Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    About to comment on all the great posts today, graphics, pictures and decorations, when someone nearby decided noisy noisy fireworks were the way to celebrate the 4th, and it seems to be ceaseless!
    I received a magnificent thank you (very unexpected) from Mike's daughter this morning, and a call from his son regarding some kind of phone service for Mike (he hates talking on the phone!), and right now, everyone agrees he should be in nursing care, including Mike. I received an offer of the loan of a motorized chair for him. I will try to stop worrying about his sense of responsibility!
    MARIE, your breakfast looked enticing, and the asparagus is gorgeous! And to heck with the Idahoes as long as Yukon Golds are OK.
    JACKIE, Your corner nook looks so inviting and so like what I imagine you to have! I love the window, too!
    PHOEBE, that graphic of the flag pie is terrific! Hope Honey feels better, too.
    LIN, your friends disappearing without a word must have been hurtful. Hugs from all of us who love you!
    MARCELLA, I think the A/C breakdown may have been a blessing in disguise! Indoors was cooler!
    SHIRLEY, wondering whether DAVE was riding a racing bike with a high seat before. Good luck with his back...
    SANDY, I know you love the pool, but there will be plenty of other days to enjoy it minus all the noisy fireworks today! Thanks for reminding me about taking care of myself. We tend to feel guilty for doing that! I promise I'll give it more effort!
    PATSY, Katie's favorite toy has the same name my Grand kids call me? I'll come running!
    To ANNE, JACKIE, and all our British friends, thank you for your happy 4th wishes, and I'm sorry we couldn't do better with that Independence this year!
    If I have left anyone out, hand me nine switches with a wet noodle, and I'm off to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers I so enjoy reading all the post you gals are so good at doing. Sorry i don't comment more but the old brain does not cooperate much anymore.The rice and bean plans are working great for me. down another 1/2 lb this morning I am trying to leave off sugar but it is hard for it is everywhere And oil. is everywhere. in the purchase dressin. So on the look for sugar free and oil free condiment Especially Ketchup Off to do some research
    Love you all and love to all of our fur animals . they are all so cute
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Hello - off for a few errands this morning before meeting a friend at our Art Center. My potted plants on the deck are now fun for various little birds. A wren was here this morning hopping from pot to pot and looking though the lettuce and herbs.

    Marie, I am a no-salt, no-oil, no-sugar gal so I understand how difficult it is to shop. I gave up on salad dressing and now order expensive exotic balsamic vinegars for my salads. Costs a lot but the flavors suit me. I only order ketchup from Dr. Fuhrman but it is not only expensive but they seem to sell a lot of it as it is often out of stock (as it is right now). I called at the end of last week and they said probably a week and a half before it will be in stock again. Sigh. Happy hunting.

    Take care everyone. Hugs.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    And talking of food, I've just been cooking the Jilly beans dinners which are a little rice, potatoes, a few peas and carrots and lots of good quality ground beef browned in olive oil. It smells surprisingly good, and the tail is wagging furiously as it cools down. With a little dried dog food on the side she should be good for a few days. She's teething, found a very sharp canine this morning.
    We are blessed PATSY with our furry companions. Although she was VERY naughty on Sunday and too long to tell you all, except I nearly had a heart attack with her antics!
    Still awaiting the appearance of my small British pension which should have arrived last Saturday. No doubt it will eventually when the dust settles. Meanwhile our postal workers are probably going on strike.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I am washing clothes and trying to get back on schedule after my two vacations. I have a meeting tonight but if the sun comes out I may go to the pool for an hour since rain is predicted the next two days. I am asking for a favor of those with faith, please keep my family in your prayers. I really can't explain but need prayer warriors. Thank you.

    Anne, it sounds like little Jilly was a naughty girl but aren't all kids at times? I hope your pension arrives today and hope your postal carriers aren't going to strike.

    Lin, sorry about your friends just up and leaving, I know that must be hard for you. I am glad you are involved with other friends at the library.

    Marie, impressive lose, glad to read you are feeling better.

    Buzz, doesn't it feel good to be appreciated by Mike's kids? You certainly deserve all the appreciation with all you do. I am so happy everyone is on the same page with Mike staying in nursing care, especially Mike.

