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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers,
    Today has been warm but pleasant. Very PNW weather for summer. It is very calming to have the weather follow normal patterns. Unusual weather is disturbing, even if it is nice unusual weather...it can feel ominous. "Calm before the storm" for example.

    I have a friend that is in full on cancer protocol. I fear that this isn't working. She is so brave and so positive, yet realistic. Isn't it too bad that so far, we have not come up with a cure or even a good control strategy for this curse? What we have is either cut it out, poison it, or burn it through radiation. I am grateful for what we have and for the times it helps. Anyway, she is such a delight, we need her here on this planet.

    I have been reading about how so many people are using coconut oil for skin moisturizer. I might try it. I don't think I want to eat it because of the cholesterol but maybe as a sort of lotion. Anyone here use it?

    My new bedspread is here. Wow! Now I need to wash curtains and maybe paint the bedroom. A nice looking bedspread in a dowdy looking room is just...wrong! Right now the color is faded and a dirty nasty pale green. This does not work!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy doing nothing yesterday other than visiting my housebound neighbour who has yet again returned from a stay in hospital, a quick lunch followed by a Skype catch up chat with a dear friend that took us through to 6.30 in the evening as we grappled with the problem of her son's wobbly marriage and we only stopped then because Brady had rediscovered the art of gaining my attention by dragging claws down the wallpaper behind the door!! A smoked salad evening meal then yet another chat, this time to another friend to plan our morning swim tomorrow then her stories of a young pony she rescued from gypsies that will now be trained to pull a small carriage that she's yet to purchase. I was left thinking don't we all live such diverse lives! Home from our morning walk my next door neighbour just sent a text asking if I could pop into her place because she had an awful feeling she hadn't turned off the iron she was using before driving off to a business meeting but all was well so once I've enjoyed my coffee I shall drive back to the auction house because I won the G plan nest of tables for £8 less than my bid! I'm hoping to take some honey off the beehive when I get home before the next round of storms.

    Patsy ~ It took me 2 years of hating my bedroom colour scheme to finally pick up a paintbrush but am so pleased I did finally so if you have the inclination to obtain a paint colour chart do it!
    Coconut oil was something I was looking at the other day during a trip to a discount store. This was organic and a reasonable price but the label only mentioned ways of cooking with it so can't help on the moisterising aspect. When I was a teenager a friend of my brother used to use olive oil on his skin and this was in the 60's when men weren't inclined to worry about cosmetic aids. He certainly obtained a good suntan in the summer months but I'm not sure that it was good to cook his skin!!
    I'd love to think that somewhere growing on our planet is a gentle plant that could solve our cancer problems if only drugs companies would think outside the box more. I too have a brave friend struggling through a 12 week course of chemo that has her feeling ghastly and recently laid up for a month but I fear she thinks she has no other option so soldiers on with humour and as much feisty optimism as she can muster.

    I did catch up with most posts before going to bed last night but must now get myself going rather than spend another day on my backside!!

    Gosh, another Thursday.... Have a good one Sneakers!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2017
    Just so you know PATSY....


    Maybe return that feather!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    We have a lot of crows around here. I will not be picking up any feathers!
    We do live such diverse lives don't we! I'm amazed at all we seniors accomplish! I was supposedly sitting and relaxing in the garden with Mike the other day, and was furtively pulling the odd weed. He said, honestly Mam, you can't help yourself can you. Reminded me of yet another ditty, I know, I'm full of them!

    Gardens are not made,
    By saying oh how beautiful,
    And sitting in the shade - Rudyard Kipling

    Well Mark (with kidney stones) and family are just taking off from Lisbon for home. Mary Jo will be galloping into HER garden tomorrow!
    And here's one for all who love their gardens.
    PS I've tried coconut oil but too greasy for me, some people put a little on brittle dry hair.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks Anne, I'm just back from the auction house with G plan nest of tables and was looking for any excuse to avoid cutting the lawns before the rain comes in but that little Rudyard Kipling ditty has got me extending the power line and heading outside!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    While everyone was productive today I attended that meeting and when I got home my veggies had arrived so I put those away. Ended up on the phone for quite a while with a nervous and anxious friend. I am not sure I helped a bit but her grand daughter and children arrived so she hung up. I hope they did better.

