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Senior Golden Sneakers
Jilly and I are cuddled up on the sofa after a 2nd FREEZING walk, this time to the mailbox. We've got a sprinkling of snow frosting the fallen golden leaves and it would be quite pretty if it wasn't so darn cold. Tomorrow we climb to 36F and I can't wait! I put a load of garden refuse out collected after last weeks relatively balmy temperatures but huddled over the space heater in the evening. The furnace arrived just in time and sometimes we get lucky. I can't see me putting out any more garden stuff until next April! Just checked and it's 26F outside or -3C so it's warmed up quite a lot, but the wind makes it feel much colder.
Grocery shop day tomorrow in the "heat". Must buy the birds some bird seed.
Anne.0 -
It seems way too early for winter yet "Hello!" Old Mr. Ice and Cold. Our wet winter has also come to visit again.
In order to get into the mood of the season, I have been putting a list together of movies to watch. My criteria would be something Christmas or thanksgiving in theme. We usually watch movies while we exercise. It is something to help me look forward to that time instead of dread. Since our children are, of course, grown and gone, we have no little grandchildren, the holidays need extra effort. We are such a small family and somewhat scattered, I am amazed at the difference in my childhood and now. I grew up around tons of family. I was related to at least half the town.
One of my favorite movies is "Love Actually." Next is "Hugo." Polar Express, The grinch that stood Christmas, a Charlie Brown Christmas, on and on it goes. I will keep hunting for happy little holiday tales to exercise by. I know! I am in need of therapy, I have a bad case of arrested development.
Anne: i don't think a belt would help me but it does make sense really. The sciatic nerve runs from the inside of the hip area to the toes. Support in the waist area could help if you have arthritis or calcium deposits in some area that pinches that nerve. I have been fussing with this forever!
Sandy: what a way to lose weight...hard way to lose a couple of pounds. But it is over and you are now back to your regular life. Yea!
Buzz: I think that really creative people always find an outlet. It is a drive that can't be stopped. Now here you are making posters etc. still at it...creative juices are flowing still.
Must clean bathroom and make soup, another load of laundry and then into the dungeon.
Patsy0 -
Is my face red! Today was the meeting for which I was making agendas and posters and alerts etc,.....and I forgot today is Friday and I never went to the meeting!!!
I was concentrating on a poster instead! HOWEVER, JACKIE, our Senate heard us and is now attempting to put back the medical exemption. How about that! The elections Tuesday has them very worried about their jobs! Now dashing to dinner, but feeling both stupid and victorious!
.....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................0 -
Hello friends, it is getting dark already and I will be heading out soon. Back late tonight and will be gone all day and evening tomorrow.
Well, people are flawed aren’t they? We seem to have a little power struggle in connection with the bazaar and bake sale. We are all situated and today an email arrives from the church secretary and she is not happy with the arrangements. She wants everything back in the usual location toute de suite. She says we cannot mess up that area (the one we appropriated this year) since we have church services on Sunday and a funeral on Monday. Well, first of all, the area will be messed up anyway as people are seated in the pews to wait for their seating to be announced and they drop stuff, eat while they wait and generally raise heck. Second, everyone getting a takeout meal trudges through the area as well adding to the general mess as they drop things. Soooooo, honestly the woman does not think we will clean everything out of the area after the sale on Saturday evening? That is ludicrous.
Power struggle 2017: Turkey dinner style. The lady who is supposedly heading our effort, snapped back saying it is set up, it will be taken down after the sale and she will bring additional items this evening and will be driven there by her husband as she is in extreme pain from an injection in her knee. In other words back off, we are not going to change anything and I am hardly able to be there at all. I swear if she’s pushed more, she will walk out.
Ain’t life grand?
Looking for a set of armor. Argh! I need divine intervention.
Lin0 -
I am going to need to redo my hair cut...why do I pay $25.00 for a hair cut that I have to Redo? This is just crazy. I have to say my hands and feet could really do with Jackie's traveling manicurist. My hands look like I claw my way up mountains. Rough and wrinkled and red. Not very elegant! They look like the hands of rock and mountain climbers. Very beat up and raw. Paint is hard on hands.
