Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    My hairdresser just left my new style Time for lunch be back later to read all the post and see all of our new puppies showing their hiney off.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    hope this one done right
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Great cut, Marie!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you Phoebe. I think i am going to like it. She did Jerry and my hair today. Its nice not have to get out of this nice cool house Be careful on your next trip then Vacation time. for you. But I know you got lots to do while you are home.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello all,

    Oh my,Buzz hope everything is going okay with Mike. Big hugs to you.

    Sandy it must be unsettling not knowing if you are going or not. Good luck.

    Marie your cut looks good.

    Love the dog pictures. So nice.

    Tomorrow I have an appt with a doctor to discuss radiation therapy for my Dupuytrens in my hands and feet. I'm a little anxious but the doctor has very good reviews

    I'm also going to a baby shower for Melanie tomorrow night. Her friends were helping her get her baby stuff organized and after 8 kids she is In need of some updates to the clothing department. I can well imagine so. It should be fun as it is a surprise.

    Our flowers are really pretty as we've been home and able to look after them.



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Went for walkies at 6:30am. A few brave souls out, plus the bunnies. Then we watered the garden. Question, does anybody make their own dog food? If so, recipes appreciated. The cans I've bought, main ingredients fish or meat followed by potatoes. I figure that I cook all my own food, plus cut my own hair, nails etc, so why not do the same for Jilly. I was reading about commercial food for dogs last night and it said whatever you buy is made in just 2 facilities! The meat etc used - pretty awful whatever is stated on the cans. I dunno. What do all you dog and cat lovers think?
    Oh, and a very good day to everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2016

    this is my granddaughter Kelly at her new promotion job at a radio station in St. Louis;She looks like a natural Love her. A video on you tube

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne: I have been thinking the same thing about dog food. Make it myself with good quality food. There are receipes on line. The big thing is to avoid certain foods because they are poisonous to dogs. There is a list of about 15 foods to avoid, like chocolate and certain sugar substitutes, macadamia nuts. A change in diets will cause a bit of upset tummy at first. My son makes his own dog food. And we give a doggie vitamin called Pet Tabs. I have read that potato based dog food is easier to digest than corn. My son's dog food is chicken, brown rice and a few veggies...carrot, peas, broccoli etc. ours is similar but I still mix in a measure of dry puppy kibble. From Jilly's picture, she looks pretty healthy. We do love our furry babies. No amount of work in their behalf is too much. They are worth it.
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Thank you PATSY. The ingredients you've listed are pretty much what I've got in mind. Think I'll start gradually after grocery shop on Friday. I understand you cook the chicken in broth? Thought I'd leave a little kibble out the rest of the day because she's a grazer. I was reading about what CAN be in the canned food and it's put me off for life, or only for extreme emergencies! If your stomach can take it, apart from diseased animals unfit for us, claws, feathers, road kill and even euthanized pets. Unbelievable! She IS a very healthy little dog. We've just been out gardening. She loves to tear at the leaves of my precious plants although she knows it's wrong. Grabs one and runs like the clappers on her garden leash with me in hot pursuit yelling "no, no, no, bad girl". I guess she knows a sucker when she sees one, knowing it's a mere "no, no, no!"

    It also said in the article I was reading most of the shots given at the vets are useless, and the good ones should only be given every 3 years or more, otherwise the dogs immune system is affected. Any views on that? According to the writer of the article they are simply given to keep the vets in business because how often do they get sick animals. Heartworm is a different kettle of fish of course. I'll look out for the Pet tabs. Do you buy them at the pet store?
    Sorry guys to go on about dogs, I'm the cat expert not having owned a dog since my beloved lab Jenny.
    Good for your grand daughter MARIE. There's no business like show business!l
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,099 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! Babe was just here to help finance my trip to Florida!! What a guy!!
    Bryanna has a doctor's appointment this afternoon so hopefully she is cleared for travel. All she needs is a prescription for pain if needed. We went to see Robby, Lisa and the house yesterday and she was fine and hadn't taken a pain pill since morning. She would like another cat scan to see if they can tell where the stones are and if they are moving. I am not checking in for our boarding passes until I hear what the doctor has to say.