    Shirley, sounds like you are having a great time, enjoy!!

    Phoebe, how is Honey doing today?

    Have a good day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Buzz - glad to hear Mike staying in nursing care is being well accepted. It must have made you feel good to get that positive feedback from his family. Big hugs.

    Sandy - prayers going your way. It's always a challenge getting back into life when you come back from a vacation.

    Lin - I am sorry about your friends. Hope you can work that out. Your little wren sounded so nice.

    Marie - your diet sounds like it is working very well for you. I'm just glad to see you Check in every day with us.

    Anne - another postal strike looming. Can you get your pension electronically. All of our arrive that way. Between Ed and I we get 7 pension checks each month. Glad they are deposited automatically as it would be a pain to have to go to the bank to make all those deposits.

    Jackie - very nice furniture. I love that kind.

    Oops time is getting away from me. To all I missed, a big hug.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Like you JERI, I get my pensions electronically. Saves a lot of grief doesn't it. I check my statement by telephone, that's how I know my BR. pension hasn't been deposited yet. Tomorrow the sun will shine! This year I had to send proof that I'm still alive, and my lads aren't living it up by not reporting this sad event and thus enjoying "pin" money!
    JACKIE I love your furniture too and it blends in perfectly with your lovely old cottage.
    BUZZ, you deserve the big thank you, and it's so good for you to know all you've done for Mike is recognized by his children. I echo SANDY in saying it's time for Buzz to take care of Buzz, and SANDY, prayers for you and your family on the way. God bless.
    That's one big toy dog PATSY! Do you ever feed it by mistake. No of course not, I'm sure Katie is like Jilly in wolfing down anything put down. After all they are growing girls!
    LIN, the mandala you posted is lovely. Is that, (or something similar), what you are doing today with your friends?
    LINDA, I guess you are still working away on the double shifts. Soon be over I hope,
    And SHIRLEY what a lovely life you lead and I bet you worked very hard to achieve it. Happy sailing during this lovely weather. We met a boat owner this week on our walk. She was walking Bosun. I guess you will know quite a few people at the clubs and it did cross my mind wondering if you knew her. Anyway if you meet a puppy called Bosun on one of the boats it could be her!
    MARIE, amazing progress, I'm in awe at what you have achieved! Who'd have thought the humble spud could have such enormous health benefits! I too love potatoes.
    Guess what, like some of you I just lost all of the above! It just vanished. Anyway, after pressing every button in sight I pressed the sideways v at the bottom and it came back! I'm off before it disappears again, so if I've missed anyone, I AM thinking of you ALL.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all. Slept Very late today. It feels great.
    Jackie, I love your taste in furniture. The oval table is just perfect. So glad you found it. You didn't give up!
    Marie, you're food photography is very professional. Maybe there's another career waiting on you?? Making me hungry. Jim has had similar problems the last couple of days. Hope it isn't about the potatoes, since I just bought 18 pounds!!!
    By the way, my instant pot is not cooking the beans completely. Any ideas? I've got them up to 65 minutes.
    Patsy, long legged Katie is a beauty. She needs a hug from me, and I need a kiss from her <3.
    Your cooler weather would have been appreciated here. We were toasted yesterday. Today, we are good, cooler and cloudy. I may grill out.
    Lin, I forgot about your friends leaving the church. I hope you are still friends and can visit their new church. Good of you to notice the birds missing the trees. Most people wouldn't. I can say I don't miss the wild cherry tree from our back yard. Always shedding something. Jim is working on cleaning up the backyard. I told him to cut it all down, vines shrubs etc. I'm ready to start again, I think. Plus, I'm not sure what some of the vines are. Don't want to start itching.
    I'm going to see my aunt tomorrow. It is her 78 or 79th birthday. Then I'll meet Jim for his dr appointment at 3:30pm.
    Sandy, you certainly have my thoughts and prayers. Honey is OK. I'm having a bad time of getting her pills down. My thumb is bruised from her trying to close her mouth while my thumb is there. Not a bite but sore. She is still swollen and I'm taking her and Possum in on Thursday.
    Shirley, it sounds like a real vacation, just humming along from port to port. Must be so relaxing. Hope you're biker busy is enjoying his new ride ;-)
    Jeri, you've been sooo busy, hope your large family is enjoying every moment with
    Take care,
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    HI all...this is Marie's daughter Alice. She wanted me to let you all know she has been without power all day due to storm last night. She & Daddy are ok. Power company says it should be restored by midnight!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited July 2016
    Jacean2016 wrote: »
    ! This year I had to send proof that I'm still alive, and my lads aren't living it up by not reporting this sad event and thus enjoying "pin" money!