We are going to lunch again on Monday with our musician friend and his wife. This has become a huge anxiety producing event. But it is good for our friend and his wife. They need accepting friends that have a long memory from when he was himself. God bless them both.
All of the recent sex abuse accusations is rather sickening. I hate to look at the news or TV in general. Our movies or nothing. I am hiding from the world these days.
0 -
Hi PATSY, I for one am going to grow my hair again. The recent icy blast makes me realize I need a bit of "fur" around the neck area!
Sex abuse allegations? What's new? It's been going on since life began only hidden under wraps until today. It happens in all walks of life. Worst scenario: Women simply have to understand that they never ever go for the first time to a little known mans place unless accompanied by a friend. Forget equality, all males are bigger and stronger than the majority of females and they have power. This is why eastern men cocoon their ladies from head to foot in stifling garments. They know the nature of some of their brothers. In our western world, we have to be one step ahead and act sensibly because for every decent man there's a wolf in sheeps clothing lurking in the bushes. The elderly aren't safe either. Recently, very recently a lady of 88 here was attacked in her own home.
The good news, women are finding their voices. In my working day we gritted our teeth and ignored the lurid comments and touching etc. We daren't go to Personnel for fear of no wage increases if certain managers were complained about. Boys will be boys attitude. She must have encouraged it attitude. Don't hide from the news, it's there to help us make a better world hopefully for women and yes, an awful lot of men as well.
Shopping day today.
Anne.0 -
After an awful lot of rain last night our roads are swimming so when I went to the local supermarket at 8 am I took it steady. One thing about that time of morning on a Saturday.... not too many out and about! Scruff's mum decided they would walk locally because of the wind and rain but brave me, I took George to the moors, albeit the lower car park to walk to the Neolithic Hurlers that he loves so much. I'm sure the ancient ghosts whisper sweet nothings in his fluffy ears as he runs happily round the stone rings! As I climbed the steps from the car park to the open moor we were hit by gale force winds and driving rain so George looked like one of those cartoon characters with his fur flailing wildly behind him. Needless to say we were soaked by the time we returned to the car but I did feel a sense of achievement and as Anne will remember when she lived in similar surroundings, my complexion has definitely been softened by the clean, fresh rain!
Buzz ~ Election time is always a good opportunity to get politicians listening for once so I do hope you achieve what you're after. Never mind if you missed that meeting so long as everyone else turned up because they read your posters!
Patsy ~ Think yourself lucky you don't have the word BREXIT being uttered a million times a day by presenters, observers and so called experts. Now that really is something to be avoided!! The rest as Anne comments is as old as the hills but as ever it's a minority that give men a bad name!
Lin ~ Oh dear, it sounds as if the dear lady secretary has forgotten what her church should be about, certainly not concern for a few cake crumbs.... perhaps you have a church mouse that can clean up overnight!! The situation would make a grand comedy sketch so I would stand back and observe.... see the funny side! (Armour would be good too!!)
George has been barking at what appears to be nothing for the past half hour so I had better go and check what could be troubling him. It remains miserable outside but hooray, it's the time of year for our international rugby matches so I'll be entertained for most of the afternoon.
Jackie0 -
Had to smile at JACKIEs comment LIN. Do you think Jesus made a few crumbs when he divided the fishes among the multitude! Lol.
Go for the armour! I think we called similar situations in the U.K. "Bun fights". Right? JACKIE.
It's perishingly cold out! Just back from walk. I didn't recognize my neighbour she was so bundled up walking Reilly!
Anne0 -
Happy Saturday!
I have a feeling my scale was wrong yesterday as today it was almost 3 pounds more. I did indulge in an ice cream cup with some whipped cream but 3 pounds? Oh well the way my weight fluctuates I am not going to worry about it. I did get my nails done and will go to church today so tomorrow will be a free day except for packing my small bag.
I am looking forward to our little trip, boredom is sneaking in even though I love being home.
I did get my patio furniture covered for the winter so when it snows I am ready. We are supposed to get some warmer days and when we do I think I will put my balcony Christmas decorations up but not turn them on until after Thanksgiving. I am hoping Bryanna will help with the decorations this year, we will see.
