Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well do you all want to hear my woe. I am allergic to Idaho russet potatoes for sure now I ate some yesterday and diarrhea yesterday and today. After this spell is over with I will try the red potatoes for when I was eating them regular I did not have this problems nor with the gold one. Maybe my system do not like the Idaho dirt. I am still holding my weight at 175 seems to have slow down But I am still with the plan And loving it except for this problem with the potatoes. I am cooking rice Pasta tonight with a sauce I made the other day. Found out today how to make Bacon out of rice paper. Had a nice pot of chili beans cooked for lunch. Rice this morning with cantaloupe, asparagus i ate them raw they were so nice tender and crisp. with my homemade mustard dressing. I am really enjoy the WOE Except for the diarrhea with the potatoes.

    phoebe such a busy girl
    i o to my doctor Thursday for my lab work report.
    Gotta go cook my dinner will cook enough for tomorrow.

    MarieHugs to all.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Phoebe, I am sorry your aunt is being difficult. It might be best to just have a short visit and try to avoid extremely contentious issues. I would panic when my dad insisted I take him out to his house. I was afraid one day he wouldn't get back in the car.

    Marie, sorry about the russet potatoes. Other than sweet potatoes those are my personal favorites. But if reds and yellows work for you that would be good.

    Shirley, sorry you forgot your Fitbit charger. I remember once upon a time they would say you only need to charge them every few days. I plug mine in each evening when I go to bed.

    The birds are still confused about the missing trees I think. Several robins were hopping around on the ground where the trees were. Then they flew up and sat on top the fence and just stared. A wren sat on my tomato plants this afternoon. Then it moved on to the neighbor's evergreen.

    I think I will curl up with the latest Janet Evanowich/Lee Goldberg book "The Pursuit." If I don't care for it, I will abandon it and return it to the library. I also have some information on the color wheel to read and of course there is always coloring but I think I need rest more than coloring right now.

    The couple that I consider my best friends pulled their membership from our church. I found out after the fact and we texted about it for hours the other day but it left me feeling a bit unsettled and today I sat in that pew without them (yes, we shared a pew each week).

    Well, onward. I will get to other 'stuff' tomorrow I guess. I did stop and do a thorough walk through of the newest Dollar Tree store. Got restocked a bit on cards to send out to shut-ins, a gift bag for a wedding gift, and I *had* to look through all of the coloring books. They are printed double-sided, the printed pages are not of uniform darkness (many are lighter at the top and bottom of the page), and there's bleed from one picture to another. I did get one book to play with.

    Phoebe, I am going to post a picture of a little Mandela done with the Premier Prismacolors and the blender pencil so you can get an idea of the intensity of color I get. Not a great coloring job--too busy talking.

    Hugs everyone. Buzz, I hope you are getting rest!!


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes. They made me feel so good and brought great smiles to my heart.

    I had a wonderful day. We went out for breakfast and then in the afternoon our 2 daughters and their families came over for a birthday celebration. Melissa made cupcakes so all we supplied were the snacks. So fun to see everyone and get nice BD cards and hugs.

    I am a very lucky woman.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey, JERI, Celebrate your special day!

    Brought Mike to the main dining room again today, and once more, he said he preferred the quieter patio of his Willowbrooke Court, so tomorrow, rather than dealing with the holiday buffet, I will eat with him in his patio. My fingers are crossed that this time is an opportunity to again introduce "the move" to higher care as a permanent move; he appears amenable and I no longer dread mentioning it. I finally used my leg pumps this afternoon and I hope to continue daily as I could barely zip up the right one, my leg is so swollen. I will find time to take care of many things I have allowed to slide, and I feel good every time I see an area finished! Well, one step at a time! The chaos is diminishing!
    PHOEBE, I'd love to be one of your pets, even if for a tiny time. Your love is incredible!
    Once again, I have read all today's posts (I think) but it is approaching midnight and I need sleep badly, so I send my hugs and kisses to you, each and every one, and enjoy a happy fourth! 1369400tbv7jndox3.gif

    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Jeri ~ I'm never sure if I'm supposed to be hours ahead or behind on this forum but am certainly sorry I missed your birthday yesterday. So glad you had a wonderful day anyway!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    To all my MFP friends in America..... Enjoy your day!
    lots of hugs ~ Jackie
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    I knew it couldn't last.... yesterday was warm and sunny so apart from the usual morning stroll on the moors, after some serious gardening I met friends about 6pm for an evening walk around the local lake. The dogs had a wonderful time and even George raced in and out of the water chasing and doing zoomies. It took as nearly 2 hours but then we were stopping to watch them quite a bit and also spent some time in a wooded area listening to a Nightingale sing his song. Today we have low cloud, drizzle and much cooler temperatures so it will be a housework day once I get going.

    Lin ~ Last year my neighbours had lots of trees cut down in July and I was so upset at the thought of nesting birds and also the bats that were living there. Ring doves were regular visitors to my garden but have now disappeared and also the finches and wrens moved away. I don't think there's ever a good time to cut trees down but when they are dying and are close to property then it does become a safety issue. You must feel relieved you didn't find nests in your ash.

    Marie ~ That's a shame that a particular type of potato upsets your stomach unless it's something like extra starch or as you say, the soil. You are being so inventive with your meals I'm feeling disgraced for not doing more for myself!!

    Phoebe ~ Chalky is a silly puss if he can't appreciate your home and all the love that goes with it. When I use the flea and tic drops on my cats they tend to disappear and sulk for most of the day so I'm sure he'll return unless he had worked out what that visit to the vet was all about!! There's no easy answer to your aunt's situation and sad when it gets to a time family worry about taking her out. I do feel for you.

