Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Hello, the blessed rain has finally arrived! Still hot and humid, but who cares, the rain is here, the garden is coming to life again, the farmers are happy. Morning walkies not so good, but who cares, the rain is here!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello sneakers. We had a misty and murky start to our day so didn't walk as far as usual, in fact dawdled rather than walked!! After catching up with a couple of friends on the phone and then light lunch the sun has appeared and everything is steaming so I will clean out the hen house and prune an apple tree that grows in the middle of their run.... there might be an apple or two tucked away under the leaves.

    Patsy ~ We Brits are such fusspots when it comes to our pets that our vets have had to take our feelings into consideration as much as the animals' so often tend to explore our human medical care to exchange information. A hysterectomy is a big deal for any pooch and I remember friends having to take about 6 weeks off work just a few years ago if they had one before recent procedures improved things so all that TLC you'll be heaping on Katie will be the best way to mend her. It's so difficult to go against a vet's advice so don't beat yourself up and certainly the 3 other procedures are almost cosmetic and I'm sure nothing to worry about. Brady has a mix of milk and new teeth in his mouth but the vet is hoping they'll sort themselves naturally but will microchip him when he has his bits off.

    Marie ~ Always lovely to hear from you and read what meals you're having. It all sounds very healthy and has made up my mind to pop to our farm shop when I come off the computer to stock up on a few local veggies and wild boar sausages! My potatoes turned out to be delicious and I've just a few left in the tub to scrabble around in the soil for.

    Shirley ~ Yes, the work never finishes in my garden, well not until the frost arrives but I do love to potter out there so it's never a chore.

    Buzz ~ Stay strong when all around you are being just a little inefficient!! Recently I bumped into an old colleague who told me how he had all sorts of medical tests, nothing wrong found so he went off to Southern Ireland to work, then got a call from his doctor telling him he had cancer and must return immediately. Chris' response was just as yours, I'm far too busy to be messed about!!

    Anne ~ Certainly Brady is keeping me on my toes just as Jilly Bean does you!! That's your English genes enjoying the rain!

    Lin ~ My favourite bath towels are definitely from the 1980's because I can remember exactly where I bought them and when. They are bright pink, have a shell pattern along the ends and still in great condition but then I find most things were made to last back then!

    Sandy ~ Great news on Babe's results and hopefully the dizziness will disappear over time. Did you go to Indiana or stay home and chill?

    So..... a trip to the farm shop doing my best to avoid buying any Cornish pasties then back to sort the hen house out.

    Have a great Saturday whatever you get up to!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I'm still "singing in the rain"! Although it's stopped at the moment, things already look greener, and who cares if the bean and I came home wet, her looking better than me!
    Loved your post Jackie if you are wondering who ticked the "like" button, lol.
    Oh by the way LIN my towels are so old I can't remember when I bought them. They were bought to match a previous bathroom I do know, and I've been in this house 24 years! Definitely from sometime in the 1980's! Must buy new if only for potential visitors! I've been in Canada for 43 years and I'm still using my fluffy blue blankets I brought over in 1973. Can't remember when I bought them! I just wish I've "worn" as well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I have decided to go to Indiana to visit with my cousin, will leave here after noon. We will go to Church together and then out to dinner. I will spend the night there as I will probably have a glass of wine or two. I am looking forward to seeing her and reminiscing about our childhood.

    Anne, glad you got your rain. The big storms I expected yesterday never happen and I have one sickly looking petunia plant. I will try to water it to bring it back but I have my doubts.
    I was so good about watering it so I am not sure what happened.

    Jackie, the good thing about animals is that they bounce back faster than humans. Daisy did well with her spaying and had no problems. I still am waiting for a picture of the hen house with the hens, just saying.

    Shirley, that is awful news about the fire and your sister being evacuated. I hope she is able to go back home soon and hope her house doesn't smell from smoke. Congratulations on your fitbit challenge.

    Buzz, just thinking of all the paper work involved with insurance is mind boggling. I hope it is soon resolved and you get some peace.

    Lin, SCORE! Always great to find a good bargain and something that you really want!!

