Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    It was pouring rain this morning and the lawn is already greening up. It is still cloudy but the sun is out for a while and I have to get my walk in some time today.

    We just skyped with Isaac in the bath tub, Kathy says its easier to keep him in one
    place in front of the computer. He is getting so cute, and he shows off for us. o:)

    I was having Fitbit problems yesterday and it was not syncing. I tried calling the customer help line but Dave managed to play around with a few items and it seems better now. I will call if any more problems happen again. I have had this Fitbit for 13 months now and this is the first time I had a problem.

    This morning was my eye doctor apt. He is watching my eye pressures since my mom had glacouma.
    The pressure in one eye was a little high. I have to go back for a field vision test again, my last one was 3 years ago. One more apt. this week on Friday for my mammogram and then I am done for a while.

    Stay dry today and hopefully the temperatures will go down too.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! Our son dropped in for a short visit. He sails most weekends now so seeing him was a real treat. Our wild and crazy pup is healing nicely. I am starting to relax about her and I actually had a semi-good night's rest. Katie sleeps for 10 minutes at a stretch and then she is off to the races! Anne, Katie would not be mistaken for a rabbit but she does resemble a pile of dirty rags with eyes. This is not a glamorous dog!

    So far we are well away from the California fires. We live as far north and west as possible in Oregon. We are at the mouth of the Columbia. However this Friday and the whole weekend is going to be very hot and dry. Every one here understands the fire danger of living in a huge forested area. Often tourists are clueless as to the extreme danger. Crossed fingers for the next week or so.

    We all have our weather issues, don't we? I think we all cope rather well, considering...

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi there. I has a . Been to the foot docter busy get my toe nails cut. My otherdoctor died so went to a new one, like him real well.byt I am tired. See you tomorrow
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, didn't get much done today, but we are not going to work until Thursday. I went with Jim to his dr. Appt with his primary care doctor. She wants him to consider weight loss surgery. She said there are several choices now , more than a few years ago. She had the information for us, but when I got home, I didn't have it. So I'm curious but will have to wait until I can get the information.
    Anne, as long as you can see her tiny toenails, you should be able to get the hang of it. Keep the ' styptic ' thing handy, just in case. The vet should be happy to teach you. And they can recommend the best trimmer too. I've used two kinds. They both worked well. I think your biggest challenge will be getting Her Highness to be still, lol. Included in my vets 30.00 fee is a bath, nail trim, and anal gland express. I pay more when I take her to PetSmart to get the furminator combing, which is a big help with her shedding.
    Shirley, hope the eye pressure goes back down, if it can. We are both due for eye exams and those tests.
    Jim is grumbling enough because we scheduled his colonoscopy today, lol.
    Patsy, your little ragamuffin pup certainly is blessed to have you two as parents. I love to watch them run and play. Honey doesn't run much, between her knee healing and her being overweight, she hates it when I speed up.
    Marie, glad you saw your foot doctor, does he treat the sore on your heel? That's great to get your nails trimmed there. Jim needs to do that too.
    Talk to you tomorrow
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    edited August 2016
    For my mom who is doing awesome...she is making great progress!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy Wednesday!! :) The temperature is 76 so I shut the air off and opened the windows. I don't know for how long as it is still humid, but I am so tired of A/C. I am going to go for a mani/pedi today and probably will stop at Walmart to get some things needed for the party on Saturday. I would like to bring it to Robby's house when I go tomorrow so I don't have to carry it all on Saturday. I am going to bingo tonight so hope I have a big win!!

    Phoebe, I have mixed feelings about that weight loss surgery but with new techniques it must be much better than years ago. I know of a girl who had it and she looks wonderful and keeps the weight off. Babe has scheduled his colonoscopy for the 29th and asked me to take him.

    Marie, glad you got out of the house a little bit and nice to know you like your new foot doctor. What did he say about your sore?

    Patsy, I am happy to read Katie is mending and that your son came for a visit. Even happier that you are not near the fires because they are devastating!!

    Shirley, it had to be great to skpe with Isaac, especially if he is showing off for you! As far as fitbit, did you restart it to get it to sync? I love their customer service if you need a new one they send one free of charge and don't expect you to send the old one back.