    Given I had not heard anything encouraging all day, I jumped into art material therapy. I did a couple of pieces and put them out in the heat to dry. Didn't take long to bake them dry.

    Tomorrow is Walmart errand day. I plan to go in the morning before it is insanely hot.

    Things are not working well on my iPad so will try to post and then shut it down.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Good Thursday Evening! :) I don't know where the day went but now I am tired. Will be back tomorrow after a good night's sleep!

    Sweet Dreams!
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm exhausted from struggling with my doctor's staff regarding a repeat lab test ( I want it to be a fasting test) for my appointment with him Monday. Finally received a call from the technician saying he'd be here this afternoon. I insisted he make it 8 AM tomorrow and he agreed, so that's set, I hope.
    My support group was cut short this afternoon for a celebration of the life of one of our funniest, kindest, brightest and bravest men who actually died about a month ago. He had endured 2 brain surgeries for his Parkinson's Disease, but finally succumbed to esophageal CA. The video playing in the background during today's memorial showed him to have been always a very handsome man, who had written several books, had lived all over the world, amusing everyone who knew him. I loved his sonorous singing voice, among other virtues. He also had 3 wives and 4 kids. Funny how we all reacted similarly upon learning he died at 81..... He was too young! I recall when 81 was considered too old! Perspectives change!
    Regarding coconut oil: use only on the outside , it is much to high in very saturated fat to eat! The second message I recall is for the urgency to update all Apple equipment immediately. I tried, but mine said it was up-to-date!
    Eyes refuse to remain open, so goodnight, all my dear friends...
    <3 Buzz

    ...................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gone swimming!! :):)

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well I could have enjoyed another swim on the way home, the roads are running with water after yet another heavy downpour. Instead I picked up from the vet practice boxes of Renal food for Boris and flea drops for Brady then headed for my cosy cottage where a coffee brew was made and I'm into warm sweatshirt and leggings contemplating housework.

    Received an upsetting phone call from a dear friend last night to let me know his wife is on life support after emergency surgery that left her with kidney failure. Why she needed the surgery is unclear but then he was extremely emotional as he tried to explain what's happening. They are such good friends that have got me through a few difficult patches but at the moment I feel helpless to do anything for them because understandably she can only receive visits from immediate family. The poor man is going to have to make a decision this afternoon if she can't breath for herself to switch off the machine and let her go. She's certainly a fighter so I'm hoping if she wants to survive this she will. Another youngster Buzz, just 78, who lives life to the full, has a close knit family and a doting husband. They lived in Brittany for quite a few years after retirement and I still have the letters she wrote to me describing their experiences with local builders and the town mayor as well as a family of foxes that set up home near their huge garden and each year introduced their latest batch of cubs to them by bringing them up to the glass patio doors. Local farmers wanted them shot but the mayor issued a decree that they must be left alone after spending an evening in their garden drinking local wine and watching the cubs frolic on the lawns!

    Sorry, wittering on so instead will make myself a sandwich then decide on what housework needs doing the most.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, so sorry about your friends JACKIE and LIN. The "lived in Brittany" friends are lovely Jackie and you will miss her. Anyone who saves animals is A1 in my books.

    All my family are back in the fold. I'm looking forward to hearing how everyone found rural, forested Portugal. Mary Jo I think was looking forward to speaking her native tongue and being amongst the native Portuguese, but I gather they were surrounded by British tourists instead! It would suit Mark, Derek and Bev who speak little if any, lol. Anyway, Mike is on holiday as well, so I expect I'll see all of them over the weekend.