I agree with you Anne, men have been abusing women for years and yes women have done the same. The old guys at bingo still live in the past and most are chauvinist who see nothing wrong in their actions. The young men of today are much better behaved and hopefully the young women are much more educated and stay aware. It does break my heart to hear about some of my favorite stars who abused their stardom. Like Jackie said it is a minority but sad.
Jackie, I saw on the internet that Queen Elizabeth is stepping down from some of her duties. Since they are in their 90's, I think it is time to relax. Whenever I see Diana's boys it melts my heart, such handsome men.
Have a great day!!
One Day at a Time
0 -
Anne ~ Yes, a bun fight which does seem appropriate or of course, handbags at dawn!!
Sandy ~ We can't blame the Queen for saying enough is enough at her age and Charles can't wait to step in so everyone's a winner! As you know I'm not a royalist but do admire everything Diana did to influence her boys to be human and caring in spite of their rigid royal environment.
Time for me to cook my dinner. I always seem to be eating so no wonder my weight fluctuates!
Jackie0 -
We are all moist -eyed over our magnificent Veterans' Day celebration. Our Chaplain's wife did the most professional video of ALL our veteran's service photos, and the singers performed so beautifully, I wish I could describe the emotions of the morning but nothing would do it justice. And of course I could not bypass the hotdog luncheon following...it's Veterans' Day after all! Ouch! So many asked why Mike's name was not included; it was last year that he was mentioned as being deceased!Just 3 weeks after he died! I miss him!
LIN, unfortunately, it sounds like your "lady" is very controling, and I gues you'll handle it with your usual graciousness! How frustrating for you, dear.
PATSY and ANNE, Wow, Pandora's Box, ladies! When we have elected a leader who bragged during his campaign that as a celebrity he could grab any woman anywhere and she would never complain...what does that tell us about women's self-image? I think my knee would have come in very handy had he approached me, but today, the Alabama Judge is being forgiven by his electorate because it resembles Joseph and young Mary? Am I crazy? Or has something rather horrible happened to reasoning? There are still gentle people in this world , but please don't allow the repugnant groups to take over simply because it's unpleasant to think about! History repeats itself whether we like it or not!
I must say JACKIE's post, and Sandy's, too, deserve comment, but I'm rushing to early dinner as there will be holiday programs following, so love you all, and please forgive!Buzz
.....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................0 -
Good evening, home again, thank the Lord. I was hoping everyone would be on best behavior and maybe even be a bit extra kind today. My very ill friend died this past week and her funeral is Monday. She was always involved in this dinner. I guess rather than being extra kind, nerves were shot and claws were out. Another lady got involved in the Location Controversy and said we would have to be moved to a different location next year as it was inappropriate to have items for sale in that area. I must say the two of us working this bit of the effort have had enough. We will step aside and let those with specific ideas run it next year if this nonsense continues. From our perspective it was the best ever. We had space, people could circulate and we sold a lot!
I suspect you did not need to hear that but people are definitely imperfect creations. I should have searched for armor.
It sounds as if many of you had good heartfelt celebrations of Veterans Day. I am glad to hear that.
I think the Queen should do less. She deserves a workload reduction.
Anne, I hope you enjoyed shopping day.
Buzz, you have so many meaningful programs and activities. I think it is wonderful.
Jackie, my gosh what weather! I would likely have headed back to the car immediately.
Sandy, enjoy your trip.
I am sorry to not comment on all your lovely posts but I am going to finish my dishes and will stretch out for a while and watch The Last of the Summer Wine.
Whoppee, church tomorrow.
Lin0 -
Bright sunshine gave us a false sense of security as we headed for the moors and our usual walk. Once in the car park we realised it was going to be impossible to walk on the top moor with such a wild wind blowing so stayed on a path that offers some shelter but still found ourselves being batted and knocked about. After a coffee and pause at 11 am to think of those who have lost their lives in war I am now going to see if I can get on with a few chores, the first being to yet again paste the wallpaper with PVA that has been torn by Brady and hopefully paint over the damage! He's currently curled up on a chair in the sunshine with paw over his eyes looking so sweet but I know better!!!
I wish everyone a peaceful and pleasant Sunday.