    Daisy has to be on a prescription dog food because of her sensitive stomach. Babe also makes chicken and rice to mix with the dog food. I personally believe in shots for my dogs, they can get any disease a human gets and to prevent them I think the vaccinations are important. We get the three year rabies vaccination but the others are done yearly. This is just my personal choice but because we have had so many health issues with our dogs we are over cautious.

    I am going for a no chip manicure, to Walmart and then finally packing. I will check in some time tomorrow either from the airport or Florida.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    PATSY I found "" and the recipe for our furry friends looks tasty and easy to cook. I'll give it a go on Friday, but probably will go with your carrots, peas, broccoli etc. rather than the zucchini and spinach.
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi everyone I got to the gym and burned 1000 cal in the pool so I feel good I am off all week until Sunday so I'm feeling good about that I've been laying around watching TV not getting out so off to the pool I feel so much better have a greatly day
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    I've got to add a couple of things I made it to the store yesterday and got some fruit I am doing the weight watcher program at work they pay for most of it and I'm liking it so I just want to be able to read more here and get to know everybody of course I know Sandy and Sandy and hope you love it in Florida
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What is the no chip Manicure. I sure hope bryanna pass that darn stone. . I got my nails looking pretty good but the polish does not stay on at all. The girl that does my hair Does not work I think she just don't want to For she got one and does not go in to work very much. So she likes extra money she can make from us. but she is not very reliable to us Se tells us she will be here at a certain time and it may be 3 hours later with one excuse and another.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A beautiful day today, we had rain last night and all the humidity is gone. I am doing laundry catch up
    and feed all the plants and flowers. We brought home some Lupins from up north and I planted it
    with all the wild flowers and butterfuly bushes. The Lupins are on their way out for this year already but hopefully next year I will have some beautiful flowers.

    No walk today I am still catching up from the week off. I have a choir party tonight at our sailing club and I made some pizza pin wheels from Pinterst.

    I was watering with Miracle Grow today in one of my pots with grass planted and there was a baby
    robin who fell out his nest just above the plant. I hope he is okay because before I saw him I was
    watering and he when I saw him he opened his mouth for water. I hope he weill be okay or I will be a baby robin killer. Dave put the bird back and the mom started feeding it with worms. Finger crossed.

    Buzz - I hope you get some answers soon about Mike. <3

    Sandy - Good luck with the trip plans and hope you can go. I had two procedures done with my kidney
    stones and they never told me about diet but drink lots and lots of water to flush anything out. They are very painful. I had mine blasted the second time and it was successful. I did enjoy my time with Isaac on the way home from the cottage. I picked up a little T shirt and shorts for him.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Hello All,

    It makes sense to me to make your own dog food. Good for you ladies.

    Sandy fingers crossed for you.

    Marie :)

    I just had an appointment with a doctor about the Dupuytrens in my hand. Very impressed with her. I am going to try radiation treatment on my left hand starting tomorrow. 5 treatments then another 5 in about 3 months. Hopefully it will help out. Leaving the right hand on a wait and see basis for now. She booked me an ultrasound to check on my foot which has been giving me considerable aggravation - interfering with my daily 10,000 steps.

    She will also refer me to a hand surgeon about my left little finger. Doesn't think she can do RT on it successfully as it has progressed too far.

    Hope everything goes okay. The staff at the Tom Baker are exceptionally nice and helpful.

    Has anyone heard from Buzz? Wondering how Mike is making out.

    Off to a baby shower for Melanie tonight. Should be fun.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Jeri, I looked up this Duy thing, I'd never heard of it. Does it coz much pain in your hands? I can see where your feet would hurt. Good luck with RT.
    Yes, we need to hear from Buzz, and Lin too.