    At which point I'll pipe down and remove Jilly's dog stew off the stove!

    Bye, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Friday! :) The sun is shining and looks like a good afternoon for the pool before going to sit with the boys. I got my car yesterday and can't believe the difference in the ride. I am so grateful my SIL had me take my car in to be fixed. I was so used to the way it drove I didn't realize it had a problem, I just thought that was the way it drove. The best thing is that I didn't have to pay a penny for the repairs which would have been thousands. Life is good.

    Anne, glad your family is back safe and sound and hopefully they had a wonderful time.
    I am sure it will be a great weekend connecting with everyone again.

    Jackie, I am very sorry about your friend and agree 78 is too young. I love the story about the foxes and admire them for saving their lives.

    Buzz, what a great guy with so many talents, you were lucky to have known him. I hope all went well with the doctor's appointment and you again got some rest.

    Lin, so very nice of you to just listen to your friend, sometimes that is all they need. You are so caring, I love how you are so good to people.

    Have a wonderful day and hopefully stay dry.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning all! The day is clear and promises mild temps. Good for any activities. John has been washing and waxing the cars. I am continuing to dig out the bedroom. Why do I keep some of these crazy ugly ragged linens? I always think I'll find a wonderful use for them. So far, they just take up space in my linen closet.

    I received so many beautiful birthday cards. It made me decide to make an effort to send more REAL cards to friends on their special days. I am not very organized so this will be an interesting exercise in discipline. Getting the cards...remembering the dates...sending the cards...having a supply of stamps at hand...on and on it goes!

    The eclipse is causing everyone here on the Oregon coast to fret and worry. Thousands of tourists coming here to view the big event. It will last about 30 minutes. Traffic jams and full campsites and motels. (?) I wonder about this. It is an interesting cosmic event, but why the big push to be at ground zero? I am not informed enough on this.

    Looking at my wardrobe, and looking at a couple of acquaintances at lunch the the other day, I see I am out of fashion and rather dowdy. I guess it would not hurt to get a couple of new outfits. My style says I am drab and old fashioned. Bright colors and a happier look is my new fashion goal. John, my fashion consultant, says, "earrings, Patsy! That's important!" Hummmmmm....

    Tried to watch the new Richard Gere movie, "Norman." So very odd. I had to abandon the movie. I have always had a crush on Richard Gere but really, this is just too awful. I hope some new interesting movies come along soon. That is our entertainment while we exercise. I need something distracting to keep me going.

    And I am off to start the bedroom reshuffle. Wish me luck,
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Buzz, sorry about your friend. I agree with you too about perspective. I remember when I was a kid I found out my grandmother was 65 and I was so scared because I thought she was going to die at any moment. Here I am at 69 and feel that 80 isn't that old.

    Unfortunately I had to have my root canal yesterday and it was so stressful for me. We are going away a lot and I don't know if I'll be able to get into my own dentist to have a crown put on it. My tooth has a crack in it so it is very important to get that done as soon as possible. My dentist doesn't have any openings for a two hour opening. They are going to phone some of their customers and see if they will swap spots with me, II hope so because I'm dreading going to Washington and then to Nova Scotia with a tooth that is easily broken. If it breaks then I will have to have it pulled and I sure don't want to have that done in Nova Scotia when I'm on vacation. Wish me luck.

    Patsy the eclipse sounds wonderful. And I laughed when I read about your wardrobe. The only new clothes that I buy are from thrift stores because I have so much fun finding them. And mostly I find nice bright colors and ironically no earrings as I don't have pierced ears.

    Sandi I'm so glad you got your car back and that it's working really well for you. Hooray.

    Lin I agree with Sandi about how nice you are to people. Big hugs to you.

