Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin ~ Click and collect is a delivery service whereby when you purchase an item on the internet there is a box you click on that you type your postcode in and it then offers up stores or a post office in your area that will take collection and hold the package until you can get there. This saves the problems when not at home much, therefore missing a delivery. I use it whenever it's offered because living in a quiet rural area there aren't often neighbours about to take something in for me.

    Anne ~ Sounds like Jilly is picking up George's habit of wanting stones in a puddle or even lake of water to then fish out!! Has she discovered water to play in yey? George picks up a mouthful of kibble and carries it into the lounge to eat one by one.... crumbs everywhere!

    My click and collect today was a new watch as the old one was on its last legs (or hands!). You tube showed how to remove a few links to tighten the wristband but it still took me a lot of fiddling because I didn't have the right tools but got there in the end.

    Cup of tea time for me now.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, it might help to separate food from water bowl . Possum does this too, and then she wants clean water, and really lets me know it. It used to be that raccoons washed their food, but I've not seen an explanation for why dogs and cats want theirs in water. Funny that a tiny bit like Jillie carries on like the big dogs. A cute saying that would be great for t-shirts for you and Jillie - 'If you can't run with the big dogs -stay on the porch.'. ;-)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2016
    Lin..................... hehk7awb1zhtb.jpg
    ere is my next project. Sun Bonnet Sue. I think it is so cute
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Marie - that is really cute!!!! <3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just checking in to let you know I'm still here! DH is going through a very rough period; negative and angry about health, age, walking,---you name it, and he never hears the cell phone when our Dr returns his calls, so he sounds so pathetic! How does one know when complaints are real or when they are being used for a purpose? He wants a motorized scooter so badly (he is not considered capable of driving safely) and yet when we are in a crowd in the lobby or where ever, he forgets about his heart bothering him and becomes very sociable and hungry! I'm at my wits' end trying to figure out what's going on this time. Guilt, guilt, guilt!
    I'm having trouble concentrating, so please forgive me?
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Landlady came to check her keys and look at my balcony that she is going to stain. She saw that I hung a big hook to hang something and wasn't happy. She said I will have to have that fixed when I leave and I agreed, although I think I can just leave the hook but will cross that bridge when it comes to that. After she left I went to the pool for a couple of hours and now I am getting ready for bingo. I won't be going for the next two weeks since we are leaving for Florida next Wednesday and returning the following Wednesday. I always feel so bad if someone gets angry with me, it is my insecurity.

    Since it is almost time to leave I better get moving.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    edited June 2016
    Buzz, I don't think there is a way to sort those things out. In fact I don't know if the person involved always knows what they want. They are just frustrated with life and the way things are going. They just want what they want when they want it. But then I guess we all do to some extent. I am sure it is tiring for you my friend. I always felt unsettled when I was going through these issues with my dad. Sending lots of hugs.

    Sandy, enjoy bingo. I would feel very guilty too. If I've done something that's not allowed and am found out, I just feel horrible for a long time. Please don't take after me!! Put it aside. She could have said, remove that hook right now and fix it as it's not allowed. She let you keep it. That is good.