Jackie0 -
It probably wouldn't work JACKIE, I'm not even sure which of your rooms Brady sharpens his claws in, (hall?) but being an old cottage would wooden planks to a depth of say 4ft work around the bottom part of your walls? A sort of border which you sometimes see in bathrooms or old pubs. A narrow shelf across the top and you could paint the bottom 4ft with a colour picked out of your wallpaper. Just a thought but in the long run could maybe save a lot of work caused by naughty puss.
This weekend is turning into quite something. We have roadworks and pipe laying everywhere for the condos sprouting like mushrooms and spoiling our pretty little corner of town. Mike had a dreadful time trying to get through all the roads partly closed around me, so he is coming over today to try a different but much longer route. Mark has the same problem if visiting me or the organic store. THEY are not amused. Jilly's favourite cashier told me everyone is complaining who had no idea of the mess before visiting the store and she was worried about driving home after her shift. That's how bad it is! The Railway crossing doesn't help either! Something must have gone wrong with the water pipe laying to cause so much chaos. Hope it's all clear for Santas arrival in 2 weeks time! The parade of course!
Anne.0 -
Good day, leaving soon. We are having nicer weather today. No freezing rain last evening and temperatures should rise today to perhaps—50 degrees. Wahoo!
Jackie, I am sorry for the bad weather and for a naughty kitty. Our dear animals certainly can do damage to a lovely home sweet home. One of my dogs chewed the steps to the basement and got hold of the edge of some drywall and made quite a mess that was really not fixable. So my house has battle scars. I hope you will be able to repair the damage in your house.
Anne, the road construction sounds beyond inconvenient to paralyzing. My gosh, what were they thinking? I hope they get things back together soon.
Well, a few more sips of hot coffee and then off to face the world. Haaaa
Lin1 -
Good morning! Our weather is also just dreadful! But this is what happens around here.
Ooooh do I understand your dilemma, Jackie! We ialso have battle scars from our various pets. We have repaired some and others are still in evidence. I believe dogs can actually be more destructive than cats. All our friends with cats have these interesting constructions covered with carpeting. They call them cat condos. They include a scratching post and an on area on top to sit and look out of a window. I would get one and as luck would have it, the adorable little monster would ignore it. Our friends stash catnip on this thing to keep the cats interest.
Anne, we also have the road construction going !on. So far it is just ugly and noisy and makes for slow going at times. We live on a road with two draw bridges. Delays are part of our life. We have located very important radio stations on the car radio. In fact we have internet radio and I love it for just that reason. Sitting at a draw bridge upping and lowering can be eternal. It requires good music or good news programs.
Making Soup today and ordering Christmas gifts. I think we need more mellow jazz today. Also Sunday morning baroque on the radio while I whip up that soup. Have a cozy day everyone. Good music will always make things better.
Patsy0 -
Happy Sunday!
Laundry is started and yes I know it is not Monday but leaving tomorrow morning and wanted it done before I left. My son leaves for New Jersey on business at noon but sent me a text that Lisa was at urgent care with Robby. He has an ear infection, sore throat and a fever. I told her I would go there to help her after I get caught up so she can go to the store and take a break. I just hope I don't get sick.
Lin, we have light drizzle and 40 degrees but the dampness goes right through me. Sorry about the the rudeness of some people and those who don't appreciate a job well done. If someone thinks they can do better than let them do it, you have done your share.
Anne, it sounds like a nightmare with the driving conditions in your area, tell your boys to be careful. With Santa coming in on a sleigh, he should be fine. lol
Jackie, you really get some bad winds and weather in your neck of the woods, stay safe.
Innocent little Brady, doing all that damage? George is probably smirking!!!
Buzz, hugs to you. I am sure it was very emotional with the veterans and made you miss Mike even more than usual. In lieu of that a hot dog is great comfort food.
Could not fall asleep last night and was still tossing and turning at 3am. Needless to say I am very tired today. Enjoy your day and if I don't post I will be back Wednesday night.