    Well it's time to run. We have out-of-town guests and have to go help a friend as well so time to get on with the day. Have a great day and a nice weekend.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2017
    My DD will be 65 in a few days, and I spent hours producing the perfect card for one I love deeply, and who is unlike almost anyone I've ever met! Brilliant, prickly after she came out (so of course I had to do rainbows!),loving, and over-sensitive. Musical, artistic, poetic, persistent (helped her Dad, who really doesn't remember her most of the time, get into a nursing home for Veterans with dementia), and requires walking on eggs! But she's my daughter, and I know we love one another, and she's special, and so is the card! She does not speak to her brother or sister, so it's a difficult situation! Why can't life be simpler? Until 15, she was almost too GOOD to be true!
    JACKIE, I feel for your dear friend, and her husband, upon whose decision a ton of guilt will lay, no matter which way it goes! My support group has brought out such deep feelings, for most of us, and I know most men have a harder time recognizing what they feel! But I wish all of you less suffering and more love!
    SANDY, so glad the car turned out totally taken care of! Amazing what we learn to put up with, isn't it?
    LIN, PATSY, ANNE, I send hugs to everyone, but I must get this card mailed downstairs before mail is picked up! Cheers...
    <3 Buzz
    .................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I think they are working on the website so JACKIE and MAUIESUE, thank you; I cannot get to HOME!
    <3 Buzz
    ...............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good evening, MFP has been giving me fits today.

    Buzz, so loving of you to spend so much time on making the perfect card. Your daughter sounds amazing. And life is never simple is it?

    Jeri, I hope you were able to work something out with your dentist. I understand being apprehensive about all dental work. I pray you do not have to travel before getting this resolved.

    Patsy, here's hoping you find interesting colors, happy things and new distractions.

    Sandy, the car sounds as if it is working amazingly well. That is fantastic! The weather is so odd. It is after 9pm here and the temperature is still 90 degrees F. Astounding.

    Anne, glad your family is home again and hope you have a lovely time catching up on everyone's news and travel adventures.

    Jackie, I am so incredibly sorry to hear of your friend's medical situation. Oh goodness, what a shock. And nothing to do to help. I know the feeling and I detest it.

    I received a text this evening. My friend who is having the extreme surgery on Monday went in for a pre-op visit and received bad news. The tumors have increased in size quite massively and the odds are quite bad now but they will proceed with the surgery.

    On that happy note, I will switch gears.

    I did get my massive Walmart trip out of the way this morning. Didn't get everything on my list but the things I either found or searched for took me all over the store. When I got home it took quite a while to put things away and since I had found a bit of new underwear, I had a tiny load of laundry to do.

    Then I worked on a couple of cards and die cut a number of small birds for future use. And I am still looking at the cards I have been working on, not finished yet.

    Working on a few other things, started reading a book, getting things together to wrap a couple of birthday gifts and I need to do some cooking tomorrow.

    I am watching the movie--Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. There is a trial of Cinemax right now. Always fun to see something different.

