Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    Oh BUZZ, I'm so sorry you are having all these worries and expenses. It's a time in our lives, our later years when we should be taken care of not having to worry about insurances, or lack of transport, cash flow etc. I sincerely hope you can soon relax, I've really felt for you reading your posts. Jilly, oh yes Jilly LOVED her bath. This surprised me because our past dogs would run under the sofa or quiver in a corner once the word bath was mentioned. She's a real water dog. Loves the spray in the garden. I liked your suggestion about the cream perfume. Maybe a touch of my Italian rose perfume behind her ears! Mmm, needs thinking about methinks. I don't think we have any Avon ladies calling around here to buy something more economical. This puppy training has me out in the yard at 6 am. We see things going on we don't normally see. Raccoons going home to bed and the skunk with her special perfume drifting on the breeze. Well, must away and wash my hair before our morning long walk.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Buzz, best wishes on your meeting. The rules and regulations on Coverage for various services is so complex it is impossible to decipher everything. Unfortunately the people who deal with these things on a routine basis can also be in error. My dad had coverage in Skilled Nursing as it followed a hospitalization but it was only for a specified number of days. When he was moved to Intermediate Care (which is the long term care/nursing home area) there was no coverage for the daily room fee. He had the regular coverage for Rx although all medicines had to come from their contracted pharmacy. Coverage for oxygen was problematic. We were billed for it and lots of back and forth conversations subsequent to that. I believe I was told it would be covered if he was on Medicaid but otherwise no. So really best wishes with this. I hope it turns out well.

    And you certainly can print anything you'd care to as long as you don't attribute al the poor work to me. I am still in it for the delight.

    I went to The Star Trek movie with a friend yesterday. I loved it. Unfortunately I purchased a cup of coffee and it apparently had something in it that didn't agree with me and I did get quite ill. Went to bed early and am still dragging today. Just the dangers of trusting anything when you have celiac.

    I am going to a few Mah Jongg lessons the next few weeks. I understand, from the friend I saw yesterday, that it is much more complicated than I imagined! As an older lady she says I will probably end up the same as she and her friend did, they just messed around and flipped tiles back and forth to each other. We will see. Going to coloring this afternoon and since I am not feeling well I am sure I will be very tired.

    Hugs to all.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Tuesday!! :) Lunch with my brother was wonderful! We talked him into going to his favorite restaurant where he had pancakes. My niece and her daughter went with so it was nice visiting them. My brother has lots of health issues but he still is going strong. I am so happy I got to spend time with him on his birthday and hope there will be more.

    Today I take Babe for his scope and hopefully they won't find anything serious. Our dentist referred him to a chiropractor for his pain and dizziness. He will start deep tissue laser therapy on Thursday and I am praying that works. It would be nice for him to start feeling good so we can start going out again. Maybe that is a little selfish on my part. B)

    Lin, each coloring is prettier than the next, you are certainly great at this. Not sure what Mah Jongg classes consist of, but it sounds hard. I hope you enjoy.

    Anne, when is your son taking Jilly or have you decided against that? I don't think I would like to see raccoons or skunks so early in the morning especially with Jilly. I am glad she likes her bath, makes it so much easier to keep her clean.

    Buzz, how frustrating to deal with all the insurance. Do they have an insurance liaison to help with all this? I hope it all works out for the best and you can relax, which seems impossible at this time.

    Phoebe, good for you for treating yourself to dinner. I hope you got some well needed rest and Jim enjoyed his biscuits and soup.

    Patsy, I am sure Patsy will do fine this morning with her spaying, give us an update when you can.

    Shirley, summer is a busy season but I love summer!! It is a good thing that we are busy, it keeps us young. Every time you mention your bike I keep telling myself to get mine from Babe's house, but always forget when I am there.

    Jackie, when at the game the other day with the English couple I had to have his wife explain to me what her husband was saying. He talked so fast and used words I never heard. LOL
    I asked where he was born and he said Omaha. I said I didn't know they had English accents in Omaha. He moved to England when he was two. LOL

    Time to eat and get ready, have a wonderful day, after all it is my grandson's 20th birthday.