    What is "pin" money. I know that a "ski" vacation is Spending the Kids Inheritance"' LOL


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hi JERI, pin money as I know it, is money that is over after all expenses, and you can use it to indulge yourself, sort of like pocket money you hand out to the kids. Fun money.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    This will make you smile JERI. I looked it up in my ancient dictionary to be sure I was correct.
    Pin money - an allowance of money given to a wife for small personal expenses! Or - any small sum of money, as for incidental minor expenses.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) Jake gets a little stronger each hour. Brandy hurt her leg jumping up on the bed on Saturday and has been limping and walking three legged since so I took her to the vet this morning. Thanks to my regular weight training, I was able to easily lift Brandy and put her in the back seat of the car and lift her out at the vet. She has a torn ACL (her knee) and the vet prescribed very short walks and pain pills for many weeks. She will be sad to not walk so much but it will help her feel better. I was very relieved that the vet didn't recommend surgery. One family member recovering from surgery is enough.

    <3 Barbie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE, I used to soak beans overnight , then change the water before cooking. They'd be soft and make a delicious Boston Baked Bean.
    We don't have pensions to worry about, but we are trying to make decisions regarding HMOs versus straight Medicare plus Supplements. The problem with switching at this late age is the cost of supplements are prohibitive! But I must find doctors down in this area rather than the ones we used for 20 years or more, especially since hospital care might be looming now.
    ANNE, I'm guessing your post simply moved left or right so the text reappeared when you clicked the horizontal scroll. Is that what happened? Good thing to remember!
    Must get Mike's laundry out of the dryer and folded. I used those little scent pellets in the washer and his clothes smell so fresh!
    I pumped my legs at 7AM and want to repeat it before I go to bed. Thinking of you all. I just don't manage my time well enough to comment on everyone!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    just popping in to say my UK pension came in and I only lost $28 on the exchange rate. Good old UK. Alls right with my world!
    BARBIE, poor Brandy and poor Jake AND poor Barbie, you have your hands full right now!
    Thanks for the tip BUZZ, no idea if that's what happened though, just clueless.
    Good wishes to all from me and the pooch,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin I am not as strict on my foods as you. but watching as much as I can. I found a ketchup recipe to try one of these days. and they have come up with a bacon recipe using rice paper I plan on making when I find all of the ingredient
    I am getting my tummy settle down but going to let it rest for awhile before eating any kind of Potatoes. and let it heal some more. ugs to you girl
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Has anyone else lost the news feed on the home page? Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Heard some thunder last night and must have slept through the storm because I didn't hear it rain. lol More rain today, looks like another stay at home day.

    Anne, I had to sign back in to see the home page but sometimes it takes a long time to load.
    Glad you got your pension, I am waiting for my social security.

    Marie, thank Alice for letting us know about your power, glad to see it came back.

    Buzz, I just stick with medicare and my blue cross blue shield supplement, I never pay anything out of pocket so I am happy. The supplement is $460 every other month although I think it goes up with age. I don't take any prescriptions so I don't pay for the prescription insurance.

    Barbie, happy to hear Jake is improving everyday but sorry to hear about Brandy. I hope she mends without needing surgery, I think your plate is full.

    Jeri, I never heard the expression "ski" money but I like it! lol

    Phoebe, praying for good results for Honey and Possum. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers and know you have pray warriors to help.

    Babe called and he and Daisy are coming to visit this afternoon.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited July 2016
    My comments are just up to 4 days ago SANDY. All I've got since are adverts the latest being a guy with enormous arm muscles. Maybe because I'm not premium? Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Lost several posts...MFP is on the fritz I think! Hang in there, dear sneakers, they will fix it or we will bombard them with complaints!