    Well, time to try to get this posted.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited July 2017
    No, I have not been up until 4:45; burning sensation in my fingers and palms woke me up so I logged on to find relief! Looking in Mike's closet, I also found a packet with a pair of simple flannel gloves, although I was hoping to find ice packs for hands. I slipped on one of the gloves and it's probably a placebo reaction, but the burning seems slightly better! I laughed at JERI's remark about 65 seeming elderly when she was young; today friends were talking about others in their 90's being so old and I found myself admonishing them for thinking that! They are mostly 70's and 80's. Yep...perspective! JERI, good luck with your tooth!!!
    PATSY, maybe I'm nuts, but I'm beginning to think how you dress is a reflection of how you feel about yourself! I used to be jeans, jeans, jeans and maybe tee shirts or shapeless shirts to go with them, believing clothing was unimportant. Perhaps that's how I saw myself...unimportant. I have become conscious of looking "put together" now, and I think it makes me feel more sure of myself. Like almost everyone, receiving compliments makes my day a bit brighter. My ears were pierced after I married Mike, since he wanted to make me beautiful earrings. Now I wear dangling, crazy, "statement " (cheap) earrings every day and feel naked without them! I used to love looking for them in craft fairs, though I no longer go there. We do need fun and silly things to balance the rest of life! By the way, at our showing of NORMAN, almost everyone walked out except for me, because it put me to sleep! I was either bored, or could not understand the gist of it, and I also like Richard Gere! It barely looked like him in this film!
    LIN, again, I admire the many things you are able to concentrate on without losing track of each one! Amazes me!
    ANNE, hope the family visits and you and JILLY enjoy!
    JACKIE, about your charming "foxy" friends: is her name Buzz?
    SANDY, I will see the Doctor on Monday, and the Lab Technician showed up at my door at promptly 8 this morning and explained that they often don't bother with "fasting" blood tests on the "elderly" :s because they need to eat or take medication early!!!Holy crow! He was charming, with a Syrian mother and Haitian father, and says he would feel safer moving back to Canada with what's happening in this country right now!
    well, I must decide whether to get into my compression boots now (5:16 AM) or go back to bed even though I don't feel sleepy. It's just too early to "get up"!

    <3 Buzz

    ...............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Looking at my mail, I just have to share this one! Laugh at how true some are!

    First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them).

    1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it
    2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you ... but it's still on my list.
    3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
    4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
    5. We never really grow up -- we only learn how to act in public.
    6. War does not determine who is right, only who is left.
    7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
    8. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
    9. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
    10. In filling out an application, where it says, "In case of emergency, notify..." I answered "a doctor."
    11. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. ...my observation (Ain't it the truth?)
    12. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
    13. I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
    14. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
    15. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
    16. You're never too old to learn something stupid
    17. I'm supposed to respect my elders but it's getting harder and harder for me to find one now.

    Spread the Laughter, Share the Cheer, Let's be Happy while we're here!

    <3 Buzz

    ...............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well! Ms Buzz you sure gave me a laugh at 6am when I staggered back inside in my dressing gown after taking Jilly Bean into the garden. I have to hang around because she's so tiny and we have the odd coyote wandering home at 6am.
    I loved all the paraprosdokians -- is that spelt right, MFP isn't being its usual helpful self with this one! You were talking earlier about enjoying dressing up more these days and I must admit I'm drifting in the same direction lately, and then I read number 11. !!!!!!!
    I think my favourite is number 17. It certainly applies in my neck of the woods. However No 13 is more "me", lol.

    Thanks for "spreading the laughter, sharing the cheer, let's be happy while we're here". !!!!!!!!

    Off to eat my oatmeal,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    Talking of compliments BUZZ, I was called "an English Rose" by the lady serving me foundation cream in the store, but then you have to realize she was an Irish Colleen full of the blarney and trying to sell me even more makeup, lol. Never mind, I'll take it even if I am of the faded variety! I explained I was past "my sell by" date and came home laden with free goodies mainly for reducing wrinkles and brown spots, all in the free orange tote. Very nice girl, the Irish Colleen!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good afternoon. Cooking completed, gifts wrapped, bills paid, started to put together my donations for the Back to School Drive at church. We are on high power usage alert again today so we are asked to refrain from laundry, dishwashers etc. in the afternoons and evenings. Since my power bill just went up due to a summer adjustment I don't know how my little contributions can help much. And my cable/Internet bill went up as well. It must be the season. Haaa.

    Buzz, thank you for the morning giggle. I enjoyed them! I have given up on trying to dress up. I am all comfort. Nice black sport pants for tall people, long-sleeve shirts, t-shirts, hoodies and comfortable supportive shoes with socks that cushion my feet. That is my uniform. My shirts are comfortable and colorful.

    Anne, an English rose sounds an appropriate description. If she was selling okay, but it sounds as if you came home with lots of lovely products. Wel played my friend.