    For all those I missed, I am sorry but I better get moving.
    Have a great day!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Thanks Alice, Sweet of you
    Phoebe My son had the surgery about 3 years ago and lost 80 pounds.. He says he has no regret. Still goes to the gym and watch what he eat. <3 . Yes Sandy my foot doctor is treating my pressure sore. he cut away a bunch of dead skin But I think some was live skin for my heel is so sore this morning. He also gave an addition med for the nurse to put on it when she change my bandage . I go back to him in 3 weeks. and he did cut my toenails. Seems to be a very good doctor. I like him . We are looking for a new primary doctor. not to happy with the way she is handling this problem I have now. i am waiting to hear from my home care nurse and my bath lady aid
    I am watching my sodium real good. Alice found some frozen chicken breast that is very low in sodium I will baked today with some salt free spices. along with some okra and tomatoes. and rice. for lunch.
    Gotta go see you wonderful people later
    Hello to all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, you may already have the info. This is a link to a Round Robin book contest. Start by click on the floral circle on this website.

    I am a slow starter, as always, so I'd better scoot
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yesterday was so hot I had to operate at half speed but did get the lawns tidied and allotment weeded. Also picked runner and French beans and will enjoy them over the next couple of days. It's cooler today, so much so I have an extra layer on but the rain has only just arrived and should pass through overnight. We enjoyed our usual walk on the moors first thing and I then went straight to the car wash because a layer of dry dust covered my motor. Unfortunately when I popped into the farm shop on the way home for a pint of milk I was seduced into buying a 2 pack of Chelsea buns..... one down, one to go!!

    A horror story involving the neighbour I regularly visit who spent 6 weeks in hospitals and care homes. Apparently carers using a hoist to move her from bed to chair didn't clip the straps properly and dropped her on her back!! They could have killed the poor lady but she is saying she doesn't want to make a fuss but at least a quality care inspector has visited and an investigation will take place. The district nurse arrived yesterday while I was sitting with her and says her cellulitis is drying up and a large wound under her arm healing too so that's good news and she'll hopefully soon be in a position to get some physio. Although George did his best to protect her home by barking at everyone who arrived to care for her he did behave once he got used to the idea!!

    Anne ~ George has a mobile groomer who cuts his coat about once every 2 months. That costs £25 and I give her an extra £5 just because she has been so patient with him and his grumpy ways. His nails rarely need clipping because they seem to get worn down on his walks. Every couple of days I sit him on a table in the porch and spend time brushing out any knots and trimming around his face if necessary. I bought a furminator on Ebay and run that through his coat occasionally too. It was word of mouth that helped me find Debbie Woof Woof as she's known so perhaps ask other dog walkers you meet who's pooches look as if they use a grooming service.

    Sandy ~ During the Olympics I tend to watch anything and everything just because it's so fascinating whether Equestrian, Badminton or rowing, then there's sailing, diving, archery.... the list is endless.... because they aren't often shown on tv any other time. Watching a badminton match earlier today I thought I should ask my friend I walk with if she fancies finding a club with me, not that we'd ever hit those standards!!

    Phoebe ~ Oh gosh, no surgery can be taken lightly but if Jim can't do it any other way perhaps it would be the right thing for him. I tend to think of it as a final straw sort of decision but only Jim will know if it's for him. My walking friend has lost 5 stone 5 lbs since last November and is the first to admit she has been a yo-yo dieter all her life but this time is the last because she feels so much healthier and pains in her knees and ankles have gone. That was done through a club called Slimming World but of course Jim has a different lifestyle what with all the truck driving when it can't be easy to avoid fast foods. Oh yes I'd better do a conversion into pounds for you..... she's lost 75 lbs!!

    Marie ~ Lovely to hear from you as ever and Alice too of course. Good luck in your hunt for a different doctor. It's so important to be able to feel confident in any decisions being made.

    Patsy ~ I'm so pleased Katie is mending and feeling better which means you and John will be getting more sleep! Those huge fires must be a terrible concern and seem to be happening every year now same as the awful floods elsewhere in the States. I saw on our news that someone has been arrested for starting one of the fires, unfathomable to figure why anyone would!!

    Lin ~ That's a gorgeous mug and Anne is right, that could be little Brady in that dog's mouth! After seeing your photo of the beautiful towels the other day I was sitting in my garden enjoying a coffee while washing dried on the rotary line and thought you might like to see one of my kitchen hand towels!!!