    Anne and Patsy, because they are so young, I think I'd talk to my vet. Many of the things in pet food are added as necessary or beneficial to the pet. A lot depends on the brand. I'd love to bake up a big batch of pnut butter treats except Honey is dieting and we are slowing down the treats a bit. A good tip from my vet-break treats in half. He said the dog just sees a treat, not half a treat. He's big on Science Diet brand.
    Marie, I hope Kelly has that much fun every day!
    It made me laugh. I'll have to look on my soda for a song, lol!
    Hi to everyone, Shirley and baby bird, Linda swimming off 1000 calories!!!!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    All this talk about homemade dog food reminds me of a funny thing our son told us. He had just returned from a sailing trip with friends, picked up his dogs from the pet sitter and headed home. He got in, dead tired and sunburned, as usual. Opened the frig and also naturally, it was empty. He had frozen dog food he had prepared earlier. Defrosted the dog food, feed the dogs some and he ate the rest with a lot of Tabasco hot sauce. (Chicken, rice, greenbeans) He said everyone was happy.

    More on shots, I am really scared to trust not getting shots because here there is distemper, parvo, rabies, and kennel caugh. Any of which will kill our pets. Not comfortable with the chance our pets would contact these diseases. just my opinion and bear in mind, I am no expert.

    I too, am concerned about Buzz and Mike. Hope they are doing okay. Something like what they are experiencing is the worst. Worry, fear, feeling too tired to understand or help your sick spouse,

    Our best wishes for your medical procedures, Jeri. Thinking of you during this time. You will need to click your camera with your nose for a while! Just teasing of course, but I am sure this will impact everything you do temporily.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Hello friends - I have been occupied with the supplemental insurance and Rx stuff again. I have lots more information and have confirmed when the last deduction from my pension payment will occur, the cost at full retail for the one prescription I take and other bits and pieces of information as I put together my decision. Another phone call tomorrow afternoon. Tonight I am watching another cooking webinar that I paid for so don't want to miss it. Replays are available but if you want to ask questions you must watch the live event.

    I did some errands today and then went to the brain games at the library this afternoon. It was just me and the librarian! But it was fun and we talked about everything from A to Z while doing some puzzles.

    I love the pictures of the flowers Jeri, the photo of Jilly with the big treat, your haircut Marie, and I had to go back and look at the photo of George (what a cutie even if he's not always so clean), and the video of the commercial (thanks Marie).

    Interesting conversation regarding making dog food. I cooked for my dogs when they were ill and for my female dog the last year or so of her life. Never considered cooking for them all the time but at that point I was barely cooking for myself. Haaaaa.

    Sandy, safe travels and healthy travels. I really hope all goes well.

    Shirley, welcome back and I hope your lupins have transplanted well and you have lots of flowers next year.

    Buzz, thinking of you today and wondering how tests are going now.

    Patsy, do dogs willingly take that vitamin? Or do you have to conceal it in some other type of food?

    Phoebe, getting any rest? Hugs for Honey.

    Linda, great workout. Wahoo!!!! I have walked over 7 miles today. Fitbit says over 7 miles and my Apple Watch activity tracker says 8 miles. Quite a discrepancy. At least I know I've been moving.

    I did a couple of errands this morning and stopped by Sports Authority's going out of business sale. Some things were excluded from sale prices altogether. Some items were 40% off (mostly winter hats and gloves) and the remainder was 20% off. I found a pair of really great and comfy sports shoes but only 20% off and the original price was very high. So I pretty much just looked and left with nothing. If things had been marked down further I might have gotten a couple of things.

    Oh and I am still working on a wedding gift for my Celtic friends. Well, that is their heritage and the men in the wedding will be wearing kilts. I have a couple of little things now and plan to add one more item. I am hoping the price will come down a bit but we'll see.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Marie, I hope Kelly has that much fun every day!

    Phoebe [/quote]
    She will believe me. This country western radio she had the job of interviewing all of the county stars that was in town. She love that job. She is a great big talker. Kelly got married but no baby yet and likely wont No time for a young one but she has 2 dogs.
    Take care my dear.