    Marie, so good to hear from you and such a great meal you had. I am still in the dark about what bandage is being changed but whatever it is I hope it is healing.

    Patsy, just give Katie love and attention, she will mend quickly and be herself in no time.
    Daisy also has a chip which we did with her spaying as well. Try to get rest when Katie is resting.

    Enjoy your weekend, I hope to check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning friends,

    Yesterday we went to a store called Jysk here in Ontario and I bought Isaac a toy box to keep here at our house. I texted Kathy to tell her and she said, "good now I can clean out his toy box". She will give me
    the extra toys so he can play with them when he comes here.

    Our neighbor's daughter arrived on Friday so we have a reprieve on watering their flowers and garden.
    We did have a shower this morning even though it was brief. The sun is out, windy and hot again.
    No relief here.

    Jackie- I worry when having tests done and they give you the wrong information. That is so unsettling,
    I imagine your friend is devasted from the news when he thought all was well.

    Patsy - How is Katie doing? I know you are very worried.

    Sandy - Enjoy your time in Indiana and your visit. Enjoy that wine too. :) I have been not been having
    anything since I got serious about my weight again. Now tonight we have a party at the sailing club,
    corn roast, and they serve margaritas as the signature drink. I will indulge only tonight and take it easy
    all day on food today so I can enjoy that.

    Marie - Hi, and hope all is well.

    Anne - I see your weather is much like ours but I see you are definitely getting more rain than us.
    Give Jilly a hug from me.

    Hi to Lin and Buzz. Does anyone hear from Phyllis anymore? She has not been on this site for a long time. I do see her on facebook once in a while.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all of you sneakers. Sandy I have a what you called a bed sore from the re hab, They did not keep me turn good enough. They preferred me to pee in the bed than get me up to pee.. Now I am suffering from it and they are not.It is on the side of my heel Can't wear a shoe. Keep taking pain pills and tylenol But they don't help much.But te nurses said it is looking much better..I only wish it felt much better.And I could get around much better.
    Jerry and I are getting our hair cut today.

    Eating left overs today.

    Such a nice group here.
    Love to all.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    One thing about weekends: Businesses and Drs' offices are closed so I can get other stuff done! Hi everybody, I sure hope nobody has the floods I'm watching from Louisiana! How dreadful. I will now attempt to zip up my compression boots and see if I can bring down some of the swelling in my legs. What a weird condition! I couldn't putter in my garden right now, even if I still had a garden! Can't bend my fat knees! You could not picture them if you tried!
    Stay well and have a beautiful weekend.
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi everyone. It was beastly hot and humid last night. No one slept well. We will try for a low key day with a nap scheduled sometime. The furry kid is asleep. Thank goodness. She is healing and we are hanging on by a thin thread. This hot weather and no AC makes sleeping impossible.

    Our son is sailing today and Sunday. He will drop in to see us on Monday. He is changing his office again. Last summer he rented a very cute office suite but it has parking issues and a nearby pizza place that has a vent that somehow invades his office building. The pizza smell is often just sickening. Trying to have a creative design meeting with a hot pizza smell overcoming everyone is too much.

    Our little town is having a regatta this weekend. The mooring basins are full of lovely sailboats. There is a boat parade and of course lots of marine activities.

    I am going to rummage around in my medical supplies for one of those old fashioned ice bags people used to put on their head or for a twisted ankle. I will use it as a pillow...what do you think? Good idea?

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Patsy, is the pillow for you or Katie? It might be cooling, if you keep still. Do you have fans? Damp towels around your neck might feel good, especially with fans.
    Katie should be lethargic for a couple of days. They throw off pain much faster than humans. Then it's keeping them from over doing and soon they're right as rain again.
    We are in Arizona, heading for North Carolina.
    Keeping up with the posts, must get a nap, be safe
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Don't you have a basement PATSY? That's where I lurk if the a/c goes off. Still raining off and on. Buckets of It. One flash of lightning seemed to come straight through the window. Jilly jumped a foot in the air like the Olympic trampoline competitors and so did her "mom". Otherwise she is very stoic about thunder. We didn't realize it but Mark and Mary Jo were outside on the drive in their car. The downpour was so intense they didn't venture out until it eased off.
    My sort of slightly wavy hair is now a mass of frizzy curls. I look like a wild snapdragon but not so pretty. Getting it wet twice hasn't helped! To think in the fifties we paid dollars or pounds to get this frizzed up effect under those dreadful domed things they called dryers. Jilly's sweet smelling shampoo effect from last week is gone. The soaking fur now smells doggie again. Jilly is happy.
    And so am I if you think I am complaining! The rain is freshening everything up. I missed it so much!
    Now if the humidity would just clear off!
    And that goes for me too!
    Anne, her with the Brillo soap pad hair!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    So happy to read your posts! I am still having trouble with the MFP site. Annoyance factor = 10!!!