    One day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Another hot one today but Dave and I went for a walk any way as I am in the Workweek Hustle challenge
    with some friends on Fitbit so lots of steps this week.

    I had a chiropractic apt. this morning for my monthly adjustment and my chiropractor remarked she
    needed some time off. She went to Manitoba to visit her family but it wasn't relaxing. :* So I got home and a call from her office saying I left my Kindle there. Chalk it up to another senior moment.

    Last night we went for a bike ride but before we started Dave had bike issues and had to do some fixing on his bike I think it was from taking the bikes off and on from the boat that got his gears out of whack, but all was fixed and it turned out to be a beautiful night. My bike was humming along and riding with no effort after my tune up.

    Lin - I love all your drawings and the colors are fabulous. I have been not coloring for quite some time now but will probably get back at it in the Fall. Let us know about the Mah Jongg. I have heard of it but don't know about it.

    Buzz- I agree with Anne, you shouldn't have to deal with all the insurance problems. I hope you have someone to talk to if you need answers. Thanks for the compliment on my hair it seems to work for me.

    Sandy- You sure have been busy lately and see all the pictures on facebook. Good luck with Babe
    and his test. Glad you had fun with your family at lunch.

    Patsy - Good luck with Katie and her surgery. I am sure things will be fine, but I know you will worry
    until its done.

    Stay cool my friends

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe Jerry is doing the best he can in caring for me. he is making me a frozen stuff pepper for my lunch. Should be good . A nurse is coming by to give me a bath. this afternoon. I am still walking from my chair to bathroom. Sounds like Jerry is aving a hard time start the microwave better go Help him.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, I've played majong online, it seem easy so the one you are playing must be the real thing. I wonder if it is actually different?
    Marie, glad you are still walking. Jerry is so good to you. Love stuffed peppers.
    Sandy, I hope Babe is OK. I agree, he should at least Try a chiropractor.
    Easy day here. Keeping up with the posts.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Yes Phoebe, the on-line game is tile matching. I play that too. This is the real thing and is NOTHING like the tile matching. The groups around here play National rules rather than American. One day down and my head is spinning. One positive thing, if I can learn to play this lady runs a group at the library near me on Tuesday afternoons. We'll see!

    Take care everyone. It is very hot now - 88 degrees F

    Hugs to all.

    Good to see you Marie <3

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    Such an enjoyable day so far with an earlier walk on the moors finding yet more new directions to wander, the dogs sniffing and playing all the way. It's the best way to start the day what with the laughter as well. I've since been to a town called Bodmin where my hairdresser works and persuaded her to cut my hair quite short because we expect another heatwave next week, nothing like the ones you experience in north America but hot for us! A lunch with friends who entertained George while I was at the salon then back home for a cuppa while watching Olympics equestrian trials. My lawns were going to be cut by me this evening but the wind is picking up so I'll save that job for tomorrow.

    Phoebe ~ Well I never, not only a chicken whisperer but one with his own radio show, magazines, books and offers to tour! The funniest thing was the sponsor called Hen Saver who sells hen diapers, shoes, a birdy bra crop supporter and chicken gyms.... who'd have thought such items existed? Your scenic route sounded great fun until you got to the bit where you were back tracking but how to tell Jim LOL

    Buzz ~ Taking time out last year for surgery and treatment meant the bottom third of my garden was left to revert to a wild mess but each time I think I'll set to and start cutting and strimming the other two thirds shout at me to tidy them so it's going to be a few months before I'd take any photos but promise I will once the job gets completed. The rest of the garden is set out like a typical cottage garden where one shrub falls into another and perennials abound, making life as easy as possible!

    Sandy ~ Hopefully you and Babe will get results from his scope right away so you'll know there's nothing to worry about because these things are always a concern. When I first went to live in Toronto I had to slow my speech right down to be understood by the locals but expect I'm right back to gabbling these days!

    Lin ~ Your latest colour picture really looks more like some sort of patchwork because it seems to have texture. It's so clever you really must take up previous suggestions to make cards.