    I'll have to finish here and decide what I'm going to eat for my evening meal. Probably chicken stir fry since that bun is still only leaving a small space to be filled in my tummy!! Brady slept all day and has only now wandered outside so I'll also have to encourage him back for some supper. He continues to settle in well among the other pets although the hens tend to shout loudly when they spot him outside the run trying to work out how to get in!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello friends - I cannot believe another day is pretty much over. I did get up late today. Sinuses bothering me so I slept in a bit and it felt good. I ran some errands today and pulled weeds. After my vegetable box was delivered I husked the sweet corn and now it's ready to cook and eat. Cleaned some carrots and made mushroom gravy. Paid a few bills, finished reading "The Baker Street Jurors" by Michael Robertson, did a bit of laundry and FINALLY figured out how to get the remote control working for my upstairs Roku. Also had to do a thorough cleaning of my make-up brush. Just bits and pieces of things......! Amazing how much time it takes.

    Jackie, I love your towels. They are adorable. I did not get any green beans or purple beans this week. I wish there were green beans in my box every week. I got a couple of tomatoes and they are both partially spoiled. That has happened the lasts 3 weeks. And I have a Kohlrabi as big as a softball!! Back to your post. While you are enjoying all the Olympic events I tend to shun most of the coverage as it is rife with commentators annoying comments and loads of commercials. I would be glad just to watch the competition. Maybe I should try it with the sound muted. And I am so sorry to hear of what happened to your neighbor. That is criminal. I know accidents can happen but I would hope people would double check all the equipment when working with people who cannot protect themselves.

    Phoebe, thanks for the link. I had gotten emails from several authors about this I believe. Are you entering? Next book on my list (I think) will be the new Monica Ferris Book---Knit Your Own Murder: A Needlecraft Mystery.

    Marie, good for you to have found ways to lower your sodium intake. YES! Praying for healing. I also hope you find a suitable primary care doctor.

    Sandy, good wishes for a big Bingo win tonight. It was hot here today so no chance I would shut off the A/C. I did get a power bill though and I thought about it briefly! Are you all prepared for the party on Saturday?

    Patsy, I am so glad to hear you had a visit with your son. Long or short, a visit is always welcome. Stay safe. Fire dangers, floods, so many crazy natural disasters and then of course, people do set some fires. We had a bunch of car fires here and they found one guy who torched them all. I cannot understand why. And best continued healing wishes for Katie.

    Shirley, no rain here recently. Maybe some tomorrow or Friday. I guess we'll wait and see. I hope it does not rain Friday night and Saturday morning. That wedding location requires quite a drive on gravel AND if it is not raining they want to be married outdoors. I am thinking as I collect gifts and direct guests I could be standing in muck and mud. It is quite primitive for a wedding venue. Sigh. What to wear, what shoes to sacrifice? I'll just pray it's dry out there!

    Anne, I would't want to spend that much on clipping nails. My Huskies wore their nails off as we walked on concrete a lot. I would not try to clip nails. They wouldn't hold still for it. I am cheap, I only tip my hair cut guy once a year at Christmas. I am just not a tipper. Okay, call me cheap, it's okay. Haaaa.

    Buzz, how are you? I hope you are having better days.

    Well, time to move along. I have to start to think of what I might possible wear on Saturday. Ugh. I will have to wear flowers and likely have my picture taken. HELP!



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nice long posts from you all today and it took me so long to read them I'm falling asleep! Mike's new oxygen concentrator is just not very portable, so we have to do some research on lighter models that give him more hours of breathing time. It appears he's a mouth breather so he's not even getting oxygen much of the time! This machine didn't even get him through dinner tonight! GRrrrr!
    Just a suggestion; I used a Dremel sanding machine on my grooming of nails. I'd hold the dog under my arm, with the paw inn my left hand, and sand with my right hand holding the Dremel machine. I'd stop frequently to check the heat it produced, but that amount of heat also forced that vein in the nail to retract enough so I could trim the nails much shorter than clippers could, and allowed the dogs to walk properly instead of distorting their paw/ankle proportions! If puppy was squirmy, I'd wrap it in a large towel before sanding nails!
    PHOEBE, is JIM more than 100 pounds overweight? Will insurance help with the cost? Our SIL had a successful stomach surgery, followed eventually by huge skin removal in areas with excess flap.Then he started to eat improperly again, but never wet back up as high as he originally was. I think driving a truck is not conducive to remaining slim!
    I' exhausted from all the communicating with doctors, pharmacists, nurses, offices.....will this never end? But I think we are making progress. Perhaps the coming month will become more routine! We are changing primary care doctor after about 12 years with our present one, whom we like. But living here, our insurance was a hassle, and the problems Mike and I produced by not being on regular medicare forced the office to investigate how to work with an HMO, and they are now allowing an HMO doctor and most services to operate inside here, so our labs will be taken right here, along with other services. Oh my, but it was a struggle to get that to happen! It has taken a lot out of me, and I hope it proves to be worth it!
    Hugs to you all, and I must get some sleep! In a bed, and not on the computer, as I did last night when I awoke at around 5 AM!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Missed you Buzz, was hoping to here from you.
    Lin, stay safe, cool, and be careful.
    Must go
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've enjoyed a refreshing and fun swim at the local leisure centre with friends until the pool filled with holiday makers and kids sliding down the flume!! All got a bit noisy and difficult to swim lengths at that point. Never mind, it's always great to see people enjoying themselves being active. My plan this afternoon is to watch the Olympics triathlon event as we have two brothers from Yorkshire competing that did very well in London 4 years ago then drop in at the allotment to plant a few parsnip seeds before rain arrives tonight. Hopefully they will be ready for Christmas dinner in 4 months.