    Glad you are getting rain Anne. But I hope the Lightning and thunder have moved on. I spent some time this afternoon pulling weeds which are growing quite briskly after our rains. Also the section of detached fence tipped over again (happens every few days) and this time as I tried to straighten it one of the boards came loose from the section and was Justin's hanging. I got out my hammer and nailed it together as best I could.

    I did the rest of my laundry today, made soup, spoke with a friend on the phone for a long time, She said she hadn't spoken to anyone all week. Well, time to move along. I think I'll read until I fall asleep on my book.

    Yawn. Hugs.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    This is the design on the bottom of my towels. I know, my life is so exciting.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    And the puzzle is assembled.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Love that puzzle! Are these your new towels? Love them, I look for designs I might like but I never see anything!! Yours are the best I've seen. All I ever see are seashells. Funny, when I first looked at the photo, I thought it was some amazing coloring! Like I can't wait for Lin's explanation of how she did this!
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    I love the towels as well LIN. I've never seen anything so pretty. Those are my favourite colours, the colours I wear, and that goes for the crowds of dogs. The dog puzzle would be the perfect gift for your doggie friends this Christmas, if you can find more!
    Happy social Sunday girls, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Howdy ladies.
    Lin love your puzzell . It did not take yoou long to put it together . You really keep yourself busy. Thats a good thing.

    How is all the rest of you doing.. We dont hear to much from Jeri nNOW A DAYS. HOPE ALL IS WELL WITh her
    So long for now. marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Heavy lightening and thunder outside, so I'm not remaining online very long. Mike's son had his sister deliver a cell phone to him about an hour ago. He called me on it immediately, but I will have to program our number in as DS forgot to put my number in! Also, his DD did not wait 5 minutes for me to come up and see her! And here I thought we all got along just fine. Well, maybe she had a Mahjong game scheduled this morning.
    I was actually able to zip up my compression boots around 6 AM and I do believe the circumference is down minutely, but the legs don't feel as stretched. I'll try again after lunch. They have whole grain pancakes on today's menu and they are delicious.
    Yes, LIN's towel designs are lovely, and I hope PHOEBE doesn't encounter flooding on the drive back. PATSY, :'( about your A/C! wishing you a quick fix! Was your lunch as nice as you had hoped, SANDY? Fun seeing old friends. MARIE, I think JERI is busy busy busy with family etcetera! You stay well now that you are recovering! ANNE, I know how busy you are with the new "baby", but be sure to get some rest, too! Oops. what a crash! Manana...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Buzz, I'm sorry that the 'kids' insulted you, that's how I see it. It's not uncommon. Jim's siblings were not always civil to their new stepmother. I kept repeating that I was grateful for her for taking on the caregiver duties for a very difficult man. I don't think they got it. So I stayed out of it. She was what they expected, but so what, she deserved a medal for what she endured.
    Enough of that.
    Marie, hugs to you, and congrats on your cybergrandchild , lol. Never heard that before.
    Still going going going, no rain here in Oklahoma.
    I heard about Louisiana.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Phoebe I met the baby mother here on My fitness pal/ over 10 years ago. and we kept in touch thru the years. She had a jack russell like Sammy. Fans of Jack Russell I think was the name of the group.She had her first baby Lillian less than 2 years ago now little Rose and 2 Jack Russell.So I adopted them as my cyber grandchildren.. A wonderful family
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am home from Indiana but very tired, so will catch up tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time