    Well, time to get ready to leave for the church. But I need one more snack. :D

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Problems at the Wards today Jerry was acting funny today. really strange so I call Kathy It was about her time to get off work and it is real close by.He was about in a coma by then. She call 911 and here comes 5 guys out to check him over. Blood pressure fine oxygen was fine but blood sugar was 32 They had to give him an IV to get it down. and he snap out of it Heat index was up today and he cut the grass this morning. I have had lots of low and I did not recognize what was going on.But never like he had. He is not on insulin just the pills and never any problems.Mine has never got that low.Eerything fine now.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    No Anne, Katie has not learned that particular trick, but she has many interesting pastimes of a different design. Katie can shred paper faster and better than an office shredder. She can run from across the room and snatch a tissue out of my hand as I pull it out of the tissue box, she is obviously part beaver because she brings in chunks of chewed up twigs and branches from the yard, she plays with two balls at once (both of them in her mouth at the same time). Katie loves to drag around throw rugs and the mud rug from in front of the door, She also hates brooms and mops and cleaning rags. (So do I!) our son's dogs throw their toys into their water bowl and splash in the water bowl like a swimming pool. Dogs have a great sense of humor, don't they?
    Marie, I hope you and Jerry have a blood monitor to check your blood sugar. There are monitors with large numbers so it is easily read. Tell your doctor and/or pharmacist you need a monitor that is easy to use and read. They will help you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Patsy. I have two monitors That I can read. Since i am a diabetic I happen to have extra strips to test with. But he needs to get his own.So to the doctor as soon as Posible
    he has been on The pills for while so don't know why all of a sudden he had this low. The paramedics thought the cutting the grass in this heat set it off. I really thought he was having a heat stroke.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hello All

    Marie what a scare for you. Glad he is okay now. Love your new project.

    Sandy I'm like you too, hate to do something that is perceived as wrong. But Lin is right if she was really upset she would have told to to take it down right away.

    Buzz so hard for you. Big hugs. From what I understand he would be very dangerous in a scooter so that can't be allowed. I think he uses you to take out his frustrations about his state in life. My Mom did that to me too. I just took it but sometimes need a big hug from Ed. Poor you, he is the one that you should be able to go to for a hug. So, I'll send you lots of hugs instead.

    Having a cup of tea after a busy day,

    Nite all

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE dear, Jerry had hypOglycemia which can be very dangerous! Our endocrinologist prefers Mike's sugar be higher (hypERglycemia) than I like, rather than hypoglycemia, which makes the person very weak and possibly very violent and irrational. Mike has had some terrible experiences with it, and couldn't remember a blessed thing! Make sure Jerry has 3 meals and 3 snacks with protein every day, and does not go without food for too long at any time! Mike is supposed to have a light snack before bedtime, and then another by 8 AM! He doesn't listen , though! PATSY is right about checking sugar several times daily...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Marie,glad you called 911. When my sugar dropped, I'd lose muscle control and couldn't lift my head up. Jim has never done that so I guess it's different for each person.
    Me to Sandy, even though I'd resent her for a hook!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    this is the part of growing old I Dom.t like Jerry blood sugar before bed was 65 ,? Told him to ear something.. So he had a glass of milk and a sweet roll.. not mu choice but hope it's I'm thru pright


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2016
    Good morning sneakers. So far not a bad day, in fact a lovely one with lots of sunshine and a fresh breeze. Both dogs on our walk were low energy so we ambled and chatted and generally laughed at ourselves as well as George going into his zen moods staring at the horizon or sitting quietly waiting for Scruff to check through the bracken for any sign of life!

    Marie ~ What a scare for you and a reminder for Jerry to keep an eye on what he eats and when to cut grass..... certainly not in the high heat of the day. You're right, it's one of the many things we have to deal with as we get older but goodness, isn't it a pain in the backside!!

    Sandy ~ Phoebe is right (I was going to type "hit the nail on the head" but probably not appropriate for this!!), to notice a hook your landlady must have the eyes of a hawk! LOL

    Buzz ~ You seem to have so much on your plate with Mike taking his frustrations out on you, so difficult but you are his rock and perhaps the one person he feels he can vent on. It's a ghastly condition, one they say the majority of older people dread more than cancer, understandably so. You know my heart is full of hugs for you so grab a few whenever you want! <3

    Last night as the moon appeared a Nightingale I'd heard in the village began to sing at the bottom of my garden so I sat outside with my camera and recorded him. This is especially for Anne.... a little bit of England coming your way! After 28 years of living in my cottage this is the first time one has found its way from Africa to my garden so the hope is it finds its way home before winter and then becomes a regular!