    Lin ~ Thankfully our Olympics coverage is totally BBC so not one commercial in sight and commentators tend to be past competitors in whichever event we are viewing so are knowledgeable. So far my tomatoes have done very well in the greenhouse and a few are beef tomato style and very tasty. Do you get some sort of refund if produce is damaged?

    Oh Buzz, I do feel for you for what seems to be a constant worry about the correct paperwork, procedures and insurance. It really shouldn't be like that should it!

    Phoebe ~ Stay safe on your travels.

    Marie ~ Good morning to you. I'm hoping your heel is feeling less painful today. <3

    A spot of sunlight has just hit an outside wall where I'm sitting in the dining room and I can see some strange marks appearing so will now step outside to see what might be causing it. The walls are 18" thick so I can't imagine much getting through but there again, what would be happening from inside the room?

    Enjoy your Thursday everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good day. Off to spend the morning with the library ladies. My best new acquaintance just texted me that she will not be able to come this morning due to an appointment time change.

    Jackie, the BBC channels available through several venues on my Roku box have all been removed. I am sooooo unhappy about that. Your Olympic coverage sounds wonderful.

    Buzz, straightening out health related issues does take so much time and patience. Hugs. I am praying for strength for you as you continue to work through this.

    Time to run along.

    I am so clumsy, I broke my lovely blue butterfly mug from Reiman Gardens when I knocked into a tiny bottle in my cupboard which fell just right to knick a chunk out of my mug. Darn.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :) We had a big storm last night while I was sleeping but the sun is shining for now. I have my meeting and then I am going to Robby's to help Lisa while she cleans for the party. I won some money yesterday which is always a good feeling, first $50 at the slot machine place and then $150 at bingo, one on a pull tab and the other at bingo. I am not always lucky but it feels good when I am!!

    I don't have time for comments so I will just wish you all a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    Just to say Hi because I am having a busy week as well. Both my lads are on a weeks holiday and spending it on doing chores before old man winter arrives. Mark will be grouting my kitchen floor hopefully but seeing he is ripping up the 'worn' stair and landing carpet at his house as well, who knows, then there's my storm door to fix. Meanwhile Mike who is not a handy man around houses (but good with computers) keeps landing on the doorstep after quite a long car ride, because he wants to see the Bean, and you, hasty after thought! Lol.

    Rant coming up so ignore if you are not in the mood for me getting something off my chest.
    I've a much needed eye appointment tomorrow and today I've been on the phone with the bank to ask why I'm not getting statements anymore. They are not sure why, but will "correct" the omission. I feel really sorry for BUZZ and the insurance saga. Why can't we spend our rusty years without the palaver of writing tax forms every year, regardless if ones income is small or not or in BUZZ's case insurance forms and such. I'm not sure if our respective governments are trying to kill us off, or keeping us brain active, because here you really have to read all the instructions to make sure you get any credits, for rent, fuel bills etc and so reduce ones taxes minutely. I believe in the UK and Australia once one reaches pensionable age, tax filing is a thing of the past? Here, Even folks on less than $16000 per year have to report any income because at least their income is then supplemented to reach $16000 and so ensure them a room to live in. Sorry about the rant, all brought on because my cousin in Aussie land was gloating that she hasn't filled out a form since 2000. Sigh.