    I'm sorry I'm going to miss out some of you but I need to decide what to cook for my evening meal..................... 5 hours later after a visit from my neighbour while this post waited for me to hit the save button and a salad with pasta I'm now off to bed!! Hitting that button now!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    lost my post blast!! Its nice to hear most of you had a wonderful day. I certainly did. the best I have had in over a month.
    Tomorrow I go to my doctor then the nurse will come out and change my dressing
    Lets end it wit a great night
    This is a little early but have a great weekend too
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Evenin', I'm quite discouraged regarding that oxygen bill, as I was told I signed an agreement concerning insurance, changes, etc.! I vaguely recall saying I must not sign my bank account away, and I was assured everything would be covered, so I signed. Well, we'll see what happens. I think they are now working on a different plan but there might be that period of over a month with no coverage!
    The health area administrator herself took Mike downstairs for the Birthday Night Dinner, and then arranged for his oxygen tank to be replaced before going with him to the hysterical community show. It was great to laugh at the antics of our friends and neighbors. The ballet scene with seven overweight guys in tutus had us rolling ! I guess there are ups and downs throughout life, so I must weigh the balance. Thank you, LIN, and I think someone else spoke of her experience with this "end of life" scenario, and it's not always easy to stay in control. enjoyed most of today's posts, except for LIN and her celiac problems. Wish we could sweep them away!
    Very tired, so I'll log off. Thanks, MARIE, for early weekend wishes o:) ...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    We beat the rain this morning and had an energetic walk up hill and down vale. In September Scruff will be staying with me for 9 days while her mum flies off to Corfu for a break so we decided it was time to introduce her to Kitkat/Brady. Ha, poor dog was terrified as the little monster stood on his back legs before lunging and we did have one moment when Scruff barked, growled and did the same back but within a minute the Kitkat was stalking again! We'll persevere with short visits to introduce them and I'm sure everything will be fine. I've decided after all the name changes to register him officially as Brady with the vet but I'll probably continue to call him Kitkat until he becomes the large cat everyone thinks he's going to be!! We have an appointment with said vet tomorrow to check him over, microchip him and discuss future nadger removal because the plan is to let him out at the weekend to explore the garden and I think being lost once in a lifetime is enough for the little guy.

    Oh dear Buzz, the last thing you need is a worry about paying for life giving oxygen but I'm guessing insurance plans can be a nightmare and I'm always cynical about how these organisations find loopholes to avoid paying out. I'd be the same, not quite sure if I agreed to something or not. Sounds like you all had a good laugh at your neighbours' comic turns though; a bit of light relief I'm sure. <3

    Marie ~ Lovely to hear from you and knowing both Jerry and visiting nurses are taking good care of you eases my mind. Stuffed pepper sounds gorgeous so I've decided to cook one myself for lunch.... a yellow one that will be filled with a quorn mix... yummy!

    I'm a bit lost because nothing is planned for the day apart from visiting the neighbour now home from 6 months in hospital. She's desperate to get her hair cut so I'm hoping I can help with the phone number of a mobile hairdresser after I persuaded her agency carers to at least wash it over the weekend. I'm desperately not wanting to interfere but knowing the system as I do hope I can at least guide in the right direction since my view is if you don't ask, you don't get!

    Well I think I'll begin this quiet day with another cup of coffee and then make a plan, meanwhile hoping Patsy and Sandy had successful days yesterday with Katie and Babe respectively.
    Hello to all. B)

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello from me, Anne. 7:33 and just back from our morning walk, and a hot walk it was, me returning with wet forehead and back and the Bean with tongue lolling. Neither of us really wanted to go, but I have to be consistent and indeed as I dress in the morning the Bean sits looking at me with that head bent sideways, hopeful look on her face. She's terribly naughty though. EG. She does a pee, bounds over all excited for small treat.
    She then squeezes another drop, bounds over all excited for small treat, and "good girl". She then squeezes another drop etc etc. This went on for 5 times at which point I said "enough" and she got hauled in! She isn't 6 months old yet, but sure wasn't born yesterday!
    The same as Jackie, hope all went well for Katie and Babe, and so glad Marie is well taken care of.
    Best wishes for a happy, peaceful day everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) All went well with the upper GI. Babe has some erosion in his tummy probably from all the pills he takes, but the doctor took a few biopsies to be sure everything was okay. Have to call for the results in about a week. No hiatal hernia as I thought so that was good news. Now if only the chiropractor can help with his dizziness, Babe might be able to go back to "normal".
    I was going to meet Bryanna and have her oil changed on her car and have them check her A/C and possibly get it fixed but she bailed on me saying she is too busy this week. It is a hot one today so I will probably go to pool for a couple of hours and tonight I am going to bingo.