    Buzz ~ No wonder you're tired with all the emotional turmoil you've been dealing with but as you say, the chaos is diminishing so you can hopefully take time to look after yourself as much as you do Mike.

    I've spent too much time at the computer this morning already because I decided to pay for McAfee to take care of my security for a year and it all took a while to download. Anyway it's gone midday so I must think about getting my kitchen tidied and then hang new curtains in the dining room and generally zoom around with the hoover. Hello to everyone I missed.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jeri - Happy Birthday!!!

    Lin - I loved picturing your confused little birds wondering what happened to the tree.

    We were suppose to be at our camper this past weekend but the air conditioner didn't get repaired in time. So, we stayed home and played instead. Today, we will probably be working outside in the yard this morning and late afternoon. During the hot time of the day, we have a ton of things that need to be done inside where it's cooler! Happy 4th of July!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Monday!! Happy 4th. ! Cloudy so probably not a pool day. Will probably just stay in and binge watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

    Marcella, sorry about the A/C at the camper it would have been relaxing for you.

    Jackie, your walk with friends and dogs sounds wonderful especially with your scenery.

    Buzz, I am so happy things are calming down and Mike is adjusting to his new place. I hope he agrees to stay for both of you. It is too hard for you to do alone.

    Jeri, so glad you had a good birthday.

    Lin, love your coloring and thought it looked perfect.

    Marie, sorry to hear about your reaction to the Idaho Potatoes, I hope you feel better soon.

    Enjoy your day and if celebrating the 4th. stay safe and be careful.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    New table and chairs in place but waxing the top is a new job added to the long list! The new curtains are hanging on the back of one of the chairs, still to be done. The 2nd photo is just to show you the recently purchased side table and chair that have been added to the room and become my little cosy corner to communicate with you on my laptop. That table requires more work in removing the old wax, rubbing down to remove a couple of water marks and then re-waxing. No wonder the list never gets any shorter!!

    The murky weather continues with an occasional sight of sun but only for a couple of minutes. I'll now hang those curtains.....


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hope it wasn't too big.
    Lin, that mandala(?)is so pretty. Love you're color choices. Thank you for posting it.
    Jackie, thank you for your independence day wishes. I suppose it should mean more coming from you since we celebrate freedom from your country, Lol!! That Is a joke! Nothing fills my heart like watching a dog doing zoomies', truly I feel their joy! So glad you rescued George, the little growling/sweetie boy.
    Buzz, yes, I see what you mean, you would be my special pet. And, yesterday you could have shared in Possums bubble bath! She smells wonderful, Sugar Cookie no more tears shampoo. Does anyone ever indulge in a bubble bath? They used to be such fun. You know, I think as long as he is free to move about and visit you, Mike might like the move after all. It's just hard to keep up with what a person with dementia issues really wants, I am learning this.
    Honey is getting about much better than I thought so I plan to leave off the pain meds for now. I gave her the antibiotic after her breakfast, but she vomited about 30minutes after. I wonder if it's something new happening. Hope not. I'll watch her today a bit more closely.
    Well eat later this evening. It's so hot out for cooking.
    I need another cup of coffee. Then I'll find something to do, vacuum is calling.
    Have a fun day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    i am eating left overs today till they run out. breakfast pin4wz2i423vfl0.jpg
    to beans and rice with cantaloupe and those nicely crisp and tender asparagus with peac salsa on top of beans and rice.very good. A starch solution meal
    I lost 1 1/2 pound this week
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello and Happy Fourth of July!! I may live in Canada but the heart is still in the US, of course except for the politics that is going on now I would rather live in Canada. ;)

    We are still on vacation and thinking about moving to another port tomorrow with a pool. Today Dave and I rode our bikes around Toronto Island and back which was about 7.7 miles. He was trying out his new bike which makes him sit upright which will help his back a lot.

    The weather here is beautiful and sunny and still no humidity. This morning I had a cappucino at the Cafe which is right across where our boat is docked and very convenient then after that we biked.

    Tonight we are taking the ferry over to the city with our friends and going out for some dinner.

    Jackie - Your furniture is very nice, is it antique?

    Marie - Watch those potatoes that make you sick and stick with the ones that don't.

    Phoebe - you must be happy to be home and good to hear Honey is recuperating and feeling better.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy 4th of July! We are planning a cloudy day picnic on the deck. Katie is eating one of my slippers. And we are doing exactly what old Thomas Jefferson suggested"...holding these truths to be self evident....pursuing happiness etc. etc. etc."
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Options the furniture, it is so you!!

    Patsy......Katie is just too darn cute and is that a stuffed toy dog in the back?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Happy Independence Day.

    I am enjoying the posts, the graphics and the pictures!! I love the furniture Jackie and it fits so nicely in your space.

    Patsy, what a darling puppy. Nice long legs on the slipper-chewing Katie!

    Shirley, what a great time you are having. And DH must like his new bike!!

    Marie, nice cooking my friend. I am baking little purple sweet potatoes again today.

    Phoebe, I hope Honey is doing okay this afternoon. Sorry to hear she was ill this morning.

    Buzz, please please take time to take care of yourself.

    Marcella, sorry the air conditioning wasn't repaired in time. It has been so unseasonably cool here that light coats and sweaters have been needed in the evening. I believe that will be over tomorrow with a high of 92 F expected.

    Linda, I hope you are enjoying your day.

    Barbie, while Jake is recovering are you still walking the dogs one at a time? I hope you are both doing well.

    Hugs and best wishes to all. Sorry for those I have missed.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Yes that's Katie's favorite toy friend, Nana. She knows it's name. It is huge and the same color as she is. In fact it sort of looks like her. Our house is decorated in wall to wall dog toys.