One Day at a Time
1 -
Not going after all, I don't want to take a chance on getting sick or carrying a germ to get my friends sick.0
I woke up at around 7 AM despite getting to bed around 4. But I was looking forward to talking to DS and DDIL on FaceTime before 9 AM, which would be around 3 PM in Germany. Putting on glitzy earrings at that hour seemed crazy, but they didn't even notice I had dressed for them, lol! Somehow, my morning flew by and I went down for lunch, where I learned about friends receiving invitations to join a "couples club" . I had a reaction to this that I was not proud of, as I mentioned I never joined things I considered divisive. No one even understood my remark, and suggested it was nothing more than a group of couples, definitely not meant to be exclusive. I asked what happens if one of a "couple" becomes deceased or otherwise incapacitated. It is being started by one of the newer couples who have moved in from what they consider an "exclusive" development which owns the land upon which Edgewater was built. I know I overreacted, but I still feel uncomfortable about the direction in which some of the newer residents seem to be heading. I can't even really put my finger on why I feel this way, but perhaps you will see something I overlooked!
I later went upstairs to visit my former neighbor, whose much younger wife still lives opposite me. A brilliant young couple torn apart by his rapid descent into Parkinson's Disease, and even the voice box she has invested in doesn't help much to project his thoughts. Life can be cruel, as this man was/is a journalist with a most fabulous humor while she has a large law office, and should have been retiring just when his condition took a turn for the worse! I could barely make out his explanation of a series of awards he is setting up for 3 competing journalists, despite him living in our nursing home area! I keep reminding myself to count my blessings, eh?
Well, perhaps I shall go down for tonight's movie, as I dread watching tonight's news again! I'll grab a bite first...Buzz
.....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!..............................
0 -
If I've interpreted correctly I can completely understand your reaction to the "couples club" BUZZ. How insensitive can you get! Totally unfair to single folk and the widowed and just as you say what happens when a partner dies or is incapacitated? Is the grieving partner thrown out and left to struggle alone? I hope your management puts a stop to such childish, insensitive and discriminatory behaviour. I can understand a group of friends forming an art group or book club etc which is open to all with similar interests regardless of various levels of expertise. But a couples club! How daft! I can put my finger on it, it brings back memories of past "exclusive" clubs. If formed, will the couples have their own tables at meal times?
I saw the family today at various times but didn't get out apart from Jilly walking because everybody had to take wide detours to get to my place.
Goodness knows how someone managed to cause such chaos but the road closures had some good points. For instance no traffic on our road and you could hear a pin drop or rather a leaf drop on our strolls.
Anne0 -
Doesn't this remind you of those high school cliques? Oh my! Did you ever get invited to join a sorority? Some of the meanest people on planet earth. Anyway, Buzz, I just had to laugh remembering the sort of people who insist on exclusivity. What was that quote about...I wouldn't want to join a club whose standards were low enough to invite me. Or something like that. They sound terribly dull,truth be told.
Patsy0 -
What a difference in 24 hours! This morning is sunny, relatively warm for November and that dreadful wind has blown itself out so we had a wonderful stroll across the moors as we compared notes on tv programmes over the weekend. For me an outstanding documentary showed a few techi individuals given the task of inventing computerised aids for children with a variety of disabilities. Such amazing minds that came up with incredible ideas that brought beaming smiles to the faces of children as their worlds became wider and inclusive for the first time in their difficult lives. After lunch I'm taking George to meet my friends in the next town one of whom you'll remember was on life support not so long ago but apparently last week did some Christmas shopping on her own while her husband bought the groceries. George adores them so will have a great afternoon being fussed!
Buzz ~ Your reaction to this couple's club idea is quite understandable and it's not only because on Saturday you were thinking of Mike a great deal. The number of friends you have lost since moving in to your facility speaks volumes about just how many of you have found yourselves having to cope with the loss of your loved one and it's the support of everyone that hopefully gets you through the grieving process. It has struck me how inclusive you all are so why on earth create a club that immediately discriminates because that's what it does. It is a clique as Patsy commented and one you wouldn't want to be a part of so perhaps as you've voiced your opinion, let them get on with it because I'm thinking give it 6 months and they'll all be bored with each other.... what on earth are they going to get up to or talk about that requires couples only? Oh dear, you don't think it's a keys in the ashtray get together do you!!