    Anne, your description of Jilly and her way of getting extra treats made me laugh. These puppies and/or kittens are just too darn smart for their own britches. They make it hard not to cave in to their cuteness.

    Jackie, you also made me laugh with your Scruff and Kitkat story, did your friend get upset?
    You are a good friend to help make sure that your friend is being properly looked after.

    Buzz, I do hope they get the oxygen situation figured out before a month, but at least they are looking into it. It sounds like they take good care of Mike and that should make you feel a little better. The community show sounds like it was great, at least there were some laughs.

    Marie, great to hear from you and I too, am glad you have a health care nurse helping you.
    I know Jerry tries really hard to help you and I know you appreciate him. What kind of dressing are they changing?

    Lin, how did majong go? Phoebe reminded me that I used to play majong years and years ago with my next store neighbor when I was married to my first husband. I don't think I would remember how but do know I like it then.

    Phoebe, we will see how Babe likes the chiropractor tomorrow. He was a grouch when we checked in for his test, yelling at the poor male nurse when asked what blood thinner he was taking. I made him apologize and the nurse thanked him for doing so. I told Babe he didn't want his son there because he embarrasses him but he did the same to me. All ended well.

    Shirley, well at least I told Babe I wanted my bike, now he has to have someone take it down from the hooks it hangs on the garage ceiling. Mine is the old fashioned kind with no gears just pedals and a brake. Hopefully, I will have it soon because Babe rarely procrastinates.

    Enjoy today and every day!

    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Another hot one here today but we did get a heavy rain last night so no watering the neighbor's plants today. Dave checked it out this morning and only watered what didn't get it and same for out plants.

    Enjoyed all the posts and now have to start cleaning some bathrooms. Dinner tonight will be at the sailing club they are having cheeseburgers and I will bring a salad, they don't serve any sides.

    Marie - Glad to hear you being taken care of by the nurses and Jerry is helping you too.

    A good day to all!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'll continue to check in and read your posts, and I think I will not continue to comment about the horrors of insurance nightmares at a point where one needs reassurance rather than problems. I thought we had great coverage!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hot here today. I went to Tai Chi/Qigong and came home. Just too hot to keep doing errands today. My veggies were just delivered so I am set for the day.

    Buzz, comment if you wish to, it is your choice. We are concerned for you but I don't want to stick my nose in business you would prefer to keep to yourself. Hugs and more hugs. I think of you each day.

    Shirley, enjoy the dinner this evening. Smart move to take along a salad. All of the birthday parties I attended recently had little in the way of healthy side dishes. One did have some cut up fruit. The others had nothing except the burgers, hot dogs, chips and cake.

    Sandy, glad Babe's tests are over and hope the results arrive sooner rather than later. Also hope you can get your bike. I wonder how he'll get it down? He can't ask his son to do that. Hummmm. Enjoy your time at the pool.

    Anne, you have a little trickster!

    Jackie, best wishes getting kitty and friend's doggie to live peaceably. That is something my Huskies could never have achieved.

    Patsy, you okay?

    So here's my quick summary of National Mah Jongg League info. First day seemed like a lot of vocabulary: Dots, Craks, Bams, Winds, Flowers, White Dragon is called a Soap, then there is the opening Charleston, and also various combinations of tiles called run, pair, Pung, Kong, Quint, Sextet. Also odd to me, if you want to pick up a discard tile, you must immediately have a play involving that tile to make visible. You cannot be working towards something and just add it. Only draws can be used that way. That is all for now. Head is still spinning. When you discard you must call out what you are discarding--9 Bams for example.

    So it's very hot but I am baking a few little sweet potatoes. I play to color a bit, read a bit, work on my puzzle a bit, write a few checks and I am sure the day will be over.