    Safe now, rant over, the Suns shining and I'm all sunny again.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited August 2016
    Happy to say that all is better here. Today is my regular errand day and for the first time in over a month, I will be able to include a stop at my friend's house to drop off milk and eggs to her and then stay for a cup of coffee and some girl time. It's the little things that bring joy into everyday life. :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A real down pour last night, sounded like a monsoon I woke up to check to see that we weren't experiencing flooding, but we weren't. All was well this morning except our chairs on the patio are all over the place. The sun is out again and the humidity is still here. :( Not a fan of hot weather.

    I went on my bike today and biked to another town, stopped at a restaurant had coffee and a blueberry muffin, just me, myself and I. Dave went to have coffee with Steve, the guy who took over his job, so I ventured out. I have been wanting Dave to do this with me for a while now, but there is always excuses.
    So I ventured out myself and covered 12 miles there and back. Peeled my clothes off and had a shower.
    Looking forward to cooler temperatures.

    Yesterday was lunch with a friend and the border crossing was crazy busy with lots of construction and detours, so it took me 50 mins to get to my friend's house instead of 30 min. We had a nice lunch but
    not low in calories unfortunatley.

    My wild flower garden that I planted this year on the side of our garage went crazy and I had to pull out
    4 plants that were overtaking all others, but with beautiful flowers and hanging over the stepping stones.
    Next year I will have to separate some these plants but I have had so many butterflies and honey bees since I planted the "wildflower forest" I call it.

    Sandy B) Have fun at Robby's party and congrats on the bingo win!

    Lin B) I hope you don't get rain either for the wedding day, but they say rain is good luck. My daughter Kathy is picking up vegetables at the local farmers too. She says she gets some interesting things and not sure what to do with them. A learning curve I guess.

    Marcella B) Happy to hear you are feeling better and things are good for you.

    Phoebe B) I guess when the doctor recommends stomach surgery things are getting serious.
    There are new techniques out there, one is Slim Band. I am sure you are doing research on this and good luck with the right method.

    Buzz B) You do have your hands full with the doctors etc. and insurance. Hang in there my friend. <3

    Marie - Thank Alice for the update on you, I hope you can resolve your wound on your foot soon. It must be painful.

    Hi to Anne and Jackie.


  • Jacean2016
    Jacean2016 Posts: 820 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Shirley, I've planted quite a few wild flowers as well. At least they thrive in our climate. Impressed with your bike ride. I once biked everywhere. Am I too old to have another go?
    Yeah, Marks been and I now have a self closing storm door again. No more struggling with bum closing because I have a wriggling Jilly in both hands now she's getting bigger. She still daren't venture down the four back stairs although she bounds back up! So I carry her down and with a new door it's so much easier! Easier coming in as well.

    ❤️ Anne!!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! We are baking here on the coast! John ran to Home Depot just to get away from our hot house and into an air conditioned car! He will always come home with some fiddley-Diddley tool thing. I am being mean, I know. He does repair everything for us.

    Anne: how interesting about Jilly not wanting to go down stairs. Katie is exactly the same. She very carefully goes down the few steps off the deck. I thought it was because see couldn't see too well. Her shaggy hair often gets in her eyes.

    Shirley: there are a few people who have those three-wheel bikes around here. They live in a more or less flat area. They ride to the grocery store and around the big box store areas. They look fun and have three gears.

    Lin: our library Is a disgrace! Falling apart, dirty, and there are scary people hanging around threateningly. I long for the library that we went to years ago. I beIieve library programming is now an essential part of what a library provides. Cultural experiences as well as books and digital media.

    Sandy: yea! Winning anything is fun. I am not good at winning but I do enjoy playing games. I am pretty good at trivial pursuit. I do seem to collect useless information. Do you keep a win/loss talley? My dad used to do that. I think he calculated over the long haul it was more or less even.

    Jackie: the swimming pool here is often so crowded during the summer that regular exercise swimmers take the season off until school is back in session. Oh and another wonderful some point just before the pool closes for a week for cleaning, the pool is open for people to bring their pets for a swim. There are strict rules of course. Not sure about how it all works but at vets office they were all talking about it.

    Phoebe: traveling in this heat would be scary! Any breakdown could be devastating. When we lived in Wyoming the trucks would all be stacked up at a big truck stop outside Cheyenne waiting for the highway to open after a storm. Traveling thru those high plains can be scary stuff as you know. I have heard people say there is no safe season on the road. True?

    Buzz: what you are experiencing is the reason people are self medicating and taking risky supplements. I believe our medical system is broken. Insurance, the doctors, patients, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies all have issues. Help! We are drowning in paperwork and regulations!

    Have some fun in the sun...