Patsy ~ My dear cat Jasper who had to be put to sleep not so long ago had a scratching post that saved my sofa from being shredded into pieces but it was obvious from the start that Brady's claws come out to gain attention whether he wants more kibble in his bowl or just a quick cuddle so a post wasn't going to do the trick. Luckily George is now well trained to run, bark and chase him away but not before he's done his best to lick him into submission! It's very funny so I've now also got him chasing my cat Hebe away from the carpet she insists on popping her claws in so wool threads are beginning to stand upright or fill the vacuum cleaner! On Saturday night I watched the movie Effie Gray which was about the wife of John Ruskin the Victorian art critic and philanthropist. I had a vague knowledge of their disturbing relationship and the fact he was emotionally scarred by his relationship with his overbearing mother but felt the film put him in a very poor light when in fact he was a highly intelligent and talented man for all his imperfections. After that I'm not sure if I'm recommending it to you or not!!
Lin ~ It's only my opinion but I feel you do need to step away from this commitment and let someone else arrange it next year. You offer so much at your church on a weekly basis so your involvement won't be diminished; it's more a case of recognising when you're not going to win in some peoples eyes. Take a break sweetheart!
Sandy ~ A wise choice especially if you are flying because I think planes' air conditioning harbours germs and blows them around the cabin! Have a great few days away.
Anne ~ You might be lucky and those having to find alternative routes will discover with their sat navs they don't have to drive down your street when the roads are repaired thus leaving you in peace. The opposite happened here last year when locals found our quiet road when another was closed for a few days and continue to use it as a cut through. Of course they still drive as if they are on a wider stretch and on more than one occasion I've had to drag George with me on to a grassy bank into hedges during a walk to avoid a collision!
Hooray, my chair material has arrived but I have to get myself into a shower and readied for our afternoon out so won't be attacking a dining chair today!
Happy Monday.
0 -
JACKIE, your last comment had me wondering as well! Lol. Keep clear BUZZ dear! Yes PATSY, I DO remember high school clubs and I love the quote which is new to me. Lol again,
Anne0 -
Happy Monday!!
Not flying, the drive is an hour and a half, not far. Wish me luck!!
One Day at a Time0 -
Monday, Monday. Time to get a haircut, stop by the bank, maybe a few things from the store and then the remainder of the day funeral and associated events. I am thinking of just going to the funeral and not participating in the procession to the cemetery, that service and the gathering after. Visitation was packed last evening and I spoke with everyone there that I was hoping to see.
Buzz, I agree with the other opinions. A couples club seems a little odd to me. If some people just want to get together as friends, who would be stopping them but why a club? I was never asked to join anything so I guess I find all that type of thing unnecessary.
Sandy, Stay well. This the season of the bug. A friend didn’t show up at something she usually attends and I found out she had a bug—a three day virus of some type. I am thankful she decided to stay home when she was first feeling a bit unwell.
Jackie thanks for the advice. I am the type of person who is quite easy to push around as I don’t like to cross people, I am more a people-pleaser although not to as great a degree as in the past. I now just remove myself completely from a situation which may not be the best answer. Yippee, the material has arrived already. Now you can spend some time plotting your project. I am amazed your friend is doing so well. Miracles do happen.
Anne, road construction. Yep, happens around here all the time but it is certain this street will not bear additional traffic due to construction elsewhere, it is a cul-de-sac. If a residential street here gets too popular, people petition for a speed bump or an expensive round about at the intersection. Both options encourage drivers to find another route.
Patsy, I agree with your comments, clubs where you have to be asked to join are not worth it to me. I think open clubs based on a mutual interest are just fine.
Time to run along.
Lin0 -
Just for fun I checked on where that quote came from...Groucho Marx! What an amazing comic. An acquired taste, no doubt!
We had a nice lunch with our friends, musician and wife. They seemed okay today. Odd thing was the weather. We had heavy rain and strong wind. Just as we were leaving the electricity went. Came home immediately since Katie was home alone. All was well. Whew! The cook at this little Thai restaurant is from Thailand and barely speaks English. She has a crush on John. She insists on bringing him his food herself. The rest of us get served by a waitperson. He always teases her and the rest of the wait staff. It ends up like a big family thing gathered around our table. The owner always pulls up a chair and sips tea while we eat and we all chat...sort of. It is hard going. They all speak so little English.
The other thing that came out at lunch was that our friend has gout. I always assumed that one had to watch carefully with gout. No red meat, no shellfish, limited fats, no butter! Our friend is going to have a very difficult time with this food limitation during the holidays. They both enjoy a good plate of wonderful rich food. It does get hard during holidays but I love veggies and a lot of delicious fruit. How great is that?
