Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Thursday!! :) Meeting today and after I am going to go see Robby. Well I was going to attach a video but the sound didn't work. Darn

    Patsy, Babe hated those plastic collars so we never left them on. I think I used a t shirt as well to keep them from licking stitches and believe me with all their surgeries they had plenty. A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's so the only danger is tearing the stitches. Give her a day or two and she will forget she even has them.

    Anne, guess you didn't sleep well worrying about Katie. She is fine, hope you went back to sleep.

    Marie, sounds like you are getting stronger every day. How long will the nurse be coming to help you?

    Phoebe, he is going to try the 12 lazer treatments recommended to give it a fair chance. And yes, even if I don't ride my bike I would like it in my possession.

    Lin, Babe will ask the dog walker who is my granddaughter's friend's boyfriend to get it down. He is a young man who is very strong. lol

    Buzz, as Lin said don't worry about venting to us about insurance woes, we are hear to listen and help in any way we can.

    Shirley, I am glad you got a little rain to help with the watering, that can be such a tedious job.

    Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Ok think I got it right now....sorry for all the posts
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy, I tried the link but no luck. Kathy sent a video of Isaac at the library, it was call "toddlers tornado"
    All the little ones at different stations of crafts and painting. It was so cute to see him painting with the wrong end of the brush. LOL Have fun with Robby.

    Its another cleaning day and then I will be all caught up. Dave and I went for a walk this morning again before the temperatures got any higher. My chest was actually feeling heavy because of the air quality.
    I will be glad to see Fall and cooler temperatures.

    Phoebe, Yes I am still doing yoga when I am home. I went yesterday and then I will go again on Friday.
    I told my instructor it has been 2 years next month that I have been coming to her studio.
    I am still doing meditation twice a day for 20 mins. and I will be attending a meeting tonight.

    Lin - That game sounds very difficult. I still haven't figured out Saduko but then I haven't tackled that for a long time.

    Patsy- I hope Katie is doing well after surgery. My dogs never like the cones on their heads either but
    it helps them when they need it. You are a good mom to keep her company.

    Marie - I hope your nurses visit goes well for you.

    Buzz - How are you handling not driving? My MIL is still driving on occasion and she passed her
    cognitive drivers test again. She said she would give it up at 90 but she is driving.

    Stay cool friends, we are still in a heat wave.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Still struggling, but I think Mike's "concentrator" is arriving today! That's the oxygen machine. Still researching charges...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, which video is it? The first one is about ninjas?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    I just can't seem to get the sound to work on You Tube but if you are on Face Book it is on my wall. He is singing itsy bitsy spider."]4&video_referrer=watch"][/url]I[/url]

    See if this works but if not I give up. sigh
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good evening. Storms here tonight. Spent the morning at the library--mostly coloring and chatting. Did a few errands. Brought home a very cheap little bag of organic bruised apples. Made applesauce with cinnamon this afternoon and cooked some quinoa. Some reading, a few more pieces found their places in the jigsaw puzzle and have been trying to get my remote for the Roku to work. Did everything and even did a reset on the Roku box and the remote did pair then but then dropped off again. Two sets of new batteries. Soooo, it is time for a replacement remote. Meanwhile I will try to use the remote app on my phone.

    Tomorrow it is Tai Chi/Qigong, then home to change clothes and will meet a friend for lunch. Well I will bring my lunch and she'll buy hers. Then maybe some shopping. It will be nice to catch up with her. It has been a while.

    I hope everyone had an okay afternoon. MFP isn't working that well for me today--especially on my iPad.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hurray Sandy you got it!! So cute!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Nice video Sandy. <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day including visit from a plumber after my hot water system began to boil up and nearly explode on Wednesday morning. An electric element had failed but also the shaking of the water tank had created a leak so a job the plumber thought would take 15 minutes took closer to 2 hours! He was recommended by a friend and it turns out he also knows my neighbour through an exercise class so I got a special deal on the cost!! The grass desperately needs a cut and I'm also dipping in and out of Olympics so will get started but thought I'd let you see a you tube video of Kitcat/Brady's first day in the garden now he's been registered with my vet so is mine to keep!! Vaccinations started and also booked in to get his "bits" removed in a fortnight when they'll microchip him too.

    Patsy ~ Delighted to read Katie came through her operation well and will now get a ton of TLC, if she didn't already!! Such procedures are done completely differently in the UK where vets don't use stitches but skin glue and a special tape to protect the incision so from now on I'll keep my recommendations to myself!!

    Sandy ~ Cute video and it seems like only yesterday the little guy was born.... now look at him!

    That's it for now, the lawnmower is at least going to be dragged out of the garden shed!


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Loved the videos. Boy, Jackie, your Kitcat/Brady looks like the puss version of my Jilly. Lovely puss, lovely garden!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Rainy day today, good day for just staying in and relaxing. I am doing a couple of loads of laundry in case I decide to visit my cousin in Indiana tomorrow for an overnight stay. Had a great time with Robby yesterday, he sure wears me out with running and playing. Next weekend is his birthday party, only time they could fit it in. :)
    Babe's results came back fine, they just want him to have a colonoscopy next which he will do in the next few weeks. He had his first treatment with the chiropractor with 11 more to follow. He told him he probably wouldn't see any results for at least six treatments.