    I had to call a bank who'd left a message for me. It was business related to my dad. That surprised me and left me a bit hesitant as to what they wanted. Made the call. All done.

    Oh and I did get the farm rented yesterday. We stayed with cash rent--no shares, no flex lease, etc. Glad I had information at hand before the call as to the trend of commodity prices, land prices, fertilizer costs, etc.

    Off to check my spuds.



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Anne, Jim and I laughed about Jilly the fast learner. She learned more than you wanted though!! Lol, still smiling. Interested in seeing how you unlearn this.
    Sandy, glad Babe doesn't have severe issues with his stomach. I do hope he'll give the Chiro a good chance. He should expect to be sore a bit since he isn't a regular. I'd want my bike too, even if I didn't ride it much. Forgot where mine is!
    Jackie, may the best critter win! Or separate rooms? Glad you didn't get soaked, this time. Funny to hear you say you have nothing to do! I don't think I've Ever heard that from you. Your neighbor is likely glad to have your advice.
    Marie, keep up the good work, and I don't remember why you have a bandage. Hope you are not hurt somewhere. I used to Love stuffed green peppers, especially when they weren't too greasy, or too much meat. I saw a recipe that used quinoa in a pepper, perfect!
    Shirley, don't know how you bicycle in this hot weather. You have a lot of strength. Are you still attending yoga and meditation?
    Lin, I'm lost already in this version of majong. I do believe some of the names you mentioned correspond with a tile. Other than that, I'll just stick with the memory game. I'm sure you'll catch on, and it will probably compare to chess as a challenging game, and a brain stimulator.
    Buzz, i don't know what you mean, but feel free to discuss whatever is on your mind. I, for one, am paying attention to this Medicare stuff. We're satisfied with the supplement we chose, but not so much with the prescription plan. As for oxygen, Jim went thru an issue with a misinformed representative. His oxygen was covered. I think they used the wrong billing code. They told us that sometimes Medicare only approves one kind of oxygen device. Not the lightest or easiest kind.
    Back to work!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Waiting on the nurse to come by to change my bandage. she is running late today. so fare so good. I ave no ideal ow I will turn out on my insurance. Worry about that when my bills comes in. back to my easy chair. Having stuffed pepper, sweet potatoes and green beans for dinner tonight.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers, Katie went into have the spay procedure at 8:00 AM and was back home at 4:00 p.m. Last night was a bit of a chore for everyone. When leaving the vet, he wanted her to wear a soft head cone to discourage licking her stiches. That was an utter disaster. She almost went berserk. I sat in the living room all night cuddled in a quilt next to Katie who felt some pain. She did have pain pills but it was not enough obviously. Both of us have been sort of stumbling around today. I called the vet and I fashioned a tee shirt to cover the stiches. This was minimally successful. We go into the vet for further options tomorrow. Her stiches will not come out for 10 days! Glad this is over but for Katie this isn't any fun at all! As for me, I seem to have just stopped everything until we get this surgery somewhat healed. We did this to her so we need to be sure to help her through this. Do I sound over the top? Well, dogs are family, you know.

    John is repairing our leaking dish washer. He is a man that loves it when there is something interesting to repair. Dish washer? Would be better if he could mess around out in the garage.

    I ride my recumbent exercise bike 2 times a week as we watch TV. But since I will be Katie's nurse for a few days, I will be doing something else. Calisthenics in the dungeon with Katie hiding under the drawing table. John never varies his exercise. Weights, then 45 minutes on his exercise bike. No complaining!

    Lin: your day sounded lovely. I am my own worst enemy. A bit of this, a bit of that, hurry up and try to work on something that is overdue. I have no regular schedule and I am not disciplined. My only must do now is Katie and work in the dungeon.

    Anne: Katie and Jilly have similar tricks. Katie has a mental condition (common according to the vet) she is hesitant about coming through doors. We bribe her with treats to walk through the doorway. She wants to come in but hates to cross the threshold...? Then she grabs her treat and runs back outside. And we start all over.

  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    It's 3:30 in the morning and I just had to see if you had posted PATSY. I can go back to bed knowing little Katie got through the surgery and is in recovery mode. My little one is fast asleep. Goodnight,