    Time to move along. I am finding this chair much too comfortable.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hot and muggy today! I will need to find a way to stay cool. John is heading to Costco for a watermelon. A very summery thing to do.

    I am not sure I like the new bedspread but it is on the bed and John likes it. It is so true about the difference in taste and preferences. I like light flowery or solid colors on the bedspread and home decor. John grew up in a house filled with Victorian furniture and darker colors. His parents were older than normal, very traditional tastes. He likes and is most comfortable in that atmosphere. Therein lies our dilemma. Cultural differences.

    Katie must be part kitty. She keeps bringing in mice, slugs, birds and any other interesting artifacts from the yard. Just saying...I don't appreciate these outdoor trophies. She is fast! She caught an adult robin as it landed on the lawn. She is part retriever so that must be in her genes.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited July 2017
    Jackie, I received an email this evening and the season of Grantchester is not complete yet! There are apparently two episodes remaining. Our PBS station is airing the next one this Sunday evening. I am looking forward to that.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Looks like most gals took the day off. I never got to my compression boots OR to bed. Prepared 10 of the final mangoes for the freezer by cubing them, flash freezing and then wrapping properly. These Haden Mangoes are unbelievably delicious. So by now, the fingers are messing up on the keyboard and I'm off to hang up the clothing I threw on my bed! Oh dear! >:)
    <3 Buzz

    ...............Always believe something wonderful is about to happen................
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited July 2017
    I've just lost a long post! Goodness know why! I'm beginning to think this iPad is on the way out! If it so happens I'll get Mike to let you know I'm padless. Actually, yesterday I was discussing with the family possibly buying a new computer!
    Slightly Frustrated
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Anne, I too have lost posts. It must be a conspiracy. I always think a new computer is an excellent idea. I wish a laptop could be kept pristine for years! Just like out of the box.

    Time to get going this morning but lovely news, the weather is expected to be much nicer today and tomorrow. Yippee! We may not swelter at the pool party this afternoon.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    The conspiracy theory sounds far fetched but may actually be right LIN. I've lost posts before on certain themes. One can't help but wonder.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I struggled to log in to MFP just now as it didn't want to recognise me so maybe work is going on in the background.

    Phew, the only reason I'm in my cottage at the moment on a glorious day is because I decided the bees weren't going to beat me since I've worked so hard to feed them and keep them happy and the least they can offer is some honey. Very cross they were but I kept going this time removing one super of honey frames then manipulating other heavy containers so that I'll be able to take what feels like another 12/14 kilos off at the end of the week while all the time they buzzed, pinged and generally did their best to sting me through my bee suit and new thick gloves. I chatted to them while I worked as well as to myself and anyone else who might want to listen although that was probably no one because even George had the sense to stay indoors!! I must have lost a couple of pounds in weight as the perspiration ran off me inside that suit and I would love to sit outside in the sunshine now with my brew of tea but a couple of bees are waiting to jump me the minute I step outside, no doubt with orders from their queen to kill me!!

    First thing we enjoyed a walk to the river then I went shopping for a few gardening items and treats for George and while I was away my friend phoned and left a message to say his wife seems to have turned a corner, dialysis has helped but she's been agitated so because I haven't managed to catch him at home to talk I must assume she is still sedated. Hopefully I will be able to visit him early in the week to chat over a cup of tea.

    Buzz ~ Loved the para-wot-nots and hope to remember a few to quote to friends at the appropriate moment!

    Lin ~ The main actor in Grantchester is so popular with writers and producers he is no doubt spoiled for choice when it comes to his next project. I'm still hoping Happy Valley will return for another series as dark as it can be. Talking of dark, I've been trying to follow The Handmaid's Tale but am not sure I can cope with it, just hoping it's a one off with a happy outcome but somehow doubt it.... the happy bit I mean!

    Since it's been an hour since delving into my beehive I'm going to test the air outside to see if it's safe then check the potato box for a few new spuds. Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