    Jackie, loved your video and absolutely love your garden especially the toadstools. What a beautiful environment you live, although it is hard work.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day, I actually am welcoming the rain today.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. Today is to get pretty hot and steamy here. (90s) I plan a low key day and tonight John wants Thai food takeout. We would normally go out to dinner on Fridays but we are staying close to home in order to watch and care for our recovering Katie. I tried to see the shooting stars they told us about in the news. I guess we were in the wrong spot to view them. We had a good view of the moon and a few stars but no showers of shooting stars.

    Because of my disturbed evening, I am sort of sleepy and low energy today. I will have to continue to wash all dishes by hand until dishwasher part comes in from Amazon. Not a big problem however I am less than efficient. I have ended up mopping the kitchen floor twice this week. I remember as a kid washing dishes after meals was my job. I never really minded it. I would listen to music on the radio. Do any of you remember KOMA from Oklahoma? Great rock and roll plus the radio signals were so strong I think you could hear it all over the planet. Eventually I believe they were forced to reconfigure their signals.

    I have to reorder some painting supplies. Acrylics get old and less stable. The colors separate and get stiff. It is always the colors I use the most! Maddening! I love one shape and size of brush. I usually have at least one new one in reserve. I have a weird thing about old used up brushes. I hate to discord them. Consequently I have large box of old brushes, like old friends. I can never give them up.

    I do wish our vets used the same procedure as they do in UK. Jackie, that sounds much better for the little animals. Katie is doing fine but must watch her 24/7 and discourage any licking. As i have said...I have no life until this incision is healed. What have I done? Oh and more on Katie: she had her nails cut, she was microchipped, and two stubborn baby teeth removed while she was out. I appreciate any information and recommendations because as I have said earlier...I am clueless.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi guys Beautiful day here but fairly hot

    The nurse been by to change my bandage. Had lunch and waiting on my dinner I am having those microwave 5 minute new potatoes just love them with salisbury steak and peas and carrots with ice tea.

    Pasty glad Katie is doing so well.. She has a good momma to care for her.
    Making it short today
    Love Marie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    Patsy, I hope Katie is doing better this evening and that you both get some rest.

    Phoebe, I saw on Facebook you were having tire problems? Hope all is fixed.

    Anne, did you get a lot of rain? People have been cleaning up storm damage here today. Sun came out this afternoon and it was humid and hot again. Hope you and Jilly are doing well.

    Marie, happy to hear a bit from you. I hope your leg is healing up. Hugs.

    Jackie, I loved that video. Adorable!! Thank you for posting.

    I had a nice talk with my friend today and then we were off to shop for new blankets for her bedrooms. She finally found something in the colors she wanted but I wanted to go to the other department store in the mall so we trudged down there and I happened across a 60% off sale on bath towels,means towels, shower curtains, shower hooks, throw rug and many other items for the bath that all matched and I really liked the design. Yep, I came home with 4 bath towels, 2 hand towels, rug, shower curtain and hooks. Shower curtain is hung and the towels are washed and dried. Yippee! I can't remember the last time I got new bath towels. Now to try to think seriously about all the old towels that I have in the basement and garage. I do use many of them but I do have so many.

    Anyone else still use towels from the 1980's? I have a couple of towels I really liked and I still use them from time to time. Can't be much left of them!!

    Going to read for a while. Stay cool.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Loves the videos. Robby is so grown up and adorable and JACKIE's jumping kittie is amazing!!
    ANd yes, that lovely garden is just what I expected, natural and beautiful.

    Had a frustrating day with doctors and telephones and Mike still hasn't gotten his oxygen concentrator and my therapist for my lymphedema got screwed up and now they want me to see if my swelling is caused by cellulitis before wrapping my legs! I have no time for this nonsense...
    However, the administrator looked into billing my insurance company and learned she should bill them so they have something for me to challenge, so we are making a bit of progress!
    I am very tired, and after a delightful conversation with my DGD, I think I'm ready to get some shuteye. Keep your posts coming, and happy to see MARIE doing well again! For all of you, big HUGS!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi Buzz, get some rest my friend. These insurance battles take a long time and are so exhausting.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Love the video of Robby, he remembered every word. :)

    Marie - Glad to see you are posting again and hope all is well with the foot. You are a strong lady,
    you can do this and we are here for you.

    Jackie - Beautiful markings on your kitty and a lovely garden you have. Looks like a lot to take care
    of its lovely.

    I received any email from sister and she was evacuated from her house due to a large fire at a tire
    plant. She is staying with her boyfriend and she has her two dogs with her. I heard on the news
    she should be able to get back to her house soon.

    Another steamy hot day here. I went to yoga class and then visited my MIL who is using her A/C
    without any argument. She said it was too loud but we talked just fine and it wasn't annoying.

    We went to Best Buy to get some hands free phones for the house. We are getting rid of the answering machine and some other old phones in the house.

    Finishing up my workweek hustle with Fitbit and it looks like I am in the lead with 3 other people.
    Two hours left to go. :)

    Have a good evening.