The week has begun!
Patsy0 -
PATSY, aha, I finally have an observation to share regarding my gout! I started taking tart cherry pills daily (or juice) and I just realized, I've not had a gout attack in many moons! If I feel onw beginning in the toe or foot, I use my Biofreeze jelly on the area, and it soon becomes bearable. Perhaps it would help others. My problem lately with stormy weather hovering is the darn arthritis! It really seems to be attuned to weather changes! I am so impressed with your support to that couple, as difficult as it may be for you!
I also want to thank everyone for your observations re: the couples club! I'm thinking of discussing it with our manager, especially since I learned it was possibly suggested by our sales manager! It has been a revelation to discover which people approve and which ones scoff at the idea!
LIN, follow the sage advice and start putting your own needs and feelings first! And remain far away from controlling people as their interest has to do with their own needs, not yours!
SANDY, good idea; safe trip!
JACKIE, I know you would never declaw your feline friends, but it would surely tempt me, thinking about the shredding of your lovely possessions! I know...I know!!! Good news about your lady friend's recovery!
ANNE, I think I should save and print yours and everyone else's remarks before seeing our Susan (our Manager)! Talk about support! And I also hope your detour won't last too long, grrrr!
My sister asked for a current picture and in taking a "selfie" I was really amazed with the new editing included in the latest Windows 10 download! It has always driven me crazy, but this time it is simple!. I'll try to include it here! I'm letting my hair grow again!Buzz
.....................Always believe something wonderful is about to happen0 -
Gone is the blue sky with its warm sunshine but although our walk was chilly and damp we had a lovely time having bumped into a couple and their 3 dogs that we sometimes see. As ever we know the dogs' names but not the humans!! Back home I've cleared my kitchen sink of washing up and also wheeled an old cupboard and table top out to our parking area to be collected by our local council's bulky waste team. The old dining table that has been replaced with my recent acquisition of the pretty Georgian one with a ring of flowers carved round the outer edge will be added when my neighbour and I go to yoga as she can help me lift it.
Yesterday's visit to my friends was most enjoyable. I took a pack of homemade cakes from our farm shop for us to indulge ourselves with along with many cups of tea. Proof if proof were needed that we should never believe 100% everything the medical profession tells us was my friend walking round her house with only a slight limp and apparently that only happens when she is tired and her foot "gets lazy" so she'll no doubt work on that over time because she's definitely not one for laziness! Now that I have a couple of meters of the chair material I'm really pleased with it and think so long as I can position a monkey or two on each seat they will look fab. A staple gun together with removing tool has arrived today so I'm ready to get started once I pluck up the courage!
Buzz ~ At times Brady has probably been closer to a beheading than declawing but a little voice in my head says there was a reason why, of all the people who walk on those moors, the little mite found me and it is after all only wallpaper!! Being retired what else have I got to do other than re-paste and paint the same area over and over again??
Patsy ~ Appropriate for today : Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies ~ Groucho Marx
Lin ~ I completely understand where you're coming from but sometimes removing yourself from an uncomfortable situation is the only solution. Being a live and let live sort of person I was always an appeaser trying to keep everyone happy but as I got older I realised there are some folk who will never see another's point of view and since I have less energy to waste I avoid throwing any away!!!
Three weeks of paying out for Euro millions tickets and not getting a penny back has me already feeling disillusioned with this gambling lark! Our postcode lottery isn't being any kinder either so perhaps I should put the cost of the tickets in a pot and purchase a nice bottle of wine at Christmas!!
Lunchtime for me and see if I can watch the day's news at the same time without getting indigestion!
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Love the political saying JACKIE, and go for the wine! I've given up as well! Anne.0
Just been for our walk and we met two very large, solid and square British bulldogs. Amiable they stood to attention like guardsmen as my German/Tibetan/Mexican mix jumped excitedly around them like a jumping Bean. Each head alone was bigger than the whole quivering mass of Jilly Bean. If I owned these two Churchillian look alikes I'd feel as safe as houses!
Anne (now what's the Bean yapping at and defending our house from!)0