if you want me to go knocking on the Chancellor's door!! B)

    We got caught in a wild squally shower on the walk this morning and it felt more like a November day but the sun is trying to peek out occasionally now so I might get a few jobs done outside between the rain and Wimbledon on the tv! A table and 4 chairs finally sit in my dining room and I just have to wax the table top and clean the seat covers before putting them in pride of place.
    You'll all be getting up as it's time for my lunch and I'm going to make a milkshake using raspberries and strawberries picked at the allotments yesterday evening. Then I have enough courgettes to make a huge batch of ratatouille for the freezer so that'll be a job if the rain showers continue.

    Have a good weekend
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I wonder if Mr Carney will get a cut in salary now JACKIE? Thanks for offering to knock on the chancellors door, but my pension isn't worth the petrol to GET to his door. I'd paid 13 years into the pension scheme, and so was awarded a small pension in keeping with that percentage 15 years ago, but of course it doesn't increase ever because I live in Canada (same for Australia and South Africa) BUT if I jumped borders and lived in the States it WOULD increase. Some agreement between those commonwealth countries and Britain. Campaigns are forever going on for the increases but I think with fewer Brits here now we are resigned to things as they are! Glad to hear you Brits are carrying on as normal despite the shenanigans. Strawberries and raspberries in a shake! Mmm Mm. Some things never change! Enjoy the table and chairs!

    Hugs to all from Anne and Jilly. We've just been out taking all the dustbins in for the vacationers. I've become the pet oldie around here methinks, because I don't stray very far, but am still useful for dustbin removal and criminal watch etc, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello friends - a drizzly cool day today. I made my trip to TJ'sand the soup is cooking now. Need to get on to the laundry. I am being ridiculous today. I am very sad about having those trees taken down. While I didn't see any nests in the trees (yes, I looked through the downed trees) I heard no birds this morning as I got dressed. Maybe it's the weather. Maybe I just cannot accept change.

    Phoebe, if you still are not getting saturated colors please try these pencils. They are soft pencils and with medium pressure and a blender I have some very intense colors in some pictures.


    More later (if I keep moving)!