    Hello to everyone else, Patsy, Lin, Shirley, Jeri, Linda, Marcella and anyone I've forgotten.
    It's gone midday here so I must get on.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Problems at the Wards today Jerry was acting funny today. really strange so I call Kathy It was about her time to get off work and it is real close by.He was about in a coma by then. She call 911 and here comes 5 guys out to check him over. Blood pressure fine oxygen was fine but blood sugar was 32 They had to give him an IV to get it down. and he snap out of it Heat index was up today and he cut the grass this morning. I have had lots of low and I did not recognize what was going on.But never like he had. He is not on insulin just the pills and never any problems.Mine has never got that low.Eerything fine now.

    What a fright indeed. Just an FYI - a friend's husband ended up in the hospital after working in the heat. He got dehydrated and it brought on an episode of atrial fibrillation (he'd not ever been diagnosed with that). Anyway, the heat can bring on lots of problems, particularly if someone isn't drinking and eating. Just working too long out there. I hope all is well today.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,156 Member
    Jackie, the video may have been for Anne but I really enjoyed it! I've never heard a nightingale before. Thank you. Lovely!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,107 Member
    edited June 2016
    Happy Thursday! :) Cooler day which is good since I am going to my meeting. I texted my landlady and told her how awful I felt and that I would take it down and have it fixed if she wanted me too. I told her I should have asked and that I was sorry. She responded with do not worry about it, no need to fix it now. Felt better but Jackie it is not a little hook.


    It is the one with the lantern, the one with the feeder was there when I moved in. I am not going to worry about it anymore, I am letting it go. I am not planning on moving unless she raises my rent to where I can't afford it but I know she likes me as a tenant, she likes to be in charge. (of everyone).

    Jackie, I don't believe I have ever heard a meadowlark, do they come to Illinois? Your video was beautiful with the moon and the bird, thank you for sharing.

    Lin, I worry about Babe out in the heat and getting dehydrated but men are so stubborn. He is suffering with such pain in his legs but refuses to stay in and get the rest he needs.

    Marie, what a terrible scare that must have been for you. I hope Jerry listens to the paramedics and goes to see his doctor soon.

    Phoebe, I did feel terrible and honestly didn't think it was a big deal when I put it up. If I remember right there was something there just smaller. And yes I did feel a little resentment but then guilty.

    Buzz, so sorry you and Mike have to go through this with him. Remember to read that poem I sent you and although it has to be harder on you then him, remember him for how he was and not how he is now. I know Babe is upset with me because I really think that he thinks I should be there taking care of him and has no clue why I don't.

    Jeri, with all that is going on especially in Florida my program with the hook is minimal. I sometimes just vent over silly things while other people have serious reasons to vent. Hug those grandkids extra hard when you see them, I know I will Robby.

    Patsy, Katie is a little a little b****, sorry couldn't resist.( MFP edited my original word and replaced it with kitten which made me laugh). She sounds like a handful but worth it all. Enjoy!!

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are an interesting and varied group! Alike and yet different! The video of the nightengale ale was lovely. I have never heard one before. I am not sure I would have recognized their song so this was a real treat!

    The health issues with our sweethearts are so scary. My John is such a horrible patient that it is a real trial to get him to the doctor and then to do what the doctor recommends. He does massive Internet research on almost every little tiny health concern. I know that part of this is a creative active intellect at work. He is also not programmed to respond to any authority except his own. It is like living with General Patten.
    After all these years we have reached an "accommodation." Just to let you know, I NEVER pass inspection.

    Sandy: I think your little deck and the hook with the lantern was beautiful! You have designed a very pleasant area to enjoy the outdoors. The landlady is obviously deranged!

    Buzz, Phoebe, Sandy, Marie...we love our guys but they are difficult at times. John keeps saying it is like that old book by somebody named Gray wrote, "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". I am not sure I buy this but they do operate quite differently than we do.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie i love the birdies